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Q1: Maltin tells us this 1951 classic was "gorgeously filmed on location in the Belgian


The crrect Answer is: <i>The African Queen</i>

Q2: Seen here, he's the young starof "Stuart Little"?

The crrect Answer is: Jonathan Lipnicki

Q3: He became Viceroy of Ireland 17 years after he surrendered at Yorktown?

The crrect Answer is: Cornwallis

Q4: A good source of B vitamins & iron, these kidney-shaped nuts are lower in total fat than
most others?

The crrect Answer is: cashews

Q5: Praised for his use of English, this Polish-born author of "Typhoon" knew no English
before age 20?

The crrect Answer is: Joseph Conrad

Q6: Specialist Kristen King became a star among soldiers with her "Country Convoy" show
from inside this zone in Baghdad?

The crrect Answer is: the Green Zone

Q7: A Capuchin?

The crrect Answer is: monkey

Q8: This Latin word meaning "around" is found before years like 3000 B.C.?

The crrect Answer is: circa

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