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Torres 1

Diego Torres

Trishia Briones

ENGL 1301 – 120

5 October 2023

Interstellar – I can’t be your ghost.

After watching a one of a kind movie like Interstellar,

you good start, but prompt mentions to refrain from using the

word “you” in it. Just saw it once and I hope that this is the

only “you” throughout this essay. start to question the

obstacles of life as its own, entity. An entity of love, of hatred,

of guilt, blindness, and the ones who are forgotten. What about

those entities? Elabortate a bit more. Interstellar across the

board portrayed many powerful messages for those who seek to acquire the curious state of mind

for the world, and for the powerful bond parents and children have.

One of the most powerful messages lies in a poster named “I can’t be your ghost” which

shows Cooper, the father and main character of Interstellar, hugging his daughter, Murphy, who

later becomes an integral part of the movie. In this specific scene, Cooper is preparing to depart

for his near-impossible task, to travel through a wormhole and find a new home for the human

race. Cooper enters Murphy’s room to say one final goodbye to his daughter, who later finds out

that Cooper doesn’t know if he’s coming back or not. Feeling abandoned, Murphy throws a

watch that Cooper gifted her, and proceeds to cry in her bed, which leads to the scene that the

poster portrays. Very good when referencing back to the poster.

Torres 2

To understand the message behind the poster, let’s get to know who Cooper is. Cooper is

a former NASA pilot and engineer add a comma or something so it doesn’t look weird or look

like a run-on sentence, my opinion though who is now a farmer on a dangered planet. His love

for science and the wonders of space really show in the movie as he is deeply interested in a

UFO (unidentified flying object) that he chases and hacks at the opening of the movie. Cooper

also uses his love for science to connect with his daughter, Murphy, who falls under the same

interest. To many people, Cooper is shown to be an example of a father who is humble, gentle,

and deeply optimistic; hence following his acceptance for the near-impossible task NASA gave

him, knowing he might not come back to his daughter.

Murphy is a young, brilliant girl who has an eye for the unanswered questions life brings

us. She is the one girl in the classroom who always has a question, and loves to be informed of

things. Because of her curious mind, she faced an anomoly in her room. Some of her books

would fall, or dust that would gather in her room would form a coded message on the ground,

further impacting her curious mind and sought out to uncode it. After decoding it with her father,

she snuck into his truck to be a part of the mysterious adventure of the anomoly, which further

enforces the known fact that Murphy is truly a one of a kind individual with a strong mindest of

questions and answers.

“Parents are the ghost of their children’s future” is a powerful quote that is portrayed in

the poster, but at the same time counter-argues the same quote. It’s within the title of the poster “I

can’t be your ghost” that reveals Cooper’s strong urge to create a new legacy for his children to

follow and continue to enforce continue to enforce what? Elaborate a bit more about what he is

contiuning to enforce. Knowing the type of person Cooper is, he’s felt long overdue to exist, to

be an influential part of something larger than himself, rather than being a ghost to his children.
Torres 3

Receiving this task is his ticket out from being his daughter’s background ghost, and leaves room

for him to create a legacy for himself that his children don’t have to go through, and rather live a

new life and continue that legacy with a new beginning to the human race.

Christopher Nolan, who directed the movie Interstellar, has been historically known to

leave a message to the world in his famous films that reveal certain problems that affect the

human race. Because of this, the poster creates a connection to the world that leaves behind

another powerful message stating we can’t rely on the impossible to do the possible. Many

scientists out there have already been looking into a new home as a plan b for when the world

falls down to its knees. But the impossible part is trasnporting the entire human race to a new

solar system, which can take millions of years to accomplish due to the distance, so Nolan stands

tall to his message saying we need to take care of what we have now. We can’t be the Earth’s

ghost, and instead do what’s possible now to save it. Very good and strong message about the


In today’s life we face many issues that are possible to fix, but require immediate action

in order to see the progress we’ve made now in the future. The poster “I can’t be your ghost”

shows a true, deep emotional connection between two individuals who strive to create a legacy

and save the human race, and at the same time reveal many problems in today’s world with

leaving our planet to the dust, as in a way “ghosting” the Earth. Very long run-on sentence, cut it

short. You can make two sentences out of this run-on. For one to achieve and overcome the

curious state of mind, they must not be the ghost to someone’s background, but rather stand up

and act upon the problems that surround them. Good ending for your essay, liked it very much.

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