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z z NS ieee ELEMEN i Ss A COMPREHENSIVE STRING METHOD BY MICHAEL ALLEN ROBERT GILLESPIE PAMELA TE! JOHN HAYES ARRANGEMENTS BY JOHN HIGGINS Fully compatible with ae eee v4 HAL*LEONARD® THE CELLO Take Special Care string instruments are delicate. Fallow your teachers guidelines in caring for your instrument, and wll iasttorever “Follow your teacher's instructions when removing, the insurment fom the case Fingerboard «+ Protect your instrument from heat, cold, and quick Na changes in temperature. + Always wipe off the instrument with a soft dry cloth. Be sure to remove all fingerprints and rosin. Upper bout Accessories paren + Rosin i + Soft cloth F*hole Seri Bridge Sound post (inside) Fine tuners Tailpiece End pin 13 Adjusting screw Bow hair Ferrule Frog + Never touch the bow halt HOLDING YOUR INSTRUMENT The best way to learn to play your instrument isto practice one skill at a time, Repeat each step untll you are comfortable demonstrating {tfor your teacher and classmates. ‘Step 1 Remove the bow from the case and put it in asafe place, Open the case and remove the cello. Identity all parts of the cello. Step 2 Adjust the length ofthe end pin so that the scroll of the cello is near your nose when standing. Step 3. Siton the front half of your chalr with your feet positioned undemeath your knees. Place the end pin directly infront of you fone arm's length away. ‘Step 4 Lean the cello slighty to the lft and alow the instrument to rest against your chest. The’C’ peg should bernear your head bbchind your left ear and both knees should touch the cello just below the'’ bout. it may be nacessary to readjust the length or position ofthe end pin, Identify the letter names ofeach string: (lowest pitch), G,D, A. Raise your right index finger over ‘the strings and pluck them as directed by your teacher. Plucking the stringsis called pieicaro, and i abbreviated pizz. Beat = The Pulse of Music The beat in music should be very steady, just ike your pulse. Quarter Note J = 1 8eatofsound Notes tel us how high or low to play, and how long to play, z= Quarter Rest} = 1seatotsitonce Rests ustocount sent beat, | s | 2 : | Music Staff themusicstaffhas 5 lines and 4 spaces, Measure __ Measure ; muse Bar Lines Bar lines divide the music staff into measures. Seatt ‘ 7 1 Measures ‘The measures on this page have four beats each, “UM dai oe T. TUNING TRACK. Wait quiet foryour teacher to tune your instrument. 2. LET’S PLAY “OPEN D” Plzzicato (pizz,) ~ Pluck te strings 0 ~ Openstring 3, LET'S PLAY “OPEN A” pice A Keepa steady beat. == === 5. AT PIERROT’S DOOR fhe melody is on yourcD. pee a Z ot x : ° f E af Bass Clef Dose Fl Te CGets neat ast of note names. GEDFA FACEGR 5 : z Time Signature 4 4besspermeasure The thme signature tell us how many beats are In : (Meter) A Jord getsone beat each measure and what kind of note gets one beat Double Bar ‘A double bar indicates the end of apiece of music, = 6. JUMPING JACKS identify the clefand time signature before playing. Double Bor 7. MIX ‘EM UP ite Repeat Sign Go beckto the besnning an play the music aga : S Counting coum 1 & 2 a 3 4-4 & _Onebeat=Taptoedowmonthe number and 2 Tap ee ee ee up on"&" Always count when playing or resting. ES 8, COUNT CAREFULLY Keep steady beat when playing or resting. pie Repect sign Te2esase 1H2HR ASE Cou; 1 @ 2&3 84% 1H2R23 848 9, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ Wite inthe counting before you poy. lex NS 6 SHAPING THE LEFT HAND Step 1 Shape yourleft hand as shown. Be certain your palm faces you. = Open string 1 = Ist finger 2= 2nd finger 3 = 3rd finger 4 = ath finger Step 2 sing your hand tothe fingerboard. Place your fingers on the D string, keeping your hand shaped as shown belov. fe sure your thumb is behind the second finger and sightly bent. G [eerste a oges Fe eviosdensteses Epes wih foger fon the D string fon the D sting. con the D string S istening Skills Poy.ot your teacher loys Usten crf 10, LET’S READ “G” start memorizing the note names. ple 4 6 2 A sharp ass the sound of notes and remain fect forthe ere measure Sharp — $ Notes without sharps are called natural notes. THEORY 11. LET’S READ “Fi” (F-sharp) pie 3 FE fe eS - Play all F's. Sharps apply tothe entre measure. 