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Create table customer

(cust_id number(10) primary key,
First_name varchar2(20) not null,
Mid_name varchar2(10),
Last_name varchar2(20),
City varchar2(30),
Mobile_no number(10),
Occupation varchar2(20),
DOB date

Create table branch

( branch_id number(5) primary key,
Branch_name varchar2(20) not null,
Branch_city varchar2(20)

Create table loan

(cust_id number(10) references customer(cust_id),
branch_id number(5) references branch(branch_id),
loan_amount number(10,2)

Create table account

(ac_number number(16) primary key,
cust_id number(10) references customer(cust_id),
branch_id number(5) references branch(branch_id),
open_balance number(10,2),
acc_open_date date,
acc_type varchar2(20),
acc_status varchar2(30)

Create table trans_details

( tran_number number(10) primary key,
ac_number number(16) references account(ac_number),
tran_date date,
medium_of_trans varchar2(20),
trans_type varchar2(10),
trans_amount number(10,2)
Insert command for all the tables as follows
 insert into customer
 insert into branch values(10,'alph','ghaziabad');

 insert into loan values(11111,11,20000);
 insert into account
 insert into trans_details values(10001,101,sysdate,'atm','dr','2000');
Requirement 1:

 update account set open_balance=open_balance+500 where

Requirement 2:

 select first_name,to_char(to_date(dob,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'month')
as dob from customer where dob like '09%' or dob like ‘11%;
Requirement 3:

 select city,count(*) from customer

where city like ‘p%’ or
city like ‘c%’
group by city;

Requirement 4:

 Select first_name||nvl(mid_name, _’)||last_name,loan_amount

as “loan amout” from customer,loan
Where customer.cust_id=loan.cust_id ;
Requirement 5:
 Select first_name,ac_type,count(ac_number) as “number of accounts”
from customer,account
Where customer.cust_id=account.cust_id
Group by ac_number;
Requirement 6:

 Select branch_name as “branch name”,count(ac_number) as “number of

accounts” from branch,account
Where branch.branch_id=account.branch_id
Group by ac_number;

Requirement 7:

 Select first_name,mid_name,last_name
,to_char(mobileno,’999,999,9999’) from customer;

Requirement 8:

Select c.* ,count(cust_id) from customer c,loan

Where c.cust_id=loan.cust_id
Group by cust_id
Having count(cust_id)>1 ;
Requirement 9:

Select cust_id,branch_name,loan_amount from branch,loan

Where branch.branch_id=loan.branch_id
Group by branch_name
Having max(loan_amount);
Requirement 10:
Select c.* from customer c,loan l,account a
Where c. cust_id=a. cust_id and
cust_id not in (l. cust_id);

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