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‘Copyright A’shayana & A‘hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved: ak Table of Contents The God-Seed a Realigning Towards Oneness... ‘ANote on the Yunasai Pillar of Light. Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) . The Melchizedek God-Seed The Cloister Melchizedeks Melchizedek Hosting... What the MCEO Teaches. What Are Ordinations?. Ordinations and Merkaba Activation . Energy Process.. eens Initiation, Ordination, and the Heroic Probability ‘A Promise Between You and Yourself. Levels of Ordination in the Melchizedek Cloister. Initiate... Level 1-Mi Regenesis... Level 3-Regent..... Level 4-Consummate.. Level 5-Commodore Elder Consummate Level 6-Eckar..... Expediting Ascension . 5 DNA Strand Imprin Cloister Meichizedeks versus Templar Mele! Just Open Your Heart Philosophy 1... Human Biology as a Tool. Melchizedek Sealed Channel ‘Sealing with the Merkaba Star. Communicating With Your Density-5 Sef, Your Rishi Asha on Channeling The Reality of Spiritual Actualization The Rite of the Rainbow Round Table (RRT) and the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate te Mm. Roundtables and Ordinations... é Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate System and the Cycle of the Rounds The Twelve Tribes and the Roundtables... 42-Cycles, Simultaneous Incarnation and DN, Our Personal Christos. Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate System... Soul, Over-Soul, and Christos Avatar Embodiment. Soul Integration: Level-t Minister... Over-Soul Integration: Level-2 RaBina....... Christos Avatar integration: Level-3 Regent. © Cony asnayans &Atzayane Deere, 2007, ARs Roane Pat of We MEO Fosdon Teach Sins. 2 Regents Consulate.. LEVEL ONE “MINISTER” ORDINATION PROCEDURES VOW to the |AM....... Opening the Healing Channels - Doradic Phase | Current. The Emerald Awakening Technique Activating Doradic Phase | Current ‘Awakening the Ka .... Opening the Emerald and Red Star Crystal Seals ‘Opening the Emerald Star Crystal Seal. Opening the Red Star Crystal S Activating the Kee-Ra-ShA Activating the Ra Center inthe Thyroid and Anchoring the Rainbow Bilge Initiating the Amethyst Awakening...... LEVEL TWO “RaB'nal” ORDINATION PRO CONSECRATION of the TEMPLE. Opening the Healing Channels - Teuric Phase | Current LEVEL THREE “REGENT” ORDINATION PROCEDURES ... VOW TO THE CHRISTOS SELF. Glossary . Sources, Lovingly Co-Created by Kathara Team Members on behalf of Azurite Press. (© Copyigt asbyans&Atzayane Dae, 2007, A Rips Resend Pat che CEO Fedo Tanchrs™ Soe. Introduction Melchizedek Initiations and Ordinations Programs sponsored by the Azurite Press of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) represent Bio-energetic System / Morphogenetic Field / DNA activations, accomplished through application of Keylontic Science, which serve to accelerate and advance the biological embodiment of and expansion into, higher dimensions of consciousness. Initiation and Ordination Levels correspond directly to specific bio-electric, electro-magnetic and scalar wave ‘manifestations within the body, chakra system, morphogenetic field and consciousness that occur through the process of building the hyper-dimensional Merkaba light-sound vehicle. Titled Ordination levels are not assigned to provide rank, but rather to clarify the level of individual Merkaba development and consciousness expansion, so that the skill level and bio-energetic abiity to cary out specific functions of Keylontic Science Healing, teaching and Morphogenetic Code Transmission can be determined. In this way ordinates are able to chart the path of their own growth more clearly and to more accurately assess their levels of skill in assisting others with bio-energetic / morphogenetic field / DNA work The structure of the Ordinations Program is offered as a service to add clarity within the Melchizedek Cloister Bio-Spirtual Evolution Program. Initiations and Ordinations are fee of charge, and imply no spiritual, nancial or other obligation to the Azurite Press or its ministers. The Azurite Press is a resource facility created by the Melchizedek Cloister-Order of the Yunasai-Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy, founded by A’shayana Deane - A'shayana Kananda Melchizedek, Eckar (6degree Minister) of the Melchizedek Cloister, The Azurite Press of the MCEO is a nondenominational, egalitarian spiritual service organization dedicated to providing cutting-edge information, teachings, services, and outreach programs for Spiritual Development, Bio-Spiritual Evolution, Healing, World Peace and Planetary Stewardship efforts. We offer a Proactive, affimative action, personal and global healing perspective based upon the paradigms of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and Stai-Step Creation, which are derived from the Ancient Teachings of the Etemal Dora-Teura, the Living Crystalline Morphogenetic Memory Matrix of Universal Order. Our programs focus upon awakening to higher consciousness and educated enlightenment and are intended to assist in the cooperative biological and spiritual evolution of all beings through Reeverence and Respect for all life. We welcome all wth Respect, Reverence, and Unconditional Love. 1 ‘The material presented in his handbook reflects the dynamic of the emerging MCEO materials and the realty that the detalles understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of deta herein, are as ‘advanced as possible UP TO the date of publication ofthe source materials. The texts primarily taken from ive workshops and sometimes paraphrased for darty * Introduction from Tangible Structure ofthe Sou, pgs 6-7 (© cenyatt Asteyane&ANeayana Dears, 207, Ais Rese, Par che CEO Fado Teacings™ Sie 4 Path of Evolution Once upon a time, each one of us, before we went into becoming individuals, knew ourselves as | AM God......and not in power over anything, justin union with everything. And as God, the choices were made to experience ourselves in different pieces in different forms. So there was a process that we as God decided to do. We decided to create a framework within ourselves.....not outside of ourselves, but within ‘ourselves, within our own minds......a framework that used units of consciousness to create reality fields that we could put pieces of ourselves in. So we could leam and be what we were: a Creator. ‘There is a path of creation, upon which you go, from being in At-One-Ment with the whole collective gestalt identity that we call God, and you pass through creation into existence within time. Then you go through a path of evolution and after cycling through the fifteen dimensional matrices, you will then eventually go through the final stage, which is the Path of Ascension. That is the path of expansion back into what you once were, a face of God. There are ways to get back to knowing this part of your identity. And what is really wonderful is even though, all through our history here, through our religions and our mystical schools ofthe ancient times that have litle pieces of this process......they make big deals about those litle pleces because they knew they were important, but they didn't have the whole puzzle, so the pieves didn't work really well. The whole puzzle is being given here. The basic framework as far 2s what one has to go through to first of all understand what it means to be a human here, and second ofall, to get back to where we were, or at least Give people the flexibility to choose between the stations of consciousness. Right now we are kind of phase-locked or stuck down here. The process of Ascension of expansion into God consciousness is complex but its not dificult, and you do ‘ot need to know all of the complexities in order to make it work. But there are certain frameworks that help to understand if you are going to take control and say, ‘I would like to work with the rest of myself, as God and accelerate this process of evolution”... "| want to experience dimensional ascension.’ 4 want to expand my consciousness progressively into at-one-ment with God consciousness.” This is ‘something each one of us can reach. It is not impossible. It is a very spiritual concept but itis also a biological concept because as you do this it wil directly affect what your DNA is doing, !¥ we would look within ourselves there are litle personality imprints, there is an inner child at various ages, and there are different parts of ourselves that are still healthy, but we are a conglomerate even here. In terms of cosmic structure we are much bigger than that. We have a Soul and an Over-Soul and an Avatar and a Rishi level of identity and even Ascended Master levels beyond that. And what these levels of Consciousness are, are gestalts of consciousness, groups of consciousness. Our Gestalt identity is an identity that is one...but itis formed of many. And ths is what each one of us are, even within our own litle sphere of activity down here. Itis hard to explain in logical terms sometimes, what it means that, “ok, | zm one of many!" It is @ concept that usualy the ego kind of says, ‘Well, ok.....OU know,” but there is nota plug-in fo t on the emotional level. To explain a litle bit about what the one of many feels like, itis when you go through something called soul integration, you will begin to know yourself as one being who has a minimum of twelve incamations, simultaneously happening, in a lower dimensional field. And because you are above them in ‘consciousness, you will be able to perceive them and you will perceive them through your memory. But they are living in space time co-ordinates inthe ever present now, ‘You will know yourself as that plural consciousness, when you integrate your Over-soul identity. You will know yourself as 144 different beings and each and every one of them are you. They will have different © conye Atyane& Araya Dear, 207, A is Reserved, Par ol te MCEO Fred Teacrgs™ Snes 5 bodies, they will have different ife frame works, they will be in different space time locations, but you start to grow this concept of knowing, “Yeah, they are me too. You know, they are all me!" ‘As you go upward in the dimensional scales, we are dealing with a 15-dimensional system that is broken Into § sets of 3 dimensions that form 5 Harmonic Universes. In each Harmonic Universe you have a station Of identity that is bigger than the one before it. We are fragmented down here. It is called Stair Step Creation., which is God-Source individuating itself into the 15-dimensional Time Matrix. (Evolulonary Path of Human Consciousness) The God-Seed There is structure to mult-dimensional identity that our psychiatrists here don't know about yet, that our scientists here don't know about yet. It is the place where human consciousness plugs into the Consciousness of the cosmos. There is a part of you called the ‘God-Seed." Its a part of you that can cut through all the nonsense and the red tape between the dimensions you are in here and the dimensions of your highest evolutionary potential. Working with connecting to the God-Seed starts helping you with the ability to connect with the highest mind, your highest mind? God-Seeed is the thing that has your whole pattem as it was, your whole pattem of consciousness, whatever those crystallized geometrical codes ‘were, that original pulse you came in on, your Monad and your God-Seed stil hold that