12, LIFT OFF ‘ pies 4 4 aS 17 Isvourleft hand shaved as shown in the diagrams above? SHAPING THE RIGHT HAND TT Pencil Hold Step 1 Hold a pencil in your ltt hand about wast level Step 2 Place the tip of your right thuinb between the yr fist and second joints of your second finger, Step 3 Place the pencl between your thumb and second finger while Keeping your thumb gently curved. Step 4 thepenci should touch your frst thre fingers between te fist and second joints, and touch the fourth finger at the fist joint a5 shown, Step 5 Remove your left hand from the pencil. Keep your fingers relaxed. Practice shaping your hand on the pencil until it feels natural to you. Practice BOW BUILDER ONE daly 13, ON THE TRAIL sayorsing the note names before you play. ize. 14, LET'S READ “E” pie 1 E Deseo 15. WALKING SONG 4 3 1 3 1 4 ize. cot 1 e283 84 TE2H3A4H THPHs Hee Taras EE 16, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ. Draw themissing symbols here theybeiong before youpley: SF plex Z B= Oa Pencil Hold Exercises Vm Outta Here Finger Taps Wave good-bye while keeping your Tp your st finger. Then tap your wrist laced fourth fger Thumb Flexers Knuckle Turnovers 2 ‘Turn your hand over and be sure your Flex your thumb in and out. ‘thumb knuckle Is bent, as shawn. Knuckle Turnovers PRT a Bowing Motions Elbow Energy + Swing your right elbow away from your body. + Open your right forearm 5 shown. * close your right forearm, + Swing your elbow back toward your body. Elbow Energy 17. HOP SCOTCH lez. Terzesade cont 18 283848 TE2ASAAe TH2EZAHE Folk songs have been an important part of cultures for centuries and have been passed on from generation to generation. Folk song melodies help define the sound of a culture or region. This folk song comes from the Slavic region of eastern Europe. HISTORY 18. MORNING DANCE a ae : Sle FokSona 19, ROLLING ALONG a Gotonextline. + Cen Practice the following exercises with your left hand. Finger Taps Tap fingertips on any string, Practice in ferent combinations of fingers. Strummin’ Along Strum the strings with your 4th finger while swinging your elbow, as shown. ‘Strummin’Along- 20. GOOD KING WENCESLAS Welsh Folk Song pie 4 ss Keep fingers down when you see this bracket. 21, SEMINOLE CHANT pee Com: 1 & 2OS HSA TEPHF HAE THEPEF HAH TAPAS EHR 22. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - LIGHTLY ROW Z 3 44 A Prepare Ft before playing. peseeees esesseseeeeE SS eseeee eae 10 A STRING NOTES D "ezcentstoaes Ce ores: with 3 fingers B Sosa foae fon the A string, fon the A string, fn the A string S Listening Skills Pay wnatyourteacher plays Usten carefully = Ledger lines Ledger lines extend the music staff higher or lower. Ledger Lines THEORY “= Ledger tines 3. LET’S READ “D” pie. 4 Qe doy 24, LET’S READ “Ci” (C-sharp) ooes he op eo 2 2 » Play allCH's. Sharps apply tothe entre measure. 