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Also by Variorum: [nthe Collected Studies Series: CYRIL MANGO. Studies 02 Constantinople CYRIL MANGO yoantivm and ls Image ANTHONY CUTLER Imagery and Ideology in Byzantine Ant JULIAN GARDNER Patrons, Painters and Sains in Medieval Vili Painting ALEXANDER KAZHDAN ‘Authors and Texs in Byzantium ROBIN CORMACK ‘The Byzantine Bye: Studies in Art and Patronage CLIVE FOSS History and Archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor JOSEPH GUTMANN: ‘Sacred Innages: Studies in Jewish Art from Antiquity tothe Middle Ages MACHIEL KIEL Studies om the Ottoman Architecture ofthe Balkans NICOLAS OIKONOMIDES ‘Byzantium from the Ninth Ceatury tthe Fourth Crusade ANGELIKIE. LAIOU ‘Geader, Society and Economic Life in Byzantium PAUL MAGDALINO “Tradition and Transformation in Medieval Byzantium ‘ROBERT S. LOPEZ ‘Byzantium and the World Around It ‘ROBERT BROWNING History, Language and Literacy inthe Byzantine World 04128235 Prayer and Power in Byzantine and Papal Imagery WAMORIVA se ArsSewwy yedeg pue sunueztg ur yoMog puv 1okeig ai soudorsisg ‘Tas ediion copyright © 1999 by Curistophec Walter Published by VARIORUM. ‘Ashgate Polishing Limited Gower House, Cott Road, Aldershot, Hampshize GUi1 3HR Great Briain ‘Asiagate Publishing Company (Od Post Road, ‘Brooldield, Versont 05036 USA ISBN 0-86078-263-4 [Betish Libszy Cataloguing in Publication Data ; Christopher ‘oc and Power in Byzantine and Papal images. “fveriorun Colloced Seogies Series; CS 396) 5. Tite I Series 5495 ‘This Vaciorum edition is printed on acid-ee paper. Primed by sd (Prices) Led ‘Yarmouth, Nerfolk Briain (COLLECTED STUDIES SERIES C3396 MI Vila vu CONTENTS tothe Macedonian " Revue des Enades B20 Portraits of local Zoom radova Vi 1s: a note on ther significance lskog insta 21. Belgrade, 1982 “Tiee notes on the iconography of Dionysius the Areopagite Revue des Beudesbyzantines 48, Paris, 190 n ‘onographical sources forthe coronation of in and Simonida at Gratanica ryzantin au debut i XIVe siecle, Belgrade, 1978 ‘The Dextrarum junctio of Lepeis Magna in relation 10 the iconography of marria Hlommages&Jeon Lass, AscenProvence, 1979, Marriage crowns in Byzantine joonogr Zograf,Spomeniea Sveozare Rodojca 10. (pp. 83-91) Belyade, 1979 ‘Papal political imagery in the medieval Lateran palace (Cahiers archéologiques 20. Pars, 1970 Papal political imagery in the medieval Lateran palace (Cahiers orchéolopiques 21, Paris, 1971 wvenir du He concile de Nicée da ine iote 1757-1987, Douze sidles d’omages relgieuses. Paris, 1987 -onographie 28.274 133-200 271-283 a7 155-176 109-136 167-2 ‘notes 215i ap “aydedaory ayy snssuoyq yo souos eaidesdorg, . (LECI-6CzI 1 umionuns moomong OUIISIN pe wuaTe “aretA, “sauBaNT +5) pasnguo weysowos sf CoN See eon pres 9g Sn 3 "eUUaney Jo usr eso, # SP ENA 15 wre 0) SuoNm sea Timp soup] ovat v ul au 1 Ino payuiod sneWy Hogoy Yelp WoRUSWH pinot 1 ‘Buissed oy “soeid » pey dpeane younee) amp 30 SMe PIHEHgE x TY oun pus UBoieT ByOE 3§ 36 Eq aft 0} UEP auEne aif Jo WoReruass2d swy] -famuss UE amp oy ouds gy -sdousiq Jo woHDUNY aq yup PaUTI9G00 sem | ePAE puOS am) UT ‘qe2qUnIUIOD 03 pousep oxoM oun Yor a8rssoUs oMp PU sioejour ofp Jo wonsuny 4p Jo sus0) Ur 1 9q ue9 wawdojaned, su aunurzig jo uonepardde mo ziostp — wistuayayy Jo onfea rewopusssuen noo onsytis v 70 Aupyes am SumwMsse — Gaorsiy we jo noo yoru ouretp 8 scovenep ,uestaTOH UE Ul (e801 yor) pomorsas swawepy sewouy, ajdurexa ‘Uy auoojon aea e pantanay Aprus STI “CeRGL uMUOUA) Yom) auzkg 249 J porn puo wy yoog Suu que parsouuGo sosnsinax> are Sopse Sam SHY 2, ‘sduos8 em onur égBnor papiatp aq se ony “des940 9x05 9 mya sioofoud yore ONL, “0661 01 94st wos ‘19x09 494 poyoa/O9 So}IRP ous, “wd 40 mo u20q Zuo} Sey auinjox styy,“souas seIpmag parooqjoo stam ut KydosoWooz aumunzég_ in sorpmas Kua Seaysqnd Jo yweuaanoD ay oUH Pred IMO “Lust UE gOVaMIE se a wer ea-soe ists ‘sofad gg + x sureiuos oumnjon STE xepu yes8820 suduosnuey Jo x09 668 “norg “1s soot umgusedg 1 wonrensnys apo pur sioyfesg shesDOSIe OW], TX 868 UE wopuor| ay 204 ppoursyUISIURS AePHIOUET, IX 61 ‘90mg sp soanuczka pg sp aang var Kargu2>-pur ‘oysuug jo oem ou: pursues Aep-roMe T,X ner uta 96 ‘Aeqquso yquoxap92up 0} HUN 34p WOH SIOHES earirew ounwezteayp ursourom xI vas frst represented in Byzantine art. Céphalophore would receive quite different Sonnotations in East and West, a subject which { am investigating fortes. "the next fv aries fn pat of series of studies of mera cx offi ieonography which [have never attempted to put together to form a book. Some suc artcles were cepublished in my eatier volume of collected studies (see the ist in a ote atthe bepinning of article VI ofthis volume). Since the appearance ff actile LV in 1978, 4 aumber of pitres of cozonation have been published in tore deal Miutin and Simonida themselves at Gratanica by B, Todié, ragantte Siikarsno (Belgrade no date), the despot Stefan at Ljubost ri wid (ata 183), tad the tonapce tothe Barber Per ez Below). To these shovld be added the recently discovered fresco of Stefan De8an tr Polefka, Macedonia, C. Grozdanov & D. Comakov, ‘Istonski pores w Poloskom’, Zograf 14 (i981), 60-67; 15 (1964), 85-93. ‘ "a connection withthe articles on the iconography of marriage, Gery Vikan's note ferreaching studies of objects connected with marriage should be mentioned ‘hrs Medicine and Magic in Early Byzantiust, Dumberton Oaks Popers 38 (1984), G-8é; "Art and Marriage in Early Byzantivm’,Tbiders 48 (1990), 15-163. ay ssedy of papal pottcl imagery (Vila) was undertaken on th suggestion of the Inte André Graber, Recently Vojislay Djuri has republished, with Pavle {hie and Sima Cirkovi, the Exphigmenou charter of the Despot Djuragj, na pobeln dspota Djurdia (Belgrade 1989). have also flfiled « promise ate lost picture of the coronation of Lotharus IT at St Son Lateran in ¢ paper given at the symposium, Byzantium and Its Neighbours zom the Mig-3th ail the 12th Centuries, held at Bechyné, Ceechesiovakia, in September 1990 (printing. ‘ir cecent Sues of tis subject are af arcle by Ingo Helou, “Die Beratungsrdume Calintus’ I im Lateranpalast und ihre, Fresken, Kunst und Propaganda aim Ende ces Investtusteits , Zetschrfd flr Kunstgschichte SD (905 ep. 145-246, and a book by Mary Sto, Symbols ax Power. The Papacy following the Inveriure Contest (Leiden 1991) ‘The remaining articles are connected, directly or indirect, with the preparation cof an eaion ofthe Barberi Petter, the last of the great Byzantine margin putes (o have remained unpublished. The project upon which I began work in {S85 was nally brought to fruition, withthe help of P, Canart and J. Anderson, in 1959, The Barberini Psalter, Codey vaticanus Barbernianuagraecus 372 (Belser “Verlag Ze) Articles IX, X and XI are primarily concerned with Christologcal and hagiographical themes in the marginal psaters. In attempting to identify their literary counterparts, I had inevitably to consider the question of development. ‘This development is fairly clear for the Christolo whose literary counterparts range from the New Testament through the Patristic commentators up to eighth-century writers. However I also detected changes in the conception OF the Psalter, notably that from being regarded primanily as a compendium of prophecies it was considered in the eleventh century rather asthe just man’s book of prayer. , Piso succumbed to the temptation ~ despite Anthony Cutler's warning in & ‘memorable phrase that, in so doing, I would be “attempting to resolve insoluble unverifiable answers” ~ of speculating about lost models. I was dy toy ine hypothesis that the winth-century marginal psalters derive irom an eighth-century model executed in Palestine, when F. Boespfivg invited me fo contribute @ paper to volume commemorating the twelfth centenary of the second council of Nicaea (article VIN). I argue here that there is litle evidence {or the second council of Nicaea exercising a direct impact on image-making at the time ~ and probably none on the ninth-centyry marginal psalters. I also availed “myself ofthe opportunity of updating what I had written earlier on the iconography af