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The Relationship between Social Media Advertisement and Impulsive Buying Behavior among Senior High School Students in

Liceo di San Lorenzo

ABM 12 Crema: Group 3


Cornelio, Alicia Mae DJ.

Del rosario, Airon Jhameel D.

Espinosa, Marjun

Gapas, Janea Carla G.

Pascual, Jorvin B.

Punzal, Angel Joy L.

Sanchez, Sweden Lou S.

Toco, Jenny Mae F.


Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Social media is made up of internet-associated applications anchored on technological and ideological Web 2.0 principles, which enable the

production and sharing of the content generated by users. Due to its interactive characteristics that enable knowledge sharing and collaborative and

participatory activities available to a larger community than in media formats such as radio, TV, and print, social media is considered the most vital

communication channel for spreading brand information. Social media comprises blogs, internet forums, consumer’s review sites, social networking

websites (Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, and Facebook), and Wikis (Arrigo, 2018). Now, the promotion of products is not just limited to traditional media such

as print and electronic media. Businesses are using social media to promote their products and services. Companies can quickly reach customers

through emails, content, web-based activities, and display promotions throughout the world. These technologies have proven quite advantageous for

online shops.

Social media facilitates content sharing, collaborations, and interactions. These social media platforms and applications exist in various forms,

such as social bookmarking, rating, video, pictures, podcasts, wikis, microblogging, social blogs, and weblogs. Social networkers, governmental

organizations, and business firms are using social media to communicate, with its use increasing tremendously (Cheung et al., 2021). The business

environment has transformed due to technical know-how; it has become familiar with many of the newest revolutions, such as social networking sites.

Though individuals use these platforms primarily for interacting with others, they also exchange their thoughts, ideas, and involvements about various

products and services on social media.

Rook (1987: 191) explained, “Impulse buying occurs when a consumer experiences a sudden, often powerful, and persistent urge to buy

something immediately. The impulse to buy is hedonically complex and may stimulate emotional conflict. Also, impulse buying is prone to occur with

diminished regard for its consequences.” It was suggested that impulse buying is a fast experience, not a slow one. It is more spontaneous than cautious.

Impulse buying is all about being reflective; there is no reminder to buy the product.

Beatty and Ferrell (1998) described that impulse buying refers to immediate purchases without any pre-shopping objective, either to purchase a

specific product category or to fulfill a specific need. They explained that impulse buying occurs after experiencing a buying desire by the shopper and

without much reflection. The buying of an item that is out-of-stock and reminded during encountering the product are excluded from the purview of im -

pulse buying. Impulsive buying means making an unplanned purchase. It is based on irrational thinking. Marketers try to tap this behavior of customers to

boost sales. There is a great likelihood that customers end up making a purchase of products after entering the hypermarket without any actual intent of

doing so. Many mobile phone makers tend to exploit this trait in customers by introducing products that can be an add-on gadget for their mobiles, such

as fitness bands, watches, etc


Social media provides a platform for communication, entertainment, and information sharing. However, it has also become a powerful tool for ad -

vertising products and services. This connection between social media advertisements and impulsive buying behavior is particularly evident among stu-

dents. Advertisements on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others often use limited-time offers or flash sales to entice individu-

als into making quick purchasing decisions, resulting in the impulsive behavior of students. Constant exposure to these advertisements can lead to impul -

sive purchases without considering the long-term consequences.

Intervention from respondents provides valuable insights into their thought processes and decision-making patterns when exposed to social media

advertisements. By actively involving students in the research process, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to im -

pulsive buying behavior.

This study aims to determine the relationship between social media advertisements and impulsive buying behavior among senior high school

students in Liceo di San Lorenzo. The researchers selected this study because, in today’s world, all people are using mobile phones. This means they are

exposed to any social media advertisement. When consumers see promotions, discounts, and deals on social media, it influences their buying behavior.


Background of the Study

In recent years, the influence of social media on consumer behavior has become a significant area of interest for researchers and marketers alike.

