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English Language Teachers’ Association of Macedonia

Асоцијација на наставници по англиски јазик и книжевност

Република Македонија

EFL Local Competition for 9th Grade Primary School

24 March 2018

Student’s Code ________________

Points: ________ / 100


EFL Local Competition for 9th Grade Primary School Students
24th March 2018

Time limit 50 minutes Student’s CODE : _______________________

USE OF ENGLISH Total points: ______ /100

I Report these statements, questions and commands

1. “I was interested in art at the age of two”

Sarah told us_______________________________________________________________
2. “We’re going to the sculpture park next week”
The students said____________________________________________________________
3. “Please leave all your things at the entrance”
The guide asked them_________________________________________________________
4. “Will you be able to clean the marks off the wall?”
He wanted to know ___________________________________________________________
5. “Why did you leave all your paintings here?”
His mum asked him___________________________________________________________
6. “Don’t go too close to the cages”
One of the Zoo keeper told us___________________________________________________
7. -“Can you tell us something about this instrument?”
The interviewer asked Will_____________________________________________________
-“What do you make these instruments out of?”
She also wanted to know______________________________________________________

2 points each answer 16/______

II Rewrite these sentences in the Passive. Include the agent where it is necessary.

1. Nowadays scientists do a lot of interesting research.

2. My friend Tom always lights candles at my birthday parties.
3. They still publish this journal twice a year.
4. Do you think a woman invented the first automatic dishwasher?
5. Somebody from the college is going to meet the professors at the train station.
6. Anna Williams read the news last night.
7. Did the police officer arrest the criminal?

2 points each answer 14/______

III Read the text and complete the gaps with a, an, or the where necessary.
Tokyo teens
Japanese culture is having 1) ______ enormous impact on 2) ______ rest of the world,
especially in 3) ______ areas of film, food, music and fashion. In 4) ______ Tokyo you can find
cutting edge fashion, experimental music and 5) ______ really funky, trendy youth scene.
6) ______ streets of Shibuya are 7) ______ city’s most popular area for youth culture.
Teenagers here are hip kids with all 8) ______ latest gadgets. 9) ______ Japanese teenage
girls spend their money on 10) ______ hottest trends in clothes and music, and 11) ______
teenage boys invest in 12) ______ latest computer games and 13) ______ technology.

1 point each answer 13/______

IV Choose and circle the correct alternative

Nobody knows exactly how 1) much/some/many words there are in total in the English
language but there are 2) a lot/a lot of/lots of. One reason why there are so 3) many/much/a
lot is that English takes words from 4) much/many/any other languages. Look at the words
for food, for example. There may be 5) a little/any/a few words that come from your language.
6) Some/Any/Much of the words come from South America - potato, tomato and chocolate.
There aren’t 7) some/any/many words from Chinese in the English language, but ketchup is
one of them. Originally ketchup was the name for a type of fish sauce in China. Teenagers in
the UK don’t eat 8) some/many/much fish sauce but they do eat 9) a lot/lots/lots of burgers.
The word burger comes from German. Because the UK and France are neighbours it is normal
that there are 10) a few/a little/a lot of French words in English- hundreds in fact. Biscuit is
just one example…….
1 point each answer 10/______

V Read the text and complete the gaps with must, mustn’t ,should

The Countryside Code (respect, protect, enjoy)

 Our advice - you 1) __________________ treat the countryside as you would treat your
 When you go for a walk, you 2) _________________ check the weather forecast.
 You 3) __________________ climb over fences or hedges or touch machinery.
 By law, you 4) __________________ keep your dog on a short lead near farm animals.
 People 5) __________________ drop litter - it’s dangerous to wildlife and can spread
 People (6) ____________________ enter the private properties, they
(7)__________________ stay out!
1 point each answer 7/______

VI Read the text and put the verb in brackets in the correct tense

Dear Terry,

Guess where I 1) ____________________ (be)! I’m at the adventure camp! I 2) ___________

___________ (be) here since Sunday and I 3) ______________________ (have) a fantastic
time. I 4) __________________________ (stay) in a small hut with five other boys and they
5) __________________________ (be) a great laugh.
So far we 6) _________________________ (be) horse riding and hiking. We 7) ___________
_______________ (go) horse riding yesterday and I 8) _________________________ (love)
it. While we 9) _________________________ (ride) it 10) _________________________
(start) to rain, but that 11) __________________________(not spoil) our adventure. I hope we
go again. Today, we 12) ___________________________ (go) hiking all day and I’m
exhausted! However, it 13) ___________________________ (be) a good experience because
we 14) ___________________________ (learn) how to use a compass.
Tomorrow we 15) __________________________ (go) canoeing. 16) __________________
________________ (you/ever/be)? I 17) ____________________________ ( always want) to
try it and I’m so excited! We 18) ____________________________ (not try) mountain biking
yet. The mountains 19) ____________________________ (be) only 5 km from here and we
20) _______________________________ (go) there on Thursday. On the last day we
21) _______________________________ (go) sailing if the weather 22) ________________
_________________ (be) good. I’m looking forward to that!
That’s all for now. It’s late and I must go to bed. We 23) _____________________________
(get) up very early tomorrow.

Take care,
1 point each answer 23/______
VII Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in
Brackets and any other word that may be necessary.

1. Which is ________________________________________ (long) river in your country?

2. I always wake up ___________________________________________ (early) my brother.
3. Kentbridge Hotel has got __________________________________________ (many)
rooms as Summerville Hotel.
4. I believe sailing is _______________________________________ (dangerous) rock
5. Kale Fortress is _____________________________________ (popular) sight in my town.
6. The red dress costs ____________________________________ (little) the green one.
7. She did ______________________________________ (good) I did in dance competition.
8. August is ______________________________________ (hot) month of the year.
9. Mike drives _______________________________________ (carefully) his brother.

1 point each answer 9/______

VIII Complete with the correct question tags

1. There is a park near your house, _________________________?

2. Ted shouldn’t take those pills, __________________________?
3. Kate went to the cinema last night, __________________________?
4. Larry loves working out at the gym, ___________________________?
5. Tom’s uncle was an astronaut, _____________________________?
6. Alex hasn’t done his homework yet, _____________________________?
7. Jullie will spend two weeks in the Maldives, _____________________________?
8. Jim isn’t coming with us on Sunday, ___________________________?

1 point each answer 8/______

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