pattem, Every person down here, every person, every planet, everything in manifestation in the dimensions has to 90 through a God-Seed to get here. They are like your cosmic family of consciousness. It has infinite Pieces but all the pieces are really one when they're brought together in the God-Seed. A lot of the exercises we do are geared toward creating what they call the “Pillar of Light” There is a pillar of frequency between you and the frequencies here all the way up through these different levels and different growing gestalts of identity until we get to the God-Seed, The God-Seed holds your true patter of consciousness as you orginally came out of God. So as a being, in your joumeys through time, you ended up with having some distortions in your original pattem. Distortions in consciousness are distorions in Partki grids. They are distortions in your Morphogenetic Field. |In order to fully expand back to what you were as God, your Morphogenetic Field has to hold the same pattem that it did in expansion. If you have parts of your consciousness that changes its oscillation, it gets distorted in what's called the Diamond Codes of Consciousness and you won't be able to expand; you'll be stuck at your current level ‘You can make a conduit of energy between your God-Seed and yourseff to begin restructuring those codes and those frequencies. It begins to build a Pilar of Light from the top down by calling it to you. The genetic istortions we have, that are the result of Morphogenetic Field manipulation and direct DNA manipulation ‘rom our ancient past, can begin to be corrected soon by using exercises that begin to bring the program of the God-Seed back into your cellular structure. But for every one of us, no matter how stuck you might have got, in any time zone, in any dimensional system, there is always the etemal God-Seed that holds the pattem in the cellular memory of what We as a gestalt consciousness was. f we can build a path from wherever we are to that God-Seed, if we can ask our higher identity levels to help us because we do have higher stations of identity than just the one right here, it will expedite a process of expansion tremendously. ‘See Tangible Stucture of the Sou, “Activating the God-Seed” (© Cony Asters & Anza Dear, 207, A Rahs Rese, Par fe UCEO Fado Teachings ™ Ss, 6 When we're talking about the God-Seed, we're talking about the primary 24 families that created our Cosmos. This doesn't mean there are not other cosmos. It gets very awesome when you get out there in ‘the Mind of God. I's infinite. But for the structures that we need to work with in order to create dimensional Ascension, in order to create our retum to full At-One-Ment where we can say ‘lam God and know myself as everything,” this structure is very, very useful to understand. You aim for the God-Seed; that's your ticket home. (Evoluionary Path of Human Consciousness) Realigning Towards Oneness (One of the fastest ways to realign personal evolution toward One-ness, isto bring the dormant energetic, Component of the Monad and the God-Seed morphogenetic scalar grids within the Earthly body, into ite consciousness, thus activating the God-Seed and building the Pillar of Light (Maharata), Such development of the Pillar stimulates all of the 8 Hova Bodies into simultaneous activation. Building the Pillar of Lightis achieved by activating the God-Seed. The Pillar of Light is a morphogenetic construction of scalar grids that appears in the bio-energetic field as 4 progressively expanding pillar of muli-colored light (hence, the rainbow bridge’) The pillar, which forms {rom the progressive activation alignment and merger of the 5 higher bodies, is a conduit through which the consciousness of God flows into conscious human embodiment. ‘The full Pillar of Light is constructed when all 8 higher bodies have been aligned, activated and opened into the Consciousness of the God-Seed. This is called God Realization, Harmonic Universe 4 which has dimensions 10, 11 and 12, is the highest form you can go into before you tum into non-form. Remember you started as pure consciousness without any illusion of manifest form. You will retum to that so its a process of deep densification that you go through as you expand through your integration of your Hova Bodies. When you go up to Harmonic 4, you are in what people call “Christ Consciousness’, They call it Christ Consciousness simply because there was a being who came here to bring this pattem back into our DNA, because our Hova Bodies are directly connected to the content of our DNA. He brought the pattem back to us because we started to mutate and lost i’ This level of existence is called Unity Consciousness. ‘You go from being that etheric matter being where it stil has some solidity to you; this is something called crystaline liquid light. It isa field of the gestalt consciousness. This is your retum home to an awesome state of being and you can embody parts of this while you are here. You can bring parts of this into you while you are here, and get those liquid light infusions of your consciousness but at that point, you have ‘merged the collective body of the beam of consciousness you came in on, When you came in from the God-Seed levels, you can look at yourself as a big pulse of consciousness that broke itself down into many litle pulses. On your way back up, those pulses are recollecting themselves, and reassembling themselves. There are pulses of consciousness that come through these pattems; there wil be pulses from the God ‘Matrix itself that wil pulse into the God-Seed, and it's not just once; they continue this constant pulse. So ‘one of you came in on a pulse of consciousness that will have its own particular rhythms, As you expand back upwards, you'll go back out on that same pulse of consciousness. This is the process of Ascension ‘and expansion. (Masters Templar Stewardship Manuel) *Inthis context the Rainbow Bridge refers to the Hove Bodies, + See “The Real Christmas Story” © Copygt Ashore &ATzayaraOsee 2007, Rh Reserved Par the MCEO Fest Teahngs™ Sars 7 SET TTT TTT TTT Tea TTT TTT eee eee eee T eee TTT eT A Note on the Yunasai ‘The original place/space/thought that God individuated within itself, it had a thought that it wanted to create individuation and exteralization and that thought formed these fields. And these fields in tangible terms can be viewed as massive, elliptical spheres of standing waves of consciousness and from those standing waves a whole process comes into play. Then through this process, the divine mechanics or the divine design that allows fr the manifest hologram is created. So, everything is actualy taking place within these. God would be everywhere, but ths is like a pointn the mind of God, i you want to look ati that way. And within that, all of this and all of what was inside of that (remember how we had all of those stair ‘steps going down), all of that is contained within the Yunasai. So when we ‘Say Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, Holy Order of the Yunasai, this is what it refers to-all the way up to the ‘top. (Allentown 2002) lar of Light One can view evolution as the progressive building of the Pillar of Light that connects one, through the fields of time, and the hierarchy of identity, directly to the Heart and Mind of God. Activating the God-Seed begins to build the Pillar of Light, from the top down—trom the God-Seed down to the Incamate, progressively aligning the geometrical constructs of the Monad’s magnetic field with its original design within the God Mind As the 8 higher bodies in the Monad's scalar grid progressively align and merge with each other, the Pillar of Light progressively descends toward the Incamate, eventually encompassing the Incamate's body and ‘consciousness within the hierarchy of identity. The process of remerging the personal identity with the Pilar of Light has been referred to as ‘entering the fold," through which the Incamate awakens to its direct. ‘connection to the God Mind, ultimately expanding to know itself as a limitless expression of God. Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO} The Melchizedek God-Seed Of the 24 God-Seeds, only one God-Seed is responsible for the mult-galactic human lineage. The original human lineage was manifest upon 12 Monads, or Cosmic Families, and each of the 12 Monads manifested 12 Seeds of Consciousness or Universal Families within the Energy and Time Matrices, All the dimensional and cosmic families of human consciousness manifested through one common God- Seed. This common God family consciousness gestalt goes by the name of Melchizedek. In the multi- dimensional scheme of galactic creation, the God Mind also manifests cosmic family lines through the 23 other God-Seeds. Many, other, ancient, interstellar races that entered the Time Matrix prior to the time of the human family consciousness, have as their God-Seed a Monadic identity other than the Melchizedek Collective, Through the course of interstellar history, numerous families of both the Melchizedek lineage and other God-Seed lines, encountered difficulties within their Monadic Imprint and found themselves unable to retain their connection to the Pillar of Light. Distortions within the geometrical structures of their Morphogenetic Fields rendered their bodies unable to merge - a condition that keeps the consciousness trapped in time, unable to achieve full expansion to At-One-Ment with God, (© conyngeeastayans A 2ayne Dear, 2007, ADRs Reseda otha MCEO Fredo Teachings Sos, 8 Of the 24 God-Seeds, the Melchizedek God-Seed is one of the few that has kept the Pillar of Light tunbroken through @ majority of their family lines. The Melchizedek (Cloister) Collective has thus become known as the Keeper of the Codes and Guardians of the Path of Ascension for all Races within the Time ‘Matrix. The human Turaneusiam lineage is one of the manifestations of the Melchizedek God-Seed, and it was created to function as a vessel through which the interstellar races, trapped in time, could re-evolve into At-One-Ment with the God Mind. Most of the beings now incamate in human form did not begin their joumey into time with the human imprint. Most present day humans were originally a consciousness that manifested in other-than-human form, emerging out of one of the other 23 God-Seed families. In the beginning of human creation these other families of consciousness were spliced into the human, genetic, morphogenetic lines so that they Could re-evolve through the Melchizedek God-Seed. This process of splicing one family of consciousness into another Morphogenetic Field is called a “Host Matrix Transplant.” The Melchizedek God-Seed has served as a Host Matrix forthe ascension of many interstellar races. Most humans possess other-than-human reincamational memories, but in their subconscious minds, And many of these other-than-human races were not originally a part of the Melchizedek God-Seed families Within the Melchizedek Monads of Cosmic family lines there are two primary branches: one, created by ‘gene splicing another racial origin with the Melchizedek; the other a gestalt of the original families that emerged directly from the Melchizedek God-Seed. These original family lines of the Melchizedek God- ‘Seed are referred to as the Melchizedek Cloister. When an Earth Incamate begins activating the God-Seed, i calls into manifestation (within its genetic code in consciousness) the scalar grids of ts Monad, or Cosmic family, or God-Seed, upon which its family orginally manifested, It begins to build the Pillar of Light to its Sel, from its respective God-Seed. Ifthe Consciousness of the Incamate happens to be of the interstellar races that encountered distortions in their higher bodies, which manifests in the biological genetic code, these areas of morphogenetic distortion will ‘teate blockages or blank spots in frequency within the Pillar of Light descending from the God-Seed, Such blockages can occupy many incamational cycles to correct, and it is quite dificult to do so from the Incamate's level of awareness, ‘Activating the God-Seed in cases of Monad distortion is stil desirable, but it is incomplete in terms of {utfling ascension into A-One-Ment with the God-Mind. Because it is diffcult from the Earth human perspective to determine the level of higher body distortion (and to identfy the original God-Seed Family Tree), the practice of Melchizedek Cloister Ordination (MCO) accomplishes activation of all the original God-Seed, but also serves to splice the Incamate's consciousness and 8 higher bodies into the Melchizedek Cloister God-Seed, thus helping assist the Incarnate in building the Pillar of Light. ‘The God-Seed Melchizedek then serves to realign any blockages in the Pillar of Light, holding the integrity of the higher bodies intact until all distorions can be realigned with the Monad of the original God-Seed identity. (MastorsTomplar Stowardship Mana) The Cloister Melchized Its important to understand what the name Melchizedek means. If you look on the intemet there is a huge ‘amount of Melchizedek information available. The interesting thing is you never know which side you're on, because the name has been misrepresented in some circles. There are good ones, there are ones that are between, and there are ones that are not so good. © Cony Astana &ANeayna Dear, Z07, ARs Resend, Prt ofa MCEO Faso Teacinge™ Sores 9 ‘There are the Melchizedeks® and the Cloister Melchizedeks which is the family of Melchizedeks that many of us come out of. The Cloister Melchizedeks are sticklers for detail, and this tends to annoy the other families of Melchizedeks. For the Cloister Melchizedeks, if something was supposed to be done a certain way, that is the way it was supposed to be done. We taught that God was beyond gender. Therefore, we don't want others teaching people that God is male and a big guy sitting on a throne. That is destructive, This is the difference between a regular Melchizedek family member and a Cloister family Melchizedek. ‘Those subtle differences are important to a developing consciousness. ‘The teachings are distorted. If you look around for the definition of Meichizedek priesthood, what are they? The information you find is that it is a patriarchal organization. They do not look at women as equal; they do not look at God as having a female character. This means they are going to deny their own emotional nature and are going to be really rigid, without much feeling for the Earth either. They deny the feminine quality. This is not the Cloister Melchizedek teaching. This is some of our prodigal children in the other families. And thats 0.K. They have their place. Because there are people out here that will not listen to somebody who talks like this. “What do you mean that men aren't better than women?” That is where they are coming from. They need to have a patriarchal structure to tel them, “Yes itis fine to be your eis, chauvinist self. Go ahead!” At least we will get you hooked up with God. ‘Some of them aren't so innocently using distortions. Some of them purposely use them. There was a Whole line of Melchizedeks that came through from a harmonic race in HU-3. They were called the Elohim, and they had some real different ideas about how human consciousness should evolve down here. Some were like overprotective parents that didn't want you to give too much at one time and keep them dependent. Others wanted to give them it all so that they could do it and others said they should just self- terminate. So there were certain families, even in the Melchizedek line that fell from grace. Some of them even went into Monadic Reversal. But ofall of the 24 God-Seeds that exist within the God Source out of which all these cosmic families are created, there are about 3 that have managed to maintain about 80% of their families in clear codes. The Cloister Melchizedeks are one of them, Melchizedek is a God-Seed. That is the name of the tonal resonance, the vibrational pattern that. translates into a word here of one of the God-Seeds in the Source matrix. Itis the God-Seed that the human design was created through. So, Melchizedek would be the name end the vibration; and the vibration is more important than the outer sound. It is the vibration of that energy that would serve for the collective human race, wherever it is, throughout the Galaxy. That was the original large beam of ‘consciousness that it came in on. ‘The Melchizedek’s beam of consciousness and the Melchizedek God-Seed are also one of what we call the Prima God-Seeds. The Prima God-Seeds have more energy than the others. And God-Seeds, just ike everything else it seems in tis Universe anyway, go in sets of 12, There are 24 of them. Two sets of 12. You can look at them lke a circular clock, with the 12 on the top and the 6 on the bottom, 3to the right and the 9 over tothe left Those positions are important in any ofthe line-ups going down from the God-Seed, because there are 4 primary positions in clock of 12 that are the ones that have more power, more ofthe full codes of whatever matrix itis and more of the consciousness and more ofthe identity ‘The 12 and the 6 positions are equal and they hold the energy imprint that is stronger than all of the others. If you put all of the others together, they would create the 6 and the 12. And when the 6 and the 12 are put together they would represent the whole clock. The whole clock, not just on the God-Seed level, because your soul works the same way. Your Soul has 12 Incamates, or sets of 12 Incamates. Four of the positions would be the primary power holders and probably most of the people in this room are either in the 412 position or the 6 position or the 3 or 9 position, or they wouldn't be at a level of awareness where they'd * These are Melchizedek groups without the Clister name attached, © conyrt aseayara &Atzajane Dear, 2017, AL Rips Rene Pato he MOEO Fret eachige™ Snes 10 even be listening to something like this. But the God-Seed Melchizedek is the 12 position, which means it holds the codes of al the rest. So its able to connect to all ofthe others that came out of that whole family of consciousness, that whole God-Seed. It can redirect their codes in the matrix if they get lost. This is Why there is something called the Melchizedek Priesthood. ‘The priesthood is multidimensional. It comes all the way down through every level of identity. There is the Cosmic level, the Universal level, and the Galactic level. There is also a gene code here that goes with the Melchizedeks. It is a gene code that is what is considered a Cloister race. Cloister races go back into the root races of consciousness, out of which we were seeded. § Melchizedek is a Cloister race. It caries certain amounts ofthe Silicate Matrix 12-Strand DNA gene code in its Morphogenetic Field and in its gene code itself. We all have some portion of it, but right now, in the time frame we are in, most ofthe race has 4th strand present at bith. And the process of the lifetimes now would be evolving the 4th strand. Melchizedeks have the 5° strand present, but because they are a Cloister race they contain the imprints of Strands 7 through 12 that can be activated once their main strand is activated. Each strand in the DNA corresponds to a dimension or level of consciousness. That means they are able to pull in more than the average person in this race cycle right now. There are ones above Melchizedek race strains too. There are the Indigos. They call them the Indigos, the Paradisians, who are, bom with 6® strand activated. That means they can bring in 6* dimensional consciousness at birth, which is full Soul integration, which is full Alpha Hova body merger. So these things are all connected together. If you want to understand and see these connections, the writing is the key. When you see the writing and you see the diagrams and you see how they go together, it goes right down to the DNA, it goes all the way up and all the way down; everything is accounted for. ‘The Melchizedeks are not a cult. They are a race line. They just happen to have these gene codes and hhappen to be from these matrices, but so are all ultimately. The human design was designed through the Melchizedek God-Seed. So when we go to our God-Seed as a collective, the God-Seed we visit in the techniques available, that is the God-Seed Melchizedek. ” There is @ lt of £.7. consciousness walking around in human bodies right now. They had agreements to ‘evolve through the human form because their own race line lost some of their codes. This way they could get their codes up enough where they could incamate in human form and then fnish their evolution. That was what the human form was really designed for, to rescue all the other ones that were getting stuck in the matrix. But we each have a very personal connection to our God-Seed. If you are in a human imprint, even if you didn't start out that way, your God-Seed is the same God-Seed, because we are all in the human imprint. (Evolutionary Path of Human Consciousness) Meichizedek Hosting Not all of us came in originally through the Melchizedek line. If you happen to be from some of the stellar races and you are an E.T. walking around in a human body, which means you would have more E.T. memory, you would have other forms rather than human forms in your primary incamational memory base. ‘You might have come in from one of the other 24 God-Seeds, but because the Melchizedek God-Seed is the number 12, it holds the codes of all the rest. So, you can evolve right back through it and it will take ° For more detailed information on Root races and Cister races, see ‘Voyagers 2, Secrets of Ament and the “Architects of Lignt-Sectts ofthe Indigo Chiliren” DVD. 7 See Evoltionary Path of Human Consciousness and Tangle Structure ofthe Sou for these techniques. © Copy Ashayars&Acayons Doar, 207, AI Rahs Rese, Pr oe MOEO Frau Teachings Ste: ul you right back to your own God-Seed. So you can look at it as kind of lke the head God-Seed. | don't know what some of the other Melchizedeks are teaching. Some are good, but some are very rigid. Some of them mean well; some of them are being distorted. You can't spend the rest of your life trying to see which guys are sil withthe light and which ones have been compromised. But by leaming the techniques that we give, you can start making the diferentiations yourself. When you go tothe God-Seed, you dont have to use the name Melchizedek. It is not going to change the fact that Melchizedek is the God-Seed you are going to connect with. But that isthe one that is going to get you back if your codes are compromised on any level, which if you are in a human body down here right now, they probably are. Even the Speakers’ codes are. There are miasmic pattems and karmic