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In Python, a variable is a symbolic name that refers to a value or an object.

It is
a way to store and manage data in a program. Unlike some other programming
languages, in Python, you don't need to declare the type of a variable explicitly;
Python dynamically infers the type based on the value assigned to it.

Here are some key points about variables in Python:

Variable Assignment:
You can assign a value to a variable using the equal sign (=). For example:


age = 25
name = "John"
Variable Naming Rules:

Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

They cannot start with a number.
Python is case-sensitive, so age and Age are different variables.
Dynamic Typing:
Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don't have to declare the type of a
variable. The interpreter determines the type based on the value assigned. For


x = 10 # x is an integer
y = "hello" # y is a string
You can reassign a variable to a new value of a different type:


x = 10
x = "hello"
Variable Types:
Python supports various data types, including integers, floats, strings, lists,
tuples, dictionaries, and more. The type of a variable can be checked using the
type() function:


age = 25
print(type(age)) # Output: <class 'int'>
Variable Scope:
The scope of a variable defines where it is accessible. Variables can have local
scope (within a function or block) or global scope (accessible throughout the
entire program).


global_var = 10 # Global variable

def my_function():
local_var = 5 # Local variable
print(global_var) # Accessing global variable within the function

Variables play a fundamental role in Python programming, enabling the storage and
manipulation of data within a program. Understanding how to declare, assign, and
use variables is essential for writing effective and readable Python code.

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