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SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO HA NOL DE THI THU TN THPT LANE TRUONG THPT KIM LIEN MON TIENG ANH (Nam hge 2022-2023) Théi gian lam bai: 40 phit MUC TIEU ¥ Ging cé kién thie vé Ngit dm (phat dm & trong am tit), cdc chi diém ngit phap co ban: Cac thi trong tiéng Anh, Question so sénh, Question diéu kién, Question trong thudt, Question bi dong, Cac loai ménh dé, Tie loai, Question tedng thudt, Question hoi dudi, Déo ngit, Su hoa hop chi ngie & ding te, Phéi hop thi... vd kién thite tie vung edp THPT. ¥ Hoan thign va nding cao ki néng xte I cdc dang bai tép tiéng Anh: Ngit dm, Tim 13i sai, Ngit phap & tie vung, Doc dién tir, Doc hiéu, Tim Question dong nghia, Tit dong nghia/Tréi nghia, Section 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. rise B. advise C. raise D. pract Question 2: A. completes B. coughs C. experiences D. dislike Section 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. turtle B. hotel D. robot Question 4: A. handicapped B. relevant C. confidence D. consider Section Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to icate the correct answer to each of the following questions. ‘Question 5: 1 don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got little patienes 2 A. hasn't she B. is she C. isn't she has she Question 6: I bought my camera from a friend of mine. A. expensive new German golden B. German new golden expensive C. expensive new golden German D. golden German new expensive Question 7: There was anger at the proposal that a UN peacekeeping force to the area A. is sent B. must be sent C. be sent D. sent Question 8: If you don't finish your homework early, 1 will breathe down your all evening Jong until itis done. A. shoulder B. mouth Co neck D. heart Question 9: , the football match had started for 1S minutes A. Afier John gets to the stadium B. While John is getting to the stadium C. Before John had got to the stadium D. When John got to the stadium Question 10: The goal was to take action against the rapid and chaotic urban by creating new green spaces to reduce the city’s heat, improve the air, and capture moisture A. management B. sprawl C. respect D. running Question 11: His boss asked him to take of the office for a few days while she was away A. responsibility B. advantage C. duty D. charge Question 12: We hope these images will help convince the government national network of refuges for young runaways. A. of B. with C. for D. about Question 13: , the woman was visibly happy after the birth of her child A. She was tired . Despite tired C. Though tired D. Tired although she was ‘Question 14: The more she practices speaking English, she becomes, A. the more confidently B. the greater confidence C. the more confident D. the most confident Question 15: . she spent nearly an hour walking all around the neighborhood looking for her car A. Unable to remember where she was parking B. Unable to remember where she has parked C. Forgetting where to park D. Not remembering where she had parked Question 16: Thanks to all the qualified staff, the event was _ and flowed smoothly. A. well-behaved B. well- planned C. well-off D. well-trained Question 17: Just as my daughter was about to leave the house on her wedding day, my son spilt some tea on her dress. Fortunately, we. the stain with some special soap before the wedding took place A. were able to remove B. could have removed C. might remove D. could remove ‘Question 18: Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to __ heart diseases A. push off B. put off C. throw away D. ward off Question 19: In 1950s, many people moved from West Indies to England because their life was so hard there. A. the/the/x B. the /xix C. x/the/x D.x/x/x Section 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 20: If | say something odd, it's because I didn’t sleep at all last night. When I get extremely tured, I can sometimes get a bit weird A. not be able to participate B. not be able to concentrate C. to be too clever D. to act strangely or unusually Question 21: The way the team clinched the title in the last three minutes is one of the greatest moments in world football A. robbed B. destroyed C.won D. dealt Section 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: When you're new in a school, it’s easiest to just go with the flow for a while, and see what people are like A. follow the common rules B. do what other people are doing C, follow the current trends D. do something different from other people Question 23: The newly-weds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save enough money to buy a house. A. interested B. economical C. wasteful D. careful Section 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 24: Emma and William are