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oA x S| SO) Ney = a bea a Cuneo Finis are ee -@- aed Fang-Grinder! Juan Ramirez As the wicked Fallen Lords spread their malignant shadow, their terrible servants pushed relentlessly westward, halted only by the fighting spirit of valiant men. Even the most ‘courageous defenders might find their boldness lacking when confranted by such a hideous enemy. And of all the fiends, foul and profane, who served the Dark, none were more feared and hated than Fang-Grinder! Ground Zero Mark Bernal The battle for Madrigal lasted four days without pause. Shiver fell on the first night in a spectacular dream due! with Rabican, one of the Nine. No one expected this. We have never before challenged one of The Fallen and won. But the truth behind the victory is stranger than any of the rumors, Antero’s Bestiary Robt M‘Lees Thus Antero said unto me ..."Even in Forgall’s work some amount of speculation must have been necessary to complete certain entries. But now, because of this terrible war, the beasts of myth walk the land once more! And so'it came to pass that my master petitioned the Trow for my safe passage in their lands, that | might observe their natures and record their habits. Inside the Tai Frank Pusateri Murgen believes that we are close to finding a back door. A secret exit from the Tain added by its creators so they could escape the thing if it were ever used against them. It will be hidden, of course, and almost certainly protected by traps, but it is our only chance of escape. YN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE GREAT WAR... TALES FROM ©. AS THE WiCkED FALLEN LORDS CAST THEIR MALIGNANT SHADONS UNTO ThE REALMS OF FREE MEN TERROR REIN ED THE LAND I THE ARMIES OF DARKNESS PUSHED RELENTLESSLY WESTWARD HALTED ONLY BY THE VALIANT Bee, SKIT OF BRAVE IMENT BUT EVEN, THe MOST COURAGEOUS OF PEFENDERS MicHT FIND THER NE ING WH SONTED. WA HIDEOUS ENEMY! AND OF ALL THE FOUL AND PROFA WHO | SERVED THE DARK FEW WERE FEARED AND HATED MORE THAN coe ee ae eee NG 4 DREADED FANG: GRINDER WHOSE VERY NAME: STRUCK FEAR INTO EVEN THOSE THAT RALLED. ROUND HIM INV BATTLE! CALLED THE *KING OF THE CHOLES” AND THE BuacK BOG OF THE HILL LANDS” He Was THE GREATEST AND MOST TERRIBLE OF M18 KINDY MANY A SOLEMN OATH FOR REVENGE ‘BUT NO MATTER How MANY BLADES WERE PLEDGED TowARDS Wis RUIN, HE REMAINED A SCOURGE To MEN EVEKYW) SPHERE WERE THOSE WHO SAID THAT HE WAS A CREATURE BORN AND BLESSED OF THE BLACKEST SORCERY, NURSED ON THE Boo INNOCENCE DEFLED! Vi wad A Mooweyr ADTusN NT AT THE BATE OF CRIMAGE Pony THAT PUURIAL OF MADRICAL ‘$AWy HS FELLOWS PERISH FALLEN BY FANE-CRINDER HIS) WARRIOR'S VOWS FORCOTTEN HE FLED IN TERROR, SUCH vids HWS GUILT AND SHAME? Bo ONE TRULY KNOWS WHY FANGCRINPER SPARED MAURIAC THAT NICHT, THOUGH MOST OF WESTERN LORE, TUT IT Ws OUT OF WEARNESS Fi SPEAK OF 4 SPARK oF MERCY This? MAY FUCKER IN EVEN THE BIACKEST OF HEARTS. APS SUMMONED BY ONE oF \ HEIR FALLEN LORD Masters? | LAS FoR MAURIAG, LOST AND ALONE HE WANDERED TE Hike COUNTRY FOR A'TME, AN AIMLESS ROGUE WARRIOR UNABLE TO COME'TO TERMS WITH 18 DERACED HONOR. Ae Ee puancr nase FoR, Tue DEATH OF Ms, LoMeADES, THOUGH THERE WAg LITIEE HE MIGHT HAVE DONE To AB. THEM INEXPERIENCED AND OUT NUMBERED AS HE HAD BEE) N. @ Shiver whispered her silent dream. A cold sharp breeze froze Rabican where he stood. The souls began to peel away from his body and his concentration waned. Sarre a Catt Veale Pieris » Peel the body ... /.. then pierce the soul. itt e4 peered eee eNy eS hom ret imac WHEN COVENANT FELLAND THE | [ AND SO IT CAME TO PASS THAT MMY MASTER PETITIONED THE TROW FOR GREAT UNIVERSITY BURNED, WE || MY SAFE PASSAGE IN THEIR LANDS, THAT | MIGHT OBSERVE THEIR LOST COUNTLESS GENERATIONS. || NATURES AND RECORD THEIR HABITS FOR OF ACCUMULATED KNOWLEDGE = CHIEF AMONGST THIS LOSS WAS gexcmn | OMCCROS OESTIGRY IS MAN TO HAVE AN ENTRY, ‘AS WELL? BUT ANTERO, MY MASTER AND ‘THE GREATEST SCHOLAR