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1. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Due to the popularity of photo sharing websites it’s no longer necessary to have framed pictures or
printed photo albums.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
The emergence of photo sharing websites has precipitated a seismic shift in the way individuals store,
distribute, and showcase their photographic collections. Nevertheless, the question of whether digital
platforms can supplant traditional photo storage methods persists. In my estimation, while photo
sharing websites offer unparalleled convenience and accessibility, they cannot completely replace the
sentimental value and intrinsic worth of physical photo albums.

One of the foremost advantages of photo sharing websites is their provision of boundless storage
space, allowing individuals to amass thousands of photographs without necessitating physical storage
facilities. This is particularly useful for fervent shutterbugs or individuals who lack the spatial
resources to maintain physical albums. Furthermore, photo sharing websites facilitate rapid and
effortless sharing of photographs with friends and family members scattered across the globe. The
capacity to share photographs instantly with loved ones, irrespective of geographic location,
constitutes a tremendous advantage over conventional photo albums.

Notwithstanding these advantages, various reasons exist as to why traditional photo albums remain
pertinent. Foremost, physical photo albums offer an authentic, tangible representation of memories
that can be handed down from generation to generation. Unlike digital photographs that are
susceptible to loss in case of device malfunction or loss, physical albums can endure for decades, if
not centuries, and become cherished family heirlooms. Moreover, physical albums provide a more
intimate and personalized experience for viewers who can leaf through the pages and reminisce about
past events.

Another benefit of physical albums is the prospect of incorporating personal touches such as captions
and embellishments, which might not be feasible on photo sharing websites. This affords a more
individualized and distinctive experience that cannot be replicated on a digital platform.

In conclusion, despite the immense popularity of photo sharing websites, they cannot entirely replace
traditional photo albums. Physical albums provide a more sentimental and personalized experience, in

addition to being tangible repositories of memories that can be passed down through generations.
Nevertheless, photo sharing websites remain a valuable tool for storing and disseminating photos,
particularly for individuals who lack physical storage space. Ultimately, the decision between
physical albums and photo sharing websites hinges on personal preference and individual

2.Write an essay on the following topic:

People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past. What do you think is the reason
behind this? What are the effects on individuals and people around them?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with
examples and relevant evidence. Write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary society, there is an observable trend of individuals engaging in less sleep than in
previous eras. The reasons underpinning this phenomenon are multifaceted and intricate,
encompassing societal and cultural transformations, technological innovations, and heightened work-
related pressures. While some may posit that the decline in sleep is attributable to individual choice,
others contend that external factors wield a more profound influence. Regardless of the causal
mechanism, the consequences of reduced sleep on both the individual and the broader community are
momentous and should not be disregarded.

One of the key drivers of the reduction in sleep is the escalating demands of the labor market. With
the emergence of the gig economy and the pervasiveness of telecommuting, many people confront
protracted work hours and encounter difficulties in maintaining a balance between work and personal
life. As a consequence, individuals may sacrifice their sleep in order to meet deadlines or fulfill
professional obligations. Moreover, technological progress has made it exceedingly effortless to
remain connected and to work continuously, amplifying the incidence of sleep deprivation.

Another factor contributing to the decline in sleep is the prevalence of social media and other
entertainment options. A considerable proportion of people spend their evenings perusing social
media feeds or binge-watching television programs rather than obtaining the necessary restorative
sleep. This, coupled with the incessant stimulation and notifications from electronic devices, can
impede individuals' ability to disengage and fall asleep.

The repercussions of inadequate sleep on individuals are diverse and extensively documented.
Insufficient sleep can result in diminished cognitive abilities, impaired memory, and reduced
concentration. It can also foster mood fluctuations, irritability, and diminished overall well-being. In

addition, chronic sleep deprivation is associated with a gamut of health issues, such as obesity,
cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

The repercussions of diminished sleep extend beyond the individual level and can engender
significant implications for society at large. Sleep-deprived individuals are more prone to committing
errors at work, thereby decreasing productivity and heightening safety hazards. Furthermore, fatigue-
related accidents on roads and in the workplace are a substantial concern, with the potential for dire

In conclusion, the reduction in sleep among individuals is a multifaceted phenomenon with a range of
contributing factors. Although individual choice may play a role, societal and cultural changes,
technological advances, and work-related pressures are all major contributors. The effects of
inadequate sleep on individuals and society as a whole are significant and warrant consideration. It is
imperative that individuals prioritize sleep and that society recognizes the significance of adequate
rest for overall health and well-being.

3.“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest
accomplishment.” is the Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote.
What is your thoughts about the significance of being yourself? Discuss this matter within an essay of
at least 350 words. Use relevant reasons and examples from your experience for your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
The importance of being true to oneself is an ageless idea that has been reiterated throughout the
course of human history by countless scholars and thinkers. Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote, "To be
yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest
accomplishment," underscores the inestimable value of authenticity in a society that frequently
elevates uniformity over individuality. I wholeheartedly concur with this notion and firmly believe
that staying faithful to oneself is absolutely paramount to leading a gratifying, fulfilling, and genuine

Primarily, staying faithful to oneself enables individuals to lead a life that is congruent with their
morals and principles. It allows them to make decisions based on their intrinsic beliefs rather than
succumbing to societal expectations. When one leads an authentic life, one is more likely to feel a
profound sense of inner tranquility and satisfaction, as one is living in accordance with who they truly
are at their core.

Additionally, authenticity cultivates authentic connections between individuals. When one is genuine,
one is more likely to attract like-minded individuals who share their values and principles and who

accept them for who they are, rather than who they are expected to be. Authenticity nurtures trust and
admiration in relationships as individuals appreciate the candor and sincerity that come with being
true to oneself.

On the contrary, when individuals attempt to assume a different persona, they are prone to
experiencing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and despondency. Insincerity can lead to a sense of
estrangement from oneself and others. It can also leave individuals feeling unfulfilled as they are not
living in harmony with their true nature.

Despite the benefits of authenticity, it can be incredibly difficult to remain authentic in a world that
places a premium on conformity. Society often attempts to dictate who one should be and how one
should behave, and this pressure can be incredibly daunting to resist. However, it is essential to
recognize that true happiness and fulfillment can only be attained by remaining steadfastly true to

In conclusion, staying true to oneself is an essential component of leading a fulfilling and authentic
life. It enables individuals to lead a life that is consistent with their values and principles, forge
authentic connections with others, and experience a sense of inner peace and contentment. While it
can be challenging to withstand the societal pressures to conform, it is imperative to remember that
remaining faithful to oneself is the ultimate accomplishment. As Ralph Waldo Emerson famously
proclaimed, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the
greatest accomplishment."

4. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic

A growing trend nowadays is that criminals are increasingly being idolized by young people. What
are the causes and implications of this trend. Give specific example(s) to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The burgeoning proclivity among juveniles to venerate miscreants is an escalating phenomenon that is
gaining increasing traction across various global regions. This disconcerting trend is attributable to
several etiologies, and its implications for society are dire.

One of the cardinal factors fueling the hero-worship of delinquents among young people is the
media's portrayal of them as enchanting and charismatic. Popular media such as cinema, television
programs, and music frequently spotlight felons as the protagonists, depicting them as charming, self-
assured, and triumphant. This eulogization of felons in mainstream culture has a profound impact on
the younger generation's perceptions of them, fomenting their adulation.

Another catalyst of the hero-worship of malefactors is the paucity of positive role models in society.
Young people who are raised in indigent environments often lack access to positive role models,
making it easier for them to fall under the sway of felons. In some cases, young people perceive
malefactors as successful individuals who have surmounted adversity and accomplished their goals,
rendering them role models for the youth.

The implications of the hero-worship of malefactors are momentous for society. Firstly, it can result
in a surge in criminal activity as young people are inspired to emulate their criminal idols. The
apotheosis of felons can also engender disrespect for authority, rendering it arduous for law
enforcement agencies to maintain law and order.

Secondly, it can undermine the moral values and ethics of the younger generation. Felons frequently
engage in immoral and unethical behavior, and young people who venerate them may deem such
behavior as acceptable or even desirable. This can precipitate the breakdown of societal values and a
disregard for the rule of law.

A specific example of the hero-worship of malefactors is the emergence of gangsta rap culture in the
1990s. Gangsta rap exalts criminal activities such as drug trafficking, violence, and gang affiliation,
portraying them as a means of achieving success and respect. This subculture has had a significant
impact on young people, with many aspiring to emulate the lifestyles of their favorite gangsta rap

In conclusion, the hero-worship of malefactors by young people is an escalating trend that has severe
implications for society. The eulogization of felons in mainstream culture, the scarcity of positive role
models, and the enticement of criminal conduct are all factors that contribute to this trend. It is
imperative to address this issue by providing positive role models, educating young people about the
hazards of criminal behavior, and promoting values that uphold the rule of law and morality.

5. Write an essay of 250 words on the following topic:

The qualities and skills that a person requires to become successful in today's world cannot be learned
at a university or other academic institutions.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Đáp án tham khảo
In the current era, it is a widely acknowledged fact that academic qualifications wield considerable
influence in determining an individual's success. However, it is equally undeniable that the traits and
aptitudes imperative for achieving success cannot be exclusively attained from institutions of higher
education. As far as my viewpoint is concerned, I concur with this proposition to a certain extent.

Undoubtedly, a robust academic background serves as a prerequisite for attaining success, providing a
solid foundation of knowledge and skills that can facilitate an individual's advancement in their
chosen field. Nevertheless, pedagogical institutions do not entirely impart all types of learning. The
attainment of success necessitates much more than mere theoretical knowledge. It demands a
combination of traits such as tenacity, ingenuity, leadership, communication, and critical thinking,
which may not always be acquirable within a classroom setting.

Moreover, the contemporary world is in a state of constant flux, with skills that were highly sought-
after only a few years ago having lost their relevance. Under such circumstances, individuals need to
be adaptable and possess a growth mindset to keep up with the ever-changing trends. These are traits
that are difficult to acquire within a structured academic environment.

Furthermore, success is not solely dependent on individual proficiency but also on social skills and
networks. Networking, for example, is a critical element of success, but it is not an attribute that is
taught in academic institutions. It requires individuals to cultivate robust communication skills,
establish relationships, and proactively seek out opportunities.

In conclusion, while academic qualifications are indispensable, they are not the sole determining
factor for success in the contemporary world. The traits and aptitudes imperative for success go
beyond what can be acquired from universities or other institutions of higher learning. Consequently,
individuals must focus on developing other crucial traits that can facilitate their progress in their
professional and personal lives.

6. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and specific examples to
support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Education is not the mere assimilation of facts, but rather the refinement of cognitive capacity. I am in
complete concurrence with this contention, as modern education is not circumscribed to rote
knowledge but rather fixated on the fostering of analytical and imaginative thinking proficiencies. In
this day and age, the ability to scrutinize information and reason critically is exceedingly paramount.

Education plays a momentous role in shaping an individual's character and moral ethos. A
comprehensive education enables individuals to develop their ethical and moral values, empowering
them to make principled decisions grounded in morality. This, in turn, engenders a more sympathetic

and understanding society, where individuals possess a heightened sense of compassion and empathy
towards others.

Furthermore, education inculcates inquisitiveness and intellectual inquiry among individuals. A

superlative educational system incentivizes students to interrogate assumptions, explore novel ideas,
and challenge established norms. This is indispensable as it instills a culture of innovation and
progress. Students who are motivated to think independently are more likely to fashion pioneering and
revolutionary ideas.

In conclusion, education is not restricted to the mere memorization of facts but rather encompasses
the enhancement of critical and imaginative thinking abilities. An efficacious education system should
promote the development of individuals' problem-solving and analytical competencies while also
fostering the growth of their moral and ethical principles. Furthermore, education should kindle
curiosity and galvanize individuals to seek new knowledge, ultimately contributing to progress and
innovation. In today's swiftly evolving world, where information is ubiquitous, the capacity to think
critically and scrutinize information is indispensable. Hence, it is imperative that the cultivation of
critical thinking skills remains a paramount priority in our educational systems.

7. Write an essay on the following topic.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Parents should hide their negative emotions, such as anger or sorrow, from their children.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
I subscribe to the view that it is not judicious for parents to dissemble their negative emotions, such as
ire or anguish, from their offspring. Juveniles are immensely astute and possess an inherent ability to
discern when their guardians are perturbed or distressed. Endeavouring to obfuscate these emotions
can prove to be baffling and potentially injurious to their psychological maturation.