talking about the COVID-19 pandemic. ~ Emma: "I think people should wear face masks everywhere to protect themselves and others?” - William: " COVID-19 is easily transmitted from person to person.” A. You can say that again B. I think they will C. You got it, yes? D. I don't think so ‘Question 25: Lan is talking to Nam about her returning from the U.S. - Lan: "Can you please pick me up at the airport next Sunday?” - Nam: * --What time are you arriving?” A. You're welcome —_B. Certainly C. Congratulations D. Same to you Section 7: Read the following passage and mark the lener A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correet word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (26) in technology have made a lot of changes to our everyday lifestyles, but one of the biggest has got to be how we read books. Since the invention of the e-book, there has been a significant change to our reading habits. Given the choice between taking a couple of heavy paperbacks on holiday or an e- book device like a Kindle, most of us, including our parents and grandparents, would unsurprisingly opt (27) Kindle. But what would our lives be like with no books at all? It's a (28) question. Some educational specialists are making predictions that in the future we won't even see books in classtooms - everything will be done online! (29) of the idea of getting rid of books say that there will always be a need for paper based versions of materials. (30) , to be realistic, we have to accept that there is a remote chance that in a decade's time, schools and classrooms will be book-free! What do you think of that? Question 26: A. Progression B, Successes C. Increases D. Advances Question 27: A. of B.on C. for Question 28: A. tricky B. naughty C. funny D. special Question 29: A. Alternatives B. Contestants C. Opponents. D. Enemies Question 30: A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Besides Section 8: Read the following passage and mark the lener A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions, Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated Advocates of organic foods - a term whose meaning varies greatly - frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicised and form the basis for folklore Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for "no-aging” diets, new vitamins, and other wonder foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilised eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilised eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains, and the like. One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases, consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. Therefore, there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly these with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead ‘Question 31: The "welcome development” mentioned in line 6 is an increase in A. interest in food safety and nutrition among North Americans B. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet. C. the amount of healthy food grown in North America. D. the number of consumers in North America Question 32: According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true about the term "organic foods"? A. It is accepted by most nutritionists B. It has been used only in recent years. C. It has no fixed meaning D. It is seldom used by consumers. ‘Question 33: The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally grown foods B, many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods. C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organie foods. D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food erops. Question 34: According to the last paragraph, consumers who believe that organic foods are better than conventionally grown foods are often A. careless B. mistaken ' economical D. wealthy Question 35: The word those” stands for ? A. foods B. concern C. consumer D. they Section 9: Read the following passage and mark the lener A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In this modem world where closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are everywhere and smartphones are in every pocket, the routine filming of everyday life is becoming pervasive. A number of countries are rolling out body cams for police officers; other public-facing agencies such as schools, councils and hospitals are also experimenting with cameras for their employees. Private citizens are getting in on the act too: cyclists inereasingly wear headcams as a deterrent to aggressive drivers. As camera technology gets smaller and cheaper, it isn’ to envisage a future where we're all filming everything all the time, in every direction Would that be a good thing? There are some obvious potential upsides. If people know they are on camera, especially