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Fayoum Governorate

Fayoum East Directorate of Education

Utopia Language School

Department of Science
(Weekly Assessment 1 pri4)

1- Choose the correct answer:

1- All the following properties help arctic foxes to stay warm
except having ………….…… .
a- thick fur coat b- tan colored c- short ears d- short legs

2-…………………… from the behavioral adaptation of acacia tree

a. it has one very long root.
b. it has sharp spines among its leaves.
c. it has very tall trunk.
d. it produces poison to make a bad tasty leaves.

3- Barbary fig keeps animals away, like acacia trees, by its ……….
a. sharp spines b. poison c. smell d. long leaves

4- The roots of kapok tree are not planted deeply in the soil,
because ……………
a. the soil contains less water.
c. the climate is very cold.
b. the soil contains more water.
d. the climate is very hot.
5- If a plant grows in a rainforest, where it is hard to reach sunlight.
So, it needs…..………….To adapt for getting more sunlight.
a-small roots b. a very tall trunk c. sharp spines d. a very short

Put true or false :

1- Chameleon uses its tail and V-shaped feet to hunt and move.
( )
2- Bull shark uses countershading camouflage to sneak up
on its prey. ( )
3- Pine trees live in desert habitat and adapt by having needle
leaves to prevent loss of water. ( )
4- Mangrove trees adapt to resist the water waves through their
long, strong leaves. ( )
5- The ears of arctic fox are larger than those of fennec fox.( )

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