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Peace in our hearts!

First of all let us give praise and thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who owns of our lives, for
His guidance and kindness we are still breathing today and because of His guidance we are
gathering in this place. Let Introduce my self my name is Kristo Mewengkang I’m represent the
teenager of Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa "EFATA" TOMPASO PART OF
TUMOMPASO I AREA. Now I'm standing here to deliver a speech with a title

My dear friends in Jesus Christ and the judges that I respect.

Have you ever done making a work and people/friends underestimated or insulted the work? or
have you ever underestimated or even insulted the work of that person? That's what happened
to Noah's story where people said that Noah seemed to be mad, he made an ark on a sunny
day and was more insulting to Noah when he said there would come a flood that was going
cover the whole earth. At that time Noah was humiliated and mocked by others, or as we know
as a bully. In the present time there are many people who consciously or unconsciously become
like the people who bullied Noah, which they bully what other does.

My dear friends in Jesus Christ and the judges that I respect.

Speaking of bully, bully is the act of intimidating, coercing or harassing a good person through
words or actions and bully can happen to anyone and can happen in all environments either in
school, society or in community without exception in the scope of teenagers. Currently, bully
seems to be a trend among teenagers, news that broadcast about bully among teenagers as if
no end, the desire to exalt themselves above others become one of the factors driving them to
do bully actions in order to get their reputations misunderstood, where they feel happy while
doing bully action. In bully, jungle law prevail that the strong one survives and wins, while
the weak one will become the material of ridicule and insults that even become material to be
oppressed by a group of people. Examples of bully we can encounter today such as insulting
or mocking our friends, being abusive, making untrue stories about our friends and then
disseminated or telling us to do something that does not show the character of Christ. Bully
not only happens through direct meetings but also occurs through existing social media such
as facebook instagram and so forth.

Christian teenagers, and the judges

People who had through bullying in their lives usually became quiet and hard to speak. And
sometimes we don't realize bully took the happiness of someone. even a few of them decided to
commit suicide. Let's see in a bible story about Sarah, how Sarah was sacking by Hagar who
said that Sarah was barren and could not get pregnant, that's where Sarah's heart tested where she
felt her heart hurt when Hagar bullied her, but God's love said different over Sarah, and she
got pregnant and gave birth. There is one question that arises for us through the story of
Sarah, whether among us today or ever become like a Hagar, who has bullied someone else?
If we become like Hagar, stop that!! Proverbs 12: 12a tells us that a man who insults his
neighbor is a person who lacks wisdom. Bully is not something good by God to be a relief
not a good thing to be proud of and is a work of the devil to destroy us Christian youth
from our true identities as teenagers of Christ.

Christian teenagers, and the judges that I respect.

Should we as teenagers GMIM cultivate the bully? Of course as a teenager of Christ we

must say ; No and Stop! But if we don't stop bully seriousness whether buly can be eliminated?
Well it’s not. as a GMIM teenager who fears God we need to stop bullying early in our
cultivation to stop us from breaking people's hearts, we have to stop the relief and oppression
around us, start from ourselves, be humble to the Lord Jesus and inculcate in our lives to
always be diligent read the word of God. Stop looking for other people's mistakes, if we
want to be respect, learn to respect others as well. Speak politely to our friends and others
then others will appreciate us. Say it out loud Stop bullying !! Stop bullying !! Between
ourselves and to the person doing bully. And use our lives to be a blessing to others. And
finally , I quote in Ephesians 5: 2 "Live in love, just as Christ also loved us and gave
Himself for us.

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