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Fuzzy Logic

Dr. Umang Soni


Classical Logic
 Invented by ancient Greeks, Socrates

 used by mathematicians

In this logic

 Every statement is either TRUE or FALSE

 Statements can be combined with the logical connections:
AND and OR
 A statement can be modified with NOT
 Truth tables are used to evaluate the truth value of a complicated
statement (i.e., TRUEness or FALSEness)
 Logical IF–THEN statements are used to express “THEOREMS”

• Most engineering texts do not address the uncertainty in the information, models,
and solutions that are conveyed within the problems addressed therein.

• The more complex a system is, the more imprecise or inexact is the information that
we have to characterize that system. It seems, then, that precision, information and
complexity are inextricably related in the problems we pose for eventual solution.

• However, for most of the problems that we face, we can do a better job in accepting
some level of imprecision.

• It seems intuitive that we should balance the degree of precision in a problem with
the associated uncertainty in that problem
George Boole

• Based on Classical Logic

• In Boolean logic, we use only two possible values, called by various names,
such as
"true" and "false",
"yes" and "no",
"on" and "off“,
"1" and "0".
 Formulas evaluate truth values
• 1854: Logical algebra was published by George Boole
 known today as “Boolean Algebra”
 It’s a convenient and systematic way of expressing and analyzing the
operation of “logic circuits”.
• 1938: Boole’s work was applied to the analysis and design of logic circuits by
Claude Shannon.

Boolean Logic

In Boolean logic, each element either belongs to or

does not belong to a set.
If an element is a member of a given set, the Boolean
logic will return :
1 (representing complete membership)
0 (representing non-membership)

Boolean Logic
If A represents an ordinary crisp set/ Boolean set
Then A ={x | P(x)} indicates that the set A consists of those items
x for which the property P is true.

For example:
According to this statement the bulb will glow at 220V and not otherwise.


NOT GLOW, 0 216 218 220 222 224 226


Fuzzy logic

The Statement “Today is sunny” can be

• 100% true if there are no clouds
• 80% true if there are a few clouds
• 50% true if it's hazy and
• 0% true if it rains all day

Fuzzy Logic
• The term fuzzy refers to things that are not clear or are vague. In the real
world many times we encounter a situation when we can’t determine
whether the state is true or false, their fuzzy logic provides very valuable
flexibility for reasoning.

• In this way, we can consider the inaccuracies and uncertainties of any


• It is used to deal with imprecise or uncertain information and is a

mathematical method for representing vagueness and uncertainty in
decision-making. It is based on the concept of membership function and the
implementation is done using Fuzzy rules.
• It allows for partial truths, where a statement can be partially true or false,
rather than fully true or false.

• Fuzzy Logic is used in a wide range of applications, such as control

systems, image processing, natural language processing, medical
diagnosis, and artificial intelligence.

• In the boolean system truth value, 1.0 represents the absolute truth value
and 0.0 represents the absolute false value. But in the fuzzy logic, there is
an intermediate value too present which is partially true and partially

• Its Architecture contains four parts :

• RULE BASE: It contains the set of rules and the IF-THEN conditions provided by
the experts to govern the decision-making system, on the basis of linguistic
information. Recent developments in fuzzy theory offer several effective methods
for the design and tuning of fuzzy controllers. Most of these developments reduce
the number of fuzzy rules.

• FUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert inputs i.e. crisp numbers into fuzzy sets.
Crisp inputs are basically the exact inputs measured by sensors and passed into the
control system for processing, such as temperature, pressure, rpm’s, etc.
• INFERENCE ENGINE: It determines the matching degree of the current fuzzy
input with respect to each rule and decides which rules are to be fired according to
the input field. Next, the fired rules are combined to form the control actions.

• DEFUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert the fuzzy sets obtained by the inference

engine into a crisp value. There are several defuzzification methods available and
the best-suited one is used with a specific expert system to reduce the error.
Basics of Fuzzy Logic…
Now consider the statement “The bulb glows when supply voltage is "around
According to this statement , the bulb will glow even for voltages lower as well as
higher than 220V.

The condition “around 220V” cannot be represented by either 1 or 0, although the

human mind can very well comprehend that it refers to voltages little below or
higher than 220V. Thus “ around 220V” is not a binary /crisp condition. i.e. two
distinct states 1 and 0 are not enough to characterize it. So one might be inclined to
say that we require more states or multiple states. But how many states?


214 216 218 220 222 224 226

Basics of Fuzzy Logic…
SLIGHTLY, VERY represent an intuitive feel of expert human and
can be expressed as FUZZY SETS.

Fuzzy set is a mathematical measure of ambiguous phenomenon
and a technique for mathematically expressing linguistics

The phrase” around 220V” can be represented by a set of points.

Each point is a measure of the degree to which the phrase”
around 220V” is true.

Basics of Fuzzy Logic…
• The collection of points which determine the curve “AROUND
220V” can be written in the form
F   μF (x)/x OR F   μF (x)/x

• The ∫ and  do not represent the conventional integration or

differentiation signs, but they only denote the collection of
points which form the set F. F is called a fuzzy Set.

• F= AROUND 220V = [0/208, 0.1/210, 0.2/212, 0.4/214,

0.6/216, 0.8/217, 1/220, 0.8/224, 0.6/226, 0.2/230, 0/234]

• Suppose set A is the crisp set of all people with 5.0 ≤ x ≤ 7.0 feet.
• A particular individual, x1, has a height of 6.0 feet. The membership of this
individual in crisp set A is equal to 1, or full membership, given symbolically as
χA(x1) = 1.
• Another individual, say x2, has a height of 4.99 feet. The membership of this
individual in set A is equal to 0, or no membership, hence χA(x2) = 0.
• In these cases the membership in a set is binary, either an element is a member of
a set or it is not.