when at work or using public services, they are surely less likely to misbehave. The available evidence suggests that it discourages behaviours such as vandalism. Another upside is that it would be harder to get away with crimes or to evade blame for accidents. But a world on camera could have subtle negative effects. The deluge of data we pour into the hands of Google, Facebook and others has already proved a mixed blessing. Those companies would no doubt be willing (0 upload and curate our body-cam data for free, but at what cost to privacy and freedom of choice? Body-cam data could also create a legal minefield. Disputes over the veracity and interpretation of police footage have already surfaced. Eventually, events not caught on camera could be treated as if they didn't happen. Altematively, footage could be faked or doctored to dodge blame or incriminate others, Of course, there’s always the argument that if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. But most people have done something embarrassing, or even illegal, that they regret and would prefer they hadn't been caught on film. People already censor their social media feeds - or avoid doing anything incriminating in public - for fear of damaging their reputation. Would ubiquitous body cams have a further chilling effect on our freedom? The always-on-camera world could even threaten some of the attributes that make us human, We are natural gossips and backbiters, and while those might not be desirable behaviours, they oil the wheels of our social interactions. Once people assume they are being filmed, they are likely to clam up. The argument in relation to body-cam ownership is a bit like that for guns: once you go past a critical threshold, almost everyone will feel they need one as an insurance policy. We are nowhere near that point yet but we should think hard about whether we really want (o say "lights, body cam, action. ‘Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The current public obsession with modem technology. 4 B. The ubiquity of cameras and ensuing problems. C. Legal disputes fuelled by body-cam data D. Data overload experienced by social network users, Question 37: The word "envisage" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. embrace B. fantasise C. reject D. visualise Question 38: As mentioned in paragraph 2, misbehaviour can be discouraged if potential offenders A. are aware of being filmed at the time B, know that they may be subjected to criticism C. realise that they may be publicly punished D. are employed in the publie sector Question 39: What does the author imply in paragraph 3? A. Body-cam ownership could eventually give rise to information overload, which, in turn, raises public concer. B. Social networks provide their privacy and anonymity, with greater freedom of choice while depriving them of their C. Companies like Facebook may have their own intentions behind their willingness to take care of their users’ body-cam data. D. Google and similar enterprises tend to refrain from harvesting their customers’ data for illicit purposes, ‘Question 40: [tis stated in paragraph 4 that unrecorded events ‘A. may go unnoticed or be ignored completely B. could be manipulated to charge innocent people C, should be kept open to interpretation D. could provoke legal disputes among media companies ‘Question 41: According to paragraph 3, why do social media users already act more carefully online? A. Because they regret doing something illegal. B. Because they disapprove of uncensored social media feeds. C. Because they want to avoid being recognised in public. D. Because they wish to protect their image ‘Question 42: The word "they" in paragraph 6 refers to A. wheel B. social interactions. desirable behaviours. people Section 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. ‘Question 43: Not until he entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet. A. Not until he B. when . that D, had forgotten Question 44: | invited 20 people 10 my party, some of them are my former classmates. A. invited C. them D. former ‘Question 45: When searching for the buried treasure, we noticed a strange inhumane sound coming from 2 distant place, warning about an animal lurking somewhere. A. searching B. buried C. inhumane D. lurking somewhere Section 11: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. ‘Question 46: Sally paid for her travel in advance, but it wasn't necessary A. Sally couldn’t have paid for her travel in advance. B, Sally might not have paid for her travel in advance. C. Sally needn't have paid for her travel in advance. D. Sally didn’t need to pay for her travel in advance. 