councils: Iconographie des conciles dans la tradition byzantine (Paris 1970) and ‘Konzilien', Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst (Stuttgart 1950 but actually wweitten in 1978). A further article on post-Byzantine ioons of councils is due to appear in the Delton ts christanikis archaiologiks etireas, volume 16 Finally atiele XI, weitten atthe request of V. Vavrinek, aitempts to make some sense of Ode illustration which is, with rare exceptions, at once so heterogeneous and so banal. The general rule was t0 choose elther an author portrait or an ‘conographical theme deeply rooted in Early Christian art. Some of the more intriguing miniatures, concerned with the prophet Habakkuk, are treated in my article “The Teonography of the Prophet Habakkuk’, Revue des études byzantines 47 (1989), 251-260. Since a number of the Odes are attributed to prophets, John Lowden’s The Mlurinated Prophet Books (Pennsylvania State University 1988) is relevant to the subject, notably for what he has to say about Ulpius the Roman, Habakkuk and Isaiah, T should like to finish this preface with some remarks about approach and methodology. Scholars began to study Byzantine at scientifically in the nineteenth century. To my mind the soundest approach was that of the Russians. It has been recently contrasted lucily by J.-M. Spieser with Western approaches in 2 paper entitled “Hellénisme et connaissance de l'art byzantin au XIX" siecle’, ‘EAABNIEMOE. Quelques jalons pour une histoire de I Said (Strashourg 1959), p. 337-362. T quote from his article a passage wh himseif quotes (p. 360) ffom a translation from the Russian which was published in the Revue archéologique in 1880: ans Ficonographie byzantine, l'art ne sert pas de but, mais de moyen; il est soumis ala verité et la tradition, de méme qu ique est soumise ATidée religiouse .. Siles images saintes, quant & leur valeur esthétique, ne correspondent pas toujours aux régles de Part, clest que leur but unique est de rendre fidélement Pidée religieuse This approsch, shared by later Russian scholars such as D.V. Ainalov and rendered familiar in the West by A. Grabar, has not always been understood by those art historians who accept the transcendental value of Hellenism. Spieser {quotes another nineteenth-centuzy scholar, L. Vitet, tothe effect that “des notions de rythme, de mesure, d'équilibre, d’ te’ imitation, qui sont Tessence meme de l'art grec” were maintained in the Athonite monasteries “comme (dans) tune autre arche de Noe” (p. 383). However, even in our time, some art historians fare satisfied with an approach which looks on Byzantine art as a subspecies ofthat of the Renaissance, 5 2804p J0 10} 4 061 oq wopsuaasy SL IV USHEOLSPEED aed ‘wonpnposd si omy ind seq 24) eyp 340m wo8ip amp 205 Kofpoug uyos Are|MonEd xOUr PUT Jo sou98 stom ur summon stip Sundoooe 30} uUOREA URN nj 8 uo9q Danty 2609 AUP ‘quDs0p TOMI soypesd otp 20 a tuueqieg au) Jo Sunep 24} uo spuodap Sut sod ] Yori soyfsd payouruanyyKmmyo2o-yUaAsyo IO] 948305 SV srowesd Amyido-qiuny juepxo cant ayy 404 f9pout aM} u99q reurireu soy, wes erydouoay Apioqéra ve i aAt8 01 2a¢30 ou pe ~ a1 st asooar sem ouumesfoxd 2 Prnow f pry saqn0 otf UO ugumnos amesg 249 Use ‘ow aumuos3014 asses ‘1 swuaudoyaxap Habs <0 eu Armyuaa-nyi> ue au0 ‘sfopout of 04 tonuasre Yon 003 SusKed Ka uo CoD saresd poorSswm 94} wo sojouze Aus wt yeqr au or paiaty u29q sey “sn 0) a|gayreas are pus yO op yoru sidaoeUE pe smn hs pntar ana ot © Jo su a BIG Su Situms gee on er AON Grou E Jo ND ADEN TBE to “joue WERT aL THON ayo wolnceND Sek anp aonb ai. ome coy eran 02 po 3g ee ctncny ap Gears SeNOMOTS “asorqimy pauaouer 2xour ‘Suoqe paussaudar 24 BIMOWS Surusior ua doysiq au zen sueudoudds sxojamm Som I “CCE -1op Josedi ay Aq Poutsizucoseem UUW 30 HIM 2H JO oq, 2qmoy or asafgns usoq. dysnolsaad poly Uo!s $9600019 Te corps samp uo iow 9 tener Teor 30 msg a0 wonoqpsunt posmboe dousig oH grBuBuoNAy vMsT 30 asecORp =m Jo prude oyp otanooq ‘an39 aa Sieg yo redayp ots ur asun Buezzrdons ye azoqasoua 83am sowonoed aun se popinfas sun asosqUry surNg Aanaues tae SHS wen ‘suo puP BuuaA 2a “ORT S098 wsoisoyy sostD sop ostsOMND 5} asta ay “su SNM Roo ow pu soxmoxd Iso] ossxp Jo SuondHoesp ot womIag PITS 34 Wo Gonssuuo ow sssaKOH 1 Yomy) smemyssoosne ur oq br Doce 5 Paarguus> pay oun sdousig s94ye9 aAty 50 th soe mand pey splom 2ip oxen oun doqsig ath ges, sasoce vanb sno, ax 39 ama ome3 200 uf sosso>on8 Mniod santzoursuno> ays ‘suusos af ‘soutnuiog varonyy simanfode (ous—use) sun giodnyp jedoosidayuar aif tr (eig—9eo) Ty Sy 209 a: paw EuPIIP, speNpND aM Ut GGsp—LLH) SoNEY wo ays v Sq pomsusaLTWOD sea soussyrunte SON ne dee sino et soudang auRg Ut (ags-—9ps) etme, Fe DUE Selene Laos 49S ©] ypm\p> ain Huaotond Ry jo MEsood 80] VST ung Oh Ope 8 10 of Ursicinus (633-536) the construction began of a shrine for Apollinarus Stree the conquest of Ravenna by Belisarus in 549, che ‘popular Smiroduceé, notably of John the Ba ectheless the two churches whose cant were dedicated £0 local saints: Vi $80), who consecrated the church in 549.27 The importance of having ¢ Boe ne rounder bishop was evident. The choice of she four local bishops muse be significant, Severus (/f. $42) was the ose name figuzes among those present 36) began the construction of the church.® ifPeter w incluied, is may be because he fied ro manife 2 spirit of independence. "Yer this programme docs no more than reflect the prestige ofthe local ‘Church, Menizuan had received the pallium on his consecration By Pope 28106 noeworiss that ng bishop of Ravenna wo was vener i yfouae Miowndn and Celogeas) figures in dhe church apart from. he ticle is Firs’ ecor jon Maximian is called bea- iarehs, archbishops and ed nor used in correspondence Ww cneless Pelagins 7 (S56—S61) ca ceurred in 566, when Repératus sought and received the privilege ‘ocephaly from Coastans If for bishop Maurus (648-67) ‘vas bucied in Sant’Apollinaze in Classe, where his epitaph, due Reparatus (671-671), recorded that Mauras archieptcopus cclesiam san de igo Romanorum serciati: ‘Obviously the mossic gains in interest if it does indeed record the conferment of autocephaly, such that the j igures would be Constans TIP Constantine IV, Heracius and Tibedus, while the bishop in the back- round, extending his arms in @ gesture of protection, would be Apoliinarius ‘ly of aut Jagniana — Ravenna: an Aspect of Justi 84 * jo gainnis a a ae ‘wo sep *31c "ps. eopaoTeyD Jo [pmo ays ‘uo Sofas eammiord cau soseg ase yo uoHRIODSp A orp mors Sigegosd “emamo apg a1 ‘dog. set 9m mE uP ey) 3A HY wi tesa v u20q 2AM A ym amp oF pousd deo aug amp poxonty au ‘MON. ath pur HSI ‘Syorsods 47 3q 02 30M 30 a sooruguns 2m uo Sow 8 Hedogsg ts yo mE of an echelon of bishops cen be traced in the pre~ seems, during the one—see “P susun2e(du 20% UF ue oun porydsoucny 30 sot0Kp amp UF Bog “MID yo LOIOD=D 2M ‘Er opous one mst fus0 ax Uo sale jorUOEE sarsadsas RA pov PUNY Se sia co emprmtt pool Jo WOTEMENIGD pue Axcpem ayp wowed SATE joo apes Aqzeses uOROUNp ayy san. some ay wy AeUsIOU Suns up jo so yp owen ats poo dasa yas [sof th 3a NS ZRoppun{ oy Suyrorcks semi "SOUS KopONUO stp HR MATL Gt jeatuen ay sousooeg sdausig xopotgso zo uoqmustsoo ofoys akp 30 3109 otf Endenaounoy sunmeade uy ‘98 zmo3s0ds,jooy ayn Jo sume posoriaid stg wo ‘Saioy Ul seasatpa ‘sdousiq xoporpio pe jo woyenuNDS asomn Buyssoxexe famioid sth puv 206 joy aya Jo sUoned 30 wosied Apu otp Jo mo ayy 0) ARE Afqeesur au5k sun set powod soy ayy wy “os ou wy ‘Bp st pInyD foot Tp eH EI—L0E1) sama 3s _ soupmyp feopaunme ai Wy sdoysgyeye weiqu9g jo syssuiod yo sS196 253, a morytats seep go alow # sdsgng Wot Jo NIE (eS seoiae porate tu39 SL wetiomip weigiog Uf ow sqdisees Saws om fe pound sursuecagz ata ao. Soya ama edoga go sovas v suseen0 ‘Be by ee eoatigy foo a go sue ayy Aussudea yo dea somouyy os ee apprqany fssoudns pow oqdouensto) Jo Snamporila worwued ay GnoWE ‘Somos tn poms Butzean polosonGas” 2508 | POIORAON jo smary Due soy” “CogeT“t0) o4e.fOA “UolTBIOG a JO YEINED 210 BE “eng, “doqsiq woof ¥ Jo s8nsoad ax Jo UsIs v se sazV8 OSfe pmo SIUDUTSSA costae wompasotog aia my seyyer ayy Suzan mg smoleqeHooane anes