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Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg (2016) 42:119–126

DOI 10.1007/s00068-015-0512-1


From FAST to E‑FAST: an overview of the evolution

of ultrasound‑based traumatic injury assessment
J. Montoya1 · S. P. Stawicki1,2 · D. C. Evans3 · D. P. Bahner4 · S. Sparks1 ·
R. P. Sharpe1 · J. Cipolla1

Received: 1 October 2014 / Accepted: 3 March 2015 / Published online: 14 March 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Ultrasound is a ubiquitous and versatile diag- Introduction

nostic tool. In the setting of acute injury, ultrasound
enhances the basic trauma evaluation, influences bedside Evaluation of patients with thoraco-abdominal trauma
decision-making, and helps determine whether or not an continues to present a challenge for emergency practition-
unstable patient requires emergent procedural intervention. ers and traumatologists. As many as 50 % of patients with
Consequently, continued education of surgeons and other severe abdominal trauma and/or multiple injuries either
acute care practitioners in performing focused emergency have a normal initial abdominal exam or are unconscious
ultrasound is of great importance. This article provides a and thus unable to provide a reliable abdominal exam
synopsis of focused assessment with sonography for trauma [1, 2]. Consequently, the unreliable nature of history and
(FAST) and the extended FAST (E-FAST) that incorporates physical exam in the trauma population has led physicians
basic thoracic injury assessment. The authors also review to increasingly depend on diagnostic imaging. Computed
key pitfalls, limitations, controversies, and advances related tomography (CT) is a widely used imaging modality but
to FAST, E-FAST, and ultrasound education. involves ionizing radiation and is not the best option for
unstable or potentially unstable patients [3]. Concurrently,
Keywords Ultrasound · Point-of-care testing · the use of ultrasound has increased during the past dec-
Pneumothorax · FAST · Abdominal trauma · Thoracic ade, with sonography becoming an essential adjunct in the
trauma trauma resuscitation area [4, 5].


Ultrasound-based methodology was formally introduced

into the trauma literature in 1996 [6, 7]. The focused
assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) exam now
* S. P. Stawicki serves as an important component of trauma algorithms,; especially for the evaluation of unstable patients where
St Luke’s Regional Level I Resource Trauma Center,
early surgical intervention of the abdomen may be life-
Bethlehem, PA, USA saving. Prior to the era of the FAST exam, diagnostic peri-
Department of Research and Innovation, St Luke’s University
toneal lavage was utilized to evaluate for the need for lapa-
Health Network, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA rotomy in the unstable trauma patient. In 1999, the FAST
Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma, Critical Care,
consensus conference concluded that the ‘FAST’ abbrevia-
and Burn, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, tion should stand for Focused Assessment with Sonogra-
Columbus, OH, USA phy for Trauma in order to capture the utility of not only
Department of Emergency Medicine, The Ohio State viewing the abdomen but also evaluating the heart, the per-
University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA icardial and pleural spaces [8]. Since its more widespread

120 J. Montoya et al.

clinical implementation, the extended FAST (or E-FAST) pericardial; (b) perihepatic; (c) perisplenic; and (d) pelvic
that incorporates pneumothorax assessment was found to [15, 16]. This simple test has nearly eliminated the need for
offer sensitivities and specificities that are superior to those diagnostic peritoneal lavage [17]. Not only do ultrasound-
of traditional chest radiography [9]. Currently, a number based approaches take the decision-making directly to the
of board certifying entities require that emergency physi- patient (i.e., point-of-care methodology) but also facilitate
cians, intensivists and surgeons be proficient in bedside repeated bedside evaluations when resources to perform
ultrasound evaluation of injured and critically ill patients such assessments using CT or other advanced imaging
[10–13]. Subsequent sections of this manuscript will out- would be prohibitive [14]. While perhaps not immediately
line fundamental considerations of FAST, E-FAST, ultra- clinically relevant, proprietary algorithms have been pub-
sound education, and the cutting edge of related sonology lished that may lead to better quantification of the amount
science. of fluid found on FAST examinations, allowing even more
informed decisions [18].
There are also important limitations to FAST. Among
The FAST exam those, the exam has been noted to have poor accuracy in the
very early post-injury phase, where sufficient hemoperito-
The FAST exam exemplifies the evolution of the general neum had not yet accumulated thus leading to false-nega-
trauma approach over the last two decades, from maxi- tive results. In addition, its utility in detecting retroperito-
mally invasive to minimally- or non-invasive [14]. The neal blood is very limited. Furthermore, FAST is unable to
overarching assumption of FAST is that all clinically sig- identify hollow viscus or solid organ injuries not associated
nificant abdominal injuries are associated with hemoperito- with hemoperitoneum such as early bowel injury or pan-
neum. The traditional FAST paradigm includes four basic creatic injury. Lastly, it has been anecdotally reported that
sonographic views (the four “Ps”, Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4): (a) pericardial FAST window may be falsely negative in the