5 Question 47: My boss doesn't mind what time I start or finish work A. My boss does not tell me what time I should start or finish work. B, It makes no difference to my boss what time I start or finish work. CC. My boss and I are of one mind about what time I start or finish work. D. I do not tell my boss what time I start or finish work because he has a lot on his mind Question 48: They are always talking about it but do nothing. A. Lorder that they not talk anything about it B. I warn them not to talk anything about it . I would rather they did something about it instead ofjust talking about it D. I would rather they had done something about it instead ofjust talking about it Section 12: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49: She didn’t take her father's advice. That's why she is bored with her work. A. If'she took her father’s advice, she wouldn't have been bored with her work. B. If she takes her father’s advice, she won't be bored with her work. . I'she had taken her father’s advice, she wouldn't have been bored with her work D. If'she had taken her father’s advice, she wouldn't be bored with her work. Question 50: | arrived at work. The assistant knocked at the door. A. No sooner had I arrived at work than the assistant knocked at the door. B, [hardly knew the assistant knocked at the door as I just arrived at work. C. Iwas arriving at work as the assistant knocked at the door D. Hardly had | arrived at work then the assistant knocked at the door. HET BANG DAP AN ip }2¢0/3B ]4pd]5pD]6c]72¢ 9.D | 10.8 M.D ]12.A ]13.€ | 14. | 15.D ]16.B | 17.4 | 18D } 19.4 | 20.D 21. | 22. D | 23.C } 24. A | 25. B | 26.D ]27.€ | 28. A | 29. C | 30.B 31. A |32.€ }33.D 34. D | 35. D | 36.B |37.D | 38.4 |39.C | 40.4 41.D | 42.D } 43.4 |44.€ | 45.C | 46.C | 47.B | 48.C | 49. D | 50.4 ‘ONG DAN GIAL CHI TIET 1 (NB) Kién thire: Tir vung thich: Ngiam A. rise /rawz/ (v): ting B. advise /ad'vauz/ (v): khuyén C. raise /rew/ (v): gio lén, néu lén D. practise /“praek.tis/ (v): luyén tip Dap an D c6 am “s” phat am la /s/, 8 Choose D. 2(NB) Gi la /z/. ap an c6n lai phat & thich: Ngitm th A. completes /kom ‘pli:ts/: hoan thanh B. coughs /kof¥/: ho C. experiences /ik'spla.ri.ansiz/: trai qua D. dislikes /dt'slaiks/: khang thich Bip an C c6 am “sles” phait Am la /iz/, ede dip dn edn lai phat dm La /s/ Choose C. 3 (NB) Kién thire: Trong am Giai thi A. turtle /‘t-tal/ (n): con ria B. hotel /hav ‘tel’ (n): khach san C. money /'man.i/ (n): tién D. robot /‘ (n): ngwai may Dap an B cé trong am roi vao am tiét thit 2, cde dap an con lai trong am roi vao am tiét thir nhat, Choose B. 4 (NB) Kién thire: Trong am sii thich: A. handicapped /*haen.du.keepl (adj): tan tat B. relevant /"rel.2.vanU/ (adj): lién quan €. confidi D. consider /kon’sid.or/ (v): cin nhc, suy xét yce /" su tur tin Dap an D c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thir 2, cde dap an cn lai trong dm roi vao am tiét thir nha, Choose D. 5 (NB) ién thire: Cau hoi dudi (Tag questions): Giai thich: Ménh dé chinh diing tir mang nghi: Ménh dé chinh ding thi HTHT => Cau héi duéi ding “has she” Tam dich: Téi khéng nghi Jill c6 thé ta thinh mét gio vién gidi. Cé ay khéng kién nhin lim, ¢6 ding khong? Choose D. 6 (NB) jén thie: Trat tu tinh tr thich: OSASCOMP: Opinion - Size - Age - Shape - Color - Origin — Material — Purpose opinion => expensive age => new color => golden origin => German ‘Tam dich: Tdi di mua mét cai may anh moi dit tien mau vang Choose €. 7(VD) én thire: Cau gid dinh Gidi thich: a proposal that + § + (should) + V/ be PIL ‘Tam dich: Tam dich: Da cé su phin né vé dé xuit nén giti le ong git hoa binh eta Lién Hop Quéc én khu vue. Choose C. phi dinh “little” -> cau hoi duéi khang dinh cu héi dudi diing “have/has” ong ciia Dite tir mét ngusi ban ctia toi, jidi thich: breathe down one's neck: theo ai sit nit Tam dich: Néu con khéng hoan thinh bai tp vé nha sém, me sé theo ddi sat sao con ca budi chiéu cho dén khi con kim xong. Choose C. 9 (TH) Kién thre: Hoa hop thi Giai thich: When + QKD, QKHT: dién ta | hanh dong xay ra tude 1 hinh dng khae trong qua Khit ‘Tam dich: Khi John dén san van déng, wan bong da da bat du duoc 15 phat. Choose D, 10 (TH) Kién thire: Tir ving Giai thich: ~ management (n): su quan ly ~ sprawl (n): sy tran Tan ~ respect (n): su t6n trong, + running (n): sie chay ‘Tam dich: Myc tiéu chinh la hinh déng chéng lai sy m6 rng d6 thi tran lan va nhanh chéng bing vige tao ra nhiing khéng gian xanh dé gidm sire néng cho thinh ph6, cai thign khong khi, va hut am. Choose B. 11TH) jén thre: Két hop tir Giai thich: - responsibility (n): tréch nhigm - advantage (n): loi ich = duty (n); nghia vu = charge (n): st kiém soat, nhigm vu => take charge of something: dim tach edi gi ‘Sép cia anh dy da yéu ciu anh chiu trich nhiém cho van phéng trong vai ngay khi ba ay di 12 (NB) Kién thire: Dang dong tir somebody of something: thuyét phuc ai vé cai gi Tam dich: Ching