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Royal Love
MINK © 2021

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book only. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without
prior written permission from MINK.
This book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing
locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and
any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is
entirely coincidental.

His Virgin Queen

His Virgin Queen
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Marco’s Girl
Marco’s Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Epilogue I
Epilogue II

His Stolen Princess

His Stolen Princess
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

His Stolen Bride

His Stolen Bride
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Bonus Epilogue

Also by MINK
About the Author

I knew I was going to be sold by my father. A bride offered to forge an

alliance or seal a deal. Even so, I still held onto the hope of living free of
the families. But when I’m given to Antonio Tuscani, I realize my thin
dreams of escaping this life were just that—dreams. Giving up, I accept my
fate … Until a fierce-eyed boss, Nick DaVinci, shows up on my wedding
day to exact lethal vengeance.
I came for Tuscani blood, and I took it. The doe-eyed bride in her white
dress and veil of innocence doesn’t bat an eyelash when I do what I was
born to do. I’m the head of the most powerful mafia family in the city, and I
didn’t get here by sparing enemies. But Sophia’s demeanor intrigues me,
and soon I realize she is far more than a mafia princess. She is a queen, and
I will stop at nothing to keep her by my side.

M ost little girls dream of their wedding day. I was no different

growing up. It’s funny how your youth blinds you to reality.
Maybe if I had been born into a normal family, I’d still be
fantasizing about my big day, but I was not. I was born a Scalingi. It didn’t
take me long to notice that my family was different. We don’t play by the
same rules as everyone else. Even the kids at school stayed away from me.
I’d heard their parents whispering not to play with me. It only pushed me to
stay among my own family and the people they brought around. They were
all I had. All I knew. It’s not my fault that most of my family members
aren't good people. I didn’t choose this life, and I would never get to.
I lie on the bed looking at the garment bag that hangs in my closet, and my
stomach turns at what’s to come. I want to run, but I know that’s not an
option. Where would I go? They would find me no matter where I hid.
There is no escaping this life. They know I can’t escape. I’d never leave my
little brother Marco behind. I can't be positive they wouldn’t use him
against me.
Hell, for all I know, he could become like our own father and grandfather
one day, but right now, he’s the only person I truly love on this earth.
There’s still hope for him to grow up and be different than those ruthless
men. He’s the one thing that can hurt me, and they all know it. They haven't
used him as a threat, but they wouldn’t hesitate if I decided to buck their
authority. There’s not a line my father wouldn’t cross to get what he wants.
I don’t have to be told the rules to know what they are. So I do as I’m
supposed to. I knew this day would come, the day I’d be sold to some made
man looking for a mafia princess. It is common for daughters to be married
off, but it’s as though they were counting down the seconds until I turned
eighteen to hand me over. But it doesn’t matter. I’ve accepted my fate in the
name of giving Marco a chance.
I don’t want to marry Antonio Tuscani, but my grandfather has other plans
for me. I almost can’t stomach being in the same room as my vile groom,
but I’ll walk down the aisle to give him my hand in marriage in only a few
hours. All to please my family. All to be loyal. All for Marco. Marriages in
my family aren’t about love, but power and position. I’m a pawn in this
game of chess. My grandfather, Pasquale, by using me, will guarantee our
family’s position, and my father, Lorenzo, will do whatever my grandfather
orders. From any angle, I’m screwed.
Not wanting to stare at the bag any longer, I roll over. A tear slips out of my
eye, but I quickly wipe it away. There’s no use crying because it won’t
change anything.
My family name is too important to me. I was raised to honor it, and that’s
what I plan to do. That’s what we're told time and time again as we’re
growing up. Nothing else matters. There is no loyalty except to family. I’m
so mired in it that it’s always an inner battle to determine right from wrong.
That’s the crazy thing about families like mine. We speak of loyalty, love
and respect, yet those things only apply if you do as you’re told.
I sit up, knowing I need to get ready. Normal weddings like these between
two powerful families would have been twice the size of the one I’m
having. There were only two hundred people invited to watch the Scalingi
and Tuscani affair. Only the top of our society merited an invite for the
merger. That’s what I’ve been calling this wedding in my head--a business
transaction. A merger of fortunes and old names. This marriage will solidify
us as one of the most powerful families. That’s why they’re rushing to get it
done. At least that’s what I think. I'm not privy to any of those details
because I’m not allowed to ask such questions. Even though it’s supposed
to be a smaller occasion, no expense will be spared. We have an image to
maintain. I’m surprised my room isn't already being bombarded by people
hired to get me ready.
I pick up my Kindle and hide it under my pillow before heading into the
bathroom. I love my books. The only happily ever after I have to look
forward to is one that I’ll read about, but my father tries to discourage my
reading habit. Wouldn’t want me to get any “ideas” or anything like that.
I stop when I catch my own reflection in the mirror. It's as though my mom
is staring back at me. I step closer to it, reaching out to touch it. It’s a
reminder of how alike we looked. My heart aches that she won’t be here
today. I know she wouldn't have been able to stop this wedding from
happening, but I also know that I could have leaned on her. She would’ve
made me feel better in some way. She always did, was always there for me.
Then one day she was gone without explanation. How long has it been?
Five years ago almost to the day. I still haven’t accepted that she isn’t
coming back.
I swallow, fighting back the tears. I won’t cry. I told myself I wouldn't, but
these tears aren't because of the forced marriage I’m about to enter, but for
everything else that will be forced upon me tonight. They are for my
innocence that will be stripped from me by a man that I loathe, and for the
mother who’s gone, the one I suspect was taken away from me. I keep the
tears at bay, and I search for my anger. It always serves me better. It helps to
keep me numb. I don’t know who took her from me, but I know it was
someone within these walls. My grandfather or my own father. Neither of
them seemed affected by her absence. They went on with life as if she never
I couldn’t forget her, couldn’t toe the line and pretend her absence was
normal. So I asked once. I still have the small scar on my forehead where
my father had backhanded me. One of his gaudy rings left that little present
right on the hairline. I can easily hide the mark with my hair. I often do.
Other times I let it show because I know it makes my grandfather angry.
Not that my dad had hit me, of course, but that he’d left a mark. Pasquale
Scalingi didn’t want anyone damaging the goods and foiling his plan to sell
me off to the highest bidder.
I turn when I hear the soft double knock. It’s my little brother’s signature.
When I open the door, he looks about as excited as I am today. If it weren’t
for him, I probably would’ve tried to make a run for it. I may not know
what happened to my mom, but I do know that if she had the opportunity to
have last words with me, she would have told me to protect my brother. She
didn't have to say them for me to know. When it comes to loyalty and this
family, mine falls with her even though she’s not here. Maybe one day I’ll
get my chance to find out what happened to her. To get my own revenge in
her name. That thought alone is the one that always reminds me I really am
a Scalingi.
“How you holding up?” Marco asks.
I fake a smile. “I’m good.”
“Liar,” he says before pushing past me into my bedroom. For only being
fifteen, he’s already bigger than our father. Hell, he’s bigger than my
husband-to-be. I fear every day he’s going to turn into one of them, one of
the hard men that doesn’t care about anything but power. It’s then that the
lines will really start to blur for me. I love my brother, and he could
probably do a lot of messed-up stuff and I’d keep on loving him. Still, I
know in my heart that he’s different.
He frowns at my dress, then scrubs a hand down his face. “I hate this shit.”
“Don’t start.” I point my finger at him. “This has to be done. If it wasn't
Antonio, it would have been someone else.”
“Fucking bullshit.” My brother paces back and forth in front of my bed. I
grab his arm and school my expression, letting him know that I’m serious,
showing him that this is what needs to be done.
“It’s fine.”
He stops pacing to look down at me, and I can easily see that it’s not ‘fine’
at all. Not for him. Not for me. “You sound like Mom.”
I glance away from Marco and swallow the lump in my throat. I won’t
show him that I’m scared for today.
He favors our mother more than our father, but he has that Scalingi blood in
his veins too. He can be reckless, and that’s the last thing I want today. If he
lets his emotions get the best of him, he puts his life on the line. I think my
mom got reckless. Maybe she tried to run. Only God knows what really
happened, but I can’t risk something happening to Marco. Neither of us has
the luxury of following our heart.
“Did you get them for me?” I ask, changing the subject. This wedding is
happening no matter what. There’s no sense in dwelling on it now. The deed
is pretty much done. “Marco, please tell me you got what I need.”
“You make me feel like a drug dealer.” He pulls out a bag and hands it to
“Pretty sure our whole family is a bunch of drug dealers,” I half joke as I
snatch the bag from him.
“Still fucking weird getting my sister birth control pills.”
I don’t disagree, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I’m not going to
be bringing a baby into this world. When I found out I was being married
off, I’d immediately gone to my brother about getting them. He didn't ask
why. He knew. He understood, and then he got the pills for me despite the
He leans down, kissing me on the forehead. “It’s just so fucking wrong,
“I know.” I let my eyes water for only a moment, then straighten my spine.
“Don’t do anything stupid. I’m getting married, and it is what it is.”
“Antonio is a piece of shit,” Marco mumbles.
I don't know a ton about my groom. What I do know, I don’t like. My father
did a good job of hiding me away after my mom went missing. I only heard
bits and pieces about the Tuscani boss, along with the things my brother
would share with me.
Marco is tough, but he hurts just like I do. He lost her the same as I did, and
now he’s a boy who’s more a man than he should be. I want to tell all of
them--my father, grandfather, and my groom--that they are all pieces of shit,
but I let it go like he needs to do.
“Let it go,” I whisper, then clear my throat. “Go. I have to get ready.” I push
him toward the door. “See you at the church.” Again I force a smile. He
doesn't. He lets his anger show. That’s dangerous.
“Get it together,” I snip at him.
“There you go. Sounding like Mom again.”
This time my smile isn't fake. I’ll take all of my mom I can get today. I’m
going to need her.

S he sits with her head down, the gauzy veil still covering her dark
I holster my pistol and adjust my suit coat.
She doesn’t look up.
Not when I walked into the room.
Not when I fired the shot that killed her new husband.
Not even when he fell face-first into his salad course.
She still sits there now as I walk around the table to her.
Her wedding was beautiful. No one could argue that. I sat in the back row
and watched as the young, dark-haired bride walked uncertainly down the
aisle. The cathedral was full, every higher-up in the seven families in
She did as all good mafia daughters do--gave her word to love and cherish
the piece of shit whose blood now stains the carpet.
But I digress. The wedding. It was smaller than usual, but still an overdone
affair. As the head of the Davinci family, I was expected to attend. So I did.
What I didn’t expect was the double-cross that happened.
But now it’s taken care of. I glance at Antonio’s shattered skull and smirk.
Now, there are only six families.
I will take all of Antonio Tuscani’s men as my own, execute the disloyal
ones, and continue on with business as usual. If the other families take issue
with my actions, they are welcome to address it at the next meeting.
Until then, I am the god of the Tuscani family, and, as an extension, of the
young bride whose husband I just murdered.
“Just do it.” Her voice is so still, like the surface of a cold, dark lake.
I stand behind her, my gaze straying down the perfect cascade of her rich
hair, the slope of her pale shoulders, the row of buttons down the back of
her dress. I could rip them off with ease. I could. But as her departed
husband learned, just because you could do something doesn’t mean you
should. He shouldn’t have tried to take my primary cocaine provider from
me. He shouldn’t have pressed the families to grant him my share of the
underground fighting ring. But he could do those things. And he did. And
now he’s dead, and his blushing bride is a spoil of war.
“I said go ahead and do it.” That voice again, the sweet tones so sad they’re
I reach out and trail my fingers down her veil. “And what would you have
me do?”
She doesn’t move.
“Afraid, cara mia?”
“Ready for …” I bury my fingers in the thin fabric and pull the veil free, the
comb falling to the floor and her hair flowing dark and wavy.
“Just go ahead.” She turns to look at me, the caramel brown of her eyes like
a dagger that goes straight to where my heart should be.
But, as many of my enemies have learned, there is nothing there. No heart.
No mercy.
But there is need. And desire. She sparks it with her petulant lips and big
This beauty is mine. As a final insult to the Tuscani family, I will own this
innocent creature, bend her and break her until she is something new. She
was never meant for the weakling her father shackled her to at that
wedding. Antonio didn’t deserve this bride. Not this ethereal creature that
sits before me and asks for me to end her.
None of this fits her. Not the groom. Not this house. Not her dress—the
heavy satin, the overdone veil, the huge skirt—I hate it. In fact, it disgusts
I grip the back and rip it, the buttons popping just as I’d surmised, and the
fabric parting with a rough sound that is pleasant on my ears.
She leans forward, trying to get away from me, but I yank again, splitting it
all the way down past her waist.
“Take it off.” I step back as she struggles to her feet, then whirls on me.
She holds the torn dress to her chest. “Stop!”
I like this better, the fire in her tone. No more dead water. Instead there’s
heat there. Ire.
I want more. “I said take it off. I don’t like it.”
“No.” She kicks her chin up. “If you’re going to kill me, get it over with,
but I’m not here to be your peep show.”
I could bend her over this table here and now, ravage her and walk away. I
should. I don’t need any more messes from the Tuscani clan.
Instead, I stand my ground. “Take it off.” The tone I use--it’s the same one
plenty of men have heard right before I kill them.
She doesn’t respond, but her chin trembles.
“If you don’t, I’ll do it for you.” I’d enjoy that. Just ripping it down the
back has my blood running hot.
With a look that could break a normal man’s heart, she drops the torn fabric
and crosses her trembling hands over her breasts even though she’s wearing
a white bra.
“Better. Now step out of it.”
“Why?” She glances down my body, distrust in her caramel eyes.
“I already told you. I don’t like it. The moment you’re out of it, I’ll have my
associate burn it.” I snap my fingers and Gio hurries into the room.
“Take that gown and dispose of it along with Antonio.”
“Yes, sir.” He strides over to her and grabs a piece of the poofy skirt, then
waits for her to obey my command.
“Step out of it.” I move toward her and offer my hand.
She eyes it like it might bite her, but takes it so she can wrestle her way free
from the white monstrosity. Then she lets go. Her soft touch warmed my
skin, and I flex my hand.
Once she’s free, I see she’s wearing demure white panties and low-heeled
white shoes. No lace, no garter, nothing intentionally sexy. She didn’t
intend on having a fun wedding night, though I’m certain Antonio would
have rutted on her all the same.
“Come.” I hold my hand out again.
She shakes her head as she presses her thighs tightly together and keeps her
hands over her breasts.
“I won’t ask you again, cara mia.” I take her in, enjoying the way her waist
narrows and her hips flare, the thick thighs and the small ankles. She was
far too much woman for Antonio. “You won’t like what happens next if you
don’t obey.”
“Of course you’ll hit me. That’s what your kind does.” She presses her lips
into a thin line and gives me her hand.
The thought of someone hitting her sends a jolt of ice into my veins. I’m a
violent man, but raising a hand to this rare beauty with the big brown eyes?
Who would dare? The demand for names is on the tip of my tongue, but
then she slides her hand into mine again. Her warmth permeates my skin,
and my bloodlust fades.
I lead her from the room and toward the front of Antonio’s overdone
mansion. “What’s your name?”
“You don’t know?” She keeps trying to cover herself, so I stop, unbutton
my coat, and then drape it across her shoulders.
She pulls it closed, even though it’s huge on her, and looks up at me with
open surprise. “Thank you.” She says it as more of a question.
“You’re welcome.” I take her hand again and keep walking. We’re leaving
this shithole behind. I’ll add it to my holdings and liquidate it—just as I did
its owner—as soon as possible.
“Where are we going?” she asks as we walk out into the chilly night.
“Does it matter?” I look down at her.
She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. “No. I suppose it doesn’t.”
I help her into the back of the black Mercedes, then move to slide in beside
A gunshot shatters the window beside me, and I hit the ground.
Reaching inside the car, I shove her down onto the floorboard, then pull my
piece and stalk my next kill. Any man who comes at me will face my wrath.
And one that endangers this pretty little thing that now belongs to me?
He’s already signed his fucking death warrant.

H e slides into the backseat beside me, the smell of gunpowder

mixing with his expensive cologne. “Drive.” His tone is cold
as he addresses the driver, but when he looks at me, there’s a
warmth in his eyes.
“What happened?” I glance at the busted window.
“I took care of it.” He settles into the seat and pulls out his phone. His thick
fingers tap rapidly, firing off a message that has to be angry. I suppose he
would be, given that someone just tried to kill him.
I close my eyes and pull his jacket tighter around me. At least he cleared the
room before he ripped my dress from my body. You know, after he shot my
new husband. After I watched as the blood trickled down onto the salad in
front of him as if it were the dressing. I shudder at the emotion that runs
through me because it’s not sadness, it’s relief. Now I’m practically naked
with an unfamiliar enemy who has shown me just enough compassion to be
I still don’t understand his urgency to destroy my wedding dress. I hate the
dress, too. It’s beautiful, sure, but not for me. It’s too showy, and I never
favored it. I’m more into simple designs. Plainer clothes. Blending in. I
always try to fly under the radar by never wearing anything that would draw
any extra attention to myself. My wedding dress was the complete opposite
of that. I looked exactly like a little princess being passed to her prince.
Except Antonio was no prince. If he was, it was of darkness. Above all else,
I had been dreading our wedding night. More so because I knew how angry
he was when the priest said, “You may kiss the bride,” and I turned my
head, only giving him my cheek. His mouth merely brushed the side of
mine, and even that seemed like too much for me. I don’t know why I’d
decided to poke the beast, but I had. Then again, I suppose that really
doesn’t matter now. I’m a widow, something I’m not at all sad about.
Not knowing what his motives are, I tread lightly around this stranger. So
far, he’s killed my husband and made me undress. I almost laugh at how
ridiculous this entire situation is. At least he had the decency to offer me his
coat. It surprised me for a minute. I wasn't sure I’d heard him correctly at
first. Not after the way he spoke to me before about ripping the dress from
my body. Now he was offering to cover me up?
A hysterical laugh comes from me.
He raises a brow. “What is so amusing, cara mia? I expected you to be
shaking in fear, not in laughter.”
I only laugh harder because he’s right. I laugh because I’m more confused
about the dress than the death of Antonio. I should be shaking in fear but
why? What more can this man do to me that would be worse than what my
husband would have done tonight in our wedding bed?
When I finally catch my breath, I ask, “Why did you hate my dress so
“Not ‘why did you kill my husband?’” he asks back. His dark eyes roam
over me like he’s trying to figure me out. I finally get a good look at him.
He’s handsome--if you’re into the killing type.
“Does he even count as my husband? We didn't sign the final paper or...” I
pause. “You know. Do the deed.”
For the first time the man--possibly my savior or my soon-to-be worst
nightmare--cracks a smirk. “You mean he didn’t fuck you?”
“Consummate the marriage,” I correct.
“Do you always have such a smart mouth?” His tone is flat, and I wonder if
I’ve gone too far.
“Do you always rip dresses from women you don’t even know?” I shoot
back then bite my tongue. What is wrong with me? First I needled Antonio,
and now I’m provoking the man who killed him. Antonio was a pussycat
compared to the man beside me. No, the dark-haired killer at my side isn’t
one to toy with. He clearly has more power than my family and Antonio’s
All of Antonio’s servants and friends had stared in shock as this man
walked into the room and ordered them to leave. Only Antonio and I were
to remain. One look at this killer, and I said a thankful prayer that my
brother hadn’t arrived yet. He was still at the church.
He’s been watching me as my mind clicks on first one topic and then the
next, as if he’s trying to read me. Finally, he says, “ripping a dress is
nothing, cara mia. I do anything I want.”
I turn to look out the window. Of course he does. The small glimmer of
hope I felt fades away. I don’t know why I had it to begin with. I’m only
going from one devil to another, it seems. At least this new one is
handsome, his raven black hair silkier than it has any right to be.
“My brother,” I say when the car grows quiet. I debated bringing him up. I
don’t want this man to know the power he could yield over me with the
knowledge of how much my brother means to me. Yet I need to know he’s
safe. I honestly don’t know if he’s having my entire family killed as we
speak. “Please don’t hurt him.”
“I have no quarrel with your brother. He is but a boy, no?”
“He will likely have a quarrel with you.” I let out a long sigh. “He will
come looking for me even if he knows it could get him killed.” I turn to
face the man whose name I still don’t know. His face is blank, and I can’t
read him. “I’ll do anything to keep him safe.” I lay my cards on the table.
He grabs a lock of my hair and rubs it between his thumb and forefinger.
“Do as I tell you, cara mia, and I will make sure your brother is safe.”
“Vow it.” I tilt my chin up in challenge.
His nostrils flare at my defiance, but he speaks evenly. “After you make
your vows to me tonight, I’ll promise you that I will do everything in my
power to keep your brother safe.”
That’s better than anyone else has ever offered. He gives it so freely, even
when he could simply take whatever he wants. After all, he said that’s what
he does.
But with me, he bargains?
“What kind of vows do you want?” I ask. I have nothing to give, especially
not to a man like him.
“Of marriage.” He says it so simply, as commonplace as “it’s sunny.”
I start to laugh but stop when I see that he’s serious. “Can a girl even get
married twice in one day?”
“As you said, you never signed the papers. You never laid in bed with that
man.” He leans in closer to me. “Have you laid in bed with that man?” He
doesn't even want to say his name, I notice.
I give him the embarrassing truth. “I’ve never laid in bed with any man.”
He lets out a small growl as he leans more in to me. I don’t pull away. I tell
myself it’s because I don’t want to show fear, but I really want to know
what he’s going to do. It’s wrong, this fascination that’s growing by the
second. But he surprises me. And now, the marriage proposal has made me
even more confused, hungrier to solve the mystery of the killer beside me.
He runs his nose along my neck and breathes me in. My body instantly
heats, new sensations growing and unfurling inside me.
“I can smell it on you.” He nips at my jugular, and I gasp. “Oh, cara mia.
The innocence is all over you. You didn’t even let him kiss you at the
ceremony, did you?”
I’d wondered if anyone noticed.
This man did.
I turn my head, my gaze meeting his. I need to push him away. His mouth is
doing things to me it shouldn’t be doing. It’s back, that same thrill I’d
gotten when he took the dress from me and demanded it be burned. My
husband lay dead next to me, and I’d gotten turned on by his killer. No one
would ever know that. I could only admit it to myself. That confession
would never pass my lips, not even in church. Because it’s wrong. Because
it scares me. And maybe because it means I’m just as messed-up as
everyone else in my family.
“Did he taste your sweet lips, cara mia?” His voice is a growl against my
flesh. “Tell me.”
“No,” I breathe.
Antonio had barely lifted my veil when he’d gone in for it. I couldn’t
stomach the thought of his mouth on mine. It was stupid, because I knew
what would be coming hours later. Well, I thought I knew. Now everything
has changed.
“Have you ever kissed a man?”
I shake my head no. My voice is too shaky, far too breathy now. I can’t
speak, can’t think when he kisses beneath my ear. How many times have I
dreamed about my first kiss? Too many to count. Being locked away gives a
girl a lot of time. I’d spent most of that time with my nose pressed to a
book. I thought if I could never have love, I could at least read about all the
great ones, and I did. Austen, Bronte, every bodice ripper and high stakes
romance I could find; I devoured them all. And now? Now I’m being
devoured by a dark stranger who kills as easily as he breathes.
“Never been tasted.” He licks his lips. “Good.” His mouth comes down on
The kiss is hard at first. I sit there shocked, not sure what to do. My whole
body lights up with desire like nothing I’ve ever felt. I shouldn’t be feeling
this. Not with this man.
He growls against my mouth, “Open for me. I’m getting my kiss now. You
won’t be turning your head from me after you say ‘I do.’”
I part my lips, giving in to his demands. I tell myself it’s because I have no
other choice, but the truth is I want to feel what it’s like to be kissed by this
man. His hand digs into my hair.
I moan into his mouth as he deepens the kiss. It’s more than a kiss. It’s a
claim, and I know he wasn’t lying. I’m going to be getting married twice in
one day.

I can still taste her. She’s sweeter than anything I’ve ever known,
and now she’s mine.
I walk her into my home and call Carlotta over. “Take her up to my room.
Get her measurements. Order whatever clothes she likes. She’ll also need a
wedding dress—”
“Sir?” Carlotta’s dark eyes open wide, the wrinkles on her forehead turning
into deep furrows.
“You heard me.” I don’t snap at her. Not Carlotta. She’s served the Davinci
family her whole life.
“All right.” She swallows hard and turns her attention to my bride.
“Carlotta, this is …” I turn to my intended. “Your name?”
“You don’t know my name?” She gawks up at me. “B-but you came to my
“My apologies, cara mia, but I simply arrived to witness the wedding
between the Scalingi and Tuscani families. I did not particularly notice the
first name of the bride.”
“Sir?” Carlotta wrings her hands. “You intend to marry a girl you met at a
wedding … where she was the bride?”
“That’s it.” I pat her shoulder. “You’ve got it perfectly right. Now, please
escort …” I look expectantly into my innocent lover’s caramel-brown eyes.
“Sophia,” she says, her perfectly-formed lips caressing the word. Oh, the
things I will do with that mouth.
“Please escort Sophia to my room and make all the arrangements for a
small ceremony to be held here this evening, say seven o’clock. The heads
of all families are to be invited, with special attention paid to the Scalingis.
Ensure they receive the invitation first.” I lean down and press a kiss to
Sophia’s crown. “Go now. Prepare yourself.”
“I-I don’t know your name.” She clutches my jacket around her.
“Nick Davinci.”
Her eyes widen. “You’re the head of the Davinci family.”
“Correct, cara mia. Welcome to my kingdom.” I wave a hand at my grand
estate, the chandelier overhead sparkling and the polished marble floor
gleaming. “You will be a beautiful queen, but for now, I must work.” I lean
closer, my lips pressing against her ear. “I am the only one who will ever
rule your body, and I intend to stake my claim tonight. Ready yourself.”
A shiver runs through her, and I know—just like I know when a man wants
to kill me—that she wants me between her thighs. Soon.
I snap my fingers, and Carlotta hurries over and takes Sophia’s elbow, then
leads her up the curved staircase to the master bedroom.
Once she’s out of sight, I stride toward my office. Gio swings the door open
for me and follows me inside, along with a handful of my most trusted men.
“Antonio’s body?” I open the crystal decanter and pour myself a drink.
“Taken care of.”
“His men?”
“Carmine and his enforcers are at the docks right now doing an inventory of
people and goods. We’ll know who’s on our team before the day is out. The
ones who aren’t will be taken care of.” Gio pours a drink as I taste mine. It’s
good, but not as potent as Sophia, her sweetness the perfect complement to
my bitter. Her skin is fair despite her lineage. Have the Scalingis kept her
hidden away in their mansion on the river? Did she not see the sun in all
these years? Her hair is soft, and I think—no, I know—her skin is soft, too.
Like a rose petal. Did I just think of her skin like a rose petal? Fuck, that
girl is messing with my mind. And maybe I like it. I take a big gulp of my
“Boss?” Gio hovers at my elbow. He’s been waiting this entire time while
I’ve been lost in thoughts of the widow who will be my bride. No, not a
widow. I hate the thought of her having belonged to another. It’s a stupid
thing to care about, but I do. Even if she said the empty vows, she never
belonged to him. She was waiting for me. All the same, I rather enjoy the
fact that I killed her husband and took her for myself.
Gio clears his throat. “The girl?”
“Sophia Scalingi is mine.” I turn to the deadliest men in the city, all of them
loyal to me. “The wedding is going to be a test. I’ve invited all the families.
If they don’t come, we’ll know they stand against us. If they do, well, then
we’ll see. But I want all of you in the room. If violence starts, we will end
it. And if I have to cull the families from six to even less? So be it. But none
of them will ever think to cross me in business again. The Tuscanis are no
more. If anyone else steps out of line, they will meet the same end. One day,
the men in this room will be the only ones that matter, the only families that
have any say. But until then, we will maintain ties. And with Sophia as my
wife, the Scalingis will be squeezed that much tighter in my grip.”
“Clever.” Dante taps the butt of his pistol, his impatience one of his most
marked characteristics. “And lucky for you she’s got a hot little body to—”
I’m across the room, my glass broken on the floor, and my hands at his
throat before the thought even enters my mind. “Don’t you fucking look at
her!” I squeeze.
He holds his hands up, surprise telegraphing through his eyes. Dante is
loyal. He’d let me end him right here and now if I wanted to. He won’t fight
back, not against me. Which is why I release my hold and step back.
“My apologies.” He still holds his hands up, palms toward me. “Please
forgive me, boss.”
“You’re forgiven.” I grip his shoulder. “I shouldn’t have laid hands on you.”
I grit my teeth, then force myself to relax. “But make no mistake, Sophia is
not a pawn. She will be the queen of this family, my bride, and the mother
of my children.”
Gio whistles. “It finally happened.”
Dante’s face goes from grim to a smile. “You got struck by the arrow, man.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” I pat his cheek—perhaps a little too hard—then pour
myself another drink. “There is no arrow.”
“You’re in love.” Dante sighs. “One of the greats has fallen. Off the
Gio laughs. “It was bound to happen.” He elbows Dante. “More pussy for
us, eh?”
“Damn right.” Dante takes his glass and raises it. “To you and your new
The others pour drinks hastily and raise their glasses, too. “To you and your
new queen.”
We drink, the liquor warming me on its way down.
I clear my throat. “Now, let’s talk about who we need to kill to ensure this
wedding goes as smoothly as possible.” I hold up a finger. “Also, Gio, call
my tailor.”

I stand in the center of the room, the oversized robe I was

provided hanging off one of my shoulders. In front of me are
five women, each holding a couple of dresses out for me to look
at. All of them more gorgeous than the next.
“You pick one,” Carlotta tells me, motioning with her hand. When we first
entered what I believed to be the master bedroom, Carlotta nudged me
toward the bathroom to shower. I did as I was told. Old habits die hard, it
would seem.
I could hear her on the phone calling dress stores, designers, and
seamstresses. When I stepped out of the bathroom, it looked as though all of
them had come running. Of course they did. I am the bride-to-be of the
head of the Davinci family. There isn’t a designer crazy enough to turn this
request down.
Pressing a hand to my cheek, I stare at the gowns as Carlotta fluffs their
skirts. I think I’m still in shock that all of this is happening. I’d never met
Nick Davinci before today. I’ve heard of him, mainly because my father
hated him. If I had to guess why, I’d say it’s because Lorenzo fears him.
That should scare me, but I’m less frightened by the idea of marrying Nick
than I was when I woke up this morning thinking I had to spend the rest of
my days with Antonio.
Should I be sad? I’m not. I feel no remorse over Nick killing Antonio. It put
me in a position to be with a more powerful man--one that can protect me
and Marco--that so far, has treated me with more respect than my own
family ever has. Nick’s willingness to offer my brother protection is what
made me agree to be his. His looks and my body’s attraction to him are an
added bonus, and I wonder if this spark of heat can grow into something
more. I’ve never really thought about love for myself. Not when I knew
whatever marriage I had was going to be arranged for strategic purposes.
But with Nick, it almost seems like anything is possible.
I still have to follow through with my vows. A safe harbor isn’t free, and it
may seem as though I’m making the choice, but we all know the reality is
that I don’t have one. Antonio has already faded into my past. Nick is my
“I can pick whichever one I want?” I look from the dresses to Carlotta. The
woman has been sweet to me from the second I met her.
“Of course. It’s your wedding. Davinci said you could have whichever you
I look back at the dresses. They’re all different versions of gorgeous. Some
are simple with crystals that you can tell took someone hours to sew. There
are long ones, short ones, and everything else in between. The lacework on
a few of the pieces is breathtaking.
“Do you not like any of them? We can send for more.” Carlotta starts to pull
her phone out.
“Is there really time for that?” I ask. It’s already getting late in the day, and
I’m working on my second wedding. I want to get this over with. I tell
myself it’s because I’m so done with this crap, but my head is still spinning
from what Nick had whispered to me. I’d feared tonight when I woke up
this morning, but now I’m wondering if sex with Nick will be anything like
that kiss. That. Kiss. It was ... my mind blanks trying to find the right word
for what it was.
Carlotta cuts off my train of thought. “This is your day. Everyone will wait
until you are ready. Until you find the dress your heart desires. It’s what
Davinci wants for you.” She smiles softly at me.
I noticed that Nick treats her with respect. My father never treated any
women with respect. If you were female in my family, you were there to
serve your purpose. I’d seen other powerful families treat their women
differently, but in our house women didn’t have a say, and they did as they
were told.
A smile tugs at my lips at the satisfaction I feel when I think of the anger
that my father and grandfather must be experiencing tonight. Their grand
plans to merge families with the Tuscanis had been ruined, and now I’ll sit
at the head of the Davinci family. The only one they fear. The seamstresses
still stand offering their dresses, their expectant eyes on me. Carlotta wasn’t
kidding when she said everyone would wait for me. Everyone, though?
“Nick Davinci is a man that waits?” I ask.
If anyone can give me more on my husband-to-be, it’s Carlotta.
“Fair point.” She smirks. “For this, I think he will give a little extra time,
but we should pick up the pace.”
Still, I keep staring at the dresses. It isn’t that I don’t like any of them, it’s
that I’m used to people always telling me what I should wear. There was
never a choice. I didn’t dare complain about something I was given unless I
wanted to deal with my father.
“That one.” I point to the simplest of all the dresses. At least it looks that
way. When the light hits it you can see all the small crystals that have been
hand woven and run along the top of the dress. It is elegant, but not showy
or over the top.
“The rest may go.” Carlotta motions for the other women to leave. The
double doors to the bedroom open for them to exit. I notice two men in suits
standing there. I only catch a glimpse of them before the doors close again.
“I don’t think you can wear a bra with this one but I did bring some
undergarments,” the one woman left standing says, a hint of pride in her
voice. I suppose it’s an honor to be chosen to serve the Davinci family. “I
can make the alterations in no time so the gown fits you perfectly.”
She turns the dress, and my mouth drops open in surprise. There is
practically no back to it. It’s stunning, but it might be a touch more dramatic
than I thought. She walks over to the giant bed and lays the dress down
before going back and grabbing a bag. She digs through it, pulling out new
undergarments. I’m shocked for the second time in a matter of minutes. The
garments consist of a ton of lace, and they aren’t simple in any way.
They’re sexy. I feel my cheeks heat just from staring at the pieces.
“All of these?” If I get to pick--and it seems like I do--I’m definitely putting
on all this lacy crap for Nick.
I’d made sure I didn’t wear anything that was even remotely sexy under my
first wedding dress. I didn’t want to give Antonio the satisfaction. I wore
the simplest white panties because I didn’t want to turn that man on. I can’t
help but feel the opposite about Nick. I want him to undress me and find the
present of my virginity to unwrap next. I slip the panties up my legs under
the robe and attach the garters. I feel beautiful, like a woman. This is the
first time in my life that I’ve ever felt that way. It’s the first time I’ve ever
wanted someone to think I’m sexy. Butterflies fill my stomach as I wonder
what Nick will think of me.
“Hair and makeup,” Carlotta calls out as the seamstress quickly takes my
measurements. She rushes out with the gown, and again, the double doors
open and two new women come in.
“Can I do my own?” I ask. I don’t want to be all done up again. I hated
having makeup caked on my face and my hair concreted down with
“Of course,” Carlotta says and turns to the women. “Leave your things for
her to use. You can collect them later.”
They do as they’re told. Turning to me, she asks, “Will you need a few
I shake my head. “It won’t take me long.”
“You are such a dear.” Carlotta tilts her head to look me over. “Can I stay
and assist you? Surely you’ll need help with the dress when the seamstress
is done.”
My eyes dart toward the phone sitting on the nightstand. I’d noticed it when
I’d come out of the bathroom. I wouldn't mind her staying, but I want to use
that phone.
“You can use the phone, sweet girl.” She steps back, motioning toward it. “I
would advise, though, that whether I’m here or not, whatever you say or use
the phone for will reach Mr. Davinci’s ears.”
“Of course it will.” I fight not to roll my eyes, only because I don’t want to
be rude to her. Nick is a boss; he knows everything that goes on under his
roof. But he’s also different, I remind myself. I’m starting to let small things
creep into my mind. Nick calling me his queen. Then letting me pick my
gown. Him not telling me how I should dress or look.
My mind keeps trying to make him into something he’s not. It’s trying to
make him into a good guy when I know better. I watched him murder
someone merely hours ago. What if this is just a game to him? What if he’s
giving me the illusion of having control over things to make me more
docile? I hate how jaded that thought makes me feel. Besides, he didn’t
need to go to these great lengths. I would be loyal to him for as long as he
kept my brother safe. If he broke that vow, I would break ours in return,
because then I’d have nothing to lose.

M y tailor rushes out, my chalked suit in his hands as he

hurries toward his sewing machine.
I sit on the leather sofa near the fireplace and motion Gio into the room.
“All families are coming.” He shakes his head. “All except one.”
“Let me guess.” I lean back and smirk at the crackling fire. “The Scalingis.”
“You got it.” He leans against the doorframe, his suit hiding a killer
underneath. That’s why he’s my most trusted associate. He’s killed for me
many a time, and he’ll likely do it again before this night is through.
I meet his gaze. “This slight cannot go unpunished, of course.”
“What are you feeling? Kidnap a few of their guys, gut ‘em, leave ‘em on
their doorstep?”
I like that idea. It’s classic Davinci, but this may require a bit more finesse.
“Who’s Lorenzo’s mistress?”
“Let’s see.” Gio turns and calls Dante.
He strides in, his swagger almost a match to mine, but not quite.
“Who’s Lorenzo Scalingi balling these days?” Gio asks.
“Ah, last I checked it was the broad who works at his shitty bakery over on
“Fetch her to the wedding.” I need Sophia’s father to know I’m not a man to
be denied. “But don’t harm her. Just get her here.”
“Will do.” Dante heads out.
“You ready for this?” Gio walks over and perches on the edge of my desk.
“Marriage or taking over the Tuscani family?”
“Both, but mainly marriage.” Gio shrugs. “I mean, this is a perfectly
strategic move, but there’s more to it. It’s like you’re … like you’ve fallen
for her even though you just met her. Is that even possible?”
“For a man like me, I thought it wasn’t. No.” I hesitate, because just the
thought of her heats my blood until it’s molten. Is she upstairs right now
trying on gowns and lacy panties that I will rip off with my teeth? Because I
will. I will ruin her tonight. She will never want another man after I’ve
taken her cherry and made her come on my cock. That luscious body of
hers is a treat in and of itself. But the secret fire that dances beneath her
surface is an even bigger draw. A mafia princess, one who’s been beaten
into submission for years. What can she be once she’s free? Once she’s out
of her cage and bound by nothing except my arms? I already know. I saw it
in her eyes only hours ago. She will be a queen.
I snap back to Gio. “She’s it for me. I’m not an impulsive man. You know
He nods. “Definitely not.”
“But there’s something about her. I can’t explain it. When you meet the
second half of your soul, it leaves a mark.”
“You have a soul?” Gio raises a brow.
I crack my knuckles. “I also have half a mind to kick the shit out of you to
relieve some of the tension.”
“We can go, boss. But I warn you, I pull hair.” He grins.
I stand and point to the door. “Get the fuck outta here. You need to get
fitted. I can’t have my best man showing up looking like ten pounds of shit
in a five-pound bag.”
“Harsh.” He clutches his chest as if wounded and strides out.
I follow and stare up at the second floor where my bride awaits. Workmen
are already placing chairs and flowers all around the marble floor. The
ceremony will be small, but potent. The big families will be here. Scalingi
may have refused my invitation, but once I have his woman here, he’ll
My cell vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and check the message. “Fuck.”
I head for the front door as Tony rushes over.
“You heard?”
“Yeah.” I walk out into the coming night and meet my guards.
“Caught him trying to jump the fence.” Vin hands me a pistol. “Had this on
“What’s your name, kid?” I take the pistol and remove the magazine, then
empty the chamber. The bullets roll away, but one of my men goes and
scoops them up. I cock my head to the side and stare into the kid’s angry
eyes. “Why you showing up at my house with a loaded gun?” I use the grip
to conk him lightly on the top of the head. I don’t want to hurt him unless I
have to. He’s young, but a big guy all the same. It probably took both
guards to collar him, and he’s got a split lip to show for it. “You got a death
wish? Is that it?”
“I’m here for my sister.” He spits blood at my feet.
His sister. Sophia. Fuck. She asked me to protect this kid, but here he is
trying to do violence against me and mine.
“You’re Marco.” I hand his gun to Gio.
“Let her go.” He strains against my soldiers, his teeth gritted.
“She isn’t going anywhere. And neither are you.” I kick my chin at Tony.
“Take him upstairs.”
My soldiers pull him past me, but then I turn. “Wait. Clean up his lip before
you do. I don’t need any heat coming down on me from my queen.” I point
at the boy. “Are you going to behave?”
He stares me down.
“If you agree, I’ll let you walk freely. But if you continue on this disastrous
course, my guards will drag you around like a bitch.”
His lips curl in a snarl, but he says, “I’ll behave.”
“Good. My queen will be pleased to see you.”
“Queen?” Marco’s eyes widen. “You keep saying that. You’re serious about
marrying her?”
“Just as serious as I was about killing her former groom.” I put a hint of
steel into my tone. “I’ll let this little incursion slide--though under other
circumstances, this would be a declaration of war between our families.”
He grimaces a little at that. War isn’t a joke, not when the streets run red
with blood and make men fall like dominoes.
“But lucky for you, I’ve granted you my protection.”
He couldn’t look any more confused. “Protection?”
I turn my gaze to Tony. “Get him cleaned up. I have enough to worry about
without getting on Sophia’s bad side over her too-eager brother.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Tony walks ahead of the guards. “I’ll keep an eye on
I return to the house and bound up the stairs. Something stirs inside me the
closer I get to my bedroom doors. She’s in there. I can feel her breathing,
can almost taste her sweetness on my tongue.
I should go. My tailor should be finished with my suit. But the feeling
grows, and I realize it’s hunger for her. She’s to be mine in only a few
hours, but I want a taste of my prize now.
My men guard her, their eyes straight ahead as they stare down the hall.
“No one comes in.” I don’t have to say the words. They already know, but I
tell them anyway.
“Yes sir.” They nod.
I raise my knuckles and knock softly.
“Yes?” Her voice lilts through the wood.
I swing the doors open. And I’m struck, like a bolt was sent from the
heavens. She’s wearing only a robe as she sits in front of a mirror.
“Out,” I tell a startled Carlotta.
She hurries from the room as I stalk toward my prize.
Sophia stands, her doe eyes wide, her lips parted. “What?”
I pull her to me and claim her mouth. Nothing in heaven or hell can stop the
need I feel for her, the hunger that runs riot in my blood. This sort of desire
seems impossible, dangerous, and all-consuming. I want more of it.
Angling her head, I delve my tongue into her mouth. She makes a small,
high-pitched sound and clutches my shirt in her small hands.
I sample her, running my hands down the robe, feeling her lush curves as I
ravage her mouth. Taking one of her hands, I press it against the front of my
pants. She deserves to know what she does to me. A trickle of fear--
something foreign to me--runs down my spine when I realize how deeply
invested in her I already am. She’s my queen, after all.
Even so, I intend to own this body and dominate her in every way until
she’s screaming my name and falling apart beneath me.
Her tentative hand slides down my cock and back up again. My hips jerk
toward her, and I want to be between her thighs so badly that I groan into
her sweet mouth. Pulling back, I look at her bruised lips, her half-lidded
eyes. “I needed a taste, cara mia.”
She lets out a little, sexy sigh. “You kiss like you kill. Perfect.”
Fuck. Me. I grip her ass and lift her until she’s straddling me. Pinning her
against the wall, I take her mouth again, working my will on her as I grind
my cock against the heat between her legs.
If I don’t stop, I’ll fuck her right here and now. But it feels too good, her
breasts pressed against my chest, her hands gripping my shoulders. I won’t
claim her all the way until tonight, until she’s utterly mine. So I have to let
her go, to set her on her feet, and back away. It takes every ounce of
strength I possess, but I turn and walk to the doors. “Be ready for tonight,
cara mia. Because once you’re mine, I will not stop. I will never stop where
you’re concerned.”
I open the doors, and before they close, I catch her softly spoken word.

I hear the door close seconds after I whisper my thoughts out

loud. I stand with my robe in disarray, my soon-to-be-husband’s
scent all over me. It’s rich with a hint of smoky scotch and
power. Can someone really smell like power? Because he did. It rolled off
of him in waves. It was consuming.
I reach up and press my fingers to my lips. They feel bruised and puffy
from the way Nick claimed my mouth. I could taste his desire for me in his
kiss, could feel it in my hand as I stroked him through his pants while he
ground his hardness in between my legs as I was pinned to the wall. My
own pleasure coats the pretty lace panties that I’ve hidden under my robe
for him. I can’t help my attraction. I want to believe that it’s only because of
his vow to keep my brother safe, but that reasoning is quickly slipping
away. It’s something deeper.
I want him. The same man who killed my husband mere hours ago. The
same man who demanded that I marry him. The same man who is the most
feared in our world. I desire him more than I imagined possible. I’m
counting down the minutes until he slides his ring on my finger and then
slides his cock inside of me, making me his. But what if it hurts? I put my
thumbnail between by front teeth and worry at it for a moment. Then I stop.
Because it’s going to happen. And maybe it will hurt, but then? Then I
know Nick can make it feel good. The way he kissed me guaranteed it.
I’m attracted to him even though he’s a killer. Even though he’s everything
I said I could never love. He’s just as steeped in this life as I am. Am I
being naïve by thinking that he is any different than the men that I grew up
with? Maybe. Still, something about him is different. It has to be. Why else
would I feel this way? I’ve never sensed a pull to someone like I have
toward him. Sure, my father kept me locked away, but many of his men
came and went. None of them ever caught my eye. They never made me
think about or desire the things I want Nick to do to me.
My cheeks pink at the filthiness that swirls in my mind. Perhaps I’m not the
good girl my father raised, but more of a wild spirit like my mother.
I bite my lip. His cock was so thick in my hand. I close my eyes and try to
imagine what it will look like, how it would fit in my mouth. My thoughts
are interrupted when the door opens again. I look up to see Nick standing in
the doorway.
“Cara mia. I forgot one thing,” he says as he strides abruptly toward me.
Lifting my chin with his finger, he kisses me softly and whispers in my ear,
“Do not touch your sweet pussy. I want your first orgasm to be either on my
tongue or my cock.” I gasp, realizing I had been touching myself. I pull my
fingers from my panties and out of my robe.
“Do you have cameras in here?” I jerk my chin away from him and look
around the room. He probably does. I scrunch my nose at him, and I expect
him to grab my chin back in his hold, but he doesn't. He only watches me
with those assessing eyes that I know can read more than others.
I clear my throat. “Gross. I’m not into that kinky crap.” I’m not. Right?
Would I want him watching me pleasuring myself? My thighs go up in
flames at the thought, and I swallow hard.
“There are no cameras in here,” he says coolly.
I’ve been around enough men to know the things they do. I’ve seen the
women come and go from my father’s bedroom. My eyes flick over to the
bed where the seamstress placed my dress, but then I look into his eyes
again. It’s probably stupid, but I believe him. He’s telling the truth, which is
a relief.
His hand comes back to my chin, his touch impossibly gentle. “But I will
put cameras in here if I find out you’re touching yourself. I might not
always be able to stop you from doing it, but I would at least enjoy the
pleasure of watching you.”
My nipples tighten under the silk robe just thinking about him watching me
get myself off. It’s as if he can read my filthy fantasies. I doubt he could
watch me any other way than looking at it on a screen. Otherwise he’d be
all over me. I can see it in his eyes now. He’s fighting the urge to toss me
onto the bed and have his way with me. I bet he’s been fighting himself
since we first arrived here. Earlier, he almost caved, then left. But he came
back, the same fire in his eyes. He wants me so badly that I can almost taste
it. The thought makes me feel more powerful than I ever have in my life.
I narrow my eyes. “How many women have you had in this room? I’m not
sure I want to lie in the same bed you’ve had others in. I’d prefer that you
keep your mistresses elsewhere.” I jerk away from his hold once again. I’m
a child testing my boundaries. I know it, but I feel powerful for once, and I
want to see how much I can get away with. I walk over to the bed and grab
my dress.
“Just the thought of you with someone else here is ruining this dress. That’s
the second gown of mine you’ve destroyed in one day,” I scold. Then I wait
for it. I’m ready for his anger to unleash, but a smirk pulls at his lips. It
almost looks unnatural on his face.
“Only you and Carlotta are allowed in my room,” he says coolly.
“Oh.” I drop the dress back down. I know he’s telling the truth. He has no
reason to lie. His smirk grows, as if he’s won the battle we were just having.
But I can’t let him have the last word. “Well, you and Carlotta will need to
do that elsewhere from now on. I’m not into threesomes either,” I say
sourly, knowing my words are utterly ridiculous.
He does the last thing I expect him to do. He throws back his head and
laughs. “You think I’m fucking Carlotta?” He continues to laugh.
The rich sound vibrates through my body. I turn my back to him so that he
doesn’t see the jealousy that’s written all over my face. No, I don’t think
he’s sleeping with Carlotta, but it was the idea of him sleeping with anyone
now that he’s going to be my husband that bothers me. He didn’t say
anything about the mistress comment. I know it’s dumb and hopeless to
want faithfulness from a man like Nick, but I do all the same.
I feel him come up behind me. His hand grabs my hip, and he turns me to
face him. I look up into his heated eyes.
“Cara mia.” His lips lightly brush mine. “Carlotta is like a mother to me.
She’s been with my family for a long time.”
“A mother?” For what has to be the hundredth time today, my thoughts go
to my own mom.
“Yes, my mother died when I was very young. Carlotta has been there for
me ever since.” He pulls back a little, his eyes still intense, though now a
little sad. “What about yours?”
“She left.” I hate the sound of those words. “When I was little, she left me.
One day she was there, the next she was gone.”
“She just left without a word?”
“Yes.” I can’t believe I still feel the old hurt. “But I know she loved me.”
“Your father doesn’t know where she went?”
“No, or at least he won’t let me ask or talk about it.” I shrug. “So either he
doesn’t know, or he does know but won’t tell me.”
“Mmm.” He seems to have a thought, one that doesn’t pass his lips.
“Nothing.” He moves closer again. “Tell me more about how you think I’m
fucking sweet old Carlotta,” he says with a devilish smirk.
“I was teasing. Mostly.” My words are deflated now. I see he’s going to
hold a different kind of power over me. Jealousy. I was hoping my last
husband would have many mistresses so he’d bother me less, maybe even
forget about me.
“There will be no mistresses. I can promise you that.” He reads me so
easily. He’s not smirking now, though. He finds no amusement in my hurt
or jealousy. I said I know men, and I do. Bad ones like my father. But I
realize now that I’ve never known a man like Nick Davinci.
His lips come to mine once more, and I let him take my mouth. The things
he can do with his tongue curl my toes, and I find it difficult to think when
he holds me tight and masters me so easily.
I break our kiss before things go too far and I do end up on this bed. “I need
to get ready if you want this wedding to happen tonight.”
He steps back slightly, lifting both of my hands to his mouth.
“I can smell your sweet scent on your fingertips,” he says before he takes
one into his mouth. A low growl comes from deep inside of him.
“Remember what I said, cara mia. No touching.” With those words he
drops my hands and turns, leaving me to get ready.

M arco approaches down the hall, his eyes on me, only a hint
of murder in them. At least his lip is repaired, the split
almost unnoticeable.
“She’s getting ready for tonight,” I caution him. “Knock first.”
Turning, I tell my men, “He can come and go as he pleases. To you, he is
part of the family.”
“I’m a Scalingi.” He puffs his chest out.
“Look, kid.” I keep my voice as even as I can. “I’m sure you’re tough as
fuck over at the Scalingi house. But here, you are a guest. I expect you to
act accordingly.”
“I’m free to leave?” he challenges.
Damn, this kid is full of piss and vinegar. I was probably a lot like him
when I was his age, but that was over a decade ago. “What are you, 17,
“Fifteen.” His pride could choke an elephant, and his defiance reminds me
of his sister.
The tilt of his head, the look in his eye--perhaps he got those traits from my
Sophia. Even so, he needs to know who is the master of this house.
“All right, 15. Behave. Everyone here knows the score. You’re my bride’s
brother. Keep your shit tight, and everything will be fine.”
“You can’t just take her like this.” He steps to me. Not in my space, not
quite begging for me to hit him, but close.
“Did you make that objection when your father sold her to Antonio
Tuscani?” I step to him. In his space. Begging him to make a move.
Because I’m nobody’s bitch. I want this kid to like me, to eventually see me
as a brother, but I don’t take shit. Not even from him.
His gaze darts away and then back to my eyes. “I told my father to leave her
alone, to let her do what she wanted.”
Now, there’s a notion. “What did she want?”
“I mean.” He shrugs and eyes me suspiciously, but continues, “She always
liked to write. Not books, but she had a million magazines and loved to read
culture stuff. Clothes and shit. Art. Whatever the newest trends are.”
“She would write?” The idea piques my interest. I intend to spend plenty of
time learning about my bride, examining every bit of her to try and
understand this insatiable need for her and the lightning-fast connection we
have, but getting a head start never hurts.
“Yeah.” He seems to loosen up just a little, his shoulders not so high, his
temper fading.
I step back. “Stories?”
“Like, she’d I guess sort of pretend she worked for those magazines or
websites? And she’d write her own little essays.”
“You read them?”
“Pfft. I don’t read that shit.” He looks at the burly guards outside her door.
“Too, um, girly. I’m not into that. Just porn for me. And mechanic
magazines. Motorcycles. Stuff like that.”
I smirk. He’s read her work.
He continues, “But I know she’s a good writer. You’d think she was in some
penthouse in New York or going to that fashion week bullshit. That’s how
good she is. But she wasn’t allowed to do what she wanted.” He frowns, his
young face momentarily turning into a much older one. “Our father
would’ve flipped if he’d known. So she hid it, and eventually, she stopped.”
“Because my father decided she’d be better as a bride to the Tuscanis than
anything else. When she found out he’d promised her to Antonio…” He
meets my gaze. “She just stopped.”
Interesting. I file away that information, intending to take it out and look at
it later. There’s even more to Sophia than I imagined, and it only makes me
want her more. But I promised her--and myself--that I would wait. No
matter how badly I want to go in there and speak to her, kiss her, fuck her,
make her moan, I won’t. This union is going to be holy, and then I’m going
to make our bond so solid that nothing will ever shake it.
“What do you think you’ll get out of taking her like this?” The swagger is
back, as if Marco just remembered he’s supposed to be playing the heavy.
“A queen.” I can’t put it any more directly.
“You mean a plaything.”
“No. I mean that she will be my equal, that we will rule this family and the
Tuscanis, and that we will seek blood and retribution against anyone who
crosses us.”
“Why?” He runs a hand through his dark hair. “You killed her husband and
then stole her. That’s never going to work.”
“Empires were built on less.” I smile, but I know it’s cold. The only one
who seems able to warm me is behind my bedroom door, her panties wet
and her cheeks pink.
“She isn’t some spoil of war.” He puts more force in his voice.
“I agree. And I think you’ll find that--”
The bedroom doors open, and Sophia steps out, her eyes going to her
brother. “Marco!” She runs to him, and he catches her in his arms.
The surge of jealousy is out of place. First, because I’m not a jealous man.
Second, because it’s her brother. But I’m beginning to think that first point
is false when it comes to Sophia. I’ve never been jealous before, but she
brings it out in me. I almost want to order my men to keep their fucking
eyes down whenever she walks by. Because she’s mine. Mine to love, mine
to hold, mine to watch, and definitely mine to fuck. She’s got this hold on
me as if it’s been there my whole life, and I’ve only been waiting to find it.
Now that I have, I’m never letting it go.
“Oh my God, Marco, you’re here.” She hugs him. “You’re really here, and
you’re safe.”
“I’m fine. Are you all right?”
“I’m okay. How did you get here? Does Father know?” She pulls back and
inspects his face. “Hey, what happened to your lip?”
“I’ll let you two talk.” I say the words despite the fact that I want to rip her
away from him and lock her in my room so that I can make my mark all
over her. It’s her brother, I remind myself.
“You’re leaving?” she asks.
The innocence in her tone, the trust and longing--fuck me. I’m done for.
Dante was on point when he said I’m off the market for good, because
when she asks me like that, like she wants me to stay forever, I can’t seem
to find words.
So instead of speaking and giving myself away, I simply nod and head
down the stairs. She needs time with her brother, and I need to ensure that
the wedding will go as planned.
My tailor hurries over to me, the tux draped across his thin arms. “Please,
sir. Once more.”
“All right.” I wave him to my office right as Dante enters the front door
with a buxom blonde on his arm.
“Boss, I’d like you to meet Ava Carnegie.”
“Ms. Carnegie?” I stride to her and shake her warm hand. “Welcome.”
“Ah, thanks?” She looks around. “But I’m not sure why I’m here.”
“You’re a guest.” I smile, and she recoils a little. I know I’m a handsome
man, but I also have a little something extra, a coldness that seemed to have
settled in when I made my first kill at fourteen. I’m a predator, and
whenever there’s prey around, they can sense it. By the way Ms. Carnegie
is gawking at me, I can see she’s prey. The easy kind. No wonder Lorenzo
Scalingi went after her.
“A guest?” She swallows hard.
“Of course.” I wave her toward the front sitting room. “Please make
yourself at home. The ceremony will start in about an hour. Carlotta will see
to your needs.”
As if summoned by the mention of her name, Carlotta appears from the
back hallway. “Come now, Ms. Carnegie, I’ll sit with you for a spell. I’ve
heard your hot cross buns are the talk of the neighborhoods when Easter
rolls around.”
Ms. Carnegie is visibly relieved, the crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes
smoothing out as she latches onto Carlotta’s warmth. “Well, yes, it’s a
family recipe.”
I pull Dante aside. “Anyone see you take her?”
He smirks. “Everyone.”
I pat him on the back. “Good. Tell the men that trouble is on its way. Be
ready.” I pause and glance up the stairs to where my sweet bride awaits.
“But I don’t care if World War Three breaks out, I will marry Sophia
Scalingi tonight.”

I hold my brother close. He’s here. “Are you really okay?” I

reach up, cupping his face and peering at his freshly-split lip.
“Soph, I’m fine,” he says, pulling my hand down.
I bite my lip to keep from smiling, having forgotten we are still in the
hallway and guards linger about. He doesn't want me babying him in front
of everyone. I can’t help myself. He will always be a baby in my eyes.
“Come.” I motion for him to enter my room.
His eyes roam around, taking everything in. Our own home is nothing to
turn your nose up at, but Nick’s is something else altogether. It’s in a league
of its own. It reminds me of a giant freaking castle. Everything in it is
elegant but not overdone. It’s breathtaking without being boastful. I’ve been
too wrapped up in Nick to care about any of my surroundings until now,
when I see my brother processing it all.
The doors close behind us, and I turn and point at his mouth. “Who did this
to your lip?”
“It was my own doing.”
I raise an eyebrow at him.
He shrugs. “Really it was. I might have tried to scale the wall to this place,”
he says sheepishly.
“Marco!” I smack his chest. It’s then I see I still have on my wedding ring
from my first husband. I should take it off. I’m surprised Nick hadn’t
stripped it from my finger. It feels like an unwanted weight, a reminder that
my life could have been on a different course if it weren’t for Nick. Even
though I’m not sure what path he plans to lead me down, I know it will be
better than the previous one. It has to be. I won’t let myself think otherwise
right now.
“I had to try and get to you.” His brows draw together. “To save you from
that monster. His reputation is even worse than Antonio’s. He’s done bad
things, Soph. He’s a bad man. I couldn’t just let him take you.”
I drop my hand from his chest. I knew he would try to find me. It’s one of
the reasons that I’d immediately calmed down once Nick gave me his vow
to protect Marco. Without that, I shudder at the thought of what would have
happened to Marco if he came onto this property without Nick’s vow of
“Doing stupid things gets you dead,” I remind him. My life’s purpose
would be gone. Marco is why I make all the sacrifices. I want him to be
able to lead the life that he wants to. It was easier when he was younger
because he wasn’t old enough for my family to start using him. I miss those
days. Once he hit his teenage years, I began worrying constantly. I lived in
fear for his life. I have to sacrifice myself to keep him safe. At least that’s
what I told myself this morning.
Life is starting to feel like there could be more to it for me, but I can’t let
my mind go there either. I’ve learned hope does you no good when you’re
surrounded by men like these. The question of what sort of man Nick is still
remains undetermined. Will he end up being like Antonio? Maybe he’ll act
the same as my father and grandfather as soon as he gets what he wants
from me. He doesn’t seem to be that way, but it’s only been a few hours
since we met. For all I know, Nick is putting on a show so he doesn't have a
bride kicking and screaming down the aisle. Again, that doesn't add up
since I’ve already assured him that I’d marry him if he kept my brother
safe. There’s no reason for him to continue doing all these extra nice things
for me unless he wants to. I may even refer to the way Nick is treating me
as sweet, but that word never feels right in places like this.
“I’m sorry. I freaked when I heard what happened.” Marco runs his hands
through his shaggy hair that could use a cut. He always does the same thing
when he’s nervous.
“Your tell.” I jerk my chin at his ruffled hair. He drops his hand at the
reminder. It’s not that I care if he has a tell, but in our lifestyle that isn’t an
option. I don’t want others to pick up on it.
“Lorenzo wasn't doing shit but freaking out. I wasn't waiting around.” He
stands taller as he says “Lorenzo,” refusing to call him Dad.
I’ve been trying to be stern with him, but I break and hug him again. I’ll
have to remember to thank Nick for giving me this time with my brother
and for keeping his word.
“You shouldn’t have put yourself in danger. I can handle myself, okay? I
may be some princess from a locked tower, but I picked up on plenty just
watching and listening to all the dirty business Lorenzo was up to. I’m not
naïve … well, not as much as you think. I went into the marriage with
Antonio with my eyes wide open, and I’m doing the same now. But maybe,
this time, there could be more.”
“More? With Nick Davinci?” His eyes narrow. “They are scared of him.
They don’t say it, but I saw it all over Pasquale’s and Lorenzo’s faces.”
I swallow hard. It’s tough to imagine the people you fear being afraid of
something. If the Scalingis are scared, then there’s a reason behind it. I’ll be
married to that reason by the end of the night. The thought should frighten
me, but Nick hasn’t shown me anything that would make me feel afraid.
“He’s been kind to me.” I don’t tell him that I agreed to marry Nick if he
vowed to keep Marco safe. “I have to be married. That’s the way it is. You
know it, and I know it.”
“Fuck. I hate this shit!” He yells the last part.
“Mrs. Davinci?” A hard knock sounds on the door before it swings open.
One of the guards stands outside. “Are you okay?” His eyes flick from me
to my brother.
“Not Mrs. Davinci yet.” My brother turns to face the guard.
I grab his shoulder to pull him back. He’s going to get himself hurt if he
doesn't lock it up. Marco only takes a step back on his own accord. I don’t
actually think I could move him unless he let me.
“Out,” I tell the guard, motioning with my hand. I’m surprised when all he
does is nod and close the door, actually following my order. We stand there
for a moment in silence.
“He listened to you. That’s … unexpected.” Marco lets out a long sigh. I
think it might be in relief. “Look, Soph, everyone is scared of Nick
Davinci.” He turns to look at me. “I can’t get anyone to tell me specifics.
They just cross themselves or whisper about all the men he’s killed. He’s
not a good man. You need to know what you’re getting yourself into.”
I wait for a chill to run through my body, but all I feel is warmth. I don’t
know if I should be thankful for that or not. Am I letting my guard down
too easily? Maybe. But what is there to lose? Your heart, my mind
“Walk me down the aisle?” I ask with only slightly-forced brightness.
What’s the point of dwelling on all the bad stuff that comes with my
groom? The reality is that it’s going to happen. I only know that I don’t
have to coat myself in numbness like I did before I was to marry Antonio.
With Nick, I don’t feel like a death row inmate walking toward my
execution. That has to mean something.
“You want me to give you away? That would be spitting in our fath--” He
stops and corrects himself. “Lorenzo’s face.”
“Nick said I could have whatever I wanted.” I shrug. “And I want you to
walk me down the aisle.”
A knock sounds at the door. “Yes?” I call out. Carlotta pushes open the
“Shall I help you into your dress?” she asks.
“Yes, please.” I glance to my brother. “Wait outside a moment.” He leans
down and kisses my cheek.
I whisper, “Keep your smart mouth shut. Don’t ruin my wedding day.” We
both smile at the quite literal double entendre.
“It would be an honor to walk you down the aisle, Soph. I pray it’s to a man
that will never harm a hair on your head.” He turns and leaves.
I watch him go, understanding his reservations. He wants to be at my side,
but he doesn’t want to be the one to hand me over to a man who will hurt
me. It’s one thing for him to watch it be done, the way he did this morning
with Antonio. It’s another to be the person who does it.
“I like you like this. It’s more fitting.” Carlotta fusses with the dress. “You
don’t need all that makeup.”
“Thank you.” I let the robe slip off as Carlotta helps me step into my gown.
It fits like a dream. The silky material molds to my body making me feel
beautiful. Carlotta smiles so big at me, looking like a proud mom. It makes
my eyes water thinking about my own mother.
“Beautiful.” She clutches her hands in front of her.
I turn to look in the giant mirror that sits in the corner of the room. This
time I actually do feel beautiful for my wedding. My heartrate picks up as I
wonder what Nick will think when he sees me.
Carlotta steps up behind me. “Will these work?”
I let out a small gasp when I see the heels she has dangling in her fingers.
Every inch of them is covered in diamonds. I lift my dress, and she helps
me put them on. I drop the dress back down and check the mirror to make
sure I only catch small glimpses of the heels. They’re so over the top, I
don’t want them taking away from the gorgeous gown that Nick let me
choose. Everything pairs well together, and I feel excited to get married this
time. It’s an odd feeling under the circumstances. One that I don’t even
understand myself.
“You come down when you’re ready.” Carlotta gives my hand a small
squeeze before leaving the room. My brother stands in the doorway.
“You look amazing.” He holds out his hand for me. I take it. “We could
make a run for it.” He raises an eyebrow. The two guards at my door don’t
look so amused at his joke. At least I think it’s a joke.
“I’d never make it in these heels,” I tease and slip my arm into his.
He guides me down the stairs.
“Do you know where we’re going or how this is happening?” I ask when
we reach the bottom. I notice the two guards are following us, but they keep
a good distance.
“Not a fucking clue.”
“You and that mouth.” I shake my head.
Marco mumbles an apology. We stand there for a moment, not sure where
to go. I glance toward two double doors where I think I might hear voices. I
head that way and grab the handle.
“Maybe you shouldn't just--”
I pull open the door.
“Open random doors,” Marco finishes the last part under his breath.
Six men all in suits turn to look my way. My soon-to-be-husband sits
behind a desk, and I know I’ve interrupted a meeting. I can feel all the
blood drain from my face. I know better than to open closed doors when I
hear voices behind them. You never interrupt a meeting. Ever. I learned that
lesson young in life. It was one my mom ingrained in me.
My eyes meet Nick’s as he stands. His gaze travels down my body, the
roguish smile on his face telling me he likes the dress. “Cara mia.”
The whole room is quiet as he steps around his desk. “Come to me.” He
holds his hand out and motions for me to enter his office.
“I should have--”
He tsks, his dark eyes on me. “You need not knock on any door in your own
kingdom, my queen.”
I smile and step into his office. Suddenly, I feel lighter.
“Come to me.” He motions with his fingers again.
I know everyone is watching us. If it was only the two of us, I would play
coy and push the lines, but with everyone watching, I go to him and place
my hand in his. If I am going to be his queen, I’ll have to choose wisely
when I want to play those games. For now, I leave them for another time.

I ’ve never considered myself a lucky man. Not with a past like
mine. Bodies lined my way to the top, and I’ll drop as many
men as necessary to stay here. But when I see my bride-to-be in
her gown, her eyes shining, her dark hair draped down her shoulders, and
her body making her white dress sing, my mouth goes dry.
Do I care that she interrupted a meeting? Fuck no. Do I want her on her
back with my face between her legs? Definitely.
But I must be patient. So I have her come sit on my lap.
“Continue.” I lean back so she can settle on my legs.
She perches like a bird at first, but then I pull her closer. Once I’ve wrapped
my arms around her, she settles back against me.
Gio clears his throat and looks everywhere but at my bride. Good.
“We found the missing shipment at the Tuscani warehouse over on Water
“All of it?” I ask.
“Everything except whatever Antonio snorted before his wedding.” Dante
She stiffens at the mention of his name. I run my hand down her arm and
take her hand, but I feel something hard. Something that doesn’t belong
there. Pulling her small fingers to my face, I see a band of gold on her ring
Something inside me snarls, and I grit my teeth. Despite my burst of rage, I
gently pull the ring from her finger, then hold it up to the light.
“Did you like this ring, cara mia?” I look into her caramel brown eyes.
“No.” She drops her gaze, her hair shifting.
I notice a scar on her forehead. It’s small, white, and right at the hairline.
“What happened here?”
She drops her chin even farther. “That was a while ago. My fathe--um,
Lorenzo. He didn’t like it when I asked about my mother, so he …” She
trails off, but she doesn’t have to say more. I know what that bastard did,
and he’ll pay for it. Dearly.
“Don’t hide from me.” I gently tip her chin back up. “You are a queen.
Never forget that.”
“Okay.” She presses her lips together, then takes a deep breath. “I should’ve
taken this ring off. I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Is she afraid of me? It’s funny, I want
everyone to fear me. I didn’t have to read The Prince--though I did--to
know it’s far better to be feared than loved. But that desire changed the
moment I saw her sitting at that cold Tuscani table, ready for her fate, but
not expecting it to appear in my form. “You never need fear me. Do you
“I …” Her brows draw together.
“I swear, here before all my men, that I will never raise my hand to you.
You don’t need to be afraid of me, cara mia. I would sooner cut my heart
out than do one drop of damage to yours.”
Her mouth opens in a surprised ‘o’, which gives me plenty of filthy ideas.
Soon, cara mia.
I spread my hand across her back, loving every inch of her warm skin. “You
were sold by your father. This ring was a band meant to cage you, to keep
you in line, to show ownership. Would you agree?”
“Yes,” she answers quickly.
“As such, we must destroy it.”
“Yes,” she says with more force. “Please.”
“It is done.” I toss the ring to Tony. “Take this directly to Caravagio’s metal
shop. Have him melt it down. Then take it and throw it into the river where
it will stay forever, covered in muck and forgotten, just like the unworthy
man who thought he could use it to imprison my queen.”
“Yes, boss.” He hurries out.
I settle back and continue running my fingers along her warm skin. “Now,
what other news?”
Gio pulls his phone out and grins. “Guess who just showed up to the front
I lean over and press my lips to Sophia’s ear. “It’s your father.” Running my
hand up to the back of her neck, I collar her there, possessing her but not
stifling her. “He thinks he can take you from me. Can he, cara mia?”
“No.” Her breathy voice shoots a jolt of heat to my cock, and I shift my
hips so she can feel what she does to me.
“Do you want to go back to him?” I slide my hand down her smooth skirt
until I reach the hem, then ease my fingers up her calf to her thigh.
“No.” She makes a sweet little sound in her throat.
I move my fingers higher, teasing the edge of her lace garter, the one I’ll
have in my teeth later this evening. “Do you want to stay with me?”
Her eyes widen, and I lick the shell of her ear. When my fingers move
higher and graze her panties, she clutches my arm. “Yes.”
“Wet for me, cara mia?” I whisper in her ear, then stroke along the lace
until I reach the sweet spot between her thighs that’s made for pleasure.
Her body tightens as I press the tip of my finger against it, then drag it
slowly back and forth. She closes her eyes, her head lolling back as I kiss
her throat, my fingers working against her soaked panties as my cock
demands to be freed only to plunge into the tight virgin on my lap. I need to
stop, to end this torture, but I don’t. I continue rubbing her sweet spot until
she squirms on my lap, her hips moving in tiny bursts as I tease her and her
taut ass teases my hard cock.
I run my teeth up her graceful neck, then bite beneath her ear. She gasps,
her body teetering on the edge, then I pull back. It isn’t an easy feat, but I
stop and draw my fingers away, then smooth her skirt down.
Licking her off my fingers, I return my attention to my men. They seem to
be very interested in the coffered ceiling above us, though Dante’s smirk is
a nice bit of honesty.
When Sophia opens her eyes, her cheeks go up in a flash of crimson. Did I
almost get her off in front of my men? Yes. Do I give a shit? No. They need
to know she’s mine, and that touching her isn’t simply off limits, it’s deadly.
But I trust these men. They are loyal and smart. The same can’t be said for
the wedding guests who are beginning to arrive.
“These men will die for you, Sophia. You never need fear them. They will
keep our secrets.” I press my forehead to hers. “Don’t be shy. Not with me.”
“All right.” She nods, though her voice is still shaky. Perhaps from nerves,
perhaps desire. Given the delicious state of her panties, I’d say the latter.
“Now, I need to have a brief word with your father before the ceremony.” I
set Sophia on her feet and rise, then grab my tux jacket and slide it on.
“Dante, bring Carlotta.”
Sophia smiles up at me, one hand going to my chest. “You look amazing.”
“Don’t stroke his ego too much.” Dante opens the hall door and motions
Carlotta inside.
There’s no point smacking him in his smart mouth. He’s never learned and
never will. And he’d probably love getting the attention.
“Carlotta, take care of my bride. Please escort her to the back parlor to
prepare along with her brother.”
“Yes sir.”
“Cara mia?”
Sophia turns, her lips parted. “Yes?”
“The next time I see you, we will be swearing before God and everyone
else here that we belong to each other. Are you ready?”
She doesn’t drop her gaze, keeping her eyes steadily on mine. “Ready.”
“That’s my queen.” I kiss her hand, then shoo her out with Carlotta.
Sophia’s exposed back demands that I tongue every inch of it. And I will.
But first, business. Later, pleasure. And so much of it that my sweet little
virgin may beg me to stop. But I won’t. Not until I’ve tasted her everywhere
and filled her with my seed.
She will be mine, body and soul, and our family will rule this city.

