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The main features to be analysed in order to understand and appreciate a poem or other literary work include:
1. Theme.What is the work about? What is/are its main subject(s)?

2. Meaning.What does it mean (a) in its basic, natural sense, and (b) at a deeper level if there is one?

3. Aim.What effects is the writer trying to produce on the reader? Is he writing to delight, to convince, to inform, to

share an experience, to arouse an emotion, to evoke an image, to amuse, to shock, to improve judgement or

behaviour or enrich experience?

4. Form.Prose? Verse? (Metre, rhyme, rhythm, length, division into stanzas?)An article? An essay? A speech? An

extract from a novel? Stream of consciousness? Illustrated? Etc.

5. Style.How does the author write? Style is the whole set of literary devices used. What means does he use to please

the ear, communicate his meaning, evoke his images and arouse the reactions he aims at? What distinguishes

thiswork from how another writer might have addressed the same subject or sought to produce similar effects?

6. Perspective.Which person is the work written in? Does the author address the reader directly? Is it a narrative, a

soliloquy, a dialogue? Is it addressed to anyone in particular? What is the relation between the writer and his

subject – the I of the writer and the writer’s eye?

7. Tone.Tone is the author’s attitude to his subject. Is he detached, objective, grave, light-hearted, angry, ironic,

sentimental, reverent, blasphemous, provocative, etc? Does the tone change in the course of the work?

8. Mood. What is the atmosphere that pervades the piece? What is the overall feeling it communicates?

9. Result.Is the result successful as a work of art?

10. Background. Also potentially relevant to our appreciation are our knowledge of the writer and his times, his

subject, the occasion which led him to write this work, contemporary reactions, literary antecedents, etc.

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