ti hy vong nhing hinh anh nay sé giip thuyét phye chinh phi vé mang lui t) nan quéc gia cho thanh nién bo tron Choose A. 13 (TH) Kién thire: Rat gon ménh dé trang ng as tired, the Woman was visibly happy after the birth of her child, Hai mgnh dé ¢6 cling chu ngtt, ta c6 thé rit gon chii ngit va to be & ménh dé nhuong bd. Tam dich: Du rat mét, ngwéi phy nit van hanh phiic thay rd sau khi con minh chao doi. Choose C. 14 (TH) Kin thie: Céu trée so sinh kép Giai thich: The + so sinh hon + + V, the + so sinh hon +S + V: eang...cang dy cing luyén tap néi tiéng Anh, thi c6 dy cang tro nén ty tin hon, 15 (VD) ién thie: RGt gon ménh dé trang ng Giai thich: Ménh dé trang ngit dang cha d6ng cé thé rit gon bing cach lvoe bo lién tir va cht ngit, chuyén V sang V-ing Tam djch: Do khang thé nhé duge noi dé xe, c6 dy di danh gin mét tigng di b6 vong quanh khu phé dé tim xe 6 t6 cua minh. Choose D. 16 (NB) iém there: Kién thife tir ving Giai thieh: ~ well-behaved (adj): cur xtr t6t - well-planned (adj): due lén ké hoach tot = well-off (adj): gi c6 - well-trained (adj); durge dao tao t6t ‘Tam dich: Nhi c6 tit ca nhiing nhin vién du tiéu chudn, su kign di duoc lén ké hoach ki cdng vi dién ra sudn sé. Choose B, 17 (TH) jén there: Dong tir khiém khuyét Giai thich: ~ be able + to V: e6 thé lim gi (trong tinh hudng cu thé) - could have + V3/V-ed: da c6 thé Lim gi (nhumg thuc té khéng Lim) = might + V: c6 18 da lam gi - can/could + V: ¢6 thé liam gi (do ning Ive) ‘Tam deh: Khi con gai tdi vita dinh rdi nha vao ngiy 18 dm cudi ciia con bé, con trai t6i da Lim dé wa len bé vay cia con bé, May man thay, chiing t6i da c6 thé loai bd vét ban bing mét it x4 phong dac biét tude khi dam cudi dién ra. Choose A. 18 (NB) Kién thire: Cum dong tir Giai thich: - push off: di ra, di chd khic - put off something: tri hoan cai ~ throw away something: loai bo cai gi ~ ward off something: xua dudi (bénh tat, su nguy hiém,...) Tam dich: Vige bé hit thude chi la mét trong nhimg each nhim tinh bénh tim. Choose D. 19 (NB) Kién thite: Mao tr Giai thich: ‘Trurée danh tit chi mt khong thoi gian => diing mao tir “the” ‘Trude tén goi sé nhiéu ciia cae quéc gia, quan dao —> ding mao tir “the” Trude tén quée gia -> khong ding mao tir “the” Trong nhig nam 1950, nhiéu ngudi da di chuyén tr Tay An dén Anh vi cudc song cla ho ién thire: Tir vung Giai thich: A. khong thé tham gia B. khong thé tap tung, C. qua thong minh D. hanh déng ki la hode bat thudng i quae, cur xit khéng binh thudng = act strangely or unusually i ndi diéu gi dé ki la, d6 1a vi 16i da khong hé chop mat vao t6i qua. Khi ti cye ki mét moi, di khi t6i c6 thé tro nén ki quite. Choose D. 21 (TH) Kin thite: Tir ving Giai thich: A. cuép B. pha huy 10 C. chién thing D. d6i pho > clinch (vy: thing = win Tam dich: Cach ma d6i giinh duge danh higu trong 3 phit cudi ki mét trong nhing khoanh khiic tuyét voi nhat trong bong da the giGi. Choose C. 22(VD) Kién thire: Thanh ngit Giai thich: A. tuan theo nhiig quy dinh chung B. lim nhing gi ma nhimg ngudi khdc dang lim C. di theo xu huséng hién tai D_ lam diéu khac biét voi nhimg ngudi khac => go with the flow: lim theo so déng >< do something different from other people ‘Tam dich: Khi ban la nguéi moi dén 6 trudng, cach dé nhat 1a chi viée thay ai lam gi thi minh lam naj trong mét khoaing thdi gian, va xem moi ngudi nhtr thé nao. Choose 23 (TH) Kién thire: Tir ving Gif thich: A. interested (adj): himg thit B. economical (adj): tiét kigm C. wasteful (adj): lang phi D. careful (ad frugal (adj): Tam die Ngudi moi két hn da ding y sé rat tiét kiém trong viée mua sim vi ho muén danh dum dui tién dé mua aha, can thin kiém, gidn di >< wasteful Choose €. 24 (NB) Kién thire: Ng6n ngit giao tiép Giai thich: A. Ban noi rat ding B. Minh nghi ho sé lam vay C. Ban higu ma, ding chit? D. Minh khéng nghi the Tam dich: Emma va William dang noi chuyén vé dai dich COVID-19. ~ Emma: “Ban ¢6 nghi moi ngudi nén deo khau trang 6 moi noi dé bao vé ban thin va nhimg ngudi khie hay khong?” = William; “Ban néi rat ding. COVID-19 cé thé Choose A. 25 (NB) ién thie: Ngdn ngit giao tiép thich: A. Ban kh6ng ean khach sio B. Tat nhién Jé dang lay tir ngudi sang ngudi. 