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COM Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/2022 No. Absen :
Mata : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 4 (Empat) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Answer the following questionscorrectly!

1. “ Environment “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Makhluk hidup
B. Lingkungan
C. Tumbuhan
D. Hewan
2. Indonesian staple food is…
A. Potato
B. Corn
C. Rice
D. Sago
3. Plants that live on the beach is …
A. Paddy
B. Tea
C. Coconut
D. Cucumber
4. Plants that live in the highlands is …
A. Paddy
B. Tea
C. Coconut
D. Cucumber
5. We water the plants ....
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the morning and afternoon
D. In the morning and evening
6. When plants must be fertilized ?
A. Every day
B. Once a week
C. Once a month
D. Once a year
7. The example of dangerous animals is…
A. Rabbit
B. Butterfly
C. Snake
D. Cat
8. The example of animals that can live on land is …
A. Dolphin
B. Goat
C. Turtle
D. Snail
9. Animals that move by jumping is …
A. Rabbit
B. Snake
C. Cow
D. Worm
10. Plants that can become medicineis …
A. Ginger
B. Pine tree
C. Coconut tree
D. Jackfruit tree
11. The picture showsa treat plants is …




12. “ Keberagaman “ in English language is…
A. Diversity
B. Benefit
C. Sentient
D. Environment
13. “ Rare “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Langka
B. Mudah ditemui
C. Dipelihara
D. Diperjualbelikan
14. Look at the picture below!
What is the name of the bird in the picture?
A. Sparrows
B. Parrot
C. Birds of paradise
D. Starling bird
15. Birds of paradise comes from…
A. Java
B. Sumatra
C. Kalimantan
D. Papua
16. What is the characteristic of bats except?
A. Bats live in dark places
B. Bats do activities at night
C. Bats eat fruit and insect
D. Bats sleep at night
17. What is the true characteristic of chameleons?
A. Can change skin color
B. Chameleon food is leaves
C. Chameleon has a short tongue
D. Chameleon live in caves
18. Which is a rare animal?


B. buku tematik kelas 4A

C. buku tematik kelas 4A

D. buku tematik kelas 4A

19. “ Love environment “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Mencintai lingkungan
B. Mencintai kebersihan
C. Mencintai kerapian
D. Mencintai kesehatan
20. The picture shows an environmental damage, except…





II. Answer the following questionscorrectly!

1. Carrots live in the … area

2. The plants that live in beach area is…
3. The part of the plant that is on the ground is
4. The place of photosynthesis in plants in…
5. The example of rare plants in Indonesia is …
6. The example of rare animals in Indonesia is …
7. The Amphibians animal are…
8. Worms live in…
9. The animal that can change skin color is …
10. The Plants used for food coloring are…
Answer Key
I. Multiple Choice
1. A 11. A
2. C 12. A
3. C 13. A
4. B 14. C
5. C 15. D
6. B 16. D
7. C 17. A
8. B 18. A
9. A 19. A
10. A 20. C

II. Isian
1. Highland
2. Coconut
3. Root
4. Leaf
5. Rafflesia arnoldii
6. Orangutan, tiger, komodo
7. Frog
8. Land
9. Chameleon
10. Pandanus and turmeric

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