Fig. 1  a Left normal interface between the spleen and the kidney. (seen as the sharp-angled anechoic area above the diaphragm) in the
There is no fluid between the two, indicating a “negative” result. Note pleural space. b Right positive spleno-renal window, with anechoic
the hyperechoic “spine sign” in the far field. This is due to the con- fluid (arrow) seen clearly around the spleen
tinuation of the spine above the diaphragm in the presence of fluid

Fig. 2  a Left negative right

upper quadrant view displays
the liver with multiple anechoic
areas representing hepatic and
portal veins next to the elliptical
kidney with the hyperechoic
spine in the far field. Note how
the spine stops at the diaphragm
and is not visualized above
(cephalad) to this area. b Right
positive right upper quadrant
view with anechoic fluid seen
around the liver (arrow)

From FAST to E-FAST 121

Fig. 3  a Left the “bladder

view” provides visualization
of the pelvic structures and the
most dependent space in the
pelvis. This image depicts a
moderately filled bladder with
the typical “box-like” appear-
ance of a negative scan. b
Right top and bottom free fluid
(arrows) present in the pelvis
on a positive FAST scan. The
sonographer is more likely to
see irregularly shaped outlines,
often with sharp angles com-
pared with the more “rounded”
edges of the bladder in the
negative scan on the left

Fig. 4  a Left negative pericar-

dial view. b Right positive peri-
cardial view, with clearly visible
anechoic fluid (arrow) between
the heart and the pericardium.
This is a critical finding that
should prompt further immedi-
ate intervention(s)

presence of pericardial injury that has resulted in an adja- In one study, the use of the FAST exam changed clinical
cent pleural defect and thus a pleural effusion. In summary, management in nearly one-third of patients and reduced CT
the FAST exam has a valuable role in the early evaluation scan utilization from 47 to 34 % [19]. The determination
of trauma patients, but CT of the abdomen remains the gold of when it is appropriate to limit abdominal evaluation to
standard evaluation technique to exclude abdominal injury FAST exam only is yet to be clearly delineated. More spe-
in the hemodynamically stable patient who warrants further cifically, given the possibility of abdominal injury without
evaluation due to specific symptoms or complaints. Also free fluid, patients with abdominal contusion, abdominal
FAST exam should not replace other techniques in the eval- pain, or altered mental state should not be evaluated with
uation of penetrating trauma, such as traditional radiogra- FAST alone. As originally intended, FAST is best used as
phy. In this context, the trajectory of the penetrating injury an adjunct to quickly detect intra-abdominal fluid in trauma
and other imaging studies plays a greater role in decision- patients. Ultrasound can easily detect as little as 200 mL of
making than FAST. fluid in Morrison’s pouch and can be completed in less than
1 min in the hands of an experienced operator [20–22]. The
E-FAST further adds to the basic information provided by
From FAST to E‑FAST the FAST by including the examination of the thorax ante-
riorly to assess for the presence of pneumothorax and at the
The FAST exam continues to gain popularity as it is easily flanks to assess for hemothorax [23, 24]. Pneumothoraces
learned, readily accessible, portable, and more physicians are common in trauma and as many as half are missed on
are becoming comfortable with point-of-care sonography in a routine supine chest radiograph [25]. Regarding hemo-
general. At many institutions, protocols that encourage the thoraces, a supine or upright CXR requires up to 175 or
use of the FAST exam have resulted in significant reduc- 50–100 mL of fluid in order to be visualized, compared to
tion in computed tomographic (CT) scan use in trauma, E-FAST which can detect as little as 20 mL of fluid in the
thus decreasing overall costs and radiation exposure [19]. pleural space [26] (Table 1).

