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Archean and Proterozoic crustal evolution: Evidence from crustal seismology Raymond J. Durrheim Geophysics Deparment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Wits 2050, South Attica Walter D. Mooney US. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, MS 977, Menlo Park, California 94025 ABSTRACT ‘Seismic-velocity models for Archean and Proterozoic provinces throughout the world are ‘analyzed. The thickness of the crust in Archean provinces is generally found to be about 35 km (except at collisional boundaries), whereas Proterozoic crust has a significantly greater thick ‘ness of about 45 km and has a substantially thicker high-velocity (>7.0kan/s) layer at the base. ‘We consider two models that may explain these differences. The first model attributes the diference toa change inthe composition of the upper mantle. The higher temperatures inthe ‘Archean mantle led to the eruption of komatitc lavas, resulting inanultradepleted lithosphere tunable to produce significant volumes of basaltic melt. Proterozoic crust developed above fertile mantle, and subsequent partial melting resulted in basaltic underplating and crustal inflation. In the second model, convection in the hot Archean mantle is considered to have been {oo turbulent to sustain stable long-lived subduction zones. By the Proterozoic the mantle h cooled sufficiently for substantial island and continental arcs to be constructed, and the high- velocity basal layer was formed by basaltic underplating. INTRODUCTION “Many models describe the grow ofthe con- sccrtion, comtinentabift and are magmatism, ootinent-contnent collision) were also the most tinenal erst, ranging ftom roughly steady-state models involving early (ca. 45 Ga) crustal fo mation, to those involving continuous or epi- sodic cratal growth with time (eg, Ashwa 1989, p 144). The question of whether present- day processes of crustal formation (istand-are {important process in the past is equally con- (eatious. Some workers argue fora single domi rant process throughout Earth history. For example, Turcotte (1989, p. 321) argued that continental crast has always formed asa result of basaltic voleaism at island ares, continental Figure 1. Map showing age provinces of continental crust and locations of deep seismic sound- ings used in Mesozoic and Cenezole orogenic belts. b: Paleozoic orogenic iE 1: Proterozoic shield e: Archean shiaid (om Miyashiro sta, 1982). Numbers reterto Figure 2. 6 rifts, and hotspots, Archean geology is also commonly interpreted in terms of modern plate- tectonic concepts. For example, Hoffman (1988) and Percival (1989) interpreted the granliteter- ranes ofthe Archean Superior province as rep- resenting magmatic acs, accretionary wedges, and continental collisions. On the other band, ‘Kerner (1984) drew on isotopic and geologic evidence to argue that intracontinental iting and magmatic underpating and overplating were the primary proceses of crustal growth dring the Archean and Early Proterozoic (ie, vertical growth), wheres inthe Late Protero- oie and Phanerozoic, collision and accretion Ge, bron pean pts bene CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF ARCHEAN AND PROTEROZOIC PROVINCES The thickness and seismic velocity ofthe crust are important constraints on the process of crustal formation: if Archean crust formed by the same basic process as Proterozoic and Phanerozoic crust, the seismic characteristics of the crust (after discounting modifications by postsabiization tectonic processes) should be broadly similar over all geologic time. Converse- 1y, if the proces of crustal formation has changed significantly wit time, these changes should be reflected by a secular change inthe seismic character ofthe crus. A map of geologic tage provinces and the locations of the deep seismic soundings used in this search for 2 Secular change in crustal structure is sbown in Figure 1 In order to make global generalizations wwe have included velocity models from many parts of the world; these models are derived from studies that have used a variety of seismic survey configurations and interpretation meth- ‘ods (Table 1). Although the determination of subtle intracrustal features may be somewhat subjective, major features—such as the depth to Moko and average velocities in the crust and upper mante—are reliably determined (ee, Mooney et al, 1985, p. 235). For this ‘eason we have characterized the velocity-depth functions in terms oftwo prominent parameters: {oul crustal thickness and thickness ofthe basal ‘GEOLOGY, ¥. 