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School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Department of BCA

3rd Semester
Section – ‘H’
Activity – Make a study of an area or a polluted site
Submitted By –
Abhishek Kumar 22BCAR0115
Bhavika Tanwar 22BCAR0125
Garv Kamra 22BCAR0129
Arpit Paliwal 22BCAR0121
Garvit Maheshwari 22BCAR0130

Under the Supervision of

Prof. Emad Salami

Jain Deemed-to-be University
Jayanagar 560069, Bangalore
Karnataka, India

This comprehensive study delves into the
intricate ecosystem of Bellandur Lake, situated
in Bangalore, Karnataka, with a primary focus
on identifying environmental assets, including
rivers, forests, flora, fauna, common plants,
insects, and birds. Additionally, this study
addresses the critical issue of pollution, aiming
to identify its type, root causes, and detrimental
effects, and proposing multifaceted solutions to
restore and safeguard this pivotal ecological


A. Rivers:
Bellandur Lake, while not directly fed by significant rivers, is indirectly linked to the nearby
Yelahanka Lake through a network of stormwater drains. These drains serve as crucial conduits,
aiding in maintaining the delicate hydrological balance between the two water bodies. However,
the health and functionality of these drains have been compromised due to pollution and
encroachments, necessitating restoration efforts to preserve this vital connection.

B. Forests:
The immediate vicinity of Bellandur Lake does not encompass extensive forests. Nevertheless, it
boasts pockets of greenery in the form of small groves comprising native trees such as palm trees,
eucalyptus stands, and acacia species. These wooded areas, although modest in scale, significantly
contribute to the overall biodiversity and provide habitats for various wildlife species.

C. Flora:
1. Aquatic Plants: Bellandur Lake serves as a canvas for a captivating array of aquatic flora.
Dominating the water surface are the vibrant blooms of water hyacinth and delicate water lilies.
Along the lake's periphery, one encounters the elegant presence of Typha and Cyperus species,
whose role extends beyond aesthetics to ecological functions, such as nutrient uptake and water

2. Terrestrial Plants: The terrestrial landscape surrounding the lake boasts a diverse tapestry of
flora, comprising native trees, shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers. These elements provide essential
ecological services, such as soil stabilization, habitat provisioning, and carbon sequestration,
contributing to the region's overall ecological resilience.

D. Fauna:
1. Birds: Bellandur Lake and its surrounding wetlands provide a sanctuary for an impressive array
of avian species. Among the frequent visitors are the striking kingfishers, elegant egrets, proficient
cormorants, and a kaleidoscope of waterfowl. These avian inhabitants exemplify the intricate web
of life sustained by the lake, with many species relying on it for nesting, foraging, and breeding.

2. Fish: The aquatic realm of the lake teems with fish diversity, including species like tilapia and
carp. These fish serve as keystone species within the ecosystem, playing a pivotal role in
maintaining ecological balance by regulating prey populations and nutrient cycling.

E. Insects:
Bellandur Lake and its adjacent wetlands provide a haven for an extensive range of insects, each
playing unique ecological roles. Dragonflies and damselflies, with their iridescent wings and agile
flight, grace the air above the water. Butterflies, resplendent in their intricate patterns and vivid
colours, contribute to pollination processes. However, the area also grapples with mosquito
populations due to stagnant water, necessitating careful ecological management to mitigate public
health concerns.

➢ Pollution Identification:
A. Type of Pollution:
Bellandur Lake is besieged primarily by water pollution, characterized by a combination of
industrial effluents, untreated domestic sewage, and mismanaged solid waste.

B. Causes:
1. Industrial Discharge: The foremost contributor to water pollution in Bellandur Lake is the
absence of stringent regulations governing industrial discharges into the water body. This
regulatory gap has allowed a significant influx of pollutants, including heavy metals, chemicals,
and organic compounds.

2. Sewage: Another significant factor is the inadequacy of sewage treatment infrastructure. The
existing facilities struggle to cope with the burgeoning urban population's demands, leading to
substantial quantities of untreated domestic sewage flowing into the lake.

3. Encroachment: The encroachment of illegal settlements along the lake's periphery exacerbates
the pollution crisis. These settlements engage in haphazard waste disposal practices, allowing solid
waste and debris to accumulate, further contaminating the ecosystem.

C. Effects:
1. Visible Pollution: The most visible manifestation of pollution in Bellandur Lake is the recurring
formation of toxic froth on its surface. These foam blankets, consisting of harmful chemicals and
detergents, not only mar the aesthetic appeal of the lake but also pose severe ecological risks.
2. Ecological Impact: The high contamination levels have inflicted substantial harm on the
aquatic ecosystem. The adverse effects include a precipitous decline in fish populations, which
has ripple effects on the food web, and a noticeable deterioration in water quality, resulting in
reduced dissolved oxygen levels and increased nutrient loads.

3. Quality of Life: The deleterious consequences extend beyond the ecosystem, affecting the
quality of life for nearby residents. The noxious odours emanating from the lake and the visually
unattractive appearance have led to public health concerns and eroded the sense of well-being in
the community.


A. Wastewater Treatment:
- Enforce rigorous regulations mandating the comprehensive treatment of industrial effluents to
stringent standards before permitting any discharge into the lake. Implementation should be
coupled with regular monitoring, stringent penalties for non-compliance, and proactive industry
engagement in sustainable practices.

B. Sewage Treatment Plants:

- Undertake a substantial overhaul of existing sewage treatment infrastructure, significantly
expanding capacity and upgrading technology to ensure that no untreated domestic sewage enters
the lake. This should be complemented by regular maintenance, real-time monitoring, and
performance audits to maintain efficiency.

C. Wetland Restoration:
- Advocate for the reclamation and restoration of wetlands surrounding Bellandur Lake.
Wetlands serve as natural biofilters, effectively removing pollutants and enhancing water quality.
These restoration efforts should be approached with sensitivity to indigenous flora and fauna.

D. Community Awareness and Engagement:

- Initiate comprehensive community awareness campaigns to educate residents about the
paramount importance of protecting Bellandur Lake's ecosystem. These campaigns should
emphasize responsible waste disposal practices, water conservation, and the broader significance
of the lake to the community's well-being.
- Foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents by creating opportunities for
active participation in conservation efforts, such as organizing clean-up drives, ecological
workshops, and citizen science initiatives. Collaborate with local schools and institutions to
integrate environmental education into curricula and instil a culture of sustainability from an early


Bellandur Lake, with its remarkable environmental assets and biodiversity, stands at a critical
juncture. This comprehensive study underscores the urgency of addressing the substantial
pollution challenges it confronts. Implementing the proposed solutions, bolstered by concerted
efforts from local authorities, environmental organizations, and community stakeholders, offers a
tangible pathway towards the restoration and preservation of this invaluable environmental asset.
The success of these efforts will ensure the enduring legacy of Bellandur Lake, securing its
ecological significance and enhancing the well-being of present and future generations.

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