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In the near future, it is expected that machine learning models will be able to produce cartoon versions
of videos in real-time, enabling applications like live streaming and real-time cartoon filters in video
conferencing applications. The major goal of the study is to solve various sorts of photographs with
one, two, or three objects that cannot be solved by any of the existing methods but can be solved by
the approach we present. It can produce the precise result mentioned above, and a variety of input
photographs will result in pleasing outcomes. The algorithm is not flawless, though, and it does not
react predictably to all inputs. It would be absurd to anticipate that a one-size-fits-all method will
deliver consistent outcomes given the range of input photos. So, we've demonstrated how to turn an
image into a cartoon. We have provided samples of how a cartoon is created from a pictures.
With the advancement of deep learning techniques, the accuracy and speed of learning algorithms have
improved significantly, making it possible to train models capable of generating high-quality cartoon
versions of images.
Additionally, with the increasing demand for personalized content, machine learning models can be
trained to produce cartoonified images based on an individual's preferences and unique facial features,
creating a highly personalized experience. Another application can be in the gaming industry, where
the use of cartoonish graphics is prevalent, and machine learning models can help generate cartoon
assets suitable for use in games. The future scope for cartonifying images using machine learning is
extensive and has the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with visual content.


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