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Card No. 705092605 v) of No.848, Zone III, Millennium City, Athurugiriya in the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly sincerely and truly
declare and affirm as follows:-

I. That I am the Affirmant above named.

II. That I am the mother and main sponsor of Ms. Pulukkutti Mudiyanselage Santhushi
Jayasena, the applicant

III. That the relative referred to as cousin brother (and not cousin sister) “Menuka
Ranathunga” in my daughter’s application is a distant cousin brother of hers ,

IV. That my relationship with Menuka Ranathunga is that he is a son of my uncle’s

daughter, (son of my father’s brother’s daughter)

V. I further state that he does not fall under the category of 1 st line of cousins to
become eligible to act as sponsors ,

VI. That the funds which are deposited in bank Accounts under the name of her parents
are meant to be used for my daughter’s studies only and have never used or shown
as funds for Menuka Ranathunga or any other party ,

VII.That the facts mentioned here are true and correct.

The forgoing affidavit having been

duly read over and explained by
me to the Affirmant herein named
and she having understood the contents
has affirmed & placed her signature
on this 02nd December 2023 at Athurugiriya

Commissioner for Oaths

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