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EpiPen x4

DipStick x3

Inguinal Swelling x2

Speculum x2

TELEPHONE & Autism x7

Overweight / Obesity x4

Headache (PMS / SAH & High BP / Sinusitis / GCA / x10

Migraine and with Aura / transmale pt )

Heroin Addiction x5

Pneumonia x1

HTN x1

Dementia & Memory problems x14

Psychosis x5

Polymyalgia rheumatica x1

Euthanasia x1

Transgender x1

Cystic fibrosis x1

Post herpetic neuralgia x3

Septicemia x1

Chronic fatigue x3

Meningitis prophylactics x5

BBN (simulator ICH (dad / husband/brain Tu) x9

or telephone)
Breast Cancer x1

TIA x6

Aortofemoral bypass x1

Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis x1
HIV x2

Post-op bleeding x1

Aneurysm x2

Pregnancy x2

ETHICS & Medical colleague (coming late / cocaine ) x2

Disclose and not disclose information (Ca mother / x2
daughter depression)

Angry son/daughter (HF ttmt / levothyroxine dose / late Ca x10

CXR dx )

Concerned relative (Confused dad / mother with son / x10

dementia mum / premature son / baby not cared / child in
NICU / epilepsy)

Demanding treatment (OCP 6m prescription / Atbcs / x6

migraine wants CT / varicose vein

Missing investigation (bx / Full blood / Foreign body x4

Medical error (Pneumonia / Leg swelling / missed child x3


Information governance (change note / FB post) x5

Angry with colleague (post-MI with physiotherapist / x3

change counsellor / GP could not complain)

Abortion and Miscarriage x3

EXAMINATION Testicular examination (epididymitis / test. Mass / teaching x16

& / undescended testis / scrotal mass )
Ear pain / Otoscopy (ear wax / FB / cholesteatoma / loss of x10
hearing )

Catheterisation x2

Abdominal examination (alcoholic liver disease ) x6

Antenatal examination x1

Prostate examination (PSA result / demanding ) x10

Pap Smear (Mild dyskaryosis / lesbian ) x3


ABG x1

Venepuncture (PCTM OD / blood culture ) x4

Breast examination (lump ) x2

COUNSELLING Herbal medication (mother to child) x3

2 people policy x7

CF Pre-natal Counselling x1

Smoking cessation (COPD ) x4

Drug dependance x1

Contraception x3

Alcohol cessation x1

Concerned about dx or treatment (Breast Ca chemo ) x2


16yo pregnant vomiting x1

Unwell taking oxybutynyn (confused/nausea/vomiting) x3

Post op knee operation x2

Sexual orientation and gender identity counselling x3

Bullying (lesbian / workplace ) x4

SIMMAN Acute Ashtma Attack x3

Sepsis (Uro ) x9

Anaphylaxis x5

Confusion (infection / low Na / UTI / urinary retention / x6


AFib (& Pulmonary Oedema / & HF x10

Acute limb ischaemia x2

Hypoglycaemia x5

Pulmonary Embolism (Hysterec ) x4

Post- TURP x1

PEDS Baby w/ rash (amoxi allergy / urticaria ) x4

Enuresis x4

Infection (UTI / Chlamydia x5

Immunization (8w ) x4
Gilbert syndrome x1

Fall from height (NAI / OI / Orthop) x1

Viral encephalitis x1

Seizure x1

Febrile convulsion x1

Sore throat (sinusitis) / tonsilitis (and tonsillectomy) x4

Jaundice (physiological / neonatal x3

Chicken pox (also in OBGYN) x2

Neonatal conjunctivitis (Gonorrhea caused) x1

Meconium premature baby x1

Scabies x1

Developmental Milestones (Speech / walking ) x4

Impetigo x1

HX BASED Barrett Oesophagus x5

Chest pain x2

Vestibular Neuritis x1

Allergic rhinitis x1

Distended abdomen x2

Pericarditis x2

Fit (epilepsy ) x3

Skin lesion (seborrheic kheratosis / melanoma / Rash & x6

Cellulitis / wedding coming / scabies )

Ductal Carcinoma in situ x5

Dizziness (BPPV / Menieres / Spells ) x5

Gout x1

Urinary incontinence x1

Infection (UTI / Syphilis x3

Dysphagia x1

Hemangioma x2
Leukemia x1

Tummy pain x1

Diarrhea (Coeliac disease / IBS) x8

Thalassemia x1

Diabetic retinopathy x5

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome x2

Back pain (Renal colic / sprain / MM ) x8

Otitis Media (Acute Supurative) x3

Facial palsy x1

Eye Pain (Glaucoma / MS / Optic neuritis ) x3

Oesophageal Cancer x1

Prostate cancer x1

Age-related macular degeneration x3

Cataract x1

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA also in PED) x4

Haematuria (painless ) x1

Bell’s Palsy x1

Pulmonary Embolism (Trans ) x1

Fall (Postural hypotension ) x4

Palpitation x1

COPD (& Tiredness x2

Haematuria x1

Erectile dysfunction (gay pt x7

Raynaud’s Syndrome x1

Lump in neck x2

Anaemia (vegan diet / iron def ) x6

Insomnia (domestic violence / post partum depression ) x5

MANAGEMENT Post MI (HF / Lifestyle mods / not walk / SOB / drug side x6
effects )
Reluctant to be admitted / going to hospital (MI / DKA) x8

Blood reports (Alcoholic hepatitis/ High WBC / PCO ) x3

Stroke assessment x1

Post-mortem x3

ABG - refer to cardio x1

Testosterone overdose x1

Cannula (blocked / IV / post apendec ) x3

Scopy (sigmoidosc colorectal polyp / Coeliac endosc ) x2

Analgesia (nephropathy ) x1

Meds side effects (tiredness & ED) x1

Needlestick injury x2

Lesbian cervical smear x1

Pre-op assessment (screw removal) x1

Post-op complication (cyst infection ) x3

Review meds (hypothyroidism ) x1

SC Heparin x1

Denying treatment (breast Ca / PMR and steroids / HF) x5

Swab test: Gardnerella vaginalis +ve x1

OBGYN Antenatal clinic (Rubella -ve, smoker, alcoholic, breech) x8

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome x2

Post-menopausal bleeding x2

UTI in pregnant woman x1

Pre-eclampsia (Ramipril pregnant lady ) x2

Pelvic Inflammatory syndrome x1

Vaginal discharge x1

Pre-eclampsia x1

Premature Ovarian Failure x1

PSYCH Mood swing, stopped Depo-provera x2

Depressive lesbian after partner’s miscarriage x1

Low Mood (4, weight loss after husband left / 5 / because x4
of daughter )

Depression ( not improving with CBT / suicidal ideation ) x5

Behaviour problems in child (tantrum / conduct disorder ) x3

Delusional disorder x1

Psychotic episode x1


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