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Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming

Theodore Baker (1851 - 1934) 15th Cen., German trad.

Lo, how a rose e'er bloom - ing from ten - der stem hath sprung! Of
I - sa - iah 'twas fore - told it, the rose I have in mind; With
This flow'r whose fra-grance ten - der with sweet-ness fills the air, Dis -

Jes - se's lin - eage com - ing as men of old have sung. It came, a flow'r - et
Ma - ry we be - hold it. The Vir - gin Mo-ther kind, to show God's love a -
pels in glo-rious splen - dor the dark-ness ev - 'ry - where. True Man, yet ve - ry

bright, a - midst the cold of win - ter, when half - spent was the night.
right, shall bear for man the Sav - ior, the Way, the Truth, the Light.
God, from sin and death doth save us and shares our ev - 'ry load.

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