ays. Jp “TEATS So spanyp al y posmaudoe sea. eam porupeaadas AU} 2000 ses ey sums -sdayiq KOpOUZ 50 souruesSosd aede Jo st2mp 218 SUL wwusoe stp Jo. RD oy. paurewmay nppmg) whyfjodouRUeistie;. ay 30 aco woNETATS ou rpourewo> SMILE, ge oouoDeyp 2 JO TS RYO. Jo stegdsoorne TL THREE NOTES ON THE ICONOGRAPHY OF DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE Among the hagiogrephical treditions of the Byzantine Church that which concerns Dionysivs the Areopagite is not the least complex* ‘The beginnings are, indeed, modest, Dionysius is mentioned once in the Acts of the Apostles 17,84, a8 a follower of Sint Paul. Eusebius recorded a tradition that, according to Dionysius of Corinth (fl 171), he was appointed the Grst bishop of Athens?. This was also noted in the Apostolic Constitutions®. However the situation changed when the Corpus dionysiacum appeared some time before 539¢. Some of these works,-gotably the De divinis nominibus and the Letter to Polyearp, contain biographical details which were developed in two later texts, doubly spurious, the Letter to Apollophanes and the ‘Autobiography. From John of Seythopolis's scholion to a passage in the De divinis nominibus the tradition spread that Dionysius had been present at the Dormition of the Virgin. Finelly, when Dionysius had been identified with the founder bishop of Paris and the Post bealam trenslated into Greek, information became available about his ‘Western apostolate and his martyrdom. ie. Leenets tnd. Car ‘obliged to set it nege. Some texts — pousibly important. ty 850,557. Only hose which are pa ‘exploited hee. From the eed Distonaire de 80, Deny on Orient 86-318, G-0'Daty, Dingsie Aropagite, Tholpische ealenayo- padi 8, 72-780, 2 Busine or Césanty, ci (o1ve nm) rentze0t ed 9 ‘ gs “nen aed onngp ofdounersueg ¢ udy-es Hp OP “nr sonburiy "CMW N88 Gop 908 “Poveda itt ween ANSE ‘peed 808 sannoed op ap ceboute eng ‘ansmuana, Sang 904 "8 “FP EU Na Twang torent soto (edocs) “WSuYAL ND '64 1 3 BL [leks “unjorg fnanng yg Lavy) BUY OANID “ NOREENY “T pda ay poquen Enrydag tons doe aauip 10} (Keppra) smog pes ogy wos) ssoUyEP sem aIOMT P-EP ER tidso9 $,230"] Eg BF JUNoDge v4 04 SuIpUodsexsoD ‘yyeap s,a8t pasinso0 pel efdyj2e ey) 2eUN) palonoosip rq yures Rueaus wo “Iaye"] "vououIoWaYE ayy Jo yunooae ys211169 aq, ‘eyOOYS YEE 247 !eo!ON ey PoxoyIN OF ‘passyoy suIopSuny ow *perqnon eom suoreU auf eZ 98I0A 9 21043 3024 UL aUBrar sie Aq payqnony 1884 UI Tt PsroouUOD ASu0IN oy oq yen of par jo otueu Sify peas of yea} amy Som FKL] 0g "YF OF LoUETIE MeZP og aoxnpuoyy pue uaUENTL uoneasdieut uO} Sernjosqe we JO stqeidacens gow "yons se ‘pus zodoy w #19] "we eunjuensg ui aroynesy9 peataine aus08 fap 942 Seu JON!“ SI04IeEE Uw fang ur usjesg ausas ow oprsoq paquacoud st w “aua0s (Inj 2m) HUH peresnsMIE st sayjesg ‘eZOISINOIV NAOH SANHVVaL + pio8oy © st opisoq wulvews a] UY “uaRaONp YeMH UE papaeyxo puoy IU aun Aq pojeaauee Squed ‘warn payed “pueY 9 ploy auo ‘ae aunzeur zo pure popieeg exe “woNss “oan, soundly 2014 Jo pasoduroo dnou8 soxpour st 748s ayy 7 s2UnNy ‘soo ax Huseam payuasaados axe woyss Jo ow} ‘seundy Jo dnosd 1 ay "uoqanguaa agi apiseq “2ySta exp og, “saunBy 30 sdnou voNIO OM Aq pozuewine vorxyranan ayy yo auaos oy sr aumyeuron sig) UL ALU "OL, Po09 9tN Jo YWOPLOUE oT syuROD9s axN"] Luo 40} Ee'ER frog) 52307] 1UIOS BE eyeroFU sy) soy UONeATEsHL sry IYBNOS ISIE Bua eH FAO|LO} BsOHeAe A “TEN, poy ayy oq yeNU andy save] ayy. HuGD 28 dn Bup{oo| aJoL, 949 Or so4IO 2yp pu LAOP Hu “pei sy TEA TUL axf 01 a0 “soundly payronso sayzo o¥y Ay poe! Jengo 8 suo suyp uF Alup “({ asny) spoedsax jes9A98 UL om aeUTO 2 te ANIGANOIA 40 ANEYUOONOTI-AML No SALON sou canon "W scug "tq “Fe ga “wore ey a ‘ode sondbowst agg ry a9 pus envy Pup 86 np eed quoumoop un seep suueedg mudesBeueN | “uNsuiond "| "9 pd ott Aa eteeoyp oped wenn ep SP ANOIRY “MIND “A wou] suojtp soanqoranUr osoKp 947 JO 1889 ONL “eLL T PEC LOD *SP T ‘uorxyionag ayy Jo SosngpyurUr 90st) SUTPIUOD Joaposq OPO ALL SrosornaH{ 4Y NOTSIA SHE *T ‘pawssouod axe soqou Suumorjoy xg eH saw asoMT AAU SE “BP oma 4 patszea pur peat sty dn poxord oy ways Yeap sy ye Paxino00 eR Kpord ayy pue WIA ayy Jo vORIUNOG ay ye souasaud _douaH We voRTA siy axe ary “AsPuIpIO om wos; wedap jnoge 51x03 [eydAuoode ay, wos} postop ‘seuroqy 1e01Hd ‘say y2X “uoredeDep Jo seua9s 40 syzex 0d (dies auo popiodas yo sydussauet omy or en JO sydussqUeWH poyoUANITE uojaqe at ur paavadde apy “quanbasy aq 40 suoneyuessidss souonbesto9 Uy x22} 0uBop oydoune sy uy sauagesiz somkinng £q vogsonb pue ary onseaydeoq ou 9y a0.e7 “yDImUepY ay} puB eWEEOLIiS Jo uondussop » papiaoad rom ayy pontpaSieas ogm adoysrq o0g ‘ys Huowe poyunod obje st ay seqoyaez soaroqyen uomiaUy aur esseuppe sonoud O1 pernquyye Jomo] ou Uy] -,snayRONeEEY JOYNER ‘uoypors, ayy ue Seven] Shs CepIMES ey) 10} G APO. Hea SONU, O47 OF JOMAT] AMT UE poureE sdoysTG 3H "a008 IMoqe S\se9) Jo. sepUa|N eunuEZKG ‘oy Oju! paonpasyar sem op “BuipuEyS ureyion ¥ peY oy sseoUTORGE SSAC eth uF ua yee ey UE UNBo[oD{E e ee payetoasdde ss seas ay Snowe gue qasnigg auNueRtg diy Jo wraaysa ayy OF SOI eauyy, 84) paywarr Jexou oysedony oy) smiskuorg ySnouTy 99% mt to Dionysius is taken into consideration, the account of the vision in the Autobiography. This work, which has not survived in Greek, sess known in Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, nd Ge ‘Kugener published two recensions of the Syrien text, one nis in @ manuscript dated 804%. Acco Avtobigraphy and the Pselm verse is the earthquake shook.” Moreover it can be established that a Greek version of the jcqoe: find: owe Haney TE gurtin Sugameoperé Dee coop. : 8 @ “a ¢ - Vision of Dionysae, Chalo Pater, f 8° Figure -z10-00 ‘Fon = 1 say epy pp Woy spins aes Dud PME my etogssantton sty Jo asnea ay “sou ou ‘soap © 04 Bumno}dxe oq pros of “ens pinoas ‘andy ingyyno.t 943 seanoeqe ue ofjueut e Huueem andy oxy, 27m payne, aq “AydesBorgoiny agi uy ZoM] Jomo OMT |B “HOM, TOUR Ssayskuorg “yoey wy "sy wour Funok a1 jwqy Sumndie 20} suossor Squenbesuos ary axoq, “snodoraHT POU, ay way Sonos sem enpstuorg ye AqdesSogoIRy ayy UF poULApE Koo KydesBorqomny ayy Uf w MON j2u0 WOHUM “stiskuoig s1 Sezny oq] Jo 9uO Ye WIEBE leq sas0y “praoveygo 1 as0s Oxf YONA Jo aseayd Jo pred oq, 1 payeiseesy logy aprsoq puo8o] ous gaye omy oF samy oy] wopSurj SeusT0} puecuoniee porqnozy amy swuassadad suajqoad 2040 ‘edydoafionqoyay ayy Jo UoIsian yeoug 24) Jo womsodues oxy soy wonb aun srunwuey » aasy om UE snyaousg ax (o3youyy af o} sottwagqax st uo poyseuar zeqeIg 1g -ajdoad punsapiz0 aonb oxpnganyssd wns0syxo oper spuug : sm parapuad sisqeed yrs ‘ondan ‘omuids orn 01 Bumpuodseasoo ayy ‘osesyd eI, a UoneUS 10 poatidap st asiaatun ay yorya Jo qunoode Uo ‘ysey fayjns pos wAoUsun aij) twsraezenD Tox BE pRIMBPAE ease gE AP “seag selogs pudne dg Sosonnie o, : wogien aeeayl 40 fo 3 idesBoqoiny ox ut euowousyd a novoe ay S823 jonb esoj9q “sn 89% SAIFANOLa do ANavOONODE-wAA NO SELON TARE ‘ison onde “wonaueg — zany te miniature is @ hapa, Uhis explonation remains eonjectu- st it takes into accobnt all the elements of its perplexing iconography 2. Tue Pazsence or Dionysius at THe Donurrion oF tHe Vincix “Although good studies of the iconography of the Dormition exist, they do not enter exhaustively into alts complexities*, The subject, for which the earliest surviving exemples date from the tenth ‘didnot remain stable, New elements were successively sirodused until, in the Palacologan period, a whole cycle was developed, beginning with the annunciation to the Virgin of her jmminent demise and ending with her corporal melastasis from earth to heaven. Artists, therefore, or their patrons, regularly had recourse to the rich apocryphal literature bout the Dormition, borrowing. from it new iconographical details, "The earliest dated example of the Dormition in which bishops gure is that in the church of Saint Sophia, Ohrid (1037-1086)"*. Subsequently — and possibly earlier — they are represented, either mourning oF participating in the funeral rites. There three or two bishops; rarely there is only one™. [tis well kn their presence wae also inspired by the ‘can be identified as Dionysive the