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Agreement December 27, 2021

Dear Miss Mehak Hussain


We are pleased to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of Almak Tutor
You have been selected as the best candidate for the Online Tutor position.

We believe that your knowledge, skills and experience would be an ideal fit for our Online
Tutors team. We hope you will enjoy your role and make a significant contribution to the
overall success of Almak Tutors.
Please take the time to review our offer. It includes important details about your compensation
and the terms and conditions of your anticipated employment with Almak Tutor.
 Position
Almak Tutor is offering a part time position for you as Physics and Mathematics Online
Tutor In this position, you will report to our Team via or
 Working hours
This is a Part time position requiring approximately 6 hours per week (maximum) per
 Compensation and Salary
For Online Tutor position, Almak Tutors is offering a salary of 300 per hour. You will be
paid monthly. That will be paid end of the month.

 Terms And Conditions

 You will have a good internet connection.
 You will have to be punctual, if there is an emergency so, you have to pre inform via to a
given contact number or mail.
 If you are unable to attend your scheduled class pre inform before 1 day.
 You are not allowed to share your personal details (contact number, mail etc) with
 You are only allowed to conduct class on provided platform.
 All the financial related matters will always be dealt by the academy and, in case
parents try to communicate with you, you will ask them to talk to our team.
 Team is going to ask you time to time related to the student's progress, syllabus
completion, past papers and exam preparation.

As an employee of Almak Tutors you will be eligible for increment in salary after completion of
one tuition depending on your performance.

Almak Tutors

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