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The rapid globalization of business, travel, and commerce necessitates efficient and user-friendly
solutions for currency exchange. To meet this demand, we present the development of an
Android-based Currency Exchange Conversion System. This project endeavors to provide users
with a convenient, secure, and real-time currency exchange experience, empowering them to
effortlessly convert currencies on their Android mobile devices. The Currency Exchange
Conversion System is designed with a user-centric approach, ensuring a seamless and intuitive
interface for users. It delivers access to up-to-the-minute exchange rates, enables effortless
currency selection, maintains transaction history, and incorporates robust security features to
protect sensitive data. The backend of the system comprises a sophisticated architecture that
seamlessly integrates real-time exchange rate data, robust currency conversion algorithms,
secure data storage, and reliable APIs. The system constantly updates exchange rates to
guarantee the accuracy of conversions. Stringent security measures are implemented to protect
user information and financial transactions. Quality assurance plays a pivotal role in the
development process, with comprehensive testing procedures covering functionality,
performance, and user acceptance. The successful culmination of the project leads to the
deployment of the Android app on the Google Play Store, making it readily accessible to users


1.1 Background of the Study

In today's interconnected global economy, currency exchange is an integral part of international

trade, travel, and investment. The fluctuating nature of exchange rates requires individuals and
businesses to continuously monitor and convert currencies to manage financial transactions
effectively. Mobile applications have become increasingly popular for accessing currency
exchange rate information and performing conversions conveniently. In this context, the
development of an Android-based Currency Exchange Conversion System aims to address the
growing need for accessible, reliable, and user-friendly tools for currency conversion
(Xing et al., 2020).

The widespread adoption of smartphones and the availability of mobile applications have
transformed the way people access information and perform various tasks. Currency exchange is
no exception. Mobile apps have emerged as a preferred method for obtaining up-to-date
exchange rate information, given their portability, accessibility, and real-time capabilities. Such
applications allow users to convert currencies quickly and accurately, facilitating cross-border
transactions, travel planning, and investment decisions (Vargas, 2017).

Nowadays, money plays an important factor in various aspects from sociological to economical
parts of life. The value of this money varies from country to country depending on the exchange
rate value it holds in the global market and also, it is determined by the demand for it, a bit like
the worth of products and services. Many people don't concentrate to exchange rates because
rarely do they have to. The typical person's lifestyle is conducted in their domestic currency.
Exchange rates only inherit a focus for infrequent transactions, like foreign travel, import
payments, or overseas remittances.

Hence to monitor and analyse the exchange rates of various currencies, many currency exchange
systems came into existence. These exchange systems were early available for the companies or
various institutions. But as there were advancements in technology, most of the tasks are being
on the mobile itself, so currency converter applications with much more features were made the
use by people across the globe. Mobile applications made it simpler, accessible anytime and
anywhere (Zao et al., 2019).

1.1 Statement of the problem

While numerous currency exchange apps are available in the market, they often exhibit
limitations and drawbacks. Some of the common challenges include:

i. Accuracy and Reliability: The accuracy of exchange rate information can vary among
apps, leading to potential discrepancies in conversion results.
ii. User Experience: The user interface and overall experience of many currency exchange
apps may not meet the standards of modern design and user-friendliness.
iii. Offline Functionality: Many apps require a continuous internet connection to fetch
exchange rate data, which can be inconvenient for users in areas with limited
iv. Privacy and Security: Security concerns may arise when users provide personal and
financial information in some currency exchange apps.

As the currency rates always fluctuate it becomes harder to monitor them. A simple Google
search is not always a viable option. You have to visit various websites for a reliable piece of
information. It’s also not easy to track a currency's performance over a while, and if there is a
need to transfer money immediately then it’s not possible. So, by providing all the currency-
related information and the ability to transfer money in one place such as a mobile application,
this issue can be solved.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this project is to develop an Android-based Currency Exchange Conversion System
that offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for currency conversion.

The Objectives are thus:

a. To Design an app that will quicken the process involved in currency exchange

b. To implement an application that will provide accurate and maximum security to

information security and records.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The development of an Android-based Currency Exchange Conversion System is significant as:

1. It addresses a practical need in today's globalized world.

2. It will serve as a valuable tool for individuals and businesses involved in international
transactions, tourism, and investment.
3. It contributes to the broader landscape of mobile applications, offering an example of
efficient and secure financial technology.
4. This study aims to create a valuable resource for Android users seeking reliable currency
exchange solutions and can potentially serve as a model for future app development
projects in the fintech sector.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This study covers the conversion of currencies of eight different countries which include USA
(dollars) UK (pounds) German (Deut she mark) France (French Frances) Japan (yen)
Switzerland (Swiss franc) European Union (euro) and Ghana (cedi) into Nigeria equivalent
which is the Nigeria currency (Naira).

1.5 Limitations of Study

This sub topic aims at identifying the existing problems associated with manual system of
currency exchange transaction in order to achieve a desired goal in the newly proposed system
for efficiency in currency markets.