1 C. Chie mig D. Ban cing viiy ‘Tam dich: Lan dang néi chuyén voi Nam vé vige cd quay tra vé tir MY. ~ Lan: “Ban ¢6 thé dén minh 6 sin bay vao chi nhat t6i duge khong?” - Nam: “Tat nhién. Ban sé dén noi lic may gio?” Choose B. 26 (TH) Kién thire: Tir ving Giai thieh: - progression (n): sy phat tién success (n): thinh eéng, ~ increase (n): str gia ting ~ advance (n): sur cai tién, tién bé => advance in something: sur tién bé ve cai gi ‘Thong tin: (26) Advances in technology have made a lot of changes to our everyday lifestyles, but one of the biggest has got to be how we read books. Tam dich: Nhimg tién b6 vé cong nghé di thay déi 1di séng hang ngay ciia ching ta rat nhiéu, nhung mt trong nhiing sy thay di quan trong chinh la cach ching ta dge sich. Choose D. 27 (TH) ién there: gidi tir thich: opt for something: Iua chon edi gi Théng tin: Given the choice between taking a couple of heavy paperbacks on holiday or an e-book device like a Kindle, most of us, including our parents and grandparents, would unsurprisingly opt (27) for Kindle Tam dich: Néu duoc Iya chon giita vai quyén sich bia mém nang né vao ki nghi hoe mét thiét bj sach dign tr nhu Kindle, da s6 ching ta, ké ca bd me Lin dng ba ching ta, sé khdng c6 gi bat ngiv ma chon Kindle Choose C. 28 (NB) Kién thre: Tir ving Giai thich: A. tricky (adj): Kh B. naughty (adj): nghich ngom C. funny (adj): hai huée, vui non D. special (adj): de bi ‘Théng tin: It’s a (28) tricky question Tam dich: Dé 1a mot cau hoi kho. Choose A, 29 (TH) ién there: Tir vung Giai thich: ~ alternative (n): Itra chon thay thé - contestant (n): thi sinh + opponent (n): ngudsi phan déi, déi thir ~ enemy (n): ké thit 12 ‘Théng tin:(29) Opponents of the idea of getting rid of books say that there will always be a need for paper based versions of materials. Tam dich: Nhimg ngwoi phan déi ¥ twéng bo sich néi ring ching ta sé lun cin cdc phién ban tai ligu bang giay. Choose C. 30 (NB) ién thie: Lién tir Giai thich: A. Therefore: do dé B. However: tuy nhién C. Moreover: hon nita D. Besides: bén canh 46 Théng tin:(30) However, to be realistic, we have to accept that there is a remote chance that in a decade's time, schools and classrooms will be book-free! Tam dich: Tuy nhién, vé thy té, ching ta phai chip nhan ring cé mét tuong lai xa xdi ring trong thip ky tdi, cae trading hoe va lép hoe sé khdng sir dung sacht Choose B. Dich bai d Noi dung dich: Nhiing tien b@ vé céng nghé da thay ong hang ngay ciia ching ta rat nhieu, nhung mét trong nhiing su thay déi quan trong chinh li cach ching ta doc sich. Ké tir khi sich dign tir ra doi, né dj mang én mot su thay d6i ding ké vé théi quen doe sich cia ching ta. Néu duge Iya chon gitta vai quyén sich bia mém ning né vao ki nghi hoc mot thiét bj sich dign ttr hur Kindle, da sé chiing ta, ké ca bd me lan ‘ng ba chiing ta, sé khong cé gi bat ngé ma chon Kindle. Nhung cuéc séng cia ching ta s8 ra sao néu kkhdng hé e6 sich? Dé li mot cau hoi kh6. Mot so chuyén gia gido due dang dy don ring trong twong lai, ching ta thim chi sé khdng nhin thay sich trong lép hoe - moi thiz déu sé duoc tién hinh true tuyén! hing nguoi phin 461 y twang be sch noi rang ching ta sé luén can ede phign ban tai ligu bang giay. Tuy nhién, vé thu té, ching ta phai chap nhin ring cé mét twong lai xa x6i rang trong thap ky t6i, cae trong hoc va lop hoc sé khong sir dung sch! Ban nghi sao vé dieu d6 31 (TH) ién thire: Doc — tir ving. Giai thich: “Su phat trién ding hoan nghénh” duoe nhc dén trong dong thi 6 li su gia ting ve A. méi quan tim vé an toan the phim va dinh dung ciia nhimg nguéi Bic My B. chat Iugng dinh dung cia ché dé an ung cita nguiti Bic MY C. wong thue pham lanh manh duge trong 6 Bic MY D. 86 nguii tiéu ding 6 Bic M3 Thong tin: The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. Tam djch: Sy quan tim ngay cang tng cua ngudi tiéu ding vé sy an toan va chat Iwong dinh dudng cua fién hinh 6 Bac MY li mét sy phat trién dang hoan nghénh, 32(TH) Kin thire: Doc —chi tigt Giai thich: Theo doan dau tién, diéu nao sau diy la ding vé thudt ngit “thye phim hitu ea"? A. N6 duge da sé nhimng nha dinh durong chap nhan, B. N6 da duge sit dung chi trong nhiing nam gin diy. C..Né khong ¢6 nghia ¢6 dinh, 13 D. Né6 hiém khi due nguéi tiéu diing sir dung. Théng tin: Advocates of organic foods - a term whose meaning varies greatly - frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others. Tam dich: Nhimg ngudi ing hé thie phim hitu co dinh rang nhitng san pham nhw thé an toan hon va obi Choose C. 33 (TH) Kién thite: Doc ~ chi tiét Gia thich: Tac gia ngu ¥ ring c6 nguyén nhan dé lo ngai ring nhiing ngudi tigu ding c6 thu nhap han ché mua ning thu phim hiru ce thay vi thyc phim duoc trong theo cach truyén thong vi A. thute pham hitu co cé thé dat tién hon nhung thuéng khéng tot hon thc pham duoc tring truyén thing B. nhiéu thu phim hi co that ra it dinh duémg hon thie phim duoc trong truyén théng. C. nhing thue pham duge trong truyén théng ¢6 sin nhiéu hon thue phim hitu co D. nhiéu néng dan sé dimg str dung phuong phap truyén théng dé trong cy Irong the Thong tin: But in many cases, consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. Therefore, there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead. Tam dich: Nhung trong nhiéu truimg hop, nhig nguéi tiéu ding bj dnb lira néu ho tin thye phim hitu co €6 thé duy tr sire khoe va cung cép chat Ivong dinh duéng t6t hon thye phim truyén thong. Do dé, thye