“I ’ve gotten you a veil.” Carlotta hands it to me. It’s a pretty

lace one with a clip covered in diamonds that pairs perfectly
with my shoes. I know the diamonds are real without having
to ask, but I don’t want to cover my face this time. I’m going to walk down
the aisle with my head held high and my brother at my side. I want to see
the look on my father's face as I do it. Before I can put voice to those words,
Carlotta stifles that thought.
“He’s having an issue with the back of the dress. This might cover it some.”
She reaches up, clipping the veil into my hair. She doesn't push it forward to
cover my face, but has it lie behind to cover some of my back. I admit I was
a tad uncomfortable with how much skin I’ve been showing. It isn’t
something I’m used to, but feeling Nick’s hands run up and down my spine
made me forget about everything else. Well, mostly everything else besides
the fact that my father had shown up. A shiver runs through me, even
though I know Nick would never let Lorenzo do anything to me. It’s not
that I’m scared for me, not really. It’s more of a worry about what will
happen to Nick. Will my father try to kill him? That thought sits heavily in
my chest. Now, I not only have to worry about Marco but Nick as well. I
resist the urge to rub my eyes.
I’m still surprised about how Nick talked about his business in front of me.
I know better than to speak of the things I’ve heard, but my father and
grandfather never went around openly talking about business. Not like
Nick. It’s as if he wants me to know what’s going on. Or maybe it isn’t so
much that he wants me to know, but more that he would share it with me if
I showed an interest. It’s eye-opening and oddly refreshing to be included,
but I have a feeling there will be many things I’d rather be kept in the dark
about. Call me foolish, but this is the life I’ve been dealt. It doesn’t mean
that I have to let all the ugliness that comes along with it coat me.
When I hear yelling coming from down the hall, I turn toward the doorway.
I know the voice. A chill settles deep in my bones. The warmth that Nick
had put there fades away. My father is really here. How easily he controls
my mood strikes fear inside of me. It’s a power I think he will always have
over me no matter how hard I try and fight it.
“Where’s my brother?” I ask Carlotta. He hadn’t stepped into the office
with me and when I’d exited, I hadn't seen him.
“He’s here. Waiting to walk you down the aisle. That’s what you want, no?”
“Yes.” I’d forgotten to ask Nick about that. “We can do that?”
“Of course.” She gives me one of those big smiles. “You’re still not getting
it.” She squeezes my arm. “You will.”
She’s my main resource when it comes to Nick. I’m just not sure she’ll
answer all my questions. Loyalty runs deep, and I’m practically a stranger
to them despite being moments away from joining their family. From the
way Nick is acting, I am a part of it in his eyes. The thought sends another
one of those warm tingles through my body. My mind goes back to how he
touched me in front of his men. He hadn't put me on full display, but he did
show that I was his, and if he wanted to give me pleasure, he would. He
didn't care who was around. It’s so different than what I’m used to. He even
shows affection to his men in a way, letting them speak to him with a
familiarity that my father would hate.
In the Scalingi family, women are used for sex, nothing more. But Nick’s
eyes light up with heat whenever he sees the desire he can pull from me. He
enjoys getting me worked up, continuously taking me to the edge only to
leave me with a promise of his pleasure. He’s trying to win me over. It
might be another one of my silly, naïve thoughts, but it’s starting to truly
feel that he wants to win me, not just take me for granted. He’s made it
clear that I’m going to be his, but he’s still easing me into it. He wants me
to give myself over to him, and I’m finding it shockingly easy to do.
“Has Nick been married before?” The question just pops out. I mean, Nick
is older than me. He’s probably in his early thirties. That’s a lot of time
spent in this world without me. Ugh. This jealous crap is eating at me. It
should be the furthest thing from my mind, but here I am poking at it once
Carlotta raises one eyebrow. “No. To a Davinci, marriage is for life. There
will be no divorce. I don’t think that word is in their vocabulary.”
Hmm. No wonder he shot my ex, making me a widow.
The way he killed Antonio and just stood there staring at me with dark,
hungry eyes. It was as if I was as much of a surprise to him as he was to me.
“He didn’t plan to bring a bride home today, did he?”
This only makes Carlotta smile bigger.
“No, I was shocked to see you here. Nick has always been discreet. I’ve
never seen any woman he might have had in his past--and I would know--
but here you are. I almost fell over in shock, to be honest. Him declaring
that he was going to marry you and telling me to take you to his room
almost did me in.” She laughs and shakes her head, her salt and pepper hair
tied up in a neat bun. “The Davinci men go for what they want. It is why
he’s come so far. Further than his own father. He knows within seconds
what the right decision should be. I’m guessing he took one look at you,
and your fate was sealed.”
“My fate was sealed long ago.” I sigh and turn to take one last look in the
mirror with the veil now in place. Somehow, Nick has managed to pull off
my dream dress. The man really is good at reading people.
Another bellow echoes down the hall. My father is beyond worked up. I’m
suddenly hit with the fear of this wedding not happening. Sure, my fate was
always set, but could my father stop this? He could try and make Nick a
better deal. At the end of the day, power is always what these men want
most of all. I’m a little shocked that I don’t even fear for my father’s life.
I’m so hardened by that man that I don’t care what happens to him as long
as Marco is safe.
From the loud thud I hear and the crash that follows, I know someone was
hit and without a doubt they hit the floor. The commotion grows, and I can’t
mistake the sounds of guns being pulled and cocked. I rush to the door and
swing it open. Marco stands there blocking my path.
“What is going on?” I try to peek around his large frame, but he steps more
into the room, blocking my line of sight.
“Your soon-to-be-husband is putting our father in his place.” Marco has the
biggest grin on his face that I’ve ever seen. His smugness puts me at ease
for once.
“You’re enjoying this a little too much.” I reach up, fixing his tux.
“Nick backhanded him.”
I gasp a little, sorry that I missed it. I would love to see my father smacked
around a little. Okay, a lot.
Marco reaches up, moving my hair to show the small mark my father left so
long ago. “Now he’ll wear his own mark. Nick might not have said why he
hit him there, but I know why.”
I stand there in shock for a moment. Violence like this shouldn't turn me on,
but it does. At each turn, Nick is proving his devotion to me.
“He did it for me.” I touch the scar. “For this.”
“Things are different here. Nick isn’t like Lorenzo or Antonio,” my brother
admits. He glances around, and I see a few guards watching us. I wonder if
they fear I’ll make a run for it, or if they’re stationed here for my safety.
“They are,” I agree. “Nick might have killed my husband this morning, but
I think he saved our lives.”
My brother nods as he offers me his arm. “Think our father will sit through
the ceremony?”
“I don’t think he really has a choice.” This time it’s me that smirks. It
wouldn’t bother me if my father wasn’t at my wedding, but the thought of
him being forced to do something he doesn't want to gives me great
pleasure. I smile at the realization that he’ll finally know what it feels like
to be under someone else's thumb. I love that it’s Nick who’s putting him
I, too, am looking forward to being under my husband’s thumb tonight. My
father might hate it, but I have a feeling I'm going to love every second of

T he guests are here. All the families are represented, even the
Scalingis. Lorenzo sits in the front row, his mistress at his
side. She seems to have realized the danger--perhaps it’s the
blood running from the gash on Lorenzo’s forehead that gave it away--and
hews close to him, her eyes wide.
She won’t be harmed. But it doesn’t bother me that she fears for her life.
Fucking Lorenzo was a bad life choice. Now it’s time to pay.
The other bosses sit with their wives, their faces mostly stoic. I’m certain
they were more than a little surprised to be attending a second wedding
today, especially one with the same bride, but they’re hiding it, waiting to
see how this situation plays out. They don’t need to wonder. By the end of
the ceremony, I’ll control the Davincis, the Tuscanis, and have a powerful
foothold with the Scalingis. If anything, they should worry, because if they
cross me, it won’t be long before I come for their piece of the pie.
“Nick.” Father Rantini takes his place at the front of the room, his formal
robes setting the right tone. This isn’t a sham wedding or a payment from
one family to another in the form of an unwilling bride. This is a marriage,
a bonding of souls, a meeting of minds, and it is the first true step toward
my dynasty. With Sophia at my side, this city will be ours. That it angers
Lorenzo is a bonus.
The string quartet begins to play some song I’ve heard at weddings all my
life, and the guests seem to relax a little. Music soothes the wild beasts,
I adjust my tie as Gio steps up beside me, his tux almost as fine as mine.
“You ready?”
He pats his pocket. “All set on my end.”
“The jeweler followed my instructions?”
“To the ‘t.’” He nods and peers out at the small assembly. “They at a
wedding or a funeral?” he whispers.
“If anyone steps out of line, it may be both.”
“Nick, if you’re ready, we can proceed.” Father Rantini smiles, his old,
watery eyes missing no detail. It’s a mob wedding, but he’s done plenty of
these over the years.
Carlotta hovers at the entrance to the west hall. I jerk my chin at her, and
she smiles and hurries away to retrieve my bride.
“This is it. Off the market.” Gio gives me a sidelong glance. “Unless you
intend to be nailing chicks on the side.”
“Not happening. Sophia is my only one.” The thought of another verges on
“I was just busting your balls. You think I don’t know how you are when
you set your mind on something? I’ve seen how you look at her. She’s the
“I never thought it would happen.” I can’t believe I found her. All this time,
other families tried to sell me their daughters, innocent little creatures with
wide eyes and empty heads. But Sophia is different. There’s fire in her, and
over time, it can burn hot enough to forge our family. “But a king knows a
queen when he sees her.”
“Right on.” He rolls his shoulders. “I think she’s almost here. Hey, do you
think Lorenzo’s going to explode or what?”
I glance at him. His face is red, and he clutches his poor mistress’s hand in
his grip like it’s a stress ball.
“If he does, I’ll handle it.”
Dante stands at the entry door, his head on a swivel as he eyes the guests.
We’re all armed to the teeth despite our tuxes--my tailor knows what sort of
man he works for and always leaves just enough room for a gun and some
The music changes to the wedding march, and I hold my breath as Dante
opens the doors.
My mind stops, my heart stumbles, and I go completely still as she appears.
A vision in understated elegance, she locks eyes with me as Marco escorts
her down the aisle. The guests stand--all except Lorenzo--as she walks
among them like a goddess through a throng of peasants. My love, my
heart, the half of my soul that had been missing until I walked into the
Tuscani home, killed her husband, and took her for myself. But that’s the
way it was meant to be. I will kill as many as necessary to claim her,
because we are one.
She keeps her eyes on me, each step bringing her closer. When Marco
passes her to me, I can’t seem to stop smiling. She glances down, demure
for a moment, then looks up into my eyes. The joy in hers matches mine as
we turn to Father Ratini.
He begins his introduction, a clipped version of the same service he
performed this morning. I keep looking at her, the beauty by my side. Her
veil floats down her back, and I’m pleased that she has chosen not to cover
her face. She should never hide, not from me, not from anyone. A queen
should be seen, desired, coveted, but only ever truly mastered by her king.
And, oh, how I intend to master her once this ceremony is completed.
“Sophia.” Father Ratini smiles at her. “Do you take this man to be your
wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for
worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you
She bites her lip for a second, and my whole world balances on the next
words from her sweet mouth. With a deep breath, she says, “I do.” The
smile that follows is one I will never forget.
Father Ratini repeats the same question for me, and I don’t hesitate. Not
when my Sophia is on the line.
“I do.” I squeeze her warm hands in mine.
“The ring?” Father Ratini glances at Gio.
“Oh.” He reaches into his pocket. “Got ‘em.”
He hands me both rings. One is a plain platinum band, though I’ve had
Sophia’s name engraved on the inside so she’s always on my mind
whenever I look at it. Hers is just what I demanded from my jeweler--a
diamond-filled band with a platinum base. It gives off sparkling reflections
as I hold it up, each emerald-cut stone a perfect match to the one next to it.
It’s weighty, but so is my commitment to my queen.
Sophia’s eyes widen, and she holds out a shaking hand.
I steady her, just as I always will, and slide the ring on. She takes my ring
and does the same. Bound. Not by family expectations. Not by any sort of
alliance. We’re bound by heart and soul, and we will crush any who seek to
destroy us.
“You may--”
I don’t let Father Ratini finish. Instead, I pull her into my arms and claim
her with a crushing kiss. Her startled squeal is honey on my tongue, and I
bend her back, supporting her completely as I make her mine for all to see.
She grips my biceps, her body going languid in my arms as she trusts me to
hold her. Our kiss deepens to assuredly inappropriate levels until I pull her
back to her feet and tear myself from her.
“Soon, cara mia,” I whisper in her ear. “I will taste all of you.”
She shivers as we turn to face the room.
“May I present to you Mr. and Mrs.--”
“You whore!” Lorenzo stands and points at my bride. “You marry Antonio,
and his corpse isn’t even cold, and now you marry this bastard!”
All the air leaves the room as Lorenzo starts cursing Sophia in Italian, every
vicious word from his lips like a poison that causes her to fold in on herself,
her shoulders curling, her head dropping.
“A puttana just like your mother! I’m glad I killed her.” He steps toward
her, his hands out. “I strangled her with these hands, as all whores like you
deserve, and you’re next, you fucking slut of a daugh--”
The gunshot cuts him off, the hole in his forehead oozing blood as he falls
backwards onto his mistress. The guests rise, some of them running toward
the door. But Dante stands in front of it, gun in hand.
No one is leaving. Not until they hear me.
“Sophia Davinci is mine.” I raise my voice and holster my still-smoking
pistol. “No one will take my wife. No one will insult my wife.” I point at
Lorenzo’s body. “This is what will happen to anyone who seeks to hurt me,
my family, or my queen.” I take Sophia’s trembling hand in mine as
Lorenzo’s mistress starts to scream, blood streaking her dress. “This
wedding is adjourned.” I motion for Dante to open the door so the guests
can leave.
Most of them hurry out, though a couple of the other family heads don’t
rush. They’ve seen this sort of violence and know that Lorenzo was out of
line. Even so, they cast me sidelong glances. I grin back at them. Marco
stays, his eyes on Lorenzo. The kid might be trouble. Only time will tell.
But he has my protection, and I won’t break my word to Sophia.
Once the room is clear, I scoop my bride into my arms and carry her up the
stairs. If she wants to mourn her mother, we will. If she wants to talk about
our future and what Lorenzo’s death will mean, we will. But only after I’ve
claimed her in every way that matters.

M y heart pounds as Nick takes the stairs two at a time back

toward our bedroom. No one follows after us. My mind tries
to play catch up with everything that just happened.
My father is dead. I think it again, the words so final. My father is dead.
He’d admitted to murdering my mother before my husband put a bullet in
his skull. I was just as shocked at his outburst about my mother as I was
about how fast Nick reacted. As soon as the threats left Lorenzo’s mouth,
Nick smoothly gunned him down. There was no hesitation in his
movements. He’s done this before, and now I know he will do anything to
protect my honor. My fingers dig into his suit coat as I cling to him, never
wanting to let go. How is it that I feel safe with him when I’ve witnessed
him murder two people within 12 hours? I suppose it’s the knowledge that
they were bad men to begin with that helps me not feel guilty. My father
murdered my mother, so I have no sympathy for him. He took her away
from me, and now Nick has returned the favor by taking his life.
She didn’t leave me. Not of her own free will. My eyes water at the
vindication in that thought. Marco and I weren’t abandoned. Even though
she’s gone. Even though it doesn’t change anything, that means so much to
me. She loved us, and she was stolen from us. Now the thief of her life has
paid in blood.
“Are you scared, cara mia?” Nick asks.
“Yes,” I admit. I’m scared of a lot of things right now. One being what will
happen next and what will happen with my brother Marco. Nick promised
me his safety, so I have to trust that. Asking him again now would be a sign
of disrespect. He’s done nothing to make me think he would break his vow
to me. There will definitely be fallout from the other families over this, but
I know in my heart that Nick will protect Marco from the worst of it.
“Scared of me?” He enters our bedroom and kicks the door closed behind
I shake my head. Thinking back on it, I don’t think I ever was. Not when he
shot my husband and not when he took me for his own. All I’d felt then was
relief. I still feel it. “I’m not scared of you.”
“My brave queen. Not many people would say that to me.” He places me on
the bed, and I let go so I can look up into his dark eyes. No, I’m not scared
of him.
“I’m scared you’re going to get hurt,” I admit. That’s the truth. I’ve only
known the man for a few hours, and in that short time I’ve fallen in love
with him. The thought of something bad happening to him makes my soul
ache. But there are going to be consequences. He’s killed two men. Not just
any two casuals on the street either, powerful men. Ones that were the heads
of their families. Families that will be looking for revenge. When my
grandfather Pasquale finds out … I swallow hard. That’s what frightens me
the most.
“Are you going to try and leave me?” He cocks his head, a small smirk on
his lips, and rests his hand at my bustline.
“What? No, of course not.”
“Good. You not being here with me--that’s the only thing that could hurt
me. Besides, I wouldn’t let you go. I’d follow you wherever you went.” He
rips my dress right down the center.
I gasp at the violence of it, at the heat that pools in my core from his
“Nick.” I reach up, needing to touch him. How a man can be so deadly yet
so sweet, I’ll never understand. “There will be war.”
“As there should be. He killed your mother.” He sounds as mad about that
as I am. I close my eyes for a moment, just thinking of her. He shifts his
body, leaning down on top of me. His mouth brushes softly against mine.
“Anyone who harms you will know death. I proved that point today. You
will not live in fear.”
“I fear losing you,” I breathe against his mouth.
“Trust me, cara mia. The devil himself couldn’t take me from you.” His
tongue slides across my lips. I part them in invitation. He greedily takes my
mouth. There is so much to be said. So much that is happening, but right
now all I want is to be connected to him. I slide my hands up his chest and
neck, then dig my fingers into his short hair as I wrap my legs around him,
pulling him close.
He growls into my mouth.
“Too many clothes,” I say as I try and pull the suit from his body.
He pushes back with a grunt and stands at the side of the bed. I lift to my
elbows to watch as he strips himself of his clothing, his eyes never leaving
my body. My face heats at the thought of my bare chest being on full
display to him. All the lace that I’m wearing itches to be torn off by his
fingers. I focus on him as each layer of his clothing falls to the floor. He
stands in front of me in all of his naked glory. Even without a shred of
clothing on, he exudes confidence and power. My nipples harden as my
body calls for him to give it pleasure. Moisture pools between my thighs,
making the silk stick to me.
My eyes roam over his body. “Nick.” I sit up, reaching out to run my finger
down one of the many scars that litter his torso. “You see why I'm fearful?”
I say before I lean in and kiss one.
He pulls the veil free, tossing it away before his fingers dig into my hair.
“This is the life we lead.”
I kiss another mark.
“I’m not young and dumb anymore. I’ll be careful and make sure I come
home to you. I don’t run the streets. Here is where I belong.” He kisses me
softly once before sliding his tongue in my mouth. His hands explore my
body. His fingertips reach up and tease my nipples until I’m panting with
need. Before I can lean back, he breaks our kiss and steps away once again.
“What’s wrong?” I meet his eyes, wondering if something I did made him
pull back from me.
“Cara mia, nothing could possibly be wrong when it comes to you. You’re
My cheeks feel as though they are on fire.
He crooks a finger at me. “Stand up. I want to see all of you.”
I scoot off the side of the bed hesitantly because I’ve never been naked in
front of a man before. Nick makes me feel sexy though. The need he has for
me shows through in his eyes, making me want to present myself to him.
“Did you wear this to try to kill me, cara mia?” he says with a smile on his
face. “Many men have tried and failed, but with this getup you’ve almost
I shake my head. I’m growing more confident the longer he stares at me.
He licks his lips. “Do you desire me, cara mia?”
“I want you, Nick. All of you.”
He growls as he quickly crowds me and takes my mouth once again, this
time kissing me breathless. “You already have most of me, cara mia. By the
end of tonight, every inch of me will be yours.” His hand reaches down to
rub over my lace panties. “I can feel your desire through the silk and lace. I
intend to lick all of that sweetness from you as you come on my tongue. But
first, I want you to undress for me slowly.” He steps back, his eyes never
leaving me. It’s as if he’s acknowledging that many of my choices for the
last 24 hours have not been my own, and he wants this to be different. He
wants me to choose to give my body to him.
I turn, giving him my backside. Then I slip my fingers into the top of my
panties as I peer over my shoulder at him, before I bend all the way down to
slip them from my legs. I give him a small show while I do it. I want to give
my king what he’s asking for. To show him I want to be here. I start to turn
to toss them aside but he’s on me. My back hits the bed as he comes down
over me. He kisses me and then trails his lips down to my breasts. His
tongue peeks out to lick my pert nipple before he sucks it into his mouth. I
moan out his name and dig my fingers into his hair.
I’ve never experienced a sense of pleasure like the one Nick is giving me
now. My body arches toward him. He releases my nipple and continues his
journey down my body, sucking and licking as he goes along. My stomach
trembles as he draws his tongue down it.
His finger lightly brushes over the small patch of hair between my legs.
“Your pussy is so wet for me, cara mia. Does she know she belongs to me?
That I am her king?” Before I can answer, he drops to his knees and pulls
me to him. His mouth lands on me, and I feel the first electric lick of his
tongue on my clit.

S he is laid out before me like a feast, one I will take my time to

enjoy. A slow lick gives me her sweet taste, and I bury my face
between her thighs as she grips the sheets.
“I’m the only one who will ever know this sweetness.” I lick with the
broadside of my tongue all the way up her tender flesh.
She gasps. “Nick!”
“No other.” I lick again and again. “Tell me, cara mia. Are you mine?”
“Yours.” She arches as I press my tongue inside her virgin pussy. I suck and
lick, devouring every bit of her, covering my mouth with her wetness and
delving inside her for more.
Pressing my palms against the insides of her thighs, I spread her as far as
she can go, then focus on her clit. Her legs shake as I suck on that spot and
give it love with the tip of my tongue.
I run my fingers up her thigh, then ease one inside her. She squeezes around
me, her body tensing.
“Relax, cara mia.” I lick her clit faster. “You’re going to love this, but I
need to get you ready for me.”
My cock twitches in agreement as I stroke her with my tongue, my finger
pushing deeper inside her. She tenses again, but I soothe the uncertainty
away, licking it out of her as I keep the pressure inside her. Once my finger
is coated and her walls accept me, I slide another finger in.
She reaches down and clutches my hair, her nails scratching my scalp as I
surge in and out, my tongue lashing her clit as she writhes. I’m learning her,
recording each little sound she makes, what causes her legs to shake, what
makes her move her hips to my rhythm. I will always please her, always
give my queen the release she needs.
Turning my fingers upward, I curl them, and she jolts. I grin against her wet
pussy, then go after her clit in earnest. She throws her head back, her body
arching, her perfect tits begging to be sucked, and then her hips seize, her
breath stops, and her pussy clamps down on my fingers. With a low moan,
she unravels, her body under my control as I wring her first orgasm from
her, licking and thrusting as she pulls my hair and jolts in little waves.
When she breathes again, I give her one final lick, then crawl up her body.
Sharing her taste with her, I kiss her sweet lips, and she reaches up and
grips my shoulders. My cock rests against her wet entrance, and it’s all I
can do not to thrust into that tight little pussy and own it relentlessly. But
this is her first time. I must control myself.
She isn’t making this easy, not when she digs her nails into my shoulders
and rocks her hips against me. “Please.”
That word on her lips--it would break any man. I may be strong, many
would say ruthless, but this woman has a hold on me, and I never want it to
“Be still for me, cara mia.” I press one hand to her shoulder, pinning her as
I ease my cock into her tight opening.
She tenses, her eyes closing.
“Look at me.” I keep easing into her, my grip on her shoulder never
wavering even as she squirms. “Hold still. Fuck, you’re so tight.” I bite
back a groan as my cock becomes coated in her honey, the pressure of her
slick walls like nothing I’ve ever known.
She opens her eyes wide. “It pinches.”
“I’m going to fix it.” I kiss her as I slide as far inside as I can go, my
muscles shaking from the control I’m exercising.
I’ve never felt such perfection, her body taking all of me so snugly that my
balls demand release. But I won’t grant it. Not until she’s coming so hard I
have scratches down my back.
Her mouth opens, and I tongue her as she slowly relaxes. With a swift
movement, I pull out, then embed myself deep inside. Her pussy spasms,
and I swallow her cry of pain. I’m coated in her slick wetness, and I slide in
and out in slow movements. The euphoria of being inside her hazes my
mind, and I want her to feel just as good as I do.
She relaxes even more, and I release my hold on her shoulder. Supporting
myself on my elbows, I kiss away her pain. “It’s going to feel good, cara
mia. You’re going to come again. This time I’ll feel it, every bit of your
She nods as I bend to her neck and suck the spot below her ear. She shivers
and spreads her legs a little wider. I don’t need any more of an invitation.
Starting a slow, smooth rhythm, I fuck my new bride like a gentleman. . . at
first. I ease her into it, worshipping her with my cock and my mouth as I
make her mine.
Once she’s loose, her body pliant, her breathing hard, I speed up. She
arches, her tits pressing against my chest. I can’t resist, so I lean down and
suck one into my mouth. Her moan sends a pleasant burst of heat through
me, and I bite down gently. When her nails rake down my back, I bite
She gasps, her pussy tightening around me.
“Are you close, cara mia?” I meet her eyes again, our sweat-slicked bodies
sliding against each other as the erotic slap of our flesh ricochets around the
room. “Are you going to come on my cock?”
“So, so filthy.” She isn’t scolding. Instead, she clenches me even tighter.
“You like it dirty, don’t you, my wife?” I whisper in her ear. “You like being
filled with my cock and coated with my come, don’t you?”
“Oh, Nick,” she moans as I pull her hair and suck her throat, pinning her
tender skin between my teeth.
Reaching down, I ease my hand between us and press my thumb to her clit.
She freezes, her hips lock, and as I swirl that sweet little spot, she falls
apart, her pussy clutching me as she digs her nails into my back, holding on
to me as she rides her wave of pleasure. The pressure is too much, her
sounds like an aphrodisiac all their own, and I can’t stop my release. I shove
inside her, pressing against her womb, and groan as I fall right along with
her, giving her my seed, my love. I grind against her, pulling out every last
bit of her orgasm until she’s spent.
I go to my elbows and kiss her, pouring my love into her as our souls bind
together as one. She is mine as I am hers, and no one will ever come
between us.
If anyone tries? They’ll meet the same fate as her father.

She sleeps on my chest, her easy breaths tickling along my skin. I grab my
phone and check it. Gio and Dante have been blowing me up, though I
suspect they knew I wouldn’t check it until I’d taken my bride’s virginity
and left my mark. Mission accomplished.
The texts are all in the same vein. Pasquale, Sophia’s grandfather, has
joined with the Fulmaris and mobilized an army to take me down. I sigh.
“Hmm?” She looks up, her angel eyes sleepy and sated.
“Go to sleep, cara mia.” I pull her fingers to my lips and kiss them. When I
move to get up, she grabs hold of me.
“Where are you going?”
“Business.” I stroke her soft hair. “You know this life.”
“Please be careful.”
“If my queen commands it, then I shall do it.” I kiss her lips, giving her a
gentle goodbye as I slide the rest of the way out of the bed.
“I need you to come back to me. Alive.” She sits up now, the sheet clutched
to her chest.
I hurry into my closet and throw on some clothes. My men need to get
moving, and a strategy is already coming together in my mind. At the end
of this night, I’ll have the lion’s share of underworld business in this town
and Pasquale’s blood on my hands.
“I will.” I go back to her and kiss her again, slowly this time, savoring her
mouth as my body heats again. “I can’t leave you unattended. Not when the
treasure between your legs deserves another good licking and an especially
thorough fucking.”
She blushes beautifully. “You have a filthy mouth.”
“Only for you.” I kiss her again, then back away from the bed before I’m
tempted to climb back into it and make good on my words.
“Please, be safe.” Her eyes are wide, worry swirling in them.
“Sleep, now, cara mia. I’ll return before the dawn and make you moan.”
Backing out of the double doors, I have my men close them, then put on my
game face. “Neither of you are to leave her side. Understand me? She is to
be protected at all costs. If you fail me, I will have your heads. Are we
“Yes, boss.”
I clap them on the shoulders. “Good men.”
Turning, I meet Gio in the hallway, his longer hair a mess and his face
drawn. “They moved on one of our warehouses.”
“Which one?”
“Carter Street.” He follows me down the stairs.
I smirk as I find a good portion of my men assembled below. Opening my
arms, I grin. “Who’s ready to spill blood tonight?”
A roar goes up from my soldiers, and I walk among them, preparing them
for war.

I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling. My heart is both full and

heavy. I try and sleep, but I can’t stop thinking about Nick.
Even though it’s the middle of the night, I can’t stay in this bed
one more second. I sit up and swing my legs over the side. I’m sore from
Nick taking me, but the pleasure he gave me outweighed the pain tenfold.
My body had adjusted and opened for him, as though it knew we were
meant to be one. The memory sends a flash of heat through me.
I scoot off the bed and go in search of something to wear, because there is
no way in hell that I’ll be falling back asleep while Nick is out there putting
himself in danger.
It’s a double-edged sword. I didn't want him to go, but I knew he had to. It’s
the only way, and it’s how our families take care of things. There’s no
stopping it, and in the end, it will keep us safe. Marco too. I should go find
him, make sure he isn’t getting himself into something. He tends to be
reckless sometimes. Him showing up here to begin with only reinforces the
fact that he can be careless. My hope is that he’ll learn to not react as
quickly as he gets older.
I pause when I see a small gun on the nightstand. I don’t remember it being
there before. I think I would have noticed it, but I was sort of engaged in
other activities, so I may have missed it. When my back had hit the bed, all
of my focus had been on my husband. I’d let myself forget about everything
else for a little while. No grief, no pain, just us. But now the world snaps
back into sharp focus.
He left a gun for me. I reach over and pick it up. I’ve grown up around
them, but oddly, I’ve never touched one before. Mafia princesses aren’t
supposed to know how to handle a weapon. But I’ve seen them around and
know how they work. It’s just that no one has ever placed one in my hand.
Not until Nick. Whether he’s here or not, he’s made sure with the men at the
door and this gun that I’m protected. A warm feeling courses through me at
the level of concern he has for me. I don’t know why I’m even shocked that
he would go to such great lengths to protect me. He’s told me so many
times since we met that I’m his queen. I take the gun with me as I head
toward the closet. It’s then I realize that I have no clothes here.
I place the gun on the island in the giant walk-in closet. It looks as though
one side has already been completely cleared out for me. My fingers brush
along the row of Nick’s clothes until I find a shirt that’s to my liking. It’s a
simple white button-down. I bring it to my nose to see if I can smell my
husband's scent on it. Yes. It comforts me, and I slide it over my head
before grabbing the gun and heading back to the bedroom. I find my panties
on the floor. I snag them up as I enter the bathroom to try and make myself
look somewhat presentable before I go roaming around my new home.
I knock on the door before I open it knowing that two men are out there,
guarding it with their lives.
“I’m opening the door,” I tell them as I swing it open. One guard turns to
face me while the other keeps watch on the hallway. The guard’s eyes take
me in and then snap to my face. It’s then I realize I don’t have the nerve it
takes to pull off just-Nick’s-shirt in front of his men.
“Something you need, Mrs. Davinci?” His eyes are no longer even on me
but focused on something behind me.
“No. I’ll be right back,” I say as I backpedal and close the door in his face.
My cheeks heat with embarrassment as I walk back to the closet to try and
find some sweats or something to wear. I’m hoping that my new husband
owns some. Nick Davinci doesn’t look as though he’s the type that wears
casual clothes. He looks like he was born to wear a suit. So I’m not very
hopeful that I’ll find anything useful, but I check anyway. No luck. I look in
the mirror. The shirt almost hits my knees. It’s pretty much a dress. That’s
what I reason with myself before I decide to say the hell with it.
I open the door again. They both flick their eyes toward me before focusing
back on the hallway. I guess I’m supposed to be invisible to them? They
were instructed to lay down their lives for me but not look at me? I almost
laugh at how ridiculous those orders sound. So I guess it doesn’t matter
what I wear after all.
“My brother?” I question, hoping one of them might have information on
where he is.
“I will locate him for you, Mrs. Davinci,” the one on the right says.
“Ah. Thank you?” I don’t mean for it to come out sounding like a question,
but it’s going to take a little while for me to get used to how the men treat
me here. It’s so different from what I’m used to. They have respect for
women in this house.
“Anything you need.” He nods, pulling out his phone. I need one of those
“Sophia, are you hungry?” I turn to see Carlotta standing at the end of the
hallway. “Come, I’ll make you something to eat. Soon you will have a
Davinci inside of you, and you’ll need all the extra weight that you can
I mean, I had a Davinci inside of me an hour ago but--Oh. Oh, she means a
baby. My cheeks warm.
My hand goes to my stomach. “You think . . .” My eyes go round. Why
hadn't I thought of that? It is all I worried about before. I’d made sure to
protect myself from pregnancy when I married Antonio. I’d forgotten about
my pills once Nick had gotten his hands on me. In my defense, I hadn't
exactly had time to pack any belongings before Nick whisked me away. I’ll
have to get more. I’m sure if I call Marco, he could have them to me in an
hour if I asked him to. But maybe I don’t want them. Maybe I want to have
a piece of Nick inside of me. It’s rash and sudden and unexpected, but yes, I
want to have a family with him.
“Yes, a baby.” I look up to see Carlotta is now in front of me. She cups my
face with one hand gently. It’s a mother's touch, soft and sweet. “You will
fill this big home with laughter and love. It has already begun.” She gives a
firm nod, her face growing serious. “Davinci will end this war tonight. He
knows what’s at stake.” Her eyes meet mine, reassuring me that Nick will
come home to me. “Enough talk about war. We should eat.” She turns with
a sure step and strides down the hall. Not exactly knowing my way around
my new home, I follow her.
She points things out to me, giving me a small tour as we go. I don’t miss
how many times she says “and this could be a child’s room.” She is like a
grandma itching for grandchildren. I smile and listen to all she has to tell
me. If anyone knows more about the house than Nick, it would be Carlotta.
“Marco!” I say when I enter the kitchen and see him pacing back and forth.
I run over to him.
“Where did you get that?” He tries to take the gun I still have in my hand.
Neither Carlotta or the two guards have said a word about me having it. I
pull my hand back.
“My husband gave it to me.”
Marco’s jaw goes tight. He wants to say something about the gun but
doesn't. I hope it’s because he respects Nick’s decision to give me a gun and
isn't going to question it.
“Be careful with that thing, Soph,” he says before he takes a seat at the
counter. “You haven’t had any training.”
“This is the danger end, right?” I point to the grip.
He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head as I roll my eyes. “Oh, Soph.”
I turn and look at the big kitchen. It’s sleek and modern with smooth marble
countertops. I walk over, taking a seat on a stool next to Marco, and place
the gun on the countertop. I run my finger along the white and gray marble,
daydreaming of little Davincis running all over this place. The kitchen can
be such an integral part of our lives. It’s where families come together. I
want that with Nick.
“You happy, Soph?” My brother’s words break me from my thoughts.
“Happier than I ever thought possible. I love him, Marco. I know it seems
quick, but I can feel it in my soul. This doesn’t feel like a transaction, like
I’m being sold. Not like it did with Antonio. With Nick, it feels more like
an agreement, a vow that actually means something.”
My brother looks into my eyes, then down for a long time, as if he’s
processing what I just said. After a while, he nods his head in acceptance.
“So, you going to tell me why you were pacing?” I ask as Carlotta starts
warming food.
“Nick wouldn’t let me go with them,” he admits, making me love my
husband even more.
“You wanted to go?” I elbow him lightly. “To fight for the Davincis?”
He shrugs. “You’re my family. And if you choose the Davincis”—he clasps
my hand—“so do I.”
“Mangia,” Carlotta says as she finishes placing food on the countertop. The
tension in Marco breaks somewhat as his stomach rumbles.
We dig in, enjoying the food. Carlotta’s prepared a simple burrata, and we
devour it as if we’ve never seen the deliciousness that is mozzarella before.
“So good.” I steal the last bite from Marco.
He tries to swipe for it. “Hey, that’s--”
My heart stops when a loud pop sounds, followed by an alarm blaring. My
hand goes for the gun, my fingers wrapping around the cold steel.
“Sophia!” Carlotta grabs my wrist and pulls me from the kitchen.
Marco follows at my heels.
“What’s happening?” I don’t know why I ask the question. I know the
answer. War.
“Upstairs.” Carlotta, surprisingly spry, leads me up the stairs at almost a
run, and shows me to a room on the opposite end of the house from the
bedroom. More gunfire rings out, and men yell.
Someone at the front door calls, “It’s Pasquale’s men. Take them out!”
My guards position themselves in the hall behind us, their guns drawn.
Carlotta opens a heavy door and pulls me inside a room lined with flat
“What is this?”
“Safe room.” She motions for Marco to come inside.
He glances at me, resolve on his face.
Panic blooms in my heart. “Marco, don’t go out--”
“I have to.”
“No!” I dart to the door, but he shuts it in my face.
“Marco!” I yell and beat on the sturdy door. The wood panel is just a
veneer. I can tell there’s metal beneath it. Whirling, I grab Carlotta. “Please,
open it. He’ll be killed.”
“I can’t.” She shakes her head.
“Why not?” I look around for a handle, a button, anything. But the wall and
door are completely smooth.
“Nick left strict orders for your safety. And this is the only way he can do
what he needs to do. You’re a liability.”
“What?” I cry.
Her face softens a bit as she pulls me to the screens. “I only mean that
you’re his heart. If he thinks you could be in danger, he won’t be able to
focus on doing what needs to be done. He’d be too worried about you.”
I swallow hard and try to think calmly. I’m not there yet, but what she says
does make some sense. “I think I understand.” Even so, worry for Marco
and Nick eats away at what little composure I have. “But Marco is just a
kid.” I watch as he heads down the stairs and one of Nick’s men gives him a
gun. “No, no, no.”
“Nick is coming. Try to trust that he’ll keep all of us safe.” She points to a
screen showing the busted front gate and the black SUVs speeding up the
long drive. “And please keep in mind that this isn’t the first time fools have
come for the Davincis.” She turns and opens a cabinet along the
windowless wall. Pulling out a semi-automatic rifle, she cocks it like a
professional and lays it on the wide mahogany desk beneath the screens. “If
they come for us, we’ll be ready.”
My gun looks like a toy compared to hers. “Damn, Carlotta.” I have a
newfound appreciation for her, and I don’t think my eyes have ever been
wider in my life.
She pats my arm in her grandmotherly way. “No one will hurt you. Not on
my watch.”
I peer at another view and watch as Nick steps from one of the SUVs. More
cars barrel down the drive, and then the real war begins.

H ow many men have I put down today? I can’t keep count,

probably shouldn’t. When St. Peter turns me away from the
pearly gates, I’m certain he’ll have that number handy. For
now, I have to deal death to keep my family safe.
I skid to a halt in front of the stone house that the Davincis have called
home for almost a century and jump from my SUV. A trail of blood leads
across the drive, and a body lies still in the landscaping. One of Pasquale’s
“More are coming!” I whistle, and soldiers pour from the front of my home
and around the sides.
Squealing tires announce the arrival of more thugs tasked with taking me
down. Pasquale won’t be among them. He’s too chickenshit to get his hands
dirty. But that ends today. He doesn’t play chess. Not the way I do. Because
I have a queen now, who rules the board. His pawns can’t stop me, because
with Sophia at my side, I’m the most powerful king this city has ever
known, and my knights? Well, let’s just say their loyalty is only matched by
their bloodlust.
A white SUV races toward me, a passenger hanging out the side with a
submachine gun firing haphazardly at me. I duck behind my car as bullets
thunk into its metal and a few windows behind me shatter. Worry sparks
inside me, then fizzles, because I know Carlotta pulled Sophia to safety at
the first sign of trouble.
Once the white SUV skids to a halt and almost crashes into an oak lining
my drive, I step out and fire into the windows. My soldiers follow, several
of them rushing down the drive toward the broken gate. They let out a
barrage of gunfire at the approaching invaders, yells and cries of pain
shooting up into the night.
Glancing up, I make sure Gio is ready. I can barely see him, but I don’t
need to. I see the fifty caliber Gatlin gun rise from its hiding spot onto a
steel platform.
Marco ducks out the front door and comes to stand beside me.
“Shit’s about to get real.” I hitch a thumb at Gio on the roof. “Are you ready
for this?”
He pulls out his pistol. “I’m Davinci.”
“Are you certain?” I’m surprised, but unbelievably proud, that he’s chosen
my side.
He gives a hard nod. “If Sophia trusts you, then so do I.”
I don’t have time to tell him that he will be like a prince here, that he will
one day stand as my equal and be free to begin his own family, his own
operation. But all that and more swirls in my mind as I think about the
future, about what Sophia and I can build with him and for him.
The kid’s right on time, because another load of Pasquale’s soldiers mow
down some of my men as they try to overwhelm us with sheer numbers.
Truck after truck full of wannabe capos destroy my front lawn and
desecrate my fallen soldiers. Gunfire spurts from each window, muzzle
flashes lighting the night as they fill my car and my home with metal slugs.
Marco returns fire, ducking behind the SUV with me.
Rage boils up inside me at the fucking disrespect in this attack, and it grows
even hotter when I think of my Sophia inside, probably terrified as our lives
are threatened. I reach inside my SUV and pull out my big gun, a weapon
that belongs on the battlefield. It’s loaded. I’m ready. I fire as the onslaught
Gio plays a single sharp tone through the estate’s PA system. The attackers
won’t know what it means. But my men do. They scatter back toward the
house, running for their lives. When I hear the fifty caliber begin to whir, I
grin. Blood already streaks my shirt and my hands. None of it mine.
The heavy thud of each huge slug from the fifty caliber gun is like a
fireworks explosion right beside me. Greenery flies, tree limbs fall, and our
enemies crumple under the inescapable onslaught. I join in the melee,
picking off any soldiers who try to run toward my home. They don’t even
set foot onto the roundabout before I’ve cut them down. My men teem
behind me, seething to kill anyone who threatens our superiority.
One of the SUVs explodes and flames shoot into the night as utter carnage
dots my lawn. Once satisfied, I hold up my hand. The barrage stops, and the
night fills with groans, screams, and sirens.
This is going to take a hefty payoff to Police Chief Vanridge, but he’s swept
plenty of crimes under the rug for me before.
“Sir?” Tony waits at my elbow, his eyes on movement in my shattered
I turn toward my men and beat my chest with one fist. “Davinci!”
“Davinci!” they yell back.
“Finish them off.” I wave them forward.
They rush onto the field like a swarm of locusts, and soon enough, there are
no more groans or screams of pain. Only the sirens now.
Gio hurries from the house and surveys the damage. “You weren’t kidding
when you said the fifty caliber would be worth it.”
I clap him on the shoulder. “Promise Chief Vandridge whatever sum he
wants when he shows up.” Turning toward the house, I jump up the front
“Where are you going?” he calls.
I wipe one hand down my face, and it comes away bloody. “To see my
“Boss.” My guards part for me as I stride to the safe room.
Pulling open a hidden panel, I punch in the code and the door clicks.
Before I can get to it, it swings outward and Sophia jumps into my arms.
“I thought they were going to kill you.” She trembles as I hold her. “And
there’s blood. Oh my God, are you hurt?”
“No.” I turn and carry her to my master bedroom. “This blood isn’t mine.”
“Is it over? Are we--”
“Not yet.” I stride into the master bath, set her on the counter, then strip,
tossing my bloody clothes aside.
Her eyes widen as I reach into the shower and turn on the hot water. Then
her gaze travels to my rock hard cock. Killing for her has gotten my blood
up so high that I can’t think of anything else, can’t take another step until
I’m inside her where I belong.
“Strip, cara mia.” I grab the front of her shirt--my shirt, I think smugly--and
rip it apart. Buttons pop onto the tile as her luscious curves are revealed.
My cock is hard, ready to claim my queen, just as any conqueror would.
Because this war may not be over, but I’ve already won it.
Leaning down, I capture one nipple in my mouth. Her squeak of surprise is
full of innocence, but the way she runs her hands through my hair--she’s a
I strip her panties away, then carry her into the shower. Blood sluices down
the drain as the warm water flows over us.
Pressing her back against the tile, I kiss up her throat. “I will kill for you,
cara mia. Anyone who comes to threaten your throne will lie dead at your
“God, Nick.” She pulls my face to hers and we share a searing kiss.
When I press my cock to her pussy, she moans a little. I know she’s sore,
but my need for her can’t be denied. With slow strokes, I tease her clit,
running my cock along her hot, wet skin. Before long, she’s clawing my
shoulders and arching against me, her body mine to command.
“Every life I take, I give to you. I will bathe in the blood of any man who
tries to come for you, for our family.” I mean every word.
“I know.” She presses one palm to my cheek.
Her breathing is ragged, her eyes wild as I plunge into her. Swallowing her
cry, I push all the way inside, filling my queen with my cock as the blood of
her enemies washes down the drain.

T he warm water trickles down my body as Nick thrusts into

me with hungry urgency. We’re connected not only
physically but in every aspect of our lives now. I push down
on his cock, taking him fully. His body is full of adrenaline from all of the
blood he shed to protect the Davinci name, to protect me. It’s my name
now, my family. One I will proudly own.
“I’m sorry, cara mia, if I’m being rough with you,” he says as his eyes meet
mine. I trace my finger down his handsome face and kiss his lips with a
matched hunger, wanting him to know I’m there with him. We both need
this. My body doesn’t care about the small ache of losing my virginity only
hours ago. The desire to be connected to him in the most primal way is
“Take me harder, my king.” I whisper the words against his lips, letting him
know that I need this release as much as he does. He growls at my words
and begins to drive into me deeper. We both let the moment take us,
forgetting about everything around us.
“I will never deny you anything you ask for, cara mia.” One of his hands
grips my ass, his fingers digging into me as I continue to push down on his
cock. “This will be quick. Another time, I will spend hours worshipping
you the way you deserve, but we have family things to attend to tonight.”
He reaches his free hand down to rub my clit. He already has me on edge,
my body wrapped tightly around his. His touch is what drives me over the
edge. I shout his name as I come all over his cock. My body locks around
him tightly, never wanting to leave his hold. I cling to him because this man
has become my everything. I know he always will be.
“That’s right, come for me.” He continues to work me. “I’m going to spill
every last drop of me into this tight pussy. Our kingdom will be expanding
sooner rather than later. Is that what you want, cara mia? To be round with
my child?”
My breath shudders at his words. His warmth spills inside of me, and I
moan out his name as my whole body goes lax in his hold. I don’t have to
worry about holding myself up. He does it for me as he washes my body
tenderly. When he starts to do his own, I stop him, wanting to take care of
him. I explore his body with my hands. My fingertips trace every muscle,
every scar, until I finally reach his cock, which is hard again. He gently
grabs my hand, holding it in his.
“Later, my cara mia.” He turns off the water and leads me from the shower.
He dries us both before sitting me on the counter next to the sink. Handing
me a brush, he leaves and returns a moment later with clothes. He takes the
brush from my hand and begins slowly working through my hair. My breath
hitches. Here is a man whose hands killed so many men mere minutes
before, but with me he is soft and sweet.
“Our little girls will have your hair.” He says it as though he demands such
things to be true. I’m starting to believe that he can.
I lick my lips.
“What is it, cara mia?” He places the brush down, sweeping my hair to the
side to kiss my bare shoulder. “You want to tell me something?”
How easily he reads me. At one time that would have scared me, but not
with Nick. I love that in such a short time, he knows me so well already. I
love him. I place my hands on his chest.
“I’ve been on birth control,” I admit. Not sure how he’ll take that.
He seems to hold his breath. “But no longer?”
I shake my head no. “Not since I left.” I pause, not wanting to call where I
once lived home. “There.”
“You wish to go back on it?” I can feel his body tense under my fingertips.
He relaxes under my hold.
I look up to meet his eyes. “I love you.” It doesn't matter the amount of time
I’ve known this man, he was willing to give me something he didn't want to
in this moment. I know if I would have told him yes, he would’ve gotten the
pills. He may have hated doing it, but for me he would have. He truly is my
“I love you too, wife.” He leans down, kissing me deeply. When he pulls
back, he presses his forehead to mine. I run my hands up his broad, bare
“I was only on it because--”
“Because my queen is not only smart but crafty,” he finishes for me before
placing another kiss on my lips. “You knew you belonged to another and
would not grant such a man as Antonio a child.”
“But for you, I’d give anything.”
He smiles--a rare thing I’m sure for such a man. It makes my insides melt.
I try and pull him to me, wanting him to take me back to our bed.
“You tempt me, wife.” He lifts me from the counter. “Let’s dress and finish
this after business. Then I’m all yours.” He gives me a playful wink that
doesn't help with cooling my lust for him. Especially when he is showing
me his playful side, but I know he’s right. We need to finish protecting our
families future before I can have this and every part of Nick for the rest of
our lives. If we are to grow as a family, we must clean up the aftermath of
this war.
“These will do for now?” he asks, picking up the clothes he’s brought in for
me. “We will get you more. I have a feeling you don’t want the ones from
“No.” I agree. I don’t. “I have a few things I want from there. Things that
belonged to my mother. They’re already boxed up.”
“I will get them for you.” He gives me another kiss before he turns to leave.
I can’t help but watch him go. Even naked, he strides around with superior
confidence. Power rolls off him. I can’t believe my family tried to challenge
him at all. It meant death. They had to know that.
I grab the clothes, slipping on the underwear before pulling on the wide
legged white pants that are paired with a pink lacy petal top. I wonder if
Carlotta went out to get these for me. It’s pretty and more my style. It
makes me think back to when I used to make my journals and blogs filled
with the latest styles and trends.
Nick comes up behind me a moment later as I stare at myself in the mirror.
“They work?” He hands me a pair of silver flats that have a ring over the
toe for your feet to slide into to hold in place.
“I love them.” I turn, taking them from his hand. I tilt my head back to offer
him a kiss. He leans down, giving me what I ask for.
“You look beautiful.”
“You make me feel beautiful. You make me feel like me again.” He does.
He’s dressed in his normal pair of slacks and button-down shirt. It’s almost
laughable. He looks like he’s dressed for the boardroom. I guess this is a
meeting of sorts. Business will be handled. Ours is just a little different than
the rest of the world but normal for us. This is our life. I hated it a week
ago, but now I welcome it because with it, I get Nick. He makes all the
difference in this life. I know with him, it will be a different kind of world.
“Good.” I bend down, slipping the shoes onto my feet.
Nick takes my hand in his. He leads me out of the bedroom and down the
hallway. We descend the stairs. I see all of his men lingering about. Many
are still spotted in blood. He guides me with him down a hallway I haven't
ventured into yet. My brother stands in front of a door and steps out of the
Nick gives him a nod as he opens the door that leads down to the basement.
When I look down the stairs everything is concrete. It’s nothing like the rest
of the house. It’s cold and bare. A shiver races up my spine, because I know
who will be at the bottom of those stairs. It will be the ending of the
Scalingi family, but the beginning of my new life as a Davinci. Who I have
always belonged to. I’d just been waiting for my king to find me. Now we
will finish what he started—but with me by his side.

T o Sophia’s credit, she manages the stairs without flinching.

Each step brings her closer to a decision that will set the
course of our family, but she does not falter.
I lead her deeper into the basement, to the back where the floor is stained
permanently dark, the first streaks dating back to the founding of this
family. The Davinci name is built on the blood of its enemies. That blood
must continually be spilled to keep us strong, to protect what’s ours.
We tread across the darkening concrete until we come to a cinderblock
room with a heavy steel door. Dante and Gio stand on either side of it, their
eyes on me.
Sophia clutches my hand.
“Be strong, cara mia.” I jerk my chin at Gio, and he opens the door.
She gasps--perhaps at the smell--but follows me inside. A bare bulb hangs
overhead, the light harsh in the small space. A rusted metal table sits to the
right, the implements laid out on top covered in blood--some old, some
new. We don’t focus too much on cleanliness in this room, mainly because
those who end up here don’t make it out alive.
Pasquale Scalingi sits in the center, his arms and legs bound to a chair, his
left eye swollen shut. Other than that, a split lip, a busted nose, and a
missing pinky, he’s in decent shape. Dante hasn’t gotten to the power
equipment yet.
Usually, Pasquale would already be dead. His blood would be mingling
with all the rest. This floor soaks up their payment year after year, adding to
the debt I’ll owe when my ticket is eventually punched. But that won’t
come until I’m old and gray, and it will come on my terms. No one else’s.
Today is different, though. Today, I will not be judge, jury, and executioner.
After all, a king can’t make these decisions without consulting his queen.
I steady her, holding her in front of me, safe in my arms, as we face down
her grandfather. “Have anything to say, Pasquale?”
He spits a wad of blood onto the floor. “To you?”
“To your granddaughter.”
“I see no granddaughter here.” He looks right at her.
“Speak carefully, old man. She is the one who will decide your fate.”
She tenses even more and turns to look up at me. “Me?”
“You.” I nod. “You’ve suffered the most at the hands of the Scalingi men.
You will decide what is to be done with your grandfather.”
She returns her gaze to Pasquale. “I don’t have a grandfather, according to
Pasquale. So why should I care what happens to him?”
“Sophia.” Pasquale’s tone changes, softens, turns cajoling. “Please, my
dear. Don’t--”
“Tell me about my mother.” The ice in her voice sends a throbbing need
straight to my cock.
“What do you mean, Sophia?”
“I mean”—she takes a step forward—“what happened to her?”
“I didn’t hurt her.” He tries to shrug. That’s hard to do when you’re duct-
taped to a metal chair.
“But you know what happened, don’t you?”
He looks away with his one good eye.
“Tell me!” Her shout reverberates off the cinderblock walls.
Now he starts to shake, and a new puddle of piss trickles from him.
“She--she wanted to leave. To take you and Marco. But Lorenzo, he
wouldn’t let her, so--”
“Did you know?” She takes another step forward, and I follow, keeping her
pressed to me, showing her just how much her strength turns me on.
“Did I know what?”
“Did you know she wanted to leave?”
He looks away again. Whatever poker face he once had, it’s gone now. Only
fear lives in him, no trickery, no cunning. Pathetic.
“You knew, didn’t you?” Her words are like a whip striking the old man.
“You knew, and you and Lorenzo agreed to kill her, isn’t that it? That’s the
way it works. The men decide, and the women suffer?”
He shakes so hard that the chair rattles. “No, I would never. No, Sophia,
you know I would never--”
“All those times I cried for her, asked about her--” She lifts a hand to the
delicate scar on her forehead. “You knew she was dead. You knew. And you
had a hand in killing her. My father may have done the deed, but you were
in on it. You gave the go-ahead.” With a quick movement, she grabs a
screwdriver from the table and approaches him. “You’re the reason she’s
dead. You’re the reason I have this.” She moves her hair so he can see the
scar. Holding up the screwdriver, she strikes him.
He screams and blood streams down his forehead. “No, Sophia, I-I tried to
save her. Yes. I--”
“Tell your lies to someone else.” She tosses the screwdriver down and
backs away as Pasquale cries like the weak, insignificant piece of shit he is.
I kiss her hair. “My queen,” I whisper into her ear. “My fierce queen.”
“I’m sorry.” He sobs. “Don’t kill me. Your mother knew the risks. She
chose to marry him. She--”
“She was sold to him. The same way you sold me to Antonio.”
He sputters, now completely out of excuses. “Sophia, please. I’m your
“No.” She turns and wraps her arms around my neck, then gives me a kiss
that sets my soul on fire. “This is my blood. I am Davinci.” With a look that
could set a city ablaze, she turns to him. “And we will kill all those who
would seek to destroy us.”
“Cara mia.” I take her mouth again, tasting the sweet vengeance on her
tongue. Lifting her, I carry her from the room.
Gio and Dante know what to do. My queen’s edict is final. I won’t give
Pasquale the honor of killing him myself. Not when I want to gorge myself
on my rare, spiteful beauty.
I carry her up the stairs, then turn into my office, slamming the door behind
“What about the other families?” She’s breathless as I sit her on the desk.
“We’ll dine with them tonight.” I grip her pants and yank them down, then
grab her lacy pink panties. “And you don’t need these.” With a hard pull, I
rip them away, then drop to my knees.
“Nick!” she squeals as I lick her tight cunt, then suck her clit.
Pasquale is dying beneath our feet, the old family disintegrating as we build
our new one. I lick her, sucking her nub until she’s gasping, her hands in my
hair. Then I rise, pull out my cock, and claim her.
She claws my neck, her mouth a wild thing on mine as I fuck her hard. She
can take it. She can take anything I give her. The desk scrapes across the
floor as I yank her ass forward, getting so deep in her that she’ll feel me for
the rest of the day.
Wrapping her legs around me, she keens, “More.” I give it to her, each
punishing stroke making me harder, making me crazed for her.
When she reaches between us and touches herself, I can’t take the sight of
it, the way her small fingers rub against that pink, wet flesh. Shoving deep,
I come hard, coating her with me as she moans and her pussy spasms
around me. Our love is explosive, the desire burning away anything that
came before. No one can stand against us.
We are one, my queen and I. And we will rule. With love for each other.
And with fear from everyone else.

Almost 3 years later

“C ara mia.” I look up from my computer when I hear Nick’s

voice. I’ve been perched on the top of his desk even though I
have an office of my own. I enjoy working in his space when
he’s away. It’s close to the front of the house. I can normally hear people
come and go, but I must have zoned out while working on the latest article
for my blog.
Our cat, Fredo, jumps from the desk and winds around my husband’s legs.
He leans down and strokes his head. “Why is there a dead chipmunk on the
front steps?”
Fredo purrs.
Nick grins, his deadly humor on display. “I know it was you, Fredo.”
“Is that the only pussy you missed?” I bite my lip as my salty language hits
He looks up at me, fire in his eyes. I smile and push off the desk to greet
him. He shrugs off his suit jacket, tossing it away before I get to him. He
lifts me, my feet dangling as he kisses me. I’ve missed him. His mouth on
me always reminds me of being home. When he’s away, our house doesn’t
feel the same.
“What have you been up to?” I ask but kiss him again before he can
He smiles against my lips. “Out checking on things. The normal. But I
missed you. I always do when I’m away. How has your day been, my
I laugh in his hold. Nick hates being away from me, and every single time
he acts as though it’s been days instead of mere hours that we were apart.
Glancing up at the bedroom overhead, I say, “I got Nikolai down for his nap
and have been working on a new blog post.”
“I brought you something, but it can wait until you are done if you wish.”
He places me back down on my feet. His hand comes to my belly where he
rubs the small bump that is our baby girl.
I’m barely in my second trimester, but technology is crazy these days, and
they’ve already told us we’re having a little girl. When they gave us the
news, it was one of the only times I saw fear in my husband’s eyes. He’s
going to be so overprotective. I’ll have to make sure we balance out, but we
always do. Each of us have an equal say in how our home is run. It took me
some time to get used to that, but now I don’t know how anyone lives
without it. Nick asking and respecting my opinions only makes me love him
more. He is what a man truly should be--soft with me, hard with anyone
who crosses me.
I wave my hand toward the computer. “All this can wait. What did you get
me?” I wiggle around to try and see past him. Gio is standing at the front
door, which is still open to the bright day.
Nick smiles indulgently. “I thought it would be easier to bring the choices
here. You said you wanted to get Marco a car for his eighteenth birthday.”
“Did you bring a dealership here?” I laugh. When his face doesn't change, I
know I hit the nail on the head. “How many cars do you have out there?” I
raise an eyebrow at him.
“Six.” He wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. “You choose quickly,
and maybe I’ll have time to eat your sweet pussy before our little one wakes
up and steals you from me.”
I roll my eyes. Nick is having his own inner battle with the whole
breastfeeding thing. He wants me to do it, but he also hates that I can never
stray too far away from the baby. I loathe that stupid breast pump thing. But
there’s only one more month to go, and I’ll be finished. Well, until our
daughter comes, and we start all over again. But I’ll never complain about
anything I have. The road to get here wasn’t always easy, but Nick changed
my direction and my life. I’m thankful every day for all that he has given
me and the love we share.
He leads me outside where there are indeed six brand new vehicles parked.
I know nothing about cars. I want Marco to have something nice but safe.
He’s been doing so well in school. I don’t think graduation would be on his
radar if Nick hadn’t come along. Now, Marco’s always talking about
college. I almost dropped my fork the other night when he said pre-law was
something he was considering. His words had given me so much pride.
Another man in a suit stands by the center car. I’m guessing he’s the car
salesman, because I don't recognize him, and I know everyone that comes
and goes. Nick starts telling me about the cars and SUVs one by one.
“This has the best safety rating?” I turn to look at the salesman. “Out of all
of them?” They all are beautiful cars, honestly. But I’m sure if Marco were
here, he’d likely want a sports car.
The man doesn’t respond to me, but turns to Nick. “This one has
bulletproof glass.” He knocks on the window of the Mercedes. I think it’s
called a G-wagon.
“Look to my wife when she asks you a question. Not me,” Nick snaps.
The man's eyes flick back to mine before they go to the ground. I don’t
have to look to my Nick to know he’s pissed. He hates when I’m talking but
people look at him to respond and speak for me. I place my hand on his,
knowing my touch will calm him. The salesman isn’t from our world.
There’s been enough blood spilled on this front lawn, and the gardener was
just here this morning to do our landscaping.
“Thank you, but that will be all.” I turn, heading back into the house.
“You heard my wife. Leave,” Nick says, motioning for them to be gone.
“I meant no disrespect, Mr. Davinci,” the man stutters.
“You should not be addressing me but my wife with your apologies.”
I smile as I climb the front steps. I love that man with everything I have.
“Nick,” I say from the front door. “I think we should call our other contacts
to see what selection they have available.” I’m not even sure if we have any
other contacts, but it sounded good as I said it. Some may say I’m cruel, but
I will not tolerate disrespect in my home. Those days are long gone. To earn
respect in this world, you have to know your worth. And thanks to Nick, I
know mine. I turn and head inside, but not before I catch the smirk that
graces my husband’s face.
I hurry to our bedroom, turned on by that little show of force. I hear Nick’s
footsteps, letting me know that he’s close behind. I barely make it a few
steps into the room when his hands wrap around me, pulling me gently into
his body. He begins placing open kisses along my neck, and his hand slides
down into my panties to feel the slickness that has formed between my legs.
He growls in satisfaction as he begins to rub my clit.
“Does my queen get aroused by her power?”
I shake my head no. It’s not my power that has me aroused, but the respect
that Nick demands others give me.
“It’s you. Everything about you. Always you,” I say. I turn, causing his
hand to slip from between my legs so that I can look into his eyes.
“Cara mia, I only ask them to give you what you deserve.” He leans in to
take my lips. I will never get tired of how his mouth feels when it meets
mine. I reach down and unfasten his pants, then reach in and grab his hard
cock, allowing it to spring free of his boxer briefs. Before Nick realizes
what I’m doing, I break the kiss and drop to my knees in front of him.
“No, cara mia, not when you are pregnant with my child. You should not be
on your knees in front of me.”
I stroke him, letting him know that I’m not backing down. “My king, you
said you would always give your queen whatever she desires.”
He growls as I lick the wetness from the tip of his cock. I don’t stop there, I
take him into my mouth fully. He groans as I suck him as deep as I can take
“Eyes on me, cara mia. I want you to see the pleasure that sweet mouth of
yours brings me.”
I do as he says. His hand wraps into my hair, gripping it tightly as he begins
to take my mouth. “Is this what you wanted, my queen? Does it bring you
pleasure to take my cock in your mouth? To have me at your mercy?”
I moan a yes around him, my core clenching because he’s right. I love to
please him, to make him mad with lust. He always makes me feel strong,
but when we’re in our bedroom, the give and take is the ultimate power
play. He jacks his cock into my mouth, my tongue greeting each stroke,
before he’s pulling away and lifting me from my knees.
My back hits the bed as he climbs over me, his knees pushing my thighs
apart. He leans forward, lightly kissing my mouth before he grabs his cock
and lines it up to my entrance. I lift my hips, begging him to give me what I
need. He pushes inside of me until he is fully seated.
“You’re so beautiful, cara mia,” he says as he moves inside of me. “My
love, my queen. Mine.”
I spread wider, taking all of him, reveling in his touch and his love.
“Forever, my king. Forever Davinci.”

Going to high school as the heir to a mafia family isn’t as easy it seems.
The prep school lifestyle leaves me cold, and I don’t want to be a part of the
lacrosse crowd or make time with the silly girls who think being with me is
taking a walk on the wild side. I’m fine in my bubble until I see the new girl
through the window. Shy, smart, and with curves that make my mouth
water, Evangeline is an unexpected good girl in my bad boy world. Her
innocence should make me back off, but I don’t. After all, I’m a Davinci.
When I see something I want, I take it.
A chance at going to college is all I need, and this new prep school is the
way to do it. Grams took a maid job at a local estate just so I could attend
prestigious Brightwood Prep, and I won’t let her down. I’m focused and
determined … until I meet Marco. He’s got bad boy written all over him as
he sits at the back of the classroom, his eyes eating me up. And that’s only
the beginning. Marco isn’t just bad, he’s determined to make me his no
matter the cost.

A kid runs past me as the digital synth bell rings, signaling the start
of classes. I sigh as I walk into Brightwood Prep for my senior
year. I’m already over these walls and these faces, tired of the
same old shit and the wary glances in my direction. Well, maybe I’m not
tired of making these spoiled assholes feel uncomfortable. That part makes
me smirk.
I keep strolling leisurely past the administration office and down the long
science hall. The first session is already going, teachers calling roll or
giving uplifting chats about how Brightwood has prepared all of us for the
Ivy Leagues. My sister wants me to go to college, but I disagree. If it’s
anything like this place, I’ll pass.
Easing into Mrs. Benton’s class, I take a seat in the back row, completing
my cliché image as the bad boy. It doesn’t bother me. The way the other
students shy away from me? Fine. The way they whisper about me and my
family? Fuck ‘em. I’m perfectly happy blowing this place and never
looking back, but I stay. Not for myself, but for my sister. If I gave up on
this, it would disappoint her, especially since Sophia never got the chance to
go to school when she was my age.
Trent sneers at me, he and his lacrosse buddies sitting in a line like three
rowers in a douche canoe. I stare him down, daring him to do something
about it. He and a few of his teammates tried to jump me last year. They got
a few good licks in before I stopped holding back. After that, Trent’s father-
-a judge, of course--threatened to have me arrested for assault.
“Nice of you to show up, Mr. Davinci.” Mrs. Benton clicks through her
slideshow that’s designed to refresh us on the particulars of cellular
“Thanks.” I give her a wave and let my smartass retort linger in the air as
the other students click away on their laptops. Their copious notes won’t
make them any smarter than they already are, but I suppose if they knew
that, they’d be sitting back here with me. I pull out my phone and scroll
through my messages. Sophia sent me a happy face and a ‘have a great day
at school’ message. She’s such a mom.
I pocket my phone and consider napping, but Mrs. Benton is staring right at
me as she lectures on mitochondria, so I turn and look out the window at
the quad. It’s grassy and still green after the hot summer, the oaks shading
just enough to give it some interest. But that’s not what catches my eye.
A girl, flanked by the headmaster and Dr. Ward, walks with her head down,
her arms wrapped around a couple of textbooks as they speak to her. She’s
tall and curvy, and her hair is a striking shade of blond. Not bottle blond or
a summer gold. It’s nearly white, as if she has some genetic issue to turn it
that shade.
I sit up a little straighter to get a better view, but they pass beneath one of
the oaks and into the administration area. Is she in trouble? I know all about
that. But she certainly didn’t look the type, not when she was clutching
books to her and actually listening to whatever the headmaster was droning
on about.
“Mr. Davinci?”
I look up at the glaring Mrs. Benton. “Yep?”
“I asked you what absolutely must occur before cell division can be
achieved.” Her display is stopped on a page that says ‘Biology is a Slice of
Life’ with an array of microscope slides. “But you were too busy
daydreaming to--”
“DNA replication.” I may not give a shit about school, but that doesn’t
mean I’m not good at it.
Her eyes narrow behind her round glasses, but she continues with her
A few other kids look at me over their shoulders, but my dead-eyed stare
right back at them has them turning around in a hurry.
I lean back in my desk and settle in for utter boredom, but then the door
opens and the girl from the quad steps timidly inside. Her big blue eyes
glance around the room, and Trent holds up a hand and whistles.
“Over here.” He points to a seat beside him and his buddies.
She takes a step toward him, but I reach out and grab her hand. It’s
instinctual and overpowering. I let her go and pull my hand back.
She turns those big eyes to me, her impossibly white hair falling past her
shoulders and her pink lips parted.
“Sit here.” I point to the desk beside me. Why do I do it? I don’t know.
Sadie gives me a particularly venomous look, notable since she hasn’t
acknowledged me since the time I shut her down when she tried to tell
people we were together.
The new girl nibbles her bottom lip, then places her textbooks on the desk
and sits, dropping her backpack next to her.
Trent slaps his desk like a pissy tween, and Mrs. Benton looks up.
Adjusting her big glasses, she says, “A new student. The one from Sterling
Academy across the river, right? You must be Miss Garver.”
“I, um, yes. Evangeline.” She stares down at her textbook, her cheeks
coloring as the rest of the class turns to look at her.
“Welcome.” Mrs. Benton flicks her gaze to me. “But take care you don’t get
in with a bad crowd.”
“Okay?” She still doesn’t look up, so she has no idea I’m the bad crowd
Mrs. Benton is referring to, but she will. And sooner rather than later.