Areopogite and Hierotheus of ‘Athens, Jemes Adelphotheos of Jerusslem and Timothy of Ephesus. However, when it comes to identifying the individual bishops, art historians are hesitant or speculative, Here are some examples, taken more or less at random, of identificetions proposed. AL Asinou (1105/6) there are two bishops. fone with dark hair and a short. rounded herd, the other with white hair and a longer pointed beard, Cormack suggested that “perhaps the older figure with a white beard is Saint James and the other Dionysius for the Dormition at Lagouders (1199), where there are three bishops all represented with the same tae 30. V. Dyvrné, Vitae fake w Jug 31. The Phos Lavtonary, th miata round 1000 See balow note 7. "LV. N, Latantv, Tetra oiantshj centry ion nt Sain Catherine's Mount Sina. Moscow 1985, Hg. 519, 9 1+ THREE NOTES ON THE:ICONOGRAPHY OF DroNvsIUS — 251 tures, white heir and s medium pointed beard, Cormack refrained jdentificetion™®. For the Dormition at Kurbinovo (1131), where there are two bishops, one with grey hair and a shortish beard ‘and the other with dark heir end @ rounded beard, Hadermann- Misguien wrote thet “ces prélats... dont Denys i’Aréopagite. Jacques, premier évéque de Jérusélem, ainsi qu’éventuellement Higrotnde et Timothée#", For the Dormition in the King's church at Studenica (1314), where one bishop has 0 Jong, forked grey beard and the other shaggy hair and a beard, Babié proposed Dionysius and James Adelphothe For the Dormition in the Kariye Cami (1918-1920/1), two different interpretations may be noted. Del Medico proposed for the two bishops to the left, one of whom is bald with a long pointed beard and the other of whom has full grey heir and a beard, Dionysius and Hierotheus respectively, while for the bishop to the right, with a short, dark beard and hair, he proposed Timothy*. Underwood, however, with the provieo thet bishops in Dormition scenes cannot be firmly’ identified because they vary from picture to piclure, suggested that the bishop holding @ book was James Adelphotheos while one of the others was probably meant to be Dionysius. ‘These examples illustrate well Underwood's point that there is nol absolute consistency in the portrait. types of bishops in Dormition feenes any more than there is consistency in the number represented. ‘This may be because artists were sometimes ignorant of or indifferent to the identity of the bishops. Another reason might be that there was Jhical traditions. Nevertheless it seems that, if been in many cases both conversant ‘vith the legends of the Dormition and exact in their representation of the bishops concerned. A survey of the material will entail a revision. of the identifications proposed for some of pictures which have just been cited. ‘The presence of bishope at the Dormition is attested in two apocryphal traditions which develop parallel and then converge. Legends about the Dormition’ first appear in the fifth and sixth centucies®, A liturgical feast of the Dormition became widespread in ice Hisovten, Kurd rater ern Stade 3a, HUE, vet Mevico, Ls moratg de In sone & Kebrie Dj ps2 57, PLA. Unosnwoon, The Karis Djami, New York 1866, p. 18 (dat) 185, 1p. 1OGAGT hg, 39092 BM ive omption de ln Sainte Virge, Vaio i, p02 m am ‘me seminary ‘remem “Teng "A ose 238 “so ‘49 “ws Sige ong) OF LIL OW "ed yas "Pod stedaoo ‘eae ‘see rs prs we 8 ‘08 > oe | pus seHN9G 0) BopeeN BE 6 Ie. SFI Od “to ony “1961 ewou "pew 868 go “ws Be oa eB 40; Supe Te Pusan "geyy 2 top NHN} one eos “Geant ona) eae Ise vam sstd Nay sow) ye HH aaa ue oy eBeaed on ae prieeuousp “zot-ant “A Gp M0) ye do “SOME By ~esfoySey ou (iy soqoy20) woresowunsod sy 0 ap ag Ve aydou pueysuog jo Luoweuss ayy pue 11 pseg Jo wssoqouay ax et petou 51 wotuniogayp a8 Soskodotgy Jo aduoHasd omy SnoNATe “AeeOLIN| qvotyojoay) © uw pauonuo sf AgyouNty, pus sMatiozaEt ‘anpscuorq yo souerand a) ep ous ayy 40) Drow ee eNOMOTT (Pde 2090290) 1869) SY Jo *4Bp a1N WW aydounweyeUo. Jo LsexeUAS ap sbop Jou "guontusod ayy ye askosaid sq 0} worse OW seu bpnag 4, soya saxo Ou Soureu ynq op) 29uaRaAd My SLORUOU yaagdepN om woeuss “ysoomoydiepy sewer yIEm LOR oy We qoovaud sem anysSuogy peg} aedued ay Uw 2jouN S004 poydrye Torun sussuoxc Jo o}7 anf 0p worEpEAT fqrezed sy MT “poieet ome sea sooypoudiepy sewer yeuy Huppe ‘AraoUrty, pue snayouciy 'stusSuoyc jo aguosod omy soryuats (Geer 29-91%) 201 snodoruey. erase staoydeoey 3690" “qpauoruau 8 031 0UC PY aur uo sep sues oy Ie eMPuETE ame UE aNGH, ‘ooR:NHOC 2p 70 a6} a4 20 oop ax We pouonueN Stee a18 AyjoUuLy, pUE snoqnoiey] “snisAucrg ‘aqdounueysuen Jo Kaexeuts amp We doUsig @ Aqnoury, So sso 2 wBaownye soureU asoxy fe sUeNUOUN ome Ta “mow 2) UOeUAS “AuomL], pue soamoudapy FUE “SAIkUOI oy Stmuoqes ose ang ‘snoOsNEE ,.yodBsaty,, ayy Jo 3yQd at} Bale -sane “yoadse jermoweo ayy 04 aouerodin ayqereptsHoo pyagin® ax "1 Suudojenop ut uoreutdous sx fo ase yey 9peUr a ain jo gunov0e ue ee ‘sngruywou swiayp ac7 ety uy aBessed et Jo Sypquayyoe aap Buedan0y “g(696 sey" pop) seowoo9 m7 syOr 0 esinoosip ag sem jaruongui Goo anny ABt Gorge Ie4 KNOL "wom RUG aI 30 AyesAot09, 2 seaanos jsdtonud'a¥ 10 auo uaag savy op Axil 5 1x2) 3f04 Sy “ppaoul Hood axeu yyBtH H osumauyO | KempuoD Ya ap Jo sey puodes aye ur Ayaxoy 5 ousosoueG uyor ou: pereredsein: PH ONL “postacie fe soainoualspy 60 -SMIBAKOIG 40 AMAYUOOKODT AML so SaLON AUN (ons ag 2 30 8 9H MOL OM UA ‘ue snupuany a put IoseaEs W)wmreaee suodoynicg jo wast oa run aaeaesd “99 Pu sg Wooo Inooang anwnonont-BpeL-att samt et ‘eat i> rind sen “100664 ge oes) yo "de “ony {G04L “e680 019) Oba BoP ‘a “ee 1208 #019 “¥ ‘i “etueo10e #019 ty BL 01) “2 noudedoosy ayn stustuorg pus ‘snseydg eode djoy on sorsode ayy yum quosaad axon axoyg,, Yor oy Bupa woruiyyee oye ay Ut pase, sem oBvoved omes oy, ,22quinu 27997 0} Atpoun, SeIppe "sassauII jedoowdo aay oy Jo HoweU oN MEK smgUIUOU aura eq OUT oxy aBessed ayy pea ay vonnusog ey wo sy uy "apagne ‘auieooq ,.sdeqsed,, (9p4 patp) sau Jo saspuy soy sroydeatorsey (oy quewour Jo Sem pajsixe uoRIAEG eM Jo yoRODDR ssoIRINOSE ue eq, “@Bieauod yy suORIpEN om a yeNy UO SIE) 18 SE jetontaiuog 394 sea Sunsout ‘au 10 woyseo00 om mK puP usa Bua Jo KpOq aM Oy paHayos 4g .csdeqiad,, yey) parsons ‘Aeequan inxs ayy uy afessed si Burjuewos “syodomykog yo uyop “wNOUY 9H 51 $Y “ap, AULALD 34 Je eouapreas pus 2jq Jo usBu0 Apoq axe apeydwaqu0d e4 STEKO WHA, jaw snapoydiapy sewer pur snayjosany 'saIRduoIg Noy syuNoDaE youn ‘AijowLy ysoud ai oy posserppe ‘sngnzwow sruraip oq 2) 5] umanpsunipandg ayy dn axe youu ese9N a) BuOKDY ‘wlBP4 Patp) auooseweg Uyor yavysueg yo snucussan £q £04 ‘(Fee Botp) Aq 301 'y(6P0-019 “U) Ey uojestan yo uyor Xq seyioU pauoryuoUE aIe ous, sdoysiq o4 souaiajar Awe yuo ose SaysWoy quanbasdas ayn Jo But exodsoyg “ytmojosnUD Jo daysiq ‘Sauer 0} qunoode [eydssoode au jo wonqums sx oq pinos quosaid: sem doysiq fue 7 Buys sip ye Suwoddas 40j uoseau Kuo ayy sdéqsrq yo aoussoud ay OF uoteniye o1 axeus x0) £1269 24 LOADMOF{ “yUoreTOL ay} 20] sONTUOY Jo vonysoduroo ax untaut “anqus9 yuands ayp yo sapesep Ajs29 am, sowep pus snaujosors yo doyerg ysuy “Aupour, ae 284 er, not even Nicodemus Hagiorsitus, thought of mentioning the presence of Timothy and James Adelphotheos in notices concerning their respective Lives. With such diversity in the texts, it is not surprizing that there hould be diversity in the iconography. Nevertheless some gene jons cen be made. When only two bishops are represented, they are likely to be Dionysius and Timothy or Dionysius and James Adelphotheos. When three are represented, they are Dionysivs, Hierotheus and Timothy® ‘We may now consider the evidence provided by the tradition of portrait types outside pictures of the Dormition, Hierotheus is Fepresented in the Menologium of Besil IJ, p. 88, with white hair end ‘@ medium pointed beard®, There is little attempt at individualise- tion, James Adelphotheos is represented in the same manuscript, p. 181, with grey hair and a beard which is slightly sh This portrait is similer to the one in Vatican grace. 