But it is specifically designed to work in the Central Bank of Nigeria. Hence, certain
modifications have to be made if it has to work for any other bank. The issue of exchange rate
fluctuation, merchandise trade balance and flow of funds between countries to pay stocks and
bounds purchased and the rate of inflation other limitations to be reckoned with if this system is
to be effectively implemented.

1.6 Definition of Relevant Terms

a. Automation: The use of automated machine such as computers is an organization for

rapid processing test.
b. Merchandise Trade Balance: It is the net difference between thevalue of merchandise
trade balance being exported and imported into a particular country.
c. Manual System: These are systems that are put into work using bare hand or physical
skill (effort).
d. Computer Program: A set of instructions meant to be obeyed by the computer in order
to accomplish a specific purpose.
e. Database: A collection of stored operational data used as information of related records
for easy reference.
f. Database Management System (DBMS): It is a collection of programs that enable users
create and maintain a database.
g. Algorithm: This is the method of solving a problem using operation for a given set of
basic operation which produces the answers in a given set of basic operation which
produces in a finite step.

h. Flowchart: It is a diagrammatic representation of algorithm using a limited set of

symbols that outlines the program before writing it.

i. Pseudo code: It is a distribution of an algorithm using English expression, mathematical

notation and a limited set of special command to represent the actual program.


2.1 Introduction

In an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, the dynamics of international finance

and trade depend heavily on the seamless exchange of currencies. Currency exchange plays a
pivotal role in facilitating international commerce, tourism, investment, and numerous financial
transactions. The ability to access accurate and up-to-date currency conversion rates is crucial for
individuals and businesses operating in the global economy. However, despite the abundance of
currency exchange rate information available today, many users continue to face challenges in
obtaining real-time and user-friendly currency conversion data (Vargas, 2017).

This chapter focuses on the development of an Android-based Currency Exchange Conversion

System, aiming to address these challenges by providing a practical, efficient, and user-friendly
solution. Currency exchange is a fundamental component of global trade, travel, and investment,
and the need for a reliable, easily accessible tool for currency conversion is evident. The Android
platform, with its widespread popularity and accessibility, is an ideal medium for delivering such
a system to a broad user base.

2.2 Importance of Currency Exchange in the Global Economy:

Currency exchange is the process of converting one currency into another at an agreed-upon
exchange rate. In the global economy, this exchange of currencies is essential for several reasons
according to (Thakur, 2018).

a) International Trade: Businesses engaged in international trade need to convert currencies

to facilitate transactions. Exchange rates affect the costs of importing and exporting
goods and, therefore, have a direct impact on a country's trade balance.
b) Tourism: Travelers around the world frequently exchange their home currencies for the
local currency of their destination. Access to accurate exchange rate information is
crucial for making informed financial decisions while abroad.
c) Investment: Investors involved in international markets and foreign exchange markets
rely on currency exchange rates to assess their investments' performance. Currency
values can significantly impact investment returns.
d) Economic Policies: Exchange rates are influenced by a country's economic policies and
macroeconomic factors. They play a pivotal role in monetary policy decisions and
influence a nation's competitiveness in international markets.

2.3 The Need for a User-Friendly Android-Based System:

While access to currency exchange rate information is vital, users often encounter difficulties in
obtaining real-time, reliable, and user-friendly data. This project recognizes the following needs:

i. Real-Time Information: Currency exchange rates are subject to constant fluctuations.

Users require access to real-time exchange rate data to make informed decisions.
ii. Accessibility: The system should be readily accessible to a wide range of users,
irrespective of their location or level of expertise. Android, as one of the most widely
used mobile operating systems globally, offers an ideal platform for delivering such
iii. User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly design is crucial for ensuring that individuals
and businesses can easily and efficiently convert currencies. An intuitive Android
application can provide a seamless user experience.
iv. Accuracy and Reliability: Currency exchange is a matter of financial importance. Users
need a system that provides accurate and reliable data to avoid any potential financial
v. Additional Features: The Android-based system can offer value-added features, such as
historical exchange rate data, currency conversion calculators, and notifications of
significant rate changes.
2.4. Currency Exchange Apps:

The proliferation of smartphones and mobile applications has reshaped the way individuals and
businesses access and use currency exchange services. Existing currency exchange apps can be
categorized into two main types:

1. Informational Apps: Many apps primarily provide users with up-to-date exchange rate
information. These apps serve as valuable resources for travelers and international traders
who need to stay informed about currency fluctuations.
2. Conversion Apps: Currency conversion apps go a step further by allowing users to input
specific amounts in one currency and receive the equivalent amount in another. These
apps are particularly useful for travelers and individuals engaged in international

However, many of these apps suffer from drawbacks, including inconsistencies in exchange rate
accuracy, limited offline functionality, and security concerns related to user data.