Companies have increasingly turned to these channels to promote their products and services with the rise of various social media platforms, such as

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As a result, the impact of social media advertisements on consumer behavior, particularly impulsive buying behavior,

has become a subject of considerable importance. Peiris (2023) states that how individuals connect, communicate, and engage with brands has evolved

due to social media. As more and more individuals use social media to study items, make decisions about what to buy, and share their opinions with

others, the influence of social media on consumer behavior has grown in importance in recent years. The ease with which consumers can obtain

information about goods and services is one of the main ways that social media affects consumer behavior. Users of social media sites can read product

and service evaluations, evaluate costs, and learn more about the features and advantages of various offerings. This lessens the dependency on

conventional marketing and advertising channels and facilitates consumers' ability to make well-informed judgments.

Senior high school students are a particularly interesting demographic to study in this context. This age group is often characterized by a high

level of digital literacy and an increasing level of independence in their purchasing decisions. Moreover, they are at a stage in their lives where they are

highly susceptible to external influences, including those from social media. As a prominent educational institution, Liceo di San Lorenzo provides an ideal

setting to explore the relationship between social media advertisements and


impulsive buying behavior among senior high school students. Singh et al. (2023) emphasize that understanding consumers' evolving purchasing

behaviors has become a significant challenge for businesses in the current dynamic business environment. Businesses are increasingly utilizing Social

Networking Sites (SNS) to effectively navigate these changes by attracting, connecting with, and profitably engaging customers. Analyzing the impact of

social networking sites on Impulse Buying Behavior (IBB) is a difficult task for businesses, but it is crucial for their long-term success in the market. By

conducting this study, the researchers aim to gain insights into the extent to which social media advertisements influence impulsive buying behavior

among this demographic. Additionally, this study seeks to understand the underlying factors that drive impulsive buying behavior in response to social

media advertisements.

By shedding light on these aspects, the findings of this study can potentially inform marketing strategies targeted at senior high school students

and contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of social media in shaping consumer behavior. Ultimately, this research aims to provide valuable

insights that can help both marketers and educators better understand and address the impact of social media on impulsive buying behavior among

senior high school students.


Theoretical Framework

As Stated by Chaffey (2002), Social media marketing is an important part of the internet marketing industry since it involves how to conduct

customer conversations on a website or on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter. Social media platforms are designed for constant engagement. Users spend a

significant amount of time scrolling through their feeds, which means they are exposed to a wide variety of advertisements. This frequent exposure can

create a sense of urgency and desire to make spontaneous purchases. Social media marketing also appeared to be more convenient and cost-effective

than traditional media marketing. Marketers immediately noticed this (Alalwan et al., Citation2017). Owing to the fact that this was a new platform, there

were no typical safe paths to be taken. Testing, analyzing, and using ideal marketing tactics were necessary because there were so many unknown

opportunities. Marketing innovations such as meme marketing were vital in capturing the first mover advantage. The timing of these marketing

innovations was also crucial. It was necessary for marketers to revise their existing plans in order to adapt to this shift in the media landscape a new

campaigning model is being developed and tested in the industry as a result of these changes. In the past, the marketing businesses were largely

unaffected by social media because it was devoid of commercial material. Social media users’ behavior and reactions must be understood in order to

make the most of this new marketing tool (Bond et al., Citation2010; Sanny et al., Citation2020). As a result, advertising strategies can be more effective

when they are better understood.


Rapid rise in social media users has spawned a new form of advertising for businesses called social media advertising. Advertisers have long

faced one of the most important challenges: low consumer acceptability of commercials. It is vital to identify the most salient elements of social media

advertisements that influence how consumers see them. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence how social media

advertisements are perceived and their effect on customer purchase intent. Structural Equation Modelling was used to investigate the effect of customer

characteristics on purchase intention. The findings indicate that creative characteristics, attention-grabbing details, emotional appeal, and celebrity

endorsement all had an effect on how social media advertising was evaluated. The study discovered that elements such as attention-grabbing details,

