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Exploring Your Dream – Embrace The World

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Your excellencies the committees, the honorable juries, dear my friends who
participate in this speech contest, and my loving mother, father, and sister.
First of all, all praises to Allah who gives this life and guides us always. Secondly,
shalawat and salutation must be upon Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, his family, friends, and
I’m Jihan Fadila Gusmita from MAN I Surakarta.
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow dreamers,
Today I want to talk to you about something truly extraordinary – the motivation to go
international and explore your dreams on a global stage. Our world is vast, diverse, and filled
with endless possibilities, and it’s to for us to seize them. Each one of us carries within us
dreams, aspirations, and visions of what our lives could be. These dreams are like the
compass that guides our journey through life, directing us towards our true calling and
But have you ever considered what happens when we take those dreams and set them
loose on the world stage? When we allow our ambitions to transcend the boundaries of our
comfort zones and venture into the unknown? This is where the magic truly happens.
Let me share with you why going international is not just an option, but a
transformative choice that can shape the course of your life:
1. Personal Growth
Going international means stepping out of your familiar cocoon and
embracing the unknown. It's about challenging yourself, learning from diverse
experiences, and growing in ways you never thought possible. In this process, you
discover the extraordinary strength that lies within you.
2. Career Opportunities
International experience is like a golden key that unlocks numerous doors in
your career. Employers value individuals who bring international perspectives to the
table. Your ability to adapt, communicate across cultures, and solve complex
problems can set you apart in the competitive job market.

3. Building Global Relationship

The connections you make while exploring your dreams internationally are
priceless. You meet people from all walks of life, forge lifelong friendships, and
create a network that spans the globe. These relationships can open doors to
opportunities you never thought possible.

4. Adventure and Discovery

International travel is the ultimate adventure. It's about exploring new
landscapes, savoring exotic cuisines, and engaging in thrilling activities. Every
moment becomes a treasure, and every journey an epic tale.
5. Inspiring Others
Your journey can become a source of inspiration for those around you. By
daring to explore your dreams internationally, you encourage others to do the same.
You become a beacon of hope and proof that dreams can come true, no matter how
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow dreamers,
I urge you to embrace the world. To let your dreams run wild and free on the global stage.
Step out of your comfort zone and let the world become your canvas for greatness.
Remember, it's not about the destination; it's about the journey. And the journey begins with a
choice. Choose to explore your dreams internationally, and you'll embark on a life-changing
adventure filled with growth, discovery, and fulfillment.
Thank you, and may your international dreams take you to heights you've only imagined.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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