2.5 Mobile App Development:

The development of mobile applications, particularly for the Android platform, has seen rapid
advancements. The Android operating system provides a versatile environment for app
development, and developers can leverage a wide range of tools and resources to create user-
friendly applications. Key aspects of mobile app development include:

a. User Experience (UX): Modern mobile app development places a strong emphasis on
providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience. Design, navigation, and
responsiveness are critical factors in creating successful applications.
b. Real-Time Data: Access to real-time data, such as exchange rates, is crucial for currency
exchange apps to provide accurate and up-to-date information to users.
c. Security: Security is paramount, especially for apps dealing with financial data. Mobile
app developers must implement robust security measures to protect user information and
2.6 Gaps and Opportunities:

The existing literature and state of currency exchange applications on the Android platform
reveal several gaps and opportunities for improvement:

a. Inaccurate Exchange Rates: Many existing apps rely on unreliable data sources, resulting
in inaccuracies in currency conversion. Developing a system that consistently provides
accurate exchange rates is a crucial opportunity.
b. Offline Functionality: In regions with limited or unreliable internet connectivity, the lack
of offline functionality can hinder users' ability to access exchange rate information.
Implementing offline capabilities can address this issue.
c. Privacy and Security Concerns: Security breaches and data privacy issues are becoming
increasingly prevalent. Ensuring robust data security measures will enhance user trust in
the application.
d. Fintech and Mobile Banking: The development of the Android-Based Currency
Exchange Conversion System should also consider the broader fintech landscape, as
many financial institutions are integrating currency exchange and international transfer
capabilities into their mobile banking apps. The study should explore opportunities for
integration or competition within this ecosystem.

2.6.1 Pace of change and time to market

In times of digital transformation, the speed of technological change is disproportionally

accelerating with new digital capabilities being rolled out every year. The technological
capability of applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing,
and mobile technologies significantly increases the overall pace of change. For example,
entire industries, like the newspaper business, have been transformed and digitized within
a very short period of time (Karimi and Walter 2015). Further, the cloud and online
platforms have revolutionized the process and pace of turning an innovative idea into a
business (Vey et al. 2017). Today, innovative ideas can be realized within days and
companies set-up literally ‘overnight’. In this sense, in the digital world striving for a ‘first-
mover advantage’ due to a ‘winner takes it all’ environment has become more important
for incumbent firms (Grover and Kohli 2013) as they have much less time to respond to
such threats and should not give away first-mover advantages too easily.

Moreover, pure digital companies like Facebook, Google or Amazon have substantially raised
the overall time to market and speed of product launches (Bharadwaj et al. 2013). With
continuous improvements in hardware, software and connectivity, these companies set the pace
for a tightly timed series of product launches. Thus, firms in the hybrid world (digital and
physical) are being put under enormous pressure to also accelerate their product introductions. In
a digitally transformed market, the control of speed of product development and launches is
increasingly transferred to an ‘ecosystem of innovation’ in the sense of a network of actors with
complementary products and services (Bharadwaj et al. 2013).

2.6.2 Technology capability and integration

The technological capability and power of digital transformation applications, such as for
example the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, and mobile technologies, is in
terms of computing power, data storage and information distribution in many cases significantly
higher than in previous technology-driven transformations. Earlier business transformations were
mostly concerned about introducing internal management information systems such as enterprise
resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM). These transformations
were usually limited to improvements to business processes within firm boundaries (see Ash and
Burn 2003; Kauffman and Walden 2001in: Li et al. 2017). But today, cross-boundary digital
technologies such as IoT devices (Ng and Wakenshaw 2017), 3D printing (Rayna and
Striukova 2016), and big data analytics (Dremel et al. 2017), drive transformations that go far
beyond internal process optimizations as they potentially induce drastic changes to business
models (Rayna and Striukova 2016), organizational strategy (Bharadwaj et al. 2013), corporate
culture (El Sawy et al. 2016; Dremel et al. 2017; Sia et al. 2016), and entire industry structures
(Kohli and Johnson 2011).

Further, the review confirms that the role and significance of data itself is changing profoundly
and that personal data has become one of the most powerful assets in the digital era (Ng and
Wakenshaw 2017). In fact, we believe the impact of the massive increase in quantity and quality
of data generated every day (Bharadwaj et al. 2013) and the game changing power of big data
analytics (Günther et al. 2017) are yet to be fully experienced and understood by society,
economy and academics.

With regards to the process of dematerialization of tangible products and objects (e.g. CDs,
books, machinery etc.), triggered by the transformative capabilities of digital technologies, the
most notable insight is that intriguingly, in many cases the digital substitutes, for example e-
books, offer superior performance and higher customer benefits than their physical counterparts
(Loebbecke and Picot 2015). This, for example, is in contrast to the assumptions provided by
Christensen (1997) more than 20 years ago, arguing that new disruptive technologies usually
provide different values from mainstream technologies and are often initially inferior to
mainstream technologies, therefore only serving niche markets in the beginning.