grids in here that have to be shifted for any of us to do the same things we would lke to do, which is full Hova body integration. ‘You don't have to be afraid of the Melchizedek name as if you are getting involved in a cult or anything lke that. It isn’t like that. We offer the Melchizedek ordinations. The word “ordination* originated with the Melchizedeks, and then other religions took our information and distorted it. (Evoluonary Path of Human Consciousness) What the MCEO Teaches A'sha-yana Deane went through something called a Melchizedek ordination, The Guardian Aliance works under something called the Melchizedek Cloister, which is not the same as the Melchizedek Priesthood, It's the governing body of the Melchizedek Priesthood. This is a multidimensional spiritual organization, an organization of spiritual scientists. A’sha-yana received her spiritual initiation, as well as her scientific training from the Guardian Alliance, and ‘also something called the Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy. This is a group of beings that qualifies as ultraterestrial. It means they are beyond form manifestation. They exist in reality fields that are no longer dimensionalized like ours. When you don't have dimensionalized reality fields, all you have is pure sentient consciousness in wave form, conscious radiation. (Secrets of Amenti) The ancient MCEO perspectives teach of the Inner Christos, or living God-spirt alive within all things, including the natural environment. “inner Christos” philosophies are built upon the understanding of what is referred to as the ‘Law of One,” Inner Christos Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the interconnection, interdependence and intrinsic value of all components of reality in recognition that the Living Consciousness, *God-Spirt” or “Inner Christos" is the tangible substance of consciousness and energy from and of which all things manifest are composed, MCEO teachings offer people an opportunity for advancing personal empowerment through genuine spiritual development regardless of their religious affiiation. The “inner Christos” of the “Law of One” MCEO spiritual teachings belong to everyone of every creed, not just those who choose to call themselves “Christians.” The word "Christos" (fom which the word “Christian” later emerged) was originally spelled *krisos’ in the most ancient texts, and referred to the personal Divine Blueprint of Conscious Living God- Spirit energy of which all things and beings manifest are made, ‘At the center of contemporary MCEO teaching programs lies an “Ancient Mystery’ known as the “CDT- Plates.” The books and course programs produced by the MCEO are not speculative, nor theoretical in nature, but are rather derived from factual text books. Contemporary MCEO teaching programs contain English language translations of materials already existing within a very ancient set of texts called the Maharata Texts (indirectly related to the Indian “Mahabharata” writings). The 560 books of the ancient (© copyright A sayra&ANzayan Dare, 207 AP Rights Reson Par le MCEO Fred Teachioge™ Sees. 12 Maharata Texts are the orignal translations of an even older set of ancient records that have survived to ‘Our present time, stored on a set of 12 digital holographic recorder discs called the “Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates’ or “CDT-Plates,” that were manufactured in 246,000BC, The CDT-Plates and Maharata Texts have been translated into writen form numerous times in our ancient history in many diferent counties and languages, ‘The CDT-Plates are real, physical objects that have been kept in the private, protective custody of a specific family line of “Indigo Children" on Earth since the 95588C ‘Fall of Atlantis,” This family line is called the Eieyani, who refer to themselves as the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Priests of UR. Another branch of the Eieyani family calls themselves the MCEO Priests of MU'a (MU). The word ‘priest’ originally meant “guardian” or ‘steward and administrator of spiritual wisdom.” Both males and females in stewardship to spiritual wisdom and administering this wisdom to others are referred to as "Priests" or “Ministers.” ‘The MCEO has always been, and will always be, Spiritual service collective. (Kathara Levels 2-3 HB) Nn egalitarian, nomhierarchical non-gender-biased What Are Ordinations? Melchizedek Ordinations are Morphogenetic Field transmissions. They are a bio-ield transmission from ‘somebody who has the strand templates to receive them. This gives you the template to begin working with the bio-regenesis techniques. Architects of Light and Entering the 5* Word) {an ordination isa contract bond, which is a bonding contract, a field bonding between you down here and your Rishi up there. They were orginally done so that people here who had the misfortune of coming out of one of the reversed matrices, one of the luminal, could by-pass their matrix and get a link to @ Rishi and get their Ascension codes back. It is called a Host Matrix transplant. They/l transplant you into a Light Matrix. If you are aware enough here to ask for that alignment, you willbe able to help the rest of your matrix that got reversed once you get out there. So itis an energy thing that happens. Itis not like you get ‘ordained and now you get to walk around and say, "lm a Melchizedek whatever.” Itis not about the tl. It really never was. Some of the religions and things got really twisted with that where they forgot why the tite is there inthe frst place and they just got hung up onthe tile and the ego trip thet goes wth it. Itis not about titles and ego trips. Evoliionary Path of Human Consciousness) Ordinations are about energies, about frequencies. A true ordained Melchizedek minister has a field bond withthe Rishi in Harmonic Universe 5 (HU-5). The Rishi wil sustain a Pillar of Light between you and HU-5 that you can't quite buld yet, that you can align your Hova Bodies in. It will also help to clear the miasmic imprint. We deal with the Rishi a lot in working with the Melchizedeks. When you work with that level of consciousness, it helps you build your Pillar of Light. It also helps to protect you. ‘The Solar Rishi are the levels of you. For every one of us that came in on our pulse of consciousness, there is a level of our gestalt consciousness that vibrates to the 5% Harmonic Universe which is Dimensions 13, 14 and 15, {tis an ante-matter, the ante-matter, not anti, ante-matter wave form radiation consciousness, just pure Ascension consciousness wave form. When we see them (if you could see them, and sometimes you do because they sometimes will get your attention and manifest here as light beings), you are seeing Part of your family, pat of your own cosmic family. (Evouionary Path of Human Consciousness) Rishi are @ wave form. When they manifest to us, they tend to look lke these real tll ight beings with ‘elongated heads and they emanate light so strongly you can hardly see the details. So the Rishi are presences and they're very real. They'e at the meta-terrestial levels, the highest levels within our Time (© conyrgt asnyana &Anzayane Dear, 207, A Rigs Rese: Par ote MOEO Frese Teachings ™ Sores 13 eee u Matrix. Not Ultra-terrestrial, which would be in the energy matrix. They are helping with evolution of beings in different star systems. You can use the Amoraea Contact Platform technique * and use that platform to ‘meet your Rishi, The Melchizedek Rishis we work with, they're out of the Melchizedek Cloister Family, and they're a family of consciousness. A’sha works out of the Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy, which is one of the Cloister Families in the Melchizedek Family—and most ofthe Rishis that are involved in the work here are part of that Cloister. (Asha, Ancient tes of Passage) From this platform you can clear space, you can work on healing and you can reach Rishis in that space. You can also simply request them. By being in an Azurite Press workshop room, everybody's energy field is affecting everybody else's. So the Rishi who are connected to A'sha's energy field are touching your ‘energy fields through hers. Because of that, theyre aware of you. So if you decide you want contact or Want help in opening to Rishi communication, that request will be heard. The Speakers’ fields serve as a conduit. (Ashe, Ancient Fes of Passage) In an Azurite Press workshop the Rishi become aware of you and get to know your signature, So if you Want Rishi communication, they will hear that, it wil be a form of energy sent back—i's not words. They will work with your higher identity levels to know what's next and appropriate for you so you don't need anybody to find your Rishiand you don't need @ Speaker to get hooked up with your Rishi—but ‘Sometimes itcan help. (A’sha, Ancient Rites of Passage) In light matrices, you have the Christed Avatars; they create Over-Souls, sets of them, series of them, families of them. The Over-Souls create families of Souls. The Souls create families of Incamates down here, family ines, genetic lines. They run directly into the Christed matrices, The Anti-Christed ones do that too. There are people here, and some may be people you know among us, that have been bom through those. matrices. They have the codes of the reversed matrix Avatars. Most of us don't know what we are Connected to because this information has been denied to us for so long because they've made it so we Can't pull in enough frequency through our gene code to find out that information, Even if one is part of ‘those matrices, it's OK, because all you need to do is make a Rishi connection. That's the whole problem with the Anti-Chrstos matrix i's severed the connection between the Avatar and Rishi Levels of Identity, (he solution aling that is to simply connect with the Rishi. Each of your Hova bodies is a pattern of frequency, a dimensionalized pattem of frequency that you are progressively integrating into your body, which integrates into your DNA and progressively activates DNA strands in a 12-Strand matrix. It may take you many, many cycles in the Time Matrix depending on your odes. Most people haven't a clue where that is either and there isnt ime to figure it out anymore. You don't know where your codes are, you don't know how many cycles its going to take you to get your Hova bodies aligned. If you want the fast way to do it, you make a link with the Rishi. You let that Rishi bond with your energetic field. I's not going to control you. They are not interested in controling people. ‘Anybody who has control of themselves doesn't need to control anybody else, but what they do is sustain a high frequency field for you. They sustain a Pillar of Light between you and HU-S that you can't quite build yet, until you cycle enough to get your Hova bodies aligned. They will hold that Pillar of Light for you so you can align your Hova bodies, which will accelerate the process of Hova body alignment. They will also help to release the miasmic imprint. They will work with you to clear the karmic imprint as fast 2s possible without throwing your system into chaos, because, if you try to process too fast, you can really wear Yourself out. (Evolutionary Pah of Human Consciousness) By linking with Rishis, it you happen to be in one of those matrices, it will get you clear so that your path of evolution will no