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Q1: Karl Landsteiner discovered there were 4 of these: A, B, O & AB?

The crrect Answer is: blood types

Q2: This author's "Lord of the Flies" has been turned into films directed by Peter Brook &
Harry Hook?

The crrect Answer is: (William) Golding

Q3: A table-top enclosure for raising & observing plants or animals?

The crrect Answer is: terrarium

Q4: He's recorded "Burn Down the Mission", "Flames of Paradise" & a big hit about a

The crrect Answer is: Elton John

Q5: What preach you practice?

The crrect Answer is: Practice what you preach

Q6: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a flight path on the monitor.) In a 15-minute flight,
Freedom 7 flew 303 miles, peaking at an altitude of just 117 miles, making this man the first
American in space?

The crrect Answer is: Alan Shepard

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