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my name is mochammad musa ibrahim, i was born in purbalingga 11 august 2004, my skin is tan, my

hair is long, my hobby is playing futsal, i really like music, my favorite band is oasis, and the food i
really like is bakso.
I studied at amikom purwokerto university, here I majored in informatics, I chose informatics
because I wanted to deepen my knowledge in the field of computers, and wanted to develop
technology so that it could be utilized in the development of technology in society.

a. *Pattern Analysis:* Subject + Verb + Object

- *Example:* "I'm writing this letter to express my longing to my girlfriend."

b. *Pattern Analysis:* Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Indirect Object

- *Example:* "Dani called Tania last night."

c. *Pattern Analysis:* Subject + Verb + Object + Object Complement

- *Example:* "She has lost her key."

d. *Pattern Analysis:* Subject + Verb + Infinitive Phrase

- *Example:* "They are going to attend Jane's birthday party next weekend."

a. We must call Tamara and ask *her* about Tedy.

b. *She* speaks English well.

c. This is not my bag; *it* is expensive.

d. Robert's sister loves to eat pizza. *She* eats it almost every day.

a. *Structure Analysis:* [Noun Phrase] "some books in the book store"

b. *Structure Analysis:* [Noun Phrase] "The mysterious man in black"

c. *Structure Analysis:* [Noun Phrase] "an amazingly talented person" [Noun Phrase] "her"

d. *Structure Analysis:* [Noun Phrase] "My bottle water" [Noun Phrase] "yours"

a. I love black coffee, *but* I prefer green tea.

b. I have a pet, *and* she is a playful cat.

c. The team project was challenging; *moreover*, it was highly rewarding.

d. Many students have mastered English well; *nevertheless*, there are still many students who find
it difficult.

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