longer be being impulsed by something you wouldn't want to serve, Even if you are not * Technique 15 ofthe “Dance Far” Flame Body Activation Techniques (© Cony Aaars&ANcayoe Dear, 2007 ADRs Rene Pat che MCEO Fredo Teachings ™ Sr 14 Part of them, it will accelerate your process of integration anyway. So itis good for you either way. COrdinations help you link with your Rishi level, and bringing that pillar of energy down assists in Merkaba Field Activation, There is a level of the Merkaba Vehicle that is bult every time you integrate one of the Hova Body shields. When you link in with a Rishi, it gives a conduit of energy that helps that Merkaba Vehicle to build faster. You can look att as Pillar of Light thatthe Merkaba Vehicle would rotate around, or rotate on and that is what you're building frst. And then working with the other exercises would begin those counter-rotating fields moving through it® So i's a part ofthe same process. All of those processes are very interwoven with the integration of the Hova Bodies, and that's the easiest way to understand any of it. So, they/re all the shields when you look at them as shields~the litle disks, those Hova Bodies. You have §, and if you bring them into alignment it accomplishes the rest, without having to wory about rotations of spin and how fast it's going, and allthis kind of stuf. Your cellular memory knows how to do thal, once you trigger it the right way. Even thinking the word “Merkaba” will help create your Merkaba Vehicle. You have the 3 matrices. The Rishi is the key, no matter what matrix you're from. The Rishi level of your own identty stil exists out there; even if you were from a Black Sun matrix, that Rishi still misses you. It ‘would stil ike you back. So it will definitely be willing to work with you, reestablish the connection and clear ‘any codes that were reversed. So the Rishis are parts of you that you can reach for, and that you can carry with you. And Melchizedek Ordination will help this process. (Evolitionay Path of Human Consciousness) Energy Process The ordinations are an energy process. When you lnk wth the Rishi (the Rishi have the full 15-dimensional codes), you become a vessel.'? And once you are ordained to certain levels, you can transmit 12th dimensional frequency to other people. It will activate, at least temporarily, all of the Hova Bodies, and bring them into activation along with your 12-Strand Matrix. They won't hold ital at once because if you haven't gotten there naturally, your body won't tolerate it. But they are able to burst through you enough where you can other people, and begin the Hova Body activation process in others. That's what ordinations and initiations do. We are transmitting frequency to persons receiving it-frequency that will help them to build their Pillar of Light, frequency that wil help people give themselves protection from what's going on here energetically. This used to be a mystical thing, where only people that had very devout lives were ever allowed to know any of the secrets of the Melchizedeks. This was not available to just anyone; people worked for years and years in spiritual schools just to get to the point where they were allowed to have this knowledge. At this point the opportunity for having @ bond with a Rishi is being offered to everybody. They know people need protection here, and the Rishi want to see us get free. They want to see us evolve to our Potential. And a lot of the Rishi that are the most behind wanting this whole thing fixed are the ones who had matrices with the Illuminati (their litle rebelious children here). They're endorsing the program better than anyone because the Rishis were never comupted on that level. t was the decision on the Avatar level to reverse their matrices. So the Illuminati Rishi are trying to help their members home and get them healed, and get them aligned. So they ordain them too, because once you get the field bond it wil start to Purge out things that are not harmonic in your field. ° For mor information and exercises related to Merkaba Activation, see Tangible Stuctre of tho Soul "Rishi isthe key (© Cony Ashayara&Aeayan Deane, 207, Aight Rosen Par ohe MCEO Frade Teaching ™ Sr 15 /ou went under Monadic. 1, it will begin the process of bringi {es to their original ‘place. If you are bom in a matrix that is an Illuminati matrix and you don't know it, you won't be able to have those codes reversed while you're in the body this time: the body can’ tolerate the stress. But as soon as ‘you have your natural end to this lifetime, you wil be able to go into a full Rishi bond and get plugged into the Melchizedek God-Seed. So no matter who you are, they're really helpful. (Evoliionary Path of Human Consciousness) Initiation, Ordination, and the Heroic Probability jon means you get the codes and it ulate the activation of the Hova Bodies. It the DNA activation, but i's not as much of a commitm dont hi fused to your DNA. You don't have to listen to your Rishi. Its not ike you have a big Rishi over your head that tells you what to do. I's not like that at all. But, it means you have to be fully committed to being on the Path of what's called your Heroic Probability; that was the original path that you came in on. That's the only path that has a high enough vibration in your body pattem to keep a bond with a Rishi, to sustain and hold that bond energetically If you go off the Path of your Heroic Probabilty, then you will get advised not to. The Rishi is giving higher frequency into your field; is giving you a jump start on what you normally can do. If you step off the path, all of a sudden your vibration drops really fast, and so does the connection with your Rishi, but you stil have lots of extra energy fiying around your system that you wouldn't have had in there if you hadn't had Rishi assistance, So it gives you a lot more frequency to process and it can be very difficult to process that {tis like errant frequency running through the emotional body and mental body. With the Rishi bonds, the only negative you could say that's attached to itis if you break the bond, you're ‘going to have more frequency in your field to process. Those frequencies, coupled with the frequencies that are going to be coming through the Earth grid in the next 20 years, would be very dificult to process while staying at least emotionally centered. So before you make a decision, think about, ‘Is spirtuality important enough to me, to really do this?” Because this is real, we'e not kidding, ‘A person who accepts ordination would be someone who's ready to connect to their own Heroic Probability: "What I came here to do; what my God-Seed wanted me to do; what my Soul wanted me to do, rather than just what the ego thinks is right.” They/re willing to open the lines of communication, so they can start to hear the Higher Self while its talking to them. They'te guided, and if you're having a problem or an issue, that’s where you tum for counsel. You leam to go inward. There's nobody out here that's qualified to Counsel you and to guide you, as what youtl ultimately fd within yourself when you leam to open doors. There are energy transmissions that are given in this. You need to be aware that you can stil do what you want out here, but you do itn a way that you've got to say "Okay Rishi Self, raise ths tothe level you want ‘t Point me where | should be in my Divine Right Order.” You assume this path of your Divine Right Order in any moment The Path of Divine Right Order is ideally what you should be doing with yourself that would contribute to your greatest joy and development and everyone else's around you. You aim for that, thet Heroic Probability, which is your alignment with the God-Source. If you do that and you're commited to that, ‘and you take it seriously, you're not going to have a problem with the Ordination; you're not going to have a problem withthe Rishi bond, You'll only have a problem if you're one of those people that say: “Hey I'l try ths,” and then you kind of throw it away or put itn a drawer and it doesn't mean anything to you; and then you just don’ try and develop inner guidance. You really don't look inwards so you don't know if you're on the Heroic Path or not (© Cony Astana &Ar2ayne Dear, 2007, AD Rigs Rear Part che MCEO Fredo Teachings Sti: 16 You're not going to know if your frequency is going up or down, or what is doing. That's the only time 1 would say "Think about it frst." You don't want extra energy flying through there if you'e not seriously committed to synthesizing that energy so you are stil functional. And, if you're ready, you'l know it, youll feel it. And if you're not, that’s. okay too: that's what Initiations are for. That's where you just get the codes transmitted and you begin to have your process activated. You will also be assigned a Rishi name: the one that's working with you. But Initiations don't have the same protection levels involved as Ordinations. They don't have the same acceleration levels involved, but it's a beginning. So you might want to do the Initiation instead if you're a litle squeamish about whether you're going to be able to really stay in your Heroic Probability and not crash your DNA by faling out of your bond with the Rishi You don't have to have either. You can just work with your awn God-Seed, and leave it at that, but the program works; each step you take, its amplified. It will ive you more focus, more strenath, more clarity, faster than any one step alone. And that's why i's a program; i's put together that way. (Evolutionary Path of Human Consciousness) A Promise Between You and Yourself Ordination is not being zapped into a cuit. Its our assistance with your Avatar, where it shoots a bit of frequency down through our field, because we're already activated, and we ground a spark of your Avatars energy and then transmit it back to you to help activate your shield faster. That is 2 Melchizedek Cloister ‘Ordination. At Level3 Ordination, you take a promise or a vow to your own Knstos Self, not to any mumbo-umbo name in the sky, not to us, not to Azurite Press or the Eieyani or anything. It's a promise you make between you and your Self Ordination isa way to expedite the activation of your template on a Base-12 Imprint. What we do is simply receive a spark of D-12 frequency from your own Kristos—not somebody else's, not some unnamed Kristos in the sky, but your particular Avatar level of consciousness consciously sends a spark. And if you're not ready for it, the Avatar will say, "No, not now.” Then we'll say, "Sory, why don't you go meditate and tak to your Avatar because it doesn't want me to do it” Its good to know the difference and know what we mean when we say “Ordination.” If you want to, you an become a Melchizedek Cloister Minister. There are Level 1 Ministers, Level 2 RaB'nai Regents, which is really what everybody tends to aim for. Its the path of full 12-Strand activation, of full Avatar integration. That's completely between you and your Avatar selves. We're just here to be in service to anybody that wants that, and there is no commitment to us whatsoever or strings attached—including strings you carit see. However, there needs to be a litle time: 12 to 24 hours after completing Levels 1 and 2ibefore you go on to Level 3. (Asha, Peru 2001) ‘The purposes of the ordinations are threefold. First of all, there is a DNA/Indigo activation (bio-regenesis acceleration) which is associated with each of the 3 levels of ordination.