It is indispensable that younglings learn to regulate negative emotions and apprehend that they are a
fundamental aspect of life. By witnessing their guardians undergo negative emotions and cope with
them in a positive manner, adolescents can imbibe salubrious strategies to manage their own negative
emotions in the future. Subterfuging these emotions can endow juveniles with the notion that negative
emotions are not permissible, leading them to subdue their own emotions or feel ashamed when they
experience such feelings.

Furthermore, it is pivotal for parents to model productive communication and conflict resolution
skills. If guardians veil their negative emotions, adolescents may not observe constructive ways of

handling conflicts or expressing emotions, resulting in inadequate emotional intelligence and
communication skills.

Nonetheless, it is crucial that parents express their negative emotions in an appropriate fashion. For
instance, guardians can articulate their frustration or anger calmly and respectfully, expounding upon
the reasons for their emotional state. Additionally, parents can model healthy coping mechanisms,
such as taking a hiatus to calm down, conferring with a trusted acquaintance or therapist, or engaging
in a relaxing activity.

In sum, I contend that parents should not mask their negative emotions from their offspring. Instead,
they should demonstrate constructive methods of managing negative emotions and instruct their
juveniles on how to manage their own negative emotions in a positive manner. Through this, children
can acquire vital emotional and communication skills that will serve them well in the future.

8. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Opportunities do not come to people by luck. Instead, the most successful people are the ones that are
constantly seeking out opportunities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use relevant examples or information to
support your arguments.
Đáp án tham khảo
It is a commonly held belief that opportunities do not manifest themselves through chance, but
instead, are the result of an unwavering pursuit of said opportunities. I wholeheartedly concur with
this notion, as it is patently clear that those who achieve success are constantly on the lookout for
prospects to advance and develop, be it in their personal or professional lives.

One key reason why successful individuals are always seeking out opportunities is due to their
profound understanding that growth is an ongoing process, an incessant journey rather than a
destination. They realize that in order to achieve success, one must consistently push oneself beyond
their preconceived boundaries and limitations. Settling for mediocrity is not an option for them, as
they perpetually strive to enhance themselves and acquire new competencies. To exemplify, many
triumphant entrepreneurs incessantly scout for lucrative business ventures and expansion
opportunities, even if it requires venturing into unfamiliar territories and undertaking calculated risks.

Another pivotal factor that drives successful people to actively seek out opportunities is their
recognition of the significance of networking and relationship-building. They are acutely aware that
success is often contingent upon the quality of one's personal and professional networks, and that
broadening one's circle of contacts can generate novel possibilities for growth and development. As

an illustration, numerous accomplished professionals partake in conferences, seminars, and other
similar events to establish connections with potential business associates, clients, and partners.

Finally, successful individuals realize that opportunities are seldom stumbled upon randomly, but
rather, must be actively pursued. They are not intimidated by the prospect of taking risks or stepping
outside of their comfort zone to pursue novel opportunities. For instance, many distinguished actors
and musicians kickstarted their careers by accepting minor, unpaid roles or performing in local venues
before gaining wider recognition.

To sum up, it is evident that a relentless quest for opportunities is an indispensable element of
success. Successful individuals grasp the notion that development is an unceasing process, that
networking is a critical component of success, and that opportunities do not arise serendipitously, but
instead must be actively sought after through unwavering diligence, perseverance, and a willingness
to take bold steps into uncharted territories. Therefore, rather than waiting for opportunities to present
themselves on a silver platter, aspiring individuals should take the initiative to seek them out and chart
their own path to success.

9. Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic:

Although it is generally prohibited, corporal (physical) punishment still persists in many schools and
families. Do you think corporal punishment is an acceptable way to help modify children’s behavior?
Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion(s). Write your essay in the space
Đáp án tham khảo
Despite being prohibited in many countries, the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary tool in
schools and households persists. However, I am unequivocally of the opinion that resorting to
physical punishment to modify children's behavior is an unacceptable practice.

Primarily, it is imperative to acknowledge that corporal punishment can have pernicious effects on a
child's holistic development. Various studies have revealed that it can result in heightened aggression,
anxiety, and depression among children. Furthermore, it can impair the trust and rapport between the
child and the administering authority figure. This may impede the child's ability to learn from their
mistakes and establish a constructive relationship with the adult in question.

In addition, there are more efficacious and compassionate approaches to modifying children's
behavior. Positive reinforcement, which involves lauding and incentivizing good conduct instead of
punishing bad behavior, has been demonstrated to be a more effective strategy for shaping children's
actions. This approach can bolster a child's self-worth, self-assurance, and sense of accountability.

Moreover, utilizing corporal punishment can perpetuate a cycle of violence and maltreatment.
Children who are subjected to physical punishment are more likely to engage in violent behavior in
their adult lives, perpetuating a deleterious cycle that can be difficult to break. This can have grave
implications for society at large, perpetuating a culture of aggression and violence.

To conclude, using corporal punishment as a means of modifying children's behavior is an untenable

approach. It can hamper a child's development, erode the trust between the child and the adult, and
perpetuate a cycle of violence and maltreatment. Instead, we should prioritize more effective and
compassionate disciplinary strategies, such as positive reinforcement, to create safe and nurturing
environments for children to learn and thrive.

10. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Some people believe that the development of artificial intelligence will make human labor obsolete.
Others think that work performed by humans will always be important.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
The progression of artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an exponential pace and is becoming
progressively embedded in our daily existence. With the ubiquity of this technology, there is an
escalating apprehension that it will eventually obviate the need for human labor. However, there are
also proponents who posit that work performed by humans will always remain salient.

On one hand, those who espouse the view that AI will replace human labor contend that machines
possess the ability to undertake tasks that were once exclusively within the purview of human
workers. AI can analyze colossal amounts of data expeditiously and accurately, enabling it to make
decisions with greater precision than humans. Furthermore, AI can operate ceaselessly without
necessitating breaks or rest, rendering it more productive than human workers.

Moreover, the proliferation of AI has the potential to mitigate labor costs for businesses by
supplanting costly human workers with machines that can perform the same tasks at a fraction of the
cost. This can lead to augmented profitability for companies, which can then be reinvested in research
and development, fostering further advances in AI technology.

On the other hand, there are advocates who postulate that work performed by humans will always
retain its importance. They posit that while machines may be more efficient at certain tasks, there are
numerous tasks that necessitate the human touch. For example, jobs that require creativity, empathy,
and critical thinking are particularly arduous for machines to replicate.

Additionally, many individuals derive a sense of purpose and fulfillment from their work. The loss of
jobs due to AI could potentially have deleterious effects on people's mental and emotional well-being.
Furthermore, the displacement of human workers by machines could potentially exacerbate income
inequality and instigate social unrest.

In my estimation, it is unlikely that AI will render human labor completely obsolete. While machines
may excel at certain tasks, there will always be a need for human workers in roles that require
creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. Additionally, the proliferation of AI will engender new
employment opportunities that we cannot yet fathom.

However, it is imperative that we approach the integration of AI into the workforce with
circumspection and ensure that it is leveraged in a way that benefits both workers and society as a
whole. Furthermore, we must prepare workers for the shifting nature of work and furnish them with
the skills and knowledge they require to succeed in a world where AI is ubiquitous.

11. Essay writing

Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following topic:
“Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products
anywhere in the world”.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
As globalization continues to accelerate, the proliferation of identical products and services
worldwide is leading to a perceived convergence of countries. While this trend has some potential
benefits, such as facilitating economic growth and cultural exchange, it also poses significant
challenges that must be carefully considered.

On the one hand, the growing similarity between countries can foster greater interconnectedness and
facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources. For example, multinational corporations can create jobs
and drive economic development in countries that may have otherwise struggled to grow. Similarly,
the availability of products and services on a global scale can enhance access to education, healthcare,
and other basic necessities. Moreover, this trend can help break down barriers between nations,
fostering a greater sense of global community and cooperation.

However, the homogenization of countries can also have negative effects. One of the most concerning
issues is the potential loss of cultural diversity. As global brands and products dominate markets, local
cultures and traditions may be displaced or marginalized. This can lead to a loss of unique identities
and a weakening of social cohesion. Additionally, the globalization of products and services can
contribute to environmental degradation and other sustainability challenges, such as the
overconsumption of resources.

Moreover, the growing dominance of multinational corporations in many countries can have
detrimental effects on local economies and communities. For instance, local businesses may struggle
to compete with larger, more established global brands, leading to job losses and economic decline.
Similarly, the exploitation of natural resources in pursuit of global profits can lead to environmental
degradation and other negative externalities.

Furthermore, the trend towards global homogenization can exacerbate existing inequalities between
developed and developing countries. The global economic system is often structured in a way that
favors developed countries, which have greater access to resources and technology. This can result in
a situation where developed countries dominate global markets, while developing countries are
relegated to supplying cheap labor and raw materials.

In conclusion, while the increasing similarity between countries may have some benefits, such as
facilitating economic growth and cultural exchange, it also poses significant challenges that must be
carefully considered. As we navigate the complexities of globalization, it is important to strike a
balance between global interconnectedness and the preservation of local cultures and traditions, while
also addressing the structural inequalities that underlie the current global economic system. Only by
doing so can we create a sustainable and equitable global community for future generations.

12. While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there
are better ways to deal with them. What is your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
From one standpoint, proponents argue that the penitentiary system is the optimal venue for offenders,
as it serves as a powerful deterrent and safeguards the public from hazardous criminals. The notion is
that incarceration serves as a form of chastisement that should be stringent enough to deter
prospective wrongdoers. Additionally, some individuals contend that imprisonment can serve as a
means of rehabilitation by furnishing educational and vocational training programs that equip
criminals with the tools necessary for reentry into society.

Conversely, others maintain that the penitentiary system is not an effective means of managing
offenders, particularly those who have committed non-violent infractions. Instead, they advocate for
alternative approaches such as community service, restitution, or counseling. These methodologies
aim to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior and support offenders in reintegrating into

One illustration of an alternative methodology is the utilization of restorative justice initiatives, which
convene the perpetrator and victim to identify a resolution that rectifies the harm caused by the crime.
This methodology strives to foster accountability, empathy, and healing for both the victim and
offender, rather than solely relying on punitive measures.

Another example is the deployment of diversion programs, which provide first-time offenders with
the opportunity to avoid a criminal record by completing a rehabilitation program. This approach
acknowledges that many offenders are not hardened criminals but may have erred and require
assistance to get back on track.

All things considered, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for addressing criminal behavior. Each case
should be assessed on its own merits, taking into consideration factors such as the severity of the
offense, the offender's history, and the potential for rehabilitation. While incarceration may be
necessary for certain offenders, alternative approaches should also be explored to ensure that justice is
dispensed fairly and effectively.

13. Essay writing:

Write at least 300-350 words on the following topic:
Some people who have been successful in the society do not attribute their success to the theoretical
knowledge they learned at university. What is your opinion on the factors contributing to one’s
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
Success can have varying definitions and the factors that contribute to one's achievement can differ
depending on individual goals and aspirations. While some individuals attribute their success to
theoretical knowledge acquired in university, others do not. From my perspective, there are numerous
complex and intricate factors that contribute to one's achievement, including practical expertise,
tenacity, networking, and personal attributes.

Practical expertise is a pivotal factor in achieving success, as it enables individuals to apply
theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Although academic knowledge provides a robust
foundation, it is the ability to execute these concepts in practical situations that distinguishes high
achievers. For example, a marketing student may have a comprehensive comprehension of marketing
theories, but it is their aptitude to implement these concepts effectively that sets them apart. This is
why internships, apprenticeships, and work experience are highly valued by employers.

Tenacity is another critical factor in achieving success. The journey to success is seldom effortless,
and setbacks and failures are common. Individuals who demonstrate the willingness to persist through
these difficulties are more likely to succeed in the long run. For instance, Thomas Edison faced
numerous failures before inventing the light bulb. His steadfastness and unwavering determination
were crucial to his ultimate success.

Networking also plays a crucial role in achieving success. Building a strong network of contacts and
mentors can unlock opportunities and provide valuable guidance and support. Successful people
frequently possess a well-connected network of contacts who can help them navigate their careers and
provide them with useful insights and connections.

Finally, personal attributes such as ambition, drive, and passion are integral factors in achieving
success. These qualities are often what differentiate successful individuals from those who are not.
For example, Elon Musk's unwavering ambition and drive have been vital components of his success
in the tech industry.

In conclusion, while theoretical knowledge is important, it is not the sole factor that contributes to
one's success. Practical expertise, tenacity, networking, and personal attributes also play crucial roles.
Ultimately, it is a combination of these intricate and multifaceted factors that lead to achievement in
one's chosen field.

14. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic:

“The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists but the
general welfare of all its people.”
Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your views.
Đáp án tham khảo
The measure of a nation's greatness has long been a topic of debate among scholars, politicians, and
citizens. While some contend that a nation's eminence is predicated upon the accomplishments of its
rulers, artists, and scientists, others posit that a nation's true grandeur is indicated by the general

welfare of all its people. From my perspective, the latter proposition more accurately characterizes
what constitutes a great nation.

The general welfare of a nation's populace reflects how effectively its government and society attend
to the needs of all its citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status. A nation that prioritizes the
welfare of its people ensures that basic necessities such as sustenance, shelter, education, and
healthcare are universally accessible. It is a nation that fosters social equity by reducing the disparities
between the rich and poor and by affording opportunities for upward social mobility based on merit.

Denmark offers an exemplar of this paradigm. According to the World Happiness Report 2021,
Denmark consistently ranks among the world's happiest countries, and its citizens enjoy substantial
social welfare benefits. The Danish government invests heavily in social services, including tuition-
free education, universal healthcare, affordable childcare, and parental leave. The nation's robust
welfare system provides a safety net for all its citizens, ensuring that no one falls below a minimum
standard of living. These policies have engendered a sense of parity and confidence among Danes,
contributing to Denmark's success as a nation.

In contrast, a nation that solely prioritizes the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists may
neglect the needs of its citizens. The United States, for example, is renowned as a global leader in
innovation and technology, but it also has one of the highest rates of income inequality among
developed countries. Many Americans lack access to affordable healthcare and education, and social
mobility has declined in recent years. Despite its impressive accomplishments across various
domains, the United States continues to grapple with issues of poverty and inequality.

In summary, although the achievements of a nation's leaders, creators, and researchers may be
laudable, they do not inevitably signify the holistic welfare of its populace. The most reliable gauge of
a superb nation is its capacity to attend to and furnish for every member of its society, irrespective of
their origins or economic conditions. A nation that gives precedence to the communal well-being of
its constituents is the one that can genuinely be regarded as exceptional.

15. Write an essay of about 350 words about the following issue.
Some people say that young people today only seem to aspire to fame and fortune, which they expect
to be handed to them on a plate. However, others believe that the youth are currently inspiring more
and more people with their personal success and contribution to the community. To what extent, do
you agree with this statement?
Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion(s).
Đáp án tham khảo

The query regarding whether modern-day juveniles solely crave eminence and affluence, or if they
also proffer substantial merits to their neighborhoods and instill inspiration within others, is a
profoundly complex one. Albeit it holds veracity that a sizeable proportion of young people are
impelled by the ambition for renown and pecuniary gains, there exists a multitude of individuals who
utilize their competencies and abilities to effectuate affirmative transformations in their communities
and encourage others to follow suit.

One rationale as to why some may perceive that young individuals are exclusively fixated on fortune
and acclaim is attributable to the media's portrayal of accomplishment. Reality TV programs, for
instance, often spotlight youngsters vying for recognition and riches through their talents or persona.
Analogously, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok can engender the impression that
triumph is gauged in terms of likes, followers, and viral content.

Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that not all adolescents are fixated solely on these types of
objectives. Multifarious young activists are leveraging their voices to raise awareness regarding
crucial issues such as climate change, social justice, and mental health. These youths are not seeking
fame or fortune but are utilizing their platforms to yield affirmative modifications in the world.

Furthermore, there are numerous young entrepreneurs who are utilizing their competencies and
abilities to erect businesses that are not solely profitable but also engender a constructive impact on
society. For example, some young individuals are establishing enterprises that accentuate sustainable
and ethical practices, or utilizing their profits to endow charitable initiatives. Such ventures inspire
others to contemplate more critically the impact of their own commercial endeavors and assist in
forging a more socially responsible business milieu.

In conclusion, although it holds true that a significant number of youths are drawn to the allure of
stardom and wealth, it would be a gross misrepresentation to stereotype an entire generation in this
light. There exist numerous instances of young people who are leveraging their abilities, aptitudes,
and platforms to engender constructive transformation in their immediate surroundings and beyond.
These individuals are setting an example that is inspiring others to take decisive action and effect
constructive change in their personal lives and the world at large. Consequently, it is crucial to
acknowledge and laud these endeavors, rather than focusing exclusively on the pursuit of celebrity
and riches.

16. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages of this
outweigh disadvantages?

In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to
support your composition.
Đáp án tham khảo
The proliferation of technology has brought about a paradigm shift in how children spend their leisure
time. Traditional games and outdoor activities have given way to digital pursuits such as video games,
online streaming and social media. Despite the many benefits that technology offers, the downsides
outweigh the advantages.

One of the primary drawbacks of excessive screen time is its detrimental impact on the physical
health of children. Sedentary behavior increases the likelihood of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and
other health problems. Moreover, prolonged exposure to screens is associated with poor posture,
vision impairment, and other physical ailments.

Furthermore, technology poses a significant threat to children's social skills. The lack of face-to-face
interaction due to screen dependency hinders communication and interpersonal skills. Additionally,
social media platforms may expose children to cyberbullying, causing severe mental health issues and
reduced self-esteem.

Although technology provides some advantages such as entertainment, education, and creative
expression, they are minor in comparison to the drawbacks. Video games and online pursuits may
enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and technology allows children to connect with
distant relatives and friends.

In conclusion, technology's negative consequences outweigh the advantages when it comes to

children's free time. Parents and caregivers must take proactive measures to limit screen time and
ensure children engage in physical activity, socialization, and other activities that promote their
overall well-being.

17. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic:

Many thoughtful people have said that cooperation brings out the best in people and leads to success
in almost all endeavors. There is a limit, however, to the value of cooperative behavior, since such
behavior may suppress people’s willingness to be creative and to stand out from the crowd.Too often,
cooperating means going along with the group even if that is not necessarily the best way.
Đáp án tham khảo
Cooperation has been hailed by numerous intellectuals as a catalyst for bringing out the best in
individuals, leading to triumphant outcomes in virtually all pursuits. Nonetheless, there is a limit to
the efficacy of cooperative conduct, as such behavior may dampen people's inclination to be

imaginative and distinguished from the masses. Frequently, collaborating entails conforming to the
group, even if that is not necessarily the most favorable approach.

Collaboration is an essential constituent of human society, affording the capacity to work

collaboratively towards shared objectives, distribute resources, and provide mutual support.
Nonetheless, as with most things in life, there are limitations to the efficacy of cooperative behavior.

One of the primary constraints of collaboration is that it can inhibit the willingness of people to be
creative and distinct. When individuals are part of a group, they may feel compelled to comply with
the group's customs and principles, even if they oppose them. This compulsion to conform can curb
creativity and restrain individuals from articulating their unique perspectives and ideas. In certain
circumstances, this can lead to groupthink, where everyone in the group agrees on a course of action
without considering other alternatives.

Another limitation of cooperation is that it can result in contentment. When people collaborate
towards a common goal, they may become overly complacent with the status quo and overlook
prospects for advancement. This can be particularly problematic in situations where innovation and
change are essential for success. In such cases, individuals may need to diverge from the group and
pursue new ideas and approaches.

Despite these constraints, cooperation remains an integral tool for success. When people collaborate
towards a shared goal, they can combine their resources and expertise, distribute the workload, and
offer support to one another. Additionally, cooperation can instill a sense of community and
belonging, which can inspire individuals to work more diligently and accomplish more.

To ensure that cooperation brings out the best in people, it is crucial to strike a balance between
conformity and creativity. Individuals should be encouraged to articulate their unique perspectives
and ideas, even if they conflict with the group's customs and principles. Furthermore, groups should
be receptive to new ideas and willing to explore alternatives to their current course of action.

In conclusion, cooperation is a critical tool for success in virtually all pursuits. Nevertheless, there are
limitations to its efficacy. Collaborative behavior can inhibit people's willingness to be creative and
distinct, and can foster contentment. To harness the power of cooperation to achieve great feats while
still encouraging originality and innovation, individuals must strive to balance conformity and
creativity, while groups must be open to new ideas and willing to explore alternatives.

18. Essay writing

It is said that “The industrial revolution 4.0 opened up many great opportunities but also brought
many challenges for the young generation”.
What should young people prepare themselves to adapt with the changes in the industrial revolution
4.0 era?
Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion with relevant details to support your
Đáp án tham khảo
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, has brought forth a new age of digital
transformation and technological advancements. While it presents myriad opportunities, it also poses
a plethora of challenges. Consequently, young people must prepare themselves to adeptly adapt to
these metamorphoses in order to succeed in the future.

Arguably the most preponderant transformation brought about by Industry 4.0 is the ever-escalating
utilization of automation and artificial intelligence. This technological shift carries both advantages
and disadvantages. On the one hand, automation mitigates the probability of human fallibility and
augments productivity. However, it also has the potential to engender unemployment, particularly for
those who lack sufficient preparation.

Thus, it is imperative for young people to focus on acquiring the competencies that are essential to
stay competitive in the novel economy. They must evince a readiness to learn pioneering technologies
and methodologies, and invest in their education and training. They should prioritize developing
proficiencies in domains such as data analysis, programming, and cybersecurity, which are in high
demand in the industry.

Furthermore, Industry 4.0 has fostered an increasingly interconnected world where individuals can
synergize and communicate more efficiently than ever before. Hence, young people must also
cultivate their interpersonal and communication abilities. They must acquire the capacity to
collaborate effectively in teams, eloquently articulate ideas, and hone their emotional intelligence.

Aside from technical and soft skills, young people must also cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset.
They should be able to discern lacunae in the market, devise ingenious solutions, and undertake
judicious risks. Additionally, they must evince adaptability and resilience, as the world is constantly
in flux, and they must be able to pivot and adapt to new circumstances.

In conclusion, Industry 4.0 has brought forth myriad opportunities and challenges for young people.
To flourish in this epoch, young people must be primed to adeptly adapt to the constantly evolving
landscape. They should prioritize the acquisition of technical and soft skills, develop an

entrepreneurial mindset, and evince adaptability and resilience. With the appropriate mindset and
competencies, young people can thrive in the age of Industry 4.0 and foster a better future for
themselves and society as a whole.

19. Essay writing

Some people believe that learning depends not upon the personality or methodology of the teacher,
but rather on the student's attitude to his or her own learning.
To what extent would you support or reject this idea? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The topic of whether a teacher's personality and instructional approach or a student's attitude towards
learning has a greater impact on the learning process has been a long-standing debate that has been
discussed at length over several decades. While some argue that the teacher's demeanor and teaching
techniques are crucial, others maintain that the student's approach to learning is the most crucial
factor. In my view, I am inclined to support the notion that a student's attitude towards their own
learning plays a more prominent role in determining their educational progress. In this essay, I will
present complex and intricate arguments to support my stance, utilizing advanced vocabulary and
nuanced sentence structures.

Primarily, the student's disposition towards learning exerts a profound influence on their motivation
and capacity to learn. Students who demonstrate an optimistic outlook towards learning are more
likely to be driven to learn and engage actively in the learning process, resulting in more favorable
learning outcomes. Conversely, students who harbor a pessimistic attitude towards learning may lack
motivation, interest, and the necessary effort to learn, leading to unsatisfactory learning outcomes. For
instance, during my time in high school, I had a classmate who perpetually grumbled about every task
assigned to him, and his adverse attitude towards learning impeded his academic progress.

Secondly, a student's approach to learning affects their level of participation and engagement in the
learning process. When a student takes ownership of their learning and demonstrates a keen interest in
the subject matter, they are more likely to participate actively in class discussions and engage in
classroom activities, leading to better learning outcomes. Conversely, students who display
indifference towards learning and possess a negative attitude towards the process may not actively
engage in class and may miss significant learning opportunities. As an illustration, during my college
years, I took a course taught by a professor with a suboptimal teaching methodology. However, owing
to my keen interest in the subject, I sought out additional materials, engaged in discussions with my
peers, and managed to excel in the course.

Lastly, a student's attitude towards learning has an impact on their ability to learn independently.
Students who possess a positive outlook towards learning tend to take control of their education by
seeking out supplementary resources, exploring diverse learning strategies, and fostering a growth
mindset, resulting in superior learning outcomes. Conversely, students with a negative attitude
towards learning tend to rely solely on their teachers and may not take the initiative to explore
alternative learning strategies, leading to inadequate learning outcomes. For example, during my
university years, I had a friend who had a negative attitude towards learning, and this outlook
impeded his academic performance, despite having access to numerous learning resources.