1679, {, 248%, and to the ne at Hosios Loukas. His portraits at Nereditsy and in the £89, while similar, are more Baltimore Prazaposolos, W. 533, ized, for he now hes a slight curl in the ure 6)", Timothy in the Menologium of Ba and in the similar miniature in the Baltimore Menologivm, W. 1-203, has dark short heir and a dark rounded beard, He 60, Soar as! hove bean sble to eontol them : Tinothy BAG 1848, #848b, 18430 James Adelpothos BIG 705, 786. i Dionyson af Pho those thee bishops a Agring in epresentations of ‘he Dormition" Byars fe Consents sme, edited A. PaPaborovlos-REnenres, 1 Pears 1908, p88 ‘2. 1! Merntogio dt Ba Moneieg, Belpase 1973, ub nomine Por Dionysivn ot Phovrea, ei (roe 6 1 ientheue i to he epreented ar an ald man ith 2 Tong beard Ed. hprasnted aren ld man itn ear - Us Neveity = V.N. Laznnny, 01d Pusan Morcls and Mosaic fom the XI te the AUT Contry, Landon 1965, p11, Sinrpie Dem Decay B. Niner, "alican wes 08) ge PLM ‘Omorphi Beesia, Athens. Figur 4. — Timothy, Dormition (tai, Figure 3. — Timothy and Poul, Baltimore Praxopostlos, 238, ur > ayy oseo ony wr yeu asoddns yom pina 949 “eT m feo mn a) 9 sr eneng 4g sieonrnees stat 1 ‘sree peyoumguy pun snug on penal (00) 3 po "ateg poxa0y Ae x pur spon sea eeu "eumnoug 30 sms "Go 808) to Pate PoUs ainy “Leh a 200) woRUNR won 1 crysos is Jo eye my Jo BpmIS my eh NOLAN “OOM "DL “zo ‘do “Ws "09 dug marsha J ea Mlojorncy pe ji evo at orem fovea ‘arr GO6L FH Sa pho toe coor, beng, cower ‘enog woe pouosades ago Sipouny. "96 Sea U1 OC 68 81 08 ER C00 {04 uy “onouqungy ye osomy 10} yom Sayp-uerasopeyy Aq pue nowiey ae adoysiq ay 10} yoewseD Aq povodoud suoneayruapy ey anAde ‘0 Aawssooau Atuanbeeuoo st af "pitaq ows pre sey Ase sy yim Sqioung st panyusooar Sree yeour soy suo ayy “edo Bow 10 mudi Yap aeyyaey sea Te 999 “90a weaneA ‘snuagadiy jo Aydoung exp 01 soardsyo3y 9 Ur Youn au Jo 8802009 ay Huows yetwod My 8 woRdaoxe ay, "yey suardoo pue Pree dep ysiBuoy ey ay alu E9048 any eeayeay MoU st {yao "ey pu psvaq Joop @ 9% aio “GQ Gel 2o0uP IID. NOOEONT tr youy ae tonduorap ssrudjy wos; qual Aur saouostp One a8 “aondaoxe ato wala soantotd Jove "a(z aundy) pave 04 © pu sey a8 sy smusSuor 28 "4 "1 FG Y9 woneBO[OUY uN UF Se oLgeNDd aq oF syunpear om deed st ofdounueysuen "ergdog. ites {Hayesou oj ay 10 Bcraeap »Suoqusz|eg “(1 ay) sap 7 somaerure sailed ACpN Daf Sound oxy 70 Aue pus won deep stp uoeate fue so} “souejquuases OW 8 Gaby "Ueyo W101 posites once, cn waos you op syne “Aatg}s970° Jo ad ut ZoxaMo -woreuapy fin ut pus aydouryreystog Jo. Asexeukg ayy ty sunsoo "poo, oues ou, “puaoed sazeds 30 po¥0q Buoy Kup o oy AauH Bu} “aI86 Sq “uamezqueata Tenuryeoo Joa Ue)seke Moon “eMaiqese.passyond ‘posourqey TerpHawOs "UDR MOE “wopee|duioy yyaT UewO eM said 10 4831 ff a womndsns0p polerep o et evo sissuor coat aay yoctiod saunas you ap sey oy sous 28349 019 10 “al aon) easna09y se yim sojopedozveg ssouyieg sy ty eeuh sony PeNueweates 9g saieanore a0 AstevusoNon! ai xo sau0N aauHs we ‘eojppodexeig stourued ‘sooneudieey sumer — gain seus 1 ‘sou ames (nemy) wonsepuates "eee puE seiko — "9 amg these pictures Timothy is represented. M onliemed by the evidence of the Pain Sthens (eccond half of thitveent exntory). Here Mth the dev hair aid beard, is accompanied by ane igene 4%, Other examples of the Dormition with two ae ae oni ct whom has Timothy's features, are those io sen ea, Paterno (1146-1251), at Saint Nicolas tow Kasni seers tuieectiai®, in the church of the Virgin, Studen Cr ehe Hypapanie, Meteora (1366/7) (Bgure 2)", end in Laouans Ege, in the skevophylakion of the Greet irene ig no consistency in the way that the second bishop, who rust be Dionysius, was represented in these pictures. This was to be Tapected since, outside Dormition scenes, no cleas tradition hee been ceeeslahed for this portrait Lype. Nevertheless it should be noted that fhe second bishop in the miniature of the Skevophylakion Lectionary tec aly resembles the Dionysivs in Vatican grace, 666, (. 1", which cerecionds to Uipius’s description of him. Furthermore the second Shop ae Kurbinovo and in Saint Nicolas lou Kasnile is represented aachig bald, This portrait type cevurs at Staro Nagoritino (1518)8)", BENE before 1348)", at Markov manastir (1976-1381)" and ot SGine Athanasius fou Mouzaki, Kestoria (1384/5). It is therefore 74, Agapi Vaaneaxt-Kanaassant, Ot zazeoanies ox hes i een YoneeS Sistah 9, Legends accompanying the Bsopsn pita of Sevan eo the hares of Dionysian Tietby is aise rupee de Coppadace, I, Pais 199, i aot reproduce te vrcan Sly, Londoa 1948, p82, Bg 8; LazAReY, eps tit (oot 82), Ng 87. fit (ota 2) 08 SPS gM custzvante, Kasia, Athens 1985, p. Th Drunte, op. el estore 1988, Gordena_B penis Bogsrodtinag ¥ Stadenis, Sarina. 0.2 1 Kondoboviam 8 1098, > 8-98, pla ‘Variorum, London 1480; Thy vores; ate Athens 188 8 Bos Hasawncine Lean op. (le for Dionysian fa the wallaiondar, i bishop (et above note iota 0) p- or prowvstug 287 Dionysus, although itis at olsen ferteia number was developed, for 9 exist with 9 bishops, neither re ae imothy. At Ree a two bishops nd beards. yaro in the a, Peep (128), both lr Tach on thiols One has the © must be Diongus, The ote (eer for 18), Tate op has a slight curl in the midale of ts freed, which cae the poral James Adepotay at sire Pray dwt Reedy (gure 8) We can there ‘entity. The same portent type recurs in Evo ater churches in which the Dormition is represented ith only two ops, at Lexnova Tt ecors agai in repretentations of the Doresition Saint Clement (Peibletos), Ohvid tbeiore 1816), and at Saint in view of thete considerstion Pasta (eter 1354) the names proposed by Bebié for te two bishops in the Dornton in he King’s ehureh at Studeica can be confined. The baldcheaded bishop would be Dionyins. The others eetainly nat Timothy. On the other hand, while hs features fre le indviduslzed then in the examples mentioned above, they fe clove enough tothe portrait typeof James Adelphotheos. For the Eishope in Uhe Kanye Cami mosai del Medco’ identibeations are to be preferred lo thote of Underwood. The bishop to Ue Fight certainly whe thre bishops are Fepreseated, the other two are likely, acsording to the txts, Lo be Diongsiue and’ Hioroteos 4, Dionysie also represented a Dall in hie martyrdom seane in the Oxford Mencogiin £11", Herren, ep. sate 82) 13. eB Lisanvods, Le monastne de Daphnt, Athens 687, fi. 15. 8, Tronuee ly Athens 1979 (ct. note 79), Hp 272; Cb. Waller, The Ds (the 'Dionysi Lectionary, drm rye ynecimoce tn 9, 1986-1085, p. 186 (ting the Ledtanary around 100) (hate 29, [Duequescservations sr le eyele des grandes ties de (ca'95, 1078p, 175-17, fg 8, 9 Wah the discovery and ston ofthe donor portrait, thse fesoea con ow be dated brtween 1948 and ib: 6. Onoeoanov snd D. Garvan, Itaishiporteet Polotkom (0), Zope 18, 1969, 00.07 88. Dyvae, op {D, Hasesicbine Lee 91, WPereevte Lap “ne da Mayen Age, i, Belgrade 1994, Bg. CLXIX. mt soy Jo HOPLKLE = "9 wee emptoousy aad" ‘onoge a5 2 gf “wansojouay PLO aM 'esGeY “BEE oxo oj ‘9909 bq} Hen, “uoRey|denap jo auoas yeueg v se poquosazdea sournawios fem ayindoasy vig) stiscuor Jo we 241 We suEeZK UT | SOMONAOTYHANX, SAISANOIG 1NIVE E sattotp qsindunsrp of argissod 2q 03 31 Be sooouleny some ‘own om so 4 un jue snsskuos ‘001N gUIes tueo sdogsrg 24? I veo oydarex 20,4 ang] 839918 ‘lag 88 poquasaidos ‘qi uy paysrxa soanyeay sty Jo vorduosap payeiap 8 76m) uojcr Weis) 8a8uasUCD b podojaasp anny 01 suieas a1ouy A\jounr “pueaq ONS UE Jey 2p tram ‘aaSurod aq 0} posepysu0 Apuopiae sem snsaydgy yo AmiowwkL ‘paauoso ny ABOU “poysrxe od 9q plnoys ‘seaan08 easosa) stay Jo aids Ut "pausyye oq eur top ‘vapnade'y 3 sdoysiq 91% so} souow sons 6 row 4B aaogesen som HOEUO “ws 40} palozonap ¢ sulaos adi yerlod ponjenpuatpur ou “pauiayut 99 on Kou snoytouoty Jo souaseed ayy Wanowyye “sOUnIMG e820 fod pageiqaneo a iis sauepuodsazz00 aver ou save‘ Ayuays fuo nq sej:p toxaye7] 3% (egg) LuEOrOS ay SONNE] ZEKE a edogetg 31 a “pay ‘enidos aoe 1y, euoRD= now Seq up so foydeq ye sdoystq ou sxtenprarpur 01 pouzeat00 oq du vai) eH peyou wea ar sdousig aug Busy yss0d 943 ©) 9 88 u i Figure 8. — Diongins, Moscow Mots Figur 9. — Denys of Pari (tail, Muste do Louvre THREE NOTES ON THE ICONOGRAPHY OF DIONYSIUE 269, Conia and Pes. However there ere at mactyr st four exiimples of the ing his severed head in his hands : Vatican grace. 