S taring at my textbook, I still feel the boy’s touch that lingers on

my hand. I peek over at him. Okay, there is no way that he’s a
boy. He looks like a grown man sitting in a child's chair. He leans
back with ease as though nothing bothers him. Everything about him is
dark, from his hair to his eyes. Is he the bad crowd that Mrs. Benton warned
me about only moments ago? He sure looks as though he fits the role. She
might have been talking about the other boys who even now turn around to
look at me. This is why I keep to myself.
I reach into my backpack and pull out my glasses. I quickly slip them onto
my face before opening my notebook and grabbing my pencil. I try and
write down everything the teacher says. I’m too shy to ask if the laptops I
see everyone working on came from the school or I if I need to get one
myself. I haven't been given a login or anything yet. I wonder if I can find
the slide presentation online. I’ll have to look when I get home. That way
I’ll know for sure that I didn’t miss anything.
I try to pay attention as best I can as I busy myself scribbling down
everything Mrs. Benton says. I think I’m ahead of the game here based on
what she’s currently teaching. Relief fills me when I realize that I already
know most of the things she’s gone over, so I’m not too worried about
getting behind.
“Where’s your laptop?” The dark-headed guy’s voice is a low rumble
beside me.
I glance at him. The same fingers he’d grabbed tighten around my pencil.
The way he reached for me was as if he’d done it a hundred times before. It
was natural, and for some reason I didn't jerk my hand away.
This time I get a better look at him, because I don’t have to steal it. He
spoke to me, so giving him my attention makes sense. A tiny scar above his
lip catches my eye. It’s the only mark on his perfect face. He’s so handsome
that I catch myself staring at him longer than I should. He’d asked me a
question, and now I probably look like an idiot because I haven’t answered.
“A laptop? They haven’t given me one yet,” I whisper back, not wanting to
get in trouble for talking during lecture. I’m hoping to blend in here. Senior
year at a new school can be ruthless. Even though it might suck, I need to
suck it up. Brightwood Prep is the best high school in the state.
I was shocked when I’d gotten the transfer acceptance letter in the mail.
Graduating from here will look amazing on my college transcripts, and
that’s all that matters. I don’t know if it was my grades from Sterling
Academy or the address I put down on my application that got me accepted,
but I wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity. No one had to know that I
lived over a garage at the Bradford estate with my grandma. She’d gotten a
job as the family’s new live-in cook. It came with some perks, including a
small apartment on the property.
“A laptop comes with the tuition.” He gives me a tiny smile that has me
feeling a certain way that I can’t put into words. Even though he looks dark
and dangerous, when he’d grabbed my hand, it had felt natural. Nice, even.
“I’m here on a scholarship, so maybe I don’t get one?” I'll take the notes
and use the library before and after school if I need to. I’ll make this work.
This is my opportunity to excel, and I won’t let it slip away. My grams
worked too hard for me to screw up this chance. I’m not about to ask her to
buy me a new laptop. She already works hard enough to keep us fed and
clothes on our backs. I’ll have to figure out the laptop on my own.
“Is there a problem, Mr. Davinci?” Mrs. Benton stops presenting and looks
toward us. I immediately drop my eyes to my notepad.
“No problem,” he replies with an easy smirk.
I wish I had the confidence this guy does. He has a certain air about him.
I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing yet.
Not wanting to get in trouble again, I continue quietly taking my notes.
Even though Mrs. Benton hadn’t said anything directly to me, I don’t want
her to think I’m a troublemaker. I’m here to learn and get my diploma. A
letter about how great a student I am wouldn't hurt either.
“I’m Marco.” His deep voice breaks me from my thoughts.
I peak over at him but don’t answer. I scribble a little note telling him that
it’s nice to meet him and lift it up to show him.
That earns me a chuckle from him that warms my entire body. “Now, if I
had your number we could send messages to each other the proper way.”
“Shh.” I shoot a look at Mrs. Benton.
His eyes go wide for a moment in surprise. I jerk my head back to the front
of the class because I can’t believe I shushed him. When I steal another
glance at him, he’s smiling at me.
I can see him shift out of the corner of my eye. Is he rummaging in my
backpack? I refuse to let myself look over at him, mainly because another
scolding from Mrs. Benton may break me. I know my cheeks are flushing
more pink every time I think about how I’d told him to be quiet. When he
grabs my hand again, I think my heart may stop. I freeze, having no idea
what the heck he’s doing. He doesn't talk as he puts my thumb on my phone
sensor before replacing my pencil in my palm.
Mrs. Benton looks our way before I can try and snatch my phone back from
him, so I pretend to take notes. He just went into my things and took what
he wanted. Who does that? Okay, the phone was partly sticking out of the
side pocket, but still. I peek over at him, watching as he calls his own phone
with mine before putting it back where he found it.
I turn to look at him, still shocked that he did that. My lips part to say
something but he reaches one finger up, placing it against my mouth in a
shushing motion with a cocky smirk on his lips. This time it’s me that lets
out a small giggle that garners Mrs. Benton’s attention. I’m in trouble, but
it’s not Mrs. Benton I’m worried about.

C lasses go by in a blur of boredom and repetition. I don’t see the

new girl--Evangeline she said her name was--again until lunch.
I usually go off campus, oftentimes not coming back for afternoon session,
but today I watch her. She gets a tray for the hot lunch and gets in line. I
should leave her alone. She clearly wants to be a good student. Her note-
taking was pretty fucking epic, especially given she was writing it all out
with a pencil in a beat-up notebook.
Leaning against the back wall of the cafeteria, I watch her smile at the
lunchroom staff and thank them whenever they hand her a food item. I
shake my head. Girls like this don’t exist, right? This sort of sexy sweet
perfection seems too good to be true, and it’s definitely too good for a guy
like me. All the same, I keep watching her, enjoying the way her curvy hips
fill out her skirt. Yeah, I should leave her alone. She doesn’t need my brand
of trouble in her charmed life.
I’m about to walk away when Trent bursts through the double doors, his
gang of idiots at his back as they strut through the lunchroom. He doesn’t
even pretend to be going anywhere else but toward Evangeline.
Her back is turned, and she leans over to grab a piece of pie from the back
of the dessert shelf.
Trent whistles and mimes grabbing her ass while his lacrosse pals laugh.
I’m moving before I even give it a thought. When he reaches up and grabs a
lock of her hair, I jump the empty lunch table in front of me and push
through his throng of assholes.
She turns at the commotion, her babydoll eyes wide. “What--”
“Don’t touch her.” I step up to Trent.
He releases the lock of hair and glares up at me. “You gonna cockblock me
in front of everyone?”
Evangeline presses herself against the rail, trying to get as far away from
him as possible. I reach out. She takes my hand without hesitation, and I
pull her behind me.
“I’ll drop you in front of everyone, too. Keep your fucking hands to
yourself.” My hands are already fisted, and I’m itching to do some damage.
“Boys,” a lunch attendant chides. “Take it outside.”
“Shut up.” He points at her. “Go back to work or I’ll have your job.”
“Threatening lunch ladies now?” I smirk. “What are you going to do? Run
to Daddy and tell him the lady with the blue hairnet hurt your feefees?”
Some of his crew snickers, but he turns on them, and they go quiet.
Evangeline scoots closer to me, her warmth at my back. “I can just go,” she
whispers, but she doesn’t let go of my hand.
“You think I’m scared of you?” Trent doesn’t know when to shut up.
“After I kicked you and your friends’ asses, yeah, I think you are. If you’d
like another beatdown, I’m happy to give it to you.”
“Boys.” Dr. Ward enters the lunchroom, his face stern. “Break it up.”
Trent looks over at him, and if I liked him, I’d explain to never turn your
back on your enemy. Because right now? Right now I could sucker punch
him and knock him out cold. But I don’t say a thing as Dr. Ward stomps up.
“Is there a problem?”
“No problem.” Trent shrugs. “This Davinci thug was hassling the new girl,
so I thought I should step in.”
I would call him a liar, but Dr. Ward is friends with Trent’s father. There’s
no chance he’d believe me.
Dr. Ward turns his sharp eyes on me. “Let her go.”
She squeezes my hand tighter. “I’m okay.” Her voice is so soft that I almost
miss it, but she steps from behind me. “Marco was just helping me get
familiar with the lunch options.”
Trent’s gaze trails down her body, and I want to gut punch him, but Dr.
Ward is right in front of us. If I got kicked out of school, Sophia would lose
her shit.
“Marco Davinci was helping you?” Dr. Ward isn’t convinced.
“Yes.” She blinks, her tone so sincere and her big babydoll eyes perfectly
clear. “He’s very helpful.”
“I’m taking her out to lunch.” I look over at her. “If that’s okay with you.”
“Sure. There’s not a problem, Dr. Ward. No one was bothering me.”
Dr. Ward sighs, and I know he isn’t convinced, but he gestures toward the
doors. “By all means.”
“Thank you,” she says and allows me to lead her away from Trent and his
pack of hyenas.
Once we’re in the hall, she pulls her hand from mine. “You, um, don’t have
to take me to lunch. It’s okay.”
I flex my fingers, wanting her palm back in mine. “Aren’t you hungry?” I
move toward her.
She doesn’t back away, but leans back a little to hold my gaze. “I am, but I
…” Twisting her fingers together, she looks down.
“What’s wrong?” I tilt her chin up, her skin soft beneath my fingertips.
Touching her like this is so personal, too familiar for someone I just met—
but it feels right, all the same.
“I only have enough for the school lunch.” Her cheeks flush a pretty pink.
“So I can’t just …” She shrugs. “Sorry.”
“That’s what’s wrong?” I take her hand again. “Don’t worry. Come on,
babydoll, I got you.”
Damn, this girl drips with innocence. Why do I want to taste it so badly?
Her pink lips are right there for the taking. But rushing this would end it
before it started. And the more I look at her, the more I want to know her, to
get her story. So, instead of caging her against the lockers and seeing if she
tastes as sweet as she looks, I pull her gently down the hall and out into the
sunny day.
She keeps her hand in mine, and when I look at her again, a bright smile
graces her lips and makes something inside my chest go tight and warm.
That’s when I know I’ve fucked up. Because this feeling? It’s too good to

M y stomach growls as the smell of greasy cheeseburgers and

fries fills my nose.
Marco shrugs. “Place looks like shit but it’s got the best pie around.”
“I was sure you were going to say cheeseburgers.” I tuck a piece of hair
behind my ear as I look around the rustic building that’s seen better days.
The place is slammed, so it must be good.
“They aren’t bad either, but I was sure you wanted some pie after you were
rudely interrupted in the caf.” He looks down at me with a cute smile. I
don’t know how he manages to always look both scary and comforting at
the same time. I don’t have a ton of people in my life besides my grandma,
so when Marco stood up for me in the cafeteria, my heart did a little flutter.
“I could definitely go for pie.” I lick my lips just thinking about it. I was
surprised when I saw that the cafeteria at school offered it. I was used to
either cookies being there or maybe a rice crispy treat. Those would be easy
for me to pass up, but there was no way I could resist the pie.
“Marco,” someone calls out, making both of us turn to look. An older man
stands behind the counter with a white apron on. “Got a booth free over
there.” He points to the back corner of the place.
“Thanks, Henry.” Marco takes my hand and leads me through the small
restaurant. People move out of his way as he goes, making room for us to
walk. I slide behind him and use his body as a shield for the second time
today. My free hand grabs the back of his shirt as he guides me to our table.
Stopping at the booth, he motions for me to get in.
I slide in and then watch him get into the other side. The bench gives a little
groan as he rests his weight on it. If someone asked me to describe him, I’d
say he looks like a football player from his size, but nothing else about him
screams jock. He screams something else altogether. More along the lines
of Look at me funny, and I’ll break your jaw.
“You’re big.” The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them.
I throw my hand over my mouth. Oh my God, I actually said that out loud.
He lets out a deep, rich laugh that has me smiling behind my hand. I slowly
lower it. He’s too handsome for his own good with his messy hair and
charming smile.
“I better be for as much as I work out.”
“I don’t work out. I haven’t since freshman gym, and I almost failed that.
The only reason I passed at all is because they automatically give you a C
just for dressing out. I was able to get an A because Ms. Hellmen would let
me stay after school. I basically did her job of entering grades and filling in
whatever notes she’d scribbled down about students into the school’s
system so she didn't have to do it. I think it was a fair trade-off. She wasn’t
great on the computer, and I wasn’t great at physical activity.”
“You don’t need to be.” His eyes stay locked with mine.
I bite my bottom lip, not sure how to respond to that. Thankfully, we’re
interrupted by Henry, who places two glasses of water on the table.
“Your normal?” he asks Marco, who nods. “You going to tell me who this
beautiful girl is?” Henry smiles down at me. “Or are you trying to keep her
all to yourself?”
“She’ll have the same, but make her shake strawberry.” I look back at
Marco who is apparently ordering for me. I don’t even see menus
“Did I get your shake right, babydoll?” he asks.
“Yes.” I stop biting on my lip to answer him. It’s a nervous habit I’ve
formed when I don’t know what to say or if I’m trying not to say anything
at all. The fact of the matter is that strawberry shakes are my favorite. I’m
not sure how in the hell he knows this, and it makes me nervous wondering
what else he knows.
“Now, the pie might be a little more challenging. We could always get a
slice of apple, cherry, and pecan. Does that work for you?”
I nod my head, unable to control my need for all the pies. Pecan is my
favorite, but I was going for the apple in the cafeteria. It was the only option
they had, and I wasn't complaining. Any pie is better than no pie at all.
“So you’re not going to tell me who the girl is?” Henry tries again. His
smile is kind, and I feel at ease around him.
“Nope,” Marco answers. He doesn't sound mad, but he also doesn't sound
like he’s going to give.
“I’m Evangeline.” I start to lift my hand but Marco grabs it, kissing my
palm. For a moment, I’m caught in a trance as his lips softly touch my skin.
His fingers are rough as he holds me tight. Henry coughs, reminding me
we’re in a restaurant.
“I’ll get it out quick. I’m guessing Evangeline here will want to be back to
school on time.” He doesn't wait for a response as he heads back around the
“We’ll be late?” I start to panic. I left my bag in the car with my phone. I
don’t know what time it is, but the thought of being late sends me into a
little bit of a panic.
“I’ll get you back on time. Promise, babydoll.”
My shoulders drop in relief.
Marco keeps my hand in his. “I’m going to say something and I don’t want
to make you mad.”
“Don’t say it, then,” Henry says, setting my strawberry shake down in front
of me and a chocolate one in front of Marco. “She’s out of your league.
Why make her mad and send her running already?”
“Henry.” Marco gives him a hard look. Henry’s unfazed because he smirks
before he strolls off again.
“I’m not out of your league,” I rebuff. That was mean of Henry to say.
“Yeah you are.” He reaches across the table and two of his fingers grip one
of my long blond locks. “You’re in a league of your own, babydoll.” He
wraps my hair around his fingers before letting it go.
“Then don’t say something that’s going to make me mad.” I have no clue
how he could say anything to upset me at the moment. He’s saved me twice
today, and now he’s buying me lunch. I pull my shake toward me and take a
sip. I let out a small moan at how wonderful it is. Marco closes his eyes.
“Is it that bad? Whatever it is you need to say?” The look he has on his face
is starting to get me worried. He looks pained. He runs his hand down his
face before taking a drink of his shake and muttering that he needs
something stronger.
“I don’t want you getting mad is all.”
“Say it.” I wiggle in my seat as I start to feel anxious.
“I don’t use my laptop. The tablet shit the school gives us. You can have
mine for the year.” He says it gently, as if it’s a bomb about to explode.
“That’s really sweet of you.” I stare at him waiting for the rest of whatever
it is he has to say that’s going to make me mad.
“So you aren’t mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” I’m grateful, not angry. Did he think I was going to
rebuff his offer? Why would I turn it down? He shakes his head while
another smile forms on his lips.
“Full of surprises, babydoll.” A woman stops by our table and drops off our
food--two giant cheeseburgers with fries and all three slices of pie. I don’t
know how she carried it all, but she made it look easy.
“Thanks.” I give her a smile. Her eyes bounce between the two of us.
“Where is Sophia?” she asks Marco.
“Home?” he answers.
Who the heck is Sophia? My mood immediately changes with her question.
“She know about this?” The woman’s eyes swing back to me. She looks a
little younger than Henry. I wonder if they’re married. Wait. I still need to
find out who this Sophia is.
“No. Let's keep it that way. I don’t need my phone blowing up.”
The woman laughs as she walks off to tend to her other tables.
I stare down at my food, suddenly not feeling as hungry. Why do I care
about this Sophia? This isn't a date. I don’t know why that thought even
enters my mind. Is this a date? No, it’s only two classmates hanging out.
But he did kiss my hand, so maybe it is sort of a date. I bite my lip again so
I don’t blurt out anything about this Sophia or about my confusion over
whether this is a date or not.
“So you’re new. Why’d you move here?”
“My grandma and I moved around a few times since my mom left.” I press
my lips together. I generally don’t like talking about that, but I’m opening
up to Marco for some reason.
“Where do you live?” he asks as he picks up his burger.
“The Bradford manor.” It slips from my mouth because I’m still thinking
about Sophia. His hand freezes midway to his mouth. He holds the burger
“You live with Trent?”
“No. I live with my grandma.”
“You said the Bradford Manor.”
“Yeah.” I don’t add in the tiny apartment over the garage.
He puts his burger down as his phone starts to ring. He pulls it out of his
pocket and clears the call before dropping the phone onto the table. It starts
to ring again. The screen reads Sophia. Again, he clears the call.
“Bradford as in Trent Bradford.” I haven't met any of the Bradfords. I think
I may have seen Mrs. Bradford a few times in passing. The place is giant
and I stay out of the way except for when Grams lets me help her with
Marco’s phone buzzes again. He mutters a curse. “I’ve got to take this. Eat.
I don’t want you to be late back to class.” He stands from the booth and
takes his call outside. I stare at my food, my appetite completely gone now.
I eat anyway, because it’s pie and also because I don’t want to be rude.
I don’t know which sucks more. The Trent situation or the Sophia one.

E vangeline sits stiffly in the passenger seat as I speed back to

school. My ear is still humming from Sophia’s over-excitement
about me taking a girl to the diner. Damn Josephine went and
texted her as soon as she’d walked away from our table. That’s the last time
I give her a big tip.
“You okay?” Evangeline asks.
“Fine.” I try to loosen the tension in my shoulders. “You?”
“I’m good.”
“You sure?” I look at her out of the corner of my eye as I roll into the
student parking lot.
“Just ready for more school.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say something like that.” Is this girl
for real? I park and jump out, running around to her side and pulling the
door open. The lot is quiet, the bell on the verge of ringing.
She steps out and grabs her backpack. “Are we late?” She looks around.
“Nope.” I scoop her into my arms.
She lets out a cute little yelp as I hustle across the grassy lawn and onto the
sidewalk. Taking the steps two at a time, I push through the front doors,
angling her sideways so as not to hurt her.
“What’s your class?”
“Um, literature, I think.” Her eyes are wide as she stares up at me, and I
have the strong urge to kiss her. I fight it, because she needs me to be
responsible right now.
“Mrs. Gray or Dr. Paul?” I ask.
“Paul,” she says and wraps her arms around my neck as I break into a jog.
She’s so soft against me, her breasts pressing against my chest and sending
a streak of heat southward. Her scent is something just as sweet as her, a
hint of vanilla and a burst of strawberry shampoo. I bet she tastes like a
dessert, and I bet she’s never been tasted by anyone before. Focus, Marco.
I hurry down the arts hall and stop at the end. Putting her on her feet, I lean
down, drop a kiss on her cheek, and push her through the door right as the
bell rings.
I peek through the small rectangular window as she finds a seat near the
window and pulls out her notebook. I’ll be sure to grab my laptop from
home and bring it for her tomorrow. It’s still in the box, but as I think about
it, she probably needs something newer. I mean, the school laptops are fine,
but she’s a serious student.
Leaving her isn’t easy, but I should probably get to my anatomy class. I
stroll away and pull out my phone. With a few easy clicks, I have a new
laptop on the way for her. My last name comes with a lot of drawbacks, but
access to money isn’t one of them. Stowing my phone, I turn onto the
science hall.
The first hit is a sucker punch. I don’t see it coming, because Trent was
waiting for me right around the corner. It stuns me for only a second, and
then I’m rushing him and tackling him to the floor. His bros are all over me,
trying to pull me off as I pound the son of a bitch with blind, raging fury.
“A sucker punch?” I land a hard blow to his jaw. “This is the pussy shit
you’re going to pull on me?”
One of his lacrosse buddies manages to wrap his forearm around my neck
and yank me back. A hard elbow to his ribs breaks his hold, and I whirl,
sending my aching fist right into his cheek.
His strangled scream is just what I’d expect from him as he falls and three
others rush to subdue me.
“Hold him!” Trent struggles up from the floor, his face already swelling
from the blows I rained down on him.
A teacher pops his head out of a classroom, then ducks back inside, likely
to call the headmaster. Great.
Trent’s pals have me locked up, one on each arm and another with his arm
around my neck. They didn’t underestimate me this time, maybe because
last time it didn’t work out so well.
“The new girl is mine,” Trent snarls. “Don’t talk to her again.”
“No.” He glares. “But I know my property when I see it. That pussy
belongs to me, and I’m going to wreck it whenever I fucking feel like it. I
don’t need trash like you dirtying it up before I get a piece.”
I fist my hands, needing to do some damage. No one talks about Evangeline
like that. She’s too good for it. Lunging forward, I headbutt him. He falls
back, a cry of pain on his lips.
“I said hold him!” He rears back and hits me hard in the temple.
My vision blacks out for a second, then comes back. I laugh. “You hit like a
cunt, you know that?”
He rears back again, his fist finally landing a decent blow on my nose. A
burst of pain shoots through me, but I don’t hear a crack.
I grin, well aware a trail of blood is oozing from my busted lip. “That all
you got, pretty boy? Your mom hit harder last night, and that was just
His eyes widen and he rears back again.
“Bradford! Davinci!” Headmaster McCollum’s stern voice stops Trent’s
fist, but he points a finger in my face. “This isn’t over.”
I nod. “I know. Your mom wants sloppy seconds. I’ll be by tonight.”
He gut punches me as his teammates release me.
I double over and try to catch my breath.
“Bradford, my office, now. Davinci, get to the nurse.” The headmaster’s
face is a brewing ice storm.
“I’m fine.” I straighten and wipe the blood from my nose with the back of
my arm.
“Nurse. Now,” she snaps. “And you boys, get to class. I’ll be calling all of
your parents, as well as Coach Smith.”
Trent’s minions groan.
“Double time!” The headmaster claps her hands.
They take off. I turn toward the infirmary.
“I’ll be calling your sister as well, Mr. Davinci.”
“Great.” I wave without looking back.
“Trent, you know better than this. Your father asked me to look after you,
and I can’t do that when you keep . . .” Her voice trails off as she walks
with Trent. She and Trent’s father are old friends--and some say current
fuck buddies. He’ll get off easy while I’ll have to duck Sophia’s lecture
until she finally nails me to the wall.
I turn down the nurse’s hall, then push through a side door out into the
daylight. My time as a Davinci has taught me a few things about how to
patch myself up. After all, my brother-in-law is the most powerful mafia
boss in the city, maybe even the state by now. Trouble is a given.
But right now, trouble is a blonde with thick thighs, a clever mind, and a
mouth I can’t stop thinking about.

She walks out of school with her head down and a couple of books in her
arms. The bell rang a while ago, and I was about to go in and look for her,
but she’s here now. I relax just seeing her.
Glancing at the now-cloudy sky, she turns right and keeps to the sidewalk. I
assume she’s going to walk to her car in the mostly-empty lot, but she
doesn’t. She keeps going out onto the main highway that runs past the
There’s no way she intends to walk all the way to Trent’s place. That has to
be five miles, at least. But she doesn’t stop, head down, steps quick, keeps
going even when thunder rumbles through the air.
I pull up beside her, and she casts a wary glance in my direction. When she
sees it’s me, she smiles and turns all the way toward me.
“Get in, babydoll.”
She doesn’t hesitate as I reach over and push the door open for her. Sliding
in, she drops her books and backpack in the floorboard and puts on her
seatbelt. “Thank you. Hey, what happened to your face?”
“Fell into a doorknob.” I smile.
She raises her brows. “Wow. Try to be more careful.”
Why do I find her naïveté to be so goddamn sexy? I can’t help it.
Something about her calls to me in a way that no other has before.
There have been plenty of girls at school that wanted my attention. I tired
quickly of their vapid bullshit and constant need for popularity. I’m playing
the long game. High school drama is the least of my concerns.
“Here I was thinking the black eye gave me a ‘rebel without a cause’ sort of
“You’re still very handsome.” Her cheeks color and she clears her throat.
“Yeah?” I reach for her hand and lace our fingers together.
“Bad weather.” She nibbles her lip, then points at the windshield where tiny
drops of rain are starting to create a fuzzy layer. “Yep, weather.”
I make her nervous, but I’m hoping it’s a good kind of nervous, because she
makes me nervous too. I want to kiss her, to taste her breath and sample her
lips, doing the nibbling myself. But I know that rushing this isn’t an option.
So I change the subject. “Were you going to walk all the way back to the
Bradford place?”
She shrugs. “I don’t have a car, and there’s no bus service around here.”
“Your grandma’s a Bradford but she won’t spring for you to have a car?” I
cruise through the woods around campus, a few houses dotting the rolling
hills in the distance.
“It’s already coming down hard.” She doesn’t meet my gaze. “Thanks for
giving me a ride. I would’ve been soaked.”
“Since you don’t have a car, I’ll pick you up in the morning and bring you
home after school.”
Her fingers tighten on mine. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I want to.” The idea of her walking along this country road all
alone sends a fucking chill up my spine. No way.
“Are you sure? I mean, I get the feeling you might not go to school every
day, and I don’t want to bother you when you have other things to--”
“You will be on time every day, babydoll. I promise. I won’t forget.”
Her smile returns, and that need to kiss her surges through me again.
“Oh.” I let go of her hand and reach into the back seat. “Here. It’s the
school laptop. I’ve got a better one coming for you, but this should tide you
over until it gets here.”
She takes the box. “This is so nice.” Running her hand over the box, she
stares at the laptop image, then turns to me. “Wait, did you say you ordered
me another one?”
“Yeah.” I shrug and turn into the Bradford property. “It’ll be better for you.
It has a tablet you can attach to it for drawing--that’ll help you in science
classes, and I got the really nice headphones, the over the ear kind that save
your hearing better than earbuds.”
Her mouth is open as she looks at me. “I don’t … I can’t … You …”
“It’s cool.” I take her hand again and drive slowly down the winding lane so
I can spend as much time with her as possible. The storm rages around us,
thunder rumbling and flashes of lightning sparking through the gray clouds.
“No, it’s too much. I can never repay you for--”
“You don’t have to. Don’t worry about it. This is free. I promise. I expect
nothing in return.” I glance at her. “I’m serious. If you never want to speak
to me again after today, that would be”–fucking unbearable, and I would
make you change your mind—“okay, and I wouldn’t ask for any of it back,
all right? This stuff is yours. You need it. Maybe it’ll inspire your grandma
to come up with some of her Bradford cash to outfit you better.”
“Thank you.” Her big blue eyes brim with tears. “That’s so kind.”
“Very welcome.” I kiss the back of her hand again as we cruise up to the
French-styled estate, the walls a pale stone and a giant fountain out front
with a Poseidon statue in the center. Gaudy and overdone--perfect for
Trent’s family. Two Range Rovers and a Maserati are parked alongside the
“By the way, how have you managed to avoid Trent this whole time? Is he
like a distant cousin or something? He doesn’t seem to know you, either.” I
pull up as close to the front doors as possible so she can avoid the rain.
She turns and looks at the house. “Oh.”
“Something wrong?”
“No.” She points to the right. “There’s a garage back there. It’ll be dry.”
“Okay.” I put the car back in drive as the front door opens.
Thunder rolls as Trent walks out, initially oblivious to the storm and my car.
But then he stops when he sees Evangeline with me, and that’s when the
shouting starts.

“W hat the fuck?” Trent bellows, making my stomach drop. I

knew it was only a matter of time until he put it together
that I live on his family's estate. But to be honest, I hadn’t
even realized it. I only found out he existed today. We’d somehow managed
to not cross paths over the past few months, but I think that he’s been away
most of the summer.
“Please don’t make a scene,” I say, half panicked, to Marco. He could get
my grandma fired or possibly get me kicked out of school. This isn’t only
my grandma’s job but where we live. My eyes flick to Trent, who’s now
making his way toward the car. The rain pours, but through it I can see his
face. It looks like he might have had a run-in with a doorknob, too. I look
back at Marco, who’s already getting out of the car.
I grab his arm. “There wasn’t a doorknob. It was Trent. You lied to me?” It
comes out as more of a question, because I don’t want to believe it. Why
would he lie to me about something so insignificant?
“You dropping her off for me? Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want your
sloppy seconds?” Trent’s face is a mask of rage and disgust at the same
time. I have no idea what he’s talking about, but it seems to be about me.
I replay his words in my mind, and then it finally clicks. I grow
embarrassed as I sit there, my face filling with heat. I can’t say anything
back to defend myself, because I know Trent could make my life a living
hell here. I may not have run into him before today, but he looks like he’s
the type that would try to get Grams fired. Marco looks back at me. I simply
shake my head at him as my eyes plead with him to let it go.
“You should go,” I tell Marco and release his arm. He lied to me, so I’m
pissed at him, but I also don’t want more trouble with Trent. Especially
when it could hurt my grandma.
“I’m not leaving you with this shitwad.” Marco gets out of the car. I hop out
too, hoping that I can be a buffer between them.
“You know what?” Trent stops a few feet away. “I don’t even care if it’s
sloppy seconds. I’ll still take my turn.” His eyes roam over me, sending a
chill through my body.
I stiffen at his visual assault. It makes me feel dirty even as the rain pours
over me.
“You motherfucker.” Marco goes for him and gets a grip on his throat
before Trent can defend himself. “You got something else you want to say?
None of your friends are around to help you now.”
I dart to Marco. “Don’t!”
Trent’s face starts to turn red as he swings and tries to loosen Marco’s grip.
I grab Marco’s arm, trying to pull him away, but he doesn’t budge.
“Get in the car, babydoll,” he orders.
I start to let go of his arm and do as he tells me, but then I remember that
he’s a liar.
Trent’s face starts to turn purple as his efforts weaken.
“Let. Him. Go.” The strength in my own words surprises me, but Marco
does it and throws Trent to the ground. He hits the stone driveway hard. I
cringe and wonder if he broke something. He rolls over, coughing and
gasping for air.
“So the laptop wasn’t to get in my pants? To make sure you didn't get
sloppy seconds?” My eyes begin to burn as I go back to the car and grab my
bag. I leave the laptop behind because I don’t want or need anything from
any of these fools.
“Babydoll.” Marco calls after me, his voice half-obscured by thunder.
“I’m calling the cops.” Trent tries to shout but it comes out strangled.
Marco puts a hand on my elbow.
“Go before you get my grandma fired.” I turn and almost run right into him.
He catches me by my shoulders before I can fall against his car.
“Your grandmother works here?”
“Yes, now please let me go.” I stare at my feet, water running into my eyes.
He drops his hands immediately.
“You live here?” His words are coated with utter confusion.
I’m not sure if that’s a question or not. I already told him where I live, but I
answer him anyway.
“Yes.” I try and move past him but he moves with me, blocking me in. “You
should leave before you get in trouble.”
He shrugs like he doesn't care. I can still hear Trent gasping for air and
cursing as he tries to get to his feet.
“I can’t leave you with him.” His eyes meet mine.
I can see the worry in them, but I have to think about myself this time. It
doesn’t matter that I want to run into Marco’s arms and let him protect me.
What matters is that my grandma doesn’t lose her job, we don’t lose the
place we live in, and I don’t have to leave school. If things were different, I
would love to explore this thing with Marco, but that’s not the reality of it.
Besides, can I even trust him?
“You don’t really have a say in the matter.” I lift my chin and meet his eyes.
Some of my resolve melts away. He’s too handsome. The rain starts to
come down harder.
“Trent?” Both of us turn at the sound of a woman’s voice. Mrs. Bradford
rushes out the front door to her son. “Are you okay?” She drops to the
ground beside him. “What happened?”
“Call the cops!” Trent barks at his own mom.
She jumps back at the anger he throws in her face.
“I would like you to leave, Marco.” A man’s voice.
Marco turns to look at Mr. Bradford, who’s now standing in the doorway.
“Who the fuck are you?” Marco throws back.
“Trent’s father,” he answers. He doesn't seem mad. He doesn't seem
anything, actually.
“How do you know who I am?” Marco bristles.
My eyes dart between the two of them. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch
as Mrs. Bradford gets Trent to his feet.
“Call the cops, Dad.” Trent’s voice is still strangled, and I wonder if
something is wrong with his windpipe.
“I know a Davinci when I see one,” Mr. Bradford answers.
“Good, then know the girl falls under our protection.”
I look back at Marco and wonder what the hell falls under our protection
means. “Go inside, babydoll. Get out of your wet clothes.” Marco steps out
of my way now.
I have no idea what they’re talking about, but I take off toward the garage. I
take the side stairs up to the apartment.
The smell of food hits my nose as soon as I open the door. I hurry in and
take off my wet shoes, leaving them on the mat. I go in search of my
grandma, knowing that I’ll find her sitting on the sofa watching her favorite
tv shows. She’s off for the rest of the day unless the big house calls for her.
I’m pretty shaken up about what happened outside and worried about what
the fallout will be for us.
“Hey, sweetie.” My grandma's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I find
her exactly where I knew she would be.
“Hi, Grams.” I walk over to her and lean down to give her a quick kiss.
“You’re soaking wet! Did you have to walk home in the rain?”
I hesitate for a second, because I don’t want to lie, but I also can’t tell her
the truth about what happened.
“I got a ride, but as I was getting out there was a downpour.” I don’t exactly
lie so that makes me feel a little better.
“Go and get out of those wet clothes, and then we can have some dinner. I
made your favorite, meatloaf and mashed potatoes.”
I give her another kiss before heading to my room. I stop when I see a
shadow standing outside our door. I peek out to see Marco about to raise his
hand and knock. I swing it open before he can finish the motion.
“Take it.” He hands me the box with the laptop in it.
“No.” I push it back.
“We can stand here and fight about it until your grandma hears us and
decides to invite me in to eat whatever that wonderful smell is or you can
take the laptop.”
I pin my bottom lip between my teeth as I think. Grams would definitely
invite him in.
I pull the box from his hold. “Fine.” I huff. “Thank you.”
“Just can’t help being sweet, can you?” He smiles, the dangerous look of
him turning my insides to goo..
“Try not to fall into any more doorknobs.” I smirk. Take that for being
sweet. Wait, maybe that is being nice. I told him not to get hurt.
“I’ll be here in the morning.”
“I’ll be here in the morning,” he cuts me off. “You have my number. I used
your phone to call mine. Any problems you call me.”
I’d forgotten about that.
“See you tomorrow, babydoll.” He turns and leaves before I can protest. I
shut the door and lock it.
When I turn, I see Grams peeking around the corner. “He’s handsome.” She
smiles. “In a devil-may-care sort of way. I like it.”
I want to tell her that he lied to me, but she’s smiling. I don’t want her
thinking bad about him for some reason, so I keep my mouth shut. And, if
I’m being honest, I wasn’t exactly forthcoming with him about why I’m
living on the Bradford estate. I didn’t lie, but I didn’t explain, either. Maybe
I should go easier on him.
“Get dry, and then we can have girl talk about that boy,” Grams calls from
the kitchen.
I go to my room and change, but I pause for a moment and close my eyes,
thinking about Marco. Imagining what it would feel like to kiss him, for
him to touch me, for him to . . .
“Evangeline?” Grams interrupts my inappropriate thoughts, and I head to
the kitchen for my meatloaf with a side of third-degree interrogation,

“W ho’s the girl?” Sophia is on me before I can reach the

stairs to my bedroom.
“Seriously?” I groan.
She smiles big. “What’s her name? Where’s she from? I heard she was new.
Is she new? Tell me all the details!”
“You are too much.” I climb two stairs then turn. “Her name is Evangeline.
She’s moved around a lot, and yes, she’s new. She lives with her
grandmother, who works for the Bradford assholes.”
“Nice face.” She frowns.
“Those lacrosse pricks again. Don’t worry.”
“Of course I worry. Should I call the headmaster? I will march down there
“I’m fine, sis. I have to fight my own battles, and the next time they come at
me, you may have to bail me out of jail.”
“Fair enough.” She nods. Sophia’s taken to the mafia life with ease, and I
have to say I’m proud of her. No longer content to live in our family’s old
shadow, she’s bloomed as the queen of the Davinci dynasty.
“Okay, bye.” I move to turn away.
“So, is she pretty?” Sophia is relentless, a trait she’s taken from her
How do I answer that? Evangeline’s gorgeous. A fucking knockout. Thick
legs, round ass, great rack, and a face that I know is going to haunt my
dreams. But I don’t need Sophia making googoo eyes at me anymore, so I
say, “She’s pretty, yeah.”
“I knew it!” She jumps up and down.
“Don’t you have some blogging to do?” I take two more steps.
“Yes.” She sighs. “Fashion trends for winter.”
“Great. You run along and do that. I’ve got … homework to do.”
She laughs. “Homework? Sure. Work on your lying,” she calls as I make
my escape. “Davincis need a strong poker face.”
“She’s right.” Nick greets me at the top of the stairs. “You don’t show your
enemy the knife until it’s already coated with his blood.” My brother-in-law
can be a bit … caustic. But he claps me on the back. “This girl sounds
“Great, everyone knows.” I stride down the hall to my room.
Nick walks behind me. “Got a call from Richard Bradford. He apologized
for any offense his son may have caused. Do I need to make a visit to the
Bradford estate?”
“Did you hear the part about me fighting my own battles?”
“Yes, I did, and I’m proud of you.” He puts a thick hand on my shoulder.
“But I’m here if you need me. Family is forever, Marco.”
I turn and meet his dark eyes. Nick is a dangerous, cruel man, but he loves
my sister more than seems possible, and a good portion of that love has
transferred to me. He’s overprotective, but I can’t fault him for it, not when
my own father would have sold me out in a heartbeat the same way he did
to Sophia.
“Trent is an asshole, but he’s one I can handle. I only got this”—I gesture to
my face—“Because he sucker punched me and had his boys waiting for
“Ah.” He squeezes my shoulder and drops his hand, a wicked glint in his
vicious eyes. “But now you’ve learned. Don’t let anyone get the drop on
you. You put them in the ground before they even know they’re dead. It’s
the only way to live.”
“C’mere.” He pulls me into a rough male hug, then claps my back and
sends me into my room. “Bring the girl for dinner. It would make Sophia
happy.” He closes the door before I can protest.
I flop onto my bed and stare at the beams in the ceiling, but I don’t see
them. Not really. All I see are two big blue eyes, a shy smile, and a
beautiful girl who’s turned out to be the biggest surprise of my life.

She’s standing at the Bradford gate when I drive up. I lean over and push
her door open, and she slides in, the hem of her blue and green tartan skirt
riding up and revealing more of her thigh. I have the insane urge to bite her
there, to leave my mark.
“You didn’t have to pick me up.” She stows her backpack in the floorboard
and fastens her seatbelt.
“It’s freezing outside, and I already told you I’ll pick you up and take you
home every day.” I pull onto the highway.
“I know.” She tangles her fingers together. “I just don’t want any trouble.
Grams needs this job, and I need this school if I’m going to have any
chance at getting into a good college.”
“There shouldn’t be any more trouble, okay? Trent understands you’re off
“And what was all that? The Davinci thing and me being under your
I shrug. “Doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.” She takes a deep breath. “I need you to be honest with me.
I’m not very trusting, but for some reason I really want to trust you, but I
can’t do that if I think you’re hiding things from me. But I know we just
met, and I’m not trying to steamroll into your business, but I—“
I take her hand, pulling it free and kissing the back of it. “Everything’s cool,
babydoll.” I don’t want to scare her off, but she’s laid down her terms.
Honesty. “My family is well known around here. My brother-in-law is …”
How do I say this without sounding scary? “He’s into some things that most
people would find to be illegal.”
She raises a brow. “By ‘most people’ do you mean ‘all law enforcement’?”
Damn, she’s too clever for her own good. “Something like that, yeah. But
he’s so good to my sister, and he’s taken me under his wing when he didn’t
have to. He’s kind to the ones he loves.”
“What about the ones he doesn’t?”
I squeeze her fingers. “We don’t have to worry about that.”
“So Trent’s dad is scared of your brother-in-law because he’s what? A
I laugh and turn into the school parking lot. “Mobster?”
“Yeah, like in those movies. He gets orders from the head of the family and
goes and does bad things.”
“No. Nick doesn’t take orders. He gives them.” I park with plenty of time
left for her to get to class. “Speaking of that, do you have plans tonight?”
“No?” She sounds more than a little apprehensive.
“Great. How about you come over and meet Sophia and Nick?”
She stiffens and pulls her hand away, then grabs her backpack. “Who’s
Her voice is kind of high when she asks it, and it hits me. She’s jealous and
hasn’t connected who Sophia is.
“Hey.” I lean over and cup her cheeks.
She blinks, her lips parting as I move even closer. “Y-yes?”
I glance at her mouth, needing to know what she tastes like. I shouldn’t, but
when her lashes flutter and she lets out a sweet breath, I press my lips to
hers. Gently at first, no tongue, just warmth. But I can’t leave it at that, not
when she grips the lapels of my jacket.
I lick her lips, and she opens for me. I delve inside, finding her tongue that
tastes a little minty from her toothpaste. Sliding one hand to her hair, I
squeeze the white strands and angle my mouth over hers. When she lets out
a little moan, my cock wages a war with my zipper, and I have to back off
before things go too far.
Her eyes flutter open, her cheeks pink, and I open my door and jump out.
She’s already standing when I get around to her. “That was … I, um.”
Flustered, she shakes her head.
I move closer and drop one more kiss on her irresistible lips. “Me too.”
She’s stunned and hot as fuck, but she needs to get to class.
“Come on, babydoll. Let’s learn about cells for a while.” I take her hand
and head toward the front doors, but I nuzzle into her hair and whisper, “By
the way, beautiful, Sophia is my sister.”

A ll day my mind stays on Marco. The kiss that we’d shared in the
car lingers on my lips. It’s hard to focus on anything when my
thoughts keep straying back to him. How can they not? Whenever
it’s time to leave one class to go to the next, he’s standing outside the door
waiting to walk me. I’ve also noticed that there hasn't been a sign of Trent
anywhere today.
I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. “Did you tell your grams that
you’re coming to my place for dinner?” Marco asks, taking my backpack
from me as we head out of school toward his car.
“I’ll tell her when I get home after school.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind
my ear. “Should I bring something? I’ve never done this dinner thing.”
“You’ve never had dinner?” he teases.
I half roll my eyes at him as I smile. He never takes himself too seriously.
It’s one of the things that makes me feel so comfortable around him.
“Of course I eat dinner.” I motion toward my body. I’m a little on the fuller
side. Who can blame me when my grandma is pretty much a five-star chef?
It’s impossible not to eat all the home-cooked meals she makes me.
“Then I’m going to make sure you keep on getting those dinners.” His eyes
roam over me, stopping on the flare of my hips for a moment. My face
heats at his open appraisal. When Trent looked at me, it felt dirty, but
Marco’s gaze makes me feel anything but that. I feel sexy and wanted.
“Get in the car before we start making out with you pressed up against it.”
He opens the door, and I scurry in. I don’t need the school talking about
Marco and me. I’m already hearing rumors about him. I couldn't help that
my ears perked up a little when some of the girls in my class would talk
about him, saying that he never gave anyone the time of day. From what
I’ve heard, he also never lets anyone into his car. His car is nice. It looks
extra fancy and like something I may never be able to afford. Some girls are
impressed with fancy cars, but that’s not my style.
“What kind of car is this?” I ask out of curiosity as Marco jumps into the
driver's seat.
“G-Class. Most call it a G-Wagon. It was a gift.” He starts it up and the
whole car makes a rumbling sound. It seems more like a sports car than an
“Will you come back and pick me up later for dinner?” I pull at the bottom
of my dress. It rode up my leg a bit when I climbed into the car.
“I’m taking you to my place now. It’s why I was asking if you’d told your
grams yet.”
“Right now?” I look down at my outfit. “I’m not dressed for dinner.”
Actually, I’m not even sure what you wear to a dinner like this, but I’m
guessing it’s going to be in some formal dining room with three forks and
two spoons, and I’ll have no idea how to use any of them. I should Google
this. My stomach fills with worry as I remember what Marco said about his
brother-in-law’s profession. I don’t think Marco would let anything happen
to me based on how protective he’s been so far, but the worry alone only
adds to the nervousness I’m feeling.
“There’s nothing wrong with what you have on. We’re only going to my
house to eat dinner with my sister and brother-in-law.” He grabs my hand,
intertwining his fingers with mine. “It’s nothing fancy, I promise.” I look up
to see he has that easy smile on his face again.
“You’re amused?”
That makes his smile wider.
“You’re adorable. If I weren’t driving, I’d lean over and kiss you.”
My cheeks pink at his comment. It’s not because I’m embarrassed, but
because I wish he could do exactly that.
“You’re so sure of yourself over there.” I poke him back.
I noticed today when he was walking around school his face was always
stoic, but whenever his eyes met mine he always smiled. I can't help myself
from leaning over and kissing the side of his nose that still shows evidence
of his fight with Trent. “Still hurt?”
I drop back into my seat and pull out my phone to text Grams. She’s cool
with me eating at a friend’s house, but, oh, no. “She said I’m supposed to
bring a dish!”
“Babydoll, I promise all my sister wants you to bring is yourself.”
We pull up to a giant guard stand. They give Marco a nod to roll down his
“Guest? We need ID,” the man who’s dressed like a swat officer says while
holding a clipboard. He looks to be a good ten years older than Marco. I go
for my backpack and wonder if my school ID will work. I don’t have a
driver's license. It’s something I should probably get but I don’t have a car. I
don’t see myself being able to afford a car anytime soon so a license can
“I’m her ID. Open the doors.”
“Sir.” The guard tries to be stern.
“You want me to call Sophia?”
The man steps back and hits a button. The gate swings open.
“Should I be scared of Sophia?” I ask. The guard sure seems to be.
“She’s the queen of the castle.” Marco laughs. “Her husband doesn't care
for anyone upsetting her. She might be the queen, but she’s a sweetheart.”
He glances to me as the car rolls to a stop. “I’m really sorry about this, too,
but it’s better to get this over with.”
“Get what over with?” I barely get the question out before my door is
flinging open. I don’t have to ask to know this is Sophia standing beside the
car. I can see her resemblance to Marco. “Come!” She grabs my hand and
pulls me from the car. “She’s here, Nick,” she calls excitedly and leads me
to the doors of the massive home. It looks like a castle.
“Wow.” I gaze up, trying to take it all in.
The Bradford manor is stuffy, and you feel as though you can’t touch
anything there, but this place has a different vibe. Warmer. As Sophia leads
me into their home, it actually feels like a home even if it does look like a
“I’ve set you up a tray in the kitchen. You can have snacks while you
study.” She doesn't let my hand go as she continues talking a mile a minute.
“Or we can say fuck it and go swimming.” I look over my shoulder at
Marco, who’s following close behind us. He gives me an I’m sorry shrug,
his lips in a half smile. I don’t know why he’d be sorry. I’ve known Sophia
for two minutes, and I think I already like her. She’s outspoken, which
works well to offset me. I often need that in my life, because I tend to be
“You have a pool?” I ask. I worry my lip between my teeth. I love to swim,
but we aren't allowed to use the Bradford pool. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to
take a little swim. I’m ahead on almost everything at school. I’ve been
flying through my homework and getting everything done. The coursework
is posted online, so that allows me to get ahead.
“A pool, yep.” Sophia grabs a lemonade, handing it to me with a small
sandwich. “Come to my room. I’ll get us something to wear. You’re going
to need extra sunscreen. You look like the beautiful girl from Game of
something-or-other that Marco and Nick always used to watch.” She looks
to Marco for the answer.
“Game of Thrones.”
“Right! Daenerys Targaryen.”
“You remember her name but not the name of the show?”
“You always remember the ones that matter.” She winks at me. “Plus, she
had dragons. That shit was cool.”
I laugh even though I’ve never seen the show but kind of know what she’s
talking about. “It’s the hair and skin tone,” I admit. It always grabs people's
attention. My bright blue eyes make them stand out even more.
“It is, but that’s not the only reason I thought of Daenerys Targaryen when I
saw you.” She smirks. “So soft and sweet.” She leans in close. “But would
walk through fire for the ones you love.”
I swallow, but I know she’s right. I’d do anything for someone I love.
“People mistake gentle kindness for weakness. They soon learn the sweet
ones can be the most worthy adversary or opponent when crossed.”
I stare at her, her words resonating inside me.
“Come. We’ll be best friends, and drive my brother crazy.” She pulls me
from the kitchen, the snack tray forgotten. “He deserves it for all the
heartaches he’s tried to give me over the years. You see that scar on his lip?
Let me tell you about that!” She carries on, and I think she’s right. We
might be best friends.

S team rises into the chilly air, the pool nice and heated as Sophia
hurries around and arranges drinks and snacks at the little swim-
up bar.
“Warm enough?” I watch Evangeline as she floats around, her happy smile
warming my heart.
“Perfect.” She kicks and disappears beneath the water, her ass making an
appearance, the light blue bathing suit barely covering all of it.
I lick my lips.
“Stop ogling.” Sophia tosses her jacket on a chair and jumps in at the deep
She and Evangeline meet underwater, then rise to the surface.
“Marco never swims with me anymore.” Sophia shoots me a cross look.
“But now I’ve got you, so I don’t need him.”
“Thanks for letting me borrow a swimsuit.” Evangeline grips the side. “I
hope I don’t stretch it.”
“Take it with you. I have a ton of them. And if I swim with Nick, none of
them last long.”
“Oh.” Evangeline’s eyes open a little wider.
“You’re scaring her.” I launch from the wall and dive beneath the surface,
pushing to the top when I get close to them. Once I breach, I shake my hair,
sending warm droplets all over them.
“Marco!” Sophia splashes me as Evangeline laughs.
“What?” I float closer and blink the water from my eyes. “I’m just trying to
get in on the girl talk.”
“Since when are you interested in girl talk?” Sophia rolls her eyes.
I give Evangeline a long look. “Since now.”
“Creeper.” Sophia pulls Evangeline with her to the center of the pool, their
whispers full of giggles.
Turning, I spread my arms along the side of the pool. When I hear
Evangeline’s sharp intake of breath, I know she’s noticed the muscles I’ve
worked hard for every morning in our home gym.
“Showoff,” Sophia grumbles.
“Leave them be, cara mia.” Nick strides from the house, his coat off and his
dress shirt sleeves rolled up. Fredo, the family cat, trots beside him and
gives us a disapproving feline stare. He’s never liked the pool. Something
about being near water upsets him.
“I was just chatting with Marco’s new friend.”
He smirks. “I have better things for you to do with your mouth, my queen.”
I groan, Evangeline turns a delicate shade of red, and Sophia grins.
“I guess I could come inside and check on dinner.” She paddles to the stairs,
Nick watching her every move.
The moment she’s out of the pool, he throws her over his shoulder.
“You’re getting all wet!” She beats on his back as he hauls her into the
“I won’t be the only one,” he says as the door slams.
I cut through the water and circle Evangeline.
“They’re, um, they’re kind of hot.” She shrugs. “He’s terrifying, but she’s
so sweet, and together they’re a perfect match somehow.”
“Don’t let her sweet talk fool you. Sophia has claws.”
“I know.” She spins, following my movements. “She thinks I have some,
“Do you?” I move closer, the string tied at her neck a tantalizing lure. I
could pull the knot loose, then push the top down. I’ve already
contemplated how easy it would be to slide her bottoms off.
“I might.” She pulls her hands from the water and looks at them. “Maybe
they’re hidden, but they’re ready to come out.”
“I think they are.” I stop circling and close on my prey. Pushing through the
water, I take her in my arms and ease her to the side of the pool where I can
touch the bottom, but she can’t.
“What are you doing?” Her voice is high, breathy.
“What I’ve been wanting to do all day.” I claim her mouth, kissing her
deeply, my tongue sliding against hers as I press my thigh between her legs.
Even in the warm water, her pussy is hot against me.
She grips my shoulders, her fingers digging in as I master her mouth. She’s
a hesitant kisser at first, not sure what to do, how to turn her head. But once
I run my fingers through her wet hair and squeeze, she lets out a little moan
and relaxes in my arms. Tilting her head, I take all of her, tonguing her until
my cock throbs and she’s panting.
I release her hair and skate my fingers along her shoulder to the tie behind
her neck.
She reaches up and grabs my hand, her blue eyes popping open.
“Too fast?” My heart sinks a little, but I will wait for her as long as she
One side of her lips quirks up in a smile so devious that my cock threatens
to burst through my swim trunks. Grabbing the string, she pulls, and the top
of her swimsuit floats away from her tits. Holy shit, this girl.
I grab her ass and lift her, water sluicing between her round tits, the nipples
a light pink, the tips hard and ready for my mouth. Sucking the right one
into my mouth, I groan as I suck her. She digs her fingers into my hair, her
sweet mewling sounds sending waves of heat through me. Switching to the
other breast, I suck and lick her, then slide my hands inside her bottoms,
feeling her round ass and squeezing.
“Marco,” she breathes.
“Your tits.” I lean down and bite one, leaving a red half circle. “Are a
fucking revelation.” I flick my tongue along the other one. “These pink
nipples? I could suck them all goddamn day.”
Returning to her mouth, I cup one of her luscious tits while keeping my
other hand on her round ass. She’s perfection. Every bit of her, and I’m
desperate to see the rest of her, to taste between her thighs and make her
come all over my face.
I can’t wait for it. Not when she’s right here, her moans rocketing through
me, setting my veins on fire.
With ease, I lift her to the edge of the pool.
She gasps and turns to look at the house.
“Eyes on me, babydoll. No one can see you. Only me.”
“I don’t know--”
I hook my fingers in her bottoms and pull them off, then spread her legs
wide and get a good look at her sweet, pink pussy. “I do.” Leaning forward,
I give her one long lick.
She shudders and spreads wider. “This is so bad.” She glances at the house
“Look at me,” I order. “I want you to watch me make you come.”
“I don’t know if--” She gasps again when I press my hot tongue to her
perfect cunt, then lick long and hard up her slit. Her tits jut toward me, the
tips hard and desperate for attention, but I’m too busy licking her cunt,
tasting all of her.
“Touch your tits.” I lightly bite her mound. “I want to see you.”
With a shy touch, she grazes her nipples.
“More,” I growl against her, then plunge my tongue inside her tight
She twists her nipples, and I think I might come just from the sight of it, but
I have to focus. So I do. I lick and devour her, her pink flesh a feast for me
and only me. When I focus on her clit, she cups her tits, presenting them to
me. I splay her as wide as I can, opening her up and fastening my lips to her
clit. Whipping my tongue back and forth, I watch as she jolts to my rhythm,
her body tightening, her breathing unsteady.
Sliding a finger inside her, I groan. “This tight cunt needs me, babydoll.” I
surge in and out of her, my tongue teasing along her wet skin. “It needs my
fingers, my tongue, and most of all, my cock.” She moans as I push another
finger inside, her wetness coating me as I return to her clit, licking in
steadily faster strokes.
Her hips rock, her breath stills, and she comes on a low moan, her pussy
clamping down on my fingers as I keep giving her my tongue, keep pushing
for more and more pleasure from her.
“Marco.” Head thrown back, she gasps my name, the sound of it sexier than
anything I’ve ever heard.
When she comes back down, her body going soft and relaxed again, I lick
her one more time, then slide her into the water with me.
“That was--” She takes in a gulp of air as I spread her legs and push my
hard length against her.
Her eyes roll, and she clutches my shoulders.
“When you’re ready, babydoll.” I thrust my hips. “When you’re ready, I’ll
give you every inch of this. Over and over again until you beg me to stop
making you come.” I nip her ear. “But I won’t stop. Not until I’ve taken
every bit of pleasure you have and swallowed it down.”
Her hips rock with me, her eyes locked with mine. “I think I’m rea--”
One of the back doors opens, and Sophia calls, “Dinner!”

“C ara mia, is this an interrogation?” Nick chuckles at Sophia as

we all eat dinner together. She’s been peppering me with
questions since I sat down. I don’t mind. There’s not a lot to tell
about myself. I go to school, and my grandma is all I have.
“I know nothing of my parents, not anymore. Mom left several years ago,
but I don’t dwell on that, and I never knew my dad. I’m not so sure either
were living a life that was on the up and up.”
“I’m sorry.” Sophia’s eyes soften. “But your grandma takes care of you?”
“Yeah. She’s great.” I nod and take a bite of salad. Grams gets uneasy when
I ask about my parents, so I stopped bringing them up a few years ago. It
doesn’t matter anyway, because she fills the role of both of them.
Sometimes I miss my mom. She was never around a lot, always out doing
her own thing. When she did stop by for a while, she would always tell me
she loved me and how proud she was of me. But she never stayed long. She
had a lot of demons. I can see that now that I’m older.
“So no brothers or sis--”
“Cara mia.” He takes her hand. “Let the poor girl eat.”
Sophia raises a brow. “I remember the first meal we shared together. I
believe you ruined my salad. Now you question my dinner etiquette?”
Marco bursts into laughter.
“There was blood everywhere,” she huffs even as Nick kisses her fingers.
Marco keeps on laughing. I don’t know if she’s serious, or if there is some
joke that I’m missing. Blood everywhere? I’m also not sure if I should laugh
or worry. Nick and Sophia are nothing like I’d pictured. I think after the
way Marco talked about Nick, I was expecting some rude gangster criminal.
He’s nothing like that. I glance between Nick and Sophia, wondering where
this is going.
“I was not sharing the meal with you. You were sharing it with another
man.” He gives Sophia a look that would probably make anyone else pee
“I was hungry! You could have waited,” she snips back, fighting a smile.
“I’m not prone to waiting.” He smirks at her. That deadly look disappears
from his face. It clearly has no effect on his wife, because she only rolls her
eyes at him. Their smiles are contagious, and I find myself smiling too.
“It’s fine. I don’t mind talking about things,” I tell them, not asking about
the blood, not wanting to know any details. I guess everyone has a different
idea of what a fairytale should be. Who am I to judge theirs? I take a bite of
my steak. It’s tender and melts in my mouth. All thoughts of blood and
salads leave my mind as I continue to enjoy my food.
“I promise there will be no blood at our wedding.” Marco winks at me.
Sophia snorts and I feel my cheeks pink with the thought of Marco and me
getting married. We just met, and his family is . . . different, and I’m not
sure what’s going on, but I have to admit I rather like all of them.
“Good luck with that,” Sophia snorts before taking a bite of her steak. This
is how most of the dinner goes. I enjoy everyone’s banter, and they make
me feel at home and welcome. Nick feels less scary by the second. Any
woman would kill to have a man look at her the way he looks at Sophia. It
reminds me of the way Marco looks at me sometimes. I shake that thought
from my head, because we’ve only known each other for a short period of
time, so how could he possibly look at me the same way? Yet it feels as
though he does. I realize his marriage comment was a joke, but I lock away
the thrilling feeling it gives me, keeping it hidden until I can take it out later
and enjoy it.
“It’s going to be so nice having another girl around here,” Sophia says with
a mouthful of bread pudding.
I take a bite. It, too, melts in my mouth.
“With food like this, I will be over daily.” Whoever is cooking here could
give my grandma a run for her money. Not that I would ever tell her that. I
hate that she still has to work so much. One day I’ll get a job that will
support us both. That’s the goal at least. That’s why school is so important
to me, and I have to do everything I can to succeed. Even if it means biting
my tongue and being nice to that jerk, Trent. So far, I haven't had another
run-in with him. I know it’s inevitable with him living on the same property.
It’s only a matter of time.
“You’re welcome to come over whenever you like. Even if Marco isn’t
home.” Sophia smiles over at me. She’s been so warm and welcoming and
honestly, it’s nice to have a girlfriend. I know I’m sort of doing stuff with
her brother, but there are some things that I have questions about and she
seems like she’d be open to answering them.
“Thanks. I’ve had a really good time tonight. It's usually only my grandma
and me for dinner, so the company has been nice.”
“I have a great idea!” Sophia nearly leaps out of her seat. Nick is next to her
in the blink of an eye. I’m guessing she startled him. She smiles over at him
and gives him a sweet kiss. “Nothing’s wrong. I just got excited. You’re so
ridiculously overprotective.” She says it as though she thinks it’s absurd but
her eyes tell a different story. “Anyway. Evangeline, you should bring your
grandma for dinner.”
I pause for a moment, not sure how Grams would take that. “I can ask.
She’s kind of a homebody. After work, she likes to relax.” She’s not as
energetic as she once was. I think she’s been working too hard but won’t
tell me. She never lets me venture over to the main house, so I’m not sure
how much she has to do every day over there. I know she’ll put up with
anything if it means keeping me in school at Brightwood. Guilt gnaws at
me thinking about it.
“Babe,” Marco says softly next to my ear before kissing me below it. “You
I look up to see everyone is looking at me. “Sorry,” I whisper, having gotten
lost in my thoughts for a moment.
“What did you say your last name was again?” Nick asks. Sophia smacks
his arm.
“Knock it off.” Marco shoots a hard look at Nick.
“It’s Garver,” I answer, not understanding the big deal about knowing my
last name. It’s not as though it would be a hard thing for someone to find
“You don’t have to invite your grandma over. It was just an idea,” Sophia
hurries to say.
Marco pushes back from his chair. “We’re heading out.”
“Look what you did,” Sophia hisses at Nick. Again, I’m missing something.
Marco takes my elbow with one hand and uses the other to pull my chair
out for me.
“Thank you for dinner.” I smile at them both. I don’t know what just
happened between all three of them, but now they seem mad at each other.
“It was wonderful, and I’ll ask my grandma if she’d like to come over for
dinner one night.”
“We’d love that.” Sophia beams at me as she comes over to give me a hug.
Marco doesn't let my elbow go as I hug her back. “My husband is protective
is all. He just wanted to make sure you weren’t from a family that we have
… business with. In our world, there can be problems. Last names are like a
brand, sort of. And some brands just don’t go together. Anyway, ignore his
rudeness,” she whispers in my ear.
“My apologies,” Nick says as Sophia steps back from the hug. “Not only to
you, Evangeline, but to Marco. I know he’d never bring someone here that
would be a threat.”
“A threat?” I croak out in surprise.
“You hesitated when my wife asked you to invite your grandmother over.”
“We’re different.” I let out a small shrug, but I’m humbled that Nick would
so quickly offer up an apology. It says a lot about him. They might not play
by the letter of the law, but they have morals. Most men in power that I’ve
met won’t give an apology unless it’s pulled from them. Even if they know
they’re wrong.
“Everyone is different.” Nick pulls his wife to his side. “It’s about finding
the different that fits together.”
“Such a sap.” Sophia smiles up at him, clearly forgiving him.
“I’ll be back.” Marco nods to Nick before leading me out of the house.
“You okay?” I ask as he opens the door to his car to let me in.
“You got uncomfortable. It put me on edge. Not used to this shit.” He
shakes his head. “Not shit. Fuck. I’m messing this up.”
I let out a laugh. “Feelings. You’re not used to these feelings.” I understand.
I’m having them, too. Marco has me all over the place. “I’m fine. I enjoyed
dinner.” I lean up on my tip toes. “Enjoyed our time in the pool more.”
He drops his head so that our mouths can meet as he kisses me. I sigh into
his mouth. I don’t know what to do with all of these feelings either. My
brain tells me that I should run. The Davincis are a family that you don’t
cross. Even though I don’t have any intention of crossing them, there’s a lot
of danger lurking in their dark corners. Still, I deepen the kiss, because my
heart is telling me that, no matter the risk, I’m not going anywhere.

I turn off the highway and head down the Bradfords’ driveway. I
don’t get far when I roll to a stop. Trent’s white Range Rover is
parked sideways across the drive. I could go around and fuck up
their lawn, but I’m kind of curious about what shit Trent intends to pull on
this fine, cold morning.
I kill my engine and open my door, stepping out and peering at him through
the window. He steps out, too, his face still bruised from my fist. Good.
“Did you at least bring me a coffee?” I stuff my hands into my leather
jacket as I stride up. “It’s early.”
“I’m taking her to school this morning, so you can turn around and go.” He
puts his hands in his pockets, too, but I suspect there’s more in his North
Face jacket than just dryer lint. He’s got a knife, maybe even a gun. Can’t
be sure just yet. But I know for certain he has a death wish.
“Sorry, champ.” I shake my head. “Evangeline is coming with me.”
“This is my property. You’re trespassing.” He steps toward me. Not close
enough for me to drop his ass, but he’s getting there.
“I’m a guest.” I shrug.
“No. You need to leave.”
“Did you run this past your daddy?” I move closer, my breath coming out in
a white puff. “Because I’m pretty sure he’d say I’m welcome here anytime I
“I’m not scared of you. Your last name doesn’t mean shit to me.”
“My last name isn’t what’s going to pound you into the fucking ground if
you don’t move your car. That would be me.”
His eyes widen a little, but he doesn’t back down.
“Trent.” I look around. “Your boys aren’t here to hold me down. I’d suggest
you get in your car and leave.”
“Evangeline’s grandma works for my family. Not yours. If she loses her job,
they’d have to move away. They couldn’t afford to send her to
“Are you making a threat?”
“Just stating a fact.” The sniveling asshat smiles. “But look, I want them to
stay right here. Just fifty yards away from me, safe and sound in that
apartment over the garage. I especially like the fact that Evangeline’s
bedroom window faces the house. Makes for some interesting viewing after
she showers.”
And that’s when I snap. Pulling my hands from my pockets, I advance on
him. But he pulls a gun from his fleece, the barrel pointed at my face.
I stop. “What the fuck, Trent?”
“I’ve heard about you Davincis. Dad told me. The only language you
understand is this--” He shakes the gun. “So here it is. Evangeline is mine.
You are no longer welcome here. Leave. I already called the cops. They’ll
be here soon. And if you aren’t gone by then, they’ll arrest you for criminal
“Are you sure this is how you want to play it?” I meet his gaze.
“Why are you even asking? I’m the one with the gun, idiot. Get the fuck out
of here, and don’t come back.”
“Can’t do that, Trent.” I ease toward him.
“I’ll shoot, asshole. Back the fuck up.” His voice shakes just enough for me
to know he’s bullshitting. He doesn’t want to pull that trigger, not really.
But if I spook him, he may do it anyway.
“Put the gun down.”
“Fuck you.” He backs up a step.
There’s no way I’m leaving Evangeline here. Not while Trent is cosplaying
an Old West sheriff with too few brain cells and too many bullets.
“Leave!” he yells.
I spring forward, grab the gun, and whip it to the side. He pulls the trigger,
the gun firing into the woods beside the driveway. Locking my hand around
the gun’s action, I keep him from firing again and yank it away. Flipping it
in my hand, I bring the butt down on his head, pistol-whipping the dumbass
until he drops to his knees. Maybe I should be worried about how easy this
is for me, how Trent might’ve had a point when he said Davincis only
understand violence. But I’m not. Ice water runs in my veins as I kick him
onto his side and stand over him.
“If you pull the trigger, you better make sure you don’t fucking miss.” I
land a kick to his ribs, not as hard as I can, but enough to keep him down
for a good, long while.
He grunts and curls into a ball as I head back to my car. Getting in, I stow
the gun in my glove box, start the engine, and steer around Trent and his
Range Rover, then get back on the driveway and cruise to Evangeline’s
She steps out in a thick coat and gloves and hurries to my car. “Hi,” she
says brightly.
Stowing her backpack, she settles in and fastens her seatbelt. I lean over and
kiss her. Lightly at first, then more, needing her lips. Trent’s threat didn’t
heat my blood even one degree. But her kiss? I’m on fire in a matter of
seconds. I cup her cheek and angle her head to get more of her, needing the
warmth she shares so easily. She whimpers and clutches my jacket. I tongue
her, my hands roving beneath her coat and cupping her tits. She’s
irresistible. Does she know that?
I squeeze the soft mounds and run my thumb over her hard nipples. Her
little moan has my cock aching, and I have to pull back before shit gets real.
After all, she’s serious about school. And even though I’m not, what’s
important to her is important to me.
Pulling away, I let out a deep breath and run my thumb along her bottom
lip. “You are too much, babydoll.”
“Me?” She laughs breathily. “You are.”
I smile and tuck her hair behind her ear. “And you need a hat.”
“I’m fine.”
I lean back and feel around in the backseat. Grabbing one of my knit caps, I
slide it onto her white-blond hair until it’s snug.
“Perfect.” I kiss the tip of her nose.
“Thanks.” Her pink cheeks are fucking cherubic, and I have to force myself
to focus on getting her to school. Then she cocks her head to the side a
little, “Hey, did you hear something a few minutes ago?”
I put the car in drive and head back down the lane. “Yeah. I had a little
trouble with Trent.”
Her eyes widen. “Was that a … a gunshot?”
I take her hand. Lying to her isn’t an option. “Yes, but no one got hurt.”
“Oh my God! What happened?”
“He jumped me, and like a coward, brought a gun to a fist fight. I took it
away. We’re all good.”
“That’s not all good!” She shakes her head.
“Calm down, babydoll. No one got hurt. Well, not too bad, anyway.” I
smirk. “Trent’s learned that it’s not cool to play with guns.”
“He tried to shoot you.” She rubs a hand down her face. “Oh my God.”
“It’s not the first time.”
She gasps. “Not the first time he tried to shoot you?”
“No. Not the first time I’ve been shot at.” I don’t see the point in hiding the
truth from her. “My family is involved in some shit. Sometimes, I have to
help out and protect what’s ours. But I don’t--Fuck.”
“What?” She looks out the windshield and sees the red and blue lights when
I do. “Oh, no.”
Trent stands next to a deputy sheriff and points at me while running his
mouth. I don’t recognize the cop. He must be new, because his hand creeps
to his sidearm as Trent continues to talk.
Turning to Evangeline, I lean over and kiss her. “Take my car. Go to
“You can drive it. Just be careful.”
“I don’t have a license.” Panic makes her voice rise an octave.
“That’s okay. The sheriff is going to be busy with me. You go on.”
I open my door and jump out, then go around to hers and escort her to the
driver’s seat. “Go.” I kiss her one more time and wait for her to drive
around Trent’s and the sheriff’s cars. She does, slowly, and then I walk
toward the deputy.
“Hands up!”
I comply. “Whatever Trent’s told you is bullshit.”
“Get on the ground!”
I sigh. “Is that nece--”
He pulls his piece. “On the fucking ground!”
Trent smirks and crosses his arms, pleased with himself.
“Fine.” I lower myself to my knees, then hit the deck with a sigh. “But I just
want you to know, when the sheriff gets wind of this, you’re going to be
wearing Depends after he rams his boot up your ass.”

