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goclAL PROBLEMS OF INDIA. iE lo 641 © unachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Oriss yen prohibiting conversion activities, jpagstations Wer", Mahatma Gandhiji was also very much sian a better Christian. This is the fundamen; jor te proselytising activities of the missionaries, In his rey it Ply to Mahadev Desai’s question (edi had once replied : “If I had power and I could legislate, I should certainly stop all iytsing. It is the cause of much avoidable conflict between classes ani unnecessary heart- Iuing among missionaries.”® On various occasions Gandhiji had expressed his views very strongly {st forcible religious conversion.4 2. FUNDAMENTALISM Religious Fundamentalism “Religious fundamentalism” belongs to the same series of social evils such as communalisrn, regionalism, casteism, racism, sexism, ethnicism, and so on, Communalism often assumes the form of |ilsious fundamentalism. It has both national and international dimensions, Religious ‘nixmentalism is posing a new threat to the secular character of the Indian society. Especially after ‘8s, ithas become more serious a socio-political evi lecessary here to know the concepts of ‘Hedamentalism” and “religious fundamentalism” and their nature. forest of “Fundamentalism” pl “Fundamentalism refers to a firm dogmatic belief in certain Principles that are held to be basic or fundamental. ”S y Fundamentalism refers the final authority of the to “A religious movement that emphasises Biblical literalism and the lite Bible. The term is sometimes applied to all thase who have accepted ral truth of the Bible even in past centuries, "6 “Fundamentalism is a religious movement that emphasises the absolute truth of essential Or “fundamental aspects” of faith, especially those rooted in sacred texts such as the Christian | Bible or the Islamic Koran,”7 AS quoted by Prof. KAN. Vaswan “Gandhiji on Conversion.” Page ~25. ‘bid. Page - 10, 72k Sandhit in Haran dated 11-5-1935 as quoted by Prof. K.N. Vaswanl Page santa Sau enable, Gandhi wrote in “Young India” [233-1931] :“1 hol that presets a te ee humanitarianism work is, to, say the least unhealthy....: Convers ae toa ee jon] ectont ve business like any other, I remember having read i ary eset Py prot KN, Vast val age Ra i for “the next Pret Dei Ham ts “Encodes "A? WP. Scott “Dictionary of Sociology.” Page - 167. in G. Johnson “The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociolony. Scanned with CamScanner as SOCIOLOGY OF INDIAN Socten, from the first definition, fundamentalism represents a strong dog belie in some religious, racial, linguistic and other mates. Depenat® roach, then, we may speak in terms of different types of fundamen) mg ism lism, racial fundamentalism, ethnic fundamentalism, linguisy lie belief or an uncompromising ‘upon the fundamentalist appr such as religious fundamental ‘fundamentalism, and so on Origin of the Concept of Fundamentalism ‘The origin of the concept of “fundamentalism” is to be found in the history of hg development of Christianity. Fundamentalism originated in ‘America in the form of a conserva, movement in the 19th century emphasising as fundamental to Christianity the literal interpretation of the Bible. “Christian fundamentalists believe the Bible to be the word of God." They believe the explanation given in the Bible regarding the ~ “physical second coming of Jesus Chris, te Virgin Birth; Resurrection, and Attainment, Fundamentalism came into its own in the early 20% century in opposition to the Modernist tendencies in both the religious and secular life of America, In the late 20th century the movement was represented by numerous church bodies, educational institutions, and special interest organisations. »2 However, most of the conservative or orthodox Christians today resent being referred to as “fundamentalists.” The term should be reserved for thoe groups and functions that stress the literal truth of the Bible in its entirety. The term “fundamentalism” is now being used in a loose manner with a wide variety of meanings. Sociologically also fundamentalism is important not only because of its unique place ‘among religions, but because it easily extends itself into the political realm. In the Middle East i Iran, for example] and in Pakistan, Afghanistan and such other countries fundamentalism plays an important role in the conservative political movernents and nationalism, But even in India, especially after 1980s, religious fundamentalist trends are slowly spreading. ‘The main characteristics of religious fundamentalism can be mentioned below. Features of “Religious Fundamentalism” 1. Dogmatic Belief : Fundamentalism is basically a dogmatic belief in certain principles. ‘Those who justify religious fundamentalism are generally those individuals who are of the very strong opinion that the religious principles, values and ideologies in which they believe are beyond question. 