25, TAKE OFF pia A 26. CARIBBEAN ISLAND “Oo ete » © @ » Ife Lu — /. practice BOW BUILDERS ONE.TWO. and THREE daily. s 27. OLYMPIC HIGH JUMP itz. 28, LET'S READ “B“ pie, 1 B SPEEE 29, HALF WAY DOWN 4 3 lee 30. RIGHT BACK UP 4 pizz, 0 ‘Asseale isa sequence of notes in ascending or descending order. Like a musical ladder’ each note is the next consecutive step of the scale. Ths s your D Scale. The fist and last notes are both D. 31. DOWN THE D SCALE fememberto memonzethenote names. Bi 3 Pe @ te - « De FF + 4 lee. 32, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - UP THE D SCALE pio : 1 ‘a err 12 BOW BUILDER FOUR On The Bow Step 1 Identify all parts of the bow (see page 2). Step 3 shape the remaining fingers on the bow sti Hold the bow in your left hand near the as shown. tip with the frag pointing to the right. Step 4 Tum your right hand over and be sure your Step 2 Place the bow between your right thumb ashe and second finger. The tip of your thumb ‘ul contact the stick next othe frog, and your second finger wil extend tothe ferule. ‘Step 5 Hold the bow and repeat the exercises on page 8. @ tet com nanetors theme mt ence otonty me 33. SONG FOR CHRISTINE viz. © 'S ROSE Remember to count pice. Ls 35. ESSENTIAL CREATIVITY How mony words can you create by drawing notes on thestafFbelou? Examoble EG G eee ees eeeeeeteeeeeaeaeg Folk songs often tell stores. This Israeli folk song describes a game played with a dreidel.a smell table-top spinning toy ‘that has been enjoyed by families for centuries, The game is especially popular in December around the time of Hanukkah, 36. eat z Israeli Folk Song PE Shadow Bowing ‘Shadow Bowing is bowing without the instrument. Step 1 Tighten the bow hair as instructed by your teacher. Step 2 Place the rosin in your lefthand. Hol the bow in your righthand, ‘Step 3 shadow bow by slowly moving the bow back and forth on the rosin. Be sure to move the bow, not the rosin, Down Bow Move the bow away from your body (to the right). Up Bow Y Move the bow toward your body (to the left). 37. ROSIN RAP #1. sow these exercises on the rosin. 5 V n v goa ty), i Down Rest Up Rest. Down Rest Up Rest Down Up Down 38. ROSIN RAP #2 roy ged, ii Down Up Down Rest Up Down Up Rest Down Up Rost Rest Down Up Rest Rest L. e ie i ee oy ta we 39, ROSIN RAP #3 Ae up Down Up Rest Rest Down Rest. Up Rest’ © Down Up Down Up | (7% _Isyour bow hand shaped as shown in the diagram above? Review these notes. Write the letternames inthe spaces below. 40. CAROLINA BREEZE pice, SHEE HTAEsLEL PESO. ‘ 3 13s come 2 es eFe Te2HF AFR teres HHH TAaRET AA 41, JINGLE BELLS pice 5 oe 4 35.Plerpont 42, OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM mescan Folk Son ice g pie s 3 4 sei SLY Practice BOW BUILDER FIVE dally. Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a child prodigy who first performed in concert at age 6. He lived duting the time af the American Revolution (1775-1783). Mozart's musics melodic and imaginative. He wrote hundreds of compositions, including a plano piece based on ths familiar song. “ANOLSIH. 43. A MOZART MELODY . ‘Adapted by W.A. Mozart ize. 9 8 L 1 o Key Signature ‘A key signature tells us what notes to play with sharps and flats throughout the ‘this key signature, which is called"D Major” z s 2 44, MATTHEW'S MARCH “pp be be Po aE Sie SS 4 Play F's and C#’s when you see this key signature. 45. CHRISTOPHER’S TUNE pices 9 46, ESSENTIAL CREATIVITY Play the notes below. Then compose your own music for the last two measures using the notes youhaveleamedwihthisianytrm: =f J Jf J d t 2 4 lee, CG = EIT ETE Let’s Bow! Tim a == 9] Bow Hold Thumb Placement Listening Skills Play whatyourteacher plays Listen carefully. Your tone should be smooth and even, 47. BOW ON THE D STRING 7 Play with the bow on the sting. mv omy SSS 48, BOW ON THE A STRING | I HEV eee eV EEE ¥< 2 ‘= fa Tie See eeSeRPECEPSE ee String Levels ‘Your arm moves when bowing on different strings. Memorize these guidelines: + Move your arm forward and up to to play higher pitched strings + Move your arm back and down to play lower-pitched strings. Raise arm = higher string Lower arm = lover string 49. RAISE AND LOWER noyom ¥ alse your arm 50, TEETER TOTTER Lbee mov aay my 51, MIRROR IMAGE Rovio yon iy noyon von Bow Lift 9 Liftthe bow and retumto its starting point. 