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This quote highlights the need for equitable distribution of resources across the urban and

rural areas. It acknowledges the past neglect and deprivation that the rural areas have faced due to
the concentration of resources and development in cities.

On one hand, this quote can be seen as a call for action to redirect resources towards rural
areas, which could promote their growth and development. For instance, investments in rural areas
could lead to the creation of job opportunities, better healthcare, and education facilities, which
would help in bridging the urban-rural divide.

On the other hand, this quote could also be viewed as a reminder that rural areas have
unique strengths and resources that need to be harnessed. For example, rural areas can be centers
of agricultural production, which can be leveraged to promote economic growth and sustainability.
Additionally, rural areas can offer unique tourism experiences that can attract visitors from urban
areas, thereby promoting cultural exchange and appreciation.

In summary, this quote emphasizes the importance of equitable distribution of resources

both within and between urban and rural areas. It highlights the need to recognize the unique
strengths and challenges faced by each area and to work towards promoting sustainable and
inclusive development.

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