Finally, regarding technology integration, the current state of research emphasizes the
importance of flexible IT (Cha et al. 2015), new enterprise platforms (El Sawy et al. 2016), and a
strong and scalable operational backbone (Sebastian et al. 2017) as part of an agile digital
infrastructure. The old paradigms of technology integration are not effective any more. However,
in a second step we need to reach a more comprehensive understanding of ‘how’ and ‘where’ the
integration of technology and transformation activities should be embedded within the
organizational architectures of incumbent firms.

2.6.3 Consumer and other stakeholder interface

With regards to the customer interface, which is currently receiving the highest levels of
attention by scholars, we conclude that there is some solid research particularly on changes in
consumer behavior (Berman 2012; El Sawy et al. 2016; Ives et al. 2016; Lanzolla and
Anderson 2008), consumer preferences (Vey et al. 2017) and consumer knowledge
(Berman 2012; Granados and Gupta 2013). Firstly, our review confirms that in the new digital
marketplace, consumers behave differently than before, and traditional marketing techniques
may not apply anymore. Today there are myriad choices to easily gather information about
products and services far before the actual purchase. For instance, customer buying decisions are
increasingly influenced by online customer-to-customer interaction via platforms and social
media, where users share products feedbacks, upload home video clips, or publish blog entries
(Berman 2012). In this sense, digital technologies are also transforming firms’ customer-side
operations (Setia et al. 2013) and customer engagement strategies (Sebastian et al. 2017). For
example, reaching out to customers in a digital environment requires digital omnichannel
marketing, including e.g. social media, mobile apps, and augmented reality (El Sawy et
al. 2016). Secondly, we may note that digital technologies increasingly reduce the information
asymmetries between sellers and buyers (Granados and Gupta 2013). In this sense, information
ubiquity (Vey et al. 2017) and instant access to data via mobile technologies (Berman 2012)
profoundly change the long-established seller–customer relationship. And thirdly, the current
literature raises awareness for the emergence of multi-sided business models. While in the ‘old’
world, intermediaries were matching sellers and buyers, in the digital market place,
intermediation increasingly takes place through the establishment of multi-sided digital platforms
and networks (Bharadwaj et al. 2013; Evens 2010; Pagani 2013).

2.6.4 Distributed value creation and value capture

The review of the literature reveals that the value chain has become far more distributed in
times of digital transformation—particularly value creation and value capture. Two major
changes can be observed here: (1) digital technologies offer opportunities to customers to
co-create products with the manufacturer, e.g. via digital platforms (El Sawy et al. 2016;
Ng and Wakenshaw 2017), and (2) on an inter-firm level value is increasingly co-created
and captured in a series of partnerships in a value network (Evens 2010). As Bharadwaj et
al. (2013) argue, network effects are the key differentiator and driver of value creation and
capture in a digital world. The focus of value creation is therefore shifting from value chain
to value networks. For this purpose, companies like Google are experimenting with multi-
sided business models. In such a multilayered business model, a company gives away
certain products or services in one layer to capture value at a different layer (Bharadwaj et
al. 2013). Google is giving away its Android operating system for free and captures value
via the ability to control advertising on every phone that uses Android.
In more general terms, we may conclude that control of value in the digital world is less
and less determined by R&D capabilities, competitors, or industry boundaries. Instead the
buyer, not the seller, determines the dimensions of value that matter (Keen and
Williams 2013). Therefore, businesses need to engage with their customers at every point in
the process of value creation (Berman 2012). Also, the strong impact of digital technologies
on incumbent’s value chains imply some degree of deviation from the classical and often
analog core business. For example, new product-related competencies, platform
capabilities or value architectures will be required. And, incumbents must prepare for new
forms of monetization in the digitized marketplace.

2.6.5 Market environment and rules of competition

This is a rather broad and diverse categorization in our review, as it comprises technology-driven
changes in the market environment. After consumer-centric aspects this research stream received
the most attention by scholars in the review (on the technology-centric side). In sum, the current
state of literature recognizes three major developments. First, digital transformation redefines,
blurs and even dissolves existing industry boundaries which may lead to cross-industry
competition (Sia et al. 2016; Weill and Woerner 2015). Dominant industry logics (Sabatier et
al. 2012) apparently do not work anymore in times of digital transformation. The ‘new kid on the
block can come out of the blue’ (Vey et al. 2017, p. 23) and even individuals can become
competitors as 3D Printing is expected to lead to a sharp increase in competition from SMEs and
individual entrepreneurs (Rayna and Striukova 2016). And with the emergence of multi-sided
business models also incumbents are starting to disrupt new markets (Weill and Woerner 2015).
For instance, Google is disrupting the mobility sector with its self-driving car subsidiary Waymo,
while Amazon has introduced AmazonFresh as a grocery delivery service which is seen as a
potentially tough competitor to supermarkets. Second, with the emergence of digital platforms,
networks, and ecosystems the market infrastructure becomes increasingly interconnected (Grover
and Kohli 2013; Majchrzak et al. 2016; Markus and Loebbecke 2013). In a broader sense, we see
a shift from controlling or participating in a linear value chain to operating in an ecosystem or
network (Weill and Woerner 2015). As different types of innovation networks with different
cognitive and social translations regarding knowledge emerge, novel properties of digital
infrastructure in support of each network are required. Digital technologies therefore increase
innovation network knowledge heterogeneity (Lyytinen et al. 2016). Third, the free flow of
digital goods precipitates an erosion of property rights and higher risks of imitation (Loebbecke
and Picot 2015).