To conclude, I firmly believe that a student's attitude towards their own learning is the most
significant factor in their educational progress, surpassing a teacher's disposition or instructional
approach. A positive attitude towards learning leads to more favorable learning outcomes, heightened
levels of participation and engagement in the learning process, and the ability to learn independently.
Conversely, a negative attitude towards learning leads to suboptimal learning outcomes, reduced
levels of participation and engagement in the learning process, and an inability to learn independently.

20. Write about the following topic:

A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions.
Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
In modern times, it seems that people are inclined to gauge an individual's worth solely based on their
social status and material possessions, while the classic values of integrity, benevolence, and
dependability are no longer regarded as significant. Nonetheless, I hold the view that this perspective
is erroneous. Though social status and wealth may carry weight in some cultures or situations, there
are still numerous individuals who place great importance on the old-fashioned values.

While it is a fact that in certain societies, individuals are evaluated based on their acquisitions or
achievements, and material goods like high-end gadgets, designer apparel, and luxury cars are
flaunted as symbols of success and social standing, there is still a considerable portion of the
population who prioritize traditional virtues like compassion, kindness, and honesty. Healthcare
professionals and charity workers, for example, place more value on the capacity to aid others and
make a positive impact on society than on material possessions, and those who embody these qualities
are generally held in high esteem.

Moreover, in many cultures, honour and reliability are highly valued attributes, and individuals who
exhibit these characteristics are deemed to have greater worth. In Japanese culture, for instance, the
concept of "giri" places great emphasis on social obligation, and individuals who fulfill their
obligations to their families and communities are accorded significant respect.

To sum up, while social status and material possessions may hold significance in certain contexts,
they do not exclusively determine an individual's value. The old-fashioned values of integrity,
kindness, and trustworthiness are still highly valued by many individuals and societies and are
deemed to be fundamental qualities of a good person.

21. Write an essay of 300 words on the following topic:

It is high time for not only governments but also individuals to take serious actions to protect the
global environment as natural disasters are threatening to put an end to our lives. In what way do you
think they will have to do? Why? Support your arguments with examples.
Đáp án tham khảo
It is high time for not only governmental entities but also individuals to take substantial and concerted
measures to effectively and efficiently safeguard the global environment, as natural catastrophes loom
large and threaten to spell the end of our existence. In what ways, therefore, should they undertake
these actions? And why, precisely, should they do so? To support your arguments, it is necessary to
provide concrete examples.

I wholeheartedly concur that both governmental bodies and individuals must take substantive and
resolute actions to preserve the global environment. There are myriad measures that can be
undertaken to achieve this paramount objective.

First and foremost, governments must establish and enforce a robust and coherent set of policies and
regulations that foster environmentally sustainable practices. To illustrate, they could impose a tax on
carbon emissions, incentivize corporations to adopt renewable energy sources, and impose stringent
fines for improper waste disposal. Governments must also devote substantial resources to research
and development to propel the deployment of cutting-edge, clean technology.

Secondly, individuals must make a concerted effort to modify their daily routines to reduce their
environmental impact. This could entail utilizing public transportation or carpooling, reducing energy
consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and curtailing plastic waste by
embracing reusable bags and containers.

Additionally, both governmental bodies and individuals must prioritize the preservation and
conservation of natural resources, such as forests, oceans, and wildlife. The preservation of these
resources is crucial in mitigating the deleterious effects of climate change, as they play a pivotal role
in regulating the Earth's climate and biodiversity. Governments can establish protected areas, and
individuals can support conservation organizations or volunteer in local restoration projects.

Norway is one example of a government that has taken substantive and concerted steps towards
safeguarding the environment. The country has implemented policies that promote the utilization of
electric vehicles, and has invested extensively in renewable energy sources, such as hydropower. As a
result, Norway is on track to become carbon neutral by 2030. Similarly, individuals can draw
inspiration from movements such as the Zero Waste movement or Greta Thunberg's Fridays for
Future movement, which have both gained global attention for their efforts to reduce waste and
advocate for climate action.

In conclusion, safeguarding the global environment is a paramount and pressing issue that demands
resolute and collective action from both governmental entities and individuals. By implementing
robust policies, modifying daily habits, and prioritizing conservation efforts, we can work towards a
sustainable future and mitigate the devastating effects of natural disasters.

22. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

In the past, shopping was a routine domestic task. Many people nowadays regard it as a hobby.
To what extent do you think this is a positive trend?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
Purchasing goods has been an indispensable facet of human civilization since time immemorial. In the
bygone era, it was perceived as a routine chore that catered to the fundamental needs of individuals. In
contemporary times, however, a growing number of individuals view shopping as a recreational
activity, or even a pastime. This evolving outlook towards shopping as a leisure pursuit is associated
with both constructive and negative implications.

One notable benefit of shopping as a hobby is its potential to function as a stress-relieving mechanism
for certain individuals. Many individuals find shopping to be an enjoyable and entertaining experience
that provides a temporary respite from daily anxieties and predicaments. Additionally, shopping can
facilitate social interaction, thereby enhancing an individual's mental and emotional well-being.

Another advantage of shopping as a hobby is its ability to invigorate the economy. Through
purchasing goods, consumers inject money into the marketplace, thereby bolstering the economy.
This is particularly relevant during times of financial crisis such as recessions and pandemics.

On the other hand, shopping as a hobby can also have deleterious ramifications. It can be habit-
forming, resulting in compulsive purchasing behavior, which can have an adverse effect on an
individual's financial prosperity and exacerbate environmental concerns such as overconsumption and

Furthermore, the practice of shopping as a hobby can exacerbate worker exploitation and
environmental degradation in the manufacturing and production of goods. Many businesses prioritize
profit over ethical and sustainable principles, which can lead to the exploitation of workers and
environmental damage.

To conclude, while the trend of shopping as a hobby can offer certain benefits, it also poses potential
drawbacks. It is imperative for individuals to practice conscientiousness in their shopping habits and
prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. Moreover, governments must regulate the manufacturing
and production of goods to mitigate worker exploitation and environmental damage.

23. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic:

Some people argue that the subjects taught at school are not relevant to real life, and young people are
ill- prepared for survival in today's competitive world of work. Others contend that it is the duty of the
older generation to provide the younger one with a general education of academic value and liberal
arts, regardless of the skills needed to survive in the job market. To what extend do you agree or
Use specific reasons and examples to support your argumentation.
Đáp án tham khảo
Education is a fundamental component of an individual's life, shaping their character and equipping
them with the requisite skills and knowledge to excel. Nonetheless, there are some who argue that the
subjects taught in schools lack practical relevance and fail to prepare young people adequately for the
highly competitive contemporary job market. Conversely, others contend that it is incumbent upon the
older generation to provide the younger one with a broad, intellectually stimulating education in the
liberal arts, regardless of the pragmatic skills required for survival in the workplace. In this essay, I
will contend that striking a balance between an academically valuable, comprehensive education and
the practical skills essential for success in the job market is necessary.

On the one hand, it is indeed true that many young individuals feel ill-equipped for the cutthroat
world of employment following their academic education. Often, they lack practical experience and
skills that employers demand. Consequently, schools must focus on imparting practical abilities, such
as communication, team collaboration, problem-solving, and adaptability, to ensure students are
adequately prepared for the real world. Additionally, schools must encourage students to pursue
vocational education and training, which can furnish them with practical, marketable skills.

On the other hand, an intellectually stimulating, comprehensive education in the liberal arts is equally
crucial. Such an education fosters critical thinking skills, which are indispensable for navigating the
complexities of the world. A well-rounded education also nurtures a passion for learning and
curiosity, which can propel personal growth and development. Furthermore, an education in the
liberal arts provides students with a holistic understanding of the world, encompassing historical,
cultural, and political knowledge that is critical for becoming an informed, responsible citizen,
fundamental for a functional democracy.

In conclusion, finding a balance between a comprehensive, intellectually stimulating education and

practical skills needed for success in the job market is paramount. While vocational education and
training are critical, they should not come at the expense of a general education. Similarly, while a
general education is essential, it should not overlook the practical skills that are required to thrive in
the real world. Ultimately, an education that amalgamates both facets will endow students with the
requisite skills and knowledge to succeed in today's hyper-competitive job market, while concurrently
propelling their personal growth and development.

24. Write an essay of about 350 words on the following topic.

In this day and age, businesses face a problem with new employees who have just finished their
education and lack some interpersonal skills such as ability to work in a team. What is the main cause
of the problem? How can it be solved?
Đáp án tham khảo
In the contemporary business landscape, enterprises grapple with a predicament concerning fresh
graduates who evince a deficiency in interpersonal skills, particularly team collaboration. The primary
root of the problem can be attributed to the educational system's traditional focus on individual
scholastic achievements, which overlooks the development of essential social skills that foster
productive team dynamics. Moreover, the inexperienced nature of these new hires, who lack prior
exposure to professional settings, can exacerbate the situation, impeding their ability to assimilate into
the organizational culture and carry out their job functions effectively.

To tackle this issue, companies can adopt a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, a holistic onboarding
program that prioritizes the cultivation of interpersonal skills, such as communication and teamwork,
should be implemented. This scheme may include a gamut of training modules, seminars, and team-
building exercises designed to acclimate new hires to the company culture, expectations, and job

Secondly, mentorship programs can be established to pair fledgling employees with seasoned mentors
who can provide counsel and support. This mentorship can facilitate a smoother transition and
integration of the new hires into the organization, enhancing their confidence, motivation, and job

Lastly, companies can incorporate team-based initiatives and projects to enable new employees to
engage in collaborative tasks that simulate real-world job scenarios. These endeavors can help them
acquire crucial teamwork skills, bolster their communication competencies, and create a sense of
shared responsibility and accountability among team members, which can augment overall

In conclusion, the paucity of vital interpersonal skills among fresh graduates presents a challenge for
companies, precipitated by the educational system's shortcomings and new hires' lack of experience.
However, businesses can adopt proactive measures such as comprehensive onboarding, mentorship,
and team-based projects to bridge this gap and empower their new hires to thrive in the organizational

25. Essay writing

At present, science is developing quickly, but some people still have a high opinion of artists. What
can the arts tell us of life that science cannot?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The realm of scientific inquiry has been advancing at a breakneck pace, and yet, the esteem accorded
to artistic endeavors persists. Art is capable of illuminating facets of the human condition that lie
beyond the purview of scientific investigation, owing to its subjective nature, emotional resonance,
and ability to engender empathy.

Art and science have coexisted for centuries, but they diverge in fundamental ways. Whereas science
seeks to uncover objective truths, art invites interpretation and serves as a reflection of the artist's
personal worldview. Consequently, art has the potential to communicate more nuanced insights into

the human experience and emotions than science can ever hope to capture. For example, a painting
may depict a landscape of sublime beauty, but the emotional response it elicits in each observer is
contingent on their unique interpretation. Similarly, a poem may ruminate on the topic of love, but the
emotions it evokes in the reader are subjective and may vary from one individual to another.

Furthermore, art possesses an emotional depth that science cannot approximate. It has the ability to
evoke a panoply of emotions, ranging from elation to melancholy, that are difficult to express or
explain through scientific terminology. Music, for instance, has been known to have a therapeutic
effect on people, and listening to a song can elicit emotions that defy verbalization. Similarly, a
theatrical performance or a movie can foster empathy among the audience and create a connection to
the characters depicted on screen. The emotional depth of art allows us to empathize with others on a
profound level and understand their experiences and perspectives.

In addition, art can also explicate complex and abstract ideas that are arduous to articulate through
scientific language. A painting, for instance, can embody a sophisticated concept or notion, such as
love or freedom, in a manner that is more easily apprehended than a scientific exposition. Moreover,
art can challenge our preconceived notions and compel us to reexamine our worldview, thereby
broadening our horizons.

To conclude, although science has augmented our understanding of the world in countless ways, art
remains an integral part of the human experience. Art can convey truths about life that science cannot,
owing to its subjectivity, emotional depth, and capacity for empathy. It enables us to connect with
others on a profound level, articulate intricate and abstract ideas, and question our assumptions about
the world. Hence, science and art are mutually reinforcing and indispensable for a comprehensive
grasp of the human experience.

26. Write an essay of about 300 words to answer the following question.
Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement?
Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
The assertion that failure is indicative of inadequate desire is an oversimplified viewpoint that fails to
account for the multifaceted nature of success and failure. While it is undeniably true that having a
robust desire is a critical component of achieving success, it is not a panacea. Numerous other
variables can contribute to success, including talent, opportunity, and serendipity. This essay will
contend that, while a robust desire is indeed important, it is not a sufficient guarantor of success.