celebrity endorsement, and emotional appeal have a considerable impact on customer purchase intention. A sufficient emphasis on the aforementioned

traits would aid in the development of effective social media marketing and increase consumer buying intent. Social media advertising and student

purchase behavior are influenced by emotional appeal. Students become more identified with brands thanks to ads' capacity to bring about feelings and

build relationships, which positively affects their intention to make a purchase. Through emotional appeals, advertisers can actively engage with their

target audience on social media networks. Many different strategies, such as storytelling, humor, generating fond memories, or triggering strong

emotions, are used in emotional advertising to establish a bond between the brand and the student consumer. The availability of information and

transparency on social media has a significant impact on the association between social media advertising and student purchasing behavior. Students

now have access to a lot of information, allowing them to more closely study and assess adverts. Transparency is a critical factor in social media

advertising that promotes.


trust and credibility. Social influence is the underlying psychological process that causes people to imitate the actions, attitudes, and beliefs of others. It is

crucial in influencing consumer behavior, especially in young people who are more receptive to outside influences. At this point in their lives, students are

more inclined than ever to look to their peers for recognition, acceptance, and approval. Therefore, social influence has a big influence on how they feel

and behave with social media ads.


Conceptual Framework


Social Media Advertisement Impulsive Buying Behavior

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm

The figure presents the conceptual paradigm of the study, indicating the independent and dependent variables. On the left-hand side of the

framework are the independent variables of the study, namely social media advertising. Social media advertising refers to the use of social media plat -

forms and websites to promote a product or service. On the other hand, the dependent variable of the study is impulsive buying behavior. Impulsive buy -

ing behavior refers to the unplanned purchase of a product or service without much deliberation or evaluation. According to various studies, social media

advertisements can influence buying behavior in several ways.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the relationship between social media advertisement and impulsive buying behavior among Senior High School students

in Liceo di San Lorenzo

To answer these inquiries, the researchers seek to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Strand

2. What apps have a most popping advertisement in the following


2.1 Facebook

2.2 YouTube

2.3 TikTok

2.4 Instagram

2.5 Twitter

3. What is the relationship of social media advertisement on impulsive buying behavior in terms of:

3.1. Social influence

3.2. Information availability and transparency

3.3. Emotional appeal

4. Is there a relationship between social media advertisement and Impulsive buying behavior?


Scope and Limitations of the Study

The focus of this study was limited only to senior high school students at Liceo di San Lorenzo. The main focus of this study is to determine the re-

lationship between social media advertisements and impulsive buying behavior among senior high school students at Liceo di San Lorenzo. The study

was conducted during the school year 2023–2024.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be a great benefit to any of the following:

Educators. The study findings can be used to develop educational materials and programs that teach students about the dangers of impulsive buying

and how to make informed purchasing decisions.

Marketers. The study findings can be used to develop more responsible marketing practices that target young people.

Parents. The study findings can be used to help parents understand the impact of social media on their children's purchasing decisions and to develop

strategies to help their children avoid impulsive buying.


Policymakers. The study findings can be used to inform the development of regulations and interventions to protect consumers from harmful marketing


Students. This study can help them provide valuable insight and knowledge concerning the impact of social media on their purchasing behavior.


It will help students quickly learn how to regulate their behavior when making purchases on social media.

Hypothesis of the Study


H0: There is no significant relationship between social media advertising and impulsive buying behavior among senior high school students.

H1: There is a significant relationship between social media advertising and impulsive buying behavior among senior high school students.

Definitions of Terms


Behavior - The variety of actions and expressions exhibited in a given environment by people, animals, systems, or artificial entities.

Buying - The acquisition of a good or service that is normally paid for with cash or another asset exchanged.

Impulsive - Exhibiting behavior that involves acting impulsively, without thought, or planning.

Social Media - Digital technology that enables communication via virtual communities and networks of ideas and information, including text and images.


Social Media Advertisement - The process of connecting with audiences through social media platforms in order to develop a business's brand, boost

sales, and improve website traffic.

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