2.7 Review of Related Works

Diniz et al. [2018] carried out an extensive literature review of 192 papers to synthesize
knowledge about actors and institutions of mobile payment technologies. Similarly, Karsen
et al. [2019] conducted a review on the key technological factors related to mobile
payments. Their study identified 17 key technological factors for using mobile payment

Another review study by Dahlberg et al. [2020] focused on the past, present and future of
mobile payment technology. They focused on the impacts of the social and cultural aspects
of mobile payment methods. The study also included comparisons between mobile and
traditional payment services.

Ahmad and Hamzah [2017] reviewed a growing volume of studies on mobile e-wallet
adoption in developing countries. The study found that electronic wallets have emerged as
one of the most popular digital payment methods and gained more attention from

Kabir et al. [2019] reviewed 51 papers on e-payment adoption and highlighted the use of
scope, methodology and information system models.

Casino et al. [2017] conducted a review of 54 papers concerning blockchain-enabled

applications. The study included a systematic classification of applications related to
blockchain technology and established trends and key areas of research. Their study
highlighted the potential disruption of blockchain technology to revolutionize ‘business-as-
usual’ practices.

Another study by Patil et al. [2020] explored 21 articles to determine factors influencing the
adoption of digital payments, showing the drivers and inhibitors for the adoption of the digital
payment technologies.

The technical challenges in privacy, security and lack of technical infrastructure were cited the
most in some studies Patil et al. [2020]. It was evident that consumers face security problems and
poor network connectivity issues while making cashless transactions Vinitha [2022]. Similarly,
their lack of awareness in existing security controls causes vulnerabilities in payment
technologies, which severely compromise the users’ privacy and users’ data communications
Singh et al.,[2018]. Thus, it is crucial to incorporate smart security features technically into the
payment systems, so that the users can use digital payment technologies without the fear of
security and privacy threats. Furthermore, it was confirmed that privacy and security factors
influence payment technologies amongst micro, small and medium enterprises Dahlberg et al.
[2020]. Additionally, an assessment of country-level privacy risk for digital payment systems
highlighted the privacy risks from cyberattacks and the threat of data misuse from the analysis of
mobile wallets and remittance privacy policies Diniz et al. [2018

Hess et al. (2016), we define digital transformation as organizational change triggered by digital
technologies. Hence, we argue that two perspectives of digital transformation within
organizations must be captured: a technology-centric and an actor-centric perspective.

Today, information technologies have become ‘one of the threads from which the fabric of
organization is now woven’ (Zammuto et al. 2007, p. 750). Digital technologies are considered a
major asset for leveraging organizational transformation, given their disruptive nature and cross-
organizational and systemic effects (Besson and Rowe 2012). In order to achieve successful
digital transformation, changes must occur at various levels within the organization, including an
adaptation of the core business (Karimi and Walter 2015), the exchange of resources and
capabilities (Cha et al. 2015; Yeow et al. 2018), the reconfiguration of processes and structures
(Resca et al. 2013), adjustments in leadership (Hansen and Sia 2015; Singh and Hess 2017), and
the implementation of a vivid digital culture (Llopis et al. 2004). Therefore, the scope of our
review revolves around digital transformation at the organizational level only (in contrast to
implications at the individual level).

In conclusion, the literature review underscores the importance of currency exchange

applications in today's globalized world and highlights the existing challenges in the field. The
proposed Android-Based Currency Exchange Conversion System aims to bridge these gaps and
provide an accurate, user-friendly, and secure solution for currency conversion, taking advantage
of the capabilities offered by the Android platform and advancements in mobile app



A system methodology is a standard process followed by an organization to conduct all the steps
necessary to analyze, design, implement and maintain information system. A system
methodology describes the activity involved in defining, building and implementing a system.

3.2 System Methodology

A system methodology is a standard process followed by an organization to conduct all the steps
necessary to analyze, design, implement and maintain information system. A system
methodology describes the activity involved in defining, building and implementing a system.
System methodology can be classified into the following:

 Fact Finding Approach

 Programming language used

 Design Approach

3.2.1. Fact finding

Fact finding is the method or approach used in gathering data during the findings. The following
methods were used in the collection of data during the preliminary study.

Internet: As it is known today that almost in all fields, the current, relevant and updated
information can be acquired from the internet. Relevant website will be visited and updated
information will be downloaded to make the project up-to-date.