OF OUR AY, DID NOT DESPAIR. AS OTHERS THUS ANTERO SAID UNTO ME, AND TO WHAT FEW OF HIS OTHER PUBILS THAT STILL LIVED, “EVEN IN FORGALL'S WORK SOME AMOUNT OF SPECULATION MUST HAVE BEEN NECESSARY TO COMPLETE CERTAIN ENTRIES, BUT NOW, BECAUSE OF THIS TERRIBLE WAR, THE BEASTS OF MYTH WALK AT THE DAWN OF TIME NY MOLDED US OUT OF STONE AND CLAY. THESE HAD BEEN ACERUS MALUM MAGNUS’ FIRST WORDS SINCE | HANDED HIM ANTERO'S PETITION NEARLY A MONTH AGO AT THE VERY FRINGES OF THE NORTHERN NOLbINCS Ar THEStANT Oba Jounnier tanGuaaaEse OW TO KNOW THE HISTORY OF ‘THE TROW IS TO KNOW THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. THEN, AFTER AN AEON OF PEACE, THE YOUNGER RACES BEGAN TO APPEAR. DURING THAT AGE MAN WAS A SIMPLE BEAST HARDLY WORTHY OF NOTICE. BUT HIS ‘OLDER COUSINS, THE OGHRES, KNEW SOMETHING OF THE WAKING WORLD AND CAI USA RACE OF CONSORTS! "AND THERE WAS NO DENYING IT. EVERY EDIFICE... EVERY SHRINE. EVERY MONUMENT WE ERECTED, WE DID SO FOR THE LOVE OF NYX. THE OGHRES RESISTED US TOSTHAND MAI FR ‘AND BLINDED BY HATRED, WE COULD NOT SUFFER THEM THEIR FREEDOM, THE WAR LASTED FOR THIRTY YEARS ‘AND WAS FRAUGHT WITH UNCONSCIONABLE ACTS OF WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER —- THEIR TOWNS AND VILLAGES HE TORCH AND OUR CITIES THROWN DOWN. ‘AT THE VALLEY OF THE RED SEAL WAS A SOLID MONTH WE LEFT THE FIELD OF BATTLE DISGUSTED By OUR OWN ACTIONS. AND ERECTED NO MONUMENTS TO. JOUR VICTORY WE ABANDONED. IRON AND His KIN, LEAVING THEM [TO THE YOUNGER, LESS WISE RACES. ‘AND IT CAME TO PASS THAT. HOW CAN YOU HOPE TO [CONNACHT RETURNED AND FREED [UNDERSTAND OUR HISTORY IF YOU US FROM GUR PRISON TOMBS. DO NOT KNOW YOUR OWN!?! /AND SO COUNTLESS MORE DEAD WERE ADDED 70 OUR ALREADy PONDEROUS LEDGER AND EVEN THOUGH WE | AND iF IT WERE NOT FOR BALOR'S INSISTENCE THAT WE STAY BEHIND AND DEFEND. RECOGNIZED THATHE. | THE WESTERN APPROACH TO THE FORTRESS AT RHIANON. THE LEVELER WE OWED | | x ke. a [Him OUR EXISTENCE, | MY HOST SEEMED RATHERTENSE | [cHIEFLY, WHY HAD HE NOT SPOKEN | | PERHAPS TOMORROW, IF MY HOST 50 | HALTED OUR INTERVIEW FOR_| |OF THE MYRKRIDIA? ACCORDING TO] | HAS REGAINED His CALM, | WiLL THE DAY, MANY QUESTIONS WERE | [WHAT | REMEMBERED OF FORGALL'S| | BROACH THE SUBJECT. STILL UNANSWERED. ITEXT THE MYRKRIDIA WERE ACTIVE DURING THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE ITROW AND BOTH HAD COME INTO. [CONFLICT WITH CONNACHT. 14 THE END SUPPORT A WORTHY CAUS MYTH: THE FALLEN LORDS HAT Item# 1387, $14.95 Whether you're slogging through the sleeting rain of the Dire Marsh or slowly bakin Great Desert, you'll be glad you're wearing this brush twill black cap. Features the M) logo embroidered on the front and the Bungie logo on the back. SOULBLIGHTER PEWTER MINIATURE Item# 41586, $4.95 This lovingly-crafted pewter figurine of Soulblighter separates true Myth fans from the posers. Paint it, pose it, but never turn your back on it. Created by Ral Partha, the leading name in fantasy figurines. OR BU MYTH: THE FALLEN LORDS Mac: Item# 1310, $39.95 Win95: Item# 11310, $39.95 Available for Windows 95 or Macintosh. THRALL T-SHIRT Item# 1382, $14.95 When Soulblighter completes his conquest of the I style in this green, 100% Cotton Heavy “Loft-Tee." Cal [ona (Eka eas 1g in the glare of the \yth: The Fallen Lords Odds are you know a gamer who doesn't yet own the title that revolu- tionized real-time strategy gaming. What better gift this holiday season? ving races only your Thrall T-shirt will protect you from his vengeance. Shamble around in a ‘Name Tareas (Cy, State, Zp “aun ‘Daye Phone (important, ease oF a mala) Fax Namber (optona) Payment Method O Chick O Mast Card On —O Dicovr (Card Nomber ‘Signature (Far reat eara orders) Domestic Shipping: $5.95, INTL Shipping: $13.95, Orders may be placed by phone (800 295 0060), web (wwrw:bungle.corn), om: Chicago, IL 60680-7877), Ilinois residents must add 8.78% sales tax. 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