2. Total Surrender to a Sacred Book and a Religious Leader: Religious fundamentalis's implicitly believe that what is stated in a “sacred book” is unchangeable, unquestionable and unalterable. In the same dogmatic manner they submit themselves completely to a religious leader. 3, Fundamentalism is Opposed to Liberalism : Liberalism depends upon mutual tolerance of divergent views, opinions and beliefs. But in fundamentalism, there is indifference and eve" intolerance towards the views of others. It does not accept the stand that differences are probable and are bound to be there. It goes to the extent of suppressing the difference and the opposition. Such tendencies are commonly found in the theocratic states. Some of the Muslim countries such * Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, ete, have become: such theocratic states, Pakistan Government's intoleran? towards its religious minorities is quite known, Because of its fundamentalist attitude it has bee” persecuting and torturing its religious minorities (particularly the Hindus and Christians) right fom its very inception, : 1 The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology, Page - 118, 2 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica - Vol.5, Page - $1. Scanned with CamScanner sts Oppose any Change in what is Stated in the Sacred Book or s rw met ey is opposed (0 science and modernity, For example, the 4. ee 2TH ow elled. “Sharla is not ereated by man, but emerged the Is! the Tradition THY "6 iso believe that it contains the will of the God; and the terms orthodox Mustims Peter ad. They 80 | ason, Shariat law became rigi « from God through Mona ye, It is for this reason, ime rigid and static. The of law are fined and unehtneer jaan for about 10 years had such an uncompromising belief in the ded as “fundamentalists.” Talibanese who ruled Ove" divine law for which 18°" uatism is Opposed to Secularism : Secularism states that wcigfon ieee eyes 5. Religious ae the governance of the state. Since it gives equal imy seal Epis 00 ni ecomerd a state religion. On the contrary, fundamentalism d. a “ religions, it does not ea aoe Talways upholds the supremacy of a particular religious philosophy, principle or tate and religior es eligious Fundamentalism may have its own World View: Fundamentalism may have a vordvew of religion 0 which all other aspects such as politica, cultural, economic, educational, erie sub-ordinaed, Is for this reason, fundamentalism is opposed to a scientific, rationalist and secular world-view. "7, Fandamentalism may Assume the Extreme form of Terrorism : Fundamentalists may | sort to any type of extreme activity in order to spread their religious views and to suppress the sppostion. Example: Muslim fundamentalist organisations such as Hijbul Mujahiddin, Jaishe | Mohanmad, Lashkare Toiba, Huriat, 18.1. Inter Services Intelligence}, etc, have been committing Ibtof atrocities against the Hindu minorities. It is said that in a time span of about 15-20 years, [that | jp since 1980s) these fundamentalists have killed more than 65,000 civi ians, police, soldiers, | potcians, Government officials with a view to separate Kashmir from India and to establish | eparate Muslim State like that of Pakistan, | 8. Fundamentalism Breeds Separatism : Fundamentalism of any type promotes belief ina | puticular ideology and is unwilling to consider other ideologies or viewpoints, The fundamentalists | Teep themselves separated from others. Example: Those racial fundamentalists, who believe in the “supremacy of the white race normally do not want to have links with the people of the Black Race specially in South Africa and America. Similarly, the ethnic fundamentalists have contributed to Separatism in Sri Lanka. Muslim fundamentalists have posed a similar problem in Kashmir because Af ther encouragement of separatism, 9: Fundamentalism is a Type of Extreme Ethnocentrism ? : Religious fundamentalism Nes rise to a feeling among its adherents whatever the things or views they have, are