122 J. Montoya et al.

Table 1  Summary of selected clinical reports focusing on (thoracic) E-FAST, including basic study characteristics, traditional imaging
comparator(s), and diagnostic accuracy data for ultrasound
References Sonographers Patient Traditional E-FASTb E-FASTb E-FASTb E-FASTb
characteristics assessment Sensitivityc (%) Specificityc (%) PPVc (%) NPVc (%)
(n, % ptx)a

Alrajab Emergency Meta-analysis of 13 Chest X-ray 78.6 (68.1–98.1) 98.4 (97.3–99.5) Not reported Not reported
et al. [9] physicians studies (1514)d
Alrajhi Emergency Meta-analysis of 7 Chest X-ray 90.9 (86.5–93.9) 98.2 (97.0–99.0) 94.4 % 97.0 %
et al. [35] physicians studiese
Ianniello Emergency Trauma CT scan 77.0 (66.8–85.4) 99.8 (99.2–99.9) 98.5 % 97.0 %
et al. [69] radiologists (736, 11.8 %)
Nandipati et al. Surgeons Trauma Clinical exam 95.3 (76.1–99.2) 99.5 (97.0–99.9) 95.2 % 99.5 %
[61] (204, 10.3 %) CT scan
Chest X-ray

CT computed tomography, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value
Some overlap between studies exists; However, the authors believe that the table represents the most comprehensive and realistic spectrum of
E-FAST sensitivities and specificities
Pneumothorax only
Includes 95 % confidence interval
Studies included are Abbasi [70], Brook [48], Chung [71], Donmez [72], Hyacinthe [73], Kirkpatrick [32], Nagarsheth [74], Nandipati [61],
Rowan [75], Soldati [76], Soldati [38], Zhang [77]
Studies included are Blaivas [36], Chung [71], Kirkpatrick [32], Rowan [75], Soldati [76], Soldati [38], Zhang [77]

While ultrasound continues to gain popularity and more systems [31]. It is well recognized that pneumothorax is one
healthcare teams embrace protocols that utilize FAST to of the most common serious thoracic injuries, and regard-
reduce unnecessary CT scan use, these protocols must be less of blunt or penetrating mechanism, is among the major
used with caution as FAST does have a number of impor- causes of preventable death in trauma [32]. Consequently,
tant limitations [27]. As stated above, proper patient selec- the need for quick and accurate diagnosis of pneumothorax
tion is crucial and there are many potential sources of takes a critical role in the management of the injured.
diagnostic bias, including the presence of obesity and sub- The traditional approach to diagnosing pneumothorax
cutaneous fat, body habitus and positioning, the presence in trauma patients has been the supine chest X-ray (CXR);
of abdominal or retroperitoneal injury without hemoperi- however, traditional CXR studies are often inaccurate
toneum, ascites due to medical condition (i.e., hepatic cir- because air may layer anteriorly and thus be difficult to see
rhosis), pre-existing pericardial effusion, and the presence or easy to underestimate when the patient is supine [33,
of intra-abdominal cysts or masses [28]. Pitfalls leading to 34]. Ultrasound may be a helpful adjunct in overcoming
false positive readings in the cardiac window include clot- the shortcomings of the supine X-ray as it tends to be more
ted hemoperitoneum, epicardial fat and pleural effusions sensitive than CXR at detecting pneumothoraces, both
being mistaken for pericardial effusions [29, 30]. Patients clinically and statistically [35]. Despite concerns that the
with the above characteristics or findings should also be presence of air in the pleural space may inhibit sonographic
evaluated with CT scans, provided that they are hemody- visualization of intrathoracic structures, this very property
namically stable. In all cases, good clinical judgment is of air-ultrasound wave interaction has actually proven to be
essential and serial FAST exams may increase the overall beneficial, as the presence of air in the pleural space dis-
accuracy of the ultrasound-based assessment. rupts the close association between the visceral and parietal
pleura and eliminates the usual “lung sliding” effect seen
in normal ultrasound exam [36]. Another finding seen in a
Focus on pneumothorax and thoracic trauma normal lung ultrasound is the “comet tail” artifact, which
is due to reverberation artifacts that appear as hyperechoic
The thoracic cavity is the site of two of the key critical phys- lines that extend from the pleural line to the end of the
iologic components: the respiratory and the cardiovascular sonographic display as the pleura reflect sound waves back