M y hands clench the steering wheel tight as I make the drive

to school. My heart pounds, not only because of the worry I
have for Marco, but the thought of the mess I’ve made. The
consequences of being associated with me have gotten Marco into trouble. I
saw him get on his knees as I looked in the rear view mirror. My hands
begin to shake, so I pull over to the side of the road. I need to try and get
myself together. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a license and only know
the basics about driving a car.
“I shouldn't have left.” I drop my hands, not sure what else to do. He told
me to go, but it feels so wrong leaving him. Trent tried to shoot him! Now,
Marco’s the one being arrested. I pull the knitted hat from off the top of my
head, bringing it to my nose. It smells like him. I suck in a calming breath.
I’ll drive back by. That’s what I’ll do.
I put the hat on as I turn the car around and head back toward the
Bradfords’ home, but when I get there everyone is gone. I sit at the bottom
of the driveway, not sure what my next step should be. I fish my phone out
of my bag and text Marco, which I know is useless if he’s on his way to the
police station. I still give it a try.
Me: Are you okay? What should I do?
Taking a deep breath, I realize he already told me what he wants me to do. I
pull the car out and start back toward school. That’s when I realize his
phone is on the front seat, so there’s no way that he’ll be answering the
message I sent. I should go to his house! I can tell Sophia what happened,
and I’m sure she and Nick will know how to handle this mess. Then of
course, my mind blanks when I try and remember how to get back to his
house. I wasn’t paying close enough attention when we were driving there
yesterday, because most of the time I was focused on Marco. I fiddle with
the buttons on the screen of the dash, having no idea what I'm doing. This
car is too damn fancy. Especially for someone that doesn’t operate a car on
a daily basis. I hit the button that has a phone shape on it, praying that it
Calling Home, an automated voice says over the speakers. It rings twice
before Sophia’s voice fills the car.
“Did you know some cats are actually allergic to humans? I read that this
morning.” She clucks her tongue like she's really thinking this over.
“No?” I respond. I actually didn't know that but it makes sense.
“Evangeline?” Her voice perks up.
“Yes, it’s me. There’s a problem.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.
I don’t want them to be mad at me. This wouldn't have happened if Marco
wasn’t picking me up. I don’t know what Trent’s deal is, but it’s obvious
he’ll stop at nothing. I think it’s all ego or something. I don’t understand it.
He doesn’t even know me. Because my grandma works for him, it doesn’t
mean that he owns us.
“There always is.” She lets out a long sigh. I can hear her moving around.
“Tell me what happened.” I do. I tell her everything but the kissing part.
She doesn’t need to know those tiny details.
“Well, then you go to school.” Her voice is calm. She doesn't sound worried
at all. Which makes me think that this might be a common occurrence in the
Davinci home.
“Just go to school?” I repeat.
“It’s very important that when a Davinci tells you to do something when
trouble is on the rise, you do it, Evangeline. This way they need not worry
you’re safe. They can tend to what they need to. You’ll learn this in time.”
Her words strike me as odd, but so much is going on that I don’t dwell on
“Okay.” I guess that does make sense. It’s not as though I can do anything.
“Go to school, Evangeline. Everything will be taken care of,” she reassures
me. “Don’t forget to ask your grandma about dinner,” she adds happily
before hanging up. She doesn’t seem the least bit worried that Marco might
be in a jail cell right now.
It puts me at ease as I make the rest of the drive to school. I try and pay
attention to what’s going on in class as best I can, but I keep looking up for
Marco. I even find myself looking for Trent at every turn, now that I know
what he’s actually capable of. I continue to obsessively check my phone,
worrying that I might have missed a call from Marco. The day passes
brutally slowly. I notice at lunch everyone is giving me a wide berth or
barely looking my way. The couple of girls that do look my way give me
death glares.
I’m thankful when we are finally released and I head back toward Marco’s
car. Now what do I do? He hasn't called me yet. I check my phone again,
and now it’s dead from me fidgeting with it all day. Then again, how the
heck would he call me when I have his phone? I guess I can head home and
charge it and wait. He has to come get his car at some point. I debate calling
Sophia again on Marco’s phone, but I don’t want to bother her. What if
they’re in the middle of handling it or getting Marco out of jail, and I
interrupt something? It’s better to stay out of the way for now.
I drive slowly back home, doing my best to obey all traffic laws despite
some horns honking behind me. When I pull into the driveway, I park off to
the side. I grab my bag, thankful that I don’t see Trent’s Land Rover
anywhere. I hope he’s the one that actually got thrown in jail. He’s the one
that had a freaking gun. Let’s not forget Marco downplayed that whole
situation. He’d made it seem like it was nothing. As though it was a
common occurrence for him. I’m not even sure it’s something I can be okay
with. I reach up, touching my lips. The way he kisses me makes me forget
about everything else in the world but him. Although the Davincis are nice,
I need to remember what sort of lifestyle they lead.
I gasp when someone grabs my arm, causing me to drop my backpack onto
the hard ground. I can hear my new laptop crack. I jerk my arm, looking up
to see it’s Mrs. Bradford.
“What are you doing?” I ask. Maybe she doesn't recognize me with the hat
on. She shoves me hard. My back hits the side of the garage and my head
follows suit. My glasses, which I’d forgotten I was still wearing, fall from
my face.
“Shit.” Her voice is shrill.
I close my eyes. The pain in my head begins to throb.
“You're fine,” she says.
I slowly open my eyes.
“You’re. Fine,” she grits out and smooths down her tennis skirt.
I nod, knowing from her tone that she’s waiting for me to agree, and she’ll
take nothing less. “What, do you weigh five pounds? I barely pushed you.”
I stand there not sure what to do or say. Tears threaten to leak from my eyes,
but I hold them back.
“You stay away from that Davinci boy, or I’m going to make life very hard
on your grandma,” she finally says. “I might not fire her. After all, she
cooks decently. But I can make her fucking miserable. I’ll work her to
“Please,” I whisper. Grams is already working too much. I have a feeling
the real reason she can’t fire my grandma is because that would go against
her husband, who clearly wants to stay out of the Davinci’s path.
She pats my cheek roughly. “I’m doing you a favor. You’re a pretty thing.
Why soil yourself with the likes of a Davinci?” She turns, stepping on my
glasses as she walks away. “You’re welcome,” she throws over her shoulder
as she slips back inside her home. I stand there for a moment before I bend
down and pick up my broken glasses, shoving them into my pocket. I fight
the sting in my eyes so I don’t cry. Grandma will know if I’ve been crying. I
touch the back of my head and wince, knowing I’m going to have a bump.
Could this day get any worse? It started out with a sweet kiss and now?
Now, I really don’t know. I hate to think it but could Mrs. Bradford be
right? Could I even handle a Davinci?

“S orry about all this, Mr. Davinci.” Sheriff Hale shakes Nick’s
hand as I push out into the daylight.
“It’s fine.” Despite his words, Nick glowers. “Though I do hope you’ll train
your deputies on the proper way to treat a foolish boy who tries to shoot a
Davinci, then lies about it.”
“Deputy Mack is on leave.” Sheriff Hale nods.
“No need for him to lose his profession.” Nick smiles coldly. “After all, I’m
the biggest supporter of law enforcement in the county.”
“The fundraiser you threw for us last year will see us well taken care of,
and I’ll remind all of my staff of that fact.” Sheriff Hale turns and holds his
hand out to me. “Young man, my apologies. I hope you weren’t hurt.”
I shake it. “I’m all right. Might need a school excuse though.” I smirk.
Sheriff Hale throws his head back and laughs. “School excuse.” He turns to
Nick. “You’ve got a clever one here. Keep an eye on him.”
Nick shoots me an amused glance, then it’s gone and his game face is back
on. “Let’s go. Sophia wants to see you.”
“I need to get to school--”
He turns to me, his eyebrows slightly raised.
“Okay, Sophia first.”
He smiles. “Always.”

After a thorough once-over and interrogation from Sophia, school is already

out for the day.
“Drive me to Evangeline’s?” I ask.
“Sure.” She leans over and pets Fredo, one of his eyes off-kilter as usual. “I
need to stop at the pet store anyway. Fredo’s getting low on his treats.”
“Great.” I shake my head and walk outside with her.
She chooses her Porsche Cayenne, and I hop in the passenger side.
“Evangeline was so worried when she called.” Sophia is a careful driver, so
naturally, I’m stomping on an imaginary gas pedal and wanting to go faster.
“Yeah, well she just saw me get busted with cuffs and the whole shebang,
so I’m not surprised.” I hate that she saw it all.
“She needs to get used to things like that.” She glances at me. “Not the
arrest, but the other part.”
“Guns, crazies, violence? Stuff like that, you mean?”
She nods. “Right. I didn’t want you in this life, but you’re in it whether I
like it or not.” She rubs the bridge of her nose.
“You’ll get wrinkles,” I tease.
“Not with this thousand dollar face cream from France,” she laughs. “My
point is, Marco, she’s not used to this. So you’re going to have to ease her
into it if you want to keep her around. You’re both young, and I don’t want
you set your heart on her, then realize she can’t handle the life we live.”
“She’s tougher than she seems.”
“I know.” She nods. “I can tell. But that doesn’t mean she wants to be a
Davinci, all right?”
I know she’s just trying to caution me, to tell me not to go giving my heart
away to a girl I barely know. But I’m not sure I have a choice in the matter.
Ever since I first saw her, she’s all I can think about. I don’t see that
changing anytime soon.
“She’s a good girl.” Sophia pats my hand. “I like her a lot. Just keep your
smarts about you, okay?” She pulls into the Bradford estate, and I direct her
to the garage.
My G-Wagon sits outside, not a mark on it. Not that I’d be mad. After all,
she doesn’t drive much, so accidents can happen.
“Thanks.” I open the door.
“Tomorrow night,” she calls. “Invite her and her grandma for dinner,
“I will.”
She leans over. “Marco.”
“Yeah?” I turn back to her.
“I like her, okay? I want you to be happy. I just think maybe she needs to
know more about us before she can make any decisions.”
“I get it, sis.” I sigh and give her a small wave. “Don’t worry.”
She leans back. “I always worry.”
I close the door and turn to head up the stairs as Sophia retreats down the
driveway. A curtain twitches in a window along the side of the Bradford
house. Trent. Has to be.
I knock on the apartment door, and it only takes a few moments for
Evangeline to open it. “Are you okay?” I cup her cheek.
“Me? You’re the one who got arrested.” She takes my hand and pulls me
into the apartment, then closes the door behind me. “What happened? Are
you okay? Is this going to go on your record? Did you get hurt? I wanted to
come and--”
“Shhh.” I smooth my fingers across her worried brow. “Everything’s okay,
babydoll. No record, no problems. Nick took a while to come get me
because he was out on business, but the moment Sheriff Hale saw him, I
sprung out of that place like a rabbit.”
“Thank God.” She leans forward and presses her forehead against my chest.
“I was so worried.”
I wrap my arms around her. “Don’t worry about me. That deputy was new.
If he’d known who I was, Trent would be the one sitting in a cell right
“He’s home.” She glances toward the house, even though there’s not a
window in her small living room. “I saw him park his Range Rover and go
inside. He wasn’t at school today, but he’s over there now. And his mom
…” She lifts a hand to the back of her head, then drops it.
“What about his mom?” I tilt her chin up.
She avoids my gaze. “Nothing.”
“Evangeline, you can tell me.”
She shakes her head. “Nothing.”
She’s hiding something from me. I could push it, but she seems fragile
already. I let it go. For now. I sigh and peer down the short hallway toward
the back of the apartment. “Which room is yours?”
“You want to see my room?” Her eyebrows draw together.
“Yeah.” I brush my lips across her forehead.
“Um, okay.” She leads me down the hall to the first room on the right.
I go to the window and look out. Sure enough, that same window where I
saw the curtain move is directly across from her bedroom window.
Reaching up, I draw her pink curtains shut.
“Why? I like the sun that comes in.” She joins me.
“Trent has been peeping on you. Best if you keep your curtains drawn from
now on.”
She blanches. “Peeping?”
“Don’t worry. He can’t now that you know to keep the curtains closed.” I
turn and get a view of her decorating style. She has a twin bed made neatly
with a white blanket, pillows with kittens on them, a stack of books beside a
small desk, and various reprints of great artworks on her wall.
“Sorry.” She twines her fingers together. “I didn’t know you’d be coming in
here, so I didn’t--” She reaches out and swipes a bra that was hanging on
the back of her desk chair. “Didn’t clean.”
“You don’t have to worry, babydoll. This room is great.” I take her hand
and pull her to the bed, sitting with her and trying to figure out how to talk
to her about my name, my eventual profession, and what it might mean for
her. It’s a lot.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice is small.
“What?” I turn to her so fast my neck cracks. “Why are you sorry?”
“I’m the reason you got arrested. Trent has it in for me and my grandma. I
don’t know why, but he’s just--” She shrugs. “Fixated on ruining my chance
here. And because of that, he came after you.” Her eyes water.
Does she even know what a goddamn perfect angel she is? That she could
ever think this was her fault is beyond me. She’s done nothing wrong.
“Listen to me closely.” I cup the back of her neck, her skin warm and soft.
“This isn’t your fault. Trent is a bully who thinks having his lacrosse
buddies around to do his bidding means he can get away with whatever he
wants. He’s too dumb to understand that I’m perfectly capable of burying
him where no one will ever find the body.”
She winces.
“But I won’t,” I hurry along. “I have no intention to do any of that. But his
father knows the truth. That’s why he told Trent to lay off you. But Trent,
once again, is an idiot. That little stunt this morning with the gun got him
onto Nick’s radar.”
“I don’t want to be on Nick’s radar ever.”
I shake my head and pull her into my lap. “You’re not getting it, babydoll.
You’re with me. You may not be Davinci, but you’ve got my protection,
and the protection of my entire family.” I can smell her lotion, sweet
vanilla. “Anyone hurts you, they answer to me. Anyone bothers you, they
answer to me. Nick will protect you with his life, just the same as I will.”
“With your life?” she whispers.
“Yes.” I kiss her cheek. “But lucky for me, you’re not trouble. You do what
you’re supposed to do. Go to school, help your grandma, stay away from
bad boys like me. You’re a good girl. Aren’t you?” I slide my hand to her
waist and beneath her shirt so I can touch her soft skin. “Are you a good
girl, Evangeline?”
“Y-yes.” She trembles at my touch, and I nuzzle her neck.
“You are except for me, isn’t that right?” I run my teeth along her throat.
“Because you like this bad boy. You want to be my good girl.”
“Yes.” She clutches my arm.
“You’re my girl.” I kiss her gently, then open my mouth and taste her,
sucking her tender skin between my teeth. “Say you’re mine, babydoll.”
She lets out a gasp and squirms in my lap. “I’m yours.”
I cup one of her soft tits, squeezing it through her T-shirt as I kiss up her
“Mmmm,” she breathes. “That escalated quickly.”
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” I take her mouth and lay her down on the bed,
my soul hungry for hers, and my body needing to feel her heat.

I forget everything as Marco’s mouth moves over mine. His

tongue is soft at first, licking the seam of my mouth, asking for
permission to enter. I eagerly give it to him. He’s right, I want
to be his good girl. Hearing him say those words lit something in the pit of
my stomach that I never knew existed. My whole body came alive thinking
of belonging to him. The thought of me being something special to him and
only him has me wanting this more than ever.
I deepen the kiss, needing him to know how I feel. I want it so badly that
my whole body aches for him. I’m not even sure I can really have him fully,
but I’ll take him for as long as I can. It might not be forever, but I can have
now. This moment is the only one I want to concentrate on. It could very
well be my goodbye to him. It could be a moment that I look back on and
treasure. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but I want the memory of
my first time to be with Marco. I’m going to push thoughts of my
grandma’s job, school, and the Bradfords to the back of my mind and enjoy
myself for once.
He pulls his mouth from mine as he trails kisses down my neck. “Yours,” I
say again. The word comes from me easily. I hope if I keep saying it that it
might come true forever and not only for tonight.
“You want more, babydoll?” he asks as he slips his hand under my sweater.
“Yes. Don’t stop,” I beg. He feels so right. How can this be wrong? He
shifts over me. I have no idea how we’re both fitting onto my bed together.
He practically takes the whole thing up as he hovers over me. His fingers
tease my nipples into hard points as I writhe beneath him. I lift my hips,
trying to get the friction that I need. I can feel him smile against my mouth.
“Tell me what you want, babydoll. I want to hear you say it.”
I hesitate for a second, my cheeks aflame, but I push past my shyness and
give him my honest answer.
“You. All of you,” I say, kissing that mouth of his.
Without another word, Marco rids me of my clothes, and before I can ask
for anything more, his hot mouth is sucking on my pert nipple. He squeezes
one breast as his mouth devours the other. I need more of him. I grasp his
shirt, trying to pull it. He lets go of me as he sits up and yanks his shirt over
his head, revealing his toned body to me. I pull him back down to me,
needing to feel his bare skin on mine. I need to be as close to him as
“You going to be a good girl, babydoll, and spread those pretty thighs for
me.” His fingers trail down my stomach until they get to the small patch of
hair between my legs. I wiggle my hips, my clit throbbing for his attention.
I want his mouth there again. It had been like nothing I’d ever felt before.
Everything I experience with him is like that though, and I know him taking
my virginity will be no different.
My legs part for him. He gives me a slow, sexy smile as he slips down my
body. His broad shoulders spread my legs more to make room for him. His
warm breath tickles against my skin.
“My good girl saved this just for me.” It isn't a question. I lift my hips,
willing him to take it because he’s right. I have been saving it for him. No
one had ever caught my eye before him. Dating was never on my radar. I
did what I was supposed to and nothing more. He is right. I am a good girl.
But I want to be bad for him. I crave it more than anything else. I don’t
know what it is about the darkness around him that draws me, but it pulls
me in when I know I should be running the other way.
“Marco,” I beg, licking my lips, willing him to do the same.
“You don’t have to beg me, babydoll. I’m more than happy to give my good
girl what she wants. Good girls should get rewards.” He dips his face and
gives me mine. His tongue circles my clit. My head drops back down onto
the bed. One of his hands leaves my thigh as he pushes a finger inside of me
as he sucks my clit. My back comes off the bed as I cry out his name again.
He continues to lick and suck me as if he’s been starved for me.
I’m almost embarrassed about how wet I am, and I’m already close to
coming. My core clenches around his finger as he pleasures me. His finger
thrusts in and out, then he pushes another one inside of me, hooking it to hit
a spot that sends me over the edge.
The orgasm takes me. I barely feel the pinch of pain with all the pleasure
still humming through my body. He kisses each of my thighs as my eyes
flutter open to look down at him. He rises to his knees between my legs. He
picks up my white panties that are lying next to me on the bed. I watch as
he wipes the evidence of my virginity from his fingers. That had to have
been the small bit of pain I felt. My face warms, and I feel a little shy, but
Marco looks starved for me. It’s almost as if he derived pleasure from
seeing the blood on his fingers. Almost primal. I think that’s what these
Davinci men are. Men who go after what they want. Nothing stands in their
way. If watching Nick with Sophia showed me anything, it’s that Davincis
protect and love their women with everything inside of them. The woman’s
needs always seem to come first. I’d come first for Marco. He’d protect me
with his own life he’d said. How can that really be so bad?
“I want you to feel nothing but pleasure the first time I slide into you.” He
pockets the panties in his jeans as he gets up, then pulls them down his legs.
He doesn't take his boxer briefs off. My eyes go round at the outline of his
“I’m not sure that’s possible.” I lean up onto my elbows to get a better look
at him. He really is gorgeous. His lips still glisten with the remnants of my
arousal, which makes him even more sexy to me. “Marco,” I say,
“Yeah, babydoll?”
“I think it’s time you make this good girl bad.” I barely finish the words
before he removes his boxer briefs. His cock springs free, and my mouth
waters to taste him but he’s already climbing in between my legs. He kisses
his way up to my lips.
“I’ll take you any way you want to be. Good or bad, babydoll. As long as
you’re mine.” He kisses my mouth before he lines himself up with my
entrance. “I’m going to go as slow as I can until you adjust to me.” He
slowly pushes inside. A groan escapes him as I try to get used to him. After
a moment, I wiggle a bit, trying to get him to push into me more.
“I need more.” My body is aching to be filled with him. For him to give it
the pleasure it knows he can. Marco’s breathing is heavy, and he looks as
though this is taking every bit of willpower he has.
“Please,” I say as I grab his ass, urging him to give me what I want. One of
his hands digs into the bedding beside my head. The other goes to the
headboard, grabbing hold. I wrap myself around him as he finally starts to
thrust in and out of me.
I pull him down, kissing him as another orgasm pushes through me. I nip at
his lip. His body jerks over mine. “Babydoll,” he warns.
“I might like being a little bad.” I dig my fingers into his hair and lift my
hips with him, meeting his thrusts.
He locks eyes with me. “I love you every way.”
My breath hitches. Love. It sparks everything inside of me as I come again.
I cling to him as he shatters my world with the greatest pleasure I’ve ever
felt, his warm release spilling deep inside me. I pray he doesn't shatter my
heart too.
Or maybe I just shattered my own.

He cuddles me close, my mind racing with everything that’s happened.

“Sorry about …”
“About what?” I crane my neck back to look at him.
“About coming inside you.” He strokes his fingers along my forehead then
through my hair.
“It’s okay. I’m on the pill.”
“You are?” He raises his brows.
“Yeah. You think my Grams would take any chances? I mean, she knows
I’m a virgin.” I grin, and he kisses me. “I was a virgin,” I say against his
lips. “But she wanted to make sure my future was on lock. Part of that was
getting me on the pill in case some bad boy turned my head.”
“Is that right?” He rolls over, pinning me beneath him on my tiny bed. “She
foresaw your taste in bad boys, eh?”
“Grams is pretty smart.” I sigh as he kisses my throat. “Besides, she said
she never saw a bad boy she didn’t ride.”
He pulls back. “Wow. Your grandma is …”
“I know.” I laugh. “She’s a sweet little cook and housekeeper now, but you
should see her tattoos.”
“Darling Grams?” He looks scandalized.
“See? We have skeletons in our closet, too.”
He kisses my lips softly. “Right. Just as dark and scary as the Davincis. I
guess we’re even.”
“No way.” I shake my head, but he fists my hair and kisses me in earnest,
his tongue delving into my mouth as that sweet heat starts to lick along my
inner thighs.
Then I hear a door open.
He freezes.
“Oh my God,” I whisper. “Grams! You have to go!”
“Evangeline, you home?” she calls.
“Yes, Grams. Just doing some homework.”
“I’m homework?” he whispers. “Maybe you should do me some more.”
“No!” I press my finger to his lips as he grins. “Go.”
“Okay, I’ll start dinner.”
“Great!” I call with far too much enthusiasm, but she doesn’t seem to
I shove Marco off as he laughs low and sexy. “Go.”
“Go where?” He pulls his pants and shirt on.
“The window.” I point.
“Seriously!” I pull my shirt back on as he opens the sash. “But be careful.”
He takes a handful of my shirt and pulls me to him. “I meant what I said.”
He kisses me hard. “I love you.” And with that, he climbs out, drops to the
bottom garage’s roof, then slides to the ground.
“Can you get that black pan down for me?” Grams calls. “I can’t reach it
without the step ladder.”
I take a deep breath and pull on my pants. “Coming.” I hurry out and reach
above the microwave for the pan she wants.
She turns to me, one eyebrow up. “Your shirt’s on backwards.”
“Oh?” I look down. “No it’s not.”
“Gotcha.” She laughs and stirs a pot of pasta. “But be careful with that boy.
Don’t let him take your heart along with your cherry.”
“Grams!” I cover my face with my hands, but I’m smiling underneath as
she laughs and pulls me into a hug.

A light snow falls as I roll down the Bradfords’ driveway. I’m a little
early, so I park in front of the garage and check my phone. I texted
with Evangeline last night when I got home, then again before
bed. Just reading her words makes me smile all over again. She’s clever
and, for a good girl, takes a mean nude selfie of her perfect tits. I shoot off
another message as I reach over and make sure her seat is nice and warm.
You up?
If she’s not wearing gloves, a hat, a coat, and a scarf when she walks out of
that apartment, I’m going to have to skip class to buy her a few of each. Her
new laptop is in the backseat, though she’s told me a few times that she’s
fine with the school-issued one. Fuck that. She needs the best. My babydoll
has big dreams, and I want to make sure she has what she needs to make
them come true.
I look at my phone. She hasn’t responded.
Glancing up at her apartment, I notice that the little flue over the kitchen
isn’t smoking like usual. A dark sensation swirls in my stomach.
Opening my door, I walk over to the stairs and bound up to the front door. I
knock. And wait. And wait some more. Nothing moves inside. No one’s
home. I can feel it.
Turning, I stomp down the stairs and peer at Trent’s house as the snow
intensifies, fatter flakes joining the earlier flurry. I pull out my phone.
Babydoll, where are you?
Trent’s Range Rover is gone, and I can see tracks in the faint snow. He left
within the last half hour, maybe even fifteen minutes. I try to find
Evangeline’s footprints, but there’s not enough snow to tell if she got into
his car. Not that it matters. If she’s not here, she’s on her way to school or
maybe already there.
Anger rises inside me like a tide, and I jump into my car and do a messy
three-point turn, making sure to roll my tires into the Bradford’s perfect
landscaping like a total dick. But that’s just the start of what I intend to do if
Trent has hurt my girl. There’s no way she’d go with him, not unless he
threatened her.
Movement from the house’s side door catches my eye.
It’s Mrs. Bradford waving at me.
I back up and roll my window down. “Where is she?”
“Who?” She smiles, and I can tell she’s spent a long time on her makeup
and hair. Her low cut top gives a clear view of the assets she used to land a
Bradford wedding ring on her finger, but I don’t have any interest in what
she has to offer.
“You know who.” I hold her gaze.
“I don’t know why you’re interested in girls your age. What are you,
eighteen?” She licks her too-red lips. “You need a woman who knows her
way around a man like you. Someone with experience.”
“Cut the shit. Where’s Evangeline?”
Her fake smile falters and she blinks against the snow, but she doesn’t give
up. “Come inside, and we can talk about it. Just you and me.”
“I don’t know what you think this is.” I keep my temper under wraps as best
I can. “But if I have to get out of this car, it won’t be to fuck you. It’ll be to
wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze until you tell me where my
girl is.”
“Sexy.” She blinks.
“Jesus Christ, where is she?” My roar finally gets through to her, and she
takes a step back.
Her lips turn into a sad pout. “She’s at school. Because that’s what she is.
Just a little girl who doesn’t know how to please a man like--”
I hit the gas, cutting through yet another one of the Bradford flower beds
before getting traction on the driveway.
The drive to school is fraught with one thought after another. Did our time
together last night scare her? Or worse, did I hurt her? I grip the steering
wheel too tight, worry eating away at me as I turn in to the student parking
lot. Plenty of kids are still walking into school, but none of them are my
I push through the crowd and into the busy hallway. Girls smile at me as I
walk past, but I don’t look their way, not when my heart is pounding and
worry trickles down my spine like ice water. If I hurt her, I don’t even
fucking know what to do with myself. She is the softest, sweetest thing I’ve
ever found, and if I’ve ruined my chance with her--no. I push that thought
away and turn down the science hall.
Mrs. Benton’s door is open, so I hurry in, then stop.
“Evangeline?” I find her sitting next to Trent, his lacrosse buddies hemming
her in on all sides. My hands fist, and I push through the nearest desks to
get to her.
“Stop.” She looks up at me.
I don’t want to, but I obey her command. Hell, if she told me to jump out
the fucking window, I’d do it, no questions asked.
“What’s going on? Are you okay? Are you … hurt?”
Trent grins.
“I’m fine.” She shakes her head. “Not hurt at all. I just wanted to ride with
Trent to school today.”
My gaze flicks to him, but he only grins wider, the veneers his daddy
bought him a little too white.
“Is he threatening you? Something about your grandma or--”
“You aren’t getting it.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m done.”
“Done?” I step closer as more students enter, most of them standing back
and watching the scene.
“Yes, done.” She rolls her eyes. “I got a taste last night, and now I know it’s
all I wanted from you. Okay? Don’t make a big thing out of it.”
Trent’s crew laughs and whistles at her cruel tone.
“Babydoll, what’s he done to get you--”
“I’m not a babydoll,” she fires back. “I’m a grown woman, and I told you
how it’s going to be. You and I are done. Over. Leave me alone.”
I take another step toward her as my heart flakes and starts to shatter. “You
don’t mean that.”
“Can’t take no for an answer, big guy?” Trent stands. “You going to
threaten her with your family name now? Tell her you’ll make her grandma
sleep with the fishes unless she takes her panties off and bends over for
“Don’t talk about her like that.” White-hot rage scorches through me, and
the only thing stopping me from dropping Trent and pounding his face to
pulp is Evangeline. She sits between us, her eyes straight ahead now.
“I said go.” She doesn’t look at me. “I’m done with you.” Reaching out, she
takes Trent’s hand. “I’m with Trent now.”
“You heard her.” Trent runs his fingers through her white-blond hair, sifting
the strands the way I did the night before. “Sit your ass down, Davinci.”
“Let’s step outside, Trent. Just you and me. Leave your dogs in here.” I flex
my fingers, aching to make contact with his smug face.
“Go!” Evangeline yells and turns to face me, her eyes angry, her mouth
grim. “Stop harassing me or I’ll go to the headmaster.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll protect you.” Trent leans down and kisses her
The fury that wells in me is like a volcano, and I want to rain down fire and
destruction all over Trent and his pals. But the look in her eyes stops me.
“Please leave.” She says it gently this time, then turns away.
Something cracks inside me, pieces of me falling into a pile of jagged edges
and pain. With one more look at her, I turn on my heel and push through the
door, side-stepping Mrs. Benton as I slam my fist into the nearest locker,
mangling it and sending pain roaring through my hand. It’s not enough.
Nowhere near enough to overcome the agony inside me. But I know just the
man who can help me with that. Nick will have work for me.
This charade is over. I’m done with school. Done with pretending. I turn
and head down the hall, my mind placid and my heart cold.
I’m a Davinci.
Blood is my calling, not love.

T he minute the bell rings I’m out of my desk and heading to

the girls’ bathroom before Trent can touch or talk to me one
more time. My stomach churns, vomit threatening. It took
everything I had to keep my composure as I lied to Marco about not
wanting him anymore. My heart was being ripped out of my chest. Trent
has me over a barrel, leaving me without a choice. I felt so helpless this
morning. The look on Marco’s face was almost my undoing.
“Evangeline.” Trent’s voice sounds from behind me, but I ignore him. I
push through the bathroom door and make my way into a stall. I lean
against the door as I finally let my emotions go. I sob as I remember the
hurt that took over Marco’s face, the betrayal I saw in his eyes when I told
him that I was choosing Trent over him. I’ve never purposely been mean to
anyone before in my life. It broke my heart to do it to Marco, but the
consequences of not doing it outweighed everything. At least I thought they
did. Now I’m questioning everything.
I have to figure out how I’m going to deal with Trent. I knew the second
Trent showed me the nude photos that he’d taken through my window that I
was screwed. I also knew that there was no way I could tell Marco. I’m
honestly afraid that he might kill Trent if he knew.
I open the stall door and look in the mirror as I try and get myself together.
When I exit the bathroom, Trent is still standing there. “I have class.” I
walk past him.
He tries to grab my arm, but I side-step him.
“You’re pushing your luck,” he grates at me.
I stop and turn to look at him. He hasn’t moved, but my face must show
something because he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
I close the three steps between us. “No, you’re pushing your luck. If Marco
knew about those pictures you took of me”—I lean in—“he’d kill you.”
Trent’s eyes go wide for a split second before he hides his fear. I take
pleasure in the fact that I’ve frightened him. He deserves it.
“He won’t want you now after how you humiliated him in front of
everyone,” Trent says it so smugly. I don’t know if Marco still wants me but
if he didn’t, it wouldn’t be because of humiliation.
“Wrong. Marco is a man. Not a spoiled little boy like you. He doesn’t have
an ego he has to stroke. Davincis do anything for the woman they love.” I
turn and leave him to head to my next class. My own words settle into me.
It hurt to watch Marco walk away even if I’d pushed him to. The only thing
that’s giving me some peace of mind is that I know he’ll be back. I have no
idea what I’ll do when that time comes. My resolve is only so strong.
I grit my way through the rest of the day. After the last bell, my feet are
heavy as I make my way toward Trent’s Land Rover. He’s sitting inside
waiting for me. I pull open the door, knowing that I have no other choice
but to climb in. Again, I get glares from other girls. If only they knew what
a sleazebag he really is, I guarantee they wouldn’t be jealous.
“Why can’t you date one of them?” I nod to the group of girls giving me the
death glares.
“You really don’t know how pretty you are, do you?”
I glance over to him. “They’re pretty, too.”
He actually looks pissed about my comment. “Every girl in this fucking
school would suck my dick. Why aren't you one of them?”
I turn my head to look out the window so he can’t see me roll my eyes at
him. It’s bad enough I have to be in a car alone with him. In fact, it’s a little
terrifying. He’s already pulled a gun on Marco, so I don’t put anything past
“My grandma is waiting for me,” I lie. I don’t have to report home at a
certain time, but I don’t want Trent thinking he can pull the car over and do
God knows what. Him touching my hair and kissing the top of my head has
had me itching to shower.
He pulls on to the highway and turns his music up until it’s almost painful.
Maybe he only wants me for looks, because he certainly doesn’t want to
have a conversation.
Trent is the worst kind of man. It’s not shocking he thinks every girl in the
school wants to suck his cock. I’m sure there is a nice chunk that actually
do. He’s popular, rich as hell, and has the pretty boy thing going on that a
lot of girls seem to like. With his smile, I’m sure he could pull off the good
old boy act if he wanted to. A sheep in wolf’s clothing is what he really is.
He and his friends talk about the Davinci family as if they’re violent
criminals. Maybe they do some horrible things for all I know, but they don’t
hide who they are. It is laid out on the table. You know what you’re getting.
With the Bradfords, you don’t see it coming. I can still feel the knot on my
head from where Mrs. Bradford slammed me up against the side of the
garage. The Bradfords are your typical cowards. I think they’re the most
dangerous type of people, because you never know how they’ll lash out.
Trent barely gets the car into park in the driveway, and I’m already flying
from the passenger side. He calls after me, but I keep on moving.
“I’ve got the pictures, Evangeline,” he yells after me as I run up the stairs. I
almost slip but catch myself on the railing. I dig in my bag for my key but
the door opens. Grams reaches out and pulls me inside.
“Slow down on the stairs,” she scolds.
“I’m going to salt them. Don’t use them until I do.” I put my bag down by
the door. “You’re home early.”
She’s staring at me. “Why’d that Bradford boy bring you home?”
I can tell from the look on her face that there is no way that she’s going to
let me skate by with a generic answer. It’s not as though I could ever get
anything past her. She knows me better than anyone else.
“I’m guessing you’re not going to believe me if I say it’s because he’s
nice?” I wince on the last word.
“Try again.” She points for me to head into the kitchen.
I do as I’m told, taking up residence on the bar stool as she goes about
making me a snack. This used to be one of my favorite parts of the day
when I got home from school. Now she’s working normally, and I don’t get
to see her until later.
I try to think of a way to tell her about Trent without worrying her too
“Will you spill it already? The sooner you tell me, the sooner we can figure
out how to handle it.” She wipes down the already-clean counter.
I take in a deep breath before I resign myself to telling her the truth. All of
“He has pictures of me that he took while I was changing. He also
threatened your job and Mrs. Bradford gave me this little souvenir.” I point
to my head, showing her the knot. “She wanted to make sure I know what
the Bradfords are capable of. I just didn’t want to concern you.” Tears prick
my eyes as I think about everything all at once. My poor grams now has to
deal with the consequences. Silence fills the room as I stare down at my
Loud laughter bubbles out of Grams. I look up, startled by her odd reaction.
I’ve never heard her laugh like this. It’s not a ‘ha ha you’re funny’ sort of
laugh but one that says that she’s pissed. It’s almost … sinister.
“Don’t you shed a tear over anything that concerns me. I can handle my
own. Trent’s not the only one with pictures. There’s a lot that goes on in
that house, and only a little of it’s on the level, if you take my meaning. It’d
be a real shame if that information got out.”
My mouth falls open at the ruthless little old lady who’s standing in front of
me. Who kidnapped my sweet, muffin baking grandma and replaced her
with this cutthroat woman?
“He has nudes of me.” I don’t know why a sense of shame comes over me. I
haven’t done anything wrong. He took those pics without my permission,
but that fact doesn’t make me feel any better.
“That boy really does have a death wish doesn't he?” Grandma shakes her
head. “Blackmailing a Davinci woman.” She lets out another one of those
laughs, slapping her hand down onto the counter.
“How do you know about Marco?” I know she knows I was fooling around
with someone in my bedroom but how did she know who?
“Everyone knows who the Davincis are.” She shrugs. “I heard about them
long before we moved to this apartment.”
She sighs long and low and keeps wiping the counter. “I’m not the same
woman I used to be. Before you, before your parents even, I had a different
life. My maiden name was Tuscani, and my family was a big player back in
the day.”
“A big player?”
She stops scrubbing. “I was your typical mafia princess.”
I don’t think my eyes can get any wider than they already are.
“Suffice it to say, some bad things happened, I had to fight for the man I
loved, but in the end it didn’t work out.” Her gaze lowers, but not before I
see the sadness in her eyes.
“Grams.” I reach across the counter and take her hand.
“But that was a long time ago. I’m not involved in that life anymore.” She
shakes her head. “I’m happy where I am. Cooking and housekeeping for
rich jerks is fine with me, and it keeps us safe and the bills paid. That’s all
that matters.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what? That your old grams knows her way around a gun and can
say every Italian cuss word with real verve?” She laughs. “No. I like it
better just the way it is. I’m your grams and I love you, and that’s all there
is to know.” She squeezes my fingers. “But I can tell you for certain that if a
Davinci’s staked his claim on you, you’ve nothing to worry about from that
spoiled Bradford brat.”
I didn't know about them before I met Marco, but Grams really has been
around, I suppose. A mafia princess?
She tosses her dish towel into our small sink. “I saw that Davinci pick you
up and drop you off. I would’ve thought Trent got the message. He’s more
hard headed than I thought. Damn fool.”
A knock sounds at the door. We both turn to look. I swallow, worried it’s
“I think that’s for you.” Grandma nods towards the door. “Davinci men
aren't good at waiting. If I was you, I’d answer it.” She settles on the stool
next to mine. “Or we’ll have to get a new door.”

S he opens the door, and I don’t give her a second to say a word. I
push inside, then march her down the hall and into her room,
giving the door a good slam once she’s inside.
“Marco.” Her eyes wide, she backs up until her knees hit the bed, and she
I lean down and brace my hands beside her on the mattress. “What is going
on, babydoll? And don’t give me any of that crap you tried to sell me this
morning. What’s he done to you?”
Her breath hitches, and she swallows hard.
I clench my eyes shut and take a breath. “I’m not trying to scare you. I’m
trying to protect you.”
“You shouldn’t be here.” She glances to the window where the curtains are
still drawn tight.
“I’m not afraid of him. You shouldn’t be either.” I grip the bed, my fists
clenching. “Has he hurt you?” If she says yes, I don’t think I can stop
myself. I won’t be able to avoid bloodshed. Not that I’d try. I’ve already
cleared it with Nick, gotten his blessing to do whatever’s necessary to
secure Evangeline and her grandmother.
She shakes her head.
“Has he touched you?” I grit the words out, still raging from the way he’d
put his hands on her earlier.
“No, not really.” Her eyes are watering, tears threatening. “Not more than
you saw.”
“That was plenty.” If I could’ve dragged him out of that classroom without
risking her, I would have. But I couldn’t. I had to bide my time.
“I know.” She nods and a tear drops down her cheek.
I drop to my knees in front of her and wipe the tear away. “Tell me,
babydoll. You can trust me.”
“I’m sorry.” She sniffles.
I cup her warm cheek. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I know that
wasn’t you. You think I’d ever leave you? Ever walk away?” I lean closer
and graze my lips against hers. “You’re mine. This isn’t some stupid puppy
love. It’s real.” I take her hand and press it to my heart. “This beats for you.
It’s yours. You can do whatever you want with it. Love it, break it, mend it--
whatever you want, but it will always belong to you, no matter what.”
She cries more, and I kiss her, giving her as much emotion as I can,
showing her that I mean every fucking word. Her hands go to my hair, her
fingers pulling the strands as she answers my kiss and opens for me, her
tongue a particular taste of ecstasy. I grip her hips and pull her to me, open
and warm, her legs straddling my hips as we kiss. But I can’t get carried
away. Not when there’s business at hand.
Pulling back, I drag my thumb across her lower lip. “Now, babydoll. I need
to know.”
Her cheeks are pink now, her nipples so hard I can see them through her
sweater. I want to take her, to shove into her until all her doubts are
pounded away and the only thing left is me. But first I have to get her
somewhere safe. This apartment is done. I’ve got movers on their way.
“Trent, um.” She shakes her head, then meets my gaze. “He threatened me.”
I grit my teeth.
“But you have to promise you won’t hurt him.” She takes my hand. “I don’t
want you to get in trouble.”
“I can’t promise that. I refuse to make any vow to you that I might break.
There will only be honesty between us, understand?”
“I can’t tell you, then.” She shakes her head. “I don’t want you to get
arrested or, or hurt.”
“I won’t.”
She chews her lip. “Promise?”
“Yeah.” I don’t tell her that I could murder the entire Bradford family
without catching so much as an arrest, but it’s true.
She worries her bottom lip. “Promise me you won’t kill him. You can
promise that. Please.”
I don’t want to. But I pull her hand to my lips. “I promise.”
Letting out a breath, she nods. “He threatened to fire Grams if I didn’t go
along with him. He wanted me to pretend to be his girlfriend, and he said he
wanted me to come to his room tonight.”
I have to stand, to back away to keep my anger from spilling onto her
innocence. Gripping my skull, I squeeze, then take a deep breath and drop
my hands.
“And …” She looks down, her gaze on the floor instead of on me. “He, um,
he—” Her voice cracks, tears shattering her words.
I return to her and pull her up and into my arms. “Shh.” Stroking her back, I
kiss her forehead. “You can tell me.”
When she trembles, I want to burn Trent’s house down with him and his
parents in it.
She sniffles again, then the words spill out in a torrent. “He took nudes of
me through the window. I didn’t know. But he said if I didn’t do what he
said that he’d send them to the whole school.”
I keep stroking her as she cries, as my mind goes to so many blood-soaked
places that I should be afraid, should be terrified of what I’m capable of.
But I’m not. I’ll do anything for Evangeline. She should never feel this sort
of anguish or shame.
“You did nothing wrong.” I stroke her back.
“I just feel so ashamed.” She sobs. “Like I’m dirty.”
“No. Shh.” I sit on the bed and hold her in my lap, rocking her gently. “This
isn’t your fault. It’s Trent’s. And you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll get
the photos and take care of it.”
“How?” She clings to me, her tears wetting my throat.
“I’ll handle it.” I kiss her cheek, her temple, her hair. “Don’t be ashamed.
You always hold your head high, babydoll. He’s nothing. You’re
“If he sends those out, I’ll get booted from school. I won’t get into college. I
won’t be able to support Grams or—”
“He won’t. I promise.” I keep rocking her until she calms again, her
breathing evening out. Leaving her won’t be easy, but I have some business
in the big house next door, so I stand and ease her onto the bed. “I’m going
to get those pics. Stay here. I’ve got some moving guys on the way.”
“Yeah, Grams just got a new gig, pays better, and the hours are easier.”
She wipes her eyes. “Where?”
“Some uppity crime family.” I smirk. “Davinci, I think is their name.”
She jumps to her feet. “Are you serious?”
“Definitely.” I kiss her again, unable to resist. Her hands go around my
neck and she holds me tight.
“I can’t believe it,” she breathes against my mouth.
“Believe it, babydoll.” I step back. “I’ll go handle business. You start
packing, then boss the guys around when they get here with boxes and the
moving truck, okay?”
“I-I guess?” She tangles her fingers together, then shakes her head.
She seems to wobble on the edge of something, something big. Nibbling
her lip, wringing her hands, as if she’s silently arguing with herself. But
then she stops. I watch as she stands straighter, then shoots a glare at the
window and the house beyond. The look on her face is fierce, and my cock
goes hard as a beautiful sort of fury seems to roll from her.
“I’m going with you.” She swallows hard and wipes the last of her tears.
“Yes.” She reaches to her nightstand and grabs a ponytail holder and whips
her hair up. “I’m done with this.”
“With what?”
“I don’t want to be weak. I don’t want to be afraid of men like Trent. This is
something I need to handle. I should’ve done it this morning when he
threatened me, but I was scared. I’m still scared, but I have to use my
“You don’t have to—”
“I do.” She shakes her arms out. “If I have you with me, I can do this.
Right?” Her gaze is open, honest, and she needs more from me than I want
to give. I don’t want to take her into danger. I don’t want Trent within a
mile radius of her. But I’m already beginning to learn that love isn’t easy. It
doesn’t go the way you want or the way you expect. Just like the steel in
Evangeline’s spine, love surprises you when you least expect it.
And you can’t fight it. Not when it’s real.
I reach out, and she takes my hand. “Come on, babydoll, let’s see how sharp
those claws really are.”

I take Marco’s hand as he leads me out of my little apartment

over the garage. Grams is missing from the kitchen now. Even
though I know I have nothing to fear with Marco by my side,
nerves begin to take flight in my stomach. I try to remain strong, and with
each step we take closer to the main Bradford house, the worry dissipates
and my anger begins to assert itself.
Hours ago, I was worried that I’d have to live under Trent and Mrs.
Bradford’s thumb for the rest of my life, and now with Marco by my side,
those worries no longer exist.
“You good?” Marco turns to face me as we approach the front door. He
reaches up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“Yes.” Whenever he’s with me, I’m more than good. He’s changed my life,
and I’ll forever be grateful for that. I wonder what would’ve happened if I
didn't have him. My stomach cramps at the thought. Not only from the fear
of what might’ve happened to me but of having never known Marco. My
heart wouldn’t realize it was missing a piece.
“Let’s do this so we can put it behind us.” I’m not exactly sure what we’re
going to be doing, but I want to get it over and done with. I want all of us to
be able to move forward, and I want to do it without fear. We reach the front
door, which is slightly ajar, and Marco pushes it open the rest of the way. I
can hear raised voices coming from another room. The loudest being that of
my grams.
I’ve never actually been inside the main part of the Bradford’s home. Grams
would never let me come over and help. I think she was trying to keep them
as far away from me as possible. Marco squeezes my hand tighter.
“I think your grams got to them before I could.” We round the corner, and I
see my grandma has Mrs. Bradford by the hair. Sure, that’s shocking and
all, but it’s the knife she has to her throat that has my jaw hitting the floor.
“Grams.” I let go of Marco’s hand. Trent and his father come rushing into
the room at the same time. I run toward Grams.
“Don’t move,” Marco barks at the two of them. Trent hides behind his
father like the coward that he is. He’s probably hoping that he’s not next in
line to receive my grandma’s wrath.
“Apologize.” Grams pushes the knife more into Mrs. Bradford’s throat. I
shouldn’t take pleasure in the fear I see in her eyes, but I’d be lying if I said
I didn’t.
“I’m sorry!” A tear leaks down her face. I’m not buying it. Sure, she’s
scared but she’s not sorry. She’s only sorry that someone is making her pay
for what she did to me.
“Grams.” I grab her elbow. Being this close to Mrs. Bradford, I can see her
cheek is red. The clear outline of a handprint is on her face. I’m guessing
Grams roughed her up a bit before she pulled the knife.
“I said don’t fucking move,” Marco repeats. I don’t turn to look at him until
I hear a click. Then I glance over to see he’s got a gun on both Mr. Bradford
and Trent. “Think this belongs to you, Trent.” I know Marco has them
handled, so I turn my attention back to my grandma before she ends up
killing someone.
“I knew that I had to get to her before the Davincis. I had to get a few licks
of my own.” Grams smirks.
I’ve never seen this side of her. She’s always so sweet and loving. That is
until you cross someone she loves. Apparently, she turns into a total badass
when that happens. I nod, letting her know that I understand while I
continue to help guide the knife away from Mrs. Bradford’s throat.
“Let go of the knife, Grams.” She obeys, but doesn’t let go of the grip she
has on Mrs. Bradford’s hair.
“Come on, Grams. She’s not worth it.”
She lets go of Mrs. Bradford’s hair as she slowly brings the knife away
from her throat.
“You stay away from my grandbaby. You understand me?” She points the
knife at Mrs. Bradford, who nods and steps away.
“You’re fired, you old hag!” she yells as she starts to run across the room. I
stick my foot out, tripping her. She lands hard on the marble floor and I hear
a faint noise that sounds like a crack.
“Oops.” I stand, a little shocked at my own actions, but she called my grams
an old hag. Mrs. Bradford starts to cry as she rolls to her back, holding her
“She’s gonna need another nose job.” Grams laughs from beside me.
“Crazy bitch needs more than a nose job.” Marco’s eyes flick down to Mrs.
Bradford on the floor. “You’re not going to check on your own mother or
wife?” Marco levels both of the men with a stare. Not that Trent is a man.
He’s far from it. He might be a legal adult but he isn’t anywhere close to
being a man.
“You told us not to move,” Trent all but whines.
“I’d take a bullet to get to my mom or my girl if she was bleeding on the
floor.” I know he’s not talking about his real mom but about his sister,
Sophia. She’s his older sister, but she has a motherly hold over him. As for
his girl, I know he’s talking about me, and I have no doubt that he’s one
hundred percent telling the truth.
“I want to apologize, Marco.” Mr. Bradford raises his hands higher. “I
thought I’d gotten them under control.”
“It’s clear you have no control over anything.” Marco keeps his gun trained
on Trent. I’m surprised when his father steps in front of him.
“It was a mistake. Family can be hard to control.”
A look of understanding passes over Marco’s face and I know he’s thinking
about his own parents. He told me about them.
“Sometimes you have to cut them loose or someone else will handle them.”
Marco drops the gun down to his side. “I want them out of this city.”
“She could go live with the pool boy she’s always fucking. I think he lives a
few towns over,” Grams suggests.
“Grandma!” I look over at her. She shrugs.
“I think a few states might be better,” Mr. Bradford says dryly. He doesn't
sound shocked by Grams’ words.
“I’m not leaving Brightwood Prep.” Trent finally steps forward.
Mr. Bradford turns. In one quick motion, he backhands Trent. “You’ll do
what you’re told, or you’ll be cut off for life.”
“By ‘cut off’ he doesn't only mean money,” Marco snarls. “You’re going to
be lucky if I don’t cut your fucking eyes out.”
“You’re all so bloodthirsty,” I whisper under my breath. I don’t think Marco
is done with Trent. We might walk out of here with him only having gotten
a hit from his own father, but I can tell from the glint in Marco’s eyes that
this is far from over.
“I’m bloodthirsty? You just broke that bitch’s nose,” Marco reminds me.
“It was an accident.” I look up at him and bat my eyelashes. He smirks,
shaking his head.
Mrs. Bradford starts to cry more. It’s faker than me accidentally tripping
her. Grams gives her a kick in the side for good measure.
“Grams!” I throw my hands up. I’m still so shocked by this side of her.
“You’re going to break your toe or something.”
“The pictures.” Marco walks to Trent. Trent reaches a shaking hand into his
pocket and pulls out his phone. Marco takes it from him, drops it to the
floor, and stomps on it. “Don’t get any ideas. I already have someone
wiping everything from every computer and phone this family has. Hope
you don’t have anything important on them. It’s all gone.”
Trent’s father closes his eyes and shakes his head.
“How are you going to let this boy treat us like this?” Mrs. Bradford gets to
her feet, almost falling over again in her heels.
“The boy you tried to fuck yesterday?” Mr. Bradford looks to his wife.
I glare at Marco.
Mrs. Bradford shuts her mouth now. Blood drips down onto her expensive
“I didn't touch that bitch. Trust me. She doesn't want me to. I’d choke the
life out of her.” Marco looks like he’s still thinking about doing it. I grab his
arm so he doesn't. As much as I hate all of them, I don’t want to see anyone
die. I’m sure blood is something I’ll have to get used to when it comes to
being with Marco, but for today I am done.
“See? That’s why I had to get her first,” Grams says smugly. I lock my
fingers with Marco’s.
“Take me home.” I lean into him.
“As you wish.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. I notice it’s in
the same spot Trent did this morning. I don’t know what kind of look he
just gave Trent, but he steps back, hitting the wall trying to make more
space between himself and Marco.
“Don’t let me catch either of these two in this city,” he tells Mr. Bradford.
“But I’m sure I’ll see you soon, Trent.” Marco lets go of my hand to wrap
his arm around me.
“Are you ready, Ms. Garver?” he asks Grams.
She shakes her head. “Call me Grams.”
“Will do.” He nods for her to lead the way as we exit the house. There’s
already a moving truck backed up to the garage. Men are going up and
down the stairs getting our things. Marco walks us over to the car, opening
the car door first for Grams and then for me.
“I trust you’ll handle the Trent boy,” Grams says as we pull away from the
Bradford’s home.
“When it comes to Evangeline, you can trust I’ll always handle everything.”

“Y ou sure you won’t come in?” Evangeline keeps my hand in

hers as I idle in front of Brightwood Prep.
“No, babydoll. I want to spend time with you, believe me,
but I’m pretty sure I’m just a distraction. I want you to do your best.”
“But what about you? And college?”
“College is for you.” I lean over and kiss her. “And I’ll be with you every
step of the way.”
“So what are you going to do all day?” She’s reluctant to let me go, and
fuck if I don’t love that about her.
“I have some business. Nick’s given me assignments.” It was a fight when I
told Sophia that school wasn’t for me anymore, that I wanted to take more
responsibility in the family business. She had it out with me, then she had it
out with Nick who, surprisingly, backed my play. But, in the end--and only
after some shenanigans between them in their bedroom--Sophia relented.
“I’m going to make you proud, babydoll. That’s all you need to know.”
“I’ll worry.” She adjusts her new glasses. She only tends to wear them when
she’s driving, but she looks cute in them no matter what.
“Don’t worry. Nick wouldn’t give me anything dangerous. Sophia would
kill him.”
She seems to consider my words, then nods. “Yeah, she really would.”
“See?” I kiss her again, cupping her face and leaning into her, caressing her
tongue with mine as schoolkids gawk at us as they enter the school. I can’t
get enough of her, and if they want to watch me stake my claim on my
woman, they’re welcome to do it. At least they’ll know that touching her
will be met with particularly vicious punishment.
Her touch is addictive, and I have to force myself to pull away or we’ll be
doing a lot more than kissing in the parking lot.
She licks her lips as I lean back.
“Have a good day, babydoll. I’ll be back to get you right when school lets
out. If anything happens, text me. If any of those lacrosse pricks talk to you,
text me. If anyone—”
“Bothers me or touches me or looks at me funny—”
“Text me,” I finish for her.
She rolls her eyes. “Trent won’t be here. I think I’m good.”
“Text me.”
“Fine.” She leans over to me, grabbing my coat and pulling me back to her
mouth. Her aggression is a turn-on, probably because it’s so rare. So I meet
her tongue with mine, kissing her like I’m starving for her--which I already
am. I woke her up with my mouth on her sweet pussy, and now she’s
making it impossible to leave her.
Dragging her into the backseat seems like a totally viable option, but she
pulls back and smiles. “Okay, I’m off to science class.”
“Text me,” I remind her as I grab her backpack.
“I will.” She takes it and opens the door. Stepping out, she shoulders the
bag, then turns to me, her cheeks pink, her eyes bright. “I love you.”
Like a bullet to my heart, I take her words deep inside. She hasn’t said it
before. I wanted her to so badly, but I didn’t want to push her. But she just
gave me the words, a gift greater than any in the world.
Before she can move, I’m out of the car and running around to her. Lifting
her in my arms, I twirl her in the air and kiss her again as she clutches my
When I finally set her on her feet, I can’t stop smiling.
“I love you, too.” I fix her knit hat so her ears will be warm.
“I’ll see you this afternoon.” She steps back, her smile matching mine.
“I’ll be here.”
“I know you will. And Marco?” She takes another step.
“Yeah?” I can’t stop smiling, grinning like a fool as I stare at my treasure.
She smiles, too, her warmth like a burst of sun. “I’m so glad I decided to
hang out with the bad crowd.”

Two weeks later

“A re you sure you’re ready?” Nick smokes a cigarette but keeps

one eye on the front of the house, afraid Sophia might catch
“Yes.” I nod and stuff my hands in my pockets. I’ve already dropped
Evangeline at school, and I’ve planned the day so I can get my business
done and pick her up right on time.
“And you want to do it alone?” He takes a drag, then jumps a little when the
wind blows past, his eyes going to the front door again. This man has lived
his entire fucking life without fear in his heart. But when it comes to
Sophia, he is genuinely terrified of getting caught smoking.
“I have to do it alone.”
He nods. “Yeah.” Dropping the butt, he kills it with his shoe, then picks it
up again and hides it in a planter. “She looks.” He shrugs and joins me
again. “Can’t be too careful.”
I can’t disagree. Sophia can be a handful, especially now. It’s like she gets
stronger every year they’re together. I’d hate to see how she rules with an
iron fist once she’s older. Yeesh.
“You have my blessing.” He holds up a finger. “No witnesses. Nothing to
come back on you. Got it?”
“Got it.”
He smiles. “Proud of you, man. Protecting your woman is the biggest step.
The most important thing in your life. Family is what matters. It’s the only
thing that matters.”
“Thanks, Nick. I’ll—”
The front door opens, and Sophia peers out, her eyes narrow. “What are you
two doing?”
“Nothing, cara mia.” Nick walks to her, his arms open.
“Were you smoking?” She points at him.
“What? What sort of accusation is that to make against your loving
“You didn’t answer my—” She squeals as he tosses her over his shoulder
and carries her inside.
I just shake my head and jump in my car.
The drive is about an hour, but I spend the time checking for texts from
Evangeline. When I pull up in front of yet another prep school, I know I’m
in the right place. Expensive cars dot the student lot, and the lacrosse team
is practicing on the field. Good.
I step out of the car and stride over, then lean on the fence. They keep
playing, running and yelling, their breath white puffs in the air. But then one
of them falls. I know who it is, because he gets up and takes off running.
With ease, I jump the fence and follow him. The other players just stand
and stare at each other as I dart past. Trent may be quick, but I’m no slouch.
He makes it over the fence on the far side of the field, but I hurdle the damn
thing, then run him down as he tries to cut back toward the school.
Falling into a heap, we roll a few times, and he starts swinging. But I get the
better of him quickly, wrapping my forearm around his throat and
squeezing. He still struggles, but then his flailing slows. I throw him off me,
then get to my feet.
“Get up, Trent.” I shake out my fists, more than ready.
His lacrosse pals start yelling and climbing the fence to get to us.
He looks up at me. “Fucking Davinci trash. My boys are going to kick your
“I hate repeating myself. Now get the fuck up.” I flex my fists, rage riding
me hard.
“I don’t have to do—”
I reach down and yank him to his feet. He screams. Legit screams.
“Did you think nothing would happen to you? That I’d just walk away after
you violated my girl’s privacy? After you threatened her?” I shake him.
“Get him!” he yells.
His lacrosse teammates walk up and watch.
“You guys want to do this?” I’ll fight them off. My rage is already spiraling,
demanding I do some fucking damage.
“What did he do?” one of them asks and puts out a hand. The others seem
to obey.
“Took nudes of my girlfriend without her permission. Threatened her.
Threatened her grandmother.”
He looks at Trent. “That true?”
I shake him again.
He breaks almost immediately. “Yes.”
“I don’t like the new guy anyway.” One of the players shrugs and turns to
leave. “Dick.”
“Let’s go,” the leader says and gives me a brisk nod. “Don’t kill him, and
don’t break anything. We’ll need him for our next match.” His gaze goes to
Trent. “But if he did all that, he deserves what you came to give him.”
He turns and saunters away, the rest of the team following him.
“Brayden!” Trent screams. “Come back!”
“I’m glad I don’t have to fight them.” I cock my fist back. “Now I can
spend all this on you.”
His scream is music to my ears as I exact vengeance for every second of
worry and fear he gave my girl. I hurt him, each hit freeing me, telling me
who I am and who I fight for. Who I will always fight for.
I even add some interest by filming his tearful, bloody apology to
Evangeline. I’ll save it for later. A special gift for my girl. After all, she’ll
need something she can sharpen her claws on.

Years later

“W hat are you two doing?” Grams and Sophia turn around,
both with wide eyes. I know I’ve caught them when
they’re up to something.
“Nothing.” Sophia shrugs. If I didn’t know her I’d believe her, but over the
years we’ve become as close as sisters. She may be a good liar, but I know
her too well now. She has her sneaky expression on. The one she thinks
none of us recognize. My niece Bianca gives me the same sly look as her
“The Davinci ladies are always up to no good, I see.” I kiss the top of her
little head as she giggles.
She runs off, her dolly in one hand as she chases the family cat Fredo from
the room. She’s lucky she’s utterly adorable.
Nick lets Sophia and Bianca get away with thinking they’re pulling the
wool over his eyes all the time. It’s actually very cute to watch. But I plan
on giving Sophia a little bit of a hard time about whatever she’s up to.
“Are you hungry?” Grams tries to distract me, but I’m not letting either one
of them off the hook that easily.
“No, thanks.” I walk closer, trying to get a peek at whatever it is they were
looking at. I can see Grams try to slip it to Sophia behind her back, but it
ends up on the floor. These two are as thick as thieves when they get
together. That thought brings a smile to my face.
The Davincis have changed my and Gram’s lives for the better. Over the
years, we’ve all grown together. Marco and I will soon start a family of our
own. He’s already begun construction on our new home. He tells me it’s a
surprise and won’t let me see it. I’d been down with this when I was still in
college. I was too busy with classes and finals to think about anything else.
I’d double majored in foreign language and economics. Nick will even pick
my brain from time to time with random questions.
I had no idea how easy picking up other languages would be for me. I can
speak Italian, Spanish, and my favorite, Latin. The dead language, but not
to me. I’m still trying to learn more even though I’ve already graduated. It
has become a passion of mine. With each new language I learn, I also learn
about the cultures that they represent. It’s been nice to be able to lend a
hand in a few meetings that have gone down in the family. Whenever
outsiders thought they had an advantage over us by speaking out of line
without anyone knowing what they were saying, they were always surprised
when I answered in their language. Marco and Nick always get a kick out of
it when it happens. I’m just glad to be able to help out in some way. My
claws might not be as sharp as others around here, but I can hold my own
for the most part. I also think Marco enjoys that I’m softer. It’s just who I
am. It balances us well, because my Marco can be a little hot tempered at
times. He’s gotten better with age, but I know it will always be simmering
under the surface, and no one can calm him like I can.
“Do either one of you want to explain why there is a sketch of a wedding
dress on the floor next to your feet?”
Grams and Sophie quickly look at each other, trying to figure out how to
explain it. My name is scrolled across the bottom, and it’s a dress that I’ve
looked at before.
“Nick wants to renew our vows!” Sophia shouts, startling Grams. This is so
much fun that I can’t stop myself from continuing on.
“You stole my dress idea?” I accuse.
“I’m not a thief.” Sophia scoffs.
“She did. I tried to talk her out of it.” Grams elbows her.
“Right. I’m a big thief. I just steal everything.” She keeps her face straight.
I don’t know how but she does.
I burst into laughter, then lean down and pick up the paper.
“We aren't getting married anytime soon, guys.” I stare at the dress.
Marco and I have been engaged for years. When he first popped the
question he said he knew we were young, but he wanted his ring on my
finger as a symbol of what was to come. That we’d wait until I was done
with college before we got married. I’d agreed. I didn't want to wait, but
deep down I knew it was the right decision. I would have married him that
day, not caring that I was only eighteen at the time but I agreed to waiting.
What did it matter? We lived together already. We’re practically married as
it is.
“You said right after you graduated,” Sophia reminds me. That was four
years ago. I’d brought up planning a wedding a few times to Marco but he
brushed it off. Told me we needed to finish college first. That I didn't need
to be planning a wedding and trying to handle a double major at the same
Well, I’ve graduated and still he hasn't brought up the wedding. Maybe
that’s because he’s too busy working on his law degree? After he got his
GED, he whizzed through undergrad in three years, majoring in pre-law,
and went right to the law school. He’ll be finished sooner rather than later,
and is already working on family business.
I haven’t mentioned the wedding either. I keep waiting for him to say
something. Anything! But there hasn’t been a freaking peep about it from
him. I was so sure the second I was done with college that he’d be pulling
me down the aisle. I guess he’s gotten used to the way things are. Even
though I know that I’m his life, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little
disappointed. In saying that, my life with Marco is happy and I never
second-guess how much he loves me.
“Marco hasn't brought it up.” I put the paper on the desk facing down, not
wanting to look at the dress.
“That’s because he doesn’t want us to have a bachelorette party,” Sophia
blurts out. “I think that's why he wanted to do this whole surprise wedding,
because he didn't want us to have our wild night out.” She purses her lips.
“What?” I stare at her in shock. A surprise wedding? What the heck is she
talking about?
“How can you be so tight lipped about some things and yet you can’t hold a
secret about others?” Grams nudges Sophia again.
“We’ve been planning this for six months. It’s the day of the wedding. I
think we have to tell her.” She turns around and walks over to the closet,
opening the door. I stand there still in shock. It’s my wedding day? “How
were we going to trick her into the dress or get her down the aisle? We had
to tell her at some point.” She pulls out the same dress that is sketched on
the sheet of paper.
“I’m getting married today?” I whisper. My eyes start to water. Of course
that’s what Marco has been doing. He’s always trying to handle whatever he
can for me. To do what he thinks is best. It’s always me that he puts first.
“He didn't want you worrying over it.”
I turn and take off to find my soon to be husband.
“Get back here! We have hair and makeup,” Sophia shouts after me but I
walk faster, needing to find Marco. Wanting to see the perfect man who had
stolen my heart all those years ago.
I find him in our bedroom, already dressed in his tux. He has grown into
such a handsome man. When we first met he was still a boy even though
he’d already seen more than most grown men had in their lives, but now he
is all man.
“You better take that suit off if you don’t want to wrinkle it.” I throw myself
at him. He easily catches me.
“Nah. I think I’ll fuck you in it before I make you my wife.” He pins me to
the wall.
“You can’t see the bride before the wedding!” I hear Sophia shout. She
doesn’t try and open the door.
“When do we move?” I ask him between kisses as he reaches between us,
freeing himself. I’m thankful I wore a dress today. He only has to push my
panties aside and he’s inside me.
“After the honeymoon.” He groans as he says it. “Taking you to Paris. I
know how hard you’ve been working on your French.”
“Did you hear me?” Sophia shouts again.
“Do I need to remind you of your wedding day?” I shout back. “There were
dead bodies everywhere.”
“Gross!” she gasps. At first I think she’s talking about the dead bodies, but
then she says, “Are you talking to me while my brother bangs you?” She
makes a fake gagging noise.
I’d laugh if I wasn’t already about to come. Marco in a tux is something
else. Not to mention everything he’s done to make this wedding happen.
“Hurry up. We got shit to do.” Sophia stomps off. I’m going to miss living
with them, but we‘re only moving next door. It’ll be nice to have some
“You going to become my wife today?” Marco thrusts in and out of me.
“Yes.” I dig my fingers into his back, clinging to him. “I’m going to be your
“Fuck yes. You already are my everything.” He kisses me. “I love you,
“I love you too,” I say against his mouth, thinking I’ll wait until the
honeymoon to tell him I’m pregnant. The joke’s on everyone in this house
because I’m the one holding the biggest surprise of them all.

I never wanted to come back here, never wanted to see any of these faces.
Old friends and enemies—sometimes one-in-the-same. But I had to come.
One last time. It’s hard enough as it is, but then I see him. The reason I’m
here, the man who took my brother away from me. He may be the most
powerful man in Italy, but right now, I don’t care. Right now, I want him to
hurt the way I do.
She comes to a funeral with pain and beauty. Lashing out, she aims for me.
I take her fury, her sorrow, and finally, her. I can’t let her walk out of my
life, not when I’ve found her again. The last time I saw her, she was a child
and I wasn’t much more than one. This time, though, this time, I won’t let
our bond break. I’ll do everything I can to convince her that her life is here
with me, not on the run from a past she can’t escape. But I soon discover
I’m not the only one with my sights on her, and old enemies never truly die.