1613, IB, a calendar idoa at Saint Catherine's monastery, Mount Sinsi*, Defani? (Ggures 7, 8, 8). These pi ‘due course. Before iely what was written about lar in the doing so, it consider "kephalophor ‘and Dionysius in pa literary sources both Western and Eastern ‘There is ac doubt that the legend of Dionysius welking for two ra origin. Tt 1m alter Denys the founder bishop of Paris had been jus the Areopagite by means of the Greek on of the Latin Life Post bealam, the frst in which the prodigy was recounted®. In the earlier Latin Life, the Gloricsne, itis told that. Denys, with his companions the priest Rusticus and the deacon Bleutherius, was tent by pape Clement to Pronce?. After their martyrdom 2 pagan matron buried their bodies in a field. Later a mausoleum was built for them and nelly a shrine. It seems that the Gloriosae dates from sbout 475 when the first shrine in honour of Seint Denys was built. Tne Post bealam modifies the story by identifying Denys with Dionysius of Athens. Dionysius, already a bishop consecrated by Seint Paul, went to Rome and Uhence to Paris where he was martyred ‘long with his two companions. Denys/Dionysius then walked two ‘millia careying his head in his honds. Later the same pagan matron, hnow called Catula, recovered their bodies and buried them. She was converted by the intercestion of the martyrs to Christianity, ‘The Corpus dionysiacum, with its attribution to Dionysius the Areopagite, had reached France a8 early as 758-763. Another copy ‘was brought to Paris from Constantinople by ambessadors of chael IT in 827. However the Pos! bealam does not exploit any of the biographical material available in the Corpus dionysiacum. I is 3. Muzovt, op et. note 42, p. 380, 98 3, See above note 70 evo. 8 Gland x. Warman, TMI Prewovie, Beta 5 Misov, op el (pote 82, p. 317, 20, "5 Asta tancirum eco (V, Bronte 1780, 792-794 (BH 2178); PO 4, 060-54 (ene 29 ‘PL 68, 97-68 (BHIL 2171; RJ, Loewenra, La legend parisinne de §. Denys Urarsopagie, os ganiee et son promise mtn, An, Bol 68, 451, p 217-207 1m wm ‘ravareuviy"e-t2 a ‘oa6t at eooun az "woripeay frdestonon, sep som ay ceaage "ye puoyenitog ss wpeo seme men sol Jo Wonwossy mg, LION WO be ‘ soynyseoan yarns quonbesgne sesanogy“ooydroyde ‘ree Jo eluo ayy ese sesonduyp 0 '3a5 sy Teg vod 98) pass grep ou 10q— Stuoydumied peooiss "geract“d ygen meer anktaudeeay ‘ona one hy be OH ‘GFE S019 gus L808 “et "6d Gog suaRry 1 octets tenner pean ‘0 On vorer "do is “a veururo-o1d Aysnorago sem yendog oy wor aUtBs 50 exp “soma $e poztad spray pasesss ayy SuoWY "Qi¥{9 07 1 SuNuesaid pu spuey stp(p ur pepy pozoaas soy) StpI0y sulyw yy JovedD oY Peaiozes spunow stay) Buistoys exypfos Paseduion of “2A ay uoya unyt WIP ® Uo padeid wwe dutdem-ome asout sen Yoru ‘oendeg ein uyop 1e18g Jo peoy ath yo a¥va om poonpoe opt “seals oy age sem 4 uot wou jA9p 947 04 AuLSjaro ovoUE seas aTEU® 70 peo posoass oy yeu ojozm oy "asody ayy azom ow ‘snUrmxe}, pue stuAUEARE Mules jo anouoY Ul AMWOR, sau us woysosSaug aor uI9g Aq papraosd sf worypeansiqy 0 seeL S899 -y aKwour perendesep 70 oyas pazud your ou sem. peoy fa wore oF Bmpsooo" ‘wonepe wAO sD OF epeIRUESE 04 Leps0 ‘uojo2q sec 2u7 m peyunooas sv SBxpoxd ayy pordepe sioydesBorBey, aupusagg “Iseg aq) UF uAoNyaN Bufoq guIEe w Zo ape 2 OU ey -aydoyoydeo jo XBipoud ayy Buronposut sop wareatiou oye MA SH ‘(seen 13 99 eae slong) amnevon oxy pus oestur yooms your ayy 0} sua} sf “STOO airy anseaydeneye 217 pomoyfo} ancy. oy sunoe sojeioweyy aun 2pvd1N) iy" Mganeobg aoneupes nos)“ aungeay & EysON @ ‘aad! © :onfoqiedAy azour s peay paseass eameuoId 4oge paso aBeoSun oy s2noauoy suSqzous a4 30 juan oy Jo} ayggodsas uossad ae ‘einen som ‘poutoydxa. sy H “wom “TeuIOM 2.0) PEN, sy Song urefe enpscunig “sed ul Sprydxs aaeld soyey wiopadisedr Siig, "Wooesp w snuogqno(3, pun youd» payes s enanenyy“AnepUNe suota 9p poriojdxe st wopog rece aM aIeT ansuudeoye 1 ‘lea sg ag) anseony pasoes w se e2y 94) UF eIMeD Pele ‘aeuios 047 0} peat siy sei stuscroxq ‘anges Suroq ynowen anq owe a “e09q Ng ye GoUNA FM snIssuoiq/sAueG eaonont“yputessuas aq. 0) au8 sages JEN exey OMS a Spent oun "sis rosoydoreyen, wee, 10 soar] oF 20 paspunt in ut avers a1 ipod eu Baxonposyes so) Uoresnow N08 a, ‘DEO Seu) qu auop aq 0) st 2eGa poe paging oq Of 9 o70y AATey 8 Sita emp eg :auopine a Aftpoud aso) worees ayy uowsed Sm BL fare noe uo 8 pr ose aan LY Srenp yes anqweur pige omy Jo vem st afdevexs. pops00ds wes9e Bun eeatusig/ekced 8 pequtoans uy 1ou em. ABipoad 8, Feanownaeid syne saoydopydeo oat 3° uonanponur su eying “ayBedaasyy sip Snisduorg 07 donNglAi® yo pure souayaize sy fo some soa zouyne Sy Yet CTEe9 you 87204 08 am mm However, the exaraple of Saint Auxentivs # ere es the grit when his severed head wes found to be Gres Cos clacoverad In tree, to which it hed been cerried by ¢ Died! “h wes therefore the severed head 0s @ trophy whi point of Byzantine interest in Dionysius’ eéphalophor Bella wes to take charge of the precious relic, and thi ddovs in three of the pictures of S A of these is in the Menologium of Bas ‘io companions have already been beheaded — or #0 ssugh, aczording to the text, Dionysius was beheaded fn Thay srear simple tunics, but then the text does not sey ‘de deacon, On the other heads ough Dienysivs is £35 explicitly to have been consecrated Distop sien neins, he is not represented wearing eplscopel costume. The ae cutioner, having severed Dionysive's head, is replacing his sword aaeatieth Dionysius, leaning forward, holds his head in his covered ae blood fells from it to the ground. To the right stands the Biuittian woman, one hand covered, waiting to receive the head. "Fas scene on the calendar icon at Saint Catherine's, Mount Si 5 to the second half of the eleventh contury. f). The executioner snd the companions re eeting. Dionysius, weering episcopal dress, holds bis severed head 12 Tae nakis Catula, facing bim, extends her uncovered hands to receive 1s peloton! (1346/2) Dionysius’ companions are also omitted. The ie -Afjgnor stands in the background to the eft, his unsheathed sword tienes in the foreground to the right, Dionysius, episcopally se sedis lightly inclined, Catula, facing him, has taken his head in her hands. Ta aeske in the Moscow Metaphrast, f. 28, dfers from the others (gqune §, Moreover it has lite elation to the vext. Catala mittee Gen jus is represented frontally in episcopal costume holding Fis iene Need in his hands. Haloed, as in the previous examples, the wee snore the aspect of a trophy, resembling that of Soint Jobe ie paptit in later pictures of him represented “Kephalopbores Blood guthes from Dionysius's neck. To the left stands the excuiones aes eiplacing his eword in its sheath. To the right stand two Ture, haloed and episcopally drested, The one nearer lo Dicayins reureS nis right hand towards him. Their presence is curious. If they exeends oor and Bleutherius, the artist has perpetrated en anomaly, sr epretenting them as bishops. Moreover it does not seer thot they (igure not they were respectively 9 priest ani fn, Po 116, 488-480 (BHG O48): Warren, ar ct (note 20). 76 Figure 11. — Deacon “kephalophore’, Pla igor 10, — Heads of Ore and Zeb, Vatope 60, 21%. oI peat pazoaas oi soseo asaty Ul “puey ou) pute svepinoys stax} uo paoeid au0 ayy esoudoyoudon, wee 15 — Bh nh faving displaced himse! tof these pietures is thal of Saint Peul 17 and 1296 (igure 12). Tn represented ‘kephalopho- the first time as céphalophorie was 2 ‘Byzantine Western in origin, it received & nc y jon. The head was considered to be a trophy, and, in the case of 4g a prized relic, However, Dionysius was the only martyr, ‘For all the others ough the legend 25 ic ained Churches of Cypras, Landon 198, p. 188 putes ae ee Sod Tuaih Srvsranou, Melanget Monalis Chaos aris; igure 2, Gajke Suvone; EVaetatteKanasare (ote 100) gr (note 8); gare 9, Giana. "ch Iv THE ICONOGRAPHICAL SOURCES FOR THE CORONATION OF MILUTIN AND SIMONIDA AT GRACANICA Among the schosls of ar which developed within the sphere of Byzantine influence during ‘enporant. Than tothe dynamism ofthe Ne- cr eestored In many of them the donore were red here with the porwais of Miia and Simoni in represented together inthe cemeal archway berweea ¢he {hoki with thelr, or dled a as ead in he enon it apps and i his ads he olds model * a Rite ip asian Gerdine Bae Dome pansy pon (2) 8 ‘ap ge Jo danza) sede as sms au EHD spp w sooo (©) CROWN AND DIADEM COMBINED Slava SATIVA Sad LANEY "OaNYD 9) FLV ‘GvEDNINGT SO VUNVEGH SLY HOSE SCAU ‘shiva "mUAn01 ano sIVvaMoOsoE LVI PLATE @): MOSAIC, APSE, SAN VITALE, RAVENNA. 