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| Wwe... , Pbysicall =. Avo Sexual self ZAINS A//\\ Page 1 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Abstract + Marieb states that gonads form in the eighth week of embryonic development, with male and female reproductive structures in the indifferent stage during early human development. The development of the reproductive system begins during the sixth week of embryonic development, when the gonads begin to differentiate into either ovaries or testes. The gonads arise from the intermediate mesoderm and are regulated by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 2 of 25 Diseases Associated with the Reproductive System Infections, particularly vaginal ones, are common in adults, particularly young and elderly women, Untreated infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and sterility. Neoplasms, particularly breast and cervix tumors, pose significant threats. Menopause, characterized by reduced estrogen production, irregular ovulation, and cardiovascular disorders, is not prevalent in men. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 3 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 4 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 5 of 25 The 4 Part Physiology of Human Sexual Response Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 6 of 25 Z The hypo! ee limbic system regulate sexual responses, specialized "sex center" exists in humans. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 7 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 8 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation ? Type Sexually Transmillted DisBases \lL Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 10 of 25 Chlamydia Chlamydia is a prevalent STD that can cause infection in both men and women, permanently damaging the reproductive system, making it difficult or impossible to conceive. Gonorrhea Gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and urethra in both women and men. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 11 of 25 Syphilis Syphilis is a bacterium that causes infection by entering broken skin or mucus membranes, typically in the genitals, and is primarily transmitted through sexual contact. Chancroid1 we Chancroid is a contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by Haemophilus ducreyi bacteria. It causes tender bumps filled with pus, which can open up into ulcers, typically on the genitals, Although treatable, it spreads easily and increases the risk of developing other health conditions. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 12 of 25 Human Papillomavirus Yuman papillomavirus (HPV) is the name of a very common group of viruses. They do not cause any problems in most people, but some types can cause genital warts or cancer. Herpes Simplex Virus Herpes simplex virus (HSV), acommon infection causing painful blisters or ulcers, is primarily spread through skin- to-skin contact and is treatable but not curable. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 13 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 14 of 25 Natural and Artificial Methods of Contraception Natural family planning methods, based on religious beliefs and cost-effectiveness, do not involve chemical or foreign body introduction into the human body. A. Abstinence Anatural birth control method with a 0% fail rate, is considered the most effective way to avoid Sexually Transmitted Infections, but many struggle to adhere. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 15 of 25 Calendar Method The rhythm method involves withholding from coitus during fertile days, based on the menstrual cycle, and requires recording for six months to determine safe days to prevent conception. Basal Body Temperature The basal body temperature (BBT) is a crucial indicator of a woman's resting temperature, which fluctuates before and during ovulation due to progesterone levels, and can indicate ovulation by a slight decrease and gradual increase. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 16 of 25 Cervical Mucus Method This method relies on the change in cervical mucus during ovulation, which is copious, thin, watery, and spinnbarkeit, indicating fertility and requiring women to avoid coltus to prevent conception. Symptothermal Method The symptothermal method, a combination of BBT and cervical mucus, involves monitoring temperature and mucus changes, and abstaining from coitus three days after temperature rise or peak mucus change. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 17 of 25 Ovulation Detection The ovulation detection method uses an over-the-counter kit to predict ovulation by detecting a surge of luteinizing hormone 12-24 hours before ovulation. Coltus Interruptus ancient method to prevent conception, involving a man withdrawing sperm from the female reproductive organ, but it has potential for fertilization. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 18 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 19 of 25, Oral Contraceptives Oral contraceptives, also known as pills, contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone, which suppress ovulation by suppressing FSH and LH, and limit sperm access to the ova, typically taken on the first Sunday after menstruation. Transdermal Patch Transdermal patches are a method of drug delivery where an adhesive patch delivers a pre-prescribed dose of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 20 of 25 Vaginal Ring containing estrogen and progesterone, is inserted into the female reproductive organ, releasing these hormones, and being removed during menstruation, causing fertility. Subdermal Implants Subdermal implants, made with etonogestrel, desogestrel, and progestin, are rod-like devices inserted under the skin during menstruation to prevent pregnancy, lasting three to five years. Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 21 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 22 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 23 of 25 Earthy Magical Self-Care Presentation Page 24 of 25 THANK YOU

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