‘ This gives a frequency transmission to your fields. Secondly, to pledge a personal oath of increased Spirtual Integration and consciousness development associated with the Contract Levels (Soul, Oversoul and Avatar - personal, "Ordination levels have nothing todo witha hierarchy. They jst denote a frequency activation level andor frequency holding cpectylcapabity. (© ceprgh Arayana 8 Azayen Dane, 207, At gs Rosaries, Par ote MOEO Fredo Teachnge™ Soe 7 planetary & galactic). Finaly, to express active wilingness to be of similar service to others (ordaining 1 level below ones own, as welll as performing Baptismal and Marital Service). (Mac, 23 Sep 01) The purpose of doing the ordination isto get a frequency transmission to your fields."® This isa service to your Avatar level. When someone has certain levels activated in their DNA template, it means they can transmit those frequencies. Your Avatar level can transmit frequencies. But there's a whole lot of dormant stuff in your DNA that makes it very dificult for that frequency to make it ll the way down to your 3° DNA strand, your 3 strands, the D-1, D-2, and D-3 strands which belong o your body down here. During the process of Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations, the Priest'S who gives the ordination is simply serving as an anchoring rod where your Avatar level sends a spark of O-12 down, it gets grounded by the person who already has it activated in their fields, and they simply transmit it back to you. So it's lke your Avatar can cut out all that middle muck stuff that makes it hard to activate you. If it could activate you a bit faster, you'd be a fully awake Avatar. So, its simply a courtesy, a service, a very sacred service. We ‘never charge for those. Its our service to vou as Avatars. It also helps you to run current faster. The reason they provided us with the Closter Ordination Program now is $0 we can help people wake up as fast as possible. Because when you get those transmissions of frequency, it riggers an accelerated activation in your own kundalini and DNA template, which allows your ‘own Avatar to take that frequency and run higher and faster. (A'sha, Peru 2001) ‘There is an inherent service orientation (and humility) in approaching Cloister Ordinations, quite unlike all the ‘other’ Melchizedek ordinations. We are not concemed with rights and privilege. We teach - and represent - equality and unity, with reverence and respect for ALL forms of life, everywhere. (Mac, 23 Sep 01) Levels of Ordi the Melchizedek Cloister Initiate One who has been born with or accepted transmission (Melchizedek Initiation) of the morphogenetic field imprint of the full 12-Strand DNA Silicate Matrix and has entered the path of ascension through the Melchizedek Priesthood of the Melchizedek Cloister. (Atenfown) Initiation means you get the codes and it starts to stimulate the activation of the Hova Bodies and it starts to stimulate DNA activation. (Evolutionary Path of Human Consciousness} (One who has accepted Ordination through the Melchizedek Priesthood or Melchizedek Cloister, by which the Rishi level of personal identity is partially bonded to and activated within the DNA, to begin the process of activating DNA Strands 4-6 for the process of Alphi-Hova Body merger and Soul Integration, through ‘hich the Soul Awareness embodies within the physical body. Level 2-RaB’nai "ordination levels have nothing todo with a hierarchy. They denote a frequency activation level andlor requency holding capactyleapebity. + Priest originaly meant Steward of Sptual Wisdom. © Cony Atayare & A aay Dear, 207, Al igs Rose, aro be MOEO Fredo Teacigs™ Sore: 18 One who has accepted Ordination through the Melchizedek Cloister for the purpose of accelerating the process of Higher Identity embodiment, by which the Over-Soul Identity begins integration with the ‘conscious personality for acceleration of the Soul and Over-Soul integration process and merger of the Betche-Hova Body. This level facilitates a full Rishic bond, facilitating full Ordination, incorporating the Emerald Awakening as an intrinsic element ofthe process. Level? begins activation of the 7-9 DNA Strands, which allows the individual to become a transmitter of the Silicate Matrix Imprint, to conduct Level-t Ordinations for others. At this level, the Over-Soul can transmit 84D frequency, providing a link to, as well as initiating, the Christos Template 12-Strand pattem (particularly when incorporated with the Maharic Infusion and regular work with the Maharic Seal). (Masters Templar ‘Stewardship Manual end Lemurian and Attantian Legacies) enesis The process of Regenesis begins with the release of the cranial-sacral seals (facilitated by the Emerald ‘Awakening in conjunction with the energetic transmissions through 3 - 6" Dagree Melchizedek Cloister Ministers). ‘The processes associated with the Emerald Awakening opens the Hova Bodies to each other by pulling the plugs that support polarization, and which exist at the junction/crossbars between Kathara Centers: 3-4 and 2-5; and 6-7 and 5-8, The Amethyst Awakening, which can now be undertaken immediately after the Emerald Awakening ‘unplugs the seal between Centers 9-10 and 8-11.14 (A'sha, Lemurin and Atantin Legacies) Level ent ‘A Regent is one who is bom with a contract to embody as a full Avatar during the present incamation. The Regent Ordination initiates latent Avatar Contracts, enfolding the planetary levels of service, associated with RaB'nai, with the Galactic level, Avatar Contracts, which represent activation of DNA Strands 10-12, are decided prior to birth in agreement with the Higher Councils of Light (Meta and Ultra-terrestrial Identity Gestalts from Dimension 13, the Eckatic Level). Not everyone has such contracts of Avatar embodiment. One can awaken to Avatar Contracts through working through the previous levels of Ordination, Itis between “you and God.” ‘Avatar embodiment represents merger of the Mahara Hova Body and expansion into the “Christed” identity level. Regent Ordination begins the activation of DNA Strands-10-12 (subharmonics). If they went into full «activation at the same time as others, the effect would blow the planetary grids, because they couldn't hold all the frequency quite yet. One of the fastest means of naturally activating the personal 12-Strand DNA Template is a Melchizedek Cloister Level-3 Regent Ordination. This happens by transmission of the Kee-Ra-Sh Primal Light and Khundaray Primal Sound Field "Rainbow Ray Current” directly into the personal DNA Template via direct, ‘Chakra Induction. Your Avatar level sends down a Pale Silver Stream of Liquid Light, a large hydroplasmic. Curent right from your Rishi that goes into the first 8 cells at the base of the spine, and reopens your ‘connection to your Christos. (Dublin Feb 2003 ~ Forbidden Testaments of Revelation) Sufficient Rainbow Ray frequencies to provide a Level3 Regent Ordination can be transmitted by a Melchizedek Cloister Level-4 Regent Consummate or Level6 Eckar Indigo Child Type-1 Maji Grail Line tn 2000, because of personal shied holding capacy, one needed to wal atleast 6 months after the EA to recelve the AA, ‘Several years later it changed to 24 hous; and now ican be dane immediately ater the EA (© Conyatt Asdayara &Atzayana Deans, 207, A Rigs Resenet arto be MOEO Fees Teshige™ Sos 19 Angelic Humans, who have the frequencies of the Primal Creation Currents integrated into their DNA Template from birth, ‘A Level-3 Regent Ordination expedites activation of the 144 Fire Letters of the Tribal Shield, releasing key Fire Codes between DNA Strand Templates to allow for expedited DNA Strand Braiding, It helps progressively purge Strand Template mutations, to help in restoration of the Natural D-12 Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12-Strand DNA Template, and expedited, accelerated activation of the DNA Strand Template Base Codes and Acceleration Codes. it also provides additional bio-energetic field support for more stable cycles of DNA Template activation. (A'sha, Lemuran and Alantian Legacies) Level 4-Consummate ‘One who is bom with a contract to Anchor the Rishi Identity (Dimensions 13-15) into the bio-energetic field of the body, following fulfiment of an Avatar contract. Merger of the Raja Hova Body. Level 5-Commodore / Elder Consummate ‘One who has achieved full Ascension to the Triadic or Polaric Matrix in a previous lifetime and has retumed carrying the “Cap Stone” codes of ascension within the DNA and morphogenetic field. Merger of the Tanotra and Di-Omni Hova Bodies. Ascended Masters Levels 1 and 2. Level 6-Eckar (One who has achieved full ascension to the Eckatic Matrix in a previous lifetime and has returned carrying the "Crown Jewel Cap Stone” codes of ascension to the Eokatic Matrix within the DNA. Ascended Master Level 3. (Masters Templar Stewardship Manual) Expediting Ascension The practice of Melchizedek Ordination (MCO) can save the Incamate many millennia of earth incamation yes throughout the lower mult-dimensional universes, thereby providing forthe Incamate a rapid path of ascension and At-One-Ment with the God-Mind, The decision of the Earth Incamate to accept MCO helps ‘the entire mult-dimensional gestalt to expedite its own process of ascension. Thus the 24 God-Seed identities encourage the process for earthly Incamates, If the higher bodies of an individual's Family Tree are aligned (allowing the proper building of the Pillar of Light) the MCO serves simply to accelerate the natural process of ascension through the organic Monad ‘and God-Seed. But ifthe integrity of the Pillar of Light (between Incamate and God-Seed) is compromised through Monad distortions, then the MCO serves as a lifeline for the Incamate and its hierarchy of ‘dentties. Special “Light Exercises” activate the God-Seed and begin the process of building the Pillar of Light...but these do not realign distortions within the higher bodies. (Tangible Sructue ofthe Sou) 5% DNA Strand Imprint In Tangible Structure of the Soul, there is a technique where you practice visualizing the color blue.'® if after about 6 months of practicing this exercise your visualization of the color blue does not shift into the '° Tangible Structure ofthe Soul, Technique #2: Anchoring the D5 Archotype © Copyrrt aStayare& cays Dear, 2, Ab igs Reset Paratha MOEO Fred Tesch ™ Sane 20 indigo blue-violet spectrum, you may not possess the 5* DNA Strand Imprint within your Morphogenetic. Field. Trusting your guidance, you may desire to seek initiation from a qualified Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order minister in order to receive the full imprint ofthe 12-Strand Silicate Matrix. I's valuable to use this exercise before receiving Melchizedek Cloister Ordination, or if you are uncertain whether you have the 5M strand DNA imprint, as it will bring the 5t dimensional frequencies of the ‘Archetype Identity into your Morphogenetic Field, awaiting the imprint of the 5 DNA strand. Once the 58 strand is imprinted, the new frequencies will naturlly enter the imprint ofthe 5% DNA strand, beginning the process of anchoring the Archetype Identity. The process of receiving the imprint of the 12-Strand Silicate Matrix is quite simple and involves energy transfusion from the palms of the minister into your bio-energetic field. Many people have all or part ofthis 12-Strand Sllicate Matrix DNA within their Morphogenetic Field ‘Accepting a Melchizedek Cloister Initiation or Ordination is simply a way of ensuring that you possess the needed dormant imprint of the Silicate Matix within your Morphogenetic Field. Full expansion of the identity and merger of the Ariea Hova Bodies requires the morphogenetic imprint of the 12-Strand Silicate Matrix. Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate-Degree System versus Initiate-Degree ‘System Melchizedek Ordinations represent a bio-energetc field process of interdimensional physics, through which the scalar-wave blueprint ofthe original human Silicate Matrix “Crystal Gene" 12-Strand DNA Template is restored to its organic order, and once restored, dormant strands of the DNA Template are systematically brought into accelerated, but natural activation. Activation of the Silicate Matix expedites the organic dynamics of forward evolution by progressively creating embodiment of an individual's higher dimensional “Spiritual” consciousness, while preparing the body for Transmutative Dimensional Ascension into Silica Based Biology of the immortal “Angelic Human’ form. The Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations System differs from other Melchizedek Ordinations Systems in that most other Meichizedek Ordinations work through a series of 7-12 “Initiations” then consummate in a 18- Degree Ordination. Such systems represent the Initiate-Degree System, which begins 12-Strand activation, but does not expedite its process sufficiently to enable an individual to achieve Ascension in the present lifetime, The Initiate-Degree System completes with activation of the 6" DNA Strand Template and embodiment of the Dimension 4-6 Soul Matrix identity. (Masters Templar Stewardship Manual) The Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations System is the Ordinate-Degree System of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister Khundaray Priests of UR (‘Keepers of the Eternal Flame’). it begins with 1s-Degree Ordination, where the Initiate-Degree System leaves of, then continues through 5 Progressive levels of Ordination, through which the 6" ~ 12" DNA Templates activate, (in Indigo Children the DNA Template can activate between 24 - 48 Strands). ‘As an Orfinate-Degree Minister progresses beyond Soul Matrix integration, the frequencies of consciousness from the Over-Soul, Avatar, Rishi, Entity, RishA and Eckar identity levels of dimensions 7- 45, plus those of the Khundaray, can systematically embody, awakening the biological potentials for full transmutation of matter density, (© Copp Ashnyana & Atay Deane, 207 AN Re Resend: Pt oe CEO Fado Tanchinge™ Sais 21 Genuine Melchizedek Ordinations can be performed only by 246% Degree Ordinate Ministers. After achieving 2% Degree Ordination, a Cloister Minister can ordain only the Degrees below their position. This “hierarchy* of Ordination is not a value judgement placed upon an individual by the Azurite Press. Ordination Degrees correspond to the DNA Template activation level of the Minister, which determines the level of interdimensional scalar-wave frequency the Minister is able to embody and transmit through the bio-energetic field to create DNA Template realignment and activation in others. Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations can be conducted individually or in large groups of people, depending ‘upon the frequency-transmiting capacity of the Ordaining Minister's DNA Template. Azurite Press of the Melchizedek Cloister is presently the only surface Earth organization authorized by the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister Priests of UR to offer the Ordinate-Degree System. This is not due to favoritism or discrimination toward other groups, but rather due to the Incamational Cloister Soul Contracts held by the Indigo Children Founding Ministers of this organization, ‘Consummate Azurite Ministers are able to transmit the frequencies of the Emerald Order Yanas Codes (specialized DNA Template scalar-wave forms corresponding to the Inner Earth Amenti Priests of UR), through which others can acquire these codes for entry into the accelerated Ordinale-Degree System. This allows Azurite Ministers to go forth and transmit Ordinations for others. Anyone can enter the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate-Degree System, to simultaneously receive the Initate-Degree and the beginning of the Ordinate-Degree frequency transmissions for expedited, accelerated Bio-Spintual Actualization. Ordinations are always free of charge and available to anyone who desires them. Ordination is a promise shared between an individual, ther Inner Christos and God; a private relationship not regulated or directed by the Azurite Press organization. (Masters Templar Stewausip Manual) Cloister Melchizedeks versus Templar Melchizedeks One Melchizedek Cloister Ordination level contains 12 Melchizedek Initiation levels. Contemporary “Melchizedek Ordinations” offered by the patriarchal Templar Melchizedeks, also known as Anunnaki- ‘agenda Melchizedek Priests, represent Level-1 Ordination only, and do not transmit the frequencies for full 12-Strand activation as the Templar Melchizedeks' DNA Templates cannot activate beyond Strand-11 Only Melchizedek Cloister Level-4 Consummate through Level Eckar Ordinate Ministers can transmit the full 12-Code Frequencies for genuine accelerated 12-Strand activation. Presently the Azurite Temple Melchizedek Closter is the only physical organization on surface Earth that is not of Templar Melchizedek- Anuninaki descent. The Melchizedek Cloister is the Order of the Yunasai, the non-patriarchal Yanas Melchizedek Cloister from the Primal Sound Fields beyond the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Order is that of the Anunnaki Priesthood, which is intended to work under direction of the D-13 "Great ‘White Brotherhood’ true YHWH Host Matrix, with the primary purpose of assisting in DNA Template Bio- Regenesis of Anunnaki and Human-Anunnaki hybrid race strains, ‘When the Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Order is honoring their orginally stated commitment to the Founder's Emerald Covenant agreement, as they sometimes do, they work cooperatively with the Azurite Melchizedek Cloister, the Density-5 Breanoua Orders and the Yanas Melchizedek Cloister Order of the ‘Yunasai Ascended Masters collectives from beyond the Time Matrix. When honoring the Emerald Covenant Christos Agenda, the Alpha-Omega Order promotes the Founder's egalitarian Maharata teachings of the Inner Christos. When the Alpha-Omega Order Anunnaki Templar (© cappgt Asay & Aaya Dre, 207 AA Rye Racer Par te MCEO Fred Teachinge™ Sees 2 Melchizedek Priesthood is working cooperatively with the Founders and the Yanas Ascended Masters from beyond the Time Matrix, they acknowledge, validate and work cooperatively with the Vanas’ Melchizedek Cloister Order of the Yunasai and its Azurite Melchizedek Cloister representatives. When the Alpha-Omega order breaks their Emerald Covenant commitments in favor of supporting the Fallen Anu-Elohim Anti-Christos Agenda, as historically they have repeatedly done, they misuse the Melchizedek Intate System as a tool for covert manipulation of humans. ‘Alpha-Omega Anunnaki misuse of the Melchizedek Initiate System is characterized by transmissions of frequencies that expedite reverse-sequence activation of 11 Strands of the DNA Template, while simultaneously transmitting frequency implants that block 12%-Strand and higher activation. Reverse-sequence 11-Strand activation progressively and intentionally breaks the electromagnetic ‘connection between the DNA Template and the personal Monadic Imprint that holds the personal D-12 Maharic Shield Christos Divine Blueprint. This practice, called Monadic Reversal, is used to trick humans into subliminally serving the Fallen Anu-Elohim infitration of the DNA Template and consciousness. Progressively the Fallen Anu-Elohim present themselves as the false inner voice of “spinitual guidance,” while “jamming the intemal circuits’ for hearing the genuine “Stil Small Voice Within’ of the natural personal Internal Christos. fan individual's DNA Template coding or life status is valuable to the Fallen ‘Anu-Elohim agenda, Monadic Reversal will be used to orchestrate full Essence Displacement, or “possession” of the physical body by Fallen Anu-Elohim consciousness. Through subtle personal contact or by receiving Melchizedek Monadic-Reversal Ordination from other Melchizedeks, many well meaning humans are tricked into unknowingly serving as Anunnaki Templar Priests, inadvertently passing on the codes of Monadic Reversal to all whom they ordain or initiate. The Fallen Seraphim D-10 Drakonians also use the Monadic Reversal tactic, but due to their more limited 10- Strand DNA Template capacity, they are far less skilled in misusing the Melchizedek Initiate System. Unless full Monadic Reversal and possession have occurred, frequent use of the Founders’ Temporary Maharic. Seal Bio-Regenesis Technique will progressively reverse and heal the effects of Monadic Reversal, restoring the integrity of the personal D-12 Maharata Intemal Christos Divine Blueprint. Restoration of the personal Divine Blueprint retums the activation sequence of the DNA Template to its ‘organic order. The misfortune of inadvertently receiving 2 Melchizedek Monadic-Reversal ordination ot initiation can be used to personal advantage with employment of DNA Template Bio-Regenesis technology. The Temporary Maharic Seal will progressively restore the natural activation sequence of the Intemal Christos Blueprint to the DNA Template, while the strands retain the level of frequency initiation they lly received. (Masters Templar Stewardship Manuel) When covertly running the Fallen Anu-Elohim Anti-Christos human genocide Jehovian agenda, in resistance to the Founders’ Emerald Covenant, the Alpha-Omega Anunnaki Templar Melchizedek Order promotes worship of extemal patriarchal Jehovah, YHWH, Buddha or Anu gods. They seduce followers into surrendering their personal power tothe false security of “angelic” and “ascended master’ impostors, and use Holographic Insert technology (re: Voyagers Volume-1) to dazzle humans with contrived false religious or spiritual experiences, while hiding the Founders’ True teachings of Inner Christos Mechanics. (Mactors Templar Sowardship Manua (© Cepright Atheana &Aheayana Dass, 2007, A Rpts Reser: Pato be CEO Fesdon Testing Soros. 