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Hi, everyone. I’m Tuan Kiet. Good to see you all.

, Today I’m here to present to you about how to do

group work effective
One of the important skills that helps us work well in group work is communication skills . Because
Successful communication helps us better to understand people and situations better. It helps us
overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and
solving problems. So I will give you some advice to help you enhance communication skills.
Firstly you can practice active listening which Help you build trust and understand other people's
situations and feelings. In turn, this empowers you to offer support and empathy. Unlike critical
listening, active listening seeks to understand rather than reply.IN addition you should learn how
to deliver a clear message or clear up misunderstandings.
Let’s move to the next issue…
The next thing we should do is learn how to work well with everyone because teamwork is when
a group of people works together toward a common goal or purpose. If each person willingly and
intentionally makes the team's interests and objectives their first priority, work reaches
heightened levels of success. The results can make a big impact.
And how can we work well with all of member in groups?we can find out,Seek to understand
team members.,Identify different personalities on the team.and respect difference from peoples
in the groups.That’s all I want to say about…

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