52. A STRAND OF D ‘N’ A x Bow itt peepee ety eee te cee ee cee 53, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - OLYMPIC CHALLENGE A yp gts tp te Bs POE Combining Both Hands Using notes from the major scale echo whit your teacher plays Example A: Teacher Student Teacher Susent Teacher Student Teacher Student Teacher Student Teocher student | 18 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ‘Congratulations! You are now ready to practice lke an advanced player by combining left and right hand skls while reading musi. When learning a new line of music follow these steps for success Step 1 Tap your toe and say or sing the letter names. Stop 2 Play pizz, and say or sing the letter names. Step 3 shadow bow and sy or sing the letter names. Step 4 Bow and play as witen, \ 54, BOWING “G” Peeve 55. BACK AND FORTH 57. TRIBAL LAMENT 1 ih ow tif) ct 0 agp + 58. BOWING “D” ty og a 2 fee re fe ere 2 Hire = <+ fe j 4 aos 2 a + e a4 =} viigiee 3 =i — — == PSS — Tarzesede Ta2zesede td ares ese 18243848 61. ELEVATOR UP « 4 83 y rea tae tg ae me mpfatotae iS See 62. DOWN THE D MAJOR SCALE 4 } 1 ‘ eee b i ee i a ee Pr jt et feu pares = SS SSS 63. SCALE SIMULATOR fememberto count n ¥ ieee y Special Cello Exercise While the basses leam @ new note draw the bar lines in the music below. Then writen the counting, 65. LET'S READ “Ci” - Review 2 ; i = Gliese Alene : ye SS SSS SSS 20 Eighth Notes d J q ¥ Beam . cach EighthNote ="/2Bet oo @ woormerecgnn 7) I] = Iva $f deighthNotes = tees 8 2 & —Noteshaveabeam ut LT Tt scossthestems ot ttt bts t ‘Tap your toe down on the number and up on the" 66. RHYTHM RAP Shadow bow and count before playing. mymvynm ¥ om¥mym Yo omymym ¥ myn a cmt a 2a 3e4e 1Le2es RAR THEPATHHA THEBES UAS 67. PEPPERONI PIZZA . Zppte 6 peer, Sees py SS | Pe 68. RHYTHM RAP ‘Shadow bow and count before playing. novmVvV mY m VAY m¥ mo ¥AvY my mo voy ge OL OLA. Jus O14 Comt &2e3e4e 1e2HT HAR THPAFHRAA TAZA AE 69. D MAJOR SCALE UP Tempo is the speed of music. Tempo markings are usually written above the staf in tallan. Tempo Markings gjogro-rastiempo Moderato Medium tempo. Andante Slower walking tempo 70. HOT CROSS BUNS Moderato A tv A 71, AU CLAIRE DE LA LUNE Andante French Folk Song Hippos 5 Se | | 72, RHYTHM RAP ‘Shadow bow and count before playing, RovVnYAY mympym Vom VAVRY mymy ms JTL Comte 2@ 3848 TePRF HAA THE2PHZEHE TH2PeTEAE 73. BUCKEYE SALUTE ‘Moderato - fitfeer ee~eee SF = f peor 5 eee fear ert te SERS ay = + es 3 Time Signature Condueting | 2 E = Quarter noe gets one beat two bea pattern, : 74, RHYTHM RAP ‘Shadow bows and count before playing noyom YUMMY A YOR YU UY On o oe ed | ctl e2e 1a2e Te2e Tare THe2e TH2e 1aze 1a2e 75. TWO BY TWO a Ist & 2nd Endings = —-=—4— the came section of music skp the 1st ending and play aE] the 2nd ending IL 2. Play the 1st ending the tst time through. Then, repeat z 76, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ ~ FOR PETE’S SAKE ‘Moderato a Bote Sapte i Tl a tsttime . wa ---4 2ndtime Half Note Half Rest | J —+ «2008 Silent Beats Tere Teds 77, RHYTHM RAP Shadow bow and count before playing. rt ¥ von , roa fl A come 2&3 e4e 1TA2AT AFR THPRF HHH THPHT ADE 78. AT PIERROT’S DOOR Moderato French FokSong n in ; ; : =F at 2 S| t areca Sow ‘Sow slow oe TS soit Popa 79. THE HALF COUNTS Pip eo -» cae Fe SSeS Sa 80, GRANDPARENT’S DAY ‘Andante ‘American Folk Song n ee ¥ v —— a Se See = ra Pee = = == eo t= pees v a aie | SSS S| t t } cS — =z : Repeat the section of music enclosed by the repeat stgns. 2 Repeat Signs = ] (F Istand 2nd endings are used, they are played as usuel— = ‘but. go back only to the first repeat sign, rot tothe beginning) 81, MICHAEL ROW THE BOAT ASHORE pee Moderato y ey ee Poe oe 9 t = Bue [oer eersererasrase Cases eerste + 7 Sr — ete “Tt Jee 82, TEXAS TWO-STRING Piz. this oxeriseiwth your left hand ath finger. 