23 Just Open Your Heart Philosophy One of the most common tactics of aggressive manipulation is the promotion ofthe “Just Open Your Heart” philosophy. Tr ies the patronization of “n ing your litle mind” about the issue of leamin« {to handle your 15-dimensional anatomy a standard lesson that any Christed being is required to leam in cgrder to achieve full self-sentient mastery. When running the Anti-Christos Agenda, the Alpha-Omega Order wil assure human contacts that the “angels” wil protect them or that “thought-adjusters” (AKA Fallen ‘Angelcs trained in biologically Induced mind contro) will ‘Align Them With God and Ascension.” ‘They promote the idea that the only thing Ascension requires is being a good person and handing your personal power and responsibility for your evolution over to some force outside of yourself. The ‘Just Open Your Heart’ ploy refers to opening your 4" Heart Chakra, which when done without the Founders’ Te yrary Maharic Seal before full 12*-Strand activation is i 1s the D-4 Astral ! of the aurio field to direct Fallen Angelic cording, frequency implants and infiltration Christos Agenda Melchizedeks teach opening of the Heart Chakra only with conscious activation of the ‘natural Temporary Maharic Seal, which draws the D-12 frequencies of your own Christos Blueprint ino the body to stimulate activation of the D-12 sub-harmonics in each strand of the DNA Template. They call it “opening the heart in only the Christos Way." This activates a natural D-12 Immunity Field within the DNA Template, Bio-energetic Field and Chakra System, which neutralizes the intended effects of harmful covert Implants, field infitrtion and cording. The only reason Fallen Angelics can achieve such power to create literal “soul rape” of humans is that humans have been intentionally denied access to the memory and clear, undistorted knowledge of basic Inner Christos Mechanics. Ignorance tothe “nature of the game of mulidimensional realy and of how to secure our personal bio-energetic fields through the innate Inner Christos Blueprint is the only true vulnerability Angelic Humans possess. (Masters Templar Stewardship Manual) Human Biology as a Tool Knowledge and a wilingness to take responsibly for ourselves and the natural mechanics of our 15- Dimensional anatomy are the methods by which we can disengage and prevent continued manifestation of Fallen Angelic infiltration and manipulation, Sadly, as we allow ourselves to play the “unwiting victims” to Fallen Angelic manipulation, we progressively assist them in fulfiment of their Anti-Christos Agenda on Earth, The Fallen Angelics’ historical and continuing interest in human genetics is not directly personal in nature, The human biology carries the DNA Template Signet Codes that correspond to activation and direction of Earth's Star Gates and Planetary Shields. ‘The human biology is a TOOL for Fallen Angelics. {they can infitrate the human DNA Template, block activation of the 12 or higher strands and activate strands 1-11 in reverse sequence, they can anchor their ‘consciousness on Earth within the human body. Once electro-magnetically bonded to the human biology Via the DNA Template, the Fallen Angelic consciousness can run the Rite of a Rainbow Round Table during a Stellar Activation Cycle, progressively creating reversal of the natural activation sequences in Earth's Star Gates, Through creating Monadic Reversal of the planet's Core Manifestation Template, they can fully sever the natural eleciro-magnetic ink between Earth and the D-12 Shield of Aramatena Universal Christos Blueprint. ‘Once this is accomplished, Earth's Star Gate system can be used as an Anti-Christos weapon to destroy Universal Star Gate-12, sealing our Time Matrix at D-11 under Fallen Angelic dominion, This is precisely the core motivation behind Fallen Angelic manipulation of humans; the event the Angelic Human guardian © Conn Ashoyare &ANzayane Dear, 207 AN Ris Rese, Prone WGEO Fado Teachings ™ Sones 4 ace was created to prevent through fulfilment of the Christos Realignment Mission. (Masters Templar ‘Stowardship Manual) Melchizedek Sealed Channel Channeling is about translating energy signatures. I's about pulling in energy signatures. Your body is bui to move energy through it and to translate that energy. All you need to do is point your consciousness toward something, move your consciousness into it, because you are a morphogenetic field and so is everything else. These are the illusions: solid things. There's no separation. If you just move your Consciousness in a direction, you're moving into the morphogenetic field of something else or someone else. You!l get an imprint. Then bring your consciousness back to you, and you will have something to read. There are levels of communication: there's live channeling, where you have one ofthe higher-ups come in; some of them just come right in they'l walkin, walk around: they/l knock you out where you go to sleep and they walk around in your body. We don't advise that. They tend to be very hard on the physical body and they bum out the circuits fast. Most full body channels lose about twenty years of their life span.'® You don't need it, because all you need to do is open the lines. The process of conscious telepathic communication means you get to have an open rapport of dialogue or direct cognition between yourself and higher levels of identity. In most cases when you begin opening, itll be portions of your own direct family line of consciousness that you will receive information from. Once in a while A’sha allows a member of her Rishi family to use her vocal cords, but not full body — just vocal chords. She comes through the 12-Dimensional Frequency, but she is a part of her Rishi collective."” Her name is Azara, and she's allowed to come down only to the throat. She does the meditations, ‘especially the ones where i's like “Okay we're doing a meditation now, but | don't know what itis. They haven't taught me yet." Since she's of A’sha's family line of consciousness, Azara's codes are very similar to hers. She's of the Melchizedek line, so there's nat a problem with being compromised. “When you star to open to your Soul family and your Over-Soul family, those things are okay, and they're permitted. What the Melchizedek Seeling will stop is D-4 interference, fourth dimensional interference due to people who just happened to get thrown out of their body because they got hit by @ car — they're floating around in the fourth dimension, not realizing what to do with their consciousness. They'e trying to find ‘somewhere to putt I they happen to find or feel a vibration that happens to be coming from you, if you put it in words it would say “I am open to receive, will someone tak to me.” They probably wil. They'l probably do more than talk; they'll probably say “Ah hal A body! Something to put myself in!" And they do this, not because they're trying to be mean but because they'e scared...people who cross over without knowing what the ropes are...'s kind of a scary experience until you realize is okay.” (Asha, Evoliionay Proooes of Hunan Consciousnss) ‘You don't want to deal with this ~ you don't need astral interference. Right now the iluminatis and the E.T.s = they're manipulators — and the government people they're manipulating are using the 4 dimensional frequencies to do their litle mind control games. You do not want to go to D-4 frequency unless you have a {ull line-up above it that will clear out any distortions in it. In addition, other Fallen Angelic collectives will ‘come in and if n smlly line, they will implant you in o ody. 'S Live body channeling also opens a person to fied inflaton and eventual body snatching "We all have a Rishi collective (Greece 2002) © conyretAaneyara&APeayoa Dear, 207, A igh Reserve ar othe MOEOFreeso Teachis™ Sr 25 ‘And once they have it, they won't give it up. This is a quick way to get all your codes reversed. So we ‘ever recommend full body channeling. *° ‘Once you've leamed to get your fields sealed, you don't have to worry about anything messing with you. You can communicate with your own Family from the Higher Levels. Family's okay, because you already have the coding within the DNA and they won't distort the body pattem. So its not going to harm you to ‘move the Gestalt Awareness into yourself. But, the parts, there are levels having to do withthe structure of things, such as how the Rishi creates levels of Avatars and they create levels of Over-Souls and the Over- Souls create 12 Souls and every Soul creates 12 Incamates. It's a BIG Family we're dealing with here, and all of us have the same Pathway as far as: Who is Whose Incamation. (Greece 2002) “That's what the Sealed Channel programs are about. And i's something you can do yourself ~ you don't ‘need anybody to do it for you. It means a lotto a lot ofthe ones of higher evolution to see us aweken, And they want to help. So it's a very special process of reciaiming portions of your identity that you left behind to get here. For the Ordinations you need a transmitter of the codes. There are certain codes that you have, that you can activate yourself, that will create a Seal, And by activating them you are giving permission to the God-Seed, orto the Melchizedek God-Seed — whichever you direct to; i's up to you whether you want to say just "My God-Seed” or “Let's go with the Big Guy just to make sure." (Asha, Evolutionary Process of ‘Human Consciousness) In the program, whether you want to choose Intation, or just work with the God-Seed without Initiation, you will need to eventually leam how to open a channel. You need to leam to hear your higher parts. Many Melchizedeks teach that channeling is bad, and the reason they're teaching that is because if i's not @ Sealed Channel, it can be very dangerous. And you're better off not channeling at all than taking a chance ‘on having something infiltrate you and misguide you into harming yourself or someone else. ‘At this point its very important that people lear to open to that guidance, "® because if things get a lite rocky here as we go through these next 12 years, there may not be seminars to go to and things like that We may be distracted with other things happening. If we knew without having to tum on the television or call up somebody to ask “What do | do next?’ if you knew that you could access that information right through your connection to your higher aspects, you'd feel a lot safer and you'd also take much more effective action. So opening the communication channel is @ gif if i's done right, and doing it right is doing iton what's called a Sealed Channel, That is a communication line that's sealed into the God-Seed, For most people that will be what's called a Melchizedek Sealed Channel, and it's just a matter of working with the energy to reconfirm and make sure that channeled frequency is activated. You've activated itin the body and it creates that link. It creates a conduit of frequency that information can be moved into, and if there's distortion ini, that vibration will purge it out; or it will block out things that are trying to come in and infitrate you. There are levels to it If you work with the God-Seed alone, you can get a relatively sealed channel, better than just trying to channel: “Okay, somebody tak to me,” Because what you usually get on those are the D- 4 guys: 4th dimensional ones that don't know any more than we do...and sometimes less. ‘You can seal the channel with the God-Seed, just by doing the Melchizedek Cloister eneray work and cunning the meditations. If you happen to be of one ofthe pulses of consciousness that came purely out of the Melchizedek Cloister, you will have a Melchizedek Sealed Channel, just by working with the God-Seed. But if you are of a pulse of consciousness that came out of one of the other God-Seeds, that's fine, they're Melchizedck Sealed Channeling entails becoing a conduit for information using the MahartalChristos Ray asthe carer wave. Never give up your body to anything or anyone! "This refers to your Higher Aspects of Sel especialy your Christos Avatar Salt. (© Cony Asana 8 Anza ewe, 207 ARs Reseed, Pat be MCEO Fredo Tecios™ Sr. 26

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