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Journal of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Design (xx) xxxx: xx-xx

Title of Manuscript (Book Antiqua, Bold, 14 pt)

Full Name1a1, Full Name of Author2a, Full Name of Authorb,c (10pt)
Affiliation, Country (8 pt)
Afilliation,, Country
Affiliation, Country

Abstract. The abstract should be clear, concise, descriptive and should provide a brief introduction to the problem. This should generally be
followed by a statement regarding the methodology and a brief summary of results. The abstract should end with a comment on the
significance of the results or a brief conclusion. Abstracts are written in 8 pt Book Antiqua, preferably not more than 250 words.
Keywords: Provide keywords, at least 5 words and sequence by initial word (8 pt)
Article history: Received: xxx; Revised: xxxx; Accepted: xxx; Available online: xxx (6 pt)
How to cite this article: Family name, A.B., Family Name, C.D., and Family name, E. (year) Title of Manuscript. Journal of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Design, x(x), xxx-xxx. (6 pt)

1. Introduction
By using this template will enable you to prepare your manuscript in accordance with the instructions for authors for Journal
of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Design (JCEPD) papers with a minimal amount of manual styling and formatting. Font 9

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Format
You must use 1.0 (single) line spacing and Book Antiqua font 9 pt

2.2 Authors
Author names should be in 10 pt Book Antiqua with 6 pts above and 6 pts below. Author addresses are superscripted by
numerals and centered over both columns of manuscripts. Professional positions/ titles such as Professor, Dr., Production
Manager etc., are to be avoided.

3. Table
Tables should have a title that makes the general meaning understandable without reference to the text. Tables should be
presented in the form shown in Table 1, with all text, including title 8 pt. Their layout should be consistent throughout.
Horizontal lines should be placed above and below table headings, above the subheadings and at the end of the table
above any notes. Vertical lines should be avoided.If a Table is too long to fit onto one page, the table number and headings
should be repeated on the next page before the table is continued.

Table 1
Provide the caption of your legend (Source: Reference, year) Book Antiqua 8 pt

Location Microplastic type

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Coordinat 1 2.5 2.55 8
Coordinat 2 3 18.23 0
Coordinat 3 1 5 9

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Copyright © xxx. The Authors. Published by LPPM ITATS

Citation: Author1., Author2, Author3.,Author4. (Year), Your Title. Journal of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Design, xx(xx), xx-xx, doi: 10.19907/

Fig. 1 Provide the caption for your Figures Book Antiqua 8 pt

4. Figure
For Figure must be clear and high resolution with min 300 dpi. All illustrations should be clearly displayed by leaving at least
a single line of spacing above and below them. When placing a figure at the top of a page, the top of the figure should be at the
same level as the first text line of the other column. Legends to illustrations should be centered if on one line or aligned left if
on two or more lines and should be 8 pt.
Photographs must always be sharp originals (not screened versions) and rich in contrast. A copy or scan of the photograph
should be pasted on the page and the original photograph (labelled) should accompany your paper. All notations and
lettering should be no less than 2 mm high. The use of heavy black, bold lettering should be avoided as this will look
unpleasantly dark when printed.

5. Equation
Equations should be placed flush-left with the text margin and should be precede and followed by one line of white.

−b ± √❑
x= (1)

REECl 3+ H 2 A 2 ⇌ REECl 3 H 2 A 2 + H+ (2)

6. Conclusion
Papers not prepared in accordance with these guidelines and manuscripts with number of mistakes will have to be pre-
rejected by Editor. Submission of full-text paper can be done through Online Electronic Submissions Interface at the following
URL address:

You can put your acknowledgements here

References Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) format by manager references (endnote, mendeley, zotero,
and etc)

[1] F. K. Yuzo Baba, Noriho Kamiya, and Masahiro Goto, "The selective recovery of Nd3 and Dy3 from magnetic scrap
leach liquor has been performed by ionic liquid-based SLM, a promising application.," Solvent Extraction Research
and Development, Japan, vol. 18, pp. 193-198, 2011, doi:
[2] D. D. Diana Bauier, Jennifer Li, Michael McKittrick, Critical Materials Strategy. United States: U.S. Department of
Energy, 2012.
[3] P. R. Danesi, "Separation of Metal Species by Supported Liquid Membranes," Separation Science and Technology, vol.
19, no. 11-12, pp. 857-894, 2006, doi: 10.1080/01496398408068598.

Copyright © xxx. The Authors. Published by LPPM ITATS

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