3.2.2. Design Approach

Extensive use of the menu driven approach was adopted in the design of the new system. A
menu-driven interface is simply an easier way of navigating the devices and programs we
interact with on a daily basis. It employs a series of screens, or ''menus,'' that allow users to
make choices about what to do next. A menu-driven interface can use a list format or
graphics, with one selection leading to the next menu screen, until the user has completed
the desired outcome.

Menu-driven interfaces are preferred for their simplicity and user-friendly properties.
Similar to the Choose Your Own Adventure books, menu-driven interfaces let you choose
one step that leads to another until you've finished all the steps and gotten what you
needed. This allows you to accomplish such tasks as getting cash from an ATM machine,
getting information from a kiosk or arriving at the proper section of your Smartphone
properties to connect to a coffee shop's wifi.

Menu driven approach was adopted because of the following reasons:

 Extremely easy to use. Someone who has never seen the interface before can work out
what to do

 There are no commands to learn or remember

 Step-by-step options are given so that the user doesn't have to remember anything

 Even if you don't know what to do, you can usually guess your way around the options

 Menu interfaces don't have to be visual, they can be spoken - good for telephones or for
visually impaired people

 They don't need huge amounts of processing power or memory

 It is fairly easy for the software programmer to create the same menus in different

3.3 System Design

System design is the process of defining the components, modules, interfaces, and data for a
system to satisfy specified requirements. A system is defined as a collection of interrelated
element working together to accomplish a certain task. The design of the new system is based on
the available data obtained during the fact finding phase of the system development. The system
is design to be flexible, robust and easy to use i.e. user friendly.

The design of the new system involves a careful design of the input, processing and output
specification. The resources needed for the maximum productivity of the new system, which will
enable to meet user’s requirement include minimum of the hardware configuration requirement
and software requirement.

In this section (3.3) the following components of system design are identified and discussed;

a. Input design and specification

In an information system, input is the raw data that is processed to produce output. During the
input design, the developers must consider the input devices such as PC, MICR, OMR, etc.

Therefore, the quality of system input determines the quality of system output. Well designed
input forms and screens have following properties:

❖ It should serve specific purpose effectively such as storing, recording, and

retrieving the information.

❖ It ensures proper completion with accuracy.

❖ It should be easy to fill and straightforward.

❖ It should focus on user’s attention, consistency, and simplicity.

b. Output design and specification

Data generated by a computer is referred to as output. This includes data produced at a software
level, such as the result of a calculation, or at a physical level, such as a printed document. A
basic example of software output is a calculator program that produces the result of a
mathematical operation. A more complex example is the results produced by a search engine,
which compares keywords to millions of pages in its Web page index. Devices that produce
physical output from the computer are creatively called output devices. The most commonly
used output device is the computer's monitor, which displays data on a screen. Devices such as
the printer and computer speakers are some other common output devices.

c. Screen design
Screen design refers to the graphic design and layout of user interfaces on displays. It is a sub-
area of user interface design but is limited to monitors and displays. In screen design, the focus is
on maximizing usability and user experience by making user interaction as simple and efficient
as possible.

d. Control Design

Control design, or the design of controllers, refers to techniques for controlling the modes of a
system using any controllable device in the system, such as a generating unit or a FACTS device.
A detailed modal analysis of the modes of a power system is required to design linear control

The new software to be develop did not requires fully trains people to run the software in other to
operate it perfectly. Any person who can be able to operate an android device would be able to
use the application fluently. The technical requirement for developing the system we have a
bright experience in Android Application Development using XML, Java, Firebase backend and
they are enough for the implementation of the new Functional Android Application

e. Database Design

A database is an orderly arrangement of all the records related to each other. It serves as data
resource for the MIS of an organization. The designer should keep the following points in mind:

i) Identify all data tables and record types

ii) Identify fields for each table, the key fields for each table and relations between various

iii) Determine the data type and width for each field of the tables

iv) Normalize the data tables

v) Properly document data dictionary

f. Processing Design

Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code for the
visual arts. This open source software teaches how to produce visual, interactive media and
promotes programming as an essential part of creative practice.

As the existing systems are manual and semi computerized platforms and are not covered in a
single running environment which lead to some difficulties and inefficiency. The new solution is
feasible in all sense operationally it’s. The new system demands only little knowledge on 19 how
to operate an android device. It is just a normal android application that will run on our smart
phones so the system is operationally feasible. (Muaz, 2016)

g. Program Design

The program design is a series of questions and considerations which guide a proposal
writer. through the design process of a new or re-engineered program. Spending time at the front
end. in design and theory application will increase the chance that the program will succeed.

