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Practical 2 : Develop Javascript to use decision making and looping statements.




<title>Experiment 2</title>



background-color: lightgrey;

width: 350px;

border: 12px solid black;

padding: 50px;

margin: 20px;

margin: auto;


font-weight: bold;

text-decoration: underline;





<h2><u>Decision Making and Looping Statements</u></h2><br>

<a href="#" onclick="showInputFields('if')">IF</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showInputFields('ifelse')">IF ELSE</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showInputFields('ifelseif')">IF ELSE IF</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showInputFields('switch')">SWITCH</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showLoopOutput('for')">FOR Loop</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showLoopOutput('while')">WHILE Loop</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showLoopOutput('dowhile')">DO WHILE Loop</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showLoopOutput('forin')">FOR/IN Loop</a> |

<a href="#" onclick="showLoopOutput('forof')">FOR/OF Loop</a><br><br>

<form name="exp2" style="display: none;">

<h2> Number Comparison </h2>

<span id="condition"></span><br><br>

<label for="var1">Enter the first number:</label>

<input type="text" name="var1"><br><br>

<label for="var2">Enter the second number:</label>

<input type="text" name="var2"><br><br>

<button type="button"

<label for="result">Result:</label>

<span id="resultLabel"></span><br><br>


<form name="loop" style="display: none;">

<label for="loopoutput"><b></b></label><br><br>

<span id="loopResult"></span><br><br>



<script type="text/javascript">

function setResultText(resultText)

document.getElementById("resultLabel").innerText = resultText;

function showInputFields(option)

document.getElementsByTagName("form")[1].style.display = "none";

document.getElementById("condition").innerText = "Number comparison by using "

+ option + "
statement"; document.getElementById("resultLabel").innerText = "";

document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].style.display = "block";

= ""; document.exp2.var2.value = "";

function checkComparison()

var var1 = parseInt(exp2.var1.value); var var2 = parseInt(exp2.var2.value); var

resultText = ""; var option = document.getElementById("condition").innerText.split("


if (option === 'IF')

if (var1 > var2)

resultText = var1 + " is greater than " + var2;


resultText = var1 + " is not greater than " + var2;

else if (option === 'IFELSE')

if (var1 > var2)

resultText = var1 + " is greater than " + var2;

else if (var1 < var2)

resultText = var1 + " is smaller than " + var2;

} else

resultText = "Both numbers are equal.";

else if (option === 'IFELSEIF')

if (var1 > var2)

resultText = var1 + " is greater than " + var2;

else if (var1 < var2)

resultText = var1 + " is smaller than " + var2;

else if (var1 === var2)

resultText = "Both numbers are equal.";


resultText = "Invalid input.";

else if (option === 'SWITCH')

switch (true)

case var1 > var2:

resultText = var1 + " is greater than " + var2; break; case var1 <

resultText = var1 + " is smaller than " + var2;

break; case var1 === var2:

resultText = "Both numbers are equal."; break; default: resultText

= "Invalid input."; break;


function showLoopOutput(loopType)

var loopOutput = ""; document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].style.display =

"none"; document.getElementsByTagName("form")[1].style.display = "block";

if (loopType === 'for')

name = "Sneha";

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)

loopOutput += name + "\n ";

} document.getElementById("loopResult").innerText = "Printing the name 5

times by using FOR loop: \n\n" + loopOutput;

else if (loopType === 'while')

var loopOutput = 0; var i = 1; var no = 10;

while (i <= no)

loopOutput += i; i++;

document.getElementById("loopResult").innerText = "Sum of 1 to 10 numbers


WHILE loop: \n\n" + loopOutput;


else if (loopType === 'dowhile')

var i = 1; do

loopOutput += i + "\n"; i++;

} while (i <= 10); document.getElementById("loopResult").innerText =

"Printing the numbers from 1 to 10 by using DO WHILE loop: \n\n" + loopOutput;

else if (loopType === 'forin')

const person = { Name: 'Indira', Age: '12', City: 'Solapur' }; for (var key

in person) {

loopOutput += "\n" + key + ": " + person[key] + " ";

} document.getElementById("loopResult").innerText = "Showing person's

information by using by using FOR/IN Loop: \n\n" + loopOutput;

else if (loopType === 'forof')

const colors = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Black', 'White']; for (var element

of colors)

loopOutput += "\n" + element + " ";

document.getElementById("loopResult").innerText = "Displaying colors by


FOR / OF Loop: \n\n" + loopOutput;




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