From FAST to E-FAST 123

Fig. 5  a Left pneumothorax,

with the “bat sign” seen as
marked (ribs = wings = x;
pleural line = body = arrow).
b Right normal lung on static
images, with the presence of
“comet tail” artifacts (arrow).
Motion picture in this case
would demonstrate “pleural/
lung sliding”

to the probe [37] (Fig. 5). Combined, these two findings ultrasound? What is the proficiency curve? The authors will
have a 100 % negative predictive value for pneumothorax attempt to answer these important questions in this section
[37]. Using thoracic ultrasound has an additional benefit in of the manuscript. One study examined a hybrid curriculum
that many patients are able to provide a “control lung” on of online and hands-on material to learn how to perform the
the non-affected side, which can be easily compared to the FAST exam, with 89 % of students achieving a “high pass”
injured, “abnormal” side. This obviously does not apply in grade on the performance of a FAST exam by the time of
patients with bilateral pneumothoraces. Kirkpatrick et al. curriculum completion [40]. The curriculum itself consisted
[32] noted that the overall performance of E-FAST was of online materials that facilitated independent learning, fol-
poor in patients with bilateral pneumothoraces, most likely lowed by a “hands-on” seminar with instructors, after which
because the “standard comparison” was lost. Although CT trainees were brought back during the final week for an
of the chest remains the gold standard, using ultrasound to assessment of practical performance of FAST [40]. In addi-
rule out occult pneumothorax can limit cost and radiation tion to achieving high overall levels of proficiency, the stu-
and has been shown to have similar specificity [38]. The dents were noted to achieve test scores equivalent to those
average cost for a CT chest with contrast and radiology of emergency medicine residents [40]. The literature fea-
reading is $1200–$1500 depending on individual institu- tures a number of studies demonstrating that point-of-care
tion. Kirkpatrick et al. [32] studied the accuracy of diagnos- ultrasound skills can be taught to paramedics [41], nurses
ing occult pneumothorax and the natural evolution of pneu- [42, 43], be used in austere environments [21] and even in
mothorax using ultrasound in the emergency department. outer space [44]. How best to learn this material and be able
They found that ultrasound scans were not only excellent to function in a proficient manner has not yet been clearly
in detecting pneumothorax, but their accuracy was almost defined, but coordinating the teaching of basic ultrasound
as high as that of CT scans, with specificity of 98.7 % and a imaging patterns and the associated physiologic principles
positive predictive value of 87.5 % [32]. may both improve the understanding of key concepts and
While improved diagnosis of hemothorax and pneumo- enhance long-term retention of knowledge.
thorax could be useful, it is reasonable to question whether The importance of skills maintenance in regard to FAST
findings noted on ultrasound but not chest X-ray require and E-FAST examinations must be taken into considera-
treatment. Many of these ‘occult pneumothoraces’ do not tion within the overall context of practical application and
require treatment if detectable on CT but not on CXR [39]. clinical use of point-of-care trauma sonography. One sur-
Whether or not the same can be said of pneumothorax seen vey of Canadian surgical trainees found that 80 % indicated
on ultrasound has not yet been established. An additional the need for more than 20 exams (median 30 exams) to be
limitation of the E-FAST is its lack of ability to diagnose comfortable performing a FAST ultrasound [45]. Arzola
traumatic aortic pathology. Consequently, E-FAST is not et al. [46] examined anesthesiologists evaluating the pres-
a valid replacement for CT angiography in patients with ence of gastric alimentation using ultrasound, with 95 %
high-energy thoracic traumatic mechanisms. success rate after 33 sonographic scans. Another study
found that memory retention 2 weeks after a brief E-FAST
presentation (10–50 min) was only 12 % [47]. How the evi-
Clinical ultrasound education: the “sonology” dence from the above studies will help shape educational
approach developments in sonology remains to be seen. However, it
is very likely that the information outlined above will be
How long does it take to learn the FAST exam? How many incorporated into a number of credentialing, re-credential-
scans are necessary to become credentialed in focused ing, and maintenance of certification programs.