Program design consists of the steps a programmer should do before they start coding the
program in a specific language. These steps when properly documented will make the completed
program easier for other programmers to maintain in the future. There are three broad areas of

 Understanding the Program

 Using Design Tools to Create a Model

 Develop Test Data

h. Flowcharting

Flowcharts are diagrams of user flows and tasks in processes. Designers use these versatile tools
to visualize the interactions in designs and present easy-to-understand maps of designs to
stakeholders. They connect labeled, standardized symbols with lines to show everything users
might do in interactive contexts. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or
process. A flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a
step-by-step approach to solving a task. The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds,
and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows. Flowcharts are classified into two which

 System flowchart

 Program Flowchart
a. System Flowchart

System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and how decisions are
made to control events. To illustrate this, symbols are used. They are connected together to show
what happens to data and where it goes. Note that system flow charts are very similar to data
flow charts.
b. Program Flowchart
The program flowchart is a data flow that shows the data flow while writing a program or
algorithm. It allows the user to explain the process quickly as they collaborate with others. These
programming flowcharts also analyze the logic behind the program to process the code of the



4.1 Introduction

System implementation has to do with the conversion of the system’s conceptual and logical
designs into a physical implementation. Implementation activities include selection and
installation of chosen language, coding, debugging, testing, documentation, training and user
manual. In this project work, a FIREBASE server was installed on a system and the software was
coded on its IDE and deployed on a remote host. The coding involves a systematic representation
of the system’s model in an automated form under a choice development environment.
Debugging and testing the software include removing the errors of the system at the different
stages of its development and running the system severally as each error is debugged. The
software runs well on a hosted server following the architectural structure stipulated in the

System implementation is the stage of putting together the different parts of the system to build
the whole system, making it active or feasible. In this chapter, the following are identified and

a. Installation Requirement

b. Staff Training

c. System testing

d. Change-over procedure

4.2 Installation Requirement

This comprises of the hardware and software requirement needed to enhance implementation,
effective use and outstanding result of the developed system.

4.2.1 Hardware Requirement

The components of the computer, which are visible and could be touched, are often referred to as
hardware components. They consist of electronics devices and circuits.

The following hardware components will be needed to enhance the system effective operation.

I. At least Pentium M processor system

II. An enhanced keyboard terminal and mouse as input device

III. A color VGA or SVGA monitor

IV. Hard disk of about 30GB to 250GB space

V. Android Mobile Phone

4.2.2 Software Requirement

Software refers to the structured set of instruction codes that specifies to the computer how to
perform a specific task which is otherwise known as computer programs.

This is the inverse of the hardware that is, component of the computer which are invisible and
cannot be touched.

The software resources required for the developed system to function effectively and efficiently

I. Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4, Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Edition with Service Pack 2

II. Firebase Server

III. JDK 7 (Java Development Kits 7)

IV. Android Studio 3.5

V. JRE 7 (Java Runtime Environment 7)

4.3 Staff Training/ How to load the Program

The following are the procedure to follow in order to load this desktop application

i. Database installation and configuration

ii. Google Play Servicesmust be installed on the mobile phone in order connect to remote
firebase database. The software must be installed before runnig the program.
iii. Open Google Play. On your phone, use the Play Store app . On your computer, go

iv. Find an app you want.

v. To check that the app is reliable, find out what other people say about it.

a. Under the app's title, check the star ratings and the number of downloads.

b. To read individual reviews, scroll to "Reviews" section.

vi. When you pick an app, tap Install (for no-charge apps) or the app's price.

4.4 System Testing

System testing requires the need to ensure that the individual program has been written correctly
and that the whole system will function as expected. The output or result of the system testing
concludes on the efficiency, usability and reliability of the system. There are two main types of
testing, they are:

(i) Program testing: The test data are supplied, and the result is expected to ensure all the
possible unforeseen emergencies specified in the program have been satisfied.

(ii) Procedure testing: Here, the aim is to make sure that the system as a whole is integrated
as planned.

The system tests are carried out with appropriate data and results were obtained. The reports
generated will be displayed and printed.
4.4 Changeover Procedure

The shift from the old system to the new system is also a paramount aspect and needed to be
handled with utmost care. This changeover procedure can be done through several methods, they

a. Direct implementation

b. Parallel implementation

c. Phase implementation

d. Pilot implementation

4.4.1 Direct Implementation

In this method, the changeover procedure from the existing system to the new system is done at
once. The old system is made operational, that is, the new system is used to replace the old

4.4.2 Parallel Implementation

This involves the concurrent running of both the old system and the new system for a specific
period of time, which allows a comparison between the two, in order to determine if the system
has fully satisfied the requirements. If the requirements and performance of the new system is
satisfactory, it is continued. If otherwise, it is subjected to further development.

4.4.3 Phase Implementation

This approach of implementation of the new system is done in stages or phases. It is often used
when the scope of coverage is too large for a single time implementation.

Having considered the methods to implementing a new system, the parallel implementation is
believed to be the most effective, appropriate and efficient for this project work. This is as a
result of the advantages embedded in the new system which will outperform the old system and
allow comparison between the two systems.

4.4.4 Pilot Implementation

The new system is run alongside the old system, but only processes some of the data. For
example a supermarket might try out a new stock control system on one till in a store, with all
sales at this till being recorded by both the old and new systems. Sales at this till may take
longer, but the amount of effort required is less than that for a parallel changeover. The results
produced by the two systems can be compared to see if the new system appears to work. As the
new system is only being used with a small amount of data, problems that might result from
processing a realistically large volume of data might not be noticed.

