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Q1: Similar to Claude Monet & the art movement, Claude Debussy was a leader in this

musical style?

The crrect Answer is: Impressionism

Q2: This great costume designer's last film was Steve Martin's "Dead Men Don't Wear

The crrect Answer is: Edith Head

Q3: In 1891, during a 750-mile race of these 2-wheelers, assistants ringing bells kept the
winner awake?

The crrect Answer is: bicycles

Q4: Phrase for the year of a toddler's life that's full of tantrums, aggression & repetition?

The crrect Answer is: terrible twos

Q5: This former governor of Virginia seen here was also our fifth U.S. president?

The crrect Answer is: James Monroe

Q6: Astronaut talk for the landing of a space capsule in water?

The crrect Answer is: a splashdown

Q7: The motion stopped for this special-effects master, whose artistry is seen here in "Jason
and the Argonauts"?

The crrect Answer is: (Ray) Harryhausen

Q8: An abandoned child, perhaps on a doorstep?

The crrect Answer is: a foundling

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