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Chapter 08:

Question01: What is meant by the self-ionization of water? Write the expression of Kw. What is
its value at 25 oC?

Ans: The self-ionization of water is a chemical process in which two water molecules react with
each other to form hydronium (H3O+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions:
2H2O ⇌ H3O+ + OH-
In this reaction, one water molecule acts as an acid and donates a proton (H+) to the other water
molecule, which acts as a base and accepts the proton, forming the hydronium ion (H3O+). The
remaining molecule, which has lost a proton, becomes the hydroxide ion (OH-).
The equilibrium constant for the self-ionization of water is represented by Kw and is given by:
Kw = [H3O+][OH-]
At 25°C, the value of Kw is 1.0 x 10^-14. This value is derived from the ion product constant of
water (Kw = [H+][OH-]), which is a fundamental constant of aqueous chemistry. At 25°C, the
ion product constant of water is also 1.0 x 10^-14, since the concentrations of H+ and OH- ions
in pure water are equal and both are 1.0 x 10^-7 M. Therefore, Kw = 1.0 x 10^-14.

Question02: Define pH & pOH of a solution? Also show that pH + pOH = 14. ?

Ans: pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. It is defined as the negative

logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of hydrogen ions ([H+]) in moles per liter.
Mathematically, it is expressed as:
pH = -log[H+]
pOH, on the other hand, is a measure of the hydroxide ion concentration ([OH-]) in a solution. It
is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of hydroxide ions in moles per
liter. Mathematically, it is expressed as:
pOH = -log[OH-]
The sum of pH and pOH in a solution is always equal to 14, which is a constant value at a given
pH + pOH = -log[H+] + (-log[OH-]) = -log([H+][OH-]) = -log(Kw) = 14
where Kw is the ionization constant of water, which is 1 x 10^-14 at 25°C.
Question03: Explain Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases. What is meant by conjugate
acid-base pair give examples?

ANS: The Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases, proposed by Johannes Bronsted and Thomas Lowry
in 1923, defines an acid as a substance that donates a proton (H+) and a base as a substance that accepts a
proton. In this theory, the role of the solvent is not considered, unlike the Arrhenius theory of acids and
According to the Bronsted-Lowry theory, when an acid donates a proton, it forms its corresponding
conjugate base. Similarly, when a base accepts a proton, it forms its corresponding conjugate acid. These
acid-base pairs are called conjugate acid-base pairs.
For example, when hydrochloric acid (HCl) donates a proton to water (H2O), it forms its conjugate base,
chloride ion (Cl-), and the hydronium ion (H3O+) is formed:
HCl + H2O → Cl- + H3O+
In this reaction, HCl is an acid, and water is a base that accepts a proton. The conjugate acid-base pair is
Another example of a conjugate acid-base pair is the ammonium ion (NH4+) and ammonia (NH3):
NH4+ + NH3 → NH3 + NH4+
In this reaction, NH4+ donates a proton to NH3 to form NH3 (base) and NH4+ (conjugate acid).
Conjugate acid-base pairs differ by the presence or absence of a single proton. The stronger an acid is, the
weaker its conjugate base, and the stronger a base is, the weaker its conjugate acid.

Question04: Define the process of hydrolysis. Explain the behavior of each of the following salts
in aqueous solution.

(i) K2CO3 (ii) (NH4)2SO4 (iii) NaNO3

ANS: Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction in which water is used to break apart a compound into two or
more products. In this reaction, water molecules split into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-),
which can react with the ions of the dissolved compound. The result is the breakdown of the original
compound into a new set of products.
Now, let's look at the behavior of each of the following salts in aqueous solution:
(i) K2CO3:
K2CO3 is a salt of a weak base (carbonate ion) and a strong alkali metal (potassium). When it is
dissolved in water, the following hydrolysis reaction takes place:
K2CO3 + H2O → 2 KOH + CO2
In this reaction, the carbonate ion (CO32-) accepts a proton from water (H2O) to form bicarbonate ion
(HCO3-), which is unstable and decomposes into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Potassium
hydroxide (KOH) is formed as a result. The pH of the resulting solution will be alkaline (basic) due to the
formation of KOH.
(ii) (NH4)2SO4:
(NH4)2SO4 is a salt of a weak acid (ammonium ion) and a strong acid (sulfuric acid). When it is
dissolved in water, the following hydrolysis reaction takes place:
(NH4)2SO4 + 2 H2O → 2 NH4+ + SO42- + 2 OH-
In this reaction, water (H2O) reacts with the ammonium ion (NH4+) to produce ammonium hydroxide
(NH4OH), which is a weak base. The sulfate ion (SO42-) reacts with the hydroxide ions (OH-) to form a
slightly basic solution due to the presence of NH4OH.
(iii) NaNO3:
NaNO3 is a salt of a strong acid (nitric acid) and a strong alkali metal (sodium). When it is dissolved in
water, the salt undergoes no hydrolysis, as both its ions are from strong acids and strong bases. Therefore,
NaNO3 will not affect the pH of the solution.