T he rain falls. It’s so fitting. I’d like to think the world mourns
with me. That for a moment everything and everyone stops,
and we understand the pain. I reach up and wipe a tear from
my cheek.
Why am I here? Have I really traveled thousands of miles to say goodbye?
To a man who said goodbye to me long ago? A sob leaves me. I cover my
mouth to silence it. I push down the hurt that I don’t fully understand, not
wanting to draw attention to myself. Well, anymore than me showing up
here already has.
The church continues to fill up inside behind me as I sit on the cold stone
stairs and I find myself unable to take the last few steps to say my final
Run, my mind screams. I’m good at it. I ran from here many years ago,
vowing to never return. Now I’ve run right back. I’ve gone days without
sleeping or eating to get here, hoping that if I got here sooner, maybe the
outcome would change. But there was no saving him. He was already gone.
I reach into my small purse and pull out a pack of cigarettes, then shake one
It’s not long before I notice a pair of shiny black shoes beside me. I don’t
bother to look up.
“Anyone ever tell you smoking is bad for your health?” the deep voice asks.
“Did anyone ever tell you to mind your own business?” My words surprise
me. I guess grief can make you bitter.
The man with the deep voice ignores me and proceeds to sit down next to
me. I still don’t look at him, but I can tell he’s a large man.
“You need a light?”
I laugh. I guess I do. I hadn't thought that far ahead when I’d grabbed the
cigarettes off my roommate's nightstand. I don’t even smoke, but times like
these make you do all sorts of things you wouldn’t normally do.
He takes the cigarette from my hand. I finally look over at him. My eyes go
to his mouth as he puts the cigarette to his lips and lights it. He takes a long
draw, savoring it before handing it back to me. He blows the smoke out. He
almost makes it look sexy.
“Thanks.” I take it with trembling fingers. I stare into the darkest eyes I’ve
ever seen. They would be almost scary, but when he gives me a sad smile it
drives the fear away.
I drop my gaze and lift the cigarette to my mouth. I take my first drag and
immediately start coughing. So much for not drawing any attention to
“It’s all yours.” I hand him back the cigarette and stand, then run my hands
down my wrinkled dress. I should have ironed it or something, but I
couldn’t find the will to care. I bet someone ironed Carter’s suit before they
put it on him. I close my eyes. The sadness threatens to overwhelm me. I
take a deep breath to try to get myself together.
My mind flashes back to being a small girl. I’m putting on Carter’s tie for
him. He looks uninterested even though it’s the day of his graduation. He
keeps joking that he’s not going to walk. But I continue to fasten his tie. I’m
twelve years old and so proud of him. The memory almost brings me to my
knees. I push it back, knowing I need to get through this. Memories only
hold me back.
There were so many other choices he could’ve made, but he hadn’t. So now
here we are. I really am alone in this world. I haven't seen my brother in
years, but I always knew he was out there. That he was only a call away.
“Selfish,” I mutter as I walk up the stairs. Yet, that thought doesn’t make the
pain any less. People lingering in the aisle part for me, stepping back. I keep
moving forward, each step heavier than the one before.
I drop my head when I see the white coffin at the end. Tears fall, but I
smile. Of course he has a white coffin. I would have demanded black.
Something not too flashy, but that wasn’t Carter.
I lift my chin and keep walking, trying to hold my head high. Hushed
whispers surround me. I have no idea who these people are. I never
understood the life my brother chose to live. He’d seen our father do it, and
now they’ve both met the same fate. The only difference was our dad took
our mom with him. I wouldn't let Carter take me with him. I’d made it out
of that lifestyle. It hadn’t been easy, but I’d done it.
I stop when I get to him, his body so still, his face so pale. I reach out and
place my hand on his suit. “Even dead you look handsome, but you knew
you would. Didn’t you?” I can’t remember a time when girls weren’t falling
all over him. “I hate you,” I whisper. A tear falls and hits his motionless
cheek. “But I’ll always love you. Tell Mommy I miss her.” I place my hand
on his, needing to touch him one last time as I say my final goodbye. But
his skin is cold and hard. I put my hand to my mouth to muffle the sob.
I step back quickly and run into someone. They grab me to keep me from
falling. “Sorry.” I turn to see the man from outside standing there. I steady
myself, and he drops his hands and gives me space. Everyone in the church
is sitting now except the three men standing a few feet behind the dark-eyed
man from the steps.
“Apollonia.” He’s not asking if it’s my name. He knows it.
I give a weak smile and try to step around him. There’s nothing to say to
anyone here. These people might have been my brother's friends, but they
mean nothing to me. They may be who he called his family, but they aren’t
mine. They are a part of this world and contributed to his death. I have
nothing to say to any of them. They should be in the casket with him. “Your
“Is dead.”
“Come. Let's speak in private.” He reaches for my elbow. I hold my hands
up, stepping back again, bumping against the casket.
“Don’t touch me,” I say loud enough to draw attention, but no one looks our
way. Only the three shadows behind the man.
He drops his hand. “I’m Cato.”
I lunge forward before I know I’m doing it. I slap him hard across his
impeccable face, my palm stinging as though it’s on fire. He pushes me
back. I close my eyes and expect to be hit.
“Don’t!” he shouts.
My eyes fly open to see his back is to me and he’s talking to the men.
“Stand down.” They don’t look like they want to listen to him, but they do
as they’re told. Of course they do.
“I’m sorry,” he starts again.
I don’t want his apology. That’s the last thing I want from him.
I throw myself at him with all my might. I pound my fists into his chest. I
don’t even know what I scream, but I know I do. My throat burns from it.
My knees give out, and my hands throb in pain. I close my eyes and let go.
I am truly alone in this world.

S he sleeps as my helicopter takes off and flies us over the golden

fields of semolina and into the rolling hills of Tuscany. Days of
travel have taken their toll on her. A quick rummage through her
small bag reveals nothing more than a passport, a few euro and the pack of
cigarettes with only one smoke missing.
I take her passport and the cigarettes, then slip them into my pocket as we
fly over the hills and farms. The scenery is beautiful. But I keep looking at
the girl sleeping with her head in my lap.
I knew Carter had a sister. After all, I knew the story of his family well. The
violence that took the lives of his parents. But I didn’t know Apollonia had
run. Carter was the only member of the Simonetti family I needed. He was
the one with the ability to kill without remorse, to protect me at all costs,
and to stay by my side when shit hit the fan.
I run my fingers through her dark hair. So soft. Softer than anything I’ve
ever felt. She’s like a cat. A lioness, one who tried to use her claws on me at
the funeral. She may have left her family ties behind, but she’s still a
Simonetti. Their greatness runs in her veins. Their lust for vengeance
punctuated with each blow she landed on me.
“Where have you been, little lioness?” I ask her, though nothing can be
heard over the helicopter engine.
“Can we drop her?” Santino asks, his eyes narrowed on the beauty asleep in
my lap.
My temper flares—a rarity for me—but I keep it in check. “Do not threaten
what is mine.”
He drops his gaze. “Apologies.”
“This girl is mine now.” I speak into the mic that connects to all my men as
well as the helicopter pilot. “Her life is in my hands. None of you may
touch her. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” they all answer quickly.
I’m a man of discipline, one who has no problem enforcing rules through
coercion or violence. But I’ve broken my own code by taking Carter’s
sister. I should’ve let her fall, left her on the stone floor of the church. But I
didn’t. I couldn’t. I’d caught her in my arms, clutching her close as I strode
out into the bright morning.
I’ve never felt drawn to another soul. Never in my life have I granted mercy
for no reason. I always have a plan, a design, something to gain. But not
with her. Not with this woman who slumbers like an angel but fights like a
My lips curl into a smile, one that I can’t seem to dispel. Has she bewitched
me? Is she a ghost sent by Carter to torment me for his death? There is no
need. I already carry a heavy load of regret on my shoulders for his passing.
I look down at her again, at the soft curve of her cheek, the way her lips are
partly open as she breathes deeply.
No, she’s not a ghost. She’s a real flesh and blood woman, a lioness I want
to hear roar.

“She’s awake.” Flavia shakes her gray head at me as she walks into my
office. She’s the only one who can get away with coming in without
knocking. “And she’s yelling the house down over there. Why would you
take in a wild animal?” She tsks, her hands sliding into the pockets of her
black maid’s dress. “She’s feral.”
“Come now, Flavia.” I stride past her. “You knew you couldn’t be the only
woman of the house forever.”
“I knew no such thing.” She doesn’t follow, and after I’ve made it down the
stairs and into the residence wing of my home, I hear her vacuum come to
For the past two hours I’ve sat at my desk and tried to work. For the past
two hours, all I’ve done is attempt to architect this meeting between
Appolonia and me. She will be disoriented, surprised, maybe even angry
again. I don’t know, but what I do know is that I will take the reins and
inform her that … And that’s the part where I can’t seem to find my way
forward. What is my plan? I don’t have one. I always have a plan. But not
with her.
The only thing I know for certain is that she is not leaving these grounds
until I discover the truth about her brother’s death. She may well be in
danger just as he was. I owe it to Carter to protect his sister. That’s exactly
what I’ll do. And not because the girl has bewitched me. Not at all.
I take a deep breath as I catch a screeching yell of “If you don’t let me out
of here, I will tear this place down with my bare hands!”
Why do my lips kick up into a smile? I don’t know. I have to stow it,
because this lioness clearly needs a strong hand. I flex my fingers knowing
that with me, that’s exactly what she’ll get. Strength, discipline, and above
all, a firm grasp of the situation.
I knock briefly, then open her door. When I walk in, I don’t see her--not in
her bed with the fluffy pink blanket or at the window that looks out on the
finest vineyard in Tuscany.
“Appol—” I duck as a vase flies across the room and shatters into pieces
next to my head.
“Let me out of here or so help me!” Her hand appears from behind the bed,
and she lobs one of her black heels at me.
I smack it from the air and stride around the bed.
“You think you can kidnap me? I’ll burn this place down!” She’s on all
fours, a ferocious look on her face as I reach for her. She bites my arm, her
teeth only separated from flesh by the thin dress shirt I’m wearing.
With a yank, I wrench her off the floor. She kicks and scratches, then
loosens her bite to scream.
“Appolonia!” I try to say it sternly, but she only fights more. “Calm down.”
“Fuck you!” She wriggles and writhes, all fight and anger.
Every male instinct inside me wakes as if from a long sleep, and before I’ve
thought it through, I pin her to the bed and settle on top of her warm, soft
“Get off me!” She tries to buck me, but all that does is allow me to settle
between her legs. She’s still wearing her black dress from the day before,
the skirt ample enough to allow me to feel the heat at the apex of her thighs.
She goes for my eyes with her tiny, sharp nails. I grip her wrists and slam
them onto the mattress.
“I said calm down.” I try to keep my tone even despite the blood racing
through me, the thickening surge in my cock, and the filthy thoughts that try
to hold sway over my analytical mind.
“Get. Off.” She snaps her teeth.
“I can’t, because you’ll attack me again.” I squeeze her wrists. “I only came
in here to speak with you. Not this.” I lift my hips away from her for
emphasis, planking above her. “If you promise to let me speak with you, I’ll
get off and stand at the door. Deal?” I look down into her eyes, the warm
brown hue like the sun on a newly plowed vineyard. Her plump lips are a
temptation, and the rest of her could bring me to my knees. But I must stay
strong. For Carter and for her.
She narrows her eyes, and I feel her move before she can complete her
I slam on top of her again, blocking her from kneeing me, and settling back
into the sweet spot between her thighs.
Her frustrated cry sets a fire in my blood, and when I lean closer to her
mouth, I see her gaze go to my lips.
“Since you’ve decided to be a bad girl, I’ll have to talk to you like this.” I
force my hips to remain still even though the urge to thrust against her heat
tries to overwhelm me.
“If you don’t let me go, I’ll—”
“Lioness, if you don’t stop talking and listen, I’ll gag you.” I cut through
her words. “And I’ll tie you to this bed. Is that what you want?”
Her bravado falters. “You wouldn’t dare,” she hisses.
“I wouldn’t?” I smile. “You know who I am, lioness. Cato Davinci, the head
of the largest crime family in Italy. I have connections all over the world.
Davincis rule in the United States and several South American countries. I
am power. I am the law here. And I am the only thing keeping you alive
right now. So if you’d like to continue fighting me, do go on.” I lick my lips
and glance down at her chest where the dress gapes slightly, giving me a
view of the tops of her pale breasts. “But if you want to speak to me
respectfully, we can have a discussion. What do you choose?”
I almost hope she wants to fight. Pinning her down, feeling her, getting a
taste of what sort of woman she is—I can deal with her brattiness as long as
I get what I want in the end.
The only problem is, I’m beginning to suspect I want more than just
keeping Carter’s sister safe. No. I want Apollonia, every bit of the lioness
I’ve captured in this bed.

B oth fear and anger battle inside me. Arousal, too. Not sure where
the hell that one came from. I’ve heard that in combat, men
often get hard. That has to be what this is. I could never be
attracted to a man like Cato. Not when I know what’s under that ruggedly
handsome exterior.
He stares down at me, waiting for my answer. He has a lot more patience
than I thought he would. I don’t want to do anything he asks me, but I’m
not sure I have a choice in that anymore.
“You’re hurting me.” I give a small pull on my wrist. His hands loosen, but
he doesn't let go.
“Are you going to calm down?”
No. I don’t say that out loud. I close my eyes tightly. I’m not going to calm
down. I don’t think I could be calm if I wanted to. Everything inside me is
screaming. I feel so much anger and sadness.
“Apollonia.” He says my name softer.
He isn’t hurting me. Not really. And if he wanted me dead? I'd be dead. He
also doesn't think I’m a threat. The only other person I saw was an older
woman who looked at me like I’d escaped from an insane asylum. None of
Cato’s baboons from the funeral are lurking around. I've made it my
business not to know much about Cato, but I do know that when he gives
orders, people follow them.
“I just—” My voice trembles. His grip loosens more as he pulls some of his
weight off me. I sniffle “I miss him.” I begin sobbing and try to sit up.
He lets me as I sob into my hands. It’s not hard to cry. I’ve been doing it for
days. All the emotions are right there simmering under the surface. I’ve
been holding them back. Waiting for a chance to mourn in my own time.
Now is not that time, but Cato doesn’t need to know that. That’s part of my
He touches my shoulder. Is he trying to soothe me? I make a hiccup sound.
I’m good at this. “Can I have a tissue?” I pull my hands a little away from
my face so I can see him.
“Right here.” He leans over to grab one off the nightstand. I shove him as
hard as I can, and when my feet hit the ground, I run. I hear him curse
behind me, but I don’t stop as I burst from the room.
I have no idea where the hell I am. I just keep running down the long
hallway. I don’t dare look behind me. I don’t have to. I can hear him. He’s a
big man and definitely not light on his feet. There’s no denying that he’s
coming for me.
My lungs already burn when I turn to see stairs that go down. Down is out.
It has to be. I almost trip but get my bearings. Cato curses again from
behind me. I see two large doors, but two equally large men stand next to
them. I turn. I think they are going to make a grab for me, but they don’t
I run toward the sunlight, which leads into the kitchen. I grab the door
handle and pull it open. Bright light assaults my eyes while fresh air fills
my lungs.
“You’re going to hurt yourself.”
I hear him growl. I look over my shoulder to see him standing in the kitchen
staring at me. He’s not even out of breath. Asshole.
“Better than being raped,” I throw back at him before I take off through the
door to the outside.
This time I can see. Not that it really helps. All I see is endless rolling
green. I should stop. It’s pointless really, but it feels good to feel physical
pain instead of all the emotional things I’ve been feeling over the last few
days. My legs burn, my breathing is labored, but somehow it’s cathartic. I
move, knowing I’ll be caught, but that doesn’t matter right now.
I round a set of bushes and come to a halt. A little boy lifts his head and
smiles. The same blue eyes my brother had stare up at me. I stand stunned
for a few moments before the little boy holds one of the flowers from the
bush up to me. I glance over to see Cato standing there watching me but
still giving me space.
“Hi.” I drop to my knee and try to bottle up the surprise and anxiety under a
calm façade. “What are you doing out here?”
He hands me the flower. He can’t be more than four. The cutest freckles
sprinkle his nose. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” I tuck it behind my ear. “Will
you tell me your name?” He leans in real close. I turn my ear towards him.
I fall back onto my ass, the façade already gone as my world spins. Carter.
It can’t be. I stare. Those eyes. It’s him. A child, my brother had a child. I
never knew. He never said a word. Why wouldn’t he tell me?
The little boy keeps staring at me. “She’s pretty.” He looks up at Cato,
who’s moved behind me.
“She is,” he agrees.
“Is this some cruel game you’re playing with me?” I try to keep the anger
and hurt out of my tone, not wanting to scare the little boy. He’s not a part
of whatever game Cato is playing with me.
“Not a game.”
I start to stand. Cato goes to help me, but I smack his hand away.
He sighs. “If you would only listen to me.”
I, of course, ignore him. I offer my hand to the little boy. Cato looks like he
wants to say something else, but he doesn't.
“Are you hungry? I could use a snack.”
He takes my hand but frowns. “Flavia said I couldn’t have any more snacks
until after dinner.”
“Well, I don’t think many people follow rules around here. It won’t be so
bad if we break one.” I look at Cato. He motions for us to go. I return my
attention to the boy and give his hand a small squeeze. “You coming?”
He repays me with a giant smile. Mischief dances in his eyes. The same
ones I’ve seen thousands of times. Something lodges in my throat. I turn my
head to the side and just try to breathe. Cato is there watching me. It takes
everything I have not to cry, this time for real.
“Apollonia.” He says my name softly.
“Don’t.” I hiss and hold the boy's hand a little tighter. Confusion and anger
start to rise again, like a tide I can’t escape. Even though I had been the one
to run away from this life, I can’t believe I didn’t know this. How could
Carter have not told me?
I swallow down all the emotion and plant a bright smile on my face. “I have
to say, Carter. I ran from the house to here. I was sure I’d made it a good
two miles. I don’t think it was even two blocks.” I didn't know I was so out
of shape. I also never planned to run from crime bosses either.
“You might be faster with shoes on. I always run faster when my daddy gets
me new shoes.” His smile drops, and he looks down. My heart breaks into a
million pieces for the second time in the last few days.
If this precious boy is anything like his aunt, the promise of treats may be
the only thing to soothe his battered heart. “Come. We’ll get that cookie.”
He nods and walks up to the house with me. Cato follows. When we make
it to the back door, my feet throb. I think one might be bleeding. I’m
exhausted. I want to pick the little boy up and hold him in my arms and sob
forever. But that’s not an option.
“Can I trust you’ll stay here?” Cato asks. “I’ll retrieve the cookies.”
“Right here.” I pull out one of the hightop chairs at the giant counter in the
massive kitchen. Carter climbs up into it.
“Keep an eye on her, C. She’s crafty. Think it runs in the family.”
“Got it, boss.” Carter gives him a thumbs-up. “He always says Dad is
crafty,” he informs me. He leans in again and holds his hand up to his
I lean in to hear his secret.
“He really says crafty bastard.”
I snort a laugh.
“I think I like just crafty.” The little boy shrugs. “He’s gone now, so I don’t
think he’ll be saying it anymore.”
“I lost my daddy, too.”
He turns to look up at me. “He’s gone. I can’t see him anymore until I go to
heaven. That’s what Flavia says.”
“She might be right.” I brush my thumb along his cheek. “I knew your
“You did?” His eyes light up.
“I did. He was my big brother. Did you know that makes me your aunt?”
He grabs the end of my hair. “An aunt? The kind that bite?”
“No.” I want to hug him so hard. “I’m your Aunt Apollonia.”
“Apollonia? Your hair is so long.” He plays with the ends of it.
“Did your daddy tell you about me?” Why didn't he tell me about him? He
shouldn't be here. Cato sets a container of cookies between us. Carter lets
go of my hair to grab one.
“He showed me a picture. Bell'angelo.” I see Cato watching us as he grabs
us something to drink.
“Beautiful angel.” I smile thinking about it. It sounds sweet, but Carter
always called me that because he said I was a goodie two shoes. I told him I
had to be good enough for both of us. It was the only way I could get him
into the afterlife with me. He’d tell me not to worry about it. He’d sneak in
and see me on the other side.
Cato sits the milk in front of Carter. The boy gives him a giant smile before
picking it up. He trusts Cato. I lean back in my chair and watch Carter. I can
feel Cato watching me.
Things just got a whole lot more complicated, but I take comfort in the fact
that I’m no longer alone in this world.

“R un along for your lessons. Diego doesn’t like to wait.” I

ruffle Carter’s hair as he dashes out the back door.
“Lessons?” Apollonia stares after her nephew, and I can feel how badly she
wants to follow him.
“Diego takes care of my vineyards. He’s teaching Carter how to do the
same. Your nephew has quite the green thumb.”
She whirls on me, her eyes flashing. “You want to keep him here and use
him the same way you used my brother.”
“I never forced Carter into my employ.” I keep my voice even.
“Oh? Do you think I’m stupid? Everyone here works for you. My parents
worked for your father, and now you’re playing the same game with these
peoples’ lives as your parents played with mine.”
“I don’t play games, little lioness.” I step toward her.
She doesn’t back down.
It makes my blood run hotter than the Tuscan sun. “The people who work
for me do it because they believe in me, in my ability to keep them safe and
happy, and their families well fed and comfortable.”
“Did you keep my brother safe?” she almost spits the words.
“I will always regret--”
“Save it.” She throws a hand up. “I don’t need another word from your
lying mouth. You caught my brother in your web and look what happened
to him. And now you’re trying to catch my nephew as well. I won’t let you.
I have every right to that little boy. He’s coming with me.”
“No.” A simple word, one that Apollonia doesn’t seem to understand.
“He’s mine.” She steps to me, almost toe to toe, though she has to lean back
to hold my gaze. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get him away from you.”
“I’ve raised that boy as my own. When his mother left and Carter was too
mired in misery to care for the child, I sat with him at night, giving him
bottles of warm milk and cradling him as he slept. He is as much mine as he
was Carter’s, and you aren’t taking him from me.”
“No. He’s coming back to the States with me.”
“How is he going to do that when you can’t return to the States yourself?” I
may add a touch of smugness to the question. Why do I enjoy riling her?
“What?” She blinks, as if thinking. “My purse. Where’s my purse?” She
pushes past me, then stops and turns. “You took it.”
“Your passport? Yes, I did.”
“Give it back.” She fists her hands.
“My apologies, little lioness, but I feel it best that you remain here for a
while, a guest of mine at this estate.”
“You bastard!” She flies at me, her fingernails ready to tear my eyes out.
I catch her wrists and push her back until she hits the tile wall, then I pin
her hands above her head. “The next time you strike me, lioness, I can’t be
certain I won’t retaliate.”
“Of course you’d hit a woman.” Disdain drips from her lips.
“I said retaliate, not hit.” I lean closer until our breaths mingle. “I would
never hit you, never harm you. But I can always punish you. I can take from
you.” I glance at her lips.
Her heart kicks up a notch, her pulse fluttering like a butterfly at the side of
her throat. “I’ll scream.”
“Oh?” I press my knee between her legs and feel the heat building there.
“I’m certain you will.”
Her breath hitches as I move my leg, massaging her sensitive skin with lazy
“Are you certain you want to fight me?” I ghost my lips across her neck and
watch the goose bumps bloom along her beautiful skin.
“Get off me,” she growls, but it’s breathy and sexy and beyond sinful.
I graze her with my teeth. “Remember this, lioness. The next time you
come for me with violence, I will retaliate far more deeply than this.” I nip
at her, then pull away and release her.
My own heart pounds, my cock demanding I take what’s mine. And for a
moment I consider tossing her to the floor and making her moan my name
as I eat her cunt then fuck her raw.
“Don’t touch me.” Her voice quavers as she points a finger at me. “Don’t
you ever fucking touch me. And that boy is mine. You will not use him as a
pawn in your power play.” With that, she spins and marches out of the
kitchen, her dark hair flying behind her as her hips sway with tantalizing
Such a woman as her. One with fire in her belly and disaster in her eyes--a
woman like her could end a man like me.
“Careful.” Flavia bustles in, pretending she hasn’t been lurking and
listening just outside the door. “That one is wild. She bites.”
“So do I.” I stride out and return to my office even though every cell in my
body demands I follow her to her room and give her exactly what she
“Sir.” Santino hands me a file. “Everything you requested.”
I sit at my desk and page through the documents, photos, and reports. My
little lioness has been quite busy overseas. Smattering of jobs tending bar
and waiting tables. College off and on, majoring in criminal justice. I tsk as
I keep flipping. One arrest for disorderly conduct during a protest of
immigration laws. She was released and never fully charged. I hesitate on
her mugshot. That look in her eyes. The challenge. Damn, this woman is
too much for most men. Lucky for her, I’m not like most men.
She never graduated, her degree hanging by a thread when she left school
altogether. A few jobs here and there in offices as an assistant or similar
positions far beneath her. “Laying low, little lioness? Afraid someone was
looking for you?”
I close the file and sit back.
Santino knows better than to speak and interrupt my thoughts, so he stands
beside the fireplace as the sun streams in through the high, open windows.
“She’s running from something. Maybe from someone. Could be me.” I
drum my fingers on my desk. “But I don’t think so. I believe she may have
been targeted just like Carter. But she isn’t going to give me that
information willingly.” I close my eyes and remember the taste of her skin,
the quickness of her breaths, the heat of her body. “I’ll have to coerce it
from her.”
“Shall I get the kit?” Santino asks.
“Not with blood, my friend.” I wave him away. “This requires a far more
delicate approach.” I’ve already given my law that no one will touch her.
But that law applies to me in the sense that I will never harm her. The
thought makes my stomach clench. “No one is to bother her, do you
understand?” I meet his gaze. “No one. She is mine, and mine alone.”
“Understood.” He gives me a curt nod.
“Ensure everyone understands this is an absolute. Any man who disobeys
will suffer the swiftest and gravest of punishments.”
“Yes, sir.” He strides out to spread the word.
I sit back at my desk and think back on Carter’s death, on the cowardly way
he was taken from both his sister and his son. There’s a traitor in my ranks.
Of this I’m certain. Ferreting out the betrayer was already at the top of my
list, but now that Apollonia is in danger, I will have to take a much more
brutal approach.
“Firenz,” I call.
He strides in, his stiff demeanor perfectly matched to his stern personality.
“Bring in the soldiers one by one.”
His eyes snap to mine. “Sir?”
“I have some questions.” I stand and go to the cabinet along the back wall.
Opening it, I run my fingers along my kit of tools. “And lay plastic on the
floor. It was too much work for Flavia to scrub away the blood from the
wood last time.”
“Yes, sir.” He leaves.
I prepare to spill blood as a sacrifice to the truth. I will find the rot in my
organization, and then I will destroy it.
No one is going to hurt my lioness. Though I may spank her for being a
saucy little minx with a wicked tongue and a curvy body. Even so, I suspect
she’d enjoy every moment of it, then bring me to my knees.

I stare out the window and watch Carter giggle at whatever the
older man says to him. Mom loved flowers. She’d spend hours
in the backyard tending to hers. Our house would always be
littered with them. I always loved seeing her arrangements. But it isn’t the
same anymore. Now, beautiful flowers fill me with sadness. I hate them.
What’s more, I hate that I let bad people do that to me. I should see flowers
and smile. They should make me think of my mom and fill me with sweet
memories, but there is only ever sadness. I can’t heal. Enough time has
gone by that I should. But each time I start to think I’m moving forward,
I’m ripped back harder than the previous times.
I release my fingers from the window and step back into the room. He’s
safe. I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. For now at least. He’s
still young. They don’t have any use for him at the moment. They’re still
grooming him. But I won’t allow them to taint him. To ruin his innocence.
He won’t end up like his father. I need to be smart.
I limp toward the bathroom and turn on the water to the shower before
stripping myself and getting under the warm spray. I let my head drop and I
cry. I let go. I cry for my parents, for my brother, and for the situation both
my nephew and I are in. I have to get this poison out of me with hard-wrung
tears. So I do. I cry until the need subsides and all that’s left is a dull, aching
“You’re done,” I tell myself and reach for a washcloth and some soap. I
ignore the burn of the soap on my feet as I try to wash away some of the
pain and the failure from earlier.
I’m not a failure. I step out of the shower and stare at my own image in the
bathroom mirror. I’m the ghost of my mother, what’s left of her now that
her soul is gone. But there’s more to me, too. There’s anger, vengeance, and
determination. Cato should have left me in that church. If he wanted little
Carter so badly, he should have never let me know he existed. It will be his
biggest mistake. I’m sure a man like Cato doesn't think he makes them, but
we all do. I plan on taking advantage of that mistake.
I limp back into the bedroom in search of something to wear. I’m not
putting that dress back on. When I went to the closet I saw clothes. There
are pretty dresses and blouses. All hanging with tags. Equally pretty shoes
to go with them. My fingers brush the soft material before I find my small
bag I’d packed before I left for the funeral.
I open it and pull out a pair of yoga pants, then slip them up my legs before
grabbing a bra and shirt. I snag my socks and sneakers, then head back to
the bathroom. I drop them on the counter as I sit to look at my left foot.
There are a few small scratches that are closing, but one isn't letting up. I
open the drawer and search in it until I find a kit to tape up the wound
before I put my socks and shoes on. I sit for a minute trying to figure out
what to do next.
Get your bearings. What’s around you? What can you use? Think,
Apollonia, my brother whispers.
Carter’s words play in my head. He taught me to be aware of my
surroundings. Everything was always a game. But in reality, it wasn’t. He
pretended we were playing, but he had been teaching me. It wasn't until I
was older that I realized what he was doing. He was giving me the skills I
needed to survive.
He knew if I thought he was teaching me the ways of his world, I’d never
really play. It was one of the reasons I’d left. I didn't want to live like this.
Violence, death, and sorrow around every corner. One wrong move, and it’s
all over. Oddly enough, some of the games Carter would play with me I’d
actually used out in the real world on my own. So far from his. That might
have been his plan all along.
He taught me to read people, to think ahead, and to always have a plan. He
taught me how to survive even when the odds are against me. I slip off the
counter and start going through everything. There are your typical things
you expect to find in a bathroom. I pause when I find an old school razor
kit--the type my grandpa would have used to shave. I open it. It isn’t a
knife, but it’s something. I’ll take it. It may not be much, but it gives me a
small sense of security. This is exactly what I needed. A little win today
after so many losses.
I brush my hair and braid it quickly before I leave the bedroom. There isn’t
a soul in sight as I walk down the long hallway. This place is breathtaking.
Blood money buys you the nicest things. After all, my parents had a
beautiful house. I wonder if their blood still stains the grout.
I descend the stairs. Again, men block the two giant doors that I know go
out to the front. They’re not the same guys from earlier. They watch me
closely but don’t make a move. I watch them back as I continue down the
stairs. I force a warm smile, making sure it meets my eyes.
“Hello.” I keep my tone bright.
They both give me a nod. I turn my head when a door opens. My eyes meet
Cato’s before I take in the room with plastic on the floor. A man steps out
and swings the door shut behind him.
His lip drips with blood, and his face has the look of a misshapen pear, as if
someone had beaten him within an inch of his life.
“Are you okay?” I take a step toward him. He looks surprised by my
“I’m fine.” He looks anywhere but at me.
“Are you sure? I can fix that for you.” I keep a warm smile on my face.
“Did Cato do that to you?”
“I did it to myself.”
I have no idea what the hell that means. If he did something against Cato,
I’m sure he’d be dead.
“Did you know my brother?” I have no doubt everyone knows who I am
“He was an honorable man.” He finally meets my eyes and stands up a little
taller when he talks about Carter. I hate them all, but it warms me to see his
respect for my brother. I remind myself that this man could be someone
else's Carter. That he could have a family out in the world. The same way
that Carter had me.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to look at your lip?” I try again. It
wouldn’t hurt to earn a favor or two from Cato’s men. Being mean gets you
nowhere. Not when you’re standing where I am. You have to use what you
have. Take advantage of every opportunity when it presents itself.
The door opens again.
“I gave you an order, Nico. Why are you still standing here?” Cato asks
him, though his eyes are on me.
“I was speaking to him.” I say before the man can respond, and I lift my
chin. I enjoy challenging Cato. I also know from the small glint in his eye
he likes it, too. He likes me. He’ll regret that.
“Sorry, sir.” Nico nods and walks away. Cato and I lock eyes. A stare-off
ensues. God, why does he have to be so attractive? All dark hair and dark
eyes and broad everything. A devil, that’s what he is. Even though I don’t
break eye contact, I notice his white button-up shirt is spotted with blood. I
tell myself that isn't sexy, either. It’s a lie.
“Do you need something, Apollonia?” he asks and takes a step out of his
“A knife?” I smirk. He only smirks back.
I hate how sexy it is. What is this attraction I have for this man? “I guess
I’ll check the kitchen.” I drop my eyes dismissively. If he has nothing for
me, I’ll find it myself.
“I’ve got one.” He moves closer, his steps as silent as a predator’s in a dark
Of course he does. He’s all too eager to please. He wants to please me. How
have you gotten so far, Cato? You’re showing all your cards. I already have
you in the palm of my hand.
He reaches behind him and pulls a knife out. The same as Carter would do.
He flips it and comes toward me, offering me the handle. “Careful, it’s
sharp.” His eyes still hold the same challenge I know resides in mine.
I take the blade. I hate that he surprises me with his response.
“Anything else I can do for you, little lioness?”
It’s on the tip of my tongue to say ‘’die.’’ Instead I bite the inside of my lip.
His eyes drop there. I inwardly smile. Another small win for me.
“Thank you.” I give a small glare before turning and going back up the
stairs. I tighten my hand around the end of the knife. I still can’t believe he
so easily gave it to me. He’s not scared of me. He’s a cocky asshole, that’s
He does also know he has me over a barrel, though. I can’t just walk up and
stab him. It would mean my death. But he knows that’s not his trump card.
It’s little Carter. I’m not going anywhere without him. Death would be the
only thing that could keep me from that boy.
I failed my brother, but I will not fail his son. I walk into my bedroom. At
least I’m guessing it’s my room. I kick the door closed behind me and fall
against it. I open my hand and look down at the knife, then the scar on my
It’s from the time I’d grabbed Carter’s knife right off his desk in his room. I
learned quickly that day how sharp a knife could really be. He loved knives.
I never saw someone handle one like him. The day I got this scar was the
same day that Carter made me learn how to use one. He had taped up my
hand, then schooled me in the art of blades.
He could throw a knife and hit anything. To this day, I’ve never seen
anything like it. I laugh thinking about how badly I wanted to do it, too. To
impress him. The first of my throws had been a mile off the target. Carter
didn't laugh. He retrieved the knife and handed it to me again. Making me
repeat the same thing over and over again. I was twenty throws in and
hadn’t gotten any better.
‘You going to quit?’ he’d asked.
I’d thrown that knife until I couldn't lift my arm. I still sucked. But I never
quit. I flip the knife up in my hand and catch it. Test the weight. It’s been
years. But my brother always said it was like riding a bike. Once you got it
down, you never forgot it. I toss it again. I should have known when Cato
pulled it from himself it would be a good blade. I toss it again and again.
Over and over.
Cato isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. He wants me. It might only be for a
fuck, but he wants me I’m some sort of a challenge to him. Maybe he’s tired
of the easy women who fall on their backs with their legs open for him.
That mental image smarts, though it shouldn’t. He’s my enemy, after all.
I’ll use his desire for me against him. He’s brought me into his home.
Dropped me right in the center of his world. The man who thinks the only
way to hurt someone is physically.
He’s wrong, though. The worst pain comes from the heart, and I plan on
taking Cato’s. I’ll burn his world down from the inside.
I toss the knife up again and catch it before I flip it across the room. The
blade pierces the headboard dead center.
I’m going to make Cato fall in love with me. Then I’m going to take it all
away from him. The same way he’s taken everything I loved away from me.

I wipe the blood from my hands as the last soldier is dragged

from my office. All day I’ve spent interrogating and torturing.
My men are as loyal as they ever were. None of them broke.
Not a single one. And when I was finished with them, each one dropped to
his knees, even if it was into a pool of his own blood, and swore fealty to
“Have Dr. Constantine make a house call and patch up the ones that need
it.” I clean my blade and replace it, though one is conspicuously absent
from my kit. The one I gave to my lioness. Her new claws.
“I thought Otto might cry, but he handled himself.” Santino smirks.
“Do I need to work you over?” I ask.
“If you feel like it.” He approaches, and I hear when his knees hit the floor.
Turning around, I find him with his arms spread, no fear in his eyes as he
looks up at me.
“Cut me if you need to. If you doubt me at all.” He lifts his chin and offers
his neck.
“Get up, asshole.” I turn back to my cabinet and close the doors. Santino
and I grew up together. He was our gardener’s son. Friends since before we
could talk, we’ve always walked this world together. If he were to betray
me, my empire wouldn’t be worth the dirt it’s built on.
“I thought you might want to get a free hit in or something.” There’s a grin
in his voice.
“I can get that whenever I want.”
“You want to go a few rounds?”
“Not tonight.”
“Mm-hmm.” He strides to the door. “I think you do want to go a few
rounds, but not with me. With Carter’s little sister.”
“And if I do?” I turn to him.
He shrugs. “Look, I like the easy life. I pay my women, and they always
deliver. That little wild thing? She’s just as likely to bleed you as bed you.”
He shakes his head. “And of course you gave her a knife.”
“My best knife,” I correct him. “The one I used to do Don Lantino all those
years ago.”
He sighs heavily. “I still think about that night almost every day.”
“As do I.” I can still see Carter and Apollonia’s parents, both of their throats
slit from ear to ear. I was still so young, just a teenager. I don’t think
Apollonia even remembers me, but I’m the one who pulled her from where
she’d hid under her bed. She was still so small, those big brown eyes full of
terrified tears. I cradled her close, and she clung to me so tightly that I
didn’t think she’d ever let go.
It was all a coincidence--I wasn’t supposed to be there. My father had
instructed me to remain in our compound because of rising violence
between our men and Don Lantino’s. But I broke his rules--a habit of mine-
-and went with Santino into the nearby town of Cardillo. We stopped by the
Simonetti house to drop off some wine. And what we found inside changed
me forever.
It changed Santino, too. He became hard, focused, and he wouldn’t leave
my side.
When I went to my father about the killings, he remained calm even though
I saw the pain in his eyes.
“We can’t strike back. Not now. We must wait,” he’d counseled.
I’d left in a rage that only abated when I saw the girl again. She reached for
me. I took her in my arms and held her all night. In the morning, she and
her brother were gone, taken to a neighboring family to be raised away
from the growing violence.
But I didn’t forget, and I never forgave. When I got the chance, I killed Don
Lantino with my own hands, cutting the life out of him piece by piece. By
then, I was too wrapped up in taking over my father’s empire to think about
the girl I’d found hiding under the bed. When Carter came to me to join my
organization, I accepted him, no questions asked. I assumed that little girl
had grown and married and lived happily somewhere in the Tuscan
countryside. But she hadn’t. She’d run from here. From me.
I won’t let her run again.
“Cato?” Santino asks.
I fear he’s been calling my name for a while now. I clear my throat. “Yes?”
“I remember.” He pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. “It’s why I was
happy to take Carter in when he came calling. But she’s another matter.
She’s been gone too long. Forgotten our ways. Flavia has been bitching
about her Italian accent for the last 24 hours.”
“Do you have a point?”
“Be careful.” He meets my gaze. “You can’t trust her. She’s not the same
person she was a lifetime ago.”
That’s why Santino’s my second. He watches out for me better than I watch
out for myself. But in this, he’s wrong. Apollonia may have tried to escape
this life, but she’s back. And this is her world, no matter what she’s been
telling herself over the past few years.
“I’m not the same person I was then, either.” I glance at the bloody mess on
the floor.
“Yeah, you’re more of a dick.” He grins.
“Go shower your whores with cash.” I push past him knowing that’s the last
thing he’s going to do, but I needle him anyway. He thinks a woman will
ruin you if you let them. He makes it a habit to not be ruined. “I’ll call you
if I need advice on how to spread the clap.”
A laughing Santino and I walk into the hall as our cleaning crew hurries
into my office. Not a trace of gore will remain when they’re done, but my
soldiers will remember the price of disloyalty.
“Touchy.” He says it quietly so only I can hear. Santino knows better than to
speak to me as an equal in front of anyone else.
I turn toward my bedroom as he heads toward the kitchen. After a shower
and a change of clothes, I should go to the dining room. Instead, I find
myself walking to the guest wing of the villa. The open portico allows the
wind to whisper past carrying the scent of rain and olive blossoms.
I pass through the main foyer, then walk down the guest hallway. Her door
is ahead and slightly open.
When I get closer, I quiet my steps and stop. Peering through the crack in
the door, I feel my heart begin to race. And the sight that meets my eyes
steals the breath from my lungs and has me pushing inside, forcing my way
to her.

“D o you always just let yourself into women's bedrooms?” I

look over my shoulder at Cato as I keep rubbing the lotion
into my calf. He’d stormed right in. Not that I hadn’t left the
door open for him. I knew he’d be along soon enough. He actually arrived a
lot faster than I anticipated.
“It’s my home.” He’s right, of course. But you’d think since he’s holding
me against my will that the least he would do would be to afford me some
privacy. I should have known better.
I watch as his eyes roam up my legs and finally focus on my ass. I’m sure
he has a great view since I’m slightly bent over with only a towel on. I try
to keep my bravado, not wanting him to see I have no freaking clue what
I’m doing here.
“You own the house, sure. But not everything in it.” I drop my towel. It hits
the floor and pools at my feet. I snag the silk robe I’d found in the bathroom
off the chaise lounge where I’d placed it earlier. I slip it on and tie it loosely.
I make sure it gapes open in the front, allowing him a nice view. If his eyes
are other places, maybe he won't notice the shake of my hands or the blush I
already feel rising to my cheeks. I turn around. He’s slowly getting closer to
me, his gaze never wavering.
He licks his lips. I really hadn't thought about how I’d feel when dressed in
so little in front of him, stripping down and giving him some view of me.
The reaction I’m currently having sure as hell wasn't what I was expecting.
I can feel my body heating under his stare. My eyes stray to his mouth.
Now I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like if he licked me with
that tongue.
“If you belonged to me you’d already be on that bed with your legs spread.”
My stomach tightens at the thought. I swallow and try to push down the
desire his words cause. I can’t control my body's reaction to him. My
nipples pucker, and I grow wet between my thighs. I was so sure when he
had me pinned to the bed hours ago it wasn't really desire I felt. I’d
convinced myself that it was all my emotions needing a way to escape.
Nothing more. But now? Now I don’t have an excuse.
“And what would you be doing if you were between my legs, Cato?” I keep
the tremble from my voice, barely.
I can’t help but take in his form. Broad shoulders. A thick chest. I’d have to
spread wide to fit a man like Cato between my thighs.
He closes the space between us in the blink of an eye. There really is no
outrunning this man. He moves like a predator even at his size. And for a
brief moment, my body begs me to let it be his prey.
“Would you like me to show you?” His hand comes down onto my hip, and
he pulls me closer to him. His fingers dig into me in a possessive hold.
Damn, he smells good, too. I didn't know power had a smell, but it does and
it’s all over him.
I let out a small laugh. “No, I don’t need to be pinned to a bed and fucked
hard.” My own words aren't helping my arousal as I think of him doing
exactly that to me. I lift my chin, meeting his eyes. “Any man can do that.
I’m sure I could wander down the hall and find one now. There are so many
of you around.”
His other hand comes to my hip as he lifts me off my feet. A small gasp
leaves me as he drops me onto the bed. The robe comes undone and falls
completely open.
“What kind of men have you been with, Apollonia?” He stands on the side
of the bed and stares down at me.
I should close my robe. I really am playing with a wild animal. This is
going too far too fast, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I’d only meant to toy
with him a little. To give him a little show.
But I have to admit that I rather enjoy sparring with him. He sparks anger
and so many other emotions in me. All of them better than the sadness that
never seems to truly go away. Except in these moments when the only thing
I can focus on is him. He seems to be able to chase it off.
“You want to hear about the men I’ve been with, Cato?” I lift up on my
elbows. I have no idea where this bravado is coming from. The way his
eyes are eating me up, you’d think I was a real temptress and not someone
full of shit that has no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never tried to seduce a
man. I’ve never even been with a man.
What is turning me on most of all is the jealousy he can’t hide. It’s all over
his face. The way his body strains to maintain control does something to
me. I oddly love it. It makes me feel powerful for once. It doesn't matter if
I’m the one on the bed below, I still have something over Cato. I’m not sure
many others can say the same. If any.
He snatches me by the ankle. “I don’t care about the other men you’ve been
with. They might care about me, though.” He gives me a wicked smile.
“Are you going to track them all down and tell them what a big, bad man
you are?” I taunt. “Don’t you have better things to do?”
He yanks. I let out a surprised scream. My ass hangs off the side of the bed.
My heart does something funny when he kisses the bottom of my foot over
the bandage.
“I do have better things to do.” He drops to his knees, then presses a kiss to
my foot where I’d wrapped it. It’s almost too gentle for a man like him, but
it only piques my interest more. When he’s done, he’s not gentle anymore
as he spreads my thighs apart with his big hands.
I should stop him. I let this go too far. I was only supposed to be teasing
him. But now I can’t stop.
My body has taken over and it wants what Cato has promised. All I can
think about is the feel of his fingers as they slide down my thigh. “Fuck you
hard? Yes, I will fuck this sweet cunt rough and deep one day.”
My clit starts to throb. I bite the inside of my cheek so that I don’t moan.
It’s almost unbearable.
“Lioness, you don’t have to try and hide that you want me to touch you. I
can see that for myself. Your cunt is begging for my mouth.”
I can feel the wetness for myself. More heat rushes to my face.
“Don’t think I’ll beg,” I grit out. My mind is begging me to do just that. I
have no control over my body. It’s screaming for release.
“Beg? I’m quite sure I’m the one on his knees.”
Something inside me cracks. I’m the one that’s supposed to be seducing
him. Why does it suddenly feel like it’s the other way around?
“Cato.” I breathe his name. I have no words for what I’m feeling. I don’t
even understand it.
“No, I’d never ask you to beg for this. Though you might beg me to stop.
You asked for this when you taunted me with my own men. When you
threatened to give this perfect pussy to someone else. Remember that,
lioness,” he says before he buries his face between my thighs.

S he doesn’t fight me as I devour her, and her wetness doesn’t lie.

She wants this as badly as I do. Even so, I take it from her, using
my tongue, my teeth, and my lips to cover her cunt and lash her
clit. I want her to remember this, to remember my mouth like a brand on her
pink flesh.
So I suck down all her sweetness, then push my tongue inside her. She
gasps, her hands fisting the blanket as I growl against her flesh. I must have
her, and I won’t be denied. Not when she’s gone to such lengths to tease and
defy me.
I press harder against her, shoving my tongue deeper and staking my claim.
She moans as I pull out and focus on her clit. I slide two fingers into her
wet slit and spread them, making room for my cock. She needs it just like
she needs a reddened ass for flaunting her beautiful body with her door
open. Just the thought of my men seeing her sparks a rage in me.
Pulling back, I take my palm and slap her wet cunt.
She yowls and tries to sit up, but I shove her down.
“You will never show these tits to another man.” I slap her again, then press
my palm to her clit and rub her slick skin.
She arches under my touch, her dusky nipples hard and begging for my
“You will never show this ass to another man!” I slap her again.
“Cato!” she cries and tries again to rise.
I push her down and cover her, my hips between her thighs as I claim one of
her tits with my mouth and the other with my hand. She’s wild beneath me,
her hips grinding against me as she yanks at my hair and curses me in
Italian and English.
I suck her tits and twist her nipples, feeling her as she soaks through my
pants, her cunt juices heating my cock. Her lips beckon, each pant an
invitation. I accept it and claim her mouth, giving her a taste of her
delicious pussy as I ravage her plump lips.
Her nails rake across my shoulders, and I pin her again, bending her to my
will as I tongue her deeply. She fights, but not enough to convince me, not
enough to make me stop. Because I can feel her heart beating, racing right
along with mine, both of us invested in our shared pleasure. She stops
thrashing and returns to moving against me, trying to get the friction she
needs. I won’t give it to her. Not like this. She’ll come on my face or not at
“You asked for this, little lioness.” I bite her bottom lip, then nip at her
jawline. “Showing me your tits and your pink little pussy.”
“Fuck you,” she snarls.
“You know you deserve punishment. You begged for it by giving me a
glimpse of your secrets,” I growl. “If any of my men had seen you, I would
kill them with my bare hands. No matter who it was. Is that what you want?
Blood on your hands for showing off what should be mine alone?”
I thrust against her, and her moan wraps around me like the snake in the
Garden of Eden. Like all sinners, I need another taste of the forbidden fruit.
Returning to her thighs, I slap her pink flesh again. “And you will never
give another man the pleasure of your hot, tight cunt. This is mine. I’ll show
you just how much I mean it.”
She cries out as I cover her slit with my mouth and slide my two fingers
inside her again. I use my tongue to flick her swollen clit again and again as
she arches and grips my hair, her legs spread wide as her thighs begin to
shake. When I slip another finger into her tight ass, her hips lock. I give her
no quarter as I guide her to the edge and push her over while fucking her
with my fingers and laving her relentlessly with my tongue.
I keep sucking and licking as she moans and shudders the rest of her
release. And when she goes still, her breathing hard, her pussy perfectly
marked by my mouth, I turn and bite her inner thigh, leaving my mark on
her olive skin.
She whimpers as I stand.
“Remember this, my little lioness. If you ever show your body to any other
man, I will spank your pussy until you cry for me to let you come.” I lean
closer. “And then I’ll take you in your plum little ass.”
Her eyes narrow, and she sits up. “Bastard!”
“Do you really want to push me right now, Apollonia?” I grip my rock-hard
cock through my pants. “I feel I’ve been quite lenient with you this evening.
But I can punish you if that’s what you desire.” I reach out and grab a
handful of her hair, then tilt her head to the side and run my tongue up her
neck, tasting her salt and her need. “I could fuck you right now, slide inside
your tight cunt and make you moan until I empty myself inside you, then
make you lick my cock clean.”
The sound she makes. Sultry and desirous--the sound of sex. My God. This
woman is trying to break my will, to make me into the animal I swore I
would never become.
I have to release her before I go too far and take more than I should, even
though I’d savor every moment of it. Even though I know what she needs,
what she wants so badly that her pussy is already soaked again for me.
Pulling back, I stare down at her, taking in every curve and dimple. When I
catch her gaze, it’s on my cock, the hard length pressing against my pants,
desperate for her touch.
When her eyes snap back to mine, she snatches her robe over herself. “Get
out of my room.”
This time, I retreat. This time, I take what was given and don’t push for
more. But next time? I can’t promise to be a good man when faced with the
devil in female form. A temptress sent to test me, to awaken a need inside
me that I’ve never felt before. “I’ll go, but remember what I’ve said. Any
punishment you earn from here on out falls squarely on you. And I promise
you, Apollonia, I will show no mercy when I exact my vengeance on your
body. I will take my time, just as I will take every hole and mark it as
She reaches for a pillow. “Get out!”
I step out the door, and the fwump of the pillow hitting the wall sounds
behind me. “You asshole!”
I would smile, but I’m far too preoccupied with thoughts of her, and the
taste of her pussy that even now remains on my tongue.

I run my fingers through little Carter’s hair as he naps on my lap.

His dark lashes rest against his cheek. So innocent and sweet. I
want to protect him from the world, but I feel I might be
fighting a losing battle.
We’ve spent most of the day in the pool together. I started teaching him
how to swim last week. He was hesitant at first, but then I told him stories
of how his dad had taught me how to swim. How I had also been scared at
first. Little Carter finally gave it a try. Now I can’t keep him out of the pool.
Not that I mind. Out here it’s just the two of us. It also gives me a reason to
hold him without making him feel like a baby.
I brush my thumb across his chubby cheek and wonder what he looked like
as a tiny baby. I’ve missed so much already. Cato hadn't, though, not if his
words were true. He’s been here for Carter more than I have. Cato had
gotten to experience all the special moments up until this point. I both want
to thank him and smack him for it. What I wouldn’t give to have seen my
brother with his son.
Carter loves Cato, and I’m not sure what to do with that. His whole little
face lights up whenever Cato enters a room. If Cato isn't around, then Carter
is talking about him. About all the things they like to do together. How Cato
taught him how to color within the lines and how he sits with him when his
dreams are bad. It’s this adoration that both worries me and warms my heart
at the same time.
What if the one thing you want to destroy is the same thing the person you
love most in the world adores? What am I supposed to do? To accept Cato
is to allow my nephew to follow in the footsteps of my brother and more
than likely meet the same fate. So here I sit having no idea what I’m doing.
I’m once again lost. I should be used to this feeling by now. I’m either lost
or losing someone or something.
I can feel him before I see him. It’s his eyes. His steps draw closer. I don’t
think he’s allowing anyone else to be out here right now. The pool is always
empty when Carter and I are splashing around. With a sleeping Carter on
me, I’m trapped under the cabana. No way to escape coming face to face
with Cato--which is the one thing I’ve been making sure didn't happen. I’ve
been giving him a wide berth since that night in my room.
He doesn't say anything as he sits down on the long pool seat with us, then
stretches out. He should look ridiculous in his slacks and button-up shirt out
by the pool, but he doesn't. He looks like he always does--too damn sexy
for his own good.
“How long are you going to avoid me?” He smirks as he asks the question.
“I have dinner with you every night. I have no idea what you’re talking
“When you lie, your cheek twitches, lioness.”
“Is there something you need?” Does my cheek really twitch? Shit. Not sure
if he’s poking at me or if I really do that. It’s something I need to work on.
“There are many things I need.” His eyes openly roam over me. He reaches
out and plays with the strings of my bikini on my hip. A few quick pulls
and he could have me naked. I’ve learned not to tempt him. At least for
now. Until I can figure out what the hell I’m doing here.
What I do know is that I want to continue growing close to my nephew. I’m
making so much progress on that front. He took to me even quicker than he
did to swimming.
What’s a little unsettling is that Cato hasn't tried so much as to kiss me
since the night in my room. That isn’t the unsettling part though. The
problem is that it bothers me. I’m not even going to lie to myself and say it
In the moments he had me on that bed, I’d felt free. It was only him and me.
My mind wasn't filled with a million thoughts of what I should or shouldn't
be doing. He made me feel things I don’t understand. He made me push
aside everything except the pleasure he was giving me. I’d momentarily
forgotten the sorrow. But as soon as he’d left the room, that feeling left with
him. I was alone again. Always alone.
Wait, what had he just said? Needs. Right. “I’m sure filling your needs isn’t
hard for a man like you, Cato.” I look away from him and back down at
little Carter. My stomach tightens at the thought of Cato with another
woman, at the thought of him finding someone else to fill his needs. I sigh
My plan was all but abandoned after he called my bluff that night. I’m
supposed to be trying to make him fall in love with me. But I can’t do that if
I avoid him. I also can’t do that if he’s out banging his mistresses. But the
things he makes me feel scare the hell out of me. I lose control. He’s the
one pulling the strings, and even though I loved every moment of it, I
shouldn’t want that with him. Even if I crave those feelings now.
Cato lets out a deep laugh. I can’t help but look over at him. He looks
almost carefree with his head thrown back a little. I didn't think what I said
was funny, but he looks good when he laughs. I don’t think he’s done it
enough in his life. I guess I don’t much either, anymore.
“One lioness is all I need. I’ve got my hands full.”
I glare at him. Though a stupid happy thrill runs though me that maybe he
isn’t whiling away his nights with another woman. “You realize you’ve
spent the last two weeks sleeping in his room. In fact you use Carter to keep
me away from you.”
“I do no such thing.”
His eyes flick to my cheek. I put my hand to it. He laughs again. I reach out
and smack his thigh. “You’re full of shit. My cheek didn't do anything.” He
gives me a playful smile and snatches my hand.
“I’ve said nothing while you do this. I get you wanting to get close to little
C, but it took me a year to get him out of my bed. I don’t want to progress
“He slept with you?” Gah. Why is that so adorable? He shrugs like it’s not a
big deal. He truly does love this little boy. He lifts my hand and kisses my
“Wear a robe inside the house when you’re only in your swimsuit,” he
orders. I’ll make sure not to do that. He lets my hand go and runs his fingers
through Carter’s hair before he stands. “Know that I’ve allowed you to
avoid me.”
“Allowed?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Yes, allowed. It’s been quite a test of my patience.”
“Why?” If he doesn't want me to avoid him but continues to let me, then I
want to know why. He clearly does whatever he wants, but maybe he can at
least explain himself to me.
“So you can heal, my little lioness. You came to that funeral already broken
and were more so when we left. I want you whole.” With that, he leaves me
alone again with little snoozing Carter.
Am I healing? To be honest I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.

“I can’t get any more information than that. I’m trying.”

Santino runs a hand through his dark hair. “If I could kill the
intel out of some, I would. But torture has only brought me a
few tidbits about large drug deals with opium dealers out of Afghanistan.
Whoever this new guy is, he’s connected. And he isn’t fucking around. He
took out two of our operations in Turkey, killed our workers and took
everything down to the last poppy.”
“I need a name. And then I need to know where he is.”
“I’m working on it.” He sits heavily, the dark circles under his eyes a
testament to his efforts on this matter.
“No one is ever new, Santino. Not in this country. Our blood has watered
the olive trees here for centuries. Someone knows who he is. Knows his
He sits for a while, both of us in silence as I continue double-checking our
shipment logs against our accounts. I pay plenty of accountants to do this
for me, but sometimes there’s a thief in the larder, and I have to root him
out. But I’m having trouble concentrating. Santino has more to tell me. I
can read him just as he can read me. A lifelong friendship does that to you.
So I can see the weight on him as he sits and stares at nothing, his mind a
whirling dervish of trouble.
“This new player. I think he’s the one who hit Carter,” he says quietly.
“I know.” I tick off the spreadsheet and move on to the next entry.
“You know?” He turns, his eyebrows high. “How?”
I place my pen next to the sheet and lean back. “A feeling. We deal with
blood and death every day. Our soldiers die, we are threatened, and we have
to fight to keep what’s ours. But what happened to Carter—the bullet that
took him out was fired by a coward.”
“Shot in the back.” Santino shakes his head and pats his shirt pocket for his
“Yes. Lured out to buy a present for his son and murdered on the spot. Put
down like he was nothing more than a dog. Throat slashed in exactly the
same manner as both his parents.” I fist my hands, my nails biting into my
palms. “It was a message. Whoever this new player is, he knows us. He
knows our weaknesses, and he knows our history. When I find him, he will
wish he’d never come here.” Pure rage fills me at the memory of Carter’s
murder. I loved him like a brother, but what was worse, I had to tell his son
that his father was never coming home.
I will keep Carter’s son safe, and I will keep my little lioness close. She’s a
target now that she revealed herself at the funeral. And I will continue
pushing my men to find the one responsible for her brother’s death so I can
end him myself and stop the threat to both Apollonia and Carter.
A yowling sound echoes down the hall.
“The fuck is that?” Santino looks up.
I rub the bridge of my nose as a high-pitched mewl squeaks louder and
“Nothing, sir. Just a kitten we found slinking around the house. Flavia was
trying to feed it, but I assumed you wouldn’t want a--”
“Bring it here.” I wave the soldier into my office.
“I bet that old tabby that hangs out in the barn finally got knocked up.”
Santino snorts. “But that is definitely the runt of the litter.”
“Closer,” I call.
The soldier swallows hard and walks in. He’s got the kitten’s scruff pinched
in his hand as the little thing cries and tries to claw him.
“Where did you come from?” I lean forward and reach for it.
The soldier hands it over, then backs away. A little orange thing with faint
stripes, it tries to bite my finger with its needle-like teeth.
I smile. “You remind me of someone.” I pick it up by the scruff and inspect
it. “A little girl. One with teeth and claws. You’ll fit in well here.” I scoop
her up and stride past my soldier.
“Don’t tell me we’re keeping it.” Santino sighs. “We’ve got problems piling
up all over, the Calottis are trying to move in our territory, and there’s a new
player that I can’t get any intel on, yet now you’re going to take in a stray?
That’s the last thing we need.”
“Keep talking and you’ll be the one responsible for cleaning its litter,” I
throw over my shoulder.
He grumbles but doesn’t complain again.
The kitten, however, makes her objections known as I hurry her through the
house and up to Carter’s room. He and Apollonia are there playing. I know
this because I can’t seem to stop thinking about my little lioness. I follow
her every move, and I always know what she’s doing. Even when she’s
avoiding me, I can still feel her. She’s sunk her claws into me, and I never
want to stop feeling the pain and pleasure of such a woman.
When I peek into Carter’s room, they’re both lying on the rug, their heads
touching as Carter tells her about the time his father tried to ride a donkey
but wound up nearly impaled in the vineyard.
She laughs, her peals of joyful giggles infusing the air with a warmth I
hadn’t known was lacking until this moment. “That sounds like him.”
Little Carter turns onto his side and stares at her, then reaches out and
touches her face. “You look like Daddy sometimes.”
She takes his hand in hers, her eyes watering, and kisses his fingertips. “So
do you.”
I ponder leaving quietly instead of interrupting, but the hellion in my palm
won’t be ignored. She lets out a wild mewl, and Apollonia and Carter both
turn to me.
“Is that a—”
“Kitty!” Carter squeals and scrambles to his feet.
Apollonia rolls over and sits up, her eyes on the furball in my hand.
“I was going to toss this rude thing out the door, but I thought perhaps you
might want to see her before I did.”
“Don’t you dare!” Apollonia jumps to her feet and hurries over.
Carter reaches out and rubs the kitten’s head.
“Careful, she bites, and her claws are like little needles.”
“She’s an angel.” Apollonia sounds offended. “Here.” She holds out her
hands, and I transfer the squirming fuzzball to her.
The kitten immediately climbs up her shirt and nestles on her shoulder
under her hair.
“She likes you.” Carter jumps up and down. “Can I hold her?”
“Of course you can.” She gently pulls the kitten away and hands her to
Carter. “Be gentle. Always gentle. Like this.” She demonstrates with light
strokes along the now-purring kitten’s back.
“Like this?” He mimics her.
“Good.” She nods as he sits on the floor and cradles the kitten in his arms.
“What’s her name?” She looks up at me, and right then I have the
overwhelming urge to kiss her hard until she’s out of breath.
Perhaps she feels the same, because her gaze darts to my mouth.
I lick my lips. “Well, as the lioness around here, I suppose you should do all
feline naming.”
Her smile lights up my world, my heart, my life. And it’s then that I know,
with no doubt whatsoever, that Apollonia and I are meant to be forever.
That every moment has led us here--from the second I pulled her to safety
as a child to the moment I caught her when she fell at the funeral—she is
meant for me. And I will do whatever I must to show her just how certain
our destiny is.

“W e have to find her.” Carter pleads with me, his eyes filling
with tears and threatening to break my heart. I know in
this moment I’ll take this house apart brick by brick until
I find the kitten for him. I’d do anything to wipe that sad look off his face.
He’s had enough sadness for a lifetime already.
“I’ll find her.” I sit on the side of the bed next to him. “She’s a cat. I’m sure
she’s only exploring. This is a big house, and cats are curious.” I try to put
him at ease.
“Yeah,” he agrees, looking to the door of his bedroom that’s cracked open a
little. “I didn't mean to leave the door open.” His bottom lip starts to
tremble. I want to throw my arms around him and comfort him. Or maybe
it’s me that needs the comforting. I can’t stand to see him this upset. I can’t
even imagine how hard it was for Cato to have to tell Carter about my
brother's death.
“It’s good for her to go out and explore. I’ll find her in no time unless she
beats me to it by coming back for food.”
He nods but doesn’t look convinced.
“Don’t worry. There are too many people around here. There’s no way we
won’t find this kitten.”
“I don’t want her to leave and never come back.” Those sad eyes look up at
me. I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to break any further, but
those few words have proven me wrong.
“No one is going to let anything happen to her. She’s coming back.”
“That’s true. Cato can do anything. He’ll protect her,” he says proudly. I
believe him with the way Cato dotes on the sweet boy, but I want him to
have faith in me, too.
“I’ll need you to be brave and wait here for her. You lie down, and I’ll go
find our kitten. You try and think of a name. We can’t keep calling her kitty.
Can you do that for me?”
He puffs out his chest a little. “I can do that.”
“I knew you could.” I kiss his chubby cheek. “If you’re asleep before I get
back, I’ll put her in bed with you.” He throws his arms around me and hugs
me tight. I hug him back. There’s no way I can come back here without this
kitty. Even if I have to ask Cato for help, I will. There isn’t anything I
wouldn't do for Carter. Even if it means that I have to play nice with Cato.
“Love you.” He says before releasing me. A knot forms in my throat. It’s
the first time he’s said it to me. I’ve said it to him hundreds of times
already. No one has said those words to me in a very long time, and I
welcome them with open arms.
“I love you, too.”
He lies down, and I can’t help but give him another kiss before I pull myself
from his bedroom and leave the door cracked for him. I head back toward
my room to put some sneakers on. Before I’d talked him into finally getting
into bed, I’d already searched most of the house.
I’m worried the kitten might have gotten out. I need to do a check outside.
If the kitten is still inside, then it’s trapped and safe, but if she got out, she
could be getting farther and farther from the house with each minute.
I make my way back downstairs. I find myself stopping outside the doors of
Cato’s office and wondering if he’s in there. He joined us for dinner like he
always does but left after we all were finished eating. I hate the
disappointment I’d felt about that. I am still avoiding him, so it works in my
favor. But he said he wasn't going to let me avoid him anymore. So what
exactly is he doing now?
I pull myself away from the doors even though I want to know what he’s
doing. I have more important things to do, like find a kitten. I don’t want
him to catch me lingering outside his office, either. He’d never let me hear
the end of that, I’m sure.
When he’d brought that kitten into the room and kneeled down on the floor
with us, I had the biggest urge to lean over and kiss him right on the mouth.
My mind is playing games with me. He has me all twisted up inside. My
emotions are everywhere. We aren't some happy family. I can’t let my mind
make those mistakes. I will not develop Stockholm syndrome.
I open the back door and step out onto the porch. The back looks well lit. I
call for the cat a few times but nothing. Typical cat. I take another few steps
out farther. I look back into the house. Maybe I should get Cato. I never did
like the dark.
“You can do this yourself,” I reassure myself. What other choice do I have?
I don’t want to ask him to help. He’d probably be amused at my fear of the
dark. I would have to admit weakness to him, and I’m not prepared to do
any more of that. He’s already seen me in the most vulnerable of times.
I know the fear is irrational, but it’s one that I’ve had since I was a girl
hiding under the bed thinking I was about to die. I hate it. It makes me
weak. Here I am saying I want to ruin a man like Cato, but I’m scared of the
damn dark.
I stand up a little straighter and make myself venture out farther into the
night, calling for the kitten. I freeze when I think I hear a meowing sound. I
turn my attention toward the noise. It seems to be venturing farther from the
house and toward the vineyard area. I’ve come out here a few times with
Carter. The vineyard is endless. It’s also the last place I want to be in the
dark. Of course, the kitten couldn’t choose a well-lit area to roam off to.
“Kitty. Here, kitty.” My call is met with another meow. I squint and think I
see the kitten down one of the long rows of vines.
I take off toward her, and she darts over a row, then another, then dashes
down another, her tail up as she hurries away from me.
“Kitty, come on.” I follow, crossing rows whenever there’s a break in the
vines and the horizontal supports. Down a hill, then up another, the kitten
puts me through my paces.
I finally get close enough to almost touch her when she dives between two
vines and hides in a scrubby flower bush.
“Kitty, what are you doing?” I ask and bend down to pick her up. She
nuzzles my chest for warmth. It’s chilly out here. I should’ve grabbed a
sweater or something. “I’ll get you inside. There’s a little boy who’ll keep
you warm all night.” I kiss the top of her head, which earns me a loud purr.
I turn to go back the way I came, but five minutes later I’m pretty sure I’ve
made a wrong turn somewhere. This area is like one of those corn mazes
that get your direction all messed up. The only light I have is from the
“You’re fine. No one is going to hurt you here,” I tell myself as I watch
clouds start to cover the moon. I move faster, trying to backtrack. This can’t
be that hard. But the darker it gets, the more I start to panic. I’m pretty sure
I’m going in circles.
My eyes burn with the need to cry. Which is dumb. I’m fine. The vineyard
is safe. It’s then I realize I haven't cried in a few days. I guess I’m about to
break that streak. I sit down in the middle of a grassy row and just try to
breathe and think. The hills around me are too high to see the house. The
thing is massive. How is that even possible?
I suck in a breath when I hear a snapping sound. Why hadn't I brought my
knife? Because I let myself get too comfortable here in the lion’s den.
But whoever it is will help me. It has to be one of Cato’s soldiers. Or maybe
a gardener. Or Flavia. Maybe that mean old bat got tired of cooking and
came out here for a walk. I open my mouth but can’t bring myself to make a
sound. Home isn't always safe. You never know who is really lurking. I
know that better than most. So I remain as quiet as I can. Panic begins to
rise in my throat.
I see something big moving. There’s no way that’s not a man, and he’s
coming right at me.
“Gotcha, bitch,” he grunts.
I scramble to my feet and clutch the kitten tightly before turning to run. I
take just two steps, when I hear and feel a hard thump on the ground. I
glance behind me, then slow, then stop.
The man grunts and gurgles. Another man’s on top of him. The clouds drift
open enough for the moonlight to show me Cato, his eyes on me and his
dagger in the man’s throat.
He looks up at me, our eyes locking. The only thing I can think is that he’s
saved me for the second time in my life.

H is warm blood spills over my hand as I finish him.

Apollonia looks at me with a mix of amazement and fear,
though it’s hard to see much in the dark.
“The fuck?” Santino runs up behind me, then I hear the pounding of several
pairs of feet. My soldiers. When I’d found Carter upset that Apollonia
hadn’t returned with the kitten, something inside me went cold. My
instincts told me something was wrong, and they were dead on.
I stand and kick the bastard in the side. “An assassin.” I yank his shirt up
and wipe my hands, leaving his filth where it belongs.
Santino drops onto his haunches and pats the man’s pockets. “Not a fucking
thing.” He stands and whirls on my men. “Where the fuck were you? Who
was on watch? And why is there a killer on Davinci grounds?” he barks.
His vengeance will be just as swift as mine. And I have far bigger issues
than discipline right now.
“Little lioness.” I go to Apollonia and pull her close.
The kitten meows between us, so I let up a little, but I don’t free Apollonia
from my embrace.
“You’re shaking.” I rub her back.
“It’s cold. I got lost. And then I heard something.” Her voice trembles.
I’m drawn back to that ghastly day when her parents were murdered right in
front of her as she hid beneath the bed, forced to watch yet remain silent as
her mother’s blood stained the floor beside her.
With a fluid move, I lift her and the kitten into my arms, then turn and stalk
past my men. Santino’s already drawn blood, and I trust he’ll get to the
bottom of this lapse.
“I got so lost,” she says again. “The rows look the same. The hills look the
same, and I couldn’t … I couldn’t find …” Her voice trails off.
“You’re in shock.” With sure strides, I carry her up the hill and out of the
We pass through a grove of olive trees before entering through the stone
gate along the south side of the house.
“I found the kitten, but I couldn’t find the way back.” Her eyes water as she
looks up at me. “I’m lost, just like I’ve always been.”
“You aren’t lost, Apollonia. I have you.” I carry her into the kitchen, then
straight up the stairs to her room.
By the time I reach her bed, tears are rolling down her cheeks.
“I lost my parents, then I lost Carter, but in between all that, I lost myself. I
wanted to be someone else, to be free of my family’s legacy. But I can’t. I
was lost when I ran from this place. Just like I’m lost right now.”
I yank the blanket from her bed and wrap it around her. The kitten jumps
away and starts kneading a pillow and purring.
Dropping to my knees, I take Apollonia’s hand. “I swear you are not lost,
little lioness. You are here with me, Cato Davinci. And you are strong. So
much stronger than I ever thought possible. The day I pulled you from
beneath that bed, I thought I’d found a beautiful, broken girl. One who
would never recover from that night.”
She gasps. “You remember?”
“Every second of it,” I confess, finally freeing the truth. “I saved you that
night. Not for you to become lost, but for you to find yourself. And you
have.” I kiss her hand. “You are every bit of your mother’s kindness and
every bit of your father’s ruthlessness. Fearsome and tender. Rash and
calculated. You have proven it over and over from the moment I saw you at
that funeral.”
I reach up and wipe her tears away. “You are not lost.”
She puts a shaking hand to my face, and I lean into her touch. “You saved
me again.”
“I will always save you.” I cover her hand with mine.
“That man.” She swallows hard. “What was he doing out there?”
I don’t want to tell her too much, not when she’s still reeling from what just
happened. But I owe her the truth. Carter would demand it. I shouldn’t give
her any less.
“You know this life is dangerous.”
She nods, another tear falling that I catch.
“Carter knew it, too.” I rise and sit beside her, then bring her in close,
making sure she’s warming beneath the blanket. “But his death wasn’t some
sort of everyday violence. He was targeted.”
“What? Why?” She moves closer, seeking my warmth.
I lean back and strip off my shirt, then unwrap the blanket and press my
body to hers. Body heat is the fastest way to warm her. Once the blanket is
back around us, she melts into me.
“Tell me what happened. Please, Cato. I thought I didn’t want to know the
details. But maybe I need to hear them.”
“You do.” Though it pains me to tell her, I recount his murder, the cowardly
bullet in the back and the new player to blame.
She listens silently to every word. And when she looks up at me, her tears
are gone. “What’s his name?” The violence in her tone sets my soul ablaze.
“Santino is close to ferreting it out. And when I know who and where he is,
consider him dead.”
Her jaw clenches. “Why did he come after Carter?”
I stroke her cheek. Fuck she’s beautiful when she’s lethally angry.
“I suspect that when we discover his identity, the reason will fall into place.
But there are old vendettas, and the Simonetti name carries a lot of dark
history with it. If Carter was targeted--”
“Then I could be next.” She stiffens. “Or little Carter.” Her gaze turns to
flint. “I will kill anyone who tries to hurt that little boy.”
There’s my lioness, stunning in her love and strong in her vengeance. “I
know you would, lioness. But you won’t have to. I’m upping the security.
No one will hurt either of you. I won’t allow it.” I kiss her forehead.
She wraps her arms around me and snuggles into the crook of my neck.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
I savor those words from her lips.
“I guess I have to stop avoiding you.”
My heart speeds. I’ve been waiting patiently, tamping down my need to
claim her, to storm into her room and show her how much she needs me in
her bed. But I would never hurt her like that, never take when she wasn’t
“In fact.” She takes a deep breath, then stands and straddles me before
sitting again, her chest pressed to mine. “I think maybe I’m ready to get a
little closer.”
I palm her ass, because I can’t fucking help myself. “You’re only saying
this because you had such a scare.”
“Don’t tell me my motivations.” She looks at my lips. “I’ve been avoiding
you because ...” She meets my eyes. “Because I want you, Cato.”
Have any sweeter words ever been uttered by such a dark angel?
Without reservation, I claim her mouth in a searing kiss that wipes away our
past and starts our future.