19, p. 696-609, Jone 1981 high-velocity layer. The base ofthe crust is de- fined as the depth at which the seismic velocity exceeds 7.6 km/s. The baal high-velocity layer is defined as the part ofthe crustal section that has seismic velocities in the range 7.0-7.6 km/s Although these velocities may indicate anortho- site or rocks of intermediate average composi- tion in high-grade metamorphic faces, probably the most common cause ae rocks with a gabbro ‘o olivine-gabbro bulk composition (Fountain and Christensen, 1989). The results compiled in Figure 2 show that the crust in Archean provinces is relatively thin and lacks a substantial high-velocity basal layer ‘when compared with Proterozoic provinoes. tis important o note that our compilation excludes ancient collisional margins where the crust has ‘been overthickened by thrusting (eg, Kapuskas- ing structure, Canada; Boland and Ellis, 1989). IMPLICATIONS FOR ARCHEAN AND PROTEROZOIC CRUSTAL EVOLUTION ‘Two important constraints have been identi fed inthis study that shouldbe taken into ac- count in any model of continental evolution, Fis, crust that stabilized during the Archean ranges i thickness from 27 to 40 km and aver ages 35 kim, Crust that stabilized during the Proterozoic is substantially thicker (40-55 km), Second, the layer atthe base ofthe crust with a seismic velocity greater than 7.0 km/s (probably representing predominantly mafic rocks) com- TABLE 1. SOURCES OF REPRESENTATIVE SEISMIC VELOCITY MODELS Geoiogs provn erence” Ewope ‘Balle shel, Kola nucleus ‘chean Solegud et al. (1973) Baltic shield, Kaetian province ‘cnean Uoosto et a (1990), Ukranian shila ‘nenean Jentsen (1579). Bate stil, Svecotennian Proterozole ‘esto et al. (1980) rownee. Inia Tncian shits ‘Archean Kaila ot al. (1978) Arabian peninsula ‘arabian shied Proterozoic Mooney et al (1885) Noh Aririca ‘Superior province rchean Balle et al. (1988) and Mooney and Braie (1989) Cental province Proterozois wid Nerhwset Canadian platform Proterozoic ‘bia ‘Granvile province Proterozole ‘bia Australia ‘Yagarn block ‘Achean Drummond (1988) Fibara Book brchean Drummond and Colins (1886) ‘Now Austvalian eration Proterozoic ibid Southern Altica ‘Kaapvaal erion ‘chan Gane eta. (1958) ard ‘ueeneim (1969) Zimbabwe craton ‘Archean Stuart and Zengeni (1987) Limpopo province ‘archean rs Namaqua province, Sou Atica Proterozoic {Green and Ourheim (1990) Renodath proves, Nambia Proterozole Baler et al. (1983), (ote: Regional reviews of the selmi veloly structure ae cited: rolerences tothe ‘orginal vestigations are tobe found in hese roviows ARCHEAN PROTEROZOIC g z i fof uj Pad put # pa LE hi Pah Had an cn 4 8 18 3 i ee - g - - o td a 40- - Figure 2. Representative selsmi about 35 km thick, whereas Proterozoic crut i significantly thicker, about 48 km. Basal high-velocity layer, probably Indicating rocks with mac average compostion, is substanaly thicker In Proterozole provinces. poses only 5%-10% ofthe Archean ers, but it is typically 208-308 ofthe Proterozoic ers. ‘These trends were noed previously forthe Pre- cambrian crust of Australia (Drummond and Collins 1986; Drummond, 1988), and we have extended the observation globally. A thicker rast with a mafic basal layer can be produced in two basic ways. can be formed by the shortening of an originally fesc crs, followed by igneous diferentiaton, upland erosion, However, Drummond and Collins (1986, p. 368) demonstrated that vast amounts of tectonic thickening and erosion ae required, and they argued persuasively that baatc un- erplatng of the felsic crust is & more likely proces. Accepting this second proces as. a working hypothesis, we seek to explain why Proterosi, and not Archean crust, is poe to basaltic underplating. Several geologic ob- servations are commonly cited as distinguishing ‘Archean cratons from Proterozoic eratons (Rut land, 1976; Esberdge et al, 1987). Character- ites of Archean cratons include (1) the virtual absence of ophiolites and blueschist facies metamorphic rocks, (2) the paucity of andestic volcanism, (3) the occurence of komatitc lavas, and (8) the occurrence of diamonds within kimberites. The fist two observations are interpreted to indicate the absence (or the occurrence in a much modified form) of either seafloor spreading or the subduction of ooeanic lithosphere at island and continental acs. The eruption of Komatic lavas indicates higher mantle temperatures during the Archean. The cccurrence of diamonds and especially the ob- servation that diamonds may be Archean in age, ven within Phaneroanic kimberites, provide critical evidence that the lithosphere must have Figure 3. Model for Ar chean and crustal evo ‘zing itorncesin che

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