Membership functions for a crisp set A

• The sets on the universe X that can accommodate “degrees of membership”
were termed by Zadeh as fuzzy sets.
• Continuing further on the example on heights, consider a set H, consisting of
heights near 6 feet .
• Since the property near 6 feet is fuzzy, there is no unique membership function
for H.
• Rather, the analyst must decide what the membership function, denoted μH,
should look like.

Membership functions for a fuzzy set H.

• A key difference between crisp and fuzzy sets is their membership
function; a crisp set has a unique membership function, whereas a
fuzzy set can have an infinite number of membership functions to
represent it.
• For fuzzy sets, the uniqueness is sacrificed, but flexibility is gained
because the membership function can be adjusted to maximize the
utility for a particular application.
Fuzzy Set Operations
• Define three fuzzy sets A, B, and C on the universe X.
• For a given element x of the universe, the following function-theoretic
operations for the set-theoretic operations of union, intersection, and
complement are defined for A ,B, and C on X:
• Union μA∪B(x) = μA(x) ∨ μB(x) = max(A(x), B(x))

• Intersection μA∩B(x) = μA(x) ∧ μB(x) = min(A(x), B(x))

• Complement μ Ā(x) = 1 − μA(x)

Membership functions
• A triangular membership function is specified by three parameters {a,
b, c}:
• Triangle(x; a, b, c) = 0 if x  a;
• = (x-a)/(b-a) if a  x  b;
• = (c-b)/(c-b) if b  x  c;
• = 0 if c  x.
A trapezoidal membership function is specified by four
parameters {a, b, c, d} as follows:

Trapezoid(x; a, b, c, d) = 0 if x  a;
= (x-a)/(b-a) if a  x  b;
= 1 if b  x  c;
= (d-x)/(d-c) 0 if c  x  d;
= 0, if d  x.
A sigmoidal membership function is specified by two
parameters {a, c}:
• Sigmoid(x; a, c) = 1/(1 + exp[-a(x-c)]) where a controls slope at the
crossover point x = c.
• These membership functions are some of the commonly used
membership functions in the fuzzy inference systems.
Fuzzy Rules
• Fuzzy rules are useful for modeling human thinking, perception and
• A fuzzy if-then rule is of the form “If x is A then y is B” where A and B
are linguistic values defined by fuzzy sets on universes of discourse X
and Y, respectively.
• “x is A” is called antecedent and “y is B” is called consequent.
Binary fuzzy relation
• A binary fuzzy relation is a fuzzy set in X × Y which maps each
element in X × Y to a membership value between 0 and 1. If X and Y
are two universes of discourse, then
• R = {((x,y), R(x, y)) | (x,y) Є X × Y } is a binary fuzzy relation in X × Y.
• X × Y indicates cartesian product of X and Y
Fuzzy rule as a relation
If x is A, then y is B
x is A, y is B fuzzy predicates A( x), B( y )
If A( x), then B( y )
can be represente d by relation
R( x, y ) : A( x)  B( y )
R( x, y ) can be considered a fuzzy set with 2 - dim membership function
 R ( x, y )  f (  A ( x),  B ( y ))
where f is " fuzzy implicatio n function" , performs the task
of transform ing the membership degrees of x in A and y in B
into those of ( x, y ) in A  B

Fuzzy implications

Example of Fuzzy implications

Let T and H be universe of temperatu re and humidity,

and define variables t  T and h  H.
A " high" , A  T
B " fairly high" , B  H
then the rule can be rewritten as
R(t, h) : If t is A, then h is B
R(t) : t is A, R(h) : h is B
R(t, h) : R(t)  R(h)
R(t, h)  A  B    A (t )   B (h) /(t , h)
Example of Fuzzy implications

R(t, h)  A  B    A (t )   B (h) /(t , h)

20 50 70 90
20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
30 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5
40 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.9

Example of Fuzzy implications
When " temperatur e is fairly high" or t is A' , A'  T

We can use composition of fuzzy relations to find R(h)

R(h)  R(t ' )  R C (t , h)
20 50 70 90
20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
30 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5
40 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.9
Representation of Fuzzy Rule
Single input and single output
Fact: u is A ' : R(u)
Rule: If u is A then w is C : R(u, w)
Result: w is C ' : R( w)  R(u) R(u, w)
Multiple inputs and single output
Fact: u1 is A1' ' and u2 is A2' ' and ... and un is An' '
Rule: If u1 is A1 and u2 is A2 and ... and un is An then w is C
Result: w is C '
Multiple inputs and Multiple outputs
Fact: u1 is A1' and u2 is A2' and ... and un is An'
Rule: If u1 is A1 and u2 is A2 and ... and un is An then w1 is C1 , w2 is C2 ,..., wm is Cm
Result: w1 is C1' , w2 is C2' ,..., wm is Cm'
Representation of Fuzzy Rule
Multiple rules
Fact : u1 is A' 1 and u2 is A ' 2 and ... and un is A' n
Rule j : If u1 is A' 1 j and u2 is A ' 2 j and ... and un is A' nj , then w 1j is C'1j , w 2j is C' 2j , ..., w mj is C' mj
Result : w1 is C'1 , w 2 is C' 2 , ..., w m is C' m

Compositional rule of inference
The inference procedure is called as the “compositional rule of inference”. The
inference is determined by two factors : “implication operator” and
“composition operator”.

For the implication, the two operators are often used:

For the composition, the two operators are often used:

Representation of Fuzzy Rule
Fact: u is A ' : R(u)
Rule: If u is A then w is C : R(u, w)
Result: w is C ' : R( w)  R(u) R(u, w)

Max-min composition operator

R(u, w) : A  C

Mamdani: min operator for the implication

Larsen: product operator for the implication 32

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