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ANS 1- Class Hierarchy for Electronic Devices:

In this class hierarchy, I will define a base class called `ElectronicDevice` and derive three specific
classes: `Smartphone`, `Tablet`, and `Laptop`. Each class will inherit attributes and methods from the
base class while also having its unique characteristics.


class ElectronicDevice:

def __init__(self, brand, model, price):

self.brand = brand

self.model = model

self.price = price

def turn_on(self):

return f"{self.brand} {self.model} is now powered on."

def turn_off(self):

return f"{self.brand} {self.model} is now powered off."

class Smartphone(ElectronicDevice):

def __init__(self, brand, model, price, os):

super().__init__(brand, model, price)

self.os = os

def make_call(self, contact):

return f"{self.brand} {self.model} is making a call to {contact}."

class Tablet(ElectronicDevice):

def __init__(self, brand, model, price, screen_size):

super().__init__(brand, model, price)

self.screen_size = screen_size
def browse_web(self, website):

return f"{self.brand} {self.model} is browsing {website}."

class Laptop(ElectronicDevice):

def __init__(self, brand, model, price, cpu):

super().__init__(brand, model, price)

self.cpu = cpu

def run_application(self, app_name):

return f"{self.brand} {self.model} is running {app_name}."


Explanation of the Class Hierarchy:

- We have a base class `ElectronicDevice` with attributes `brand`, `model`, and `price`, along with two
methods: `turn_on` and `turn_off`.

- The `Smartphone` class inherits from `ElectronicDevice` and includes an additional attribute `os`
(operating system) and a method `make_call`.

- The `Tablet` class also inherits from `ElectronicDevice` and includes an attribute `screen_size` and a
method `browse_web`.

- The `Laptop` class inherits from `ElectronicDevice` and includes an attribute `cpu` (central
processing unit) and a method `run_application`.

Creating Instances and Demonstrating Inheritance:

Now, let's create instances of these classes and demonstrate method overriding, which allows us to
provide specific implementations of methods in the derived classes:


# Creating instances of electronic devices

iphone = Smartphone("Apple", "iPhone 13", 999, "iOS")

ipad = Tablet("Apple", "iPad Pro", 799, "11 inches")

macbook = Laptop("Apple", "MacBook Pro", 1499, "Intel Core i7")

# Demonstrating method overriding and inheritance

print(iphone.turn_on()) # Using the base class method

print(iphone.make_call("John")) # Using the derived class method

print(ipad.turn_on()) # Using the base class method

print(ipad.browse_web("")) # Using the derived class method

print(macbook.turn_on()) # Using the base class method

print(macbook.run_application("Photoshop")) # Using the derived class method


Explanation of Method Overriding:

In the code above, we have demonstrated method overriding. The base class `ElectronicDevice` has a
`turn_on` method, which is also present in the derived classes. When we create instances of the
derived classes (e.g., `Smartphone`, `Tablet`, and `Laptop`) and call the `turn_on` method on those
instances, the method specific to the derived class is invoked. This is method overriding in action,
where a method in a derived class provides its own implementation of a method that is already
defined in the base class.

Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming:

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP). It allows us to create a

new class that is based on an existing class, inheriting its attributes and methods. Inheritance
promotes code reusability and the creation of a class hierarchy, where more specific classes (derived
classes) inherit from more general classes (base classes).

Key concepts of inheritance:

1. Base Class (Parent Class): The class that is extended or inherited from is called the base class or
parent class.

2. Derived Class (Child Class): The class that inherits from another class is called the derived class
or child class.

3. Attributes and Methods: The derived class inherits attributes (variables) and methods
(functions) from the base class. It can also add new attributes and methods or override inherited

4. Superclass and Subclass: The base class is also referred to as the superclass, and the derived
class is referred to as the subclass.
In the example provided, `ElectronicDevice` is the base class, while `Smartphone`, `Tablet`, and
`Laptop` are derived classes. They inherit the common attributes and methods from
`ElectronicDevice` and extend it with their unique characteristics.

Inheritance is a powerful mechanism that simplifies code organization, promotes code reuse, and
allows for the creation of hierarchies of related classes, making it an essential concept in object-
oriented programming.

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