To begin with, there are numerous instances of individuals who have harbored a fervent desire to
accomplish something but have nonetheless failed. For example, a person may have an intense desire
to become a professional athlete; however, if they lack the requisite training, aptitude, and
opportunities, their fervor alone will be inadequate. Similarly, a person may aspire to establish their
own enterprise, but if they lack the necessary abilities, expertise, and resources, their desire will not
be enough to ensure triumph.

Secondly, the statement fails to acknowledge the reality that failure can serve as a valuable
educational experience. When we experience failure, we can use it to learn from our blunders,
introspect on what went wrong, and leverage that knowledge to enhance our future endeavors. This
process can be an influential motivator because it allows us to see failure not as a manifestation of
frailty, but as an opportunity for self-improvement and advancement. In actuality, some of history's
most accomplished individuals have failed before ultimately achieving success.

Thirdly, the statement ignores the role that external circumstances can play in success and failure. For
instance, an individual may possess an unyielding desire to thrive in their career, but if they are
subjected to prejudice due to their ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status, their fervor alone may
not suffice to surmount these hurdles. Similarly, an individual may be fervently driven to achieve a
particular goal, but if they encounter unexpected challenges or circumstances beyond their control,
their passion may be insufficient to overcome them.

In conclusion, while possessing a robust desire is a crucial ingredient in achieving success, it is not a
guarantee of it. Many other factors can contribute to success or failure, and failure can often be an
invaluable educational experience. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that failure is indicative of
insufficient desire.

27. Many people are concerned that search engines such as Google, Coc Coc or Bing ... do more harm
than good to students’ critical thinking.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Write an essay of at least 250 words to
present your idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
The advent of the internet and search engines such as Google, Coc Coc, and Bing has irrevocably
transformed the manner in which individuals access and obtain information. While there is a prevalent
notion that these search engines have impeded critical thinking abilities in students, I firmly believe
that they have ultimately proved beneficial in this regard.

Foremost, search engines have facilitated easy access to a plethora of knowledge, thereby expanding
the scope of education and enabling students to delve deeper into various subjects. This heightened
accessibility has provided students with the opportunity to peruse cutting-edge research and stay up-
to-date on the latest advancements, bolstering their critical thinking and analytical capacities.

Moreover, search engines have enabled students to hone their problem-solving skills. The search
process necessitates that students refine their queries, identify pertinent sources, and evaluate the
credibility of the information presented. Such skills are integral to the development of critical
thinking, as students must meticulously assess the accuracy and quality of information, while drawing
comparisons with other sources in order to form their own opinions.

Lastly, search engines have provided students with an avenue to interact and engage with other pupils
and experts from around the world. The utilization of social media and forums has enabled students to
share their perspectives and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals, cultivating a
globalized mindset and fostering critical thinking.

In conclusion, although search engines may harbor potential downsides, they have demonstrably
bolstered students' critical thinking capacities. It is essential that students are taught to effectively
utilize search engines to maximize their benefits.

28. Write an essay of about 350 words on the following topic:

Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while
others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
Present argumentation to highlight your opinion on this matter. Give reasons and specific examples to
support your opinions.
Đáp án tham khảo
Education is a vital component in an individual's life as it shapes one's career and prospects for the
future. The manner in which students are rewarded for their academic accomplishments is a critical
aspect of education. While some individuals contend that schools should reward students who
demonstrate the highest academic achievement, others argue that it is more crucial to reward students
who exhibit improvement. In this composition, I will examine both positions and express my
perspective on the matter.

On one hand, some proponents maintain that schools should reward students who demonstrate
exceptional academic results. They argue that recognizing and commending those who perform
outstandingly motivates and encourages students to strive for excellence and work diligently towards

achieving academic success. Additionally, rewarding students who excel academically sets a standard
for others to follow and cultivates a culture of academic excellence in the school.

On the other hand, detractors posit that it is more important to reward students who display progress.
They contend that each student possesses distinct strengths and weaknesses, and it is unjustifiable to
compare them solely based on their academic outcomes. Moreover, solely rewarding top-performing
students can demotivate those who experience academic difficulties and do not perform as well.
Therefore, schools should recognize and reward those who exhibit progress, irrespective of their
present level of academic achievement.

In my view, both perspectives hold merit, and it is crucial to strike a balance between them. While
acknowledging and rewarding top-performing students can motivate them to continue their hard work,
it is also imperative to recognize and value those who display progress. This fosters an environment
where every student endeavors to achieve their full potential and reinforces the idea that hard work
and dedication can lead to success.

For example, schools could implement a system in which both high-achieving students and those who
display improvement receive recognition and rewards. For instance, schools could conduct an awards
ceremony where top-performing students receive scholarships, while those who exhibit progress are
awarded certificates and recognition. This approach ensures that every student feels valued and
appreciated, and it engenders a culture of inclusivity and academic excellence.

In conclusion, the discourse on rewarding top-performing students versus those who display
improvement is intricate, and both perspectives have merit. Nevertheless, it is essential to strike a
balance between the two and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of every student. By doing
so, it creates a culture of inclusivity and academic excellence and reinforces the belief that hard work
and dedication can lead to success.

29. In about 350 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue:
Some people say students should be organized into groups to study, while others argue that students
should be made to study alone.
What are the benefits of each study method? Which one do you think is more effective? Give reasons
for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
When it comes to the subject matter of studying, there exists a polarizing dichotomy of opinions
regarding the most efficacious and advantageous methodology. Some contend that students should be
meticulously organized into cohorts to engage in collaborative studying, while others firmly assert

that students should be strictly required to pursue solitary study sessions. Both approaches possess
their respective benefits and drawbacks, but in my considered opinion, engaging in individualized
study sessions is typically more effective and conducive to optimal learning outcomes for the majority
of learners.

One of the salient advantages of collaborative studying is that it can engender a heightened level of
motivation and support for students, enabling them to remain focused and on-task while pursuing
their academic goals. By leveraging the collective strengths and knowledge of their peers, students
can foster a sense of communal accountability, promote mutual inspiration, and mutually reinforce
one another's grasp of the subject matter through insightful and stimulating dialogue.

However, there are also several significant drawbacks associated with group studying, which may
pose serious obstacles to optimal academic performance for some students. One of these obstacles is
the formidable challenge of coordinating schedules and securing a mutually convenient time and
location for all participants to convene. Additionally, certain students may experience an
apprehension or reluctance to share their unique insights and ideas with their peers, particularly if they
are struggling with certain aspects of the material. In such cases, the dynamic of the study group may
prove counterproductive, resulting in distraction, stagnation, and wasted time.

Conversely, studying alone has several advantages that are equally noteworthy and germane to the
discussion at hand. Firstly, it affords students the freedom and flexibility to work at their own pace,
focusing on those areas of the material where they require the most assistance or where their interests
lie. This can be particularly beneficial for learners who are easily distracted or who struggle to remain
engaged with their peers during collaborative study sessions. Additionally, engaging in solitary study
sessions can promote the development of key skills such as self-discipline, independence, and
autonomy, which are all essential for success in academic and professional settings.

Of course, it must also be acknowledged that there are potential downsides associated with
individualized study sessions, which may pose challenges for certain learners. For example, without
the support and motivation of others, some students may find it difficult to remain disciplined,
focused, and on-task during their solo study sessions. Additionally, obtaining feedback and clarifying
complex concepts can be more challenging when working alone, which may result in
misunderstandings and suboptimal academic performance.

In conclusion, while both group and individual study methods possess their respective benefits and
drawbacks, I maintain that pursuing independent study sessions is generally the more effective and
optimal approach for the majority of learners. Of course, there may be situations where collaborative

study is necessary or advantageous, such as during group projects or presentations. However, when it
comes to exam preparation and independent studying, the advantages of studying alone typically
outweigh those of group work. Ultimately, each student must determine which approach is best suited
to their learning style, preferences, and unique academic needs.

30. Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following issue. “Nowadays,
young people admire sports stars though they often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a
positive or negative development?”
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary times, it has become a commonplace occurrence to witness the burgeoning
admiration of sports celebrities by the younger generation, despite the often flagrant misconduct
exhibited by these individuals. The resultant predicament raises a contentious issue as to whether this
constitutes a favorable or unfavorable development. In my personal estimation, this trend is
unequivocally a negative development, in view of its potential to foster deleterious effects on the
ethical and moral values of the younger generation.

On the one hand, it is an incontrovertible fact that sports luminaries can serve as a potent source of
inspiration and motivation, particularly by exemplifying values such as industry, resilience, and
assiduity, which are indispensable to achieving success in any field of endeavor. Moreover, the
triumphs and accolades of many sports icons can catalyze the aspirations of the younger generation,
motivating them to strive towards their own goals and objectives.

On the other hand, the problematic behavior exhibited by some sports stars presents a significant
quandary. From doping imbroglios to allegations of domestic violence, the sporting world has been
embroiled in a slew of controversies, with numerous instances where sports luminaries have failed to
exhibit responsible and ethical conduct. This engenders a message that success takes precedence over
probity, and that winning at any cost is an acceptable approach. The upshot of this is a disconcerting
possibility of a distortion of values and priorities among the younger generation.

Furthermore, the media scrutiny that inevitably accompanies the lives of sports icons heightens their
obligation to conduct themselves in a manner that is beyond reproach. Their status as role models to
the younger generation only compounds this responsibility to act ethically and responsibly.
Unfortunately, not all sports luminaries are equipped to discharge this duty, with the result that their
conduct can have a negative influence on the younger generation that idolizes them.

In sum, while sports icons can act as a potent source of inspiration and motivation for the younger
generation, the negative conduct exhibited by some sports luminaries has the potential to induce

unfavorable impacts on the ethical and moral values of the younger generation. As a society, it is our
responsibility to promote positive role models and educate the younger generation on the primacy of
probity and ethical conduct.

31. Essay writing

At present, science is developing quickly, but some people still have a high opinion of artists. What
can the arts tell us of life that science cannot?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
Science and the arts are two distinct domains that have made significant contributions to our
comprehension of life. While science relies on empirical evidence, experimentation, and logical
reasoning, the arts involve creativity, imagination, and the expression of emotions. These two
domains are crucial to our human experience, and they complement each other in various ways.
Despite science advancing rapidly, the admiration for artists remains high, as the arts can
communicate insights about life that science cannot.

One of the most significant aspects that the arts can illuminate about life is the human experience. Art
enables us to articulate our thoughts, emotions, and feelings in ways that science cannot. For example,
literature, poetry, and music can communicate complex emotions and experiences that are hard to
articulate verbally. They can delve into themes such as love, loss, and death, which are universal
human experiences. Additionally, the arts can provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning, which
science cannot always offer. They can inspire us, give us hope, and enable us to connect with others in
a way that science cannot.

Furthermore, the arts can also shed light on culture and history. Art is a reflection of the society in
which it is produced, and it can reveal a great deal about the values, beliefs, and customs of a
particular culture. For instance, art can offer us insights into ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptian
pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, or the Maya temples. Additionally, art can aid our comprehension of
the context in which historical events took place, such as the paintings and sculptures of the
Renaissance, which can help us to understand the social, political, and economic transformations that
were occurring in Europe during that time.

Moreover, the arts can assist us in developing empathy and understanding for others. Art can transport
us to different places, times, and cultures, allowing us to see the world through alternative
perspectives. This can aid us in developing empathy for others, comprehending their experiences, and

appreciating their differences. For instance, literature can offer us insights into the lives of people
from diverse cultures or social backgrounds. Similarly, music and dance can enable us to connect with
individuals from different parts of the world and appreciate their unique cultural expressions.

In conclusion, the arts can communicate a great deal about life that science cannot. They can reveal
insights into the human experience, culture, and history. They can enable us to develop empathy and
understanding for others and offer us a sense of purpose and meaning. While science is critical to our
understanding of the world, we must not underestimate the value of the arts in our lives.

32. Essay writing

Youngsters now admire and imitate media and sports personalities even though they do not always set
a good example. Do you think that this is a positive or negative development?
Your essay should be about 300 to 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The impact of media and sports figures on youths has become a subject of controversy in recent times.
While some contend that the admiration and emulation of these individuals is a constructive
development, others argue that it is a detrimental one. In my view, this trend has both beneficial and
unfavorable ramifications, contingent upon how it is approached.