I do want him.
I want him so much it scares the hell out of me. It also makes
me do things I shouldn't. I find myself grabbing his short hair and
deepening the kiss as I hold him close, not wanting to let go.
As crazy as Cato can make me, he also soothes something deep inside of
me. A level of comfort is there. Even when I’d been in the church and
smacked him. I didn't fear him. I should. He’s a deadly man. Everyone
knows that. Still, for me, I never felt that fear when I looked at him. I felt
the opposite, and then I’d intentionally baited and toyed with him, somehow
knowing he’d never do anything to harm me.
Because he’d already saved me once. How could I forget that? I hadn’t. I
just hadn’t put together he was the same person from that night. The night
that had changed my life forever. The one that had taken so much away
from me. Cato had held me until I stopped shaking. He was the only light in
the darkest moment of my life. He had pulled me from that darkness. And
now he’s here again, an avenging angel or a devil, I’ll never know which.
“Cato.” I moan his name as he pulls his mouth from mine. He trails kisses
down my neck as he pulls at my clothes. I help him, wanting to be skin to
skin with him. My emotions are running high. He was right about that, but
we both know I’ve wanted him for weeks now. There has been a pull to him
since he’d sat down on the steps of the church with me. I’ve been fighting
this with everything. I can no longer resist the feelings I’m having for him.
Cato, on the other hand, has been doing the exact opposite. He hasn't been
fighting the pull. His need for me has never wavered. He knows exactly
what he wants, and he isn't afraid to take it. His mind had already been
made up that he wanted me. A small part of me wants to believe that he’s
doing this because he can’t stand the thought of not having me, and not out
of some promise he made to my brother to protect me. That he’d seen me
and had simply wanted me for himself.
“You have on too many clothes.” I start pulling at his as soon as he has me
naked under him. I want to see all of him. To touch every part of him. So
much of me has already been laid bare for him. I want to see him, too. I
want him to open up to me. He knows so much about me. What do I really
know about him?
He pulls back as he quickly strips himself of all his clothes. His eagerness
to get naked turns me on even more. My eyes trail down his chest and past
his abs to his cock. It’s red and almost angry looking. A bead of cum leaks
from the head. He reaches down and strokes himself. Desire courses
through me seeing his arousal. The fact that he’s this way because of me
does something to me.
“Apollonia.” He groans my name. The small amount of fear I had about
him fitting inside of me fades away, only leaving the need. He wants me.
His whole body strains with desire for me. Again, I feel that rush of power
like I had the other night when Cato spread me out on the bed and made me
come with his mouth. I had thought I was in heaven then, but the look he’s
giving me now tells me that was only the beginning of what he’s going to
give me.
“I want you inside me,” I breathe out. I need this connection. I run my hand
down his broad chest. My fingers brush against a few of the scars that are
scattered there. Somehow, they make him look sexier. I try not to think
about them, because the thought of how he got them terrifies a part of me.
How close has Cato come to death? Will he, too, meet the same fate as
everyone else I’ve ever loved? Am I setting myself up for more hurt?
As I wrap my hand around his cock, he gives another loud groan. I don’t
want to think about losing anything else right now. Not when he makes me
feel so good. I want to focus on the now. The pleasure I can have. I deserve
this. To get lost in Cato for a night. I can deal with everything else
tomorrow. But for tonight, I’m taking something for myself. I need this. I
need him.
“I have to get you ready first.” He reaches down and pulls my hand from
around this cock. “You’re going to make this be over before it even begins
if you continue touching me.”
I bring my hand to his cheek. “Can you not control yourself, Cato?” I give
him a wicked smile.
“With you? No. I find I have no control.” He kisses me before I can
respond. The kiss is needy but sweet. He kisses me slowly but with a force
that I know will leave my mouth sore later. I don’t care. I want to feel Cato
long after this. To remember our night together.
He pulls his mouth from mine as he trails kisses down my body. I whimper
when he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth, his rough fingers pulling
at the other. It feels good, but I need more.
“Cato.” I wiggle under him.
“I’ve got you,” he says, releasing my nipple to travel down my body. He
leaves wet open-mouthed kisses in his wake. He grabs my thighs, his
fingers digging into my flesh as he spreads me wide, his warm breath
against my sex.
“Don’t tease me tonight. I need this.” I look down at him. I suck in a breath
when my eyes meet his. He’s trying to soften me, but his eyes say
something different altogether. He’s fighting for control. “Stop holding
back.” I sit up on my elbows. “I want you, Cato. Now give it to me,” I
“I’ll decide when you’re ready to take me. I refuse to hurt you.” Cato
doesn't know there are other ways to hurt. I’d planned to ruin him. To break
his heart. He could easily do the same to me. His eyes stay locked with
mine. I wish I could read him better. I want to know what he’s thinking.
Does he feel this crazy connection too?
“What are you waiting for then?” I arch my hips; the need for him is
becoming unbearable. He gives me that sexy as hell smile. One that
promises me the wait will be worth it.
“Eyes on me, lioness. Always on me.” I watch as he dips his head. His
tongue circles my clit. I drop back down onto the bed, spreading my legs
even more as he pushes one finger inside of me and then another.
His tongue plays with my clit as his fingers work in and out. Each time he
draws me closer to coming he pulls back until I’m mindless with need and
begging him to take me.
“Cato, it hurts.” My whole body throbs with need. He pulls his fingers out
of me. I reach for him and pull him up my body. “I’m going to kill you,” I
tell him as I pull him down for a kiss and wrap my legs around him. He
hasn't let me come yet.
I’ve wanted to, but I want him inside me more. His cock brushes my clit as
he keeps on kissing me. I can feel the tension in his body.
“Stop torturing us both.” I tighten my legs around his back as I feel the head
of his cock breach my entrance.
“Not torturing you. I want you to need me.” He pushes more inside of me. I
gasp at the feel of him. He closes his eyes, looking pained. “I see why
you’re so tight.” His jaw flexes.
I lift my hips, taking him a little more inside of me. “Scared of a virgin?” I
challenge him.
“No, not scared of a virgin. I’m scared of you,” he says before thrusting all
the way inside me. I let out a small scream as his mouth devours mine. I
feel the pain, but my body is still so on edge that I lift my hips, needing him
to move. I need to come. I need him to take me fully.
“Cato.” I dig my fingers into his back. He lets out a string of curses in
Italian that only turn me on more.
“This is going to be over before it begins.” He pulls out and presses back in.
“Liar. You won’t stop until I come.”
“No. I won’t,” he agrees as he starts to move faster inside of me. His eyes
stay locked on mine. It feels like he is staring right into my soul, seeing
things I would never want anyone to see. As scary as it is, it’s freeing, too. I
want to share this connection with him and only him.
“Cato.” I breathe out his name, feeling the orgasm as it begins to come
down hard. I suddenly feel so vulnerable, knowing that no one else has ever
seen this side of me. That I’ve never allowed anyone to get so close to me.
“I’ve got you, Apollonia. Let go. Give yourself to me. I want it all.” He
kisses me. I cry out his name as the orgasm takes me. I close my eyes as so
many emotions roll through me. I keep on coming; it feels as if it’s never
ending. I don’t want it to end. At this moment I feel at peace. As if I’m no
longer alone in the world.
Cato’s whole body goes tight as I feel him come deep inside of me. He pulls
his mouth from mine, burying his face in my hair. I feel more of his warmth
spill inside of me as he jerks against me, saying my name over and over
again like a prayer. I cling to him, never wanting to let go. If only I could
stay here forever. If only things were different.
I can’t, though. Soon he will pull from me and life will come rushing back
in. The only thing I’ve done is make myself more vulnerable. Now, there’s
more to lose than ever.

S he lies beside me, her breathing slow, her lashes atop her cheeks
like black lace gracing the skin of a luscious fruit. A beauty with
no equal. My sweet Apollonia. She’d given herself to me freely,
pushed me to the edge, then fell with me.
Now, in the dark, as I listen to her slumber and run my fingers along her
smooth back, my thoughts slowly darken, slowly turn toward what must be
done. Because the man in my vineyard tonight—he would’ve hurt her.
Perhaps worse. I will never let that happen.
Maybe I’ve created a purpose for myself over the years. Power. Of course it
was power. I sought it, took it, and now I wield it without mercy. But that
was never my true reason for being. No. My real reason is lying next to me,
her hair splayed out in rays of night along my chest as she sleeps, giving me
ultimate trust.
How long have I waited for this? I don’t know. I never considered another,
never wanted a woman to warm my bed or my heart. But Apollonia does it
without effort. One look at her at that funeral, and I was done. My soul
ensnared by her fiery eyes and sharp tongue. And maybe, somehow, my
heart recognized hers, remembered her from that dark night so long ago
knowing I belonged to her alone. She set me on my path long ago, and that
path led me right back to her. For that, I will be forever grateful.
I press a soft kiss to her forehead before easing out of bed. Leaving her is an
acute wound, but it must be done. I silently promise her that when I return,
I’ll make it up to her with my tongue, my fingers, my cock—anything she
asks of me and plenty of things she doesn’t—it’s all hers.
Snagging my clothes from the floor, I pad from the room and silently close
the door. I point at the two soldiers lounging down the hall.
They pop up and wipe the sleep from their eyes.
“Guard this door with your lives. No one in or out. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” They station themselves outside the door as I continue down the
Pausing at Carter’s door, I open it and peek at him. Like an angel, he sleeps
with his hands clasped beneath his cheek. And the devil sleeps on his
shoulder, her whiskers twitching as she blinks open her feline eyes and
stares at me.
I close the door and continue down the hall, my steps becoming heavier as I
descend the stairs. By the time I reach the bottom, each footfall is heavier
than lead. Moving deeper into the house, I pass soldiers at every door. They
puff out their chests but give me plenty of leeway as I pass.
The night greets me with a cool wind as I pass through the garden at the
rear of the villa and enter the old barn. Its stone walls were laid back in
Roman times, and it will stand long after I’m gone.
Santino’s inside, his shirt off and his face sweaty. His fists are torn, but he
doesn’t bother to tape them. He just swings again, nailing the vineyard
guard with a hard right. A messy stack of cash is thrown in one corner, the
bills blood-splattered.
Santino’s fist connects with a fleshy thunk. The soldier yowls and goes
I grab a knife from the metal table along the wall and press it to his groin.
His eyes open.
“I knew you were awake. You won’t escape this punishment.”
“Pussy.” Santino thumbs his nose and swings again.
I back away as the soldier’s head snaps to the side, a split appearing on his
“Did you ask him any questions?” I roll up my shirtsleeves slowly,
“No.” Santino shrugs and backs away from the bound man.
A bare bulb overhead gives enough light to see the damage Santino’s
already inflicted. I take up the knife again, wondering how much more I
need to take from this man before he spills the truth.
“You were guarding the vineyard’s southern perimeter?” I use the flat of the
blade to lift his face to mine.
“Did you see the intruder?”
“Why lie to me, Raoul?”
“Not lying.” Blood oozes from his broken nose.
I backhand him. “Try again. I’ll do this for as long as necessary. You know
what I say is true.”
“Yes.” He half cries on a gasp. “I know, sir.”
“Then why not speak the truth?”
He shoots a look at Santino, who leans against the stone wall and smokes a
“Look at me, Raoul. Just me.” I pull the blade back. “Did you see the
He starts to shake and tries to look away.
I grab his hair so he has to look at me. “I asked you a question.” My voice
remains calm, gentle almost. It’s the knife in my hand that will do the
“Y-yes.” His chin trembles.
“Did you let him in?”
He shakes harder and doesn’t answer.
I let him go and sigh, then bury the blade in his thigh. Then I slap my hand
over his mouth, stifling his scream. Wouldn’t want to wake my lioness or
her cub upstairs.
When he’s back to blubbering, I pull my hand away. “Raoul. As you know,
I’m not a patient man. My patience is even thinner now that someone has
tried to harm Apollonia Simonetti, Carter’s sister. You see, she is an
innocent, much like her nephew. And though I’ve done terrible things,
many of them with glee, I do not harm innocents. Now, if you refuse to tell
me the truth, I will do those terrible things to you.” With a yank, I remove
the blade and slap my hand over his yowling mouth again.
Santino blows out a big puff of smoke. “Weak.”
I pull my hand away and keep my knife in front of Raoul, his blood
dripping from the blade. “Tell me the truth. You allowed the intruder to
enter my land. Who sent him?”
“He didn’t say,” he blubbers.
Santino and I exchange a look. My suspicions have been growing by the
day with each report I hear about the newcomer, the man who seeks to take
all I’ve bled for. Perhaps he’s not as new as he seems, but I need to verify
my intuition before I can move against my enemy.
“The assassin came for me?”
He glances at the house as if he can see it through the stone. My icy blood
heats to a steady blaze. He’s looking at my Simonettis, my lioness and her
“Apollonia? Carter? Who?” I yank his head back and press the blade to his
throat, drawing more blood.
“I don’t know!” he screams. “He paid me! That’s all! H-he said that his
boss would own all this soon enough, and I’d be rewarded for helping him,
and then he gave me a hundred thousand euro. So I did it! I didn’t know
why he was here.”
“Who sent him?”
“He didn’t say!” his high-octave scream is abruptly cut off.
For the second time this night, I’ve spilled blood to protect the ones I love.
I’ll do it as many times as necessary and take pleasure in my kills as a gift
to my lioness.
If someone wants her blood, she shall have theirs, and plenty of it.

I lie by the pool dozing in and out of sleep. Carter is out in the
garden with Diego, and I’m not sure where Cato is. If I had to
guess, he’s dealing with the situation of how someone got on
his property last night.
I don’t know how he’s functioning today. Neither one of us got much sleep
last night. Our time together has been so intense. My stomach flutters
thinking about it. That man has a wicked mouth. I could easily become
addicted to him. I've never felt so close to someone as I did in that moment
when we were making love. It’s been so long since someone held me close.
I was amazed how quickly Cato could switch between making love to me
and fucking me. I enjoyed both. I practically begged for both sides of him.
His lovemaking felt sweet, while his fucking made me feel like he needed
me more than his next breath. He was greedy for me. Thinking about it has
me growing wet. I clench my thighs together and hope it wasn’t a one-time
deal. I’m craving another taste of him. It’s quite the contradiction from
where I began.
I’m just not sure where it leaves us. Am I still trying to get out of here with
Carter? The thought of leaving Cato makes a knot form in my throat. What
have I done? I was supposed to make him fall in love with me. I’m afraid
that I may have gone and fallen in love with him instead.
“Apollonia.” I’m startled by someone who isn’t Cato saying my name so
starkly. I didn't think Cato would let anyone out by the pool when I was out
here. He’s got a jealous streak. I like that, too. Damn it. He doesn't want
anyone else to touch me or see me like this. It should make me mad, but
really it turns me on even more.
“Hey, Nico.” I push my sunglasses up as I rise to a sitting position on the
lounge chair. It looks like his face has healed up from whatever Cato did to
him the other day. I think he was trying to sniff out a mole. None of them
seemed mad about it. He really does have everyone's loyalty. It makes me
think that Cato might not be as bad as I thought he was. Or maybe his
orgasms are messing with my head. They have me thinking that everything
is sunshine and rainbows when I know better.
“I found some more kittens. Cato thought you might want them.”
I grab my cover-up and slip it on before I don my flip-flops.
“How many are there? Did you see their mama?”
“No mama that I saw. Just two kittens. I’ll show you.”
I follow after him. He doesn’t say anything else as we hurry through the
garden. The silence stretches.
“It’s a lovely day out,” I comment. I’ve been trying to get to know some of
Cato’s men. I thought I could use that against him in the beginning. It looks
like my plans are all changing. Now I want to get to know them because
they’re the men protecting Cato and Carter, the two most important things
in my life. That thought shocks me, but I’ll have to revisit it later. I have
kittens to see.
“It’s nice,” he agrees as I follow him around the house.
“Did you know my brother?”
He only nods. Okay then. He clearly doesn’t want to talk, so I let it go. He
almost looks annoyed at my interruptions. I’m guessing he didn’t want to be
sent on kitty duty. He probably thinks that it’s beneath him.
“This way.” He motions me over toward a small barn or maybe it’s a shed.
He opens the door and lets me inside.
“Kitties.” I step in farther. “Come out, babies,” I coo. It’s dark in here. A
strange feeling comes over me. Before I can turn, I feel myself falling
forward. The air leaves my lungs as I’m shoved against the wall. My hands
are gathered behind my back. I feel cool steel snap into place. I open my
mouth to scream, only to have a cloth shoved into my mouth.
I try and fight him off. He’s too big, and with my hands cuffed behind me,
I’m not getting anywhere. A fear like I’ve never known runs through my
body. Not for myself, but for Carter and Cato.
“I’ve got her.” I look over my shoulder at Nico. He’s got a phone pressed to
his ear. “Hurry the fuck up, or we’ll all be dead.”
He’s right about that. Cato is going to kill all of them. I stare at Nico and
wonder why he’s doing this. He has to know he’s a dead man walking. Cato
will show him no mercy.
He pockets his phone. “What the fuck are you looking at?” he bites out.
Then his eyes roam down my body. “You got a magical pussy or
something? Cato never keeps a woman, but here you are getting free rein
over his house. He puts up with you talking back, and you even hit him.
You should be dead.”
He crushes me against the wall with his body. I close my eyes when I feel
his hard on press into my ass. Oh, God. This isn’t happening. This is the
second time someone has tried to grab me from Cato’s home.
“I should have a little taste.” I feel him smell my hair, and everything inside
me curdles.
“Fuck.” He steps back and answers his phone. My heart races. How am I
going to get out of this? “Yeah. I’m coming out.” He grabs the cuffs and
pushes me back toward the door. I almost fall, but he yanks up on the cuffs,
sending pain shooting into my arms as he keeps me upright.
“You try to get away, and I'll cut your finger off.” His cold blade pushes
against my throat. “Got it?”
I nod.
He shoves me out the door with such force that I finally lose my balance
and hit the ground hard. With my hands behind me, I fall face-first, and my
hip takes the impact. My side throbs with pain.
“Watch it, Nico. He wants her in one fucking piece.”
I look at the other man who is sitting on a four-wheeler as Nico yanks me to
my feet. I don’t recognize him.
“Get on,” Nico orders.
“Cuff her in the front or she’ll fall off.” Nico lets out a curse but does what
he says. He lifts me, shoving me onto the seat. There’s no way Cato doesn’t
know I’m gone by now.
I grab on to the man's shirt when he floors it, and we take off. I push the rag
out of my mouth, knowing he can’t shove it back in right now.
“You’re a dead man,” I whisper in the guy's ear before I pull my knife out
of its hiding place and stab him as hard as I can in the back. These assholes
may look at me as a weakling, but the Simonetti blood still courses through
my veins. I will fight until my last breath to protect the ones I love.
He cries out and hits the brake as hard as he can. The four-wheeler jerks and
sends us both flying off.
I can’t think. Where am I? My head pounds as I try to open my eyes. But
when I look up, I see Nico standing over me.
“You’re next,” I whisper before the darkness takes me under.

“W here is she?” My roar sends bats soaring off the hillside

near the villa.
“What is it?” Santino rushes from the house, Carter and Flavia behind him.
“She’s gone. Find her!” I try to calm my tone for Carter but fail. I cut my
gaze to Flavia. “Take him inside. Keep him safe until I return.”
“What is it?” Carter’s big eyes meet mine. “Is Appy going to leave me,
I shake my head. “No. We won’t let her.”
“Come now, little boy,” Flavia chirps. “I have some cookies fresh from the
“Chocolate chip?” He turns to her.
Soldiers run around the house, my yell shaking them loose from their posts,
and Flavia leads Carter back into the house.
“Find her. Now.” I glare at the empty pool. She was just here. I checked not
twenty minutes ago, and then I got a feeling. A tingle in the back of my
mind, as if some primal part of me knew something was going wrong. And
when I came to find her again, she was gone, and the feeling intensified.
“I want her found. I want her returned to me untouched.” I glare at each
man. “No one will lay a finger on Apollonia Simonetti. The penalty is
death. Am I understood?”
“Yes, sir,” they all answer.
“Find her. Now.” I scan the hillside, then the vineyard. Nothing moves in
the dusk.
“You six, that way.” Santino points toward the orchard. “The rest of you,
with me.” He stalks off toward the vineyard as I rush to the barn garage.
I jump onto the first ATV I see and take off, clipping the door on the way
out and opening the throttle until I’m hurtling past my soldiers and into the
vineyard. I can’t hear over the rush of wind, can’t think for the howling in
my heart, can’t feel anything except my need to keep my lioness safe.
Nico. The thought is like a shot through me. He wasn’t outside, wasn’t with
the men. Where was he? My grip tightens on the handlebars as I crest the
nearest vineyard hill and plunge down the other side. She has to be out here.
She wouldn’t have been able to slip past the guards on the gate, and the
patrol has been doubled on every other part of my estat—No.
I slow down as I spot a lump ahead of me and a few rows over. It’s a body. I
can tell from here. My throat closes as I cut across the rows and jump off
my still-moving four-wheeler. When I see it’s not her, I can breathe, but
when I turn the body over and find a stranger, something lurches inside me.
Another intruder. I didn’t protect her.
The glint of a knife catches my eye, and I pull it from the man’s back. My
knife. The one I’d given Apollonia.
“She stabbed you as you deserved.” I spit in his face, then jump back onto
my ATV and tear off toward the far end of the vineyard, dread growing in
my gut as I go. I spot two more bodies--my men, each of them killed while
doing their duty for me. Rage rises in me as I jump the next hilltop and land
with a jarring blow, then increase my speed.
The roar of the wind is still loud in my ears, but something finally cuts
through the noise.
No. I push harder, trying to get to the old vineyard, the fallow patch of
ground that needs to be reworked and re-seeded once it’s rested for another
But when I see the blinking light rising in the sky, then the whir of rotors,
and finally the body of a small helicopter, I yell into the night. She’s in
I jet up the hill and skid to a stop beneath the helicopter as it sends up a dust
storm all around me. I can’t see her, but I can feel her, and I tear in half at
the thought of failing her like this.
The chopper angles away from me, but before it turns, I see a face in the
window. Nico.
“Apollonia!” I roar into the onslaught of wind, but just like that, she’s gone,
the machine flying into the night and taking my lioness with it.
I stare into the dark, listening to each turn of the rotor until the sound dies
away completely.
Another ATV skids to a halt beside me. “Nico. That motherfucker.”
“Yes.” I sit down, a heavy sort of anger settling into my bones. “Track
Santino pulls out his phone as I wave my soldiers away. “Guard this villa
like your lives depend on it. They do.”
With a shouted “Yes, sir,” they scatter into the vineyard and beyond.
“Give the men Nico murdered a proper burial and a lifetime fund for their
families. The intruder--cut him into pieces and put those on pikes near the
gate for any visitors, but hidden from the house. Carter shouldn’t see such
things.” I still stare at the night sky, my heart longing for my lioness. But
I’ll find her soon enough.
“How did you know it was him?” Santino shakes his head and opens an
app. “I mean, how did you know in time to have Flavia sew a tracker into
all his clothes?”
“It had to be someone close. That meant you or him.”
Santino scoffs. “Are there trackers in my clothes?”
“Find him,” I snarl. I have only one thing on my mind. Apollonia. How
scared she must be. But also how brave she’s already been. The helicopter
took off toward Florence, but that could also lead farther south.
I pull my phone out and dial my pilot. “Have the chopper ready as soon as
possible. I’m on my way. We’re taking a trip south.” I end the call and jump
onto my four-wheeler. I would suspect they’re taking her to Rome. But
something in my gut says they’re going farther, back to the beginning, back
to where everything began.
“Heading past Rome,” Santino calls.
“They’re going to Naples.”
“You really think it’s Antony--”
“It’s him. It’s been him this whole time. I simply didn’t want to believe it.” I
gun the four-wheeler back toward the house. The chopper will be here soon,
and I need to gear up before it lands. Weapons. So many fucking weapons.
But when I find the man who’s taken my lioness, I will make him hurt. No
one will suffer as he will.
Antony Lantino. He took her. First he took Carter from me. Now my
Apollonia. I kept tabs on him after I killed his father, Don Lantino, those
years ago. He was away at school when everything happened, and I’d lost
track of him shortly after he graduated. But perhaps I hadn’t truly lost him.
He must’ve gone into hiding, then gotten backing from other families
looking to take me down.
I should’ve known all along.
His father killed Apollonia’s parents, and now he’s back to finish the job.
To crush the Simonettis as a sign of his strength, and as an opening salvo
against me.
I cut my engine and jump off, then hurry into the house.
“Naples. You were right.” Santino turns his phone around to show me the
“He’s going to the old Lantino estate, the one on the cliff.” I own that
property now. It’s a rundown ruin that could crumble into the sea at any
moment. “We have to get there.”
The sound of the chopper is already echoing off the hills as I fling open the
doors of my armory and load up.
Santino begins strapping weapons on as well.
“You’re staying.” I holster two pistols and tuck a third in my waistband.
“Like fuck I am.” He grabs an assault rifle.
“You are. Apollonia and little Carter are the most important things in the
world to me. I’ll handle my lioness. You handle my cub.” I grip his shoulder
and squeeze. “I need you to promise me, Santino. Promise me you will
protect him.”
His jaw clenches, but after a few tense moments, he crosses himself. “I
swear on the virgin mother that nothing will happen to that little boy.”
“Thank you, my friend.” I walk past him, then pause. “And if I don’t return-
“Shut the fuck up and go save your woman.” He grabs a shotgun from the
wall. “I’ll keep watch.”
I shake my head at him as I burst from the armory and sprint across the villa
and out into the cleared garden where the chopper is landing.
I’ll return here with Apollonia, and we will begin our lives anew. But any
birth, including a rebirth, cannot begin without blood. I intend to shed
enough to earn our new lives and end the threat to my lioness for good.

M y head throbs. I swallow and try to remember what

happened. It all floods back to me in waves. I killed a man.
He got off lucky. His death was quick. Cato would have
dragged it out for days, I’m sure.
“I know you’re awake, Apollonia.”
Shit. My stomach tightens as I slowly open my eyes. It takes a minute for
my vision to adjust. I stare up at the painted ceiling where baby angels
romp. How fitting.
“Sit up, or I’ll do it for you. You won’t like my way.”
I take a deep breath before bracing myself to sit up on the hardwood floor.
Of course these bastards don’t even have enough respect to treat a woman
I notice Nico first, lounging on a sofa without a care in the world. So stupid.
It doesn’t matter if I live or die. He’s a dead man walking. All of them are.
Who is stupid enough to cross Cato? Well, besides me.
I turn my head to find a man staring at me from behind a giant desk. His
dark eyes feel familiar, but I can’t place them.
“You grew up into a beauty. No wonder Cato wanted to keep you for
himself. He wouldn’t only have a Simonetti but a pretty wife of his own.
Lucky, since with arranged marriages you usually get what you get.”
“It wasn’t arranged.”
“Are you sure about that?” He picks up a cigar and lights it. The more I
stare at him, the more I think I’ve seen him before. The dark eyes and hair.
All of his features are hard like stone.
“He kidnapped me.” I lick my dry lips. How long have I been out?
“A lot of brides don’t come easily. You have to break them in.” He grins.
Disgusting. Cato would never do such a thing.
Nico glowers at me. “She‘s lying. She walked around that house like she
owned it. Cato let her get away with anything.” If looks could kill, I’d be
I wipe some dirt from off me. “You sound like a jealous girlfriend.”
Nico is on his feet in an instant. I scramble backward, trying to get away
from him. Not that there’s anywhere to go. We’re in a giant office. It’s a lot
like Cato’s but not as nicely decorated. Sort of dusty and rundown, to be
Nico grabs the front of my cover up and yanks me up. He pulls his hand
back. I kick my legs out and hit him right in the kneecap. He loses his
balance and falls on his ass. I may have sealed my fate with that blow.
The man at the desk barks out a laugh. He’s clearly enjoying the show. Sick
asshole. Nico reaches for me again. I close my eyes, ready to take the hit.
There’s nothing I can do. If I fight right now, it will only be worse for me.
“Don’t hit her. If you break her jaw she can’t talk.”
I open my eyes to look up at Nico. He wants to hit me so bad he’s thinking
about defying an order. He’s not just stupid. He’s extra stupid.
“Nico.” The man slams something down on the desk. Nico shoves me
before stomping back over to the sofa like a child who got in trouble. I want
to smile, but now is not the time.
“She’s got that Simonetti blood in her, that’s for sure. It's going to get you
killed like all the rest of them,” the man at the desk taunts me.
I just stare at him. He’s not going to bait me into a fight. I’ll let Cato seek
vengeance on my behalf. I just need to continue to be smart to protect
Carter, to get whatever information from these assholes that I can so I know
what they’re planning. Ultimately, Carter is what matters most. I would lay
down my life for that little boy.
“Now where were we?” He smiles. It’s creepy as hell and sends a shiver up
my spine. “Yes, Cato’s new plaything. Could you be pregnant?” He raises
one eyebrow. My hand goes to my stomach. I’d never even thought of that
when Cato and I were in the heat of the moment. I could only think about
him pleasuring me, and maybe somewhere hidden inside me, I wanted a
part of him? A child with my eyes and his face.
My eyes burn when I realize I may never see Cato again. Carter either. He’s
already lost so much. I can’t leave them.
“Answer me,” he shouts.
“I don’t know.”
“Hmm. It would be too soon to know. But could you imagine Cato’s only
born child being raised as a Lantino?”
“Lantino?” The man who ordered my parents murdered? My stomach turns,
bile rising in my throat. Do not throw up.
Nico ignores me. “You can’t keep her alive. You should have let me kill her
and leave her body there for them to find.” I think he’s starting to get
“We’ll fake her death.” The man puts his cigar down. “Think of it, Nico.
His own child could kill him. Now that is fucking revenge!” he bellows.
He stands and comes around his desk toward me. He’s shorter than I
thought he’d be. I will myself to not scramble back, to not show weakness
in front of these hyenas. All I can do is wait for my love to find me.
Oh God. I’m in love with Cato. Why didn’t I realize it sooner? I might
never get to tell him that. A tear escapes. I wipe it away quickly as the man
towers over me. I will not show him weakness, because these types of men
get off on it.
“I could even have some fun with you. Record it and send it to Cato. He’d
go insane.”
The need to vomit pushes up again. This can’t be happening. “Why are you
doing this? What does this have to do with the Lantinos? They died. Cato
killed them and took their holdings.”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?” He leans down over me. “I’m Antony
Lantino. The son and heir to everything my father built. And I’m here to
claim it.” His gaze flicks down my body. “To take everything I’m owed.”
I clench my jaw as I start to see red. Now I know why he looks familiar. He
has his father’s eyes. Black with no soul behind them.
“You killed my family.”
He smiles, almost looking gleeful about it. “Cato killed my father and
I’m sure it was a slow painful death. I’m sorry I missed it. “That was after
your family killed mine. My mother did you no wrong. And you killed her.”
I can’t keep the tremble out of my voice. “And Carter? Was it you?”
He shrugs. “It had to be done.”
It’s like another gut punch, one that knocks the wind from me.
“I tried to talk him into seeing things my way. But both your parents and
Cato’s bastard father agreed to a union that would make the Davincis
unstoppable, and Carter refused to listen to reason.”
“What does that mean?” I have a feeling I already know.
“They were going to give you to Cato. The Simonettis and the Davincis. It
would bind you by blood. We couldn’t let that happen.”
Still, somehow I ended up with Cato. Or maybe he knew the whole time?
He took me to honor his word to his father. More tears spill free. Thinking
Cato is only with me to uphold his father’s bargain is a dagger to my soul. It
had felt so real. I’d planned to break his heart but instead he broke mine.
“Those Davincis are always snatching up pretty wives. As if they own all
the good pussy in the world.” He shakes his head and stands back up. “Take
her to my room. We’re going to have a little fun.”
I scream when Nico grabs me by my hair and pulls me to my feet. My
whole body goes numb before a loud boom shakes the whole house. The
window shatters into a million pieces.
“Cato’s here,” I whisper.
“How did they find us?” He shouts and runs over to his desk to pull out a
gun. He’ll need a lot more than that to stop Cato.
This time it’s me who gets to give the wicked smile.

T he once-resplendent villa crumbles along the edges, and

warning signs are posted along the cliff road of the danger
from collapse.
I ignore those warnings as I speed along the winding lane, my headlights
off, my car giving off nothing more than a low purr as I approach.
When I’m close enough to the estate, I park and jump from my car, then
skirt the rusted iron fence along the side until I find a tree close enough to
scale. Once I’m up and over, I creep through the cypresses while the cicadas
sing overhead.
The house is mostly dark except for the office and a few rooms upstairs.
But I’m no fool. They expect me to come for her. How could they not?
I creep closer and find a guard at the edge of the swimming pool, its water
green and fetid as a large crack runs between it and the house. It’s on the
verge of falling into the sea below just like everything else on this
precarious perch.
The guard takes a few steps toward the pool, and I creep up behind him and
slit his throat. He doesn’t make a sound as I pull him behind a tangle of
roses, the unkempt bushes thick and wild.
I creep closer, then drop low and pull two grenades from my pack. Pulling
the pins, I toss them into the crack beside the pool, then take off at a run
into the cypresses along the front of the house.
The boom shatters the night, silences the cicadas, and sends up a plume of
smoke and debris. I still behind a tree and pull my rifle around to my front
as several men run from the house to check the noise.
Once a contingent of them passes, I rush through the night and steal into the
kitchen. It’s filthy, a few old meals still sitting half-eaten on the counter. I
find another guard, and he sees me at the same time. He starts to yell and
raise his pistol, but I slice out hard with my blade and sever his vocal cords.
He falls, his neck gurgling as blood pools on the dirty tile floor.
Stepping over him, I ease deeper into the house. I remember every room,
every bit of Lantino’s wealth as well as his excess. The hand-painted
ceilings and golden trimwork are fading now, the paint peeling and the tile
A rumble sounds, then yelling from outside. I feel the house move beneath
my feet.
“The pool!” someone shouts.
It’s shearing away, my grenades giving it the push it needed to let go and
fall hundreds of feet to the rushing waves below. I find the stairwell and
pull a charge from my pack, planting it at the base of the house, then I move
deeper and plant a few more. My lioness is here, but not in the office or any
of the first floor rooms. I kill guards as I go, none of them able to alert the
others before my knife slices their lives away. This is what I was born to do.
To destroy, to conquer, to honor my lioness by laying my kills at her feet.
A scream floats to my ear as a large, jagged fissure appears in the terrazzo
floor of the grand entry hall. The house is splintering now, the fallen pool
destabilizing the entire structure. Good. But first, I must find Apollonia.
“Cato!” Her cry is like a fiery whip at my back. I take the stairs two at a
time and use my Glock to take out the two guards at the top. One of them
falls over the rail and lands in the crack that’s growing by the second. Dust
floats from the rafters, and everything seems to be moving around me.
Sprinting now, I find another guard hurrying down the hall toward me. He
shoots first. I shoot better. He drops at my feet, and I jump over him and
keep going. It’s as if she’s pulling me to her. Silently, but steadily. My blood
is cold, but the closer I get to her, the warmer I am.
When I reach the master bedroom door, I plaster myself to the wall and use
my foot to push it open. Shots blast through the wood, splinters flying as
someone empties an entire magazine into the polished mahogany. I aim my
pistol at my side and fire one shot, then drop to the floor hard, making sure
the thump is audible.
“Shit. Now he’ll never get to see me fuck a baby into you.” A man’s voice.
It has the same tenor as his father’s, the same cruelty, too. “But I can live
with that.”
“He’ll kill you.” Apollonia’s voice shakes, but conviction lives in her
“He’s bleeding out right now. His body hit the floor. I’m going to take it
with me. Keep it as a trophy. Pieces of it, anyway.”
“Let go!” Apollonia screams, agony in her tone as she fights him. “Cato!”
The door bursts open, and Apollonia drops to her knees beside me.
“Cato, no.” She strokes my cheek as the house starts to shake. “Cato,
please.” She presses her hands to the wound in my side. “Wake up.”
“He’s dead, you idiot.” Antony walks out. Even with my eyes barely open, I
can see he turned out as evil and arrogant as his father. He kicks the gun
from my open hand.
“No.” Apollonia shakes her head.
“In fact, I want to seal this deal between us.” He grips her by her hair and
wrenches her up, blocking my shot. “Here.” He forces his pistol into her
hand and grips her wrists so she’s aiming at my head. “Make sure he’s
gone. Do it quick before the house comes down on us.”
“Stop.” She struggles in his grip, but he holds her and gun steady.
“Pull the trigger. Do what you Simonettis do best,” he taunts.
“Get off me!” Tears stream down her cheeks, but she can’t pull away from
him. “I don’t need your help. I wanted to kill him myself!”
“What?” He sounds as surprised as I feel.
“He lied to me.” Her voice turns dark, lethal. “Made me think he loved me.
But really he was only acting like that to honor the deal his father made.
Treated me like cattle. I didn’t know until you told me.” She kicks me in the
side. “Asshole!”
Antony laughs and loosens his grip. “That Simonetti blood runs so hot. I
should’ve known you were a killer at heart.”
She steps a little closer and squares off, planting her feet, and shaking him
off as she points the barrel between my eyes. The house cracks, the timbers
tearing apart as the floor groans beneath me.
Her index finger flirts with the trigger. “This is what you deserve.”
I meet her gaze and hate the tears in her eyes. Antony is still behind her, a
smirk on his lips.
She takes a deep, shuddering breath. “Do it,” she whispers. “For Carter.”
I roll, shove my other hand between her knees, and fire.

T he shot rings in my ear. I whip around, needing to see

Antony’s face. He holds his hand over his gut where blood is
pouring out.
I raise my gun to shoot him again. I want to see the life drain out of his
eyes. He’s taken so much from me. It’s my turn to take from him. He’ll
never hurt anyone I love ever again. No Lantino will. I will hunt them down
one by one if I have to. I will show them no mercy just as they showed none
to my flesh and blood.
“Not yet.” Cato puts his hand on the barrel and pushes it down.
“Fuck you. Get it over with.” Antony coughs, blood spattering on his lips.
The house shakes again.
“Cato?” I look over at him. What is he doing? We have to get out of here.
Cato rises and pushes me behind him, then wraps his hand around Antony’s
“Such a death is too easy, lioness. He deserves far more for all he’s taken
from you.” He drags him back into the bedroom. Antony tries to squirm
away, but Cato’s hold is unbreakable.
Cato pulls out my knife and holds it up. Antony’s eyes go round in panic as
he tries to fight for freedom again. Cato shoves the knife right into Antony’s
back as he screams. The only thing left visible is the handle, which lets me
know it’s gone deep enough to hit his spine. His knees give out but Cato
doesn’t let go of his throat as he pulls the knife out and hands it to me.
“You’ll never walk again. Not that you’re going to live long. Only as long
as it takes for my lioness to get her revenge. To avenge the death of her
Tears stream down Antony’s face as he turns a shade bluer. I smile,
enjoying every moment of this. I grip the knife tight in my hand.
“He thought he was going to fuck me.”
Cato squeezes his neck tighter. I almost think his head is going to pop off if
Cato isn't careful. I toss the knife once, catching it with ease. The same as
Carter would always do. He could do it for hours with his eyes closed. “You
killed yourself when you came for the Simonettis. You were stupid enough
to leave some of us alive.” I grip the knife and shove it right into his groin.
Antony’s scream is a symphony to my ears.
“Fuck.” Cato closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Vicious.” I swear he's
fighting a laugh. “Are you done, my lioness?”
“Take me home.”
My pleasure.” He shoves Antony back, sending him into the stained glass
window. It shatters as Antony flops backward. I step closer to look out the
window. He’s a good fifty yards down, impaled on rocks.
“We have to go.” Cato grabs my hand, holding it tight as he leads me out of
the crumbling house.
We’re almost to the crooked front door when the floor gives way and half of
the house starts to shift toward the sea.
A flash in the corner of my eye has me whirling, but Cato is already in front
of me, blocking me from danger.
“Help me.” Nico is scrabbling at the cracking floor, his body hanging off as
the house is torn into two parts. “Cato, please!” He reaches out, desperate
for someone to save him. The same desperation I felt when he threatened
me and stole me from Cato.
Cato bends down, and I watch with satisfaction as he slices Nico’s fingers
off. His scream as he falls is almost as wonderful as Antony’s. But when the
house gives another quaking groan, Cato yanks me through the collapsing
front door.
We race away from the building as the rest of it falls, the sea taking
everything and wiping the earth clean. After today, nothing of the Lantino
family will be left. I suck in a deep breath. The house is gone, and I see
nothing but starry sky and endless ocean. Carter is out there, my parents,
too--all of them watching me as I finally took revenge on the one who hurt
“I’m sorry,” I whisper to them. I never should have run all those years ago.
It was pointless. It didn’t matter how far I ran. I will always be a Simonetti.
It’s in my blood.

“Are you doing okay?” I lean over to look at Cato’s side. The way he’s
acting, you’d never know he was shot.
“It's fine.”
I lean back in my seat still worrying about it. The sounds of the helicopter
are too loud to really talk. I’m almost thankful for it. I’m not sure what
there is to say. I still can’t believe Cato shot himself. Actually, I can.
Cato takes my hand in his, holding it tight. He hasn't stopped touching me
since he’s gotten me back. I can see the guilt in his eyes. He probably thinks
it’s his fault I was taken, but nothing could be further from the truth. He’s
the reason I’m alive. He’s the reason little Carter is safe. A shiver runs
through me when I think about how they could’ve taken Carter instead of
I want to lean into Cato, but the things Antony said are still rattling around
inside my head. Maybe it doesn't matter. Would it be so bad to be with Cato
if he didn't love me? He could grow to love me one day. I know he’d be a
good husband. An even better father to little C. It’s not as though I can take
Carter from here anyway. This is his home. He loves Cato, and I would
never take him away from someone that would protect him at all costs.
Cato’s finger goes under my chin, and he turns my head to look at him. He
cups my face with both of his hands and pulls me in for a kiss. It’s not a soft
one. It’s filled with need and possession. I kiss him back the same, because
the truth is I want to be his. I’ll take him any way I can get him. I love him.
I don’t want to spend another second denying it.
“Have I lost you?” His eyes search my face.
I shake my head.
He doesn't look like he believes me.
I rest my cheek on his chest as we fly the rest of the way home. He plays
with my hair as I close my eyes for a moment.
“Lioness,” Cato calls to me. I slowly open my eyes and yawn.
“Get the door,” he tells someone before he scoops me into his arms and
hops down from the helicopter.
“Cato! Put me down. You have a gunshot wound, for crying out loud. You
shouldn’t be lifting me.”
“You got shot?” Santino half shouts, then smirks.
“You’ll wake her up,” Cato scolds.
“Hello. I’m already awake.” I try to wiggle to get down. It’s useless.
We enter through the back door. Carter is sitting at the counter in a hightop
chair eating cookies. My heart fills with happiness when I see the chocolate
smashed on his face. The kitten is wandering back and forth on the counter.
Carter’s whole face lights up when he notices we’re home. When he smiles
at me, I know I would kill as many Lantinos as it took to always guarantee
his safety.
“Down,” I tell Cato again. This time he listens and puts me on my feet. I
drop onto my knees as Carter runs over and gives me a hug. I pick him up,
holding him tight. I won’t let myself cry right now.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” I look back at Cato. “Will you grab the kitten, please?
I’m going to take this chocolate-covered boy up to bed.”
He scoops up the kitten for me and follows me up the stairs and into
Carter’s room.
I pick out some pajamas for Carter and hand them to him. “You should go
have that checked out, Cato.”
“You can’t hide behind little C all night, lioness.”
“I am—” He kisses me, cutting me off.
“You’re wounded,” I argue against his lips.
“Sweet lioness, I’d have to be dead in order for me not to be inside you
tonight,” he whispers softly into my ear so only I can hear.
I suck in a breath, my whole body heating.
“I’ll be back.” He turns and strides out the door.
Carter grabs the kitten and climbs into bed. I snag a book and crawl in with
him. I’m home. He’s safe. Cato is getting fixed up. I don’t think I read more
than two pages before we’re both out.

T hey slumber peacefully, both of them like dark angels sent to

watch over me.
Santino creeps down the hall behind me, and I close the door.
“All fixed up?” He glances at the bandages on my torso.
“It’s nothing.”
“Good.” He nods. “I sent a team to do cleanup. All of Antony’s soldiers
have been dealt with. I took a few for questioning. Got some intel.”
“The soldiers aren’t the problem. Not the real one, anyway.” I walk with
him down the stairs and to my office. “Who backed him?”
Santino cracks his always-bruised knuckles. “Giuseppe. He bankrolled the
whole thing. And he’s the one who turned Nico.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “He’s been a thorn in my side for years, and
I’ve let him live. But this?” I shake my head. “This is the end of his line.”
Santino whistles. “The other bosses--”
“Don’t matter to me.” I meet his gaze. “He put my lioness in danger and
sicced Antony on me to settle a score Giuseppe should’ve settled himself.
He’s still angry I took his poppy fields and ended his human trafficking
“Let’s kill him.” Santino is always happy to spill blood for me.
“It’s time.”
“Time?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Time for you to take your place.”
“You end Gisueppe Carantino, you take his territory.” I don’t want to let
Santino go, but he’s been loyal and patient for so long, and it’s past time for
me to reward him for all he’s done.
He shakes his head. “You need me here.”
“I do, but you have everything it takes. Our families will be allies. Stronger
together. This is your chance. The bosses will fall in line, or I will come for
them, too.”
He stares at me, half dumbfounded, half giddy. “Me, a boss?”
“I should’ve given it to you when Giuseppe fucked up the first time.” I lean
against my desk, my side aching, though I don’t show it. “Take him out and
enjoy the spoils. I’ve heard he has a young wife.”
“Just married her two weeks ago.” He grins. “But I heard he can’t get it up
to seal the deal.”
I wave him away. “Kill him, save her, write your own story.”
He walks to me and drops to a knee. “I will always be loyal. That will never
“Stand, my friend.” I pull him to his feet. “You kneel for no one. We are
equals, loyal to each other.” I offer my forearm.
He takes it and pulls me into a fierce hug. “My brother.”
“Always.” I clap him on the back. “Now quit dawdling and put Giuseppe’s
head on a pike. Take as many soldiers as you need.”
“No problem.” He grins and heads for the door. “I’ll be back to visit soon.
Flavia would miss me if I stayed away too long.”
“You mean you’d miss her tiramisu.”
“That, too.” He strides out to do untold violence, and I finally take a breath.
Letting him go is difficult, but it’s also the right thing to do. My gaze lifts to
the ceiling, my thoughts drawn back to my lioness and our cub. They are
my future now, my family, my heart’s blood. No threat will ever touch them
again. And if anyone tries? I’ll end them the same way I destroyed every
last Lantino. I will grant no mercy and send my enemies to the gates of hell.

“Mmmph.” Apollonia rolls over, her eyes fluttering open. “Hi.”

I smile and stroke her dark hair from her cheek. “Good morning, lioness.”
She glances around. “Carter?”
“Sleeping in his room. Safe.”
She snuggles back down and scoots closer to me. “Good.”
When she rests her cheek on my chest, something inside me relaxes, my
heart free to beat its own rhythm.
“Wait.” She sits up and stares at the bandage on my side. “Are you okay?”
“All is well.” I pull her back down. “You and Carter are safe. I’ll heal
quickly. I always do.”
She sighs and accepts my embrace, her body so warm and soft. I’d watched
her sleep until I succumbed, too. And when I woke, she was cuddled
against me, her hand on my chest, her thigh slung over mine. Heaven.
“It all seems like a bad dream,” she says softly, then trails her fingers along
the edge of my bandage. “But it was real.”
“Yes.” I take her hand and bring her fingers to my lips, kissing them. “It
was real, but it’s over.”
“Antony Lantino.” She turns and looks at me. “Did you know he was
“Yes.” I rest her hand over my heart. “I let him live. He was away at school
when your family was killed. I kept up with him as he left for college. After
that, I assumed he’d put violence behind him and intended to start a new
chapter for the Lantino name. Or perhaps that’s what I’d hoped would
“They’re rotten. Every last one of them.” Her fierce tone makes my blood
pump harder. “I’d kill them again if I could.”
“So bloodthirsty.” I stroke her cheek. “As you should be.”
Her lips quirk to the side just a bit. “He told me something.”
“What?” I pull her higher, her breasts pressing against my chest through her
thin top.
She looks away.
“Tell me,” I coax and lean up to nip at her jawline.
Meeting my gaze, she says, “He said we were supposed to be married. That
our parents arranged it. Did you know about that?”
I try to gauge why that information would worry her, but I can’t see it.
“That’s the first I’ve learned of it.”
She lets out a big breath and rests her head in the crook of my neck. “Do
you promise?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t lie to you.” I wrap my arms around her. “Does it bother
you that our parents planned our future for us?”
“No, that’s not it.”
“Then what?” I stroke her back and slide my hand under her shirt to feel her
soft skin.
“I just...” She shrugs. “I thought maybe the only reason you wanted me was
because your father made a deal for me, and you were trying to honor him
by--” She yelps when I flip her onto her back and cover her body.
“Apollonia.” I stare down at her. “I want you. I always have. I always will.
Not because of honor or duty or anything else. I want you because I feel
you in here.” I thump my chest. “I’ve belonged to you from the start. Every
twisted, ruined part of my soul is yours. I will never stop loving you.”
“Love?” Her eyes water.
I stroke her cheek and softly kiss her. “Yes, my lioness. I love you with
everything I am.”
She twines her arms around my neck. “I love you, too.”
I luxuriate in the beauty of her words. “Say it again.”
“I love you, Cato. I’ve loved you from the moment you saved me that day
so long ago. My heart has always been in your hands.”
“I will never break it.” I kiss her again, harder this time. My life is hers. By
her word, I live and die. By her word, I kill and grant mercy. I will never
give my lioness less than she deserves, and right now, she deserves every
bit of pleasure I can give.

M y eyes burn with tears. I wrap my arms around Cato. He

loves me. I guess my plan worked. Part of it at least. I never
thought he'd make me fall in love with him, too. I hadn't put
up much of a fight in the end. I think my heart and soul knew what he was
going to be to me. Hell, I think my parents might have known it, too.
Cato pulls his mouth from mine and tugs at my robe. I lift up, letting him
pull it free. He tosses it away. I fight not to laugh at his anger toward the
silky piece of cloth.
“Are you laughing at me, my lioness?”
“Never.” I drop onto the bed and run my fingers up and down his arms.
“You’re so damn beautiful. You know that, right? And all fucking mine.”
He kisses me again.
I dig my nails into his arm as he deepens the kiss. I put everything I have
into it, wanting to feel him all over me. He pulls his mouth from mine as he
trails kisses down my neck. A prelude to the pleasure I know he’s going to
give me.
He palms one of my breasts as he sucks my nipple from the other into his
mouth. He swirls his tongue around before popping the nipple free and
doing the same to the other. He lifts his mouth and grazes me with his teeth.
“One day, you’ll give me a daughter.” He kisses the inside of my breast.
“I’ll have to learn to share these.”
I giggle.
“Are you laughing at me again?”
“Never.” I shake my head.
He gives me a wicked smile as he moves down my body. I spread my legs,
welcoming him there as he kisses me. By the time Cato is done, there will
be no part of me his mouth hasn’t touched. I plan to enjoy each and every
second of him exploring my body.
His fingers dig into my thighs as his warm breath teases my clit. I reach
down and run my hands through his hair. He looks up at me with that
devilish smirk on his face. He knows what he’s doing.
“I love you, Cato, but if you tease me right now I will stab you with your
own knife.”
He throws back his head, a deep laugh coming from him. Cato always looks
handsome, but he is something else altogether when he smiles.
“We can’t have that. You’ve stabbed enough people lately.” He leans down,
his tongue tracing my clit. My head drops back as he pushes a finger inside
me. I moan, my hips lifting off the bed.
Cato’s other hand slips up my stomach and finds mine. He links our fingers
as he licks and sucks at my clit. He pushes a second finger into me. It’s all
too much. His mouth and fingers continue to work me until my body begins
to shake as my first orgasm hits me. It rolls through me like a storm,
drowning me in delight.
My entire body relaxes until I feel him give my clit one last kiss, causing
my body to jerk.
My eyes flutter open as he makes his way up my body, kissing every inch
of me until he gets to my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I love you,” I say against his mouth, kissing him again as he pushes inside
“I love you too.” He brushes some of my hair from my forehead. His eyes
search my face. “You okay?”
“I’ve never been better, Cato. I didn't know I could be this happy.”
“Me either.” He smiles, brushing his mouth against mine. I run my hands
down his back, needing to feel him against me as he starts to thrust in and
“Cato.” I moan his name, then remember. “Stop. Wait.”
He stills over me, his brows drawing together.
“I’m fine.” I rush to say before he freaks out. “But your side, the wound.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, you—”
He pulls out and thrusts back into me, making me moan and proving his
“You bastard.” I dig my nails into his back. He smiles and keeps on
thrusting in and out of me.
“I want to be on top.”
In one quick move, he flips me. I gasp, my hands coming down on his chest
as his cock sinks deeper inside of me. “I’m going to murder you.” I smack
“After, Lioness. Murder me after.” He grips my hips. I let my legs spread
wide as I start to ride him. He guides me with his hands. I begin to move up
and down on him, faster and faster, taking over control.
He cups my breast as his other hand slides between my thighs, his thumb
finding my clit.
“Cato.” I gasp out his name. My breathing is choppy as the pleasure pushes
down on me. I dig my nails into him as he growls out my name with so
much desire it sparks my orgasm.
I cry out his name, my sex clenching around him as I feel his warm release
spill deep inside me. I let out a breath to stare down at the man I love. He
brushes his thumb against my cheek. I turn my head and kiss his palm.
“Thank you for fighting for me.”
“Kidnapping you, you mean?”
I try to hold my laugh back but fail. “That, too.”
“I will always fight for you. I would lay down my life for you, lioness.”
I relax on his chest as his hands roam along my back.
“Oh. Your side.” I try to move but get nowhere. “Cato.” I turn my head and
bite his nipple.
“Fuck.” he laughs. “My lioness bites.”
“We better not have made your wound worse.”
“I promise that nothing could hurt me more than my cock leaving your
pussy right now. That would be more painful than anything I could
I roll my eyes but don’t move. All my life, all I ever did was run. Now I
want nothing more than to stay here forever with the man who always saves
me and never stops loving me.

5 Years Later

“Q uiet now, lioness.” I press my palm to her mouth while I use

my other hand to slap her wet pussy.
She jolts against me, her eyes promising retribution, but I keep
her pinned to the wall of our closet, my hand disciplining her pink flesh
with sure strikes.
When I flatten my palm against her and rub her clit, her eyes roll back, her
body going slack. I take the opportunity to yank down her top and get
another look at her beautiful tits, the nipples hard for me. I suck one into my
mouth as I slap her cunt again.
She tries to grab my hair and yank, but I give her two more slaps, and she
drops her claws. When I sink two fingers into her soaked cunt and bite
down on her nipple, her back arches from the wall.
“Cato,” she mumbles against my palm.
I thrust my fingers inside her, then move to her other nipple and suck it
hard. She moans. With a rough pull, I move her to the island in the center of
her closet and bend her over it.
Freeing my cock, I plunge inside her as she gasps. And when I press my
palm to her upper back, holding her in place on the white marble surface as
I thrust hard into her wet cunt, she makes the sexiest sound from deep
“This is what you get, my lioness. When you try to flaunt what’s mine in
that tiny bikini.” I slap her ass for good measure, reddening just like her
cherry cunt. “My men could’ve seen you. Could’ve seen those tits and this
pretty pink pussy. Is that what you want?” I thrust up hard and deep, then
grab a handful of her hair and pull her upright so I can reach around and get
a handful of her tits. Fucking sexy woman.
“It was just a bikini.”
“Just a bikini?” I growl into her ear and slide my hand lower, stroking her
clit while I pound her cunt. “This body is for my eyes. Mine.” I bite her ear.
She shudders, her hips working with mine. “I just wanted to celebrate
losing some baby weight.”
I slow and pull out, then turn her around and lift her onto the island.
Pushing inside her again, I hold her by the throat and keep her gaze. “You
are beautiful no matter if you are carrying baby weight, carrying my child,
or anything else. Never forget that.” I take her mouth as her arms come
around me.
Gripping her ass, I thrust into her, my cock growing even harder as her
thighs begin to shake. When I lick my thumb and press it to her clit, she
digs her nails into my shoulders, and I thrust harder, wearing her out as I
stroke her clit.
When she comes, I swallow her cry with a rough kiss, then push deep into
her. When I let go, her greedy cunt milks me, squeezing every drop from
my cock as I coat her with my seed. I love coming in my lioness, love
knowing that this could be the time when we make another beautiful child
to add to our family.
When she goes boneless in my arms, I hold her close. Both our hearts are
pounding, our skin slicked with sweat.
“You spanked my pussy,” she says between gulps of air.
“You loved it.”
She laughs softly. “Ass.”
“If you flaunt my property, I have to enforce discipline.” I bite her neck just
hard enough to leave a mark. “Everyone must know you belong to me. If
another man even thought of touching you, I’d--”
“I’d kill him,” she interrupts, and a wicked grin spreads across her plump
“Those claws are lethal.” I kiss her again, my cock already growing hard
“You’d better watch yourself, Cato.” She draws a nail across my throat.
“Threatening me?” I smirk and thrust into her. “You’re begging for another
She moans, her head falling back. “Mmmmm.”
I begin again, giving it to her as she deserves.
“I’m going to make you come so hard--”
“Mommy?” A knock at the closet door makes me freeze.
“Yes?” Apollonia responds a little too quickly.
I move slowly, pumping into her gently and rubbing her swollen clit.
“The door is locked.”
“Oh? I didn’t reali--” Apollonia makes a high-pitched noise when I stroke
her faster.
“Are you coming?” Beatrice asks through the door.
“I--I …”
I stroke her just the way she likes and push all the way into her sex.
Slapping my hand over her mouth, I hold her gaze as we come again, her
body tensing and squeezing me again and again until she finally relaxes in
my arms.
“Mommy?” Beatrice tries the handle again.
I pull out and quickly rearrange Apollonia’s dress, then zip up and hurry
around the corner that leads deeper into the closet.
Apollonia opens the door. “What is it, baby?”
“I thought we were going to play in the pool with Carter?”
I peek around the corner and get a glimpse of Beatrice’s dark hair, her pink,
ruffled swimsuit so cute on her.
“We are. I just need to get my bathing suit on. The one I had earlier is still
“Okay.” She turns and walks into the bedroom.
Apollonia gives me a “that was close” look as I slink back into the shadows.
Two beautiful girls. To think I would be graced with such good fortune is
almost beyond belief. But my Apollonia has always been mine. From the
time I rescued her when she was a young girl until now, when she’s a grown
woman and a mother. We’ve always been bound. Two hearts that were
meant to be.
She’ll never run again. And if she ever tried? I’d chase her and remind her
of exactly why I’m the only man for her. After all, a lioness like her needs a
lion, one who will never stop loving her, protecting her, and fighting for her.

I meet my new bride while her husband’s blood is still cooling on my
hands. Bella, the Carrera daughter with the sharp tongue and the bright
eyes. She thinks she’s nothing compared to her younger sister, but she’s
wrong. Bella is everything, and I’m going to prove to her that I’m worthy to
be her husband. Once I’ve exacted my vengeance on all who seek to take
what I’ve fought and killed for, I’ll have my beauty on her back, panting my
name, and thanking the Virgin I claimed her as mine.
My first husband found me plain and unappealing. But now he’s dead, and I
have to look out for my sister as well as my own neck. But Santino isn’t the
mafia king I expect. He’s ruthless, hard, and violent, but not to me. To me,
he shows kindness, consideration, and above all, an attraction that I can’t
explain. I want him, but my duty to my sister is always at the forefront of
my mind. Falling for Santino wasn’t part of my plan, but his irresistible
assault may be the only thing that can change me from a Carrera to a
Baldoni, but at what cost?

“W here is she?” I wipe the blood from my hands and drop

the crimson stained towel into the sink.
“Upstairs in her room.” The old woman edges closer to the knife rack on
the wall behind the stove.
“I find myself in need of a cook.” I straighten my bloody shirt as my men
fan out through the house. Gunshots and yells echo as the woman gives me
a dark look.
“A cook?”
“Are you any good?” I shift to the large stainless-steel island and swipe a
piece of crusty bread, then spread burrata over it. It melts in my mouth, and
I chew with satisfaction.
Her gaze lightens. “Giuseppe never ate what I cooked. Never wanted
anything except American food.” She looks like she wants to spit on the
polished tile floor. “Burgers and fries. No gelato. He wanted ice cream.”
She scowls.
“You’re hired.” I swallow the rest of my snack and clap my hands as the
gunshots finally die down. “Name?”
“Talia, I’m Santino Baldoni, the new head of this enterprise. From now on,
you serve me. Your loyalty is with me. I will keep you safe and well paid as
long as you keep my stomach full. Understand?”
She nods and turns to the stove. “Dinner at 7. Breakfast at 9 unless you
have a meeting. And I always serve lunch at noon with espresso in the
afternoon. If you want anything in particular, say the word, and I will make
it better than you’ve ever had it in your entire life.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” I stride out of the kitchen and inspect my new
home. My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. I want to drink in this
moment of triumph.
Giuseppe won’t mind. He’s already buried in the vineyard out back, though
his blood still stains my fingernails.
I peer at the overdone paintings, the gaudy golden frames, and the
ridiculous dust collectors he has stationed along his main hall. Pottery and
junk. He was only 40, but it appears he was an old woman at heart, given
his taste.
“Clear.” Lucenzo walks past, his gun still at the ready as he checks the
house a second time.
“Upstairs?” I ask.
“Clear, except the master bedroom. Locked up tight. Should I break it
down?” He turns.
“I’ve got it.” I grin. “I have a way with the ladies, as you well know.”
“If by ladies, you mean goats, then yes. I know.”
I lift the back of my hand.
He deadpans at me as I feign striking him.
I narrow my eyes. “You’re lucky you’re my cousin.”
“I know.” He gestures around us at the huge villa, then keeps moving.
Lucenzo may be an asshole, but he’s loyal, and that’s what counts.
I glance up the stairs and smirk. A virgin bride, one never claimed by the
pathetic Giuseppe, if the gossip is true. Probably cowering under her bed,
quaking in fear at all the commotion. I’ll send her away. The last thing I
need is a crying female going to pieces all the time when I’m working on
building my empire. This is my chance, my shot, and I won’t let it pass me
by. I’ve been loyal to Cato Davinci for my whole life. Now it’s time to
share in his spoils and join him as an equal.
Grinning, I take the stairs two at a time. When I see the closed doors at the
far end of the hall, I stride toward them and whistle a tune.
One of my soldiers stands outside and glowers at the dark wood doors.
“She’s in there, but she’s got something against the doors.”
“I’ll handle it.” I run a hand through my hair to smooth it down and
straighten my shirt again. I’ll have her charmed right out of the room in no
“Wait, who is she?”
My soldier blinks.
“What family, asshole?” I flex my fists, my bloodlust still running high.
“Fuck.” I rub my temples.
My phone vibrates again, and I pull it from my pocket.
Cato: Giuseppe’s bride is a Carrera.
Cato: Where the fuck are you?
Cato: The bride is a CARRERA. Don’t hurt her, don’t fuck her, and you
cannot let her out of your sight. You will wed her as soon as possible to seal
that alliance. Don’t fuck it up.
Santino: Her father will send men for me once he finds out I have her.
Cato: We’ll deal with it. I’ll go ahead and make the call to him, but don’t
touch a fucking hair on her head.
“Fuck!” I jam the phone back into my pocket. Shit just got complicated. I
should’ve known this wouldn’t be easy. “A Carrera.” I scrub a hand down
my face, then hitch a thumb at the soldier. “Get the fuck out of here. See
what Lucenzo needs.”
He takes off at a jog as I try to think of a way out of this. But thinking isn’t
my strong suit. I can strategize, and I can put violence into action, but I’m
not the detail guy. Even so, I’m smart enough to know I can’t fuck this up.
The Davincis are the most powerful family in Italy, but the Carreras are a
close second. How the fuck did that limpdick Giuseppe land a Carrera
You can do this. I shake out my scarred fists like I’m about to enter a brawl.
She’s a woman. I can talk her into anything, including opening the door.
She’s terrified. Hiding. I need to take a gentler approach with the sweet
little fawn inside this room.
I reach up and knock softly. “Ms. Carrera. My name is Santino Baldoni. I
know you’re frightened by all that’s happened, but I want to assure you that
I mean you no harm, and that I would like to offer my condolences on the
death of your hus—”
When a bullet flies through the door and whizzes past my head, I drop to
the floor. And when I hear her war cry of, “Come any closer to my fucking
door, and I will mow you in half with this semi-automatic!”
It’s then that I know my little fawn is another animal altogether.
One with fangs.
And claws.

S antino Baldoni. My mind races to try to place the name. I know it,
but I can’t seem to picture him or where he’s connected. I look
over my shoulder at Leo. I can tell he’s searching his mind, too. I
keep my gun trained on the door.
Saldoni? I mouth to him. I’m sure his mind is as scattered as mine is right
now. Everything happened so fast. Adrenaline is still wreaking havoc on us.
He shakes his head minutely.
My eyes fall to my younger sister Gianna, who has tears streaming down
her beautiful face. She’s always been the more emotional one. I have a
feeling the baby we found out she’s carrying a few weeks ago isn't helping
the matter. For any of us really. I thought I was protective over my sister
before. This is something else altogether.
“Did he say Giuseppe’s dead?” Gianna asks softly. If it’s true, it’s a pity we
can’t celebrate right now. All in all, it’s not shocking. I’ve only been here a
few weeks, and I’ve seen so many holes in the security. I’d been planning to
use some of those openings myself to get my sister out of here. My father
won't be selling her off next. But now, whoever this asshole on the other
side of the door is has gone and ruined that for me. For her.
My hand tightens around the gun, my anger growing by the second. Gianna
calls me fearless. She says I can always stay calm and do the responsible
thing, whereas she shows every emotion right there on her face for the
world to see. She can’t help it. She’s so full of life. Something that a man
like my dead husband and the man on the other side of this door would
crush. In order to do so, whoever it is will first have to get through me. No
one, and I mean no one touches my sister.
I am always slow when it comes to my emotions. My brain gets in the way,
always trying to process what’s happening. Thinking of a plan or watching
one unfold in front of me. It’s kept me alive thus far. I lick my lips, my
tongue gliding over my cracked lip that is still trying to heal from my late
husband. He struck me to get a reaction. He hadn't gotten one. I wouldn’t
give him the satisfaction.
It’s likely the reason I was allowed to marry Giuseppe. I volunteered. He
asked for Gianna. How could he not? She is breathtaking. I begged my
father to let me do it. He agreed, knowing I wouldn't put up a fight if I was
volunteering and that I would give the little man hell.
Gianna, though, would’ve broken. She’d have been drugged to even get up
to the altar. Leo would have been dead, unable to stand by while she
married another. They’ve kept their love secret so long. Her marrying
Giuseppe never would have worked. I would have lost them both and still
been the one to marry the asshole in the end. This way made the most sense.
It kept us all alive and together.
Giuseppe hadn't been happy, but he agreed without much of a choice if he
wanted the Carrera alliance. He made it clear on many occasions that it was
my fault that we hadn’t consummated our marriage. Blamed it on his lack
of attraction to me. I could care less what that vile man thought of me. I
considered myself lucky he found me so displeasing.
My gaze goes back to Leo, my best friend for as long as I can remember.
It’s his gun I’m holding now. I’d demanded it, and he handed it right over
without question. He’s the exception to the touching rule when it comes to
Gianna. Considering the baby in her belly, he’s more than touched sweet
“Davincis,” he mouths back finally. The second the word is out of his
mouth, I remember. Santino is Cato Davinci's right-hand man. I’ve heard
tales of his unwavering loyalty to Cato. Have the Davincis finally come to
take over Giuseppe’s territory? Interesting.
I look back at the door. “Have you betrayed your master, Santino, or are you
here for him?”
“I do not wish you any harm.”
“Did you not wish my husband harm? Because that didn’t seem to work out
for him,” I toss back.
“You don’t sound too broken up about it.”
About him being dead? No, not in the least. About Santino ruining my
plans? That’s something entirely different. No, I’m not broken up about it,
I’m livid. I take a deep breath.
“What do you want?” I ask. “A war with the Carreras?” How reckless.
Stupid even, if you ask me. I thought the Davincis were smarter than that.
Taking on two families at once—and I’ve heard whispers they just took
another. Men and their greed are never ending.
“That was not my intention.”
“Then what is your intention, Mr. Baldoni?”
“To take a bride.”
My sister sucks in a breath. I spin around and level Leo with a stare. He’s
already shoved Gianna behind him. He closes his eyes before he nods,
trusting me to handle this, the same way I always do when it comes to
matters of keeping the three of us safe. I have to be smart. To meet the
enemy head-on.
“Move it.” I point at the door.
Leo walks over and pushes the armoire out of the way. When he opens the
doors, I’m caught off guard not only by the handsome man standing there
but the fact that he’s alone with no weapon in hand. Though I’m sure he’s
more than armed in some capacity. His eyes flick around the room before
coming back to me, not the least bit fazed that I’m pointing a gun at him.
“You will not be marrying my sister.” Again, his eyes leave me to go to
Gianna. I’m used to it. Men’s eyes always go to her, but for some reason,
irritation grabs hold of me. I step to the side, blocking his line of sight to
her. I glance at Leo, who’s staring at me. We can say so many things
without saying a single word to one another.
I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy, but I can sense that not all of his rational
thoughts are firing for him, and I fear he’ll do something stupid. That scares
“You’ll do just fine.” Santino’s tone is almost teasing. Just fine.
His gaze shifts to Leo and darkens.
I move again to stand in front of Leo.
Santino steps closer, his tone dropping to lethal levels. “Tell your boy there
to keep his eyes off my bride.”
I kick my chin up. After all, I’m a Carrera. This two-bit gangster won’t
intimidate me. I keep the gun in hand and step up to him. “You keep your
eyes off my sister.”

