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Line Graph

When presenting complex data or information, graphs can be a useful tool to convey

key points in a clear and concise manner. There are several types of graphs to choose

from, including bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts.

A line graph is particularly useful for showing trends over time or comparing changes in

data. Line graphs visualize data between two points on a scale and help identify

patterns or trends over time. When creating a line graph, it is important to choose the

appropriate type based on the data being presented. The graph should be easy to read

and clearly labeled with a title and axis labels.

When creating a graph, it is important to choose the appropriate type based on the data

being presented. Avoid cluttering the graph with too much information, and use color

sparingly to highlight important data points. Overall, a well-designed graph can enhance

the effectiveness of an executive summary by providing a visual representation of key


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