124 J. Montoya et al.

A study examining radiology residents’ ability to detect By the time the training is completed, this tool should be
pneumothorax as part of an E-FAST exam found that essen- used in various ways to provide important clinical informa-
tially all moderate sized pneumothoraces were detected tion on the injured, sick and critically ill patients so that
[48]. However, the inclusion of small pneumothoraces that appropriate decisions can be made based on acquired infor-
did not require intervention dropped the sensitivity to 47 % mation. One major shortcoming is the fact that the quality,
while the specificity in this study was 99 %. An overall standards, and state of ultrasound education continue to
negative (93 %) and positive (87 %) predictive value sug- be very heterogeneous across countries, regions, and indi-
gest that E-FAST is an accurate and efficient tool to detect vidual hospital systems. Nevertheless, both the FAST, the
clinically significant pneumothoraces [48]. It is suggested E-FAST, and other related ultrasound protocols are easily
that the educational learning curve, as supported by a num- learned and can have a significant impact on the critically
ber of guideline documents for different areas of clinical ill and injured patient [11, 55].
focus is somewhere between 25–50 scans to 150–200 scans
in order for one to become proficient in performing each
respective exam type [49, 50]. Clinical summary and cutting edge advances
A small longitudinal study of ultrasound-naive emer- in FAST and E‑FAST ultrasound
gency medicine residents demonstrated a steady learning
curve of about 18 months and the attainment of accept- Performance of the FAST exam has been shown to reduce
able accuracy rates after approximately 35 examinations the need for CT scans, decrease time to appropriate inter-
[51]. Another report highlighted the I-AIM approach that vention, shorten hospital stays, and decrease healthcare
places emphasis on the indications for the focused ultra- resource use [19, 20, 56, 57]. A recent review reported that
sound exam (e.g. blunt abdominal trauma), the acquisi- FAST exams contributed to a decrease in abdominal CT
tion steps to performing the exam, the interpretation steps use by about 50 % [58]. Although it should be noted that
and finally medical decision-making based on the ultra- there was no difference in mortality or laparotomy rates
sound images in the clinical context [52]. This process is [58], the meta-analysis did not examine a number of clini-
uniquely distinct from traditional ultrasonography, which cally relevant variables such as “time to definitive care”
applies solely to the technical acquisition of the ultrasound or “cost savings”, both of which were shown to be posi-
images. In this paradigm, image acquisition is broken tively affected by the use of point-of-care sonography [59].
down into setting up the patient and the machine, select- Understanding the strengths and limitations of ultrasound
ing and moving the probe, optimizing the image with is essential, as is the ability to recognize when further test-
“knobology” (i.e., the “science” of fine-tuning image with ing is indicated. Although E-FAST has gained popularity as
electronic knobs) [53] and completing a protocol such as evidence emerged that it has greater sensitivity than CXR
the FAST exam. The I-AIM approach also incorporates and higher specificity than some CT scans, the use of each
critical elements necessary in the generated reports linked modality should be considered on case-by-case basis [32,
to clinical reimbursement and revenue for the sustainable 35, 60, 61]. The E-FAST is a useful tool to evaluate the
ultrasound program. post-injury thorax, should be encouraged during the initial
The educational framework in most medical schools evaluation of all trauma patients, and can help provide a
and residency training programs is changing as general wealth of clinical information directly at the point-of-care
approaches migrate toward patient safety, transparency, and [56, 62]. As this point-of-care paradigm evolves, wireless
focus away from radiation-based diagnostics. Despite this, probes and devices capable of short- and long-distance
the undergraduate and graduate medical education infra- image transmission to remote displays are already being
structure is slow to adapt to these shifts in the practice of introduced [44, 63–65]. Miniaturization, virtual learning,
medicine toward more reliance on point-of-care ultrasound holography, and wearable technology will play important
use as a diagnostic aid and a way to better understand the roles as ultrasound technology evolves [64–68]. Collec-
patient’s condition. The FAST was focused only on looking tively, these and other developments will help shape the
for free fluid in four standard locations while the E-FAST future of bedside sonography for the critically ill and the
expanded to explore the thoracic space and look at the injured patient [64–68]. Although the way data is acquired,
lungs and the inferior vena cava [54]. Further addition of displayed and shared may change, the protocols and goals
extremity assessment to the E-FAST paradigm has also of each exam will remain the same. Moreover, while new
been proposed [21]. Effective teaching of all the required technologies and enhancements are almost certain to play
skills requires a realignment of the current educational sys- an important a part in our clinical future, the key question
tem where personnel are trained with ultrasound as an aid resonating today will still remain, “Will we be able to ade-
to their clinical practice starting in medical school and con- quately educate future generations of physicians in sonog-
tinuing more seamlessly through residency and fellowship. raphy and sonology?”

From FAST to E-FAST 125

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