H er sister? That girl behind her is her sister? I couldn’t give two
fucks if she was the queen of England. No, I can’t seem to
stop looking at the fierce beauty in front of me. Dark red hair,
dark eyes, and a fire in her soul like nothing I’ve ever seen. God, that hair,
so different for a classic Italian girl. Are all Carreras like this? No wonder
everyone fears them.
I glance at her sister. Her meek eyes are down, never meeting mine.
“I said don’t look at her.” The angry beauty—Bella—steps closer, the gun
still leveled at my gut.
“You’ve made your point.” I glance at the barrel. “Now hand that over
before I take it from you and make you look foolish.”
Her mouth drops open, and for a moment, I think she might shoot me. Then
her nostrils flare and she pass it to me with a hard shove.
“Are there any other weapons I should know about?” I stare down at her,
my brain trying to figure out how Giuseppe managed to keep his hands off
her. Round tits, a small waist, and hips that flare out perfectly. I want to grip
them, to pull her against me and feel every last bit of her olive skin.
She glances at the closet.
“Ah.” I walk past her and enter the room. Against the back is an open panel
with an array of weapons. I’ll have Lucenzo clear it out.
“My family will come for you,” Bella calls from behind me.
“I have no doubt.” I turn and meet her at the closet door.
“They won’t take this attack lightly. Not when Giuseppe paid a high price
for me.”
“How much did he pay?”
She kicks her chin up. “That’s none of your concern.”
“Is it not?” I make a show of looking around the room. “Everything here
now belongs to me. I’d like to make sure I get my money’s worth out.” I
follow the curves of her body with my eyes.
Her hand rises so quickly, I nearly miss it. But I don’t. I’ve dodged bullets
and fists. And now a slap from a gorgeous, angry woman.
I squeeze her wrist, pull her into the closet, and slam the door.
Her sister screams.
Bella looks up at me with angry eyes as I push her against the door and grab
her other wrist.
“This isn’t a negotiation. I won’t take kindly to you hitting me or abusing
my soldiers. You will fall in line and display the decorum expected of a
Carrera woman. Do you understand?”
She grits her teeth, but her body is soft and warm against mine.
I wonder if her nipples are hard, if her cunt grows wet for me. Fuck, I need
to get my head out of her skirt and think clearly. This is my chance. I’m not
going to blow it over a spoiled mafia princess with a temper. No matter how
sexy she is.
“I asked if you understand.” I squeeze her wrists and pin her harder to the
sturdy wood.
“I understand you are playing at being a gangster. When my family learns
“They already know.” I lean closer, our noses nearly touching. “Cato
Davinci made the call on my behalf. I have no doubt they’re angry. They
may well come for me. But I’ll survive.” My lips are only a whisper from
hers. “I have survived dozens of times when the odds were against me, and
I’ll do the same now. I’m the head of this new family, and everyone under
this roof will obey me. Do you understand?”
She tenses against me.
I press into her, my cock thick and hard against her stomach. Fuck, I want
this woman. I want her bad enough that the thought of throwing her to the
floor and eating her cunt while she fights me at first, then melts for me,
plays through my head. I can feel her heat, sense every movement of her
thighs. I bet if I reached under her skirt, I’d find her wet for me. She
wouldn’t fight for long.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she breathes.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re a wolf that’s found a meal.”
“I’m the wolf. You’re the fawn.” I force myself to lean back, to stop
fantasizing about her. “You will follow my lead or there will be punishment,
and you won’t like it.” Releasing her wrists, I step back and adjust my hard-
Her eyes follow the movement and linger on my bulge for a bit longer.
Which only makes it worse.
I groan. “Out.” Pulling the door open, I scoot her around and back into the
The man thrusts Bella’s sister behind him and brings up his fists.
I look him up and down. “I would kill you. Do you know that? I’ve killed
many men with nothing more than my fists.” Maybe a good fight and a kill
will ease my raging heart. I need a release. This Carrera woman has gotten
me off track.
“You won’t touch him,” Bella hisses and moves in front of him.
“Who the fuck is he?” I don’t like another man in this room. Why is he
here, so close to my little fawn?
“Leo Pietrantoni.” He lifts his fists higher. “And I will end you if you hurt
Bella or Gianna.”
“Let’s go, little man.” I unbutton my sleeve and start to roll it up.
“Leo, please.” Bella reaches back and pushes his fists down. “Stop.”
Why is she touching him? She shouldn’t be touching him. I’m right fucking
here. She touched him gently. After she tried to slap me.
“He needs to go.” I move toward her, menace in my steps.
She doesn’t flinch. “Leo is a friend of my family. He’s been with us since
we were kids. He protects us. If you hurt him, you go to war with my
Fuck. “Why is your sister here, anyway? Did he sell her to Giuseppe, too?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “She and Leo came to visit. That’s all.” Her
eyes shift away from me, and then back. She’s hiding something. I’ve done
enough interrogations to know when someone tries to keep a secret from
me. Though I wouldn’t use my usual methods on Bella. I’d work her, but
not with my fists. With my tongue, my cock, my—focus.
I blink hard. “Then they need to return to the Carrera compound
“No!” All three cry in unison.
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “And why not?”
“You … need her.” Bella nods. “For leverage.”
“You want me to use the sister you claim to cherish as leverage?”
Bella shrugs. “Yes. As long as you promise not to touch her, she should
remain here with Leo and me.” She steps to me again, her aggression
stoking my own. “But if you break that promise, I will cut off your dick and
feed it to you.”
Why do her threats make my cock get even thicker? Fuck, this woman is
too much.
She’s going to be a problem.
Especially if I don’t get her beneath me and moaning my name soon.

“C alm,” I order my sister and pull out the chair in the little sitting
area in the master bedroom. The double doors are wide open as
Leo paces in front of them. She comes over and sits. I pull out
the other chair and sit down with her.
“Now what?” She looks at her stomach, her hand going to rest there. I hate
the tremble in her voice. I put my own hand over her stomach as well. She
turns her hand, locking her fingers with mine.
“Nothing has changed.”
Her mouth parts but no words come out. I look over at Leo, who has
stopped pacing.
“I came here to marry, then find a way for Leo and you to get away. Now it
looks like I’ll just be marrying twice. No big deal.” I shrug. That’s the truth.
It doesn’t matter who I’m married to; it’s the end result of my sister being
safe that matters.
“I don’t think this one is going to be so easy to fool.” Leo comes to stand
next to my sister. I nod in agreement.
“I’ll have to work harder, and you need to control your temper.” I give him
a pointed look. “It won’t do us any good for you to get killed. All of this
would be in vain.”
“I’m sorry.” He runs his hand through his brown hair.
“Don’t be sorry. Be better.”
He gives me a nod, and I trust that he will. I can always count on him.
“I’m sorry, too.” I sigh. “This is going to take longer than we thought.” I
rub my temples, trying to get my mind to stop racing. I’m grasping for a
new plan, but nothing is coming to me yet. I have no doubt Santino has
filled any holes in the security that my now dead husband had. I say a small
prayer that maybe they missed one. I could use a miracle for once.
If my father finds out Gianna is pregnant, Leo is as good as dead. I don’t
think she’d survive losing him. Her heart couldn’t take the loss.
“Don’t apologize to me. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Leo places his
hand on Gianna’s shoulder.
I look up at my best friend. The only man I’ve ever truly trusted.
“We’ll figure this out,” I vow. “I won’t let you down.”
Leo lets out a curse. “I have never doubted that.”
“I know, but these men are different. Can’t you tell?”
He nods. “Like I said, Santino is far sharper than Giuseppe. Fooling him
isn’t going to be easy.”
“We’re still outnumbered.” I shrug. “The same as before. You’re right.
Nothing has changed. We have something they don’t, though. Something
you need if you’re outnumbered and still plan to win.”
“Bella,” Gianna says, her lips turning up into a smile. “We still have the
smartest player on the board.” She taps her head. “Tell me, sister of mine.
What is your future husband’s weakness?”
Easy. Power. The desire to rule. The need to make everyone fall in line. All
things that are so predictable. Falling in line is easy. Anyone can pretend to
do it. I’ve had a ton of practice pretending to do it with my father.
“Of course, I know his weaknesses. Just like all men. His dick and his thirst
for power.”
Leo snorts but doesn't deny my words. In our world, that’s what drives most
of the men.
“He thinks I’m ruled by anger.” He might be right. I even surprised myself
by the rush of emotions I’d felt when he was close. “It might play in my
“Would you like me to retrieve your other weapons?” Leo asks. Oh Santino,
that silly man assumed I only had one stash. Who would do such a thing?
Only someone that was unprepared or inexperienced. I’m neither of those
things. I don’t have the luxury of being naïve. I’m a Carrera. We learn from
a young age to always be prepared.
“It’s pointless. We’re outnumbered at the moment. Everyone will be on
edge. We need to be patient. That’s the only way out of here.”
Leo goes back to pacing.
Gianna’s big eyes find mine. “What do you think Father is going to do?”
“I don’t care. I might get lucky, and they all kill each other.”
“Then you would be free, too.” Gianna’s whole face lights up at the idea.
I only smile at her, not wanting to smother that spark of hope in her eyes.
My only plan was to get them out. Then I would deal with the
consequences. There was no escape plan for me. As a woman married to a
boss, I would be hunted down. Gianna, on the other hand, would be looked
for but soon forgotten, her disgrace ensuring her erasure from the family
lineage. I would stay to try and ruin any plans of ever finding her by
playing the part of the completely unaware, broken-hearted sister.
Ha. Maybe I could fake her death and frame my soon-to-be husband. That
will drive him crazy. I smile at the idea.
“Don’t worry.” I kiss her forehead. “Let’s focus on you first.”
“I think we have to focus on your wedding.” Gianna’s voice drops. “You
know he’s going to want to…” She lifts her eyebrows.
“Have sex? Yes, I’m aware of that.” I felt it myself firsthand when he
pressed against me. I don’t know if he was trying to scare me. But fear was
the last thing I felt in that moment. I push that thought to the back of my
“Yeah, I don’t think you’re going to be so lucky with him. I noticed he
was…” She trails off again.
“Aroused?” I supply for her. She nods.
“It’s sex. I don’t care.” I thought I’d have to have sex with my last husband.
I’d already mentally prepared myself for this. At least Santino is much
easier on the eyes.
“It’s not ‘just’ sex, and I hate you think that. It’s supposed to be so much
more, and you’re never going to experience it. You’re going to lie down and
let that man have his way with you.” Tears well in Gianna’s eyes and wet
her cheeks. I hate when she cries. It makes me feel helpless. I loathe feeling
“Please calm down.” Leo comes over to calm her.
I watch as he holds her close. I look away, not liking the weird rush of
emotion I feel. Love isn't in the cards for me. It never was. Gianna is so
lucky to have found it, and I want her to have it forever.
Gianna sniffles.
“He’s not bad on the eyes, you know?” Gianna tries again.
A sound rumbles from deep inside of Leo, making my lips twitch.
“He’s not,” I agree. I didn't think someone could be so handsome. It was
disarming. “I hear steps,” I whisper and turn to the door.
Leo steps back. A moment later Santino strides into the room.
“We wed tonight.” He says it so matter-of-factly. ‘We’re having lamb.’ ‘The
day is warm.’ ‘We wed tonight.’
I toss my head. “If you wish.”
He stares at me. I’m not sure what he’s looking for. He’s not going to find
Oh, yeah. “Bastard,” I add in there. I think that’s what he’s looking for.
“Be ready in an hour.” He looks at Leo. “Don’t make me kill you.” He turns
and stomps back out.
“Santino,” I call his name and stand. He slowly turns to look at me. He
seems irritated. Good, that makes two of us. There’s nothing more boring
than a wedding, and this will be my second in weeks. “I want to see his
body. My husband’s.”
“He’s not your husband.” He’s even more bothered now, a vein pulsing at
his temple. Why does that please me so?
“He’s my husband until I know he’s dead.”
“He’s already food for worms.”
“Then your men better get to digging.” I tap my wrist. “An hour,
He narrows his eyes on me. “You want to see the corpse?”
Not really, but I have this need to irritate my soon-to-be husband. To make
his life hell before he takes me to his bed and forces himself on me. I made
the request before I knew what I was doing. Or maybe I did know what I
was doing, because I’m getting a reaction from Santino. One that I have to
say I’m rather enjoying.
“I must confirm my husband is dead. Otherwise, I can’t marry another.”
“He’s not your husband.” His jaw flexes.
“Prove it.” I sit back down, the picture of nonchalance.
He keeps on staring at me with that hard look that I’m sure scares many. I
lick my busted bottom lip, my tongue gliding across my still-healing skin.
His eyes drop to my mouth.
“I’ll be back with the body. Consider it your wedding present, beautiful.”
His term of endearment catches me off guard. That is, until I realize its
probably sarcasm. It has to be.

C ato: Is she safe? Is it done?

“Fuck.” I slam my phone into my pocket. I love Cato as a brother,
but he’s treating me like I’m a no-nothing dumbass who needs babysitting. I
eye the hole in the ground as Giuseppe’s body is unearthed, and I realize
that perhaps Cato is the only one who can explain why my fiery beauty
would want to see such a thing. I pull the phone back out as Lucenzo hoists
the corpse from the earth.
Santino: She’s safe. I will wed her tonight.
The phone rings. I answer with a sigh.
“Get it done sooner rather than later. It’s a decent insurance policy for your
life. If you aren’t wedded to her, her father will be more inclined to take you
“I know, brother. I know. But I do have a question. Can you tell me why my
Carrera bride would demand to see Giuseppe’s corpse before she’ll wed
Cato barks a harsh laugh. “The fuck?”
“Yes.” I hitch my thumb over my shoulder toward the villa, and Lucenzo
and some soldiers carry the body toward the back door. “She demanded to
see him before she’d marry me.”
“Definitely a Carrera. Holy shit.”
“What’s going on? Is Santino all right?” Apollonia’s voice is soft in the
“He’s fine, my lioness. Go back to sleep.”
“Tell him to treat her right. Be kind. Don’t do anything bad to her.” Her
voice rises.
“He won’t,” Cato says, possibly more to me than her. “He will be a
gentleman and seduce her into his bed. The same way I did to you, my dear
“Pfft. You spanked my pussy, remember?”
I choke on my spit.
“Excuse me, Santino. It seems I have to deliver some discipline. Make me
Apollonia squeals and laughs as the call cuts off.
“At least someone is having a fun night,” I say to Giuseppe’s dead eyes as
we trudge into the house.
Talia, the cook, is gone to bed for the night, thank the Virgin. She might
desert me if she saw this macabre business.
“Up the stairs to my room.” I point, then think about my words. Not my
room. Our room. The one Bella and I will share. Is she still a virgin? I lick
my lips. I’m certain she is. Good mafia princesses don’t spread their legs
for anyone except the man they’re promised to.
That means she’s mine, her cherry and everything else. I’ll take it and have
her toes curling, my name on her lips. Those hips of hers—fuck. She was
made for breeding, every part of her calling to the primal monster that lurks
inside me. The male who wants to dominate his female while also
protecting her, loving her and fucking her, feeding her and punishing her,
worshipping her and forcing her to her knees.
“Boss?” Lucenzo asks, interrupting my thoughts.
It feels good to hear the word addressed to me. “Show her.” I motion with
my hand. “She wanted to see it.”
I follow them into the bedroom. The moment we arrive, Gianna gets up and
rushes to the bathroom. She vomits pitifully, and Leo follows.
“Satisfied?” I ask Bella. She’s not. Not yet. Not until I’m balls deep in her
virgin cunt.
She stands, her nose in the air as she walks toward the body my men
unceremoniously dump on the floor.
“Would you like me to stab him? Cut off a piece for you to keep as a trophy,
perhaps?” I pull my knife free.
She swallows hard, and I can see the slight tremble in her chin. “Not
necessary.” She keeps her gaze on me. “You did this?”
“Yes.” I point to the crimson smiley face I drew along Giuseppe’s throat.
“My hand, my knife.”
“You’ve done this before?” Her color isn’t so high now, her cheeks turning
“Many times.”
“How many?”
“More than I can remember.” I stow my blade and step closer to her.
“Are you going to do that to me?” She asks it so softly I almost miss it.
“What?” I can’t believe the question. “To you? Never.”
“You are a violent man. One who kills without a thought.” Some of the fire
leaps back into her eyes. “How can I trust you?”
“You don’t have to trust me, you just have to marry me.” I take another step
until she’s in arm’s reach. I want her to trust me, but she’s right. How could
she put any faith in me when all I’ve shown her is violence?
“Just like I had to marry Giuseppe.”
“He was nothing.” I point at his body. “Weak. He pissed himself when he
first saw me. Begged for his life. Offered you and your sister to me, said I
could do whatever I wanted with you if I let him live.”
Her hand goes to her throat.
“You weren’t married to him. He is nothing to you.” I point to his lifeless
She finally looks down, finally views what she requested.
And when she does, she drops. Just as I knew she would. I catch her in my
arms and clutch her to my chest, then carry her from the room.
“Take him, bleach the floor, and erase any hint of him from this villa. Bury
him far out in the vineyard or leave him for the wolves, but I don’t want to
see him again until the devil shows me my sins before I’m sentenced to
“Yes, boss.” My men spring into action as I kick open the nearest bedroom
door and carry her inside.
Laying her on the bed, I sit beside her and lean over her. “Bella?” I caress
her cheek. “It’s all right. It’s gone. You have nothing to fear.”
Why is she so lovely? Why have I been given a Carrera bride with a fierce
heart and a bewitching face? She’s darker than her sister, her nose more
severe, her widow’s peak a glimpse into her hot temper, but she’s easily the
most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
“Bella, my beauty.” I lean down and steal a kiss from her lips, tasting her
She moves, waking slowly, and kisses me back. I run my tongue along her
lips, nudging her to open for me. She shifts closer, her warm tits pressed
against my chest.
Then I stop.
“One more move and I’ll open your guts,” she growls and presses a hidden
blade against my stomach.
I smile against her mouth. “Oh, my beauty. You’re full of surprises.”

H e doesn't flinch. He’s not the least bit scared. We both know it
would mean sure death for me if I stabbed him. I’m not ready
to die, and where would that leave my sister? There are too
many unknowns to take such a risk. One day maybe, after she’s free. I’ll
play my part as the good wife until then.
“You, Santino, are full of no surprises. Of course, you steal a kiss. Though
I’m sure you think it’s not stealing, that it already belongs to you.” I pull my
knife back. “I’ll get ready.”
I wait for him to lash out at my comment, but he only stands and steps back,
licking his lips. It’s a fight to not lick my own. I would be lying if I said I
didn’t want to taste him again. His mouth felt good on mine. When I sit up,
the room spins again.
He smirks. “Why did you ask to see the body if it would make you so
“That isn't what made me sick.” I give him the same smile he gave me
when he stole his kiss. Unfortunately, my stomach chooses this moment to
let out a loud growl.
“Are you hungry, beautiful?”
“Stop calling me that.”
“I’ll call you whatever I like.”
I want to spar with him. It would be pointless and likely lead to my lip
getting busted again. Still, I want to do it so badly that I bite the inside of
my cheek to stop myself. I only stare at him.
“You’re hungry.”
“It’s late. I’d like to get the wedding over with.” The sooner we get this part
done, the sooner I can start to make him think I’m falling into line. Then his
attention won’t be on me.
“You’ll eat first.”
My stomach clenches at his persistence to feed me. A good meal might do
me some good, but I don’t want to make anything easy for Santino. The
only thing I want from him is freedom. I don’t know why he’s so worried
about my well-being. I’m only an accessory to him, a shiny pair of cufflinks
or a sports car that’s soon forgotten in favor of a newer model.
Giuseppe had put me on a very strict diet from the moment I arrived here.
“Your hips are obscene,” he’d said and turned his vile nose up at me.
I’ve felt like I’m starving to death. If Gianna knew, she would’ve lost her
mind. Then she would have tried to sneak me food, which would have
gotten her in trouble. Worse, she would have tried to give me her own.
She’s eating for two now. She needs all the nutrients she can get.
“I’ll eat tomorrow. I’m sure Talia is gone already.” I suck in a deep breath
as I stand from the bed. “Where am I?” I look around the room. It feels nice
to be out of Giuseppe’s room. Out of that makeshift prison. It’s a shame my
freedom will be so short-lived.
“A spare room,” he answers. His eyes are all over me. I think he’s studying
me. “I can cook.”
“Good for you. Where’s my sister?”
“Throwing up.”
“Did she eat some of your cooking?”
My hand flies to my mouth as Santino throws his head back and laughs. It
makes him more handsome than he already is. Between that and his kiss,
maybe having to go to bed with him won't be so terrible. But no, he’s just
another boy playing at being boss. The same as Giuseppe.
When he meets my gaze again, a sparkle dances across his dark irises. “Get
ready. I’ll get you something to eat, and then you’ll become my wife.”
“Okay? Just like that?” He raises a brow. “I don’t need to dig anyone else
“No,” I answer quickly. “No, thank you. You’re clearly not going to leave
me alone until I eat. I don’t know if it’s to make yourself feel better but I
“Bella!” I turn at the sound of my sister's voice. She comes rushing into the
room. “You were gone.” She hurries over to me but not before giving
Santino a glare. He doesn't pay her any attention. He’s still studying me.
“I was worried he’d done something to you.” She cups my cheeks.
“Like what?” he taunts, his gaze locked with mine.
Why are my thighs heating? They shouldn’t be. Not for the killer who’s
stolen my future and ruined my escape plans for Gianna.
“Did he hurt you?”
“No.” I grasp her wrists gently. “There’s going to be a wedding tonight.” I
change the subject, giving her something else to focus on.
“Right. A wedding.” She starts to play with my hair. I pull my eyes away
from Santino and lose the staring competition.
“Thirty minutes,” Santino says before leaving the room. Gianna grabs my
hand and pulls me back toward the bedroom. The last place I want to be.
Leo stands at the door, Gianna always in his sights.
I stare at the bed as she fusses with my hair and makeup, all three of us
wondering what tonight will bring.
“Your lip is almost healed. I bet lipstick would cover it over.”
She lets out a huff and starts braiding my hair. “Are you going to wear the
same wedding dress?”
“No,” Santino says as he walks back into the room. He drops a plate on the
table in the sitting area. My stomach growls again when the smell reaches
“Then what should she wear? It’s not as though you're giving her time.”
“I don’t give a shit what she wears as long as it’s not that dress.”
“I don’t understand why it matters.” Now Gianna is getting worked up.
I grab her hand. “Stop.”
Her eyes fill with tears. She hates that I’m doing this. Again. “You know it’s
not that kind of wedding.”
“That kind of wedding? It’s a wedding. A wedding that will be had when
you have eaten everything on this plate.”
What if it were a wedding that every girl dreams about? Every girl except
me. I’ve known my fate for as long as I could remember. I never let myself
have such dreams, knowing they’d never be a reality for me.
“You’re ordering her to eat?” Gianna is as confused as I am about the
request. She lets out a gasp. “Did you poison it?”
He gives her a withering look that is the equivalent of an eyeroll, then walks
back over to the plate and takes a bite.
“The priest is here,” he says before he gives Leo, who’s been standing in
the corner of the room, another dirty look. He has it out for Leo. But
Santino had better stow that animosity. Leo is the father of Gianna’s child,
and no number of dirty looks will change that.
“He’s in a hurry to get married,” Gianna says as she finishes the braid in my
I walk over to the plate of food, my stomach growling again.
“I’ll find you something to wear.” She flutters off into the closet.
I sit down and take a bite. The taste that hits my mouth is like nothing I’ve
ever experienced before. It’s the best frittata I’ve ever had. It looks so
simple, but the flavors all come together nicely. It doesn't take me long to
clean the plate. I can’t believe he cooked something so delicious.
“Are you okay? You inhaled that.” Gianna stands next to the table, a dress
in her hand.
“I was hungry.”
“Clearly.” She lets out a small laugh. “This should work. Change before he
comes back and barks more orders at us.”
I take the dress from her.
“Do you think he doesn't want you wearing the same dress because he’s
jealous?” Gianna asks.
“Jealous of what?”
“You got married to someone else in it.”
This time it’s me that laughs.
“I mean, look at him. He’s rushing to marry you.” She tries to spin this into
something it’s not. People do that when they're scared. “He looks at you so
… so—”
“Heated,” Leo fills in.
“Exactly.” Gianna finally smiles. “He’s rushing because he wants to make
you his.”
I sigh. “That man is rushing me to try and save his own life. It has nothing
to do with me. If it wasn't for our last name, I’d be dead or tossed out hours
Her face falls, the smile fading away.
What I said is the truth. She needs to hear it. So, do I.
I can’t allow myself to believe anything else.

I offer the priest a cigarette.

He looks at me like I’m the devil. I shrug and take a drag,
letting the poison pool in my lungs before blowing it in his face.
He grimaces but doesn’t protest. After all, he’s more than happy to accept a
hefty payment for his services as well as a visit to the brothel in the nearest
“She coming?”
“Yeah.” I straighten my collar and dust the ashes off my shoulder.
“You ready?” Lucenzo strides up, his eyes still wary.
I shrug. “I’ve never considered myself the marrying kind.”
“Too busy busting skulls and watching out for Cato.”
“Yeah.” I can’t disagree there. My life has revolved around the Davincis for
as long as I can remember. Cato has always been loyal, and I’ve returned
the favor. That bond is the reason he’s head of the family here in Italy. And
now, it’s my time to forge a new path and make my own name. With Cato at
my back, I’ll seize the reins of Giuseppe’s faltering organization and turn it
into an unstoppable force.
“You seem nervous.” He watches as I light the next cigarette with the dying
embers of the first.
“What makes you say that?” I flick the butt into a golden flowerpot behind
the priest.
“No reason.” Lucenzo eyes my cigarette as I take another long drag.
I’m running on fading adrenaline, nicotine, and fumes, though I did have a
small bite of the frittata I made for Bella. Did she like it? I hope so. I’m not
a chef, but I learned how to cook when Cato and I were coming up. We’d be
out doing dirty work and hunkered down in a flat or a tiny villa, both of us
unable to leave the safehouse. So, I’d cook. At first, it was garbage, but then
I got better. And now I’m good. Cooking for Bella was a particular delight.
I should feel ridiculous, but I don’t. I want her to know that I’ll always take
care of her.
“You want to punch me?” Lucenzo offers.
“I’m fine.” I finish the cigarette and toss the butt, then shake out my hands.
Lucenzo knows me well. I’m a violent man, one who shows no mercy to his
enemies. Sparring with him would help relieve the pressure, but I don’t
have time for it. Not when I’m on the cusp of my wedding.
I run a hand through my hair and settle down. We’re in the ballroom at the
back of the estate, though I suspect it hasn’t seen any balls in quite some
time. The paintings are faded, the ceiling peeling, and the floor cracked in a
million places. It’s a fine villa, just in need of a lot of work.
My eyes keep returning to the wide double doors. I want to see her. I can
close my eyes and find her face, the shape of her body, but I need more. I
touch my lips when I remember my stolen kiss. She was so warm, so soft.
All for me. Every last bit of her. This alliance is forever, and I want to put
heirs in her belly sooner rather than later.
Just the thought of my seed inside her tight cunt makes my cock start to
thicken. I can only imagine how sweet her cherry is, how perfect it will
taste on my tongue. She’s never known true pleasure, never felt the touch of
a man. I’ll be her first, her last, her only. Maybe it makes me a caveman, but
the thought of having her all to myself sends a pleasant thrill through me.
But she won’t give in easily. She’s a fighter. I found that out quickly. But
she won’t fight me for long. Not when I get her on her back with my tongue
between her legs. She’ll beg for my cock, and I’ll have no choice but to
give it to her, to spread her ample thighs and—
“Santino.” Lucenzo interrupts my spiraling fantasy.
“What?” I snap my gaze to him.
“She’s here.”
I look up. My breath stops. There’s no music, no wedding march, but I
swear I could hear angels singing as she approaches. Her eyes find mine,
and I can’t look away. Not from the vision in the light pink dress. Her dark
hair cascades over one shoulder, and she walks to me in measured steps.
Her lips are parted, and I can feel her pulse pounding with every step she
Does she have any idea how beautiful she is? Giuseppe was a fool to not
claim her. I don’t know how I can wait to take her. Fuck, I’d like to have her
right now. The priest can watch for all I care, just as long as she’s moaning
my name as I give her all I’ve got.
When she reaches me, I catch the scent of roses.
“Beautiful.” I offer her my arm.
She stares at it for a long moment.
“We have a date.” I lean closer to her and press my lips to her ear. “You are
a vision.” When I pull back, she looks up at me with something verging on
surprise. Does she truly not know the effect she has on me? If she’d look a
little lower, she would.
“Please.” I offer my arm again.
This time she takes it, and we turn to face the priest.
“The short version,” I instruct.
He nods and gets on with it. No sermons or platitudes about love, just the
sealing of our bond in front of the few people in the room. Her sister and
that asshole Leo stand at her side, and I notice Leo seems a bit too familiar
with the younger girl. I don’t like him. I may kill him but not tonight.
Tonight, we celebrate.
The clock strikes two in the morning when the priest is done.
“You may kiss the bride,” he says and steps back.
“Don’t even think about it,” Bella hisses, fire in her eyes. “You have me.
We’re married. I’ll do as you ask, but don’t think you can manhandle me or
take me without a fight.”
“Is that so?” I wrap my arm around her waist. “We must seal this pact, my
“Let go.” She fidgets in my embrace, but I pull her close.
Her eyes go to my mouth, her desire giving her away. She wants my kiss.
But does she want my love? Do I have any to give?
As I hold my beauty’s angry gaze, I realize I do have it to give, and I’ve
never found anyone I want to give it to more than this snarling Carrera with
the temper of a demon and the face of an angel.
Gripping her harder, I claim her mouth in a searing kiss. Not a church kiss,
a real kiss, one that consumes us and binds our destinies together for the
rest of our lives.

I gasp as he pulls me into his body. This kiss isn’t a stolen one.
It’s claiming. I dig my fingers into his shirt as he deepens the
kiss. My lips part for him, and he takes full advantage. My eyes
fall closed as I let my body relax into him, pretending for a moment this is
all real. Not just Santino taking what he now thinks belongs to him to do
with as he pleases.
A whimper leaves me when I feel his hardness press against me. He’s
turned on. Heat flashes through my body. Unwanted desire curls in my
stomach. What is happening to me? It’s then I wake from the dream state I
was in and remember what my role is. I push at his chest and try to break
away, but he doesn't let go at first. He lets out a growl before tearing his
mouth from mine and leaving me breathless.
I lick my lips, still tasting him there before releasing his shirt. I bring my
fingers to my lips. I don’t know if the throb there is from the kiss overall or
if my lip is still sore from where my last husband backhanded me.
His eyes glint. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” I repeat. I swear I hear Gianna whisper the question, both
of us thrown off.
I watch as my new husband reaches down, his eyes never leaving mine until
his thumb softly rubs against my bottom lip, his eyes finally dropping there.
“I shouldn't have kissed you so hard. I—” He trails off.
I watch as his demeanor changes. He remembers people are watching.
Whatever he was about to say is likely forever lost. “Was it Giuseppe who
did this or one of his men I need to handle?” That tick in his jaw is back
“Kill.” He shrugs.
“You would kill whoever struck me?”
“You are my wife, are you not?”
I stare at him, confused. “It was Giuseppe.”
“One less thing to handle.” He leans in and brushes his mouth against mine
again. I let him. It’s tender and almost sweet. I don’t understand what he’s
doing. All of it sets me off balance. His presence alone does that to me.
“Do you want another kiss, my beautiful wife?” He smiles against my lips.
I do, but I’m not going to tell him that. He’s being so nice now. Charming
even. Then it dawns on me. Of course he’s being sweet, because he wants
sex now. I felt how much he wanted me. It was strange compared to my last
husband's reaction. Well, non-reaction, I should say.
“After you brush your teeth. I don’t care for the taste of smoke.” That
should buy me some time to get myself and my thoughts together.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He smirks. “If you kiss me like you just did I’ll
never smoke again.”
I get that strange feeling inside my stomach again, but I push it down,
because I can’t afford to have those types of feelings. I have my family to
“Sir. We have a problem.” The man I heard Santino call Lucenzo before
Santino steps back from me, but he doesn't let me go as he shifts partly in
front of me. “Fernando Carrera is here.”
My sister’s eyes widen as my stomach drops. Leo takes a step closer to
Gianna. Too close. I give him a look. He gives me a small nod, letting me
know he’s armed. My mind starts to race with all the ways this could play
out. Bad ways, all of them.
“We’ll be right there.” Santino looks down at me. “You’re scared of your
father?” It’s not really a question but more of a statement.
“Why would you say that?”
His eyes go to my hand. It’s wrapped around his forearm, my nails digging
into him. I let go quickly, not having realized I’d grabbed him. It’s not my
fault I can’t control my body around this man.
“Is there something I should know?” Santino asks it almost gently, but
there’s steel underneath.
I lick my lips, still tasting him there. I’m not sure what I should tell him. I
don’t want him to have something to hold over my head, but what choice do
I really have? I’ll need him on my side if there’s any chance of keeping
Gianna here and safe. I have to be smart. I know my purpose in all of this.
But I want Gianna to have better, so I’ll do what I need to.
“I’ll be a good wife to you.”
He lifts his eyebrows.
“If you don’t let him take my sister from here.”
He shifts more in front of me, blocking anyone from seeing me. The priest
is long gone.
“Do you truly trust this Leo? Stake your life and your sister’s on it?” he
says so low only I can hear him.
“Yes.” My response is instant. I can’t tell if he likes my answer or not.
“I take it you want him to stay too then?”
“I could be a good wife to you,” I say again.
“Will be a good wife, and I’ll be a good husband. Only for you, beautiful.
No one else.” He grabs my hand. “Shall we go meet the father of the
bride?” It’s another questionable non-question. He’s already pulling me
along past Leo and Gianna, who’s turned a shade or two whiter.
When we make it to the entryway of the house, I see my father and a
handful of his men standing there. His expression, as always, is unreadable.
“I thought sending you to Giuseppe would make things simpler.” My father
lets out a displeased sigh.
I already know what he’s thinking. I thought so, too, when I met the man
who slew my husband. Santino isn't going to be so easy to control. He’s not
Giuseppe. Not even close.
Santino might want others to fall into line, but he won’t be doing the same.
The little I do know about my new husband tells me that he’s here to make
a name for himself. Or, I guess, a bigger name. That is abundantly clear. I
think death will come to anyone that tries to stand in the way of that.
Including his new wife. Me. I’m a Carrera, and his only loyalty is to the
My father’s eyes drop to where Santino is still holding my hand. I try and
pull it free, but he doesn't let me. He lifts our locked hands and kisses mine
before he finally releases it.
“I’ve wed your daughter.” How proudly he says it once again catches me
off guard. I never know what Santino is going to say.
“You better have after that little show.” My father glares at Santino.
“Giuseppe wasn't worthy of this life. I easily took what was his. It was time.
He crossed the Davincis. That wasn't going to slide. You know that.”
“His days were numbered.” My father nods. He knew this would happen.
Giuseppe had only made it so long because of his name and old money. The
same money he’d used to buy into the Carrera family for a bride. I wasn't
the Carrera bride he wanted, but I was the one he’d gotten. Only because
my father was all too happy to be rid of me. He hadn't needed the money.
He also hadn’t raced over here worried about me. No, he was worried about
Giuseppe's territory and, of course, Gianna.
My father stays silent and peers at Santino.
That stare has forced many a man to say too much, to come at my father
from a position of uncomfortable weakness. Not Santino. He stares right
back, his body rigid, unmoving.
After the tension mounts so high I start to get a cramp in my neck, my
father relents. “I’m sure we can work out a new understanding. You are now
family, after all.”
“I don’t see why we can’t form an alliance,” Santino agrees as I let out a
long, silent breath.
“I tried once to form an alliance with the Davinci family. Offered my
stunning daughter to Cato, in fact.”
Santino smirks. “Too late. I’ve already claimed her.”
My father throws back his head and laughs. The sound echoes in the
“I meant Gianna.”
I knew that. My face warms, and for the first time I actually feel
embarrassed about my father's comment about me. I’ve never cared before.
My new husband, however, looks like he’s about to explode.

“A pologize.” I say the word quietly.

Fernando hears it, because he stops his vulgar chuckling and
pins me again with his cold eyes. “What did you say?”
“I said apologize to your daughter.” I step toward him. “To my wife.”
The men at his side tense, their hands reaching for whichever weapon they
like best.
“Apologize for speaking the truth?” He tsks, clearly thinking he now has
the upper hand. “I cannot. My daughter Gianna is a jewel, a bright flower
under the sun. But Bella?” He barks another short laugh. “You chose
unwisely. Why did you think I sold her to Giuseppe in the first place? She’s
a shrew, a woman with a temper and a mouth, along with the widest hips
I’ve ever—”
I raise my hand to strike him.
His men pull their weapons.
I still. “Speak of her again like that, and I swear on the blood I’ve spilled
here tonight that you will be next.”
His graying eyebrows rise. “You would fight for her?”
“I would gladly kill for her.” I lower my hand. “Already have. If you
continue to insult my bride, you and your men will join Giuseppe in the
“You have cheek.” He glowers. “And fire. Your temper is as wild as hers.”
He shakes his head. “Perhaps this was the best match after all.” Lifting a
hand, he orders his men to stand down.
Good, because Lucenzo is standing just behind the study door with a
machine gun that could cut them all down in a heartbeat. I’d hate to kill
Bella’s father on our wedding night. She deserves better.
Fernando turns toward the library. “I’d like a drink.”
“A toast to your daughter?” I ask and follow.
“Of course. Come. Let’s put this bloody evening behind us and celebrate as
God intended on such a glorious occasion.”
When Bella slips her hand into mine, I realize that I would’ve killed him. I
would’ve made him pay for ever insulting her. It’s illogical, and it doesn’t
fit into my plan to rise in the underworld, but damn if I wouldn’t have
ended him. No one insults my bride.
I stop and turn to her as Fernando and his men continue down the hall. I put
one hand on her cheek. She doesn’t flinch away. If anything, she leans into
my touch.
“Has he said that to you before?” I stroke my thumb along her impossibly
soft skin.
For the first time, her eyes give her away. They begin to water, and I see the
soft heart that beats inside her strong breast.
She takes a deep breath, and even though her chin trembles, she says,
“Every day. Every day he would criticize me and praise my sister.” She
adds quickly, “It wasn’t Gianna’s fault. He’s a cruel man, Santino. You can’t
trust him. Or any Carrera.”
“Can I trust you?” I lean closer and press my forehead to hers. “Can I trust
you, my beautiful bride?” I want to. I want to believe in her so badly.
“You’re no longer a Carrera. You’re a Baldoni, and you’re mine.” I kiss her
again, because I can’t help myself, because her tears have reached into my
black heart and caused it to beat again. But only for her, for the woman who
tried to kill me the moment we met.
I sweep my tongue into her mouth and taste her again. She’s so soft, so
sweet, far too delicate for a man like me. But I will never give her up. No
man will ever touch this perfection, this utter deliciousness that I’ve
claimed for my own. I angle her head, deepening the kiss and holding on to
her as I lean her back, forcing her to cling to me. She does, her breasts
pressing against me as I walk her backwards until she’s against the wall.
“I want you, wife.” I grip her waist and run my hands lower to her sexy-as-
fuck hips. “I want you tonight. All of you. You are the most beautiful
woman I have ever seen. Never doubt that. Never.”
“You don’t mean that.” Her big eyes find mine again.
“I mean every word.” I take her hand and press it to my hard cock. “You’ve
done this. Only you.”
“Santino.” She whispers my name like a plea to God. It sends a pleasant
chill through me as I press her against the wall.
She clutches my jacket as I tongue her again, taking too much too roughly,
but I can’t seem to stop. Even though her father is waiting. Even though I
may end up dead from a Carrera bullet. At least I’ll go with the taste of her
still on my lips.
When I’ve kissed her breathless, I finally pull back. Her eyes are dazed, her
cheeks pink, and with any luck, her panties soaked. They’ll be in my mouth
shortly. But now, we have business.
“Come, I want to show you off.” I twine our fingers together and lead her
down the hall to the library.
She doesn’t protest, doesn’t repeat any of the vile lies her father’s been
telling her. Good. I won’t allow it. If she ever doubts her beauty again, I’ll
take her over my knee. That brings a smile to my face as we walk into the
One of Fernando’s men has already poured drinks, and they’ve indulged.
I take a glass, hand it to Bella, then grab another for myself. “To my
beautiful wife.” I raise my glass.
She gives a small gasp.
Her father hesitates, then raises his glass, his eyes on her. “To my beautiful
I drink to that, swallowing down the bourbon and slapping my glass on the
bar. Bella takes a sip, wrinkles her nose, then places her glass on the bar.
For a wild thing, there’s an unbelievable innocence to her. I want to taste it.
Leaning over, I kiss her crown.
“Now, as for the business.” Fernando sets his empty glass down. “I’ll send
Gallo over after lunch to go over what is expected of you. Giuseppe didn’t
bring in what he should have, but I expect you to do better.”
I clear my throat. “My loyalties lie with Cato Davinci, so any negotiation
will include him.”
“You’re a Carrera now.” He gestures toward Bella. “Your earnings come to
me and me alone.”
“Bella’s a Baldoni now,” I correct him. “And I control my family business.
I took this operation by force, and by rights, it all belongs to me.”
Bella squeezes my fingers tighter, reminding me that I’m not just the
muscle anymore. I have to be politic, but I also have to assert my
dominance. It’s a fine line, one I’ve seen Cato tread many a time. I add,
“But that doesn’t mean that there’s no room for the Carreras at the table
with the Baldonis and the Davincis.”
Fernando is still staring at me, his lips pressed in a tight line.
I go silent as well. I’ve stated my terms, and he can either accept or decline.
He can have peace, or he can start a war right here, right now. It’s up to
him. I have a feeling he’s been faced with this decision many times in his
life. But what will he choose now?
I wait.
Bella’s grip tightens even more.
I wait.
I can feel her holding her breath.
I wait.
Fernando shrugs and almost smiles. “We’ll discuss amongst the families.
This is acceptable.” He comes over and claps me on the back, then
continues back into the hall and toward the front door.
Bella looks up at me with awe in her eyes.
I take the opportunity to steal another kiss. “Don’t be so surprised that your
husband is a genius.”
That breaks the spell, and she pushes against my chest. “Ass.”
I grin and walk with her to see her father out.
When he gets to the foyer, he turns. “Where’s Gianna? She’s coming home.
I can’t have her in any more danger.” He leans toward me. “You’ll see one
day, Santino, daughters are your greatest asset. Wed them to the right man
and see your fortunes grow.”
Bella grips my forearm hard, her nails digging in. She’s terrified of her
sister returning home. Why? Fernando is a hard, vulgar man, to be sure, but
what has he done to put such fear in her?
“Bella would like for Gianna to stay with us a little while longer.”
“No.” He slashes his hand through the air. “She comes home with me.”
“If you could just let her visit for a few more weeks—”
“No, and that’s final. I should’ve never allowed her to come. When I heard
Giuseppe’s villa was under attack, I almost had a heart attack worrying over
My teeth grind against each other. He only cared for Gianna, not Bella.
“It’s safe here now. Santino—”
“I said no.” His voice turns thunderous, and he looks at me. “Bring her to
me now.”
Bella is still gripping my arm fiercely. I turn my head just enough to see
Lucenzo’s shadow beneath the study door. He’s still waiting with his
machine gun at the ready.
“She’s staying.” I hold his gaze. Even as he turns a shade of red. Even as he
starts to curse me in creative ways.
He motions toward his men. They draw their weapons.
I hear the click of Lucenzo firing up the machine gun. I’m about to tackle
Bella to the ground when she screams out, “I demand a favor of you on the
day of your daughter’s wedding, and you cannot refuse! That is our law!”

“D on’t fight with my husband.” I rush out the words. “No

bloodshed, please. And Gianna must stay here with me.”
My father stares at me as my heart pounds so loud I swear everyone can
hear it. His aren’t the only eyes on me. I don’t need to look; I can feel
Santino’s on me also. My fingers grip the back of Santino’s shirt. I lean into
My father’s gaze promises retribution. “If something happens to Gianna . .
I hate how much he pretends to care about her. It’s really only what she can
bring him.
“Never.” I shake my head. “I would never let anyone hurt a hair on her
head, and you know it.” He’s always thought Gianna and I were too close. I
think he really fears our bond. Our loyalty is to each other over him.
Always has been and always will be. Gianna doesn’t have a mean bone in
her body, but I have no doubt she’d cut our father from ear to ear if she
thought she could save me. No one else would believe that by looking at
her, but when our backs are up against the wall, we can be rather
“I don’t like it, but you leave me no choice in the matter, daughter.
Remember Carrera blood runs through your veins and where your loyalty
should lie.” His words are ones I’ve heard many times before. I was a
Carrera when it benefited him, but otherwise, he so easily threw me to the
wayside when it didn’t. I hold on tighter to my husband, who has shown me
more kindness in the hours I’ve known him than my father ever has. “And
now you are indebted to me. A favor for a favor.”
“I know the rules, and I know where my loyalty lies.” I add a bite to my
He turns his stare to Santino. “Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” he agrees before my father turns to leave.
“Careful,” Santino whispers into my ear.
I look up at his handsome face and realize I’ve collapsed into him. He’s
holding me up from falling. Giuseppe would have let me fall. Maybe even
laughed about it. Though I doubt my body would have trusted him enough
to catch me. It automatically trusts Santino. The question is, why?
“You were going to kill him,” I whisper. “To keep my sister here?” I
swallow. “Why?” I hate the insecurity I feel in this moment. Is it her that he
really wants? Is that why he was trying so hard to keep her here? None of it
makes any sense. And I hate when things don’t add up.
“You said you’d be a good wife.”
I wet my lips. I did say that. I’m not sure I know how to be a good wife, but
if it means keeping my sister safe, I’ll learn quickly.
“I did.” I right myself, finding my balance, but he doesn’t let me go. In fact,
his hold only tightens more.
“They’re gone.”
I startle at the sound of Lucenzo’s voice. Why do I keep forgetting I’m not
alone with Santino? He keeps making me forget a lot of things. He’s
dangerous in more ways than I originally thought. Before Santino, I knew
my role, but now with him looking at me the way he is has me questioning
He doesn’t break his gaze. “I’m going to take my wife to bed. Then I’ll be
back. There are things to handle.”
Lucenzo gives Santino a nod of understanding. His eyes slide to me for a
brief moment with a curious look. As if he doesn’t exactly know what to
make of me yet. Or maybe he’s questioning Santino’s judgement when it
comes to me. Before I can delve deeper into that thought, Santino leads us
out of the entryway.
Something I’ve never felt before starts to settle in my stomach at the
thought of where he’s taking me. When I thought I’d have to sleep with
Giuseppe, I was able to mentally shut down. I’d prepared myself to block it
out and do what needed to be done to protect Gianna. I was lucky enough to
not have to have that experience at all, because he didn’t find me attractive.
With Santino, everything feels different.
I don’t know if I’m scared or excited. The feeling starts to become
overwhelming. I’m not usually one that acts off emotion—other than anger
—so this is all strange to me. “I don’t want to go back to that room,” I blurt
out. That is one thing I am certain of.
“I would not share a bed with you that you once shared with your husband.”
He says the last word as if it tastes rotten in his mouth. I bite my lip again.
I’m sure he knows this already, but I have to make sure. “You do know that
he and I never-”
“That he never had you? Yeah, I know.” He gazes down at me, his eyes
turning heated. At least I think that’s what they are. I’ve never had someone
look at me the way he does. The feeling inside my stomach starts to
blossom out, spreading through my body with an intensity that has me
leaning more into Santino. “How he resisted you I’ll never know. If I
couldn’t fuck you for some reason then I still would’ve feasted on you.”
Wetness surges between my thighs. “You put something in my food.”
His lips turn up into a smile. “You think I’ve drugged you? That’s why you
keep clinging to me?”
“I’m not clinging to you,” I lie. I can’t get myself to stop. “I don’t see you
denying it.”
He moves before I register what is happening and lifts me off my feet. He
pins me to the wall.
“If you want to pretend I drugged you, then by all means.”
I moan as he thrusts himself against me where I need it most. “I don’t
understand.” I dig my fingers into his shoulders. “You have to have done
something to me.” This time it’s me that shifts, rubbing myself against him.
“That’s called desire, beautiful. You want me.” I shake my head, but again I
move my hips, making myself whimper. I want him. I stare into his heated
gaze. He wants me, too. Would it be so wrong to take something for
myself? If only for tonight?
He’s right. I hate to admit it, but he’s making me feel desired. It’s
intoxicating to think about him wanting me so badly. It makes me feel
almost powerful for once.
“And you want me,” I breathe.
“‘Want is putting it mildly,” he growls before his mouth is on mine. And
before I know it, everywhere else.

S he purrs for me, her body warm and inviting. With another lift, I
carry her to the nearest door and kick it open. It’s a dark-paneled
room with a large bed. It’ll do fine.
Setting her on the bed, I lay her back and settle beside her, then take her
mouth again. She’s tensed a little from the hallway, but I work my tongue
against hers, massaging her until she’s whimpering again, her hips moving
and her hands grasping me. I want her desperate for me, hungry for my
When she breathes my name on an erotic sigh, I kiss down her body, then
get to my knees. Hiking up her pink skirt, I find a pair of wet panties, the
white lace soaked.
“My beautiful one, you’ve saved it for me.” I kiss her panties, then pluck
them with my teeth. Her hands grip my hair as I pull the fabric away from
her wet flesh and get the carnal taste of her in my mouth. It’s not enough,
not when I see the rest of her begging for my tongue. With another pull, I
rip her panties down her thighs, give them one more lick, then stuff them in
my pocket.
Her knees try to close, but I open them wide again and survey all I’m about
to enjoy.
“Oh my God,” she sighs, her fingers now gripping the covers.
“No man has seen you here, has he?” I slide my palms along her inner
“No,” she moans.
“No man has gotten a taste of your sweetest skin, this pretty pussy that even
now tempts me to fill it with my cock?”
I slide my hands down until I’m framing her juicy cunt, the wet perfection
that promises me so much pleasure. “No other man ever will.” I press my
mouth to her, kissing her pink lips and swiping my tongue up her warm
She arches, but I place my palm flat on her stomach and hold her in place as
I ravage her cunt—tasting, licking, and swallowing her down with a single-
minded focus. I want all of her, to own this body the way she’s already
taken hold of my soul. This fiery woman with the sharp tongue, she is my
bride, and I will never love another. The realization sends even more heat
into my veins, and I push two fingers inside her tight cunt.
Her moan tells me to keep finger-fucking her, to concentrate on her clit as
her thighs begin to shake. I’ll give her this release, then I’ll give her more.
When I stroke her little clit faster and faster, she arches and freezes, her
body locking as she comes, everything inside her tensing then loosening
under my touch. Over and over the waves hit her until she finally relaxes
against the bed, her breathing fast, her pussy already mine.
I get to my feet and strip off my shirt, then unbutton my pants. Her eyes
follow the movement. I free my cock and shuck the rest of my clothes.
Watching her, I grip myself and give my cock one hard stroke.
She licks her lips.
I fall on her, my body covering hers as I take her lips again, kissing her until
she’s breathless. Then I pull her up and strip off her dress, then the bra.
When her large breasts spill free, I hiss a curse and bend down to them,
claiming a dark nipple in my mouth.
“Santino.” She clutches my hair as I suck her, then switch to the other
nipple, tasting that peak as I position her higher in the bed. Spreading for
me, she lies back.
I pull away and look down at my bride, my life, my future. “You are the
most beautiful woman to walk this earth.” I cup one of her breasts and
thumb the hard bud atop it. “Never doubt that. Your body was made to be
worshipped for hours on end.” I hold her gaze. “But for now, I have to
claim you. To fuck you and own you as you’ve owned me from the moment
we met.”
I lower to her, my cock head pressing at her entrance. “You are mine,
beautiful.” I thrust inside her.
She tenses and bites her lip.
I force myself to stay still, to let her adjust, even though my muscles are
shaking and my cock is demanding more.
“Don’t stop.” She grips my shoulders, her fingers grazing scars and muscle.
“Don’t stop.”
I pull back and push all the way inside. Delicious pressure inside her silky
“Fuck,” I grit out, then run my teeth along her neck when she throws her
head back.
And then I’m gone, my body claiming hers in rough thrusts. She wraps her
arms around my neck, her mouth meeting mine in a messy kiss as I stake
my claim on her body and soul.
“This is forever.” I nibble her ear. “Say it, beautiful. We. Are. Forever.”
“We’re forever,” she moans, her legs linking around my hips as I give her
all I’ve got. I’ve never felt so fucking hot in my life. This woman has turned
my icy blood into an inferno, and I want her to feel every bit of it as I
explode inside her hot cunt.
“I want to see you come.” I stare into her eyes. “I want to see what I do to
Reaching between us, I use my thumb to rub her clit. In a matter of
moments, she arches, her tits pressing against me as she comes. I grip her
chin and pull her gaze back to me. I live for the look in her eyes, the
abandon in her hips, the way her nails dig into my biceps.
When I feel her pussy clenching, I shove deep inside and come with her, my
cock kicking my seed into her, coating her and etching my name inside her.
“We are forever,” I grunt. “Forever.”

kiss on my lips.
y breath stills when I feel something drift across my jaw.
“Sleep, beautiful,” I hear Santino say as he places a gentle

His heavy steps then lead away from me before I hear the click of the door.
My eyes open, and I wonder how long I’ve been asleep. I roll over and grab
the pillow, then hug it close. The smell of Santino fills my lungs. My body
is sore in the best of ways from how many times he took me last night. I
smile at the memory of how good he made my first time for me.
He knew I was awake this morning. That’s why he was being so sweet
instead of just up and leaving. But he was sweet hours ago, too. I let the
pillow go and fling it across the room. This man is confusing. I sit up,
knowing I can’t lie here all day. I need intel. I also need to check on my
sister. I’m sure she’s going crazy wondering what happened with my father.
Plus, I know she’s waiting to hear the details of my night with Santino.
I make my way into the bathroom. I gasp when I see myself. My lips are
puffy, my hair a wild mess, and I look a little different. I can’t place what it
is exactly. I try and straighten everything the best I can before I go in search
of my dress. My fingers trail along the inside of my thighs when I see the
little red marks there that must have been from Santino’s short beard when
he’d had his head there.
My whole body heats thinking about it. My sister has mentioned a few
times that Leo does it to her. I thought it sounded uncomfortable and
awkward. I was so wrong. None of it had been. The only thing I felt was
pleasure. Is sex always like that? It’s not as if I have anyone to ask. Gianna
has only been with one person before. There’s no way I’m asking my new
husband. I don’t need him getting a big head.
“Bella!” My name echoes through the halls. I let my dress drop to hide my
thighs. I hate that I couldn't go to the meeting today with my father. My dad
is always saying I’m a Carrera, and now my husband is claiming I’m a
Baldino. Yet, I still don’t get to go to any meetings or get to know shit about
any of it.
“I demand you move this minute.” Gianna’s voice on the other side of the
door. “What are you doing in there?”
My face heats thinking about why I'm here. Santino and I didn't make it far
last night. I’d been all over him. I bet he throws it in my face later.
“No one gets in unless she allows it, and I’m not to wake Mrs. Baldino,” I
hear a man tell her. I pull the door open before my sister can give the man
another earful. Her eyes go wide when she sees me. She pushes past the
man to get to me. Leo tries to follow her in, but the guard on my door
doesn't let him.
“Sister time,” she tells Leo before shutting the door herself. “You had sex!”
“Well, you didn't need to close the door if you were going to shout it.”
She throws her hand over her lips like she can trap the words back into her
“Are you okay?” I ask. She lets her hand fall away.
“Am I okay? Are you okay?”
“I am well.” I smooth the wrinkles out of my dress. She keeps staring at me,
a slow dreamy smile spreading across her face. I knew she was going to act
this way. I need to set the record straight so she doesn’t think this is some
fairy tale that’s going to have a happily ever after.
“You’re smitten.”
She smiles even bigger.
“Don’t get any ideas in your head. Yes, we had sex. No, it wasn't terrible.
But it was only sex.”
“Are you sore?” Her face turns more serious. “I know my first time, I was
“I’m fine,” I tell her again. I am a touch tender. Not enough that I would
turn down another round of sex with Santino. Oh my God, what is wrong
with me?
She gasps and puts a hand to her mouth. “What if you really fall for him?”
My sister keeps going, dreaming up a fairy tale in her mind. “What if …”
I’m about to burst her bubble when I realize I shouldn't. Wouldn't it be
better if she thought all those things were true? That’ll make it easier for her
to leave me behind when the time comes.
I decide against my earlier plan. Instead, I smile and nod, reminding myself
not to grab on to what she’s selling herself. No good will come of it. I need
to stay on course and remember my purpose: protecting Gianna. To get her
out of here before anyone finds out about her secret.
I don’t want a man to just fall in love with me. I want to be respected. To
me, that would make a real marriage. One where I wouldn’t be left behind
because someone thought my ears shouldn’t hear the things they spoke of.
I’m not deemed important enough to hear the conversations, but I sure can
be traded in their games. Used as a pawn for their benefit. Sexist assholes,
the lot of them.
“Have you eaten breakfast?” I finally cut in. I need a shower and to talk to
“No.” She grabs my hand and leads me from the room. When I step out, I
find there’s not only one man standing guard at my door, but two.
“Were men on your door last night?” I whisper to my sister. She shakes her
head. Interesting.
“I want to know everything about my new husband,” I whisper to Leo, who
gives me a firm nod that he’ll handle it. I’m sure he’s already on it.
As we head back toward my old bedroom, I try to understand my new
husband. All the things he’s done are not adding up. My head starts to hurt
as I think everything over. Why is he being so good to me?
He must want something from me. That has to be it. That’s how men work.
What he wants, I have no idea. He made me pledge myself to him last night
in bed. That funny flutter happens in my chest again thinking about it.
I have to figure out what his motives are. The sooner I do, the sooner I can
guarantee the safety of my sister. I need to use him before he uses me.

“T oday, as soon as possible. I want the work underway. Got

it?” I walk with Lucenzo to the office.
“Got it.” He gives a hard nod. “I’ll make the call right now then join the
“Good man.” I clap him on the back and stride into my new dark den. The
walls are lined with books I’m certain Giuseppe never touched, and the
desk has a distinctly unused look to it. That ends today.
“Fernando.” I greet my new father-in-law with a firm handshake, but he
pulls me in for a hug.
“My family now. Part of the Carrera dynasty.”
I force myself not to roll my eyes. He’s already doing power plays, and we
haven’t even had breakfast yet.
“Thank you for coming so soon. I thought we were going to meet this
afternoon?” I take the seat behind the desk, and Fernando and his men sit as
“We couldn’t wait.” He leans back in the stuffy wingback chair. “Business
never stops. Not for weddings or funerals.”
“True.” I drum my fingers on the desk.
“Now, to business—”
I hold up a hand. “Forgive me, Fernando, but I have another guest arriving
any moment for this meeting.” It’s a good fucking thing I spoke to Cato
already. He was smart enough to plan ahead, or perhaps he knew Fernando
would show up bright and early with his pushy bullshit.
Footsteps in the hallway catch my attention.
“Who?” Fernando’s graying eyebrows rise.
Cato stops in the doorway, drops a kiss on Appolonia’s lips, then smacks
her ass as she continues down the hallway. “Don’t stray far, lioness. I don’t
expect this to take too long.”
“Beast,” she says, then laughs.
“I’ll show you a beast just as soon as business is concluded.”
Her steps speed away as Cato enters.
“Santino.” He comes around and embraces me. Unlike Fernando, this show
of affection comes with no strings attached. “I’m sorry I missed the
ceremony, but I hope I get to meet the bride.” He tosses a glance over his
shoulder. “Though I’m sure Appolonia is chatting her up as we speak.”
“Fernando.” He turns and shakes hands. “Good to see you again.” Then in a
power move of his own, he takes the seat somewhat to my side. His
alignment is clear. He’s here to support me and have my back, and if
Fernando does anything we dislike, he’ll have the fury of the Davinci
family to deal with.
“Glad to have you here.” Fernando’s demeanor has shifted a bit—more
guarded, less smug.
“Of course. Santino is my brother though we don’t share a bloodline. I will
back him in this new family, which he has started with your lovely
It shouldn’t hit me, but it does. Cato Davinci, the most powerful man in
Italy, has just claimed me as his brother. Fuck, I wish Bella had heard it.
Would she be proud of me? I hope so. Making her proud is something that
has quickly become a goal above all others.
“I understand the two of you have a long history together. But the Carreras,
too, have history. Giuseppe was granted his position by an agreement
between my father and his mother. Now that he’s gone, these lands should
return to Carrera territory.”
“That isn’t our law. Never has been.” I push back in my chair and stare him
down. “We live by the law of blood and force. I took this villa and
Giuseppe’s entire operation. If you want it back, you’ll have to come and
take it.” I close my fist and hold it in front of me. “You’ll have to pry it
from these fingers once they’re cold.”
“Are you trying to goad me into a war?” Fernando shakes his head. “My
blood doesn’t run as hot as yours anymore. I’m too old.”
He’s bullshitting. Fernando Carrera has spilled enough blood to fill the
Tiber twice over, some of it quite recently.
“Santino is correct. His might has claimed Giuseppe’s lands, operations,
and even his bride.”
“He can have her.” Fernando shrugs. “But he must return Gianna to me.”
“Why? Is she needed at home?” I ask.
“She’s needed to be married.” Fernando’s sour smirk returns. “I’d gotten rid
of the dead weight by marrying her to Giuseppe and now you, so I—”
“Old man.” I keep my tone even despite the rage pulsing through my veins.
“Speak of her like that again, and there will be war.”
Fernando’s eyes dart to Cato. “You should keep your man on a tighter
“He’s not my man. He’s my ally. My equal. Any attack on him, any
undermining of his position will be seen as a direct attack on the Davincis.”
“You would throw your lot in with a gutter snipe with no bloodline so
boldly?” Fernando scoffs.
“See?” I smile coldly. “That’s better. Insult me, Fernando. I don’t mind. I’ll
be dancing on your grave either way and burying the Carrera name right
along with you.”
He shoots to his feet. “You dare insult me like this? After I’ve let you have
my daughter?”
“You never deserved her. She was too good to be a Carrera.” I stand, too,
the room going tense and hovering on the edge of a knife.
Cato is the only one still seated, though I know his hand rests on a hidden
blade. “New family alliances can be so fraught, don’t you think?” He sighs.
“At least I can say one thing for it. This place will soon be wiped clean of
Giuseppe’s terrible taste.” He grimaces at the portrait above the fireplace.
It’s of Giuseppe in a bullfighter’s costume, and the artist made him a good
foot taller than he was in life, as well as ten years younger.
Fernando’s gaze travels to the portrait. He snorts, then belts a laugh as he
re-takes his seat. His men stow their weapons and relax as their boss
simmers down. He wipes at his eyes and points at Cato. “You should take
that one home with you. Put it in the little one’s closet and threaten him
with it if he’s bad.”
Cato smiles. “Appolonia is scary enough. My lioness keeps everyone in
line. Including me.”
Fernando laughs again. “Oh, women. They can do that, no?” He settles and
turns back to me as I sit. “Listen, my newest son. You have a Carrera bride,
and it is your right to claim her as a Baldoni. I understand. I did the same
with my wife. But you can’t erase the bloodline that will lead to strong,
powerful children for you. Bella is a Carrera as much as a Baldoni.”
“She is Baldoni.” I nod. “And she comes from a great line. I don’t disagree.
But any alliance between Baldoni and Carrera necessarily takes a back seat
to my loyalty to Cato.”
“A loyalty that goes both ways,” Cato adds.
“This is the way it was meant to be.” Fernando sighs. “Brothers fighting for
each other instead of against each other like we always seem to do. Cain
and Abel, eh? Always the same story.”
“Ten percent.” I tap my index finger on the desk. “You take ten percent of
whatever I bring in from Giuseppe’s shambles of an operation. But anything
I build that’s new, that’s all mine.”
Fernando looks at Cato.
“You heard him.” Cato shrugs. “I back him in this.”
Fernando focuses on me again. “Thirty percent. Carreras built the operation
that Giuseppe ran into the ground. Any less than thirty is an insult.”
“True, but you let him run it into the ground. Now I’ll have to spend my
own capital to get it running again.” I lean back and do some quick math.
“I’ll do fifteen percent. No more.”
Fernando chews this number over. His men tense again, their hands straying
to their weapons. Lucenzo is in the hall, locked and loaded, and Cato and I
have been in enough firefights and brawls to work as a seamless team. If
Fernando balks, we’ll kill him and his men, then deal with the harsh
repercussions from the other families.
Fernando shakes his head.
Fuck. I ease my hand to the hidden pistol under the desk drawer.
“I had no idea when I married off my Bella it would be to such a strong
ally.” He stands and holds out his hands. “It’s a deal.”

“T alia. Please, I don’t think I can eat anymore,” I almost beg

the cook.
She’s trying to fill my plate for the third time. Gianna laughs from beside
“Santino said you must eat more.” Talia, the resolute cook, drops another
piece of biscottate onto my plate. She’s laid out a variety of breads with
jams, fruits and cookies to sample. I’ve done enough sampling to last me a
week, but still she continues to try to feed me more. Even though I know I
shouldn’t, I can’t resist and take another bite. I’m starting to think my dead
husband and my new husband are night and day.
“There. You eat that, and I’ll be back to make you lunch.” Talia turns and
“Everyone is being so nice to you,” Gianna says.
It’s something I’ve also noticed. When I was Giuseppe’s wife, no one paid
me any mind. They’d barely glanced at me. Now, I can’t walk into a room
without someone checking on me. I only just married Santino last night,
and now everyone is “Mrs. Baldoni” and “how are you?” and “Can I get
you anything?” It’s nice, but it’s hard to go unnoticed now. Sneaking around
won’t be so easy if everyone is always watching. Is Santino trying to be
nice or making sure I don’t run away?
“They are very attentive. Yes.” I take another bite.
Gianna shakes her head. “You’re being weird.”
I swallow as my sister stares at me. Fake. That’s what I’m being. I know it.
It’s not something I’m used to being with her. But smiling and making
everyone think I’m okay feels like the best option right now. Inside, though,
I’m all over the place, and it’s making my head hurt.
“Are you getting a migraine?” It’s creepy how well she can read me
“Mrs. Davinci,” I hear one of the men lingering in the kitchen entryway say.
I turn to see who I’m guessing has to be Appolonia. Cato’s wife. Leo told
me a little about her. Her wedding to Cato Davinci had been fast and
unexpected. More so because Cato had turned down so many brides. My
sister being one of them.
“Mauro. It’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you, too.” She gives the man a warm smile before her eyes
meet mine.
“You must be Bella.” Her whole face lights up with a smile. “I’ve come to
meet my new sister.” She walks over to me and wraps me in a tight hug.
“Are you giving Santino a hard time? I hope you are. We have to keep these
men on their toes.”
I let out a small laugh. Her smile is warm and welcoming, making me like
her instantly.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell her as she releases me. “This is my sister
Gianna.” Appolonia offers Gianna her hand. She studies her face for a
moment, not letting her hand go before her eyes travel down my sister back
up to her face. My breath stills for a moment. She can’t know.
“I didn't want to marry Cato,” my sister blurts out. Appolonia throws her
head back and laughs.
“I know the feeling. I tried to run from him a few times. He always seemed
to catch me. That’s the thing about these men, when they see something
they want they can be relentless.” Her eyes come back to me. “Tell me.
How is Santino treating you? I never thought I’d see the day he’d get
“That’s the thing about this life, you don’t really get a choice when it comes
to that. Often enough it’s what’s convenient or best for your family.” I use
her own words. I’m not trying to be mean. The reminder that Santino
married me to grow his empire doesn’t sit well.
Jealousy. That’s what it is. Her husband had chosen her. Not because he had
to but because he wanted her. He loves her. Something I know I’ll never
have. I shouldn't be having these thoughts. I shouldn't care. Gianna is safe,
and that’s what matters. That’s why I’m doing all of this. That’s what I try
to convince myself, anyway.
“This is true.”
“Not for you though,” I keep harping. “Is that true?”
“Yes and no. Things were complicated for Cato and me in the beginning.
I’d already had my mind made up about who he was.” She smirks as if
she’s remembering something funny. “To tell you the truth, I wanted to kill
him.” In that moment, I know without a doubt that she and I are going to be
great friends. “Then he grew on me, and I saw past the hard exterior. These
men might be ruthless in some sense, but they are the same when it comes
to loving you.”
“I think your Cato might be cut from a different cloth. We all know how a
lot of these men are.” I’d been happy with the idea of my dead husband
having mistresses. But after the night I’d spent with Santino, sex feels so
personal. The idea of mistresses no longer sits well with me. I don’t know if
it’s the sex that changed my mind or the feelings I’m starting to have for my
new husband. Ones that I’ll continue to deny to him.
“No.” Appolonia shakes her head. “My Cato is a good man. He trusts
Santino, calls him his brother. They share the same values. You don’t have
to take my word on this. You’ll see.”
“Mrs. Davinci.”
“Salvatore, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Appolonia?”
she says to the man holding a small box.
“Sorry, Appolonia.” He hands the box to her.
“Thank you.” She sets it down on the counter. “I brought you a wedding
gift.” The box moves, making Gianna gasps and almost jumps out of her
set. Appolonia lifts the loose lid on top, and a little orange ball of fur with
faint stripes pokes its head out.
“Oh my gosh.” I reach into the box and pick the little baby up. I hug it to
“Santino loves kittens. No one can clean a litter box better than him. I
thought it would be a perfect gift.”
It purrs in my hands. “Thank you, Appolonia. Not just for the kitten.” Some
of her words have helped settle me. I have a feeling she came for that
reason. Not to try and calm Santino’s new wife down for Cato, but to have a
real heart-to-heart with me.
She smiles, her big eyes full of warmth. “Like I said, we’re sisters now.”
In less than 24 hours I feel more accepted by this family than I ever have
from my own. It’s almost unsettling how quickly these people have felt like
home to me. Something I’ll have to get a handle on in order to stick to my
plan. I’m sure soon enough I’ll know if Appolonia really means what she
says. If she really wants to be my sister or if she just wants to control me for
the good of her family.

