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“WELCOME! Tarot by the Moon is a complete guide to divining with your Tarot cards for every new and full moon in 2023. There are new additions this year with Tarot spreads for the lunar and solar eclipses for 2023. Each new and full moon holds different astrological powers and energies that you can work with to enrich your life and reach your goals. You can work with any Tarot (or Oracle) deck you're drawn to. Take advantage of the full moon by bathing your decks in the moonlight on your window sill. This charges and cleanses them. Crystals too! Keep track of your goals by writing them down at the new moon for the —\- KK upcoming moon cycle. This gives you thirteen opportunities to make real magic in 2023. | hope you enjoy working with the Tarot by the Moon Guide in 2023 Blessings © copyright 2022 Ethony is CLOSING QUT 2022 Use the space below for words, images, and memories of 2022. © copyright 2022 Ethony a ‘MY 2023 ‘JAROT @ARD Go through your Tarot deck and purposefully choose your tarot card for 2023 The card you select should hold the energy you want to bring into your life this coming year. eee ITH Ay © copyright 2022 Ethony wK an Me we aK MA nk January 21, 2023 ‘NEW ‘MOON IN AQUARIUS Elevate your energy with this new moon. Tackle projects that require out- of-the-box thinking. Rebel against everything boring, expected, and overdone ; 1. How can | detach from any lingering issues or energies from the past? 2. How can | be more of a spiritual rebel? 3. How can | be more impactful with my vision? 4. Where in my life can | have more fun? & 5. What can | do to support my visions and goals? ae 3k SEBRUARY 5, 2023 FULL SMOON IN SEO This is the moon of the performer. Leos don't hide from attention. If there's something that needs to be said, they will say it. So don't be afraid to state your needs clearly. Shine brightly and sing loudly. 1. Where is my power during this full moon? 2. What belief, relationship, or habit no longer serves me? # 3. What area of life could benefit from me taking a risk? 4. Where am | being called to be creative and think outside the box? 5. Where am | seeking validation in my life? FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @f ‘NEW Moon IN PISCES This new moon is super dreamy and mystical, so embrace your inner Stevie Nicks and be a card-slinging oracle. Your empathic abilities will be heightened, enhancing your readings. It's a really good time to set artistic project goals. a 1, How can | experiment with my creativity? 2. What creative project is ready for my attention? yw wae 3. What is the next step | need to take? 4. How can | embrace my inner Mystic? We KK “Don March > , 2023 Pull Moon in Virgo Be in your body this full moon and enjoy your sensual self. Let go of critical words and be kind to everyone; you'll feel much happier. Virgos may get a hard time for being perfectionists, but it's a good reminder to ny watch the small details at work ater 1. How can | embrace my sensual side? 2. How can I be less critical this full moon? 3. What health and wellness areas need attention? 4, What area of my life needs reorganizing? MA © copyright 2022 Ethony “MARCH 21, 2023

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