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Gerardo Gonzalez

Trisha Briones

English 1301-162

October 19, 2023

Scarface Poster Analysis
The poster Scarface, to a significant

extent can be seen in black and white except

for the big bold red letters at the top “AL

PACINO SCARFACE” inferring that he is

Scarface, the main character. The iconic

poster created for the movie Scarface in 1983

does a great job of having multiple deep

artistic meaning. On the left side of the poster

gives information about the setting giving a

hint of what to expect. The movie takes place

in Miami “1980” which at the time Miami was

known for the highest murder rates, drug

cartels, and being populated by Latin

Americas. In the poster of Scarface, It also says Tony Montana set sail in search of the American

Dream and was one to find it resulting in the world knowing him by another name as Scarface,

yet how did he earn the name people might as? The name Scarface can imply that maybe he got

a noticeable scar on his face, or a deeper meaning as the name sounds intimidating, he may have

earned the name by succeeding in a malicious way. Scarface can be seen in the middle of the
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black and white poster referring to the good and bad within himself. The contrast on the white

side blending into his suit inferring that he might be good or wants to do good, yet he is wearing

a black shirt on the inside of the coat almost as he is masking the bad that is deep inside of

himself. Scarface is seen holding a firearm to the black side of the poster opposite to the white

Inferring that black is the aggressive side of him. With Scarface holding the gun in his nice white

suit the people can make the connection that the movie is a Gangster film. He is seen leaning to

the black side implying he is slowly going into the dark side of himself, and he may be accepting

his true self making the connection to the black shirt being his inner evil under the white coat

like a “wolf in a sheep's clothes” is what he is. “He loved the American Dream. With vengeance”

can be seen alone in the black side the to hook people into thinking what does it means what will

Scarface do for the American Dream. Scarface is seen with a nice white suit signifying the good

he tries to portray in a deeper meaning while also giving the impression of wealth he may have,

or implying he succeeded in his way he of thinking the American Dream. Under all that wealth

did he get it by following the rules or did he do dreadful things to achieve that wealth? Tony

Montana face is grey leaving a grim tone to his whole mood with his depressed and wondering

facial expressions which begged the question did he ever get satisfied did he reach his end goal

was the American Dream all he was looking for. The bold red letters spelling the name “AL

PACINO SCARFACE” have a connection with blood which can imply Scarface could get

physical hurt killed or Scarface will be the one doing the physical harm. Scarface has his left

hand in a fist in psychology when someone has a fist, they are most likely to be aggressive. In

the poster Scarface is shown to be an older man his skin is a grey color which is both black and

white combine saying that Tony is in the middle of both good and bad. Overall, the whole color

scheme of black and white having the deep meaning of good and evil within himself, and the big
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bold red letters giving the attention showing the main character Scarface played by Al Pacino he

had a big influence in the role. His posture and the whole tone he gives off is iconic to many

people they picked the best actor for the Scarface role, even people who have not seen the movie

have seen the poster and remember it. They did a fantastic job in making the poster so

meaningful that it has made it an unforgettable poster and movie that will keep moving with the

years never to be forgotten.

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