supreme and fa Once this feeling enters the mind it draws a black curtain against rationalism and free thinking. ":h individuals fail to develop an independent thinking. They try to develop friendship with those “ho support their views, They tend to develop disrespect and intolerance towards others. They may e" £010 the extent of atacking their opponents as an attempt to unify al those who share eee and ideologies, | . [Pelgious Fundamentalism in the Indian Context sis lig {{ SHOuld be reckoned here that India as a nation was divided ino two tes separate el Units (India, Pakistan and the present, Bangladesh] because a ef dercaalst SESS erie bY some of the political leaders onthe eve of independence, Tie FA fantail ae re the Pakistan which is known for its fundamentalist aPproee} © re ey ists found in India. Pakistan whic no 8ive its support to the Muslim fi ra damp inthis ection by giving ‘ashmir Politically but failed to do so, is Scanned with CamScanner SOCIOLOGY OF INDIAN S000, eae OR HOM SC akistan Muslim fundamentalists to let loose communalism, ble, Series of bomb explosions, planned kidnappings, merciegs kj ™ ings secret support to the pro-P% violence, ete, wherever pos ; af ininorities, frequent attacks on military headquarters, etc. that are taking place, especiaty jy Hake it evident that religious fundamentalists and fundamentalism pose a yey.” tious Kashmir rey threat to the integrity and the secular character of our nation, Government alone cannot fghton problem. People with nationalist fervour and commitment to real and not pseudo-secularism ee ike an active role in creating an awareness among the people about the dangers of fundamental The Government must also deal stubbornly with these anti-national fundamentalist forces and; spe them with a heavy hand. Those who support fundamentalist forces secretly must Also be nabbed ang punished. 3. CASTEISM Casteism is a social problem associated with the caste system. Just as the caste system is exercising its influence in all the fields of social life casteism too has become all pervasive, What is Casteism ? / Meaning of Casteism Casteism is understood as a partial or one-sided loyalty in favour of any particular cast, makes members of the caste to become conscious of their membership of the caste and look at everything from the standpoint of the caste. 1. According to D.N. Prasad, “Casteism is loyalty to the caste translated into politcs.”! 2. According to Kaka Kalelkar, “Casteis isan over-riding, blind and supreme grow loyalty that ignores the healthy social standards of justice, fairplay, equity and universal brotherhood.” Itis clear from the above that casteism is a blind group loyalty towards one’s own caster sub-caste which does not care for the interests of other castes and their members. Causes of Casteism Casteism which exercises a negative influence on the network of social relations is caus! by several factors of which the following may be noted. 1. Endogamous Nature of the Caste : Casteism is often the result of restrictions imposed the marriage that takes place in the Hindu society. Each caste and sub-caste is endogamous in natu It means that members of a caste or sub-caste has to marry within his or her own caste or sub-cast: Because of this rule of endogamy, marital relations are confined to a small circle / section of te people. Individuals are more prone to develop their loyalties and admirations to their own case * sub-caste people, This practice of endogamy makes the people to become somewhat narro 2. Strong Desire to Enhance Caste Prestige : People belonging to a particular cas subcaste have the tendency of developing loyalty to their caste or subcaste and to become sore conscious of its relative prestige in society. Every member thus tries his level best to see that his ‘ prestige is safeguarded and enhanced. This type of loyalty towards the caste makes the membe be caste to favour their own members of the caste wherever they get the opportunity. Excessiv@ loyalty tends to keep other caste people at a distance. " Improvement in the Means of Transport and CommuntcationLeading to @ BA wen is A ie + Advancement that has taken place in the field of transport and ‘commun ‘he embers of the caste to bein touch with one another regularly I has aso bel 1 4 DN, and ‘The Myth of Caste System.” Page - 124, Kaka, as quoted by R.N, Sharma in “Indian Social Problems.” Page - 47. Scanned with CamScanner

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