187 sicance that ‘Raila “Anothee type of scene in which the crown of viczarycommoaly ecu i hat which the “Hlumph ins Hippodrome i represented. The icior may be sepreseared sctuly by anther persnage oa the dptych of Arebindut at Bess seking adaptation of Hippodrome iconography to Chrsians ends i "wan ie Dewey be i emended by Chit, al i 3 g : i A : 3 4 : i 3 g “wows SaHOSTHOUSIHISHAX NOFTTVGH. 0 4H 189 ‘dos distinguishes cesly beoneen te marriage crown and che imperial dladem™ For the onation of an empert Peeuso—Cadiaus ues the word evepgor2™ Before seeming 62 problem of ionogrepay, one final souie of posible con the Bran cup of pias ibwtating The Heavenly Loder of rare for perseverance inthe przctce ofthe virtues Ch “The explanation of this epparemy indifferent ute of crowns and Gindems may be that coms fe Hippodrome were no longer ia use by the XIch Enrcy However anotes explanation may Be Cay Whee in one eas hearst had he New podtome imagery sa ming inte oer ie was pechap rather Wdon: 8, “Thejusttve forever. Rapa splendour sal be ther nd fe adem rom the Lond inset isiston berween the say adem and the crown of vicar, which obsequenty bemer hired, Byzatne atts and wits, pardcolar Al sooadiorey Soxkussunooe op ep 99 suo 0 a autos ag ‘same 30 am AL port poriebons sero PLATES 10(A 2 8); MINIATURES, THEODORE PSALTER, BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, ‘Haske, raed on sis, i owned la, The miniaare in the Thadore Pater only fers fom oft lager, Probably she seme of coronation by an angel Al TIO 9 POIs ewl ang someon fo nbn fo esses ‘guide sep agp por amar pre Jo wpe Ry # aH T SPANLOUL AVOLWOIGHC ANLLNWZAG NI STHONY RH NOLLWNONOO "TH, Apomracy yp fy sodas we 0} wan ¥ Sopoossud passa sf pn Su Jo s2qUume v auRUNAD 9g “EYL ASN PHL 3D 389 zor al PLATE 1 ) DEDICATORY POEM, PSALTER OF BASIL, NARCIANA, VENICE. Gobrie, announcing joy crowns you, Bas ruler of the world; Ellas underwsites vcory Before dtcuning the sgificance of this sens t would be Well examine the eleven-ine poem in dodeaslales on the page fcing the miniarse: (Pate 11). ory oa oma emo frogs tosy sp IS AL -auponys pin 39g ‘ompmuowoyy XT maseee 6 nas noyny nam wo Kieu wen) sae 'E ome © f aaa fda pies 200 or syn snus ca 230 PUSS ao Sqnop Aas 1A HN AL t ighest despot, considered fis rlionship 1 othet rulers em [Hanpuy, to be analogous tothe relsonship berween Cit, Panocraor, and himself erin, bar. grse. 372 f. 1, Alexus 1 Cones, Iron and Joho (2) oo hold stands ia the right hand and stand on iam. Tn ‘ale ore este angels. Each one place a crown oa she ead of one ofthe imperil personas. cma grepanen. Howove te wo emperors wear crown witha globe wo we hve not mete que ferent rom thst which Cit slang ne wipty been divine anarchy protect during ong and serene cies [ro wield the eeptrer of stoi) gested tht the vetes, which bein sbropy ue from te preceding page" Te woul have KLocolirer ei een PLATE 12: MINIATURE, JOHN CHRYSOSTON’S COMMENTARY ON MATTHEW, ‘MONASTERY OF SAINT CATHERINE, MOUNT SISAL PLATE 12; CROWA, TREASURY, SAN MARCO, VENICE. 19 Pu pom ote 16-8 pa) me 20 Gao jo one aut PRUE un Jo Aoepot 20 anod 7 seaugubo aa seu Stud st ‘NSpmP 0 uly eo wonssodw a psn sosININY US tp 3S Nd Ek Boneed tot ae Aedes amp jo voneio:juey am Pus trae aeay Jo aadees ae, pzenct Zope wp pow seam ot aye Sona my ao pts i a Sosy J aps HT “yO ap 71m sejqun: stone SRA Jo WB o— um TED 99 aooN amaRY sp yo Bupupean om ais age say vf opt vn fees gh aio PoE ay wing anny pom peo ‘ore op ann oer Juss vin wo tag ist Al ‘SVOULVA "WRLTS4INTEEEUVa "ZUNIVINI 1 SVE Al 98 ponies the imposion of the crow. On the other hand further developmen of the een ‘prwess the emperoe andthe members ‘betwesn the emperer aad other pices mo IW. CORONATION BY: ANGELS IN SLAV DEDICATORY PICTURES. ts posible now, I think 10 give a lee an certain inerpretaion ofthe picture of he coro ‘ovos of Mun and Simona at Gretanica My suggestion tha che double coronation ot rime sere i all these officiel Ponisi tat perl euthoriy Ie derived fom Chris; where te rw crowns are Metical tfaper ee repceonted ia the conferment of she crown by Chr oay ask why he ahold have adopted i st his tne. ey bat They Imani fumily bad sien in the woo his eater foundations Min is lo presented with relive modes. At Ao, whit tiga wh Drag the ovo Nemanie princes in imperial des, are biessed by Cost fMope the se of Ten, the oe Was not fr off when Sela ‘Se leonogapy of the porraie a Grtania suggests that Mita wat alredy areibuing ‘Bivet te same Hind of celaenship with Christ as that of ze Byzantine eroperos, He they sil wa in Sic by Willm I, There ae ts dodistory ssi ate Glan soween 1180 and 1194 Ia one ing Wiliam IT presents the church to the Vir fn the wher Christ ethrone, balding a bock insrbed wih de falling werd Ts pay gl ugue my tae Soon Jobe 6 12. Chitin fact, erns the ng Tee Sis encend with a seep and an fb Pace 1). The peur, i casero Western ‘aon than thse in Serbia, nevertheless depends from Byzaztine models. A censy Bort Mun 4 Sta Mag was laying cli to derive is auhocny deal for Chit. eH tea aIDIOTY RAEN a INVOLV 'SASSVNVI JO. sr MOWD ‘SaMnEVINT 09 SE ALWIL itenuvna seni pagonns ane ashen saanaracHeUYYs.LibL vd PLATE 17; DESPOT STEFAN, FRESCO, LIUBOSTINIA PLATE If NEMANIIC FAMILY TREE, FRESCO, GRACANICA sue se: the angel ngs te clown 2 fhe crown. This nits, therfoe, et be interpreted in the sime way asthe porta of ‘ili snd Simoaida et Graanicn “To retwn now to Serbia, we may note that Mui’ innovation wa copie by is succes ft Lesnova sometime after 1346 being feed being crowned by to angel Sogah ato prevents Kin with a sword. At that Se, when the Turks were advancing incl tab ores she Balean, the Serbian despot nesied the qualities of « warir a well eves. Thay can be loser ch BOVIUHVW JO AHdVEDONOO! 3HL OL dIHSNOLLWTSY NI VNOVW Sidd37 4O OLLONAP WNYVHLX3d SHL ets poe 2080 25 hep ao, ogy 02 8 sp noe puO py eam jo PONT sEMOONS Papa wEnbox, ae (2) OF wr Poop “KCN Jo HR BPE PINOD MAN, jor asm emp oof SUP Apeze oy A Jo SoHE se Peopar ‘orp ox powesead poy 2 30 MET ANID 0 wR OL fou sing “ss AIREN Sueno p30 toner a sea yor yo au oy “CoBeuT Inpage go Anudae © ot fat pass “SoueoHo 7 RY oF FREH unaruN yo BUR eM, one. Al v rarsiage scenes, However, ‘Roman ats at, the Desrare EP LIBERTAS The replacement of dasped hands testure and ESE RSE mes ton i258 A.D, 2 pal of Cased ‘CONCORDIA or FIDES MUTUA or PIETAS MUTUA, AUGIUSTORUMY © Only one Iter ctarple sem to Rave surved, dating From 32-32, in whieh Srapoe and Consarsie l esc Mara, Rel; Sue she Ar of See. ee ‘plotaton ofthe Deseo on oerntual ae combined. We inten ether t concentate upon the central gasture of Severus snd Sent im tary dress with our sles rot of him the two inthe cee ein tel oth atthe tems to be Me Naren one Sr ah coat des raven" Hawg ave aun tee wi ue to Lows, say Bes wien fe same to have Rest appeared in Esusean foray a ‘Ronn Republic sod the adaplation itoused when tl 2 scat amen un np a0 ‘i Daxrnaneat crD OF Lane MONE mm by tesa conograpbial theme. At st sight this queion seams easy answer The rit of dextrans tos cay in he Ce ‘asprin of mutual coeeae and of iy sol be pleat ove bak ts meaeiog jes However, inthe way issprtetee Oy he nese a Garmanie ue, which fl jedtaceatthe mariage ihr denote on sata hanged te esning, shen ranged for them by thee hero” guaran, sen were noone {Eves set 19 4 stsond fealty. Where id the Germanis ur fog ‘Sunpovs that they eeaeovred tin ansent Roman rage Conse or guarian handed ie gine de Vexprasion Teonoeaphisel asd epigraphic evidence Rarely favours seh tos wie a6 frgascedcovered thay pave he ntes sean [eat for Met the dar jae tre fhe usband the pe ros Enveneih monn» * Unfortunate