B y the time we’re done talking business, it’s past lunch. Fernando
and his crew leave, though he hesitates at the door.
“Where’s Gianna?”
“Lunch.” I shrug.
“We have business,” his second-in-command urges.
“Fine.” Fernando waves a hand at him. “We’re going.” He turns back to me.
“Keep her safe. Keep her intact or there will be hell to pay.”
“Santino is married to her sister, and from what I’ve seen, smitten. No
chance he’s touching Gianna.” Cato stands at my elbow.
“Keep the other wolves at bay.” He shoots a look at Lucenzo. “If she’s
spoiled before I marry her off, I’ll rain hell on anyone who had a hand in
“You sure you don’t need a snack before you go?” I ask.
Cato grunts, hiding a laugh.
Fernando narrows his eyes. “Remember what I said.” He and his men
stomp out, the door slamming behind them.
“Asshole.” I run a hand through my hair. “Did you know Fernando was this
huge of an asshole when you sent me over here to fuck up his life?”
“He’s an asshole.” Cato pats my arm. “You’re a bigger one. You did well in
“I’m not letting some Carrera prick push us around.”
“I saw.” Cato walks with me toward the dining room. “Remember to watch
that temper of yours.”
“I kept my temper.”
“No, you lost it when he went after your wife. The rest of the time, you
were perfect. But when it comes to her—” He stops me and lowers his
voice. “She’s more than just a prize, isn’t she? I can tell by the way you are.
She’s the one for you.”
I could deny it, but why try? Cato can always see the truth in me. “Yes.” I
crack my neck. The last 24 hours have been long as fuck. “She is. She tried
to kill me straight away.”
“And that’s when you knew?” His lips twitch, a smile begging to be born.
But Cato doesn’t truly smile for anyone except Apollonia.
“Perhaps when she threatened me, or maybe when she taunted me. Can’t be
sure. But I know it now. I can feel it.”
He nods. “I know the sensation. Apollonia and I are forever, and nothing
will ever break us apart. You know when you find your kindred. When you
find your heart.”
“I didn’t see it coming.”
“We never do.” He leads me into the dining room.
Apollonia, Bella, and Gianna sit at the large, ornate table and eat while
going over some drawings with a local tradesman.
“Berizio,” Lucenzo fills in from behind me. “The most highly-
recommended construction expert in the region.”
Berizio peers at where Bella is pointing on his papers.
“Okay, I like this, but I want this entire wall gone. That master bedroom
can’t be the same. I hate it. But if you blow out this wall, move the bed over
here, and create a new sitting area with a larger closet and a larger
bathroom, you’d never even recognize it for what it once was. Can you do
all that? Or is it too expensive?” Bella puts her fingernail between her teeth.
“Nothing is too expensive for you, beautiful.” I jerk my chin at Berizio.
“Make it happen. All of it down to the very last detail. She shall have
exactly what she desires, understand?”
“Of course.” He nods. “Of course. I already have a demolition team lined
up to arrive in a few hours. We can get to work immediately. I’ll need to
travel to Florence and possibly Rome to arrange the purchase some of the
supplies, but—”
“Did Giuseppe have a helicopter?” I ask Bella.
She shrugs.
“No,” Leo fills in.
“Use mine.” Cato sits at the table beside Apollonia. “It looks like we’ll be
staying for a bit.” He drapes his arm across her shoulders, and she leans into
“I love the gold vein in the marble you picked.” She smiles at Bella. “Now
I’m going to have to talk Cato into doing the same at our villa.”
“You can convince me with your tongue, my lioness.” He nuzzles her neck.
Gianna giggles, and Bella turns red. She’s beautiful with high color in her
cheeks, her olive skin rosy and bright. I take her in, drinking in every bit of
her beauty as my blood begins to heat. Beautiful and fierce, she will rule
this house and our family by my side. I only hope that we created a new life
last night. And if not, I’ll happily try again and again until she’s large with
our child in her belly. Fuck if that thought doesn’t send a jolt of heat straight
to my cock.
“Oh, lovers.” Bella sighs and rests her chin on her palm at Cato and
Apollonia’s canoodling.
Leo reaches out and puts his hand on Gianna’s shoulder.
It’s then I realize. In that single moment. Why didn’t I see it before? Leo
isn’t just a friend of the family. He’s in love with Gianna. When he sees me
looking at his hand, he draws it back and avoids my gaze.
I turn to Bella. “Excuse me, my love, but might I have a word with you in
All eyes turn to me as Bella stands from her seat at the table.
“Yes. What about?” She glances at Gianna.
“We’ll return soon.” I don’t answer her question, just take her hand in mine
and lead her out of the dining room and into the adjoining butler’s pantry.
Once I have her alone and the door shuts behind me, I grip her hips and lift
her onto the narrow counter, then wedge myself between her thighs as I
fasten my lips to her tender throat.
She gasps, her hands going to my shoulders as I run my teeth along her
“It’s been too long, my bride. I need to be inside you again.”
She makes a high-pitched sound as I cup her breast and knead it through her
dress. “They’ll hear.”
“Let them.” I reach down and hike up her skirt, then run my fingers along
her panties. When I find her clit, I stop and apply pressure.
“Santino.” She moves her hips.
Sliding her panties to the side, I ease a finger inside her, her body hot and
wet for me.
“Keeping it warm for me, Bella? Just the way I like it?”
She bites her lip as I bring my finger to my lips and lick it clean, then press
that same finger into her mouth. Her lips come around it and she sucks as I
free my cock.
“That’s it, Bella. Suck it for me.”
We need to talk about Leo and Gianna, and she has some explaining to do,
but first, I need another taste of my bride.

T here is no missing the desire I feel for him. He makes me

suck it from his finger, the look in his eyes possessive as I do
it. He pulls his finger from my mouth before his lips take
mine in a deep kiss. He wants the taste of me on his lips, too. I gasp when
he thrusts inside of me. My fingers dig into his broad shoulders.

“Santino.” I breathe his name against his lips.

“Yeah, beautiful?”
I close my eyes for a second and soak up his words. I’ll never get used to
him calling me that.
“Shit. Is it too much?”
I shake my head and slowly open my eyes to stare at him. He thinks he hurt
me. Hurt is the last thing I feel right now. But every time he looks at me like
that or calls me by that name, he’s chipping away at the wall I’m trying to
keep up between us to protect myself.
“I like it.”
I liked the way he’d grabbed me, pulling me away from everyone as if he
couldn't stand another moment without having me close. It seems as though
he missed me. Somewhere deep inside me, I want that to be the case. Yet I
know that I still need to keep my guard up if I want to protect my heart.
“That's good, beautiful, because I couldn't help myself.” He pulls out and
thrusts again.
I bite the inside of my cheek trying not to moan, but it feels too good. His
fingers dig into my hips as he angles his cock into me just right. With each
thrust he hits my clit. “Is it fucking terrible that all I could think about while
your father carried on about nonsense was getting back to you and getting
inside of you? Every time he called you a Carrera I wanted to find you and
remind you that you’re a Baldoni now. That you’ll always be one.”
“Santino.” My sex clenches around him. His possessive words grip me
tight, and I don’t want to let them go. I've never wanted to belong to any
name. Now, the way Santino makes it sound has my heart wanting exactly
that. To be his, to bear his name always, and for him to remind me that I
belong to him for the rest of our lives.
“You like knowing that? That all I could think about was getting back inside
your sweet cunt?”
I whimper and nod. What is this man doing to me? He’s filling my head
with too many wishful ideas. His fingers dig tighter into my hips as he
moves even faster. I can’t find any words as the orgasm begins pushing
down on me.
“Santino. I’m going to…” His mouth cuts me off, smothering my cry of
pleasure as he jerks against me. His warm releases spills deep inside of me
again. Up until this moment, I hadn’t really thought what that could mean
for us. I know I shouldn’t want it, but for the first time in my life, I wish for
something for myself.
He buries his face in my neck, his warm breath heavy against my skin as he
tries to get it under control.
“Tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.”
He pulls his head back to look at me.
“I am.” My tongue comes out to lick my bottom lip. He groans and kisses
me again. More of his release spills inside me.
“What have you done to me?” I hear him say under his breath as he slowly
pulls out. What have I done to him? More like what the heck is he doing to
me? His seed spills down my thighs as he puts me on my feet. My dress
falls back down and covers up what we’d done.
“Everyone will know.” I run my hand through my hair. I’m sure I look like
a hot mess.
“What is it that they’ll know? That I can’t keep my hands off my beautiful
wife?” he says as he fixes his own clothes. There he goes again saying
things that warm all my insides. “We need to talk about some things.” He
fastens his belt.
I swallow. That phrase is never good.
“Is not your concern.” What had he and my father talked about in the
meeting? My mind starts to race. Had he agreed to a deal with my father
regarding Gianna? Was this Santino’s way of getting me to talk?
“I think she is very much my concern.”
I try and push past Santino, but his arm comes out and snakes around my
waist. “You’re going to have to learn to trust me.”
“Just because you’re sticking your dick in me doesn’t mean anything has
changed,” I lie, my face flushing at my own words. Was this the plan all
along? To get me to fall for him so that he and my father could try to trick
me? Anger and hurt threaten to overwhelm me. Until Santino, I had never
had this problem with my emotions. I always had a plan. I always knew
what my next step would be.
“Okay.” He pulls me closer. Okay? That’s all he has to say? “Did you think
about a nursery when you were doing the remodeling plans?”
“I..” He’s completely knocked me off kilter.
“Okay. Your trust. I’ll earn it.” He’s always saying the right things. Ones
that make me want to bare my soul to him.
“She can’t go back to my father.” I finally let the truth free. “She’s
“Leo, I take it?”
I don’t respond. There’s nothing he can do about Gianna, but Leo he could
“You’re protective of him, too. I have to warn you that I’m finding I’m the
jealous type when it comes to you.”
My nipples tighten at the possessive look in his eyes. As much as I like the
look on his face, I don’t need him going after Leo.
“I trust him.” It’s the wrong thing to say. Santino’s jaw ticks. I’m still trying
to wrap my mind around him being jealous. “He’s my best friend. He’s
always been there for me. He’s like a brother to me.”
“This could start a war.”
“You almost started one yourself,” I point out. He was ready to pull the
trigger when he thought my father was going to take my sister from me.
This man keeps doing one thing after another to keep me and my sister safe.
All of these things have me quickly heading toward trusting him. Still, I
fear it might be all a ploy to him. Some twisted plot for him and my father
to gain some sort of advantage over me.
“You said you’d be a good wife.”
I lick my lips, his eyes dropping there. He’s really not going to let that go.
His hand takes mine as he leads us back to the kitchen. Everyone turns to
look at us when we enter. My face warms. They know. They so know.
Santino leads me over to the table and pulls out a chair for me so I can sit
next to Gianna. When I glance over at her, she’s wearing a huge smile on
her face.
“How was your talk?” she tries to whisper to me. I elbow her.
Apollonia snorts a laugh, because that was so not a whisper at all.
“My beautiful wife forgot about a nursery.” Santino smirks. “I was just
reminding her.”
If I wasn't already blushing, I would be now. Santino sits down next to me.
He hooks his foot under my chair and drags me closer so he can drape his
arm across the back as everyone starts adding in ideas.
“We could do it yellow or green? Maybe with a big crescent moon on the
wall?” Gianna smiles.
“Or the ceiling.” Leo shrugs.
“That would be beautiful.” Apollonia leans against Cato.
I relax into Santino. He’s making my surrender all too easy.

P laster falls from the ceiling with a crash as I stride past. The
sound reverberates through the villa right along with the noise
of hammers and saws.
Bella is speaking with the craftsman and pointing at what she wants
changed. Everything. I don’t mind at all. I want to wipe every spec of
Giuseppe clean from this entire place and remake it in whatever form Bella
“Red?” I ask and wrap my arm around her waist.
She smiles up at me.
“I think it’ll look stunning.”
“Yes, you do.” I kiss her. For the past two nights, I’ve done nothing except
worship her body. I intend to do the same again tonight. Though, of course,
I may have already had a taste this morning in the shower, then another with
her bent over my desk. I can’t get enough.
Gianna smiles at us as she walks into the room, one tell-tale hand at her
stomach. Leo is right behind her, as always.
She looks up at the new base coat on the ceiling. “Red?”
Bella laughs against my lips. “Yes. Problem?”
“No.” Gianna shakes her head. “I think it’ll be amazing, especially once
you get that chandelier we ordered.”
“Right?” Bella reaches out and hooks her arm through her sister’s, and I
reluctantly let her go.
“Keep up the good work, ladies.” I turn to Leo. “Come. We have some
things to discuss.” I walk down the hall that’s been stripped of all finery and
decoration. It already looks better now that it’s down to the centuries-old
brick and stone.
Leo follows, and Lucenzo raises a brow as I walk past him and into my
“Close the door,” I tell Leo.
He does as I sit behind my desk. For two days I’ve been trying to figure out
how to address the situation with Gianna. And for two days, I’ve failed to
come up with a solution that doesn’t end in bloodshed between my budding
family, the Davincis, and the Carreras.
“I’ve promised to keep Gianna safe.”
He eyes me warily and crosses his arms over his chest. “That’s my job.”
“Cut the shit.” I wave a hand at him. “I know she’s carrying your baby
inside her.”
His eyes widen. “How—”
“I’m not blind. I see the way you are with her.” I pick up a coin from my
desk and flick it across my knuckles. “You two aren’t careful. Not enough,
anyway. And I notice things.” I won’t reveal what my Bella told me in
confidence. “It’s clear. I assume you were better at hiding it when you still
lived under Fernando’s roof.”
His jaw is hard, as if he’s waiting for a blow.
I lean forward, testing him. “I don’t blame you. Gianna is one hot piece of
ass. Of course you’d want to bag that sweet, juicy—”
He lunges for me, a blade in his hand.
I shove back from my desk and get to my feet, a knife in my own palm.
“Calm, Leo,” I warn. He looks about one hair away from coming over the
desk for me. “I just wanted to see if it’s real.”
“It’s real,” he grates. “Don’t you ever speak of her like that again. I don’t
care who you are, I’ll gut you.”
“Good.” I rest my blade on my desk. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
He rolls his shoulder and stows his knife, then backs up, though he still has
that wary quality that I’m coming to respect. “I won’t let anyone hurt her.
Ever. In our hearts, we’re already married.”
“I don’t think Fernando will see it that way.” I sit back down and gesture for
Leo to do the same.
He sinks into the seat across from me and scrubs a hand down his face.
“Honestly, it’s a relief that you know. I have to get her out of here before
Fernando comes back and demands her again.”
“Do you have a plan?”
“No.” He glances to the left, back toward the foyer where Bella holds court.
“She’s the brains of the operation. Bella.”
I shift in my seat. “What’s her plan, then?” An uncomfortable ripple shoots
down my spine. Bella came clean with me the other day, but has she had
other reasons for revealing the truth? To distract me, perhaps? Maybe give
me just enough truth to pull the wool over my eyes?
“I don’t know.” He seems to clam up again, as if he’s remembered that I’m
the enemy. I’m not. Well, I’ll revise that. I’m not unless my beauty intends
to leave me, to escape with her sister and Leo. I’ll never let it happen. I’d
chase her to the ends of the earth and bring her back here where she
belongs, then fuck the truth right into her. We are forever.
Leo isn’t going to tell me anything else. I can see that by the set of his chin
and the hardness of his eyes. He doesn’t trust me.
“Fernando is going to come calling for her, sooner rather than later.” I take
up the coin again and walk it along my scarred knuckles. “He wants to
marry her off to a made man, someone who can bring fortune and strength
to his operation.” I hold his gaze. “You aren’t that, are you?”
He shakes his head. “I have no name to speak of, no.”
“Neither did I when I was young and stupid like you. You have to make
your name. But that’s beside the point. The point is that Fernando is
coming, and Gianna will have to go. It’s that or start the war that we’ve all
been trying to avoid for years and years.”
“I’ll happily fight a war for her.”
“I understand that.” I do. I feel the same way about Bella. “But we have to
be smart. Risking lives—especially the lives of Bella and Gianna—isn’t
something I take lightly.”
“I don’t take it lightly. You think I want to be here? Gianna and I should be
somewhere safe, somewhere we can plan a nursery and build our future.
But we can’t. Fernando will never let her go, not when he can use her to his
advantage.” The fire in his tone is both admirable and worrisome.
“I will keep my promise to my bride. Protecting Gianna is part of my
covenant with Bella, understand?”
“Yes, but Gianna is mine to protect.”
I sigh. “Don’t do anything stupid. That’s all I ask.” I rise and move toward
the door. “Here, you’re safe. Both you and Gianna. If you were to take off, I
couldn’t promise it would end well. So stay put until I can figure out a way
to smooth this mess over.”
He gives me a grim nod, then we return to the foyer.
Bella smiles at me, her eyes lighting up as I approach. The foreboding in
my heart lessens as she comes to me and grips the front of my shirt as I lean
down for a kiss. This is real. She must feel it.
Her taste is heaven, and there’s no way in hell I’ll ever give it up.

“I ’ve never seen you smile this much.” I glance over at my

sister, who’s sitting in one of the chairs in the library. I’ve
got a fake little mouse on a string for Lucky to chase after. I
never knew how much fun a kitten could be. I watch as he wiggles his little
butt before pouncing on his toy.
“Kittens are adorable. How can you not smile at them?”
He catches the mouse and rips into it. I pray for any mice that might make
their way into the house. They’ll meet the same fate as all enemies of the
Baldino family.
“That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”
I push off the floor and let Lucky have the mouse. I’m going to have to
order more.
“He’s been good to me.” I snag a grape from the bowl in front of her. “How
about you? How are you feeling?” I step closer and run my hand along her
belly. She’s starting to show. We’re running out of time. I stop moving my
hand when I think I feel something.
“He kicked. Did you feel it?” Her eyes go wide with excitement.
“Yes, is that the first time you’ve felt it?” She nods with the biggest smile
on her face. She’s too shocked to talk. I hate that this is a secret. We should
be celebrating.
Here I am building a nursery, and she doesn't have one at all. Still, she
smiles as she helps me pick things out. I hate that she’s in this situation. I
consider myself the lucky one in some sense, because my father didn’t see
any value in me. But Gianna is a whole different story. He considers her
beauty a bargaining chip to get him what he wants. He won’t let her go as
“Clearly, he knew his aunt was here,” I tease her and try to rid my mind of
all the serious thoughts. I pull my hand away from her belly, and she puts
hers there to feel more. She should have seen a doctor by now. Nothing is
going as planned. I’m not ever sure what I’m doing. Santino makes me
forget about everything outside these walls.
“You could be pregnant soon, too. Everyone knows Santino is on a
mission.” I place my hand on my own stomach. She might be right. There
isn't a night Santino isn't coming to bed with me. Sometimes he’s even
pulling me from the dinner table. His appetite for me still amazes me. He
really does make me feel beautiful. Sexy, too.
I have to admit that these have been some of the happiest days of my life. If
he’s spending his nights with me, maybe he’ll be one of the few who doesn't
have a mistress. I’d bet anything that Cato doesn't. He looks at his wife like
she hung the moon just for him.
“Do you think he’s trying to make an heir?” I bite the inside of my lip. It
would solidify his position even more. Once I’m knocked up, he might not
have the same drive to keep sleeping with me. His mission would be
accomplished. I hate that my mind lets me have all these thoughts. My
father really did a number on me. Still, all of these points are valid.
“He wants a child. He told you that, didn’t he?”
“Yes.” He didn't say the reason, but he’s said he wanted a few children. I
know how much all of this means to Santino. To finally get his claim on a
territory. I’ve seen the scars that mark his body. Signs of his fight to get to
the top. The devotion he’s given to the Davincis is respectable.
“Do you want kids? Santino was the one who brought up the nursery, but
I’ve never heard you mention having babies before.”
“I didn't think it was something I wanted.” Then Santino planted that seed,
not only in my head, and it has me craving more. I want a baby from love.
Not because he wants an heir. I never thought I would say those words.
I knew I would probably have to have a baby out of duty to my family
name, but Santino has me thinking that it’s possible for me to have it all.
That the life we would create would be one made out of love.
“And now? Santino has you wanting one!”
I let out a small laugh at her excitement. There has been a lot more of that
too, these days.
“I would love a child.” I drop my hand away from my stomach. Even if all
of my points are correct, I should be happy. We can have a marriage of
convenience. He’s good to me. It’s far better than anything else I envisioned
for myself. I never thought I would say those words.
Leo comes striding into the library. I’m thankful because it will nip the girl
“How are you?” I ask, sitting down in the chair opposite of my sister.
“Good.” He leans down and gives her a kiss. We’re the only ones in here.
“She needs to see a doctor soon. Just taking her vitamins isn’t enough.”
“I know,” Leo agrees.
“Maybe Santino can get a doctor to come here.”
“Santino?” Leo swallows hard. He told him. I know Santino already knows,
but he never told me about this. Why? Is he keeping secrets? He distracts
me with his mouth and decorating so I don’t pay attention to anything else.
“He knows. The other day when he asked to speak to me.” I’d completely
forgotten about that. That’s because Santino came out and started kissing
“Tell me everything,” I demand. “Word for word.” My stomach drops when
he tells me what he said about Gianna. “He said what?” I hiss. I’m on my
feet before I realize what I’m doing. Anger has taken control over me. How
many times has Gianna said I never let my emotions get the best of me?
“Bella, let me finish,” Leo calls from behind me, but I don’t stop. I head
straight for Santino’s office on a mission to... What? I don’t even know
what I’m going to do when I get there. Slap him? Scream the walls down?
Did he know my sister was pregnant from the very start and that’s why he
picked me? He told Leo he sees the way Leo is with my sister. How long
had Santino been noticing it? Was everything that happened a ploy to get
me to go along with him?
When I get to his office, two men stand in front of the door. “He’s busy
right now, Mrs. Baldoni.” I look over at Vincent. I come and go from
Santino’s office all the time. What’s different now?
“Why? What’s he doing?” I put my hands on my hips.
He runs a hand through his hair. He’s nervous.
“We don’t know what he’s doing in there,” Rico hisses at Vincent. “It might
just be a meeting.”
“Is there a woman in there or my father?” The thought of Santino having a
woman in his office makes my stomach feel sick.
Neither one of them say anything.
“Is my father in there?”
“No,” Vincent says.
Rico gives him a death glare. I know they’re all under orders to respect me.
I don’t think they know if responding will get them in trouble or not.
So a woman it is. I’d asked Santino after we had lunch together if he had
any more meetings today. He’d said no. He was just going to do some
rounds of the house and make sure everything was on track.
“Move,” I snap at them.
“Bella, don’t,” Leo says, having caught up with me. My sister is next to him
holding on to Lucky.
It’s all too much. So many uncertainties bounce around in my head. I have
to find out. I need to know the truth. That way I will know where Santino
and I really stand. Or else I’ll have to use the escape plan.
I’ve been watching the flow of Santino’s guards since the construction
crews arrived. There are so many people going in and so many going out
that it shouldn’t be difficult for Gianna and Leo to escape.
“Don’t make me tell you again.”
Both Rico and Vincent jump out of the way before I push through the
double doors of his office like I own the place. I’m not going to be a good
wife anymore.

“I t’s not something I’m really in the know about, you see?” I
“That’s all right.” She crosses her legs at the knee. “You aren’t expected to
know these things. That’s why you need a woman like me.”
“Exactly. I need you. A woman like you could make a huge difference in
this, especially given the delicate situation and the need for confident—”
“What the hell is going on!” Bella cries and shoves open the office doors,
then stomps in, her eyes flashing. “Who are you? A mistress? A whore?”
She points and steps toward my guest.
“No, beautiful, she’s—” I’m already on my feet.
“Don’t you ‘beautiful’ me!” She storms around the desk and jabs her finger
into my chest. “I should’ve known not to trust you. You’re in here telling
your whore how badly you need her? And all the while you’ve been lying
to me!” Her hand flies.
“I haven’t lied to you.” I catch her wrist before she makes contact with my
face. “Calm down, Bella. Calm—”
“I will not calm down!” Her voice rises even more as I capture her other
wrist. “You lying, cheating bastard!”
“Bella, please. If you would just let me explain.”
“I don’t need any explanation from you. At least with Giuseppe, he was
honest about not wanting me, about thinking me ugly. You, though, you—”
Her breath hitches as if she’s fighting a sob. “You seduced me with lies
about me being beautiful, about wanting me to be yours forever. But you
didn’t mean a word of it, did you? You planned all along to put a baby in
my belly and toss me aside for a whore like her.” She jerks her chin toward
the door where my guest lingers, unsure whether to stay or go.
“Please, sit,” I tell her.
Bella tries to yank herself free of my grip. She’s wild and warm, every bit
of her fight sending jolts to my cock. I’m hard as a fucking rock, and she’s
going to feel every inch of me soon enough.
“Please,” I say over Bella’s thrashing and cursing.
When my guest has returned to her seat, I turn Bella around, my grip still
hard on her wrists. I’ve got her tied up like a pretzel as she looks at Dr.
“This is Dr. Blanca. The women’s doctor from the local town. She’s well
respected in her field, studied in the UK and the US.”
Bella stills. “What?”
Dr. Blanca nods, her eyes still wide as she takes in Bella. “Is she the
“No.” I laugh and pull Bella in close. “Not yet. But soon.”
“You’re an OB?” Bella says the words with a touch of disbelief and a dash
of shame.
“That’s what all my diplomas say.” She shrugs. “I don’t wear the white coat
around if I don’t have to. Makes people feel more at ease.” She arches a
brow. “Maybe I should rethink that.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” Bella tries to escape my hold.
I don’t let her.
“Dr. Blanca, if you could be so good as to ask my man in the hall to show
you to Gianna, I would appreciate it. I have some business to attend to here.
Urgent”—I press my hard cock against Bella’s ass—“business.”
“Of course.” She goes to the door and casts a knowing glance over her
shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Bella. I look forward to serving as your
physician very soon.”
Bella covers her face with her hands as soon as the door closes. “Oh my
“You keep saying that, but he can’t help you out of this.” I run my teeth
along her neck.
She turns. “I thought … I thought you were--”
“It’s very clear what you thought.” I reach down and grip her hips, then lift
her onto my desk. Nuzzling between her thighs, I feel like I’ve come home.
“I’m sorry.” She shakes her head. “It’s just when Leo told me what you’d
said about Gianna and then I just knew you were cheating and—”
“What?” Her brown eyes widen.
“What I said about Gianna was a test for Leo. Nothing more. I will never so
much as look at another. Not the way I look at you. I swear it.”
“You don’t mean it.”
“Why do you say that?” I cup her cheeks.
“Because you can’t mean it.” Her eyes water.
“Why can’t I?” I wipe her tears away with my thumbs. “Why, beautiful?”
“Because I’m not.”
“You are.” I press my forehead to hers. “You are just as beautiful as I say.
You are a gorgeous goddess who I can only worship.”
“But my whole life my Father—”
“Was an idiot. A blind fool not to see the jewel right in front of him.” I kiss
her forehead, desperate for her to know the truth of my heart. “I love you,
She gasps. “What?”
“I love you.” I hold her warm brown gaze with mine. “From the moment I
saw you, hell, before that. When you tried to cut me in half through the
door. You’re it for me. I will never love another, never touch another, never
She kisses me hard. I answer, mauling her mouth with the possessiveness I
feel for her. She has to sense it, to know what I’m saying is the truth. No
one has ever meant more to me than the woman in front of me. I just wish
she’d believe it.
“I have to go apologize.” She pulls back.
“No.” I reach up her skirt and grab her panties, then yank them right off.
“Santino!” She clutches my shoulders as I free my cock and notch it against
her entrance.
“If you won’t believe my mouth, maybe you’ll believe this.” With a hard
thrust, I push all the way inside her.
Her moan lights me up from the inside, and I fuck her, giving her no quarter
as I thrust and pull her hips to me. Deep and hard, I take her. The desk
scoots across the floor, her fingernails dig into my skin, and when I take her
mouth again, I tongue her with the same ferocity as I’m fucking her.
She answers, her tongue warring with mine, both of us finally becoming
one, becoming the pair that was meant to be. Because I love her, and now
she knows.
When I reach down and flick her clit, she comes on a cry. I swallow the
sound and shove deep, my cock kicking as I release my seed inside her,
coating her slick walls with me.
When we’re spent and trying to catch our breaths, I pull her close, holding
her as she clings to me.
“You love me?” she pants.
“With everything I am.” I kiss her sweaty forehead.
She squeezes me tighter, and we stay that way for a long time. The two of
us. My heart in her hands. Our futures twining together as one.

“S antino.” I grab on to the headboard and try to keep my balance.

He licks and sucks between my thighs, pushing me closer to
orgasm. His fingers dig into my ass, and he starts to rock into me,
mimicking sex.
“Santino!” I cry out his name when he sucks my clit into his mouth, his
tongue slipping back and forth over it, sending me over into pure bliss. I
ride the orgasm out on his face, my hips moving to his rhythm.
My body relaxes as Santino keeps on licking up every drop of me.
“Oh! I’m suffocating you!” I try to wiggle off his face, but he only laughs at
me. The vibration is too much after just coming. I slither out of his hold and
down his body.
“It would be a sweet way to go.” His hand tangles in my hair and pulls me
in for a kiss. “Did you enjoy that, beautiful?”
“You know I always enjoy when you do that to me.”
“But we’ve never done it that way before.” He smiles.
I’d been reading in bed while Santino was still sleeping. I’d gotten to a sex
scene where a girl was sitting on a man's face, and I didn't think it was
When Santino woke up and saw my cheeks flushed, he knew I was turned
on. The man is quickly learning to read me. He made me tell him what I’d
read. Then he showed me it was very much possible as he brought me to
multiple orgasms.
“I think it should be my turn.” I kiss his chest. Over one scar and then
another. My warrior.
“Yes, your warrior.”
I look up at him, not realizing I said it out loud. I really like the sound of
that. He is mine. My warrior would do anything for me, because he loves
me. I’m starting to believe everything Santino has been telling me.
He makes me believe it more and more. I’m not going to let the things my
father planted in my head turn something wonderful into something ugly. I
won’t let my insecurities win. Santino is the one good thing that’s happened
to me, and no one will take that from me.
I keep trailing kisses down his body as I pull the sheet out of the way. His
cock is hard already. The head is a little darker, and cum leaks from the tip,
causing my mouth to water for a taste of him. Santino reaches up and grabs
the headboard with one hand. I hear it make a groaning sound.
“Beautiful, you just had your sweet pussy on my mouth. I’m on edge here.”
I smile, loving this power I have over him. I wrap my hand around his cock
and slowly start to stroke him. More cum starts to leak from the head. I lean
down and catch it with my tongue.
“Tell me what to do.”
“Anything you do is perfect. I just enjoy your mouth on me.”
“I enjoy having my mouth on you.” I suck him between my lips. I may have
never done this, but I’ve read enough books to get an idea of what I’m
supposed to do. With both hands I massage his balls as I keep on sucking as
hard as I can, taking him to the back of my throat.
“Fuck.” He groans as his legs tense up. The headboard groans louder. His
free hand tangles into my hair as my mouth continues to work him.
“Wife. I’m going to come.”
It only makes me work faster. I feel his hand tighten in my hair before he
grunts out my name, and his release spills down my throat. I don’t stop
sucking him until he pulls me off him and covers his mouth with mine.
“You don’t have a fucking gag reflex.”
“I don't know.” I shrug.
He laughs, shaking his head before kissing me again.
“We should shower.” He pulls me from the bed. In the past month, we’ve
built up a routine together. I love showering with him. First he washes me,
and then I do the same to him. When we finally make it out of the shower,
we have breakfast together. I didn't know men could be so sweet. There
were a few times I’ve almost burst into tears.
“Do you like this?” I give a small spin, showing off my dress.
“You know I love when you wear dresses.”
“Me too.” I smile against his mouth before he kisses me. Oftentimes, he'll
come find me throughout the day and pull me into a room to have his
wicked way with me.
My stomach growls. Santino pulls back from the kiss.
“I need to feed you.” He takes my hand and leads me out of our bedroom
and down the hallway. The renovations are coming along nicely. When
money isn't an object, you really can get things done quickly. This place is
starting to feel like home in more ways than one.
Every time something is completed, I rush to find Santino and make him
come see the progress. I get this giddy happy feeling whenever he likes
what I’ve done. I could probably paint this place pink and he’d say he liked
it. He said the only thing he cares about is that I’m making it our home.
“Hey, lovebirds,” my sister Gianna says as we enter the kitchen.
“Morning.” I give her and Leo a smile.
“I’ll make you a plate.” Santino grabs a dish before I can protest. He always
gives me too much. One night I told him what it had been like living with
Giuseppe. He wanted to dig him up and kill the man all over again after that
conversation. His anger at my past treatment by Giuseppe only turned me
on. I found a good way to get Santino to calm down, though.
“And, how are you?” I rub my hand across Gianna’s belly.
“Good.” I stare at her for a second and notice the dark circles under her
“You’re worried?”
“Everything is so nice here. When Father finds out. . .” Her words are
I rest my forehead against hers. “I would never let anything happen to your
or my nephew.”
“It’ll be okay, sweetheart.” Leo pulls her over and kisses the top of her
head. She melts into him. Santino sets my plate down for me as Lucky
winds between my ankles, a purr already vibrating through his fluffy orange
“I gave my word to my wife that I will handle this. Gianna doesn’t have to
“I know, but we all know what’ll happen when my father gets tired of
playing keep-away. I don’t want to start a war.” She sighs heavily.
I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. “It’s the only way. I can’t hand you
over. I won't be able to do it. Even if you asked me to, I wouldn't. I’d lock
you in the basement until it was handled.”
She lets out a small laugh. She thinks I’m joking. I’m not. Santino’s hand
on my hip flexes. He knows my words are true.
“Sir, if you have a moment?” Lucenzo asks. His face is unreadable.
“Eat. I’ll be back.” Santino kisses my neck.
“Everything okay?” I turn to him.
“My wife came on my face before she showered with me. I’d say things are
more than okay.”
“Santino!” I smack his chest, my face warming. He and Gianna both laugh.
“Leo, you're with me.”
Leo gives my sister a kiss before joining Santino. My husband has been
including my best friend in more and more family business, and I can’t
thank him enough. Leo is already learning so much, becoming stronger and
wiser under Santino’s steady tutelage.
“We aren't giving you up. You aren’t going anywhere unless you want to.
We will fight to the death,” I vow to my sister.
“That’s what I’m worried about.” She sits heavily beside me, and I wrap my
arm around her.
“We are strong. We’ll survive, and we’ll welcome a new life into the world
very soon. We’ll destroy anyone who threatens that future.” I might not
want to carry the Carrera name, but that blood runs through my veins. If my
father wants a war, I’m more than willing to give him one. I’m not scared of
him anymore. Not with Santino by my side. He’s made me strong, and I
have no doubt my husband will keep his word to me.

“T hey’re coming.” Lucenzo hustles toward my office. I

haven’t seen him move this fast in a while. The house has
been settling down, Gianna and Leo adapting right along
with Bella and me. I should’ve known it wouldn’t last.
“Fernando?” It’s not truly a question.
“Yes. And two trucks full of men.”
“He’s not fucking around this time.” I stride into my office.
“He’s come for Gianna.” Leo is tense, a piano wire on the verge of
I shoot off a text to Cato, then open the office wall and pull out an array of
“Our men?” I ask.
“Already guarding the gates and stationed around the house.” Lucenzo pulls
his favorite semi-automatic rifle from the wall.
I stash some knives on my person, then load up with two guns. Leo takes a
good selection as well. Then I grab two more handguns and turn to head
back to the kitchen. Lucenzo takes off toward the entry with Leo at his
heels. They know what to do.
When I enter the kitchen, Bella has her arms around a wan Gianna. What
I’m about to tell them won’t help, but they need to know what’s coming.
“Here.” I lay the two guns on the table.
“What’s this for?” Bella looks up at me with worried eyes.
“You both know how to use it, right?” I pull Bella into my arms and hold
her close. “Right?”
“I—we—I mean, yes. We know how to handle a gun.” She clutches me
tightly. “Are they coming?” she whispers and reaches back to grip Gianna’s
“Yes. I don’t know how this will go. Fernando didn’t announce the visit, but
he and more men than is customary are almost here.”
“Oh no.” Gianna hangs her head. “He’s taking me back.”
“Never.” Bella almost snarls the word.
“That’s my beautiful wife.” I kiss her forehead. “Be fierce. Be strong. I will
meet him head on and try to stop a war before it begins. But I won’t have
you sitting here defenseless. Take the guns, go upstairs and lock yourselves
in our room. Barricade the door.”
“Deja vu,” Gianna mumbles. “All over again. Bloodshed.”
“Not yours.” I step back and cup Bella’s face, and I memorize again,
committing her to memory in case I have to take her image with me into the
deepest pit of hell. She is my angel come to life, the spirit that moves, the
star that guides me.
“I love you.” I kiss her hard, too hard. But I can’t leave her without leaving
a piece of me. So I give her a taste of my love, my devotion.
And when I pull away, there are tears in her eyes. “I love you, too.” She
reaches for the gun on the table and palms one. “No one’s taking you or my
sister away from me. Understand?” She checks the magazine, then the
chamber, loads a round, then thumbs off the safety.
“Holy shit, that was hot.” I grip her hips and pull her in for one more kiss.
“Santino,” she sighs as we part.
I say a silent prayer that this embrace isn’t our last.
Gianna takes the other gun, and I walk them into the hall, then to the
“Go, hurry.” I can hear engines approaching. “They’re almost here.”
Gianna hurries up the stairs, one hand on her stomach.
“Don’t leave me.” Bella grips my shoulders. “Don’t. I just found you. I
can’t bear to lose you.”
“You’ll never lose me, Bella. I’m your warrior, and I’ll fight for you until
my last breath.”
She presses another soft kiss to my lips. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Turning, she follows Gianna up the stairs, and I hear our bedroom door
slam and furniture scraping across the floor. She has a pistol plus another
secret stash she thinks I don’t know about. If someone comes for them,
she’ll take as many down as she can. Because she’s a fighter. Because she’s
strong. And because she’s mine.
I turn and stride to the front door, then throw it wide.
A black sedan pulls up next to the marble fountain and the back door opens.
Fernando steps out, a fox’s smile on his face as he approaches.
“What welcome is this for your father-in-law?” he tsks as two trucks of his
soldiers pull up and crush the new landscaping Bella just installed
“Why are you here, Fernando?” I don’t move from the doorway. He’s not
welcome here. Not like this.
“I’ve come for my beautiful daughter.”
I smirk. “I’m afraid I married her already. She’s a Baldoni and belongs only
to me.”
“You know who I mean.” His façade is already fading, cruelty setting in as
he looks up at me.
“Gianna prefers to stay here.” I shrug.
“It doesn’t matter what she prefers. She’s my daughter. She’s coming
“Why now?”
He glances past me, clearly angry I haven’t invited him in. “She is to be
married. I’ve found a suitor.”
“You have? And who is that?” I cross my arms.
“That’s none of your concern.” He jerks his chin toward his men.
All of them move up behind him. Armed to the teeth, there are 20 of them,
and each one would love to make a name for himself by taking me out.
They’d have to get in fucking line. I’ve been targeted more times than I can
count, and I’m always the last one standing.
“It is my concern. You see, Gianna is under my protection now. She fears
for her safety if she returns to your home.”
“Lies.” His eyes narrow. “I’ve done nothing but dote on that girl. Produce
her, Santino. Do it now before things go sideways.”
I lift my gaze to his soldiers. “It appears things are already sideways. After
all, you brought a small army to my family home. To the home where my
wife sleeps, where my children will one day play.” I keep my rage in check.
Barely. “But you seemed not to mind insulting me in this manner. Even
though I’ve allowed you through my gates. Even though I could’ve mowed
all of you down with the .50 cal machine gun disguised in the front
vineyard. I didn’t. Out of respect. But you’ve failed to show me the
reciprocal respect.”
“You can threaten me all you like, little capo. We all know you don’t
deserve a Carrera bride. You’re stronger than Giuseppe, but you have no
name. You aren’t a Davinci. You’re a Baldoni.” He says my name like a
curse. “A nobody. I should’ve killed you and taken Bella back. Given her to
some low-level capo who’d treat her as she deserves and put her in her
place.” He waves a hand at the estate. “Not spoil her and put lies into her
head about her beauty.” He laughs. “She’s a dog, so maybe it’s fitting she
married a mutt like you.”
“Leave. Now.” I stare down at him. He has no idea I’m hovering on the
edge of a knife. I want to kill him right now, right this second. I can see it in
my mind, him bleeding out as his men open fire and all hell breaks loose.
The only reason I don’t is because Bella and Gianna are upstairs. But he’s
sealed his fate. I will kill Fernando for insulting my Bella. He is a dead
“Give me Gianna!” he bellows.
“Not a chance.”
He steps back and raises a hand. “Kill them!”

T he sound of rapid gunfire barks through the house and makes

my stomach drop.
Gianna squeezes my hand tightly. “It’s going to be okay.” I try to reassure
not only her but myself, too. My heart races, but I know there isn't anything
I can do. As much as I want to race downstairs and make sure my Santino is
okay, I can’t leave my pregnant sister up here alone. And I very well could
be pregnant myself at this point. I need to be smart in my decision-making.
It has kept me safe this long. My ability to not act out of emotion has kept
us alive so far. The only problem with that line of thinking is that ever since
I met him, Santino is the one person who does make me act on pure
More gunfire echoes through the house. It seems like it’s getting closer.
“In the closet.” I keep my hold on Gianna hand as I pull her with me, then I
jerk the closet door open and drop to my knees. I push the panel on the back
wall over until the hidden weapons come into sight. I pull out a knife and
slide it into my sleeve before turning back toward Gianna.
“In.” I point into the dark closet.
“You’re coming with me.” Her eyes are wide, desperate.
“No. If they come looking, I can tell them you’re in another room. When
they drag me out, then you have a chance to escape.”
“Drag you out!” She grips my arm tightly.
“Better one of us than both. I can take it. You and the baby need to stay
“You should be in here. They’ve come for me. They won’t kill me. They
need me.”
I wish her words were still true, but her obvious pregnancy has made her
importance to my father null and void. “I have no idea what Father’s
reaction will be when he sees this. But I know it won’t be good.” I run my
hand over her stomach.
She closes her eyes, knowing I’m right.
“We got this.” I reach over and pop the safety off her gun.
She grabs me and pulls me in for a tight hug.
I squeeze her a little harder than normal, both of us knowing this might be
the last time we get to do this.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I turn my head and kiss her cheek.
“If you die I’ll never forgive you.”
I smile. “I’ll try and remember that.” A sound at the door turns my head.
“Go, now,” I whisper.
Gianna steps back as I close the closet door then run to the middle of the
room. Someone pulls at the door, trying to get it open. I debate if I should
hold my gun on him, but that might get me shot. If anything, he’s just going
to take me.
I toss the gun on the bed, hiding it under a pillow as someone slams up
against the groaning double doors. Dammit! Those are brand freaking new.
Another hard push and the door comes flying open with chunks of wood
falling to the ground.
“Bella.” Renzo gives me a wicked smile that makes my skin crawl. He has
his gun trained on me.
“You’re actually looking pretty good these days.” His eyes travel down my
body and back up. “Wonder what Daddy is going to do with you after he
kills your husband.” He licks his lips and moves closer to me. I take a step
back and run into the bed. “If we only had more time.” He lifts his hand to
touch my face, and I smack it away.
His other hand comes up and hits me hard. I cry out, and my ear begins
ringing from the force of the hit. The taste of blood is on my tongue.
“Get away from her.” Gianna opens the closet, her gun trained on Renzo.
“And there you are.” He grins. “Do you even know how to use that?”
“I guess we’re going to find out.” She pushes it toward him.
Renzo grabs me and pulls me in front of him. He points his gun at my little
sister. This was not how this was supposed to go.
“Stop!” I scream.
“Shh.” He squeezes his forearm against my throat. “Put the gun down,
Gianna. You’re going to hurt yourself, and we can’t have that.”
“Don’t listen to him, Gianna.” Renzo’s arm around my neck tightens even
more. I reach up with one hand and try to pull it away.
“I could kill her.”
Gianna's eyes fill with tears. “Don’t.”
“You got this,” I tell her, keeping my voice calm. Her eyes lock with mine.
The knife slips down my arm enough so that I can wrap my fingers around
the handle. She keeps her eyes steady on Renzo, but I know by the look on
her face that she’s seen the knife.
“Stop fucking around and drop the gun, you stupid bitch. I’m sick of the
games. Keep it up, and I’ll make you watch while I fuck your dear sister
“I don’t think you could handle my sister, Renzo,” Gianna says.
“Definitely not,” I agree as I raise my hand before bringing it back down as
hard as I can, the blade embedding in his thigh. He lets out a scream. I drop
to the floor, then the sound of the gunshot rings in my ear. Then Renzo is
gone. I hear the loud thump before the warm spray of blood hits my neck
and back. I turn to look at Renzo, the gunshot right in the center of his
“Blessed Virgin, that was a good shot.” I smirk at Gianna.
“You taught me well.” She drops her arm down to her side, and I rush over
to the bed and grab my gun.
We can hug later. Right now, I need to do my part to protect my family.
Because I hear something barreling down the hallway coming right for us.
We’ve won this first round, but whatever is coming sounds as though it’s a
force to be reckoned with.

I burst through the shattered doors and find my bride and her
sister. I can’t stop, not until I taste her lips. When I kiss her, the
bloodshed of the last few minutes washes away, and she’s all
that’s left. My heart, my soul.
Pulling back, I cup her cheek with one hand and glance at the body on the
floor. “Are you okay?”
“I killed him,” Giana adds in a helpful tone.
“I heard the shot, and I just—” I shake my head. “I just lost my fucking
mind.” I kiss Bella again.
More shots ring out behind the villa, and I hear Lucenzo yelling orders.
“Stay here.” I back away, then yank the dresser toward the shattered doors.
“Hide in the closet.”
“I want to fight.” Bella follows.
“I know you do.” I can’t believe the love I feel for her right now. “But you
are my strength. As long as you are safe, I can do anything you wish. Kill,
hurt, grant mercy—but I need you safe. You and your sister.”
“Is Leo okay?” Gianna asks.
“Fine. He’s turned out to be useful.” I give Bella one last look. “I love you,
“I love you,” she says as I close the doors and head back down the hall.
“We’re outnumbered.” Leo meets me at the foot of the stairs.
“How bad?”
“Bad.” Lucenzo hurries down the hall. “Seven of our men are down, three
dead. Fernando and his guys are hiding in the vineyard and picking us off.”
“The vineyard?” I pull my phone out and send another quick message, then
stow it. “Tell the men to hunker down.” I point, and Lucenzo takes off.
“Leo, with me.”
Leo follows as I head to the library and through the secret entrance I had
our contractor add behind one of the bookcases. Bella said it was all very
“Clue” to have it installed. Opening the door, I’m greeted by the night and
the wall of our garden. Nothing moves, though cries of pain tear across the
I motion for Leo to follow me as I creep along the side of the house, then
dart to the garden wall. I follow it toward the front of the estate where the
lush flowers and showy vines of experimental grapes are grown.
Ducking low, we keep quiet, and I breathe a sigh of relief when we reach
the .50 cal location undetected.
“How will we move it?” Leo whispers.
“Wheels.” I reach down and grab the fake grass and burlap that covers the
machine and toss it back. The power’s been cut to the whole house, so the
mechanism for raising it won’t work. A design flaw, to be sure, and one that
I’ll remedy. There’s a crank set into concrete beside it to raise it manually,
and I start working it. But it’s squeaky as all hell.
I stop. “Shit.”
“I’ll cover you.” Leo creeps to the next row of vines, then disappears.
I keep turning the crank until the .50 cal flips into place. Hunching down, I
start loosening wheel locks that keep it in place. The gun is large, the locks
heavy duty, so it takes strength. I almost have it ready when a shot ricochets
off the metal and nearly takes my head off.
Dropping to the ground, I scurry around the metal and flip into a prone
position. In the dark, everything seems to bleed into one, but there’s
movement. Somewhere, there’s an enemy. I just have to stay still and wait
him out. But the gunfire from the back of the villa tells me I don’t have a lot
of time.
“Fuck,” I curse under my breath. Waiting is taking its toll, and my worry for
Bella grows by the second. “Move, asshole. Move.” I peer hard into the dim
night, but I don’t see anything.
I’m about to pop up and take my chances when a gunshot rings out and
something thumps to the ground a few rows over.
Glancing back, I find Bella behind me, gun in hand.
“Bella!” I jump to my feet and fire my own shot, killing the soldier behind
her who’d just appeared down the row.
She screams and rushes to me. “I didn’t see him.”
I catch her in my arms. “What are you doing out here? Where’s Leo?”
“With Gianna. I can help.” She pulls from my hold and looks at the
machinery. “.50 cal.”
“Yes.” I want to tell her to go back inside, to stay safe, but when she grips
the back of the gun mount and starts to push, I join her. “You shouldn’t be
out here.”
“Why is that?” She grits her teeth as we gain momentum, the gun wobbling
as we move across the terrain and around the side of the house.
“Because I love you.”
“I love you, too. So that doesn’t make sense.”
“Too dangerous.” I shove hard so we make it onto the marble patio next to
the pool. A few slugs bounce off the front of the gun, but it’s armored.
Being back here is the safest place on the estate right now. We push past my
injured men, some of them dead.
“Is Fernando still alive?”
“I think so.” I slow as we reach the start of the vineyard, then stop as we
pass the stone wall.
I take her arms and push her down behind the centuries-old stone. “Stay
here and cover your ears.”
“I can help.” She tries to get up.
“You have.” I kiss her hard as Lucenzo crab walks to us from the other side
of the garden. “Lock the wheels,” I order him, then return to my beautiful
soul. “Promise me you’ll stay down.”
She bites her lip, then nods. “I promise.”
“Good.” I kiss her forehead, then jump onto the machinery.
These vineyards are older than anything I can remember, but it’s time for
something new. The Carrera line is ending right along with the vines in
front of me.
“Ears,” I call to Bella, and she presses her palms against them.
With a war cry, I start to fire. The vines shred immediately under the
onslaught. Grape juice and blood mingle, watering the soil as I fire
relentlessly, mowing down any Carrera man in range. The din is
unbearable, the kickback strong enough to break a rib, but I hold on to the
rigging and fire until the machine is empty.
When the smoke clears, all is destruction, the vineyards reduced to ruin and
bodies littering the rows.
I jump from the gun and sit beside Bella, then wait for the ringing in my
ears to stop. Movement at the corner of my house gets my attention, and I
raise my gun.
But it’s Cato. He’s brought a small army with him, from the looks of it, and
they fan out around the villa.
“About fucking time,” I yell and get to my feet, then help Bella up, careful
to guide her behind the safety of the armored gun.
“Did we miss it?” He smirks.
“Asshole.” I grin and embrace him.
I’m about to chide him some more when a scream rips from the house and
someone falls from the master bedroom window.

I cringe as my father hits the unforgiving ground. The sound of

several bones breaking all at once isn’t one I’ll soon forget. I
stand and turn my head toward the window and find Leo
standing there. I should probably feel sad, but I don’t. The only thing I feel
is relief, knowing that my sister will finally be safe.
“That feel good?” I shout up to him. I know it felt good watching it. My
father was a horrible man who likely got off too easy. You won’t see me
shedding any tears over it.
“Long fucking time coming.” My sister comes up behind him. Leo turns
and grabs her before giving her a small dip and kissing her like they’re on a
romance cover. I have no doubt she’s loving every second of it.
Santino puts his arm around me and pulls me into his big body. I rest my
head on his chest. “Thank you.” I tilt my head to look up at him. He runs
his hand along my jaw.
“You never have to thank me for protecting my family.”
“Then thank you for loving me.”
“Not that either.”
“For letting me shoot some of the bad guys?”
Santino gives me that beautiful smile of his as he leans down and brushes
his mouth against mine.
“I like her.”
Santino breaks the kiss.
I loosen my hold on his shirt and turn to look at Cato. I’d forgotten he was
“We need to talk about some things.” Cato glances up at Leo and Gianna
then at the destroyed vineyard. This place is a freaking mess.
“Things that can’t wait.” Cato is all business.
I start to step back from Santino so he can go with Cato.
“Let me see to my wife first. I think I should bring Leo in, too.”
“Your office in 15. I told my tigress I’d be home for dinner.” Cato turns to
“I can see to myself if you need to go.” I don’t want to leave Santino’s side.
“No, I need to speak to you first. Everything else will have to wait.” He
takes my hand and leads me back into the house. I groan when I see the
utter destruction that my father’s goons caused.
“Thank God you’re rich,” I mumble.
Santino barks out a laugh so loud it scares me for a second. “What? This is
going to be expensive. It was expensive the first time around. And now—” I
shake my head.
“There’s no such thing as too expensive when it comes to my wife’s
happiness.” He picks up the pace. Whatever he has to talk to me about must
be really important, because I’m practically running to keep up with him at
this point.
“We need a minute,” Santino tells my sister and Leo as we enter our
bedroom. “Don’t go far, Leo. We have a meeting in my office in ten.”
“I’ll be there.” He takes Gianna’s hand and pulls her out of the room.
Santino shuts the busted doors as well as he can. In two long strides he’s
lifting me off my feet. His mouth takes mine in a fevered kiss. This kiss is
different than any other before. After he devours me, he pulls his mouth
from mine, leaving us trying to catch our breath.
“You didn't think you were going to live, did you?” I dig my fingers into his
shoulders. That's why he kissed me like that. He thought he might never
kiss me again.
He slides me down his body until my feet touch the floor.
“It was a possibility. I’ll do whatever I have to if it means protecting you.”
I shake my head. “That’s sweet and all, but I can’t lose you. Promise you’ll
never leave me.”
He stares into my eyes.
“No, vow it.”
“I will never leave you.”
I pull his mouth back to mine, needing to feel him against me even if only
for a few seconds.
“Beautiful, you have to understand your life will always come first.”
I start to talk but he puts his finger over my lips. “If you die, I’m as good as
dead. There would be no way I could spend the rest of my days here
without you. Life would have no meaning to me. Your death would end two
I suck in a breath.
“You may not like that, but I can’t change the way I feel in that regard.”
I shrug. “I’ll just do better about not getting myself into situations.”
“Situations.” He smiles before dropping his forehead to mine. “I never
knew fear before today.”
“I’m okay.” I see the slight shake of his hands. I grab his with mine and
lock our fingers together. As scary as today was, with me worrying I could
lose this man, I know that’s the price you pay for loving someone so much.
That one day they could be taken from you, heaven forbid. But it’s worth it.
Even one night with Santino would have been worth it. No one has ever
made me feel the way this man has. No one has ever loved me the way only
he can.
He lets out a long breath. We’re running out of time, and I know there’s
more my husband has to say. “You’re a Carrera.”
“I am. That name used to mean something.”
“It still can. It belongs to you and you sister. You took it back, and now all
of it belongs to you. The eldest, and definitely the fiercest.”
“I thought you would just expand your area, take over all my father’s
holdings.” I’d never thought about him giving me the reins to the empire
my family built. Would that mean I’d have to go back home? No, that place
was never home. Santino is my home. He’s the only true safe place I’ve
ever known.
He sighs. “If that’s what you want me to do, I can, but there’s a catch. If you
take over Carrera ...”
I hold my breath waiting for him to tell what it is.
“You’re not allowed to go back and stay at that home. You’re not just a
Carrera anymore; you’re a Baldoni, and I need you by my side.” My eyes
burn with tears. Never in a million years would I have predicted this
outcome when Santino came here claiming everything as his own.
“You think I would ever leave you?” I raise my chin in challenge.
“Wasn't really giving you the option.”
I try to keep glaring at him, but a smile wins out. ““I don’t want the Carrera
name. I want my name. Bella Baldoni.”
“God, I love you, beautiful.” He kisses me again, hard and wild, just like
But I break away. “Then what do we do?”
“I have an idea. Do you trust me?”
“You know I do. I think I trust you more than I trust myself, to be honest.”
“The feeling is mutual, beautiful.” He takes my hand. “We have business.”
“I’m coming to the meeting?” I asked, shocked.
He raises a brow. “You’re now the head of the Carrera family, are you not?”
Well, hell. I guess I am.
I bet my father never saw that coming.

B ella cries on my shoulder, her handkerchief already spent with

tears. I hand her another and wrap my arm around her.
“Come now,” I whisper.
“It’s just so beautiful.” She waves a hand at the arbor covered in pink and
white flowers where Gianna and Leo just made their union official.
I reach down and rest one hand on her growing belly. “Just as you are.”
She sniffles. “I’m so happy. Tell me all this is real. That I’m married to the
man I love, that Gianna and Leo are married, and I’m soon to be an aunt.”
I kiss her hair. “All true, beautiful. Every word. And Leo and Gianna are
now in charge of the Carrera name and line. We’re all safe, united. Baldoni,
Davinci, and Carrera.”
“Forever, right?” She looks up at me, her big brown eyes still swimming
with tears. “Things will be this way forever?”
“Nothing lasts forever.” I run my fingers along her soft throat. “Except my
love for you.” I kiss her, tasting her salty tears and the pangs of joy and fear
that seem to be at war inside her. She feels everything these days, but that
was true before she carried my child. Bella is sensitive and kind but also
strong when she needs to be. Her armor is reserved for others. No walls
between us, she and I are one.
Pulling back, she smiles. “Let’s go get cake.”
“As you wish, beautiful.” I rise and help her up, then walk past the small
array of white chairs. Cato and Apollonia sit in the back row. I’m glad no
children were at the event, because what they’re doing is likely too explicit
for young eyes.
“Ah, tigress, you always run so hot for me,” Cato does a sex growl that I
hope I never hear again as he pulls her into his lap.
Bella giggles as we hurry into the guest house behind the Carrera villa. I
refuse to let her set foot in the house where her father abused her, but I
made an exception for the guest house. After all, as Bella said, there’s cake.
I would never deny her.
Leo and Gianna beam at each other as they cut the four-tier dream in white
and pink, and the small crowd of close friends and allies cheers as they feed
each other bites of the confection.
Bella’s stomach growls.
“Sit, my perfect one.” I ease her down in a chair beside the arbor on the
terrace, the greenery surrounding her like a halo. “I’ll get you a double
“Oh, it doesn’t have to be that big,” she says, but then licks her lips.
“A triple slice then.” I kiss her forehead and fetch her cake.
We spend the afternoon chatting with each other and the families in
attendance. Leo and Gianna dance, and I waste no time in taking Bella to
the floor.
“Do you wish we’d had a ceremony, a bigger one, I mean?” I ask as we
sway to the music.
“No.” She rests her hand over my heart as I rock her and our unborn child
slowly under the moonlit sky. “I think the way we were married—it was the
only way it could’ve happened. And I loved every moment of it, even
though at the time I felt like you’d stolen me.” She sighs dreamily. “Now
it’s one of my fondest memories.”
Why does she say things that make my heart go to mush? I’m a mafia boss,
dammit, not a lovesick fool. But with her? With her, I suppose I’m both.
Her lashes start to lower, and I know she has to be worn out.
“Take her home,” Gianna says as Leo twirls her past us. “The first trimester
is the worst.”
“Would you like to go home, beautiful?”
She looks up at me, starlight glimmering in her eyes. “I want to go
wherever you are.”
I started out as a street rat, became a soldier, then rose to be one of the most
powerful men in all of Italy. But none of that compares to the woman in my
arms. Her strength, her unyielding devotion to her sister and now to me. I
may be a powerful man, but I’m also the luckiest man alive to have won
such a bride. Though, perhaps she was right, and I didn’t exactly win her.
No, to catch the heart of a woman like Bella, you have to steal her away.
And that’s what I did.
The best move of my life wasn’t my fealty to Cato or even my rise to the
head of my own powerful family. None of that matters when they were
simply steps on my way to her. It’s clear to me as I sway with her to the soft
music that the smartest choice I ever made had nothing to do with business
or power, it was when I stole my beautiful bride.


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“I think I’m going to be a princess.” Aliana twirls, her dress

fanning out in shades of pink and purple.
“Princess of what?” Leoni smirks from inside his makeshift fort.
“Hey!” she stomps over to his fort and knocks off the pillow top. “Take that
“Here we go.” I sigh.
“Don’t mess with my fort!” He grabs for the pillow, causing the entire
structure to collapse and send pillows and sheets cascading to the playroom
“Children!” I shake my head. “Why can’t you play nice?”
“Because Leoni is a jerk, that’s why.” Aliana huffs and kicks one of the
pillows, her little Cinderella heel flying off with the movement.
How did I manage to get two willful children? Two children who are at
each other’s throats half the time, and the other half are giggling and thick
as thieves.
“I may be a jerk, but at least I’m not the princess of Stupidland like you.”
He throws a pillow at her.
She’s small, only eight, but she catches the pillow and launches herself at
What ensues is a pillow fight that has me yelling for them to stop and them
collapsing in giggles at the end.
“I’m trying to have a meeting.” Santino pops his head into the playroom, a
scolding tone to his voice.
I hide my smile behind my Kindle. The kids can never tell when he’s being
serious or silly, but I can. And right now? Definitely silly.
“Leoni started it.” Aliana pipes up first. “He said I was the princess of
“Because you are,” he retorts.
“Stupidland?” Santino opens the door and strides in, his designer suit
hitting him in all the right places.
I lick my lips.
He notices.
Even after all these years, we still can’t seem to keep our hands off each
“If she’s the princess of Stupidland, what does that make me?” Santino
crosses his arms over his wide chest.
Leoni swallows hard. “You’re the, um, king of Stupidland?”
Santino stomps toward him, but to Leoni’s credit, he doesn’t flinch. He’s
too much like his father—always looking for a fight.
Aliana runs to Santino, and he scoops her up.
“At least we’re royalty?” He kisses the tip of her nose.
She nods. “And you know what Leoni is, if you’re the king and I’m the
“Indeed I do.” Santino holds out a hand. “Come here, prince of Stupidland.”
Leoni smiles sheepishly and hugs his father. The three of them together are
more than I ever thought I’d have, and I love just watching them.
But Santino isn’t going to leave me out. “Come, queen of Stupidland, I have
some business we need to discuss.” He kisses Aliana on the cheek, then
Leoni, then turns to me and pulls me to my feet. “Children, stay here and be
good. I need you to watch over our kingdom while I speak to the queen.”
“Yes sir.” Leoni puffs out his chest, the spitting image of his father, and
Aliana gives a girly curtsy.
“What business?” I ask as he pulls me down the long hallway and into our
“I think you know what business.” He gives me a devilish grin as he spins
me and pins me to the door.
Yes, I knew. And yes, I’m rather desperate to attend to this business.
Santino makes me crazy, makes me so needy for his touch. I love it that I
need him, that I can be vulnerable with him.
“You tempt me all the time, beautiful. All the damn time. Did you know
that? I can’t think without touching you, without tasting you.”
“Don’t stop.” I wrap my arms around his neck.
My heartbeat ramps up, and when he reaches for my skirt, yanking it up to
my hips, I bite my lip.
“They’ll hear.” I squeal when he lifts me.
“They’re busy ruling Stupidland.” He shrugs and undoes his pants, then
notches himself at my entrance.
I moan when he sheathes himself inside me, filling me and sending sparks
of desire racing through me.
“Oh, my beauty.” He claims my mouth as he thrusts, long sure strokes that
keep me pinned to the door.
I spread wider, taking all of him, getting that perfect friction right where I
need it.
“Is that it? Is that where you need it?” He grinds against me, his mouth on
my throat and one hand around my back. His other cups my breast, his
thumb stroke my nipple through the fabric.
“Yes. More, Santino. More.”
He bears down, each stroke perfection. My arousal swirls higher and higher
until I crest, my release rolling through me as he covers my mouth.
It’s so filthy and erotic the way he keeps me quiet, and then he joins me, his
hips locking tight against mine as he spills inside me. I moan against his
palm, taking all of him and relishing our connection, our heat.
When we’re both sweaty and panting, he pulls his hand from my mouth and
kisses me softly.
I stroke his cheek, running my fingers along his scars both new and old. “Is
our business concluded then?”
He grins and carries me to the bed, laying me down and covering me with
his body. “Never, my beautiful. And it never will be.”

His to Keep

A bodyguard’s work is never done, especially when you’re protecting a girl like Cara. For months
she’s teased me, showing me glimpses of skin and flaunting her innocence. I’m a hard man, one who
has a job to do. Bringing down Cara’s father and his crime syndicate is why I’m here.
It should be the only reason I’m here.
It’s not.
I’m here for Cara, and I’ve wanted her since the day I was first assigned to her protection detail.
Claiming her was never an option, not when my plans always ended with her father’s death.
But the more I see of the sheltered girl with the innocent eyes, the more I think she belongs by my
side. Even if it goes against my family’s plans, I intend to make Cara my bride and my queen.
And if anyone gets in the way of my love for Cara? Well, like I said, I’m a hard man, one who
doesn’t mind getting blood on his hands for the woman he loves.

119 Kitty Lane

MINK takes a trip to Cherry Falls in this sweet romance.

Starting my new life in Rosewood Ranch is easily the best decision I’ve ever made. New friends,
new job, new everything. But by far the very best part of it all is meeting Amethsyt. She puts the
Cherry in Cherry Falls, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get her out of my mind … or heart.
She’s too young for me. Too pure. She doesn’t know about my past. But even though I can throw
reason after reason out there for why we can’t be together, I can’t stop myself from claiming her as
mine. She’s not meant for a rough man like me, but that won’t stop me.
I’ll protect her from this world, allow her to grow and flourish the way she deserves. That’s my plan.
Until she’s taken from me. Until I find out her father’s plans for her. . . But I’ll always find my sweet
Amethyst, always keep her safe.
And heaven help anyone, including her own father, who tries to steal her from me.

Santa Material

Am I obsessed with my neighbor? Yes. Mac is a huge bear of a man, one with bright eyes and big
hands--a man that you can't help but drool over. He's so kind, always asking me if I want help with
my projects around the house. Maybe I'll spend this Christmas in his arms, cuddled by a fire.
At least, that would've happened if I didn't ... accidentally ... kill Santa Claus.
Look, I know how it sounds. But it was an accident! Now, it's up to me to save Christmas, and I have
to find the right person to take the Big Guy's place. A man with a kind heart, a giving soul, and a
laugh that can warm even the chilliest of grinches. A man like ... Mac. But can I give up the only man
I've ever loved to save Christmas, or will I keep him to myself no matter the cost?

Taming His Bride

I’ve been chasing stories from the first moment I could ask questions. When I started my own
investigative blog, I pulled stories straight from the headlines and dove deeper to discover the truth
behind the circumstances. None more so than in the case of the missing mafia prince, the very first
investigation I undertook from the warmth and safety of my teenage bedroom.
Then I grew up and got mixed up in a whole lot more than musings on missing kingpins. I followed
the story of a maligned pop princess and wound up at the lodge—a hidden safe house for bad men
with dark pasts. When I met the growly Tiernan, I knew I’d be in for the story of my life. The more I
get to know him, the more I realize how much I’ve been missing one aspect of my own story—
romance. He brings it and so much more, his gruff ways and soft touches melting me until I’m
hopeless for him.
But when some of the people I’ve exposed on my blog come calling, I’ll have to rely on more than
his soft side if I want to survive.

Stealing His Bride

I can take care of myself. I always have. For that matter, I’ve also taken care of my best friends
Aurora and Clover. Keeping them safe has landed me with a concussion after our car accident thanks
to a wayward lynx.
On top of that, I seem to have landed in a handsome man’s bed. Not just any man, Barrow attends to
all my needs and never wants to leave my side. He’s big, brawny, and possessive, and I find myself
falling for him more by the minute. The lodge is a safe haven that I’m quickly wanting to call home.
But my self doubt creeps in ,and I start to think maybe I’m imagining Barrow’s attraction to me.
After all, Aurora’s the star of our group, not me.
But the more he dotes on me, compliments me, and gives me those heated looks I feel down to my
toes, the more I realize he’s genuine and that we could have a real future together.
When I get a job offer that’s hard to turn down, will I choose love or life outside the lodge?

Claiming His Bride

Performing onstage in front of tens of thousands of fans is a rush, without a doubt. But one look from
Diego sends an even hotter thrill of excitement through my veins. He’s huge, a man of few words and
hungry eyes. No matter how much I try to get him to open up to me, he won’t. So, I have to change
my tactics.
This mountain lodge is full of mysterious men, and Diego is the one I’m desperate to solve. He’s
madly protective, but he won’t get close. Pushing him over the edge has become my main goal. I
tempt him with skimpy outfits and my signature chocolate cake.
My plan is going perfectly until my biggest fear comes true. I thought I would be safe out here in the
snowy wilderness with Diego. Was I wrong?

Knocking Up His Bride

It came out of nowhere. A huge cat in the middle of the road. We swerved to avoid it and crashed into
a snowy tree, ending our road trip early and stranding us far from the local town, in the middle of a
snowstorm with another on the way. How can a pop star, her assistant, and her best friend survive in
a snowy wilderness? Short answer is: they can’t.
But then *he* came out of nowhere. The big guy with the gruff voice and the sharp eyes. The eyes
that are always on me. I have to trust him, to accept his rescue of my friends and me, but the more I
get to know Charles, the more I realize I need him. Maybe we landed at the lodge with these
mysterious mountain men by accident, but Charles makes me believe it was good luck that brought
us here.
Even though he’s vague about his past, his kisses are certain, and his gentle touches becomes
addictive. His love is all-consuming.
But when an old threat follows us to the lodge, Charles reveals his particular set of skills, deadly
ones. Can I accept the man who treats me so sweetly but can kill without a thought?

Under His Spell

She’s a ghost hunter. He’s living in a haunted house. Can they free the spirits together?

Beauty Tempts the Beast

He’s an artist specializing in revenge. She was supposed to be his masterpiece, but as it turns out, is
his truest love.

Loan Shark’s Obsession

He knows priceless objects when he sees them. So when he sees her, he knows.

His Stolen Bride

Her first husband never touched her. He’s dead. Now she belongs to Santino, and there will be much,
much touching.

His Stolen Princess

They were meant to be … until they weren’t. So, he steals her. Logical. Also, there’s a cat.

Stalking Her Sweetly

Who’s stalking whom?

Hitman’s Heart
He’s a badass who kills without remorse. She’s a good girl who gets caught in the crosshairs. He
saves her, but can he keep her?

His Secret Treasure

He says artifacts belong in a museum. She says he stole an ancient box that belongs to her. Can they
come to terms over her box?

My Hero’s Secret Baby

He’s a hero to her, the boogeyman to everyone else. Can they have a future together?

His Tiger Queen

She’s a princess in a heavily guarded tower. He’s the prince next door. Did I mention there’s also a
pet tiger?

His Virgin Heiress

She’s a thief. He keeps her safe. But can she give up jewel heists for love?

Cuffed Love
MINK’s personal favorite. Seriously. I love this book.

Stuffies, hitmen, true love, and accidental homicide? MINK at her finest.

His Sweetest Sin

He’s a priest, not a sinner … Until he sees her.

Locking Her Down

She broke into an animal shelter. He’s the only one who can help her, but this attorney knows what he
wants in return (hint: it’s not justice.)

Marco’s Girl
Marco is the bad boy prince of a mafia empire, but his heart is set on a darling good girl.

Pop-up Love
Mobsters, mayhem, a Hallmark movie, and a pop-up shop full of love? Yes.

Beauty and the Boss

She wants to bring her cat to work. He wants to bend her over his desk. Win-win.
His Virgin Queen
He killed her husband and took her for himself.

His Deadly Darling

She’s spicy. He’s determined. Together, they’re unstoppable.

Hitman’s Prey
He always seemed so nice … (and hot).

Snow Angel
She wants to beat him in the lights competition; he just wants her. This Christmas is lit.

MINK writes sweet and salty romances that always satisfy with a happily ever after.

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