4 Ath finger pez ee 4 (ae) et Dapp E- See = = SG f ree A 83, FOUR BY FOUR A 84, 4TH FINGER MARATHON n v 85. HIGH FLYING a) German composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was one of the world's greatest composers. He was completely deaf == by 1802. Although he could not hear music lke we do, he could *hear‘ tin his mind. The theme of his final Symphony No.9 2 is called"Ode To Joy” and was written to the text of a poem by Friedrich von Schille.“Ode To Joy" was featured in concerts celebrating the reunification of Germany in 1990. 86, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - ODE TO JOY Moderato ‘Ludwig van Beethoven 24 PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT he Good performers are on time with their instruments and music ready, dressed appropriately and know thelr music wel 87. SCALE WARM-UP 88. FRERE JACQUES - Round (whengroup Arcaches ®, group 8 begins at) Moderato French Fk Song mn a ® y oe "2 je > = ea eae SSS SSeS = . aaa == If=e Ie ERT if er pel “Two or more pitches sounding atthe same time form a chord or harmony. Chord, Harmony —jryoughout this book, A= Melody and B= Harmony. 89.. BILE “EM CABBAGE DOWN - Orchestra Arrangement Allegro ‘American Fiddle Tune movyny oy att PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT 90. ENGLISH ROUND Andante On 91. LIGHTLY ROW - Orchestra Arrangement ‘Moderato * y fn x nm il French composer Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880) was the originator of the operetta and played the cello. An operettais2 3 form of entertainment that combines several ofthe fine arts together: vocal and instrumental musi, drama, dance, and visual arts, One of his most famous pieces is the “Can-Can dance from Orpheus And The Underworld. This popular work was written jn 1858, just three years before the start of the American Civil War (1861-1865). 92. CAN-CAN - Orchestra Arrangement Jacques Offenbach Allegro Arr Job Higgins — e (4 What were the strong points of your performance? | Cer th es Is played with 3flngers By ‘tia yth 1 tnger con the G string fon the G string. fon the G string S Listening Skills Play whatyour teacher plays. Listen carefully Play all’ as F#(F-sharp) and all's as Ch (C-natural). = Key Signature SHE = G MAJOR 93. LET’S READ “G” ° 2 = oe oe — ae 2 Play F's and CXsin this key signature. 94, LET'S READ “C” (C-natural) v 96. LET’S READ “A” 1 eS Z =] 97. WALKING AROUND Ware the notes before you play. 4 A 4 1 po» 98. G MAJOR SCALE vite the notenames before you play. : n 99. FOURTH FINGER D (forviotins and violas) n Time Signature © = commontine Conductin | ; csc z (Meter) > somes. 9 \ foeueeuries g — 100. Low DOWN 101. BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP ‘Moderato y n 102. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ ~ THIS OLD MAN ‘Moderato ‘American Folk Song 4 v ZI &B Time Signature beats per massure Conducting | \ practice conducting (Meter) fr } gets one beat this three-beat pattern d. 3 beats Dotted Half Note J.» - 28%, |. om of Sound Terese Adot adds half the ititat Value of the note 103. RHYTHM RAP ‘Shaciow bow and count before playing 5 v n v a v A com@t a 2 & 3 & 1a 2 ase Tarzese tTarzese 104, COUNTING THREES n 105. D MAJOR SCALE IN THREES n 7 106. FRENCH FOLK SONG Moderato i: French Folk Song 107. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - SAILOR’S SONG ee English Sea Song — ee A B 3 Write in the comtect time signature before you begin. n y 5 7 y 108. FIT TO BE TIED n Slur {slur isa curved line that connects two or more different pitches, Play slurred notes together in the same bow stroke. 