Smvesplanation At we hav ee, hin om masa "This consideration of Western tradition dom at ive uF an anter to the question whether the exsrenen nes eels fred apart te Roman pre-Christian mariage ceerony. Possibly Bean the evden i more hela We havea devrpion by Theophylaet Simonet, he al) Tk fhe emperor sure (51-60) *. The pal ‘id imposed nupl roves o yrcon of Thesaonika exsist te pees ites in Chit and that tiny beeore one he Byantine mariage Tepe Mae ombach, snd 1 se Io the cersmany = TH itive prabuby not ear than the Ath cena aD * isnot pose to prove ti sonar: however Some arguments Ths be advances, mhow vale the reader mute jadge for Rims oman masa sue wth dextran ji wa for Severus Ales and Oriana in nd CONCORDIA AUGUSTORUM * Ovec to Randred yats later there were um ci aly api succes! for Eadoia and Vena a “yee le ene) eons “en asa nn wees HEN EY pe GE — ut “THE DEXTRAREM LUNENO OF LER MACE m ow Nowe S06 do OuoKer RawvEaG at Marriage crowns in Byzantine iconography ‘The late Professor Svetozar Radojtié’s book, Portrett srpski vladara u srednjem veku, pul 1934, was one of his earliest contributions to our knowledge Of the art of the Nemanjié period in Serbia. authori ture, T found it particul sense of the double coronation of tl Byzantine spouse at Graéanica (Fi sense of these paintings was. the conferment of phical exclude an ‘One question which J did these pai crown as a sign of marriage. As is wellknow: of a crown is an important part of the marriage ceremony in the Byzantine rite, such thal marriage is often referred to as ctepdvoua, a Word which corresponds closely enough. to the modern Serbian vendanje?. Milutin took Simonida, year-old daughter of the Byzantine emperor Andro- ‘as his fourth wife in 12993. The marriage was fy a treaty, by which lands conquered by modern Macedonia were ceded to Milutin as Simonida’s dowry. George Pachymeres, the Byzantine chronicler, commented sourly that had taken on ‘Simonida not as a wife but as an estate-agenté, Nevertheless, in was far from indifferent to the prestige which he ied in marrying a Byzantine princess born in the purple. Obviously the painting at Gratanica, executed nearly @ quarter of @ century alter the marriage, does not directly commemorate the event. On the other hand, given the importance of the dynastic alliance contracted, there may 7019) mpc poem rpret pictures in spouses are crown: to see there an ze, cozar Radojéié for the lime only a few weeks before his untimely d privilege of discussing the theme of this ar im. | now dedicate the article to his memory. 1. THE WORKS OF ART ‘A considerable number of coins from the Roman period have survived, which were issued to commem & marriage’. Themes are represented upon them which taken up in Christian iconography: the dextrarum Juno Pronuba placing a hand on the shoulders of tract, However, coronation ins. Moreover marriage sues become ian epoch. One or two exam= ples occur in the first centuries with a dextrarum junctio ‘The unique example of 2 coinage issue upon wh spouses are crowned by Christ is that of Romanus genes (1068—1071) and Eudocia? (Fig. 2). The po of the spouses may be represented on a Roman does not theme recurs on other artefacts: sarcophagi a 5, rings and other objects, suc jecta casket, aH ‘which were, destined to be wedding presents? ae The same seh e280 lp : find on marriage belts.!2 wees aa Coronation on objects commemorating a marriage se aie seems to be introduced into iconogcaphy by Christians. We aaHs if. Have's number of sided. glasses, upon which spouses ere ai crowned by Christ! (Fig, 3). But saints may also be crowned, Siu joreover the married Peter and Paul most frequent som werjodou ne 2g 381 guBydOouL Pue T BioOsse 99 0} st 02% yep) oouiea mogz atoup J9A0 suos9 BUND} uric] usowieq ‘paussoidar a1e soydnoo [eoiRojou {ona ‘ounond oem) woe pao may suns oxml Ky § 3g iconographical as with the Romanus ivory, other minor actefacts may be associated with it, notably two medallia with the same ico- wwe must postulate in its place the existence of a century Byzantine prototype. Byzantine ivory associated wit pleis the coffer in the Palazzo Venezia (Rome). itis deco Tated with a series of seenes from the Life of David, among jing his daughter to David as i pushes Michal to wards David, who joind both h: with her. On the same ivory an identified cou represenied, once being biessed by Chi crowns on their heads, and once in proskynesis. There exists one Byzantine enamel associated ‘ Byzantine imperial couple, in the Museum of Tit Gn this enamel, Christ is represented crowning Michael V Dukas (107i—1078) and Maria. The inscription reads: nT erown Michael with Maria by my hand.« Recently foan- nes Spatharakis has identified the imperial couple crowned by Christ inthe frontispiece to the Homilies of John Chryso~ stom, Paris. Coislin. 79, f. | Qbis), as also being Micbacl Vit and Maria rather than Nicephorus Botaniates and Maria? ‘Historical or mythological marriage-seenes occur on Greek vases, A crown 0: fillet is placed upon the bride's head, sometimes by Aphrodite?#. A description exists of a lost picture of the Marriage of Alexander, in which Ale- ander presents @ crown to his bride2®. In'the wellknown Roman paintings of wedding scenes, such as the Nozze ‘Aldobrandini (Vatican Museum) or those in the House of the Mysteries at Pompeii, there is no coronation. However, ina painting formerly in the House of Meleager at Pompe row in the Museo Nazionale (Naples), Hymen is portray ‘wearing 2 crown and hol Fig. 8). It does not seem that Chiistian artists used these pictures representing Old Testament and New Testa- ment marriages. ‘The dextrarum junctio is preferred for Inarriages in the Sth-eentury mosaics in Santa Maria Mag- Fiore)! The illuminated manuscripts of the Octateuch use 2 variety of formulae, which do not, however, include coro- nation®2, The most frequently represented Old Testament tmartiage is that of David and Michal. We have already Fig. 6. Cameo, Constantius and spouse Phos aecon, vi IA sojas aargeuseu anbiun ws poronisnt 10u st afessed siyp‘ydeseos pue urvojeg Jos ssnupus aunueztq, soyjo ul ‘S]ys ‘UoReUCIOD ¥ UPI “lh “} “op uosay sowy ut parensnit you st aBessed Burpuodsss 09 ayy, pys9snods 31p J0 spuay ayy uo sumo seovid {HR98 Jo ay428 yensnun ue SuywaM aFouassed v 'spiuq s00d v sudaane oye veut Bun0s yous ayp jo quno208 ayn BuMtEsM, ig) weDjseg sted y) JO 98°} UO “sSU: 4S 249 pur [$81 29618 uso! eA OWENS aM 8 td. ‘yduseor pure wiopyey ip ase soua0s alle) eunuezkg 2210 ig) 6¢susioxD Tutseaa woo uoRMEpeyRdy a, “ous crew yim siduasnuew porous ‘or 3889] Suyppam wey op qe sosmods ont yt payuasosdas sey S148 2tf ‘suoiseo90 4noj 1882] HU UO ‘pur 49410 94, UO soar [eydtioode 2804} Ur posn YoU s} YoeuOIOD “MoUy | SE Bry 0g “gquidasor or ‘IySiE eM or spurs oYM “LIE Ino Bunuod svizoyouz smous “aS “J “EZ 1A "IM]d “INE aovou0}-f ‘spodsog uenuasmey ayy ur parsjod eyut‘aus9s jeydKuoode uy _gsasnods om aup Jo yoea puntore wrv ve BuIogld yolug YB HL yp Jo uonequsseidas e envy AW ax ‘ase ovo Ur “YBNOW)/e ‘suuy pue unyoeor 40) pauajeud fyjensn st apyjoaoe uy ‘ui8114 911 pu yd>sor ques 10 “RULY pur LuyDror SqUIRS Jo SOAP] aYeNSM|j! souoDs OBeLUI, WAWTSD] AON scsnyinep Sly Urls piv BLISsa}q INES Lz “B] SEU | 0 48)94 0) sui99s “paonyye Ud iABCL Ipoq suMOID [ABS “Axo! sr “poyuasaid 51 plang] ‘s1oladua.09 8 au 01 s8u0j3q sols om S19 “1S| tpesg jeydKoode op saluediuoade “orp J ‘Sokes pu0ses ayy,“ u2qr vodn niopsog ayy Bu -79Juoo st 24 184) 289p9 1 SoyeW Uondyasuy re Ing FENDI ue pinecr Bumumos9 poyuosaides st ines ‘sajqe reuse 24 seluvdwioooe puv J21]¥sq at OF uonoNposTN Jo pUrY ® ‘8 S0A195 Yorn ‘az “J SUL] 94) UY “pla¥ey 20} $2i206 Teoryd -tsfo1q OM SULUIUOD Zp "99BIR “UBDHTEA sOT}BSd OU), sc TRIN punose Wee | sy puE pLAeq| punose we Yat fy sadBIE “auoa p uo parmes‘INBS ‘7's “ECE “saRIA “URDDEA ‘SAUy fo -yoog, paywuruunys aip Uy “eePast St onouny umsourxap” ayy “snudé2 way aypid Joaqs alt UO "eZaUIA o7zeeq Us oYSTD Aion 3tn MO piatcl spivmo% eyONN sous jnDS FHP UaEE s SkAMOED BOVRRIVI “ang Sonepep Sp gon) sepia peo amoung “Ny Sd ERR 1A

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