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SATVIC MOVEMENT NOTeS - Day 6 €QT FOOD THAT'S LiviNd, WHOLesome & *Roadmap for the day. * Most people see milk as a complete and essential food. Milk has been an - cath | . inane a ae ~— biigh blood + , pressure diabetes : tee * The long term effects are far more serious. °@ 2/\\ @® We've started treating cows from like a motHee to a machine. * The importance of milk, as described in our scriptures, was fully dependent on cow service.~ > ahs + Enplier, the cow was treated with love, like a family member. * But now, she’s seen as nothing more than a mii i i + In the dairy industry, cows are perpetually tied alah oe barely able to move. + They ae Shortly after their babies are born, they are snatched away from their mothers, leaving the cow miserable. * The most powerful action we can fake to break this cycle of torture is to stop dairy. 3/\\ What if the milk that | get comes from Genuiney Teusted paiey Farm 2 * Here are 3 onditions that the farm must meet to be considered as a genuinely trusted dairy farm’: © \s the cow loved and cared for 2 Is there belween the ww ond the owner or is she actually “Voved? Check for yourself. @ Is the ww allowed fo roam on open fields everyday 2 How much space is available with the farm owner? Is the cow “Hed to a small rope all day tong, or is she allowed fo room freely? ® |s the calf allowed 40 drink milk first 2 The first right to that milk is of the calf. Is the tal allowed fo dik lk fit 0 is he deprived of his oun mother’s milk? See for yourself * IF these 3 conditions meet, consider it a Genuinely trusted dairy farm — {you may consume its milk. eA * Packaged dairy seems innocent from outside, e je but in reality is nothing but a product An OF painful abuse thatthe cous qo through =) sONUt milks are a pet eat In most: i dishes, we can curate a very similar taste 4 mm “and ‘fexlure, without animal milk. & ow * Click here to watch a step by step video for making coconut milk. * Initially, it may be efforttul to make nut milks. But with time as we make it regularly, it becomes a part of our kitchen culture, and then, it doesn't fake much time. + We ma also feel that nut milks are expensive. Let's have a close look at the i ae = 0) = we baa = E40- -45/L {coconut 2 caps of Regular milk coconut giti e og = S70-100/b A2 milk aren S/N + If you live outside India, you can go for ‘other plant based alternatives, like almond milk or any other nut milk. Some tecipes that we can prepare using nut” milks) — ’ opt ) Curries re Desserts % + sj G? \ 5 4h w Satie coffee ) st Ice-creams ) * Click here to watch step by step videos for making these dishes. “You can find more recipes in the Satvie food books ), i, y + We will learn about the impact of meat on our body and on our mind. eee 6/\\ Ls 3 8 3 = * Noture has gion eet, which suggest whether we are made to eat meat or not. Very sharp nails (to snateh 8 tip do — apatt flesh) ly : ) They have the ability to hunt during night aes A times body se pil ‘length (tokes ee 4 lot of time through their to pass cu, oe HF exits soit rits-( aa the body § before it stort rotlag) creates toxins ) Wi * We humans are not bidlogically designed to process animals. * Our bodies may have adapted to it today. But its not the way “Nature designed us. i. p< + Food is Food is much” more. Food is eneray. * It is not just a transfer of calories, it is a transfer of energy. + Which is why, what we eat dramatically affects the way we think. "A chicken nugget was once a hen like this, + This hen zat all its life in the dark, + Animals are dropped, dragged, beaten and kicked, just like objects, * What do you think their feelings must be like? @2 iN | et) t Pain Eton Sorry Anger —_ Depression Cube BAI * When we eat the flesh of ‘tortured animals, that same “energy consciousness is transferred to us. * Our body begins fo accumulate that energy, which manifests within us in the form “of anger, violence, depression and illness. \ gris make our stomachs Se a graveyard for dead animals. * What is an egg 2 * An egg houses the base material needed for making a bird with beak, eyes, tail, feather, heart, ete. * Hence, it has high amounts: of protein which is nothing but building block. + We don’t need this much protein. But the ¢qq industry spends millions of rupees marketing to us, saying that “it has protein. + What the eqq industry doesn't tell us is that it is also ein gh ia that is difficult for our body to assimilate. * The “9 industry is onl interested in the profit-making female Rn VEarN ql * When the eggs hatch male chicks, they won't grow up to lay 995. So,”” they ore wseless Wo he egg indus * Within hours of theit biith, these mole birds are disposed off, by electrocution, gassing or grinding. hem up live. + Every time we buy ss or eat ances which has egg, we are © Documentaries to watch ‘this weekend : Y Pele be I, OFA ; ick Ped f 40 RL t mad Ve Ny Ce The Game Changers Deadly Dairy Global Junk Food A quick summary of (AL quick“ surnary ot exachy "where weave with the “challenge, where we are with the challenge - i 0A Make almond or coconut milk at home today & use it in @ recipe. Click here to watch a detailed video on how to make coconut milk. 408 Post your recipe photo on the Ultimate Health group. Saving one animal won't change the world. But it will change that one animal’s wotld. “Notes creted by Savic Team

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