In this project, parallel changeover is adopted because, it involves the concurrent running of
both the old system and the new system for a specific period of time, which allows a comparison
between the two, in order to determine if the system has fully satisfied the requirements. If the
requirements and performance of the new system is satisfactory, it is continued. If otherwise, it is
subjected to further development.

4.5 Strengths and weaknesses of the project

We will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of android based operating system been designed
in this project

The strengths of this project include;

i. The systems are very user-friendly and self-explanatory.

ii. They provide fast and easy usage

iii. They increase time efficiency.

iv. The development of Android-based applications is multitasking. As a result, a user can

use two or more applications at the same time. This allows you to listen to songs and
stream them through your social accounts.

v. Simple to use functionalities

The weaknesses of this system include:

i. The Android applications might be cost effective but they need a continuous and
uninterrupted internet connection. A lot of money needs to be spent on costly GPRS

ii. An opens source operating system invites a lot of attacks. The Android-based
applications are notoriously infamous for containing malicious viruses.

iii. Their systems are disperse and not integrated as a single application and some component
are hard to use and operate.

iv. It is always an Achilles’ heels for Android, a lot of processes running in the background
consume a lot of energy. The Android-based smartphones face a lot of criticism for this
strength zapping weakness.

4.6 System Review and Maintenance

System review refers to a continuing process in which the current or new system is reviewed by
monitoring how well the system is supporting the goals of the organisation. The ongoing system
maintenance process, on the other hand, guarantees that the system remains effective and
relevant for as long as possible.

System maintenance refers to a continuous stage of system development during which the
operational system is checked and changed or modified to improve it and make it more useful in
terms of meeting the goals of users and organisations. Software maintenance is the totality of
activities required to provide cost-effective support to a software system. Activities are
performed during the pre-delivery stage as well as the post-delivery stage. Pre-delivery activities
include planning for post-delivery operations, supportability, and logistics determination. Post
delivery activities include software modification, training, and operating a help desk.”


V.0. Summary

This study focused on the development of an Android-Based Currency Exchange Conversion

System to provide a user-friendly, accurate, and accessible tool for currency conversion and
exchange rate information. The system was designed to address the limitations of existing
currency exchange apps and offer real-time rates, offline functionality, and robust security. The
research and development process resulted in a functional Android application that meets these

V.1. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Android-Based Currency Exchange Conversion System represents a

successful development that addresses the needs of users requiring efficient and secure currency
conversion tools. Continuous updates, user feedback, expansion to other platforms, and strategic
partnerships are essential to ensure the system's long-term success and usability, benefiting
individuals and businesses engaged in cross-border transactions and investments.

V.2. Recommendations

Having come to the completion of this project work and design, the following were

1. This system should be developed for every system user.

2. It should also be used in organizations and offices so as to secure their information and
maintain their security and third party agreements.

3. The system can be made to communicate with modems or mobile phones.

4. The app should be customized for different regions by offering language options,
regional currency preferences, and relevant local information.


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import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.View;

import android.widget.AdapterView;

import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;

import android.widget.Button;

import android.widget.EditText;

import android.widget.Spinner;

import android.widget.TextView;


import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private EditText amountEditText;

private Spinner fromCurrencySpinner;

private Spinner toCurrencySpinner;

private Button convertButton;

private TextView resultTextView;

// Define currency conversion rates (for example)

private Map<String, Double> conversionRates = new HashMap<>();


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



// Initialize UI elements

amountEditText = findViewById(;

fromCurrencySpinner = findViewById(;

toCurrencySpinner = findViewById(;

convertButton = findViewById(;

resultTextView = findViewById(;

// Populate the spinners with currencies (e.g., USD, EUR, GBP)

ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this,

R.array.currencies, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);



// Set initial conversion rates (example rates)

conversionRates.put("USD", 1.0);

conversionRates.put("EUR", 0.85);

conversionRates.put("GBP", 0.73);

// Set a click listener for the convert button

convertButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View v) {



private void convertCurrency() {

try {

double amount = Double.parseDouble(amountEditText.getText().toString());

String fromCurrency = fromCurrencySpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

String toCurrency = toCurrencySpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

// Perform the currency conversion

double fromRate = conversionRates.get(fromCurrency);

double toRate = conversionRates.get(toCurrency);

double result = (amount / fromRate) * toRate;

// Display the result

resultTextView.setText(String.format("%.2f %s = %.2f %s", amount, fromCurrency,

result, toCurrency));

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

resultTextView.setText("Invalid amount");

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""








android:hint="Enter amount"

android:inputType="numberDecimal" />




android:layout_height="wrap_content" />




android:layout_height="wrap_content" />





android:text="Convert" />





android:text="" />



<string-array name="currencies">




<!-- Add more currencies as needed -->



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