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Q1: Now an analyst for Fox, this '90s Cowboys QB won 3 Super Bowls & was elected to the

Hall of Fame in 2006?

The crrect Answer is: Troy Aikman

Q2: Orlando Pace is the only 2-time winner of the Best Lineman award named for this
legendary Packers coach?

The crrect Answer is: Vince Lombardi

Q3: Grand Duke Michael wasn't rushin' to become czar after this brother of his abdicated on
March 15, 1917?

The crrect Answer is: Nicholas II

Q4: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

The crrect Answer is: World War I

Q5: Books by Redmond O'Hanlon include the tale of "A Journey Between the Orinoco and"
this river?

The crrect Answer is: the Amazon

Q6: Stop the presses. Here's an image of this bearded 15th century German inventor?

The crrect Answer is: Gutenberg

Q7: Peru's El Misti volcano was of great importance to this ancient Indian civilization?

The crrect Answer is: Incas

Q8: This office building in Virginia has nearly 18 miles of corridors but you can walk
between any 2 points of it in about 7 minutes?
The crrect Answer is: the Pentagon

Q9: In the U.S. hepatitis C is the main reason for this delicate operation first done
successfully in 1967?

The crrect Answer is: liver transplant

Q10: (AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE) Heard singing here, her real 1st name was Maria:
["Chattanooga Choo Choo" with Spanish lyrics is sung.]?

The crrect Answer is: Carmen Miranda ( Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha)

Q11: Winston Groom's novel was the basis for this 1994 film about a man with an IQ of 75?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Forrest Gump</i>

Q12: "C is for Cooking: Recipes from the Street" is a book of recipes from this TV street?

The crrect Answer is: Sesame Street

Q13: A male turkey's snood hangs directly over this part of its body?

The crrect Answer is: Beak/nose

Q14: A toy bear all alone on a store shelf inspired this character seen here?

The crrect Answer is: Paddington Bear

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