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Name: Ariana Athena V. Panuncio Section: BSCE – 1A

Instructor: Haji Paltad Mora Subject: Mathematics in the Modern World

I. Find the missing Jigsaw puzzle



1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D


Answer: C
II. Logic Reasoning & Verbal Reasoning

1. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. index

B. glossary

C. chapter

D. book

Answer: D, the rest are parts

2. Which word is the odd man out?

A. trivial

B. unimportant

C. important

D. insignificant

Answer: C, the other three has similar meaning which is ‘no importance’

3. Tanya is older than Eric.

Cliff is older than Tanya.
Eric is older than Cliff.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. true
B. false
C. uncertain
Answer: B, if Tanya is older tan Eric and Cliff is older than Tanya, then, Cliff is older than the both of

4. In the statement below try to figure their height from tallest to shortest.
Six neighborhood children (Leisha, Benito, Delia, Charlotte, Weldon, and Zina) were measured
yesterday. Weldon is taller than Delia but shorter than Zina. Leisha is taller than Benito but shorter than
Delia and Weldon. Benito is not the shortest.
Answer: Zina > Weldon > Delia > Leisha > Benito
If Benito is not the shortest the remaining is Charlotte. Therefore, Charlotte is the shortest.
5. One rabbit saw 6 elephants while going towards river. Every elephant saw 2 monkeys are going
towards river. Every monkey holds one tortoise in their hands.
How many animals are going towards the river?
Answer: 5 animals are going to the river, 1 rabbit + 2 monkeys + 2 tortoise = 5

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