On the affirmative side, media and sports personalities can serve as exemplars for young people who
aspire to attain success in their respective domains. These individuals frequently exhibit qualities such
as diligence, commitment, and perseverance, which can motivate young people to pursue their
objectives with similar ardor and tenacity. Additionally, they can function as a source of inspiration
and encouragement for youths who confront challenges in their personal or academic lives.

On the negative side, however, media and sports personalities are not always the most commendable
models to follow. Many of these figures engage in irresponsible or even unlawful conduct, such as
substance abuse, domestic violence, or reckless driving. When young people look up to these
personalities, they may be influenced to imitate such behavior, which can have severe ramifications
for their own lives and the lives of others.

Therefore, it is crucial to adopt a well-rounded approach to the influence of media and sports
personalities on youths. Parents and educators should urge young people to critically evaluate the
behavior of these figures, both constructive and detrimental. They should also provide guidance and
assistance to aid youths in developing their own values and principles, rather than simply imitating the
actions of others.

To sum up, the impact of media and sports figures on youths is a multifaceted issue with both positive
and negative implications. While these personalities can serve as constructive role models and sources
of inspiration, they can also promote negative conduct that is harmful to young people and others. By
adopting a balanced approach, we can assist young people in making informed decisions and
developing their own sense of ethics and values.

33. Essay writing

Write an essay of 300 – 350 words long on the following topic:
While some say that increasing travels between countries enable people to learn about different
cultures, others say that increasing travels raise tensions between people from different countries.
Discuss your both views and give your opinions.
Đáp án tham khảo
International travel has become more accessible in recent years due to advancements in transportation
and communication technologies. As a result, an increasing number of individuals are journeying
abroad and experiencing diverse cultures firsthand. While some assert that this upsurge in travel
provides an opportunity for people to gain knowledge of other cultures, others contend that it may
exacerbate tensions between individuals from different nations. In this essay, I will examine both
viewpoints and present my own stance.

On the one hand, an escalation in cross-border travel can facilitate the exchange and comprehension
of cultures. By visiting foreign countries, people can observe distinct customs, languages, and ways of
life. This exposure to diversity can broaden one's horizons and engender a greater appreciation for
different cultures. Additionally, travelers may have the opportunity to engage with locals and gain
insight into their daily lives, beliefs, and traditions. This can create meaningful connections and foster
cross-cultural understanding.

On the other hand, some argue that an increase in travel can also lead to tensions between people from
different countries. When travelers encounter unfamiliar customs or ways of life, they may feel
uneasy or even threatened. This can result in misunderstandings, prejudice, and even discrimination.
Furthermore, some individuals may perceive travel as a form of cultural appropriation, as tourists
frequently engage in local culture without comprehending its historical or social significance. This
can generate resentment among locals and contribute to sentiments of cultural exploitation.

In my estimation, both perspectives are valid to a significant degree. While heightened travel can
promote cross-cultural understanding, it may also lead to tensions and misunderstandings. To address
these issues, it is critical for travelers to approach other cultures with respect and curiosity, rather than
judgment or entitlement. This may necessitate conducting extensive research on local customs and

norms before traveling to a new country and being receptive to learning from locals. Additionally,
locals can play a pivotal role in facilitating cultural exchange by welcoming travelers and sharing their
traditions and beliefs in a manner that is both respectful and authentic.

In conclusion, an increase in travel between countries can have both positive and negative
ramifications on cultural exchange. While it can lead to greater understanding and appreciation for
other cultures, it can also result in tensions and misunderstandings. To ensure that travel fosters cross-
cultural understanding, it is imperative for both travelers and locals to approach cultural exchange
with respect and curiosity.

34. Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic. Write your answer in the space
“Success should be measured by the knowledge a person has, not by the material possessions he or
she has acquired.”
Do you agree with this idea? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion(s).
Đáp án tham khảo
Success is a highly subjective concept and is often characterized by the acquisition of material wealth
in modern society. However, I firmly contend that the yardstick for success should be based on a
person's erudition rather than their material possessions.

Foremost, knowledge is a highly coveted and abiding asset that cannot be wrested away from an
individual. While one's material wealth may be susceptible to loss, theft, or destruction, their wealth
of knowledge remains a constant, always within reach. For instance, an individual who possesses an
extensive understanding of a particular subject can utilize that knowledge to create something novel
or to help others, even in the absence of their material possessions. Conversely, in the event of loss or
deprivation of material goods, an individual may find themselves unable to achieve the same level of
success as before.

Secondly, knowledge is a valuable resource that can be shared with others, leading to more extensive
success. Material possessions, by contrast, are limited to their owner and offer little in the way of
assistance to those around them. For example, an individual who possesses specialized knowledge in
a particular field can offer guidance and support to others, enabling them to achieve their own
measure of success. Not only does this benefit the person sharing their knowledge, but it also
enhances the overall welfare of society.

Moreover, the pursuit of knowledge often results in the attainment of material wealth. An individual
who possesses advanced knowledge and skills in a particular field is more likely to excel in their

career, leading to the accumulation of material possessions. However, material wealth should not be
the ultimate goal; it is a transient commodity that is subject to erosion over time.

In conclusion, the assessment of one's triumph ought to be predicated on their intellectual aptitude,
rather than their accumulation of tangible assets. Intellectual capital is an invaluable resource that is
impervious to expropriation and has the potential to be diffused amongst individuals, ultimately
yielding collective prosperity. Conversely, material possessions may manifest fleetingly and evanesce
just as rapidly, whereas knowledge constitutes an enduring and timeless endowment.

35. Write a composition (350 words) about the following topic:

A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the
advantages, and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose
the factory? Explain your position.
Đáp án tham khảo
The announcement of a company's intention to construct a large factory near a community engenders
both benefits and drawbacks. While it presents opportunities for employment and economic
advancement, it also poses potential risks to the environment and the well-being of the populace. This
essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of the factory's establishment and articulate
my stance on whether to support or oppose it.

The development of a new factory in a community can yield several advantages, such as the creation
of employment prospects for locals. The factory's presence can augment the number of available jobs,
including both direct and indirect opportunities. This infusion of new employment can bolster the
local economy, with greater funds circulating within the community. Additionally, the factory can
contribute to the local government's revenue through taxes, which can be allocated to enhance the
community's infrastructure and amenities.

Conversely, building a new factory can have adverse effects on the community. One of the chief
concerns is pollution. Factories have the potential to generate significant amounts of air and water
pollution, with deleterious implications for community health. This is especially problematic if the
factory produces toxic chemicals or hazardous waste. Noise pollution is also a significant concern
since factories tend to produce loud sounds that can disrupt the tranquility of the community.
Furthermore, increased traffic and transportation can adversely affect the local environment, causing
heightened air pollution and traffic congestion.

Regarding my position, I opine that whether to support or oppose the factory hinges on several
factors. First and foremost, the company must evince a dedication to sustainable and environmentally

responsible practices. The factory should be constructed with minimal environmental impact, and the
company should be held accountable for any pollution or negative effects it may inflict on the
community. Additionally, the factory must provide a safe and equitable working environment for its
employees, including fair remuneration, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. If these
prerequisites are fulfilled, I would endorse the factory's establishment, as it could bring economic
advantages to the community.

In conclusion, constructing a new factory near a community can entail both advantages and
disadvantages. While it can furnish employment and economic growth, it can also imperil the
environment and the community's welfare. Ultimately, the decision to support or oppose the factory
rests on various factors, including the company's adherence to sustainability and fair working

36. Write a composition (350 words) about the following topic:

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, enriching knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Individuals elect to matriculate at tertiary institutions for an assortment of divergent rationales, such
as procuring new-fangled and unprecedented experiences, obtaining specialized tutelage for career
pursuits, and augmenting their scholastic purview. From my perspective, students generally enroll in
higher education to fulfill a combination of these motives, oftentimes with the objective of
accomplishing multiple objectives concurrently.

Foremost among the incentives for pursuing a college or university education is the desire to gain
novel experiences. Many young adults depart their native localities for the first time upon
commencing their higher education journey, which can be a profoundly exhilarating time. They may
be invigorated by the prospect of interacting with novel and diverse individuals, experimenting with
avant-garde and innovative pursuits, and exploring previously unknown and uncharted territories of
the mind. Tertiary institutions frequently provide a multitude of opportunities in the form of
extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations, which allow students to engage in novel
undertakings and acquire fresh skills. For instance, an undergraduate may participate in a debate club
or volunteer at a local non-profit to acquire a variety of skill sets and broaden their horizons.

A further reason that individuals opt to pursue higher education is to prepare themselves for their
future vocations. In the current job market, a tertiary degree is often viewed as a prerequisite for an
array of professional positions. Additionally, college and university coursework can endow students

with practical skills and specialized knowledge that can be applied in the workforce. For example, a
student studying engineering may learn how to operate computer-aided design software, which is a
valuable and sought-after skill in many engineering roles.

Finally, students may choose to enroll in colleges or universities to enrich their intellectual horizons.
Many students possess a fervor for a specific discipline or field and aspire to acquire as much
knowledge and expertise as possible in that area. Higher education coursework can offer a deep and
comprehensive understanding of a subject, as well as opportunities to conduct research and contribute
to the discipline. Furthermore, tertiary institutions often host lectures, symposiums, and other events
featuring experts and luminaries in a given field, which can serve as enriching and enlightening
experiences for students.

In conclusion, individuals pursue higher education for an array of diverse reasons. Whether their
objectives are centered around procuring fresh experiences, receiving specialized career training, or
broadening their intellectual horizons, tertiary institutions can offer a multitude of invaluable
opportunities and experiences. It is essential for students to deliberate on their personal goals and
priorities when considering higher education options and institutions. With careful consideration and
planning, higher education can represent a judicious investment in an individual's future.

37. Some people believe that college or university education should be available to all students.
Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students.
Write a composition (300 – 350 words) to express which view you agree with and explain your
Đáp án tham khảo
The question of whether higher education should be accessible to all students or restricted to only the
academically proficient is a matter of contention. Proponents of universal access contend that
education is a fundamental human right that should not be denied to anyone. They assert that every
student should be afforded the opportunity to pursue their academic passions and hone their skills,
regardless of their high school performance. Furthermore, they maintain that equalizing access to
education may help to alleviate social inequality by offering all individuals a chance to improve their
socioeconomic status and income potential.

Conversely, advocates for selective access insist that institutions of higher education must maintain
stringent academic standards to ensure that students are adequately prepared for the workforce. They
posit that admitting students who are not academically qualified can result in a lowered quality of
education and diminished value of a degree. Additionally, they contend that prioritizing the admission

of academically competent students fosters an atmosphere of competitiveness and innovation, leading
to pioneering research and development.

In practice, educational institutions have implemented policies and programs that seek to strike a
balance between these two perspectives. For example, some colleges and universities offer
provisional admission or preparatory programs for students who do not meet the standard admission
requirements but exhibit potential and determination to succeed.

In conclusion, the debate over universal versus selective access to higher education is multifaceted.
Both sides present cogent arguments, and finding a compromise that permits equal access while
upholding high academic standards can be arduous. Ultimately, the decision may hinge on various
factors, such as the country's educational system, economic climate, and cultural values.

38. Write about the following topic:

“Knowledge is not gained only from the university.” Do you agree with this statement? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your opinion. You should write at least 300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
While universities have traditionally been viewed as the primary means of knowledge acquisition, I
firmly believe that knowledge can be obtained from diverse sources beyond the confines of academia.
In this discourse, I will expound upon my viewpoint by adducing specific rationales and illustrations.

Primarily, knowledge can be gleaned through personal experiences. Individuals can assimilate
valuable insights from their own encounters, whether they be triumphs or failures. For instance, an
individual who embarks upon an entrepreneurial venture that ultimately flounders can glean
invaluable erudition into the intricacies of entrepreneurship that cannot be acquired through didactic
pedagogy. Similarly, individuals who have traversed a broad swathe of nations can acquire knowledge
pertaining to various cultures, traditions, and practices, which can broaden their vistas and augment
their cognizance.

Secondarily, knowledge can be garnered through informal education. Informal education refers to
learning that takes place outside the structured environment of the classroom, encompassing activities
such as reading books, viewing documentaries, attending seminars, and partaking in workshops. For
example, an individual who peruses tomes on philosophy, politics, and economics can acquire a
profound understanding of these subjects that rivals that of a university education. Similarly,
individuals who attend workshops or seminars on topics such as leadership, creativity, or
communication can develop practical proficiencies that are not imparted in the classroom.

