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Q1: The exhibits ranged alphabetically from absynthium to these musical instruments?

The crrect Answer is: zithers

Q2: It's the state capital whose major newspaper is a "Bee"?

The crrect Answer is: Sacramento

Q3: A horse may win a close race by a head or by this part of a head, sometimes literally?

The crrect Answer is: a nose

Q4: You'll stay closer to home in this service, the USA's main maritime search & rescue

The crrect Answer is: the Coast Guard

Q5: In 1655 Dutch colonists conquered New Sweden, an area now part of this state?

The crrect Answer is: Delaware

Q6: Folk songs written by this performer include "Times They are A-Changin'" & "Mr.
Tambourine Man"?

The crrect Answer is: Bob Dylan

Q7: Thousands of pilgrims gather annually in Cairo & Damascus to join caravans to make
the hajj to this holy city?

The crrect Answer is: Mecca

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