sur ed ly do dé lo ngai néu ngudi tiéu diing, dic biét 1a khong tin tuéng vio ngudn cung cap thue pham théng thuéng va thay vao dé chi mua thy phim hitu co. ‘dit tién. Choose D. 34 (TH) Kién thire: Doc — chi tiet Giai thich: Theo doan cudi, nhiing ngudi tiéu ding tin ring thye phim hin co tot hon thye pham dugc trong theo cach truyén théng thuéng A. careless (adj): bat ea B. mistaken (adj): nhm Tin C. economical (adj): tiét kigm D. wealthy (adj): gidu ¢6 ‘Théng tin: But in many cases, consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. dich: Nhung trong nhiéu truéng hop, nhimg ngudi tiéu diing bi danh lita néu ho tin thue phim haw co c6 thé duy tri stte khoe va cung cép chat hrong dinh duémg tot hon thuc phim truyén thong. Choose D. 35 (NB) Kién thire: Doc — tir thay thé Giai thich: ‘Tir “those” thay thé cho ? A. thuc phim B. méi quan ngai C. nguéi tiéu ding D.ho thuat ng e6 nghia rit da dang - thuimg khang Su phé bién cua camera va nhing hé luy Choose B. 37(VD) ién thire: Doc — tir vung Gidi thich: Tir “envisage” trong doan I dang nghia véi tir A. embrace (v): 6m, chap nhin B, fantasise (v): twéng twéng C. reject (v): tit choi D. visualise (v): hinh dung envisage (v): muéng tuong, hinh dung = visualise. ‘Théng tin: As camera technology gets smaller and cheaper, it isn’ to envisage a future where we're all filming everything all the time ‘Tam dich: Khi cng nghé may anh ngiy cng nhé hon va ré hon, ching ta khong thé hinh dung ra mot tong lai noi tat cd ching ta quay phim moi thir moi lée Choose D. 38 (TH) ién thie: Doc — chi tiet Giai thie! Nhu duge d lam chuyén xau : minh bj quay phim moi lic B. bidt ho ©6 thé bi chi trich CC. mhan ra ho ¢6 thé bi phat céng khai D. Lim viée trong linh vue dng Théng tin: If people know they are on camera, especially when at work or using public services, they are surely less likely to misbehave. The available evidence suggests that it discourages behaviours such as vandalism, p trong doan 2, nhiing hinb vi sai trai c6 thé duge ngan chin néu nhing ngudi ed y dink Tam dich: Néu moi ngudi biét minh dang bi quay phim, nat la khi kim vige hode sir dung dich vu e6ng, ho chic chan sé it c6 kha nang cu xit sai trai hon. Nhiing bang chimg c6 sn cho thay ring né kim giim nhimng hanh vi nhu pha hoai. Choose A. 39(TH) Kién thite: Doc — chi tiét Giai thich: Tac gid c6 ngu ¥ gi trong doan 3? A. Sur so hitu bodycam 6 thé Lim phai cong ching B. Mang xa hoi cung cap cho nguii ding sur ty do Iya chon trong khi déng thii tude di quyén rigng tw va ‘in danh cia ho. C. Nhing céng ty nhu Facebook c6 thé c6 ¥ dinh riéng ding sau sv sin sing quin ly nhing dt ligu bodycam ciia ngudi ding. h tinh trang qua tai théng tin, tir dé kim day Ién sy lo ngai tir 16 je va nhiing cong ty twong tu thuring thu thp dit ligu eta khach hing cho nhimg mue dich bat Théng tin: The deluge of data we pour into the hands of Google, Facebook and others has already proved a mixed blessing. Those companies would no doubt be willing to upload and curate our body-cam data for free, but at what cost to privacy and freedom of choice? ‘Tam dich: Khéi Iuong dir ligu mi chiing ta dé vao tay ciia Google, Facebook va nhiing thir khéc da cho thay ca uu va nhuge diém, Nhung c6ng ty nay chac chan sin sing dang tii vi quin ly dir ligu wr bodyeam cia ching ta mign phi, nhung cai gia cua su riéng tw va tu do luz chon thi sao? Choose C. 40 (TH) ién thie: Doc — chi tiét Giai thie! Doan 4 dé cdp ring ning sur kign khing duge ghi hinh A. c6 thé khong duge chi ¥ hoa bi phot 1g hoan toan B. c6 thé bi thao tiing dé dé ti cho nhiing ngudi v6 151 C.nén duge eéng khai dé giai thich D. c6 thé gay tranh chap phap ly doi voi nhiing cong ty truyén thong ‘Théng tin: Disputes over the veracity and interpretation of police footage have already surfaced Eventually, events not caught on camera could be treated as if they didn't happen. ‘Tam dich: Tranh chip vé tinh xic thue va cich giai thich eanh quay cia canh sit d3 ndi lén. Cudi ting, nding su vige khong durgc camera quay lai c6 thé dvge xem la da khong xay ra. Choose A. 41 (TH) Kién thire: Doc — chi tiet Giai thich: Theo doan 5, tai sao ngudi ding mang xa hoi da hanh xix cin than hon trén mang? A. Vio héi hin vi da lim nhting chuyén bat hop phap. B. Vi ho khéng chap nin bing tin mang xi héi bi C. Viho muén trinh bj nhan ra 6 noi céng céng. D. Viho mong mudn bao vé hinh anh cua minh, People already censor their social media feeds - or avoid doing anything incriminating in for fear of damaging their reputation. Moi ngudi da kiém duyét cae nguén cap dif ligu trén mang xa héi - hodc tanh lam chuyén co ng c6ng - vi lo sq kim t6n hai danb tiéng ctia minh. Choose D. 42(TH) Kién thite: Doc ~ tir thay thé Gif thich: Tir “they” trong doan 6 dé cap dén A. banh xe B. nhiing tuong tac xa hoi C. nhig hanh vi mong muén_ D. moi nguiti ‘Thong tin: Once people assume they are being filmed, they are likely to clam up. Tam dich: M6t khi moi ngudi cho ring minh dang bi quay phim, ho sé im ling. Choose D. Dich bai d Noi dung dich: m duy 7 era gidm sit (CCTV) 6 khip moi noi vi théng minh © vige quay phim lai cud song thuong ngiy dang tro nén pho bi quée gia dang trign khai cde may quay ca nhan cho cdc si quan canh sat; nhimg co quan céng céng khic nhwr trang hoe, Uy ban va bénh vign ciing dang thi nghiém may quay cho nhan vién cua minh, Cac céng din binh thudng cing dang tham gia vio viée nay: ngiy cing ¢6 nbiéu ngudi di xe dap deo headeam dé trinh nhtng ngudi lii xe hung han. Khi cong nghé camera to nén nhé hon va ré tién hon, khong khé dé hinh dung ra mt tuong Iai noi ching ta quay phim lai moi thir vio moi lie, vi 6 moi noi. Dé c6 phai mot chuyén t6t khéng? Cé mot sé loi ich tiém an 16 rang. Néu moi ngudi biét minh dang bi quay phim, nat la khi lim vige hode sir dung dich vu céng, ho chac chan sé it e6 kha nang cur xit sai trai hon. Nhing bing chimg cé sin cho thay ring né Lim giim nhing hanh vi nh pha hoai. Mot um dim Khée chinh la s€ khé dé thoat «61 hoge tron tranh trich nhigm tai nan hon, Nhung mt thé giéi day camera c6 thé mang dén nhimg anh huéng tiéu cue, Khéi hrgng dit liu ma chiing ta d6 vao tay eiia Google, Facebook va nhimng thir khic di cho thay ea uu vi nhuoe digm. Nhing cong ty nay chide el ‘in sin sing dang tai va quan ly dit ligu tir bodycam cua ching ta mién phi, nhung cai gid cua su rigng tur va tur do lta chon thi sao? Dit ligu bodycam cing 6 thé tao ra khé khan php ly. Tranh chip vé tinh xe thye va eich giai thich canh quay cia canh sit di néi lén. Cudi cing, nhimg su viée khéng duge camera quay Iai 06 thé duge xem li da khong xay ra. Thay vio 46, cdnh quay e6 thé bi lim gia hode chinh sira de tranh bi chiu trich ho nhiing ngudi khac. moi ngudi luén c6 nhting Lip ludn ring néu ban khong lim gi sai, ban khéng cé gi ph: Nhung hau hét nhimg ngudi lam nhdng chuyén dng xu hd, hay thim chi lé pham php, mi ho hoi hn va mong muon minh khéng bj quay phim lai, Moi nguoi da kiém duy@t cfc ngudn dp dit ligu trén mang x4 hdi - hodc tanh lam chuyén 6 15i noi céng cng - vi lo so lim t6n hai danh tiéng cia minh, Liu bodycam khip moi noi cé gy anh huéng dén sy tu do cia ching ta hay khéng? Thé gidi Iudn c6 may quay thim chi c6 thé de doa mét sé thude tinh tao nén con ngudi ching ta. Ban chat chiing ta li nhimg ké ngdi 1é d6i mach va thich néi x4u ngudi Khac, va mac di day 1a nhng hinh vi khéng dng mong doi, nhung chiing Iai lim sudn sé nhiing ttrong tac x3 hdi cia ching ta. Mét khi moi nguii cho rang minh dang bi quay phim, ho sé im lang. Nhiing lap luan lién quan dén viée sé hau bodycam ciing kha gidng déi v6i sing: mot khi ban vuot qua niguéing quan trong, hau hét moi ngudi s® ci inh cin mét cai dé lim hop ding bio hiém. Ching ta vin chura dén mite dé nhung ta nén suy nghi ky vé vige ligu ching ta c6 thye sir mudn néi “inh sang, bodycam, dién” hay khong 43 (VD) thife: Cau dao ngit Gidi thieh: Cau tric: Hardly...when: ngay khi...thi Sita: Not until he => Hardly had he Ngay khi anh ay bude vao van phéng thi anh dy méi nhin ra ring minh da bo quén vi thire: Ménh dé quan hé (Relative clause) Giai thich: some ofboth ofall of/neither off... + which/whom Sita: them => whom Tam dich: Toi 4% mdi 20 ngudi dén dir tige ca t6i, mot s6 trong dé li nhing ngudi ban cling Ip tude day cua ti. Choose C. 45 (VD) thire: Tir ving thich: 18 - inhumane (adj): v6 nhan dao ~ inhuman (adj): ky la, ghé ron, khong giéng cla ngudi Sita: inhumane -> inhuman Tam djeh: Khi dang tim kiém kho bau bi chén vii, chiing t6i da nghe thay m6t am thanh ky le khéng gidng cla con nguéi phat ra tir mét noi xa, canh béo vé mét loai théi dang an nap 6 dau 46. Choose C. 46 (NB) Kién thire: Dong tir khuyét thiéu Giai thieh: = needn't have done sth: ding ra khéng edn lam gi (nhumg da kim) - didn’t do sth: khéng cin thigt phai kim gi (khdng kim) ‘Tam dich: Sally di tra tién trude cho chuyén du lich, nhung dieu dé khéng can thiét. Choose C. ..: Khong c6 gi Khic biet San ban tam ti bat lam vige hay hoan thanh cong viée Iie 48 (NB) Kién thre: Thi hign tai hoan thanh Giai thich: would rather ‘would rather sb did sth: uée ring ai dé Lam gi trong hign tai Tam di Choose C. 49 (NB) Kién thire: Cau diéu kign loai hon hop 3-2 Giai thich: Loai hén hop 3-2: dieu kién trai v6i qua khit nhung két qua trai voi hién tai If + QKHT, S + would/could + V Cé ay da khong nghe theo loi Khuyén ca bé c6. Dé la li do vi sao 6 Ay lai chan cdng vige Ho luén néi vé né nhung lai ching lim gi ea. 50 (VDC) Kién thire: Cau dao ng Giai thich: ‘No sooner had + do ngit + than + ménh dé Tam dich: Ngay khi toi dén cho lam thi tro ly da gé cita phong. Choose A. 19

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