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Chapter 9 – Ternary Form

1. What is the definition of “form” musicwise?


2. Describe the difference between “repetition”, "variation" and “reprise”


3. We can distinguish between five different types of “reprise”. Translate the following definitions to Italian.

1. Full reprise without changes

2. Full reprise with little variations

3. Full reprise without changes in the first

part and with a different continuation in
second part
4. Full reprise with little variations in the
first part and with a different continuation
in the second part

5.Shortened reprise

4. In what ways can the middle section of a ternary form contrast with the previous and later ones?

5. How can a composer achieve unity in a musical piece?


6. How can a composer achieve variety in a musical composition?

7. In your opinion, how could the formal balance of a piece of music be achieved?

8. Describe the form of Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Flutes" pointing out the internal structure of "part A" and the
characteristics of the final recapitulation


Choosen piece___________________________________________________________________________

10. Translate to Italian the following text.


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