Finally, knowledge can be attained through interaction with others. The individuals with whom we
interact on a quotidian basis can serve as a bountiful source of knowledge and sagacity. For example,
an individual who engages in debates or discussions with individuals from heterogeneous
backgrounds can assimilate knowledge pertaining to diverse viewpoints, opinions, and ideas.
Similarly, mentors and role models can furnish valuable guidance and counsel that can aid individuals
in honing their skills and augmenting their erudition.

In summation, while universities undoubtedly constitute crucial institutions that play a pivotal role in
shaping the knowledge and aptitudes of individuals, it is manifest that they are not the exclusive fount
of knowledge. Personal experiences, informal education, and interaction with others can all contribute
to knowledge acquisition and personal development. Hence, individuals who aspire to expand their
knowledge base and cultivate their skills should not constrain themselves to the precincts of the
university but should explore alternate avenues of learning and development.

39. Write about the following topic:

Nowadays, some people like to give help to the local community or provide people with direct help.
Other people prefer to give money to national and international organizations.
Discuss both methods and give your own opinion on which is better.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary society, there exist divergent methods for supporting those who are in need, and
individuals have distinct inclinations regarding how to extend assistance to others. Certain people
prefer to render direct aid to their local community, whereas others opt to donate funds to national and
international organizations. Both approaches possess their respective merits and demerits, and the
selection hinges on the priorities and circumstances of each individual. In this composition, I shall
scrutinize both modalities and proffer my own appraisal as to which is more efficacious.

Facilitating direct assistance to the local community is a pragmatic strategy that enables individuals to
have a tangible impact on the well-being of their fellow citizens. By volunteering at a nearby food
bank or community center, for instance, people can assist in furnishing basic necessities and services
to those who are in dire straits. This methodology boasts the advantage of being more personalized
and hands-on, as people can perceive the immediate outcome of their endeavors on their local
community. Moreover, by collaborating directly with local organizations, people can acquire a more
comprehensive comprehension of the exigencies of their community and how best they can proffer

However, furnishing direct assistance can also entail certain constraints. For instance, local resources
might be scarce, and there may be a ceiling as to the extent that one can contribute via individual
exertions alone. Additionally, supplying direct assistance may not be viable for those who are
swamped with busy schedules or who dwell in rural locales with limited opportunities for

On the other hand, donating funds to national and international organizations can wield a more far-
reaching impact on a larger scale. By contributing to organizations that concentrate on global issues
such as poverty, hunger, or environmental preservation, individuals can undergird causes that are dear
to them and effectuate a difference in the lives of people worldwide. This modus operandi boasts the
advantage of being more adaptable, as individuals can opt which organizations to support and how
much money to donate. Additionally, by combining resources with others, individuals can maximize
the impact of their donations to a greater extent than what they would be capable of accomplishing

Nevertheless, contributing funds can also harbor potential drawbacks. For instance, individuals may
not always be privy to the destination of their funds or how they are being utilized, and there is a risk
of fraudulent activities or mismanagement. Furthermore, donating funds may be less personal than
providing direct assistance, as individuals may not observe the direct influence of their contributions
on the lives of those they are aiding.

In my perspective, both methodologies of extending aid to others are pivotal and possess their unique
strengths and shortcomings. Furnishing direct assistance is indispensable for meeting the exigent
requirements of people in the local community, whereas donating funds to national and international
organizations can aid in addressing more extensive, systemic issues that impact people globally.
Ultimately, the choice of how to help others is predicated on the specific circumstances and priorities
of each individual. Individuals who possess the time and resources to provide direct assistance may
find it more fulfilling to work alongside local organizations, whereas those who have more limited
resources may prefer to donate funds to organizations that align with their values. Irrespective of the
approach, what is of utmost importance is that individuals are actively involved in bringing about
positive change to the world around them.

40. Essay writing

Plastic pollution has become a global crisis. What are the causes leading to this problem, and what can
individuals and nations do to reduce plastic pollution?
Write at least 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo

Plastic pollution has emerged as a pervasive global predicament, with plastic waste detrimentally
affecting our environment, marine fauna, and public health. The underlying causes of this problem are
multifarious, ranging from the amplified fabrication and disposal of plastic to the dearth of
appropriate waste management systems and limited recycling options. To mitigate this crisis, both
individuals and nations must adopt concrete measures to curtail plastic pollution and thwart further
harm to our planet.

The prodigious production and disposal of plastic products are one of the principal instigators of
plastic pollution. With the burgeoning demand for consumer goods, manufacturers are producing an
unprecedented quantity of plastic items. These products, spanning from disposable plastic bags to
water bottles, ultimately end up in landfills, oceans, and other natural habitats, causing enduring harm.
The fabrication of plastic products is also responsible for generating greenhouse gas emissions,
thereby exacerbating the predicament of climate change.

Another critical contributor to plastic pollution is the lack of proper waste management. Many
countries lack the infrastructure or resources to appropriately dispose of plastic waste, resulting in
litter and unlawful dumping. This waste frequently infiltrates waterways, adversely impacting marine
life and ecosystems.

To mitigate plastic pollution, individuals and nations can take several remedial measures. One of the
most efficacious means of reducing plastic waste is by curtailing consumption. Individuals can opt to
use reusable bags, bottles, and containers instead of single-use plastic items. Furthermore, companies
can scale back their utilization of plastic in packaging and products and instead opt for sustainable

Appropriate waste management is also critical to curbing plastic pollution. Governments can invest in
waste management infrastructure, including recycling facilities, to ensure that plastic waste is
appropriately disposed of and recycled. Additionally, they can enforce policies such as extended
producer responsibility, where manufacturers are held accountable for the complete life cycle of their
products, from inception to disposal.

Education and awareness campaigns can play a pivotal role in mitigating plastic pollution.
Governments can initiate extensive public awareness campaigns to educate the masses about the
significance of minimizing plastic waste and adopting proper waste management practices.
Educational institutions can incorporate environmental studies in their curricula to instill
environmental consciousness among the younger generation.

To conclude, plastic pollution represents a global catastrophe that demands prompt action. The
causative factors of plastic pollution are multifaceted, and curtailing plastic waste necessitates a
collaborative effort from individuals, corporations, and governments. By reducing consumption,
investing in waste management infrastructure, and promoting awareness, we can strive towards a
cleaner, more sustainable future.

41. Essay writing

Many students think that learning English is learning its grammar and structures. However, others
argue that learning English is learning the skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) to use it in
everyday life. Which idea do you agree with? Write an essay of about 300 words to express your
Đáp án tham khảo
The controversy surrounding the optimal approach to mastering English can be characterized by two
main arguments. While some individuals argue that learning English entails a comprehensive
understanding of its grammar and structural components, others contend that the focus should be on
cultivating practical skills, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing, that are necessary for
day-to-day use. Personally, I subscribe to the latter viewpoint, as it emphasizes the development of a
broad set of language proficiencies that can be applied in real-life situations.

Undoubtedly, English grammar and structures are critical elements of language acquisition. Without a
firm grasp of the language's rules and conventions, it can be arduous to express oneself with accuracy
and clarity. However, placing excessive emphasis on grammar and structure can result in an
inflexible, restrictive approach to learning that may not translate effectively into real-world
interactions. Language serves as a tool for communication, and the ultimate objective of acquiring
English fluency should be to employ it efficiently across a range of contexts.

The cultivation of reading, listening, speaking, and writing proficiencies are integral to achieving this
objective. These competencies are interdependent and synergistic, enabling learners to engage with
English in meaningful and impactful ways. Reading and listening facilitate vocabulary expansion,
enhanced comprehension, and exposure to diverse English styles and registers. Conversely, speaking
and writing empower learners to generate their own language, articulate their ideas and beliefs, and
engage in dialogues with others. By honing these competencies, learners can develop greater self-
assurance and proficiency in their use of English.

Furthermore, an emphasis on skill development allows for greater flexibility and customization in
learning, aligning with the diverse objectives and interests of learners. Not all learners have the same
intentions or preferences regarding English use. Some may be interested in professional or academic

contexts, while others may seek to enhance communication with peers or engage in travel abroad. By
prioritizing skills development, learners can tailor their approach to English acquisition to best suit
their unique objectives and proclivities.

In conclusion, while English grammar and structures represent critical components of language
acquisition, I endorse an approach that emphasizes skill cultivation, as it enables learners to develop a
broader range of proficiencies applicable across a range of real-world contexts. By cultivating
reading, listening, speaking, and writing competencies, learners can become more confident and adept
users of English, while customizing their approach to best align with their unique goals and interests.

42. Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic.

Some people think that social connections are more useful than knowledge in achieving success
because it’s not what you know but who you know that counts.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Đáp án tham khảo
The notion that social connections are superior to knowledge in attaining success is a prevailing belief
encapsulated by the adage, "It's not what you know but who you know that counts." Although having
a robust network of connections can be advantageous in specific scenarios, I contend that knowledge
and competencies are ultimately more crucial in accomplishing sustained success.

Primarily, while social connections may facilitate access to opportunities, they do not guarantee
success on their own. It is solely through diligent effort and the ability to produce results that one can
truly flourish. In fact, overly relying on one's social connections can foster complacency and a sense
of entitlement, which can be deleterious to one's career trajectory.

Moreover, knowledge and competencies are frequently the distinguishing factors that enable
individuals to capitalize on their social connections. For instance, if someone intends to launch a
business, they may need to leverage their network to secure investors or clients. However, it is their
comprehension of the industry and their capacity to formulate a compelling business plan that
ultimately determine the viability of their enterprise.

Lastly, although social connections can prove advantageous in select scenarios, they are not always
accessible to everyone. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who do not belong to
established social networks may face more obstacles in achieving success. Nonetheless, knowledge
and competencies are more accessible and can be acquired through education, training, and

In conclusion, although social connections can be helpful in certain situations, they are not the most
salient factor in attaining success. Knowledge and competencies are ultimately more instrumental in
enabling individuals to seize opportunities and attain their aspirations.

43. Write about an important turning point in your life up to now or in the time to come.
How do you think it affected or would affect your life? ( in about 250-300 words )
Đáp án tham khảo
A crucial inflection point that many people encounter is the shift from scholastic pursuits to
professional endeavors. For individuals who have completed their formal education and are prepared
to enter the labor force, this transition can be an intimidating and daunting experience.

The change from education to employment is a pivotal moment that can shape the trajectory of an
individual's life. It can be a time of eagerness, ambiguity, and unease as individuals navigate a new
chapter in their lives. The experience can be especially arduous for those who have limited vocational
background or are uncertain about their vocational path.

The repercussions of this inflection point on an individual's life can be significant. It can determine
their economic stability, job gratification, and overall well-being. The decisions that individuals make
during this inflection period can have far-reaching consequences, and it is crucial to make well-
informed choices that align with their objectives and principles.

It is worth noting that this inflection point is not a one-time event. As individuals advance in their
professions, they may encounter new challenges and opportunities that necessitate them to pivot and
make adjustments. The ability to adapt and navigate these inflection points is critical for success in
today's fast-paced and ever-changing work milieu.

In conclusion, the transition from education to employment is a vital inflection point that can shape an
individual's life. It is a time of eagerness, ambiguity, and unease that necessitates careful
consideration and well-informed decision-making. The ability to adapt and navigate inflection points
is essential for success and personal growth in today's dynamic work environment.

44. Some people think that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters such as
food, clothes and entertainment is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their
own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that
affect them.
What is your opinion on this? Write yóur answer in an essay of about 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo

The ongoing debate as to whether or not it is advisable to afford children the liberty to make
autonomous decisions on mundane matters such as sustenance, attire, and entertainment has been a
subject of discussion for an extended period of time. While certain factions contend that providing
children with such freedom may pave the way for a society dominated by egocentric individuals,
others contend that it is crucial for children to exercise agency over matters that directly impact them.
In my estimation, it is imperative that children are allowed to make decisions that are consequential to
them, albeit to a degree, as it can foster the development of indispensable life skills and self-

It is important to note that children are entitled to participation in decisions that affect them, as
established by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This implies that children
should be granted the opportunity to make decisions regarding their own lives, insofar as they are
capable of doing so. Such a practice can aid in the cultivation of crucial aptitudes such as decision-
making, critical thinking, and problem-solving, all of which are vital for future success.

The act of enabling children to make choices can also bolster their self-confidence and sense of
independence. By allowing children to exercise decision-making skills over matters that impact them,
they can develop a sense of control over their lives and are more likely to take responsibility for their
actions. This can lead to the development of their self-worth and confidence, which can have
salubrious effects on various aspects of their lives.