109. STOP AND GO A v 110. SLURRING ALONG ¥ SS —Atleis a curvediine that connects notes ofthe same pitch, == _ Playa single note for the combined counts ofthe tied notes. Ba 111, SMOOTH SAILING Roy omy 112. D MAJOR SLURS n 113. CROSSING STRINGS Bo Vv Aes A ¥ ree : > . > Dare = f ] 114, GLIDING BOWS Boo ¥ Aue ¥ A ¥ Lo Dapp SSS te f=-—fe—F 7 — 115. UPSIDE DOWN ° a A Rey 4 = aaa ae THE Sere 30 : A note (or notes) that appears before the first full measure is called an upbeat (or pickup) 2 Upbeat ‘The remaining beats are found in the last measur. 116. SONG FOR MARIA ‘Andante Whereis beat 4? y = Ste Latin American music combines the folk music from South and Central America, the Caribbean Islands, African, Spanish, and Portuguese cultures, Melodies often feature a lively accompaniment by drums, maracas, and daves, Latin American styles have becorne part of jazz classical, and rack music. ‘HISTORY | i Play until you see the D.<.al Fine, Then go back to the beginning and play until you see Fine D.C. al Fine (fee nay). the abbreviation for Da Capo, the Italian term for"return to the beginning.” Fine is the Italian word forthe finish.” THEORY 117, BANANA BOAT SONG Moderato Carlbeean Folk Song ates D.C. al Fine 118, FIROLIRALERA - Orchestra Arrangement ‘Mexican Folk Song Allegro ‘Arc lohn Higgins A & skit BUILDERS - 6 Major 119. Far Eastern music comes rom Malaysia Indonesia, China and other aes, Fistoriansbaievethe is orchestras known = sefemetans sted inthis egion weal asthe Tst century BC. Today's gamelan include ebabs ped fides gongs, ‘olephones andl 9 wie variety of percision nstuments g 125. JINGLI NONA ; Allegro Farasten Folk Song fees — Fare z | =r == — x f fas —— f SS : eee +s = Be Sere = eS Se Whereis beat 4? 3 32 SECOND FINGER ON THE D STRING F a Is played with 2fingers on the D string E i | | Listening Skills rey what yourtecher plays. Usten careful = é Natural A ratural sign cancels fiat 6) or sharp (B) and remains in effect forthe entire measur. 126, LETS READ “F” (F-natural) org i | , = = 2 Half Step Anatfstep the smatestditance between twonotes, Z Whole Step Aviolestepistwo at steps combined 127. HALF-STEPPIN’ AND WHOLE STEPPIN’ A W2sep 2st : 4, Wolestep Whole step Fi 128. SPY GUY 129. MINOR DETAILS n Feces ert co SECOND FINGER ON THE A STRING S A D, Cc GS ¢ is layed with 2 fingers on the Asting B SN c Listening Skills Pay vnatyourteacher plays Listen cael 130, LET’S READ “C” (C-natural) 2 3 2 131. HALF STEP AND WHOLE STEP REVIEW 4 Wsteo Westen A, Wholestep _ Wholestep <3 2 i Chromatic notes are altered with sharps, flats, and naturals. A chromatic pattem is two or more Chromatics [heTiaseqierceof tal steps ‘AMOIHL 132, CHROMATIC MOVES 4 133. THE STETSON SPECIAL 4 ° 134, BLUEBIRD’S SONG legro : ‘Texas Folk Song £ 2 feeee o * ¢epeee 2 fe. re ———- 4 (pap Ea | & Key Signature Ai notesare nats | 2 MAJOR | 135. C MAJOR SCALE - Round 2 We @n @ sep, —~p os Duet A composition with two different parts, played together, 136. SPLIT DECISION - Duet r ABE = 137. OAK HOLLOW Moderato 138. A-TISKET, A-TASKET ‘Allegro v 0 IM In the second half of the 1800s many composers tied to express the sprit oftheir own country by writing music with a distinct natlonal flavor. Listen to the music of Russian composers such as Borodin, Tchaikovsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov. ‘They often used folk songs and dance rhythms to convey their nationalism. Desctibe the sounds you heat. 139. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - RUSSIAN FOLK TUNE “ ca ia Russian Folk Song asses ete —nl * TT | i @ Alert: This page mixes finger pattems. Watch fo second finger (i and third finger fF) 140. BINGO ‘18th Century English Game Song Agro 2 Whereis beat2? 