Question05: What is Buffer solution? Explain how it resists the change of pH by adding small
amount of acid and base. Give the applications of buffer solution.?

ANS: A buffer solution is a solution that is able to resist changes in pH when small amounts of
acid or base are added to it. A buffer consists of a weak acid and its corresponding conjugate
base or a weak base and its corresponding conjugate acid. The weak acid or weak base is present
in relatively equal concentrations with its conjugate base or conjugate acid, respectively.
When a small amount of acid is added to a buffer solution, the weak base in the buffer reacts
with the acid to form its conjugate acid. This reaction consumes some of the added acid and
maintains the pH of the solution. Similarly, when a small amount of base is added to a buffer
solution, the weak acid in the buffer reacts with the base to form its conjugate base. This reaction
consumes some of the added base and maintains the pH of the solution.
The ability of a buffer solution to resist changes in pH is due to the presence of the weak acid or
weak base in the buffer. The weak acid or weak base can act as a proton donor or acceptor,
respectively, depending on the pH of the solution. This means that if the pH of the solution
increases, the weak acid will donate more protons to maintain the equilibrium, and if the pH of
the solution decreases, the weak base will accept more protons to maintain the equilibrium. This
buffering capacity is effective within a certain range of pH, known as the buffer range.
Buffer solutions have many applications in different fields. Some of the applications are:
1. Biological systems: The pH of biological systems must be maintained within a narrow
range to ensure proper functioning. Buffer solutions are used to maintain the pH of
biological fluids, such as blood and cell culture media.
2. Chemical analysis: Buffer solutions are used in chemical analysis to maintain a constant
pH during titrations.
3. Industrial processes: Buffer solutions are used in industrial processes, such as in the
production of pharmaceuticals and food, to maintain the pH of the solution.
4. Electrochemistry: Buffer solutions are used as reference electrodes in electrochemical
5. Calibration: Buffer solutions are used to calibrate pH meters and other instruments that
measure pH.

Question06: Describe Lewis theory of acids and bases. What are the advantages of this theory
over Lowry Bronsted theory?

Ans: The Lewis theory of acids and bases was proposed by American chemist Gilbert N. Lewis
in 1923. According to this theory, an acid is a substance that can accept a pair of electrons,
while a base is a substance that can donate a pair of electrons. In other words, an acid is an
electron pair acceptor, and a base is an electron pair donor.
According to the Lewis theory, a complex ion or a molecule can act as either an acid or a base,
depending on the nature of the other reactant. For example, water can act as a base when it
reacts with a proton (H+) to form a hydronium ion (H3O+), and it can act as an acid when it
reacts with a hydroxide ion (OH-) to form two water molecules.

The Lewis theory of acids and bases has some advantages over the Lowry-Bronsted
1. More general: The Lewis theory is more general than the Lowry-Bronsted theory as it
can account for acid-base reactions that do not involve proton transfer, such as the
reaction between boron trifluoride and ammonia.
2. Explanation of coordination chemistry: The Lewis theory provides a theoretical basis for
the coordination chemistry of transition metals, which involves the formation of
coordinate covalent bonds between the metal ion and a ligand.
3. Explanation of Lewis acid catalysis: The Lewis theory provides an explanation for the
catalytic activity of Lewis acids in chemical reactions, which involves the coordination of
the reactants to the Lewis acid catalyst.
4. Explanation of bonding in covalent compounds: The Lewis theory provides an
explanation for the formation of covalent bonds in molecules, where electrons are
shared between two atoms.
5. In summary, the Lewis theory of acids and bases provides a broader understanding of
acid-base reactions compared to the Lowry-Bronsted theory, and it has numerous
applications in chemistry, including coordination chemistry, catalysis, and covalent

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