Nonetheless, it is vital to recognize that children necessitate guidance and support when making
decisions. Parents and caregivers play an integral role in aiding children in making informed decisions
that align with their best interests. This can entail furnishing children with information and guidance
on different alternatives, assisting them in weighing the pros and cons of various options, and
supporting them in making decisions that align with their values and goals.

Furthermore, it is advisable that children are permitted to make decisions within rational limits. For
example, parents may opt to provide children with a finite number of choices for meals or clothing but
allow them to select from within that selection. This can ensure that children make choices that are
secure and wholesome while still allowing them to exercise some degree of autonomy and decision-
making abilities.

In conclusion, whilst certain factions may contend that according children the freedom to make their
own choices may result in a society dominated by self-centered individuals, I believe that children
should be allowed to make decisions about matters that affect them to a certain extent. By granting
children the opportunity to make choices, we can help them develop indispensable life skills and self-

sufficiency, while concurrently supporting them in making informed decisions that are in their best

45. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic:

Students today can easily access information online, so the libraries are no longer necessary. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from yoúr own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
Notwithstanding the widespread accessibility of online information, I maintain that libraries persist as
a crucial repository for students. Specifically, libraries offer access to an extensive array of resources
that are not digitized and thus not available on the internet. These may encompass scarce manuscripts,
books, and journals, as well as specialized databases and archives that elude public access.

In addition, libraries provide a conducive and undistracted environment for students to engage in
educational and research activities. With amenities such as study rooms, computer labs, and printing
facilities, libraries equip students with a comprehensive range of resources to bolster their academic

Another rationale for the indispensability of libraries is that they furnish a precious resource for
students who lack access to the internet or digital devices. While the internet has pervaded many parts
of the world, digital inequalities endure. Libraries offer a haven where students can access these
resources even if they are otherwise unavailable to them.

Furthermore, libraries play a crucial role in supporting students' information literacy and research
skills. Librarians, as highly trained professionals, are equipped with the expertise to guide students in
navigating the vast amount of information available online. They can assist students in developing
research strategies, honing their critical thinking skills, and mastering citation techniques, among
other things. Additionally, librarians can help students locate hard-to-find resources or access
resources that are not available online.

Moreover, libraries serve as a hub for the dissemination of knowledge and the preservation of cultural
heritage. They provide a physical space for the public to engage with and appreciate a wide range of
materials, from historical artifacts to contemporary literature. Libraries also host a variety of events
and programs, such as author talks, book clubs, and workshops, that foster intellectual curiosity and
cultural enrichment.

In conclusion, while online information has transformed the landscape of learning and research,
libraries remain a vital and irreplaceable resource for students. They offer access to resources that are
not available online, a conducive learning environment, support for information literacy and research
skills, and cultural enrichment opportunities. As such, libraries continue to play a critical role in the
education and development of students in the digital age.

46. Essay writing

There is a fact that leaders in an organisation are normally old people. However, there is a tendency
that the young are holding the key positions in many organisations in our society. Some people think
younger leaders would be better. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The conventional belief that leadership roles are exclusively reserved for the elderly is gradually
becoming outdated as more young individuals assume crucial positions in various organizations.
While some individuals still uphold the belief that experience is a crucial factor for effective
leadership, I strongly contend that younger leaders would be more adept at leading organizations in
the modern world. In this essay, I will explicate why I believe that younger leaders would be better
suited for leadership positions.

Primarily, younger leaders bring novel perspectives and innovative ideas to organizations. Having
grown up in a world characterized by technological advancements and global interconnectivity,
younger leaders possess the competence to navigate the ever-evolving business terrain. They are often
able to identify emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges that their older counterparts may
overlook. For instance, Jack Ma, who established Alibaba at the age of 31, has propelled the company
to become one of the largest e-commerce platforms globally, courtesy of his youthfulness, which
enabled him to have an unorthodox outlook on the e-commerce sector.

Secondarily, younger leaders tend to exhibit a higher level of flexibility and adaptability to change. In
today's world, organizations must be able to adjust quickly to changes in the market, technology, and
consumer preferences. Younger leaders, who have matured in an environment that is continuously
evolving, are often better equipped to steer organizations through these changes than their older peers.
For example, in 2017, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, guided the company through a
significant modification of its algorithm that prioritized content from friends and family over public
content from brands and publishers. This change aimed to enhance the user experience, and it
necessitated a leader who was willing to make daring moves and embrace change.

While experience is certainly valuable in leadership roles, younger leaders possess a distinctive
outlook, flexibility, and comprehension of the desires of their cohort, which is pivotal in today's
business landscape. In contemporary society, where the youth exert a progressively crucial influence
on shaping the economy, politics, and culture, having a leader who can establish a connection and
empathize with the younger generation is crucial. For instance, Kylie Jenner, the youngest self-made
billionaire, has exploited her knowledge of social media and vast fanbase to construct a cosmetic
empire that resonates with the younger generation.

To conclude, even though experience is a significant asset in leadership, the younger generation
brings a one-of-a-kind viewpoint, adaptability, and understanding of the needs of their
contemporaries, which is imperative in the modern business environment. Thus, I firmly believe that
younger leaders are better suited to direct organizations in the future.

47. Essay writing

“Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present.” In about 300-350 words,
write an essay to express your opinion on the proposal. Use reasons and examples to support your
Đáp án tham khảo
The proposition that acquiring knowledge about past events holds no worth for present-day
individuals is a flawed notion. On the contrary, studying historical facts and events is an indispensable
element of comprehending the contemporary world. Although history may appear remote and
unimportant, it has a pervasive influence on our society and culture in numerous ways.

One of the foremost advantages of investigating history is the cultivation of context and perspective.
By analyzing the occurrences, ideologies, and luminaries that have shaped our planet across time, we
acquire a deeper appreciation of the present. For example, scrutinizing the historical developments of
the civil rights movement in the United States can enhance our grasp of ongoing debates regarding
racial justice and inequality. Similarly, examining past pandemics can enable us to brace ourselves for
and react appropriately to future health crises.

Another critical benefit of studying history is the enhancement of critical thinking faculties. When we
examine historical phenomena and concepts, we must grapple with intricate issues and divergent
outlooks. We learn to assess evidence, evaluate arguments, and consider various viewpoints. These
abilities are invaluable in our personal and professional lives, as they aid in informed decision-making
and navigating multifarious social and political quandaries.

Finally, studying history can aid in fostering empathy and understanding for others. By gaining
insight into the struggles and victories of individuals from diverse cultures and periods, we develop a
greater appreciation for diversity and a more profound sense of human connectivity. This can be of
utmost importance in a world that is progressively stratified along racial, ethnic, religious, and
political lines.

In conclusion, The notion that acquiring knowledge about bygone eras is irrelevant to contemporary
existence is erroneous. Delving into historical events and periods is crucial in comprehending the
present-day global landscape, honing analytical reasoning abilities, and fostering compassion and
tolerance towards others. Despite the seeming remoteness of past occurrences, they continue to exert a
significant influence on contemporary affairs, and disregarding them can be fraught with danger.

48. Write on the following topic: Children who start reading earlier in life, perform better later on
their school studies. How important are early reading skills in a child's academic performance? What
other preschool factors influence a child's later academic achievement? Write about 250-300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
Early literacy skills are of paramount importance for a child's academic achievement. It has been
widely documented that children who commence reading at an early age demonstrate superior
academic performance later in life. The significance of early literacy proficiency is rooted in its
foundational role in facilitating learning in other disciplines.

The significance of early literacy abilities should not be underestimated. Children who cultivate
strong literacy habits early on are more likely to flourish academically, given that reading is a crucial
component of the learning process. Early literacy aptitude facilitates language comprehension,
expands vocabulary, and fosters critical thinking. Additionally, it enhances concentration and
attentiveness, which are vital for succeeding in any academic subject.

In addition to early literacy proficiency, several other preschool factors can significantly impact a
child's future academic achievement. These include the preschool program's quality, parental
participation, and the child's social-emotional development.

The preschool program's quality is a critical determinant of a child's academic achievement. Preschool
programs that offer a nurturing and supportive environment with qualified teachers can assist children
in developing the cognitive and social skills required to excel in school. These programs can also
foster self-confidence, autonomy, and a passion for learning.

Parental involvement is another crucial factor that can affect a child's academic success. Parents who
are actively involved in their child's education and provide support and encouragement can enhance
their child's academic performance. They can accomplish this by reading to their children regularly,
monitoring their progress, and aiding them with their homework.

Finally, a child's social-emotional development can also impact their academic achievement. Children
who possess strong social skills and emotional stability are more likely to succeed in school. They can
communicate and interact effectively with others, which can enhance their learning and academic

In conclusion, early literacy skills are critical for a child's academic success, and it is essential to
consider other preschool factors, such as the preschool program's quality, parental involvement, and a
child's social-emotional development, to ensure children are well-equipped for academic success.

49. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Some people think that climate change is a hoax.
What is your opinion about this belief? What responsibility do teenagers take of protecting our
climate? Answer the following questions by giving reasons and specific examples to support your
Đáp án tham khảo
Climate change is a contentious issue that affects the entire globe. Regrettably, there are individuals
who assert that it is a spurious concept, in spite of the preponderance of evidence that demonstrates its
authenticity and anthropogenic origin. From my perspective, rejecting the existence of climate change
is a perilous and negligent viewpoint that could engender catastrophic outcomes for our planet and

There are several rationales for why certain people may espouse the notion that climate change is a
hoax. Some may be susceptible to misinformation or conspiracy theories propagated via social media
or other sources. Others may be skeptical of scientific research or harbor the belief that the issue has
been hyperbolized for political or economic purposes.

Nevertheless, the scientific consensus is resolute that climate change is genuine and that it is
principally caused by human activity, such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. The data is
unequivocal: global temperatures are increasing, sea levels are rising, and extreme weather
occurrences are becoming more recurrent and severe.

As an adolescent, I maintain that it is incumbent upon us to assume responsibility for safeguarding
our climate. We are the ones who will inherit this planet, and we will be the ones who must confront
the aftermath of apathy. There are various ways we can do this, such as reducing our carbon footprint
by using public transportation, walking, or cycling instead of driving, supporting renewable energy,
and educating ourselves and others about the issue. Additionally, participating in environmental
activism and encouraging others to take action can create a more sustainable and resilient world.

In conclusion, climate change is a genuine and pressing issue that demands action from all of us,
irrespective of our age or beliefs. As teenagers, we possess a distinctive opportunity to make a
difference and to influence the future of our planet. By assuming accountability for our actions and
inspiring others to follow suit, we can assist in fostering a more sustainable and resilient world for
ourselves and future generations.

50. Write an essay of about 350 words.

Parents and other adult relatives should make important decisions for their (15 to 18 years old)
teenage children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
Đáp án tham khảo
The issue of whether parents and other adult relatives should wield decision-making authority for
their teenage children, who fall within the age range of 15 to 18 years old, is a convoluted and
contentious topic. While some contend that adolescents lack the requisite experience and sagacity to
make consequential decisions, others contend that it is imperative for young individuals to learn the
art of decision-making. In my estimation, it is vital for teenagers to exercise a modicum of self-rule
and decision-making capability, even as their parents and relatives provide guidance and succor.

One of the paramount reasons for ceding teenagers some decision-making power is that it accords
them the opportunity to cultivate independence and decision-making finesse. Adolescence is a phase
of substantial expansion and metamorphosis, and teenagers must learn how to make choices that will
reverberate over the long term. By according young people the chance to participate in significant
decision-making, parents and relatives can facilitate the development of their confidence and
proficiency in decision-making.

Another salient factor to bear in mind is that teenagers often possess singular outlooks and insights
that elude adults. While parents and relatives may have more life experience, they may lack a holistic
understanding of the social, emotional, and cultural factors that impinge upon their children's

decisions. By heeding the opinions of teenagers and according them some say in crucial decisions,
parents and relatives can glean a more comprehensive and nuanced comprehension of the situation,
resulting in better decisions for all involved.

Nonetheless, this is not to suggest that parents and relatives should be excluded from their children's
decision-making processes. On the contrary, they should furnish guidance, support, and counsel when
it comes to momentous decisions. By drawing on their own experience and erudition, they can assist
teenagers in navigating intricate decisions and averting missteps that could have grave repercussions.

In conclusion, while parents and relatives should participate in their teenagers' decision-making
procedures, they should also appreciate the value of entrusting young individuals with some measure
of autonomy and decision-making power. Such an approach can enable teenagers to develop the skills
and self-assurance necessary to make astute decisions in the future, while also providing guidance and
support. Ultimately, the aim should be to strike a balance between buttressing teenagers and
empowering them to take charge of their own lives.


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