4 English composer Thomas Tallis (1505-1505) served as royal court composer during the reign of Henry Edvard Vi Mary, we and Elzabeth|, Composers andartists during ths ea wanted to recreate the atte and scehfic gore of ancent Greece ‘and Rome. The great artist Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel during Tallls'lifetime. Rounds and canons were popular Ss forms of muse curing the early 16th century. Divide into groups and play or ing the Tals Canon a a partround. 141, TALLIS CANON - Round Moderato Thomas Ts @y @ 2 ict ‘Theme and Variations is a musical form where a theme, oF melody. followed : Theme and Variations gy ieren versions ofthe same theme S 142. VARIATIONS ON A FAMILIAR SONG Variation 2 — make up your own variation 143, ESSENTIAL CREATIVITY - THE BIRTHDAY SONG ‘Moderato 5 vy 2 =i l np Percocet young 36 FF pine in 4 trgers E_ ipipsdwtn tnges D fon the C string. fon the C string. {s played with 1 finger on the C string. Listening Skills Piay.natyourtecher plas Lsten crf. 144, LET’S READ “C” 0 A y = 145. LET’S READ “F” 146. LET’S READ “E” 2 A v é 4 E : 147. LET’S READ “D” a Fi = =—: ra 2 ee a a @ 148, SIDE BY SIDE Name the notes before you play. 2 A 3 L oy on 149, ¢ MAJOR SCALE e Whole Note Whole Rest Whole Rest Half Rest nn 2 - Seeger ———*} * of Sitent Bests = & tazasade Tazesede fangstfom —stsona vesting Stafline. 150. RHYTHM RAP unt before playing ‘hadonbow and count before paying. oe enue 7 : Jit tittys 40— ° |e 4 Cone 2aSeAe Te2EZeAe TAZES AAA TA2HIESS TH2ES HAG TADET EAA 151, SLOW BOWS rn ¥ noon nvynyon e =, eevee gaa = i ot Bow.» 152. LONG, LONG AGO ‘Moderato THBaly n n a von von m i ‘An arpeggio isa chord whose pitches are played one at atime. /eagio uses th 2 Arpeggio {25 Shandan ste tomthec marsala, ne wr mameasowses te =| 153. © MAJOR SCALE AND ARPEGGIO — Apeggio — v m fa y ¥ nov e 154, LISTEN TO OUR SECTIONS Violin Viola Cello Bass Vin, Via, Ve Bh 155. MONDAY’S MELODY Moderato i “Traditional Folk Song mn nm i n Dn n - - ce Reson =F =| 2 F i ee tee ac: 38 Special Cello Exercise ‘ite the note names below. Then, write stories using as many note names as possible. Share your work with orchestra friends, Great musicians give encouragement to their fellow performers. Valin and bass players will now leam Team Work ‘new challenging notes, The success of your orchestra depends on everyone's talent and patience. Play your best as these sections advance their musical technique. Listening Skills ay whatyourteacher plays. Listen carefully 156. LET'S READ “E” - Review te ie | 5 v = 2 He 160. MOVING ALONG Name thenotes before you play. Fs 384 SS SSS SS SS Sa 161. G MAJOR SCALE fn — Fe 162. SHEPHERD'S HEY Moderato English Fok Song a > 163. BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN ‘American Folk Song A x . Allegro Listening Skills steywnatyourtecher plays. Usten catty 164, LETS READ “B” - Review 5 165. ICE SKATING ‘Moderato y pe 0 ee te as Fe eee = a 166. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS QUIZ - ACADEMIC FESTIVAL OVERTURE THEME Moderato Johannes Brahms s epee eee pee tree a =| Brae LeLey 40 Jor 2 Scatortes ae ted tht sme orl te ce, Ascot py wih Staccato Seoppalie al en frsapcr teen mca nee 167, PLAY STACCATO ; Delp eee 168. ARKANSAS TRAVELER Allegre Southern American Folk Song 169. 170. 172, 173. a al i SS = Hooked bowing is two or more notes played In the same direction with Hooked Bowing = a stop between each note, 174, HOOKED ON D MAJOR vo 176, POP GOES THE WEASEL Allegro eee ey ey ‘American Folk Song a p = = 42 Dynamics dynamics uswhat volume to pla orsing Sore) Pla loudly, Add more weight tthe bow. > Gano} Play soy, Rernove weigh om the bow. 181, FORTE AND PIANO a 7 P 182. SURPRISE SYMPHONY THEME Andante Em Franzdoset Haydn tf 2 SKI BUILDERS - scales and arpeggios ‘Add your own dynamics to any ofthe lines below. 183, D MAJOR y y i n i 184. G MAJOR A ES 185. G MAJOR (pper Octave-violn) fn y 186. C MAJOR A 187. C MAJOR fn PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT 188. CRIPPLE CREEK ~ Orchestra Arrangement (A Melody and B= Harmony) Allegro. \ ‘American Folk Song ‘Arr Michae! Allen Africas alatge continent made up of many nations, ancl African folk musics as diverse as its many cultures. This folk song from Kenya. The words describe warriors as they prepare for battle, Usten to examples of African folk music and describe the sound, ‘AMOLSIH 189, TEKELE LOMERIA ~ Orchestra Arrangement ‘Moderato Kenyan Warrior Song rn y ‘Arr. Joha Higgins PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT 192, SIMPLE GIFTS ~ Orchestra Arrangement Shaker Fok Song : Are John Higging Andante a oe ohn Hig A 46 PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT Solo with Piano Accompaniment [Asolo isa composition written for one player, often with piano accompaniment. This solo was ‘written by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). You and a piano accompanist can perform for the orchestra, your school, your family and at other occasions. When you have learned the piece well try memorizing It, Performing for an audience isan exciting part of being involved in music, 193, MINUET NO, 2 - Solo f Johann Sebastian Bach Moderato ais Plano Accompaniment Moderato f ae = Beet [ | . 2 2 ‘Anz John Higgins 2 4212 ay Pia Z Improvisation improvisations te art of reely creating your oun music as you pay 3 194. RHYTHM JAM Using he fottowing notes, mprovise your own thyths 195. INSTANT MELODY using the folowing notes, improvise your ovm melad)(Line A, to go with the accompaniment (Line 8) CELLO FINGERING CHART = tS fo mm "EB REFERENCE INDEX Definitions (55) Allegro 20 Repeat Sign 5 Alto Clef 5 (viola) Repeat Signs (enclosed) 22 ‘Andante 20 Round 24 Arco 16 Scale 11 Arpeggio 37 Shadow Bowing 13 BarLines 4 Sharp 6 Bass Clef 5 (cello & bass) slur 29 Beat 4 Solo 46 Bowlife 17 Staccato 40 Chord 24 Tempo Markings 20 Chromatics 33, ‘Theme And Variations 35 CommonTime 27 Tle 29 Counting 5 Time Signature 5, DcalFine 30 ‘Treble Clef 5 (violin) Dotted Half Note 28 UpBow 13 Double Bar 5 Upbeat 30 Down Bow 13 Whole Note 37 Duet 34 Whole Rest 37 Dynamics 42 Whole Step 32 Eighth Notes 20 tst&2nd Endings 21 Forte (f) 42 Composers HalfNote 22 JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH fe hee oe + Minuet No.2 46 HalfStep 32 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Harmony 24 + Odeo Joy from Sym.No.9} 23, Hooked Bowing 41 eee Improvisation 47 + Academic Festival Overtute Theme 39 Key Signature 15 Seas erated + Surprise Symphony Theme 42 Measures 4 hosde wansuertiiaa WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART gas ae | 7 AMorart Melody 15 Music Staff 4 “JACQUES OFFENBACH Natural 32 + GayrCan From*Orpheus And The Underworld” 25 Piano (v) 42 Pickup 30 GIOACCHINO ROSSINI Pizzicato (piez.) 4 ++ William Tell Overture 44 ‘Quarter Note 4 THOMAS TALLIS QuarterRest 4 + TalisCanon 35 World Music AFRICAN + TekeleLomeria 43 AMERICAN + Arkansas Traveler 40 + Big Rock Candy Mountain 39 + Bile‘Em Cabbage Down 24 + Bluebirds Song 33, + Cripple Creek 43 + Grandparents Day 22 + Michael Row The Boat Ashore 22 + Old MacDonald Had A Farm 14 + Monday’ Melody 37 + Pop Goes The Weasel 41 + SkipToMylou 35 + Simple Gifts 45 + ThisOldMan 27 ‘CARIBBEAN. + Banana Boat Song 30 ENGLISH + Bingo 35 + English Round 25 + Sallors Song 28 + ShepherdsHey 39 FAR EASTERN igiiNona 31 FRENCH + AtPlertors Door 22 + AuClaireDeLaLune 20 + French FolkSong 28 + Frére Jacques 24 MEXICAN + Flroliaiera 30 RUSSIAN + Russian FolkSong 34 SLAVIC + Moming Dance WELSH + Good! King Wenceslas 9 ‘TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY MUSIC + Dreidel 13 + Jingle Bells 14

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