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Journal of the Korean Radiologica l Society 1995 ; 33( 1) : 15-20

MR Imaging of Solid Cerebellar Tumors in Adult 1

Sung Wook Choo , M.D.2 , Kee Hyun Chang , M.D. , Moon Hee Han , M.D. ,
In Kyu Yu , M.D. , Kyu Ho Choi , M.D.3 , Ki Jun Kim , M.D.3 , Hong Sik Byun , M.D.2

Purpose: The solid variety of cerebellartumors in aduit is reiatively uncommon.

This study is to describe the characteristic MR findings of various solid cerebellar
tumors in adult.
Methods: Twenty three cerebellar sol id tu mors from 22 consecutive patients
over age of 15 with surgical confirmations were retrospectively evaluated with
MR imaging. Histologicdiagnosis included hemangioblastoma (n=6 ), metastasis
(n=6 ), high-grade astrocytoma (n = 3 ), and medulloblastoma (n=8). The MR
findings were reviewed with attention to the size, the signal intensity of the
tumors , pattern of enhancement , tumoral margin , degree of peritumoral edema ,
signal void vascular structures within and/ or around the tumor , and location in
relation to attachmenttothe pial surface ofthetumor

Resu ts: Solid hemangioblastomas consistently showed slightly low or iso sig-
nal intensity on T1-weighted images and high intensity on T2-weighted images ,
dense homogeneous enhancement , and signal void vessels within and/ or around
the mass. Metastatic tumors showed various findings with predominantly low or
iso signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Medulloblastomas was midline
and / or paramidline in location , and had larger mass formation. High-grade
astrocytomas revealed nonspecific MR findings with no signal void vessels .
Conclusion: Hemangioblastoma , metastasis , malignant astrocytoma , and
med 비 loblastoma should be included in differential diagnosis of solid cerebellar
tumors in adult. Dense homogeneous enhancement and signal void vessels are
characteristic of hemangioblastoma. The signal intensity of the tumor, and pres-
ence of signal void vessels , location and enhancement pattern can be some value
in differential diagnosis of s 이 id cerebellartumors in adult.

Index Words: Brain neoplasms , MR

wledge , however , there have been only a few docu-

INTRODUCTIOI\l ments on the MR findings of solid cerebellar tumors in
adult (1 , 3 , 6 , 7). The purpose of this study is to describe
Infratentotial tumors in adult are relatively uncom- the MR findings of solid cerebellar tumors in adult and
mon and have a histologic distribution different from to evaluate the characteristics on MR imaging , if any , in
those of the supratentorial location. Cerebellar solid each of these tumors
tumors in adult are less common than those in children
(1 - 3). Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has currently PATIENTSand METHODS
been used as an imaging modality of choice in ev-
aluating most intracranial diseases (1 - 5). To our kno- Brain MR images of consecutive 22 patients with
'Oepartment ofR adiol ogy , Seoul National UniversityColl ege of Medicine pathol og ically - confi rmed twenty th ree sol i d cerebell ar
20epartment ofRadiol ogy , Samsung Medical Center tumors were retrospectively reviewed. Fifteen were
30epartment of Radiology , Cathol ic University Medical Col lege
men and seven women , aged 15 to 52 years. Six
이 연구는재단법인 한국방사선연구재단 1993 년도 MR 연구비 지원에 의하여
이루어졌음 patients with hemangioblastoma , five with metastasis ,
ReceivedFebruary28 , 1995 ;AcceptedJuly3 , 1995 three with high-grade astrocytoma , and eight with
Address reprint requests to : Sung Wook choo , M. 0. , Oepartment 01 Radiology , medulloblastoma were included in this study. Meta-
Samsung Medical Center 50 Ilwon-dong , Kangnam-ku , Seoul, 135-230 Korea
Te l. 82- 2- 341 Q- 2518 Fax. 82-2-341 0- 2559 stases were from lung in two , and one each from gas-

Journal 01 the Korean Radiologica l Society 1995 : 33( 1) ’ 15-20

trointestinal tract , kidney , and breas t. Metastasis from Degree and pattern of enhancement were visually
cholangiocarcinoma showed two masses in the right assessed. Peritu moral edema was visually graded into
cerebellar hemisphere with same character. Fourteen two groups ; none to mild and moderate to severe in de-
patients were examined on a 2.0 T , seven on a 1.5T and gree
one on a 0.5 T units. A standard spin echo pulse se-
quence was used to obtain T1 weighted (T1 WI)
(500-700/30/3-6 , TR /TE/excitatio ns) , proton - den-
sity - weighted (2000-3000/30/1 -2) and T2 - weighted Brief characteristic MR imaging findings of sol id cer-
(T2WI) (2000-3000/80-100/1 -2) images in sagittal , ebellar tumors in adult are summarized in table 1
axial , and/or coronal planes. Contrast - enhanced Hemangioblastomas were located in cerebellar
T1WIs were obtained in 20 patients after intravenous hemisphere in four patients (three in the left , one in the
injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist , right) , superior vermis in one , and tonsil in one , all of
Shering , Berlin) (0.07-0.1 mmol /kg body weight) ex- which were attached to pial surface. The tumors were
cept each one from medulloblastoma and high grade round or oval in shape , and well - defined. They ranged
astrocytoma. A 256 X 256 matrix was used to obtain from 2.0 to 3.5cm in the longest diameter. Signal inten -
images of 1 mm X 1 mm spatial resolution. Slicethick- sity of the tumors was isointense (n=2) (Fig. 1 a) or
ness and gap were 5 -7 mm and 1-2 mm , respectively slightly hypointense (n =4) relative to cortical gray mat-
The MR images were reviewed regarding the location , ter on T1WI , and slightly hyperintense (n=3) or mark-
size , and signal intensity of the tumor , pattern of en- edly hyperintense (n=3) (Fig. 1 b) on T2W I. One tumor
hancement , tumoral margin , peritumoral edema , and exhibited rim of low signal intensity on T1 - and T2WI
vascular signal voids. The signal intensity was de- (Fig. 1). AII the tumors demonstrated dense homo-
scribed compared with normal cortical gray matter geneous enhancement , vascular signal voids within

Table 1. Briel Summary 01 MR Imaging Findings 01 SolidCerebellar Tumors in Adult

Contrast enhancement'
No Size(cm) homo geneous heterogeneous
•• ••
Hemangioblastoma 6 2-3.5 4 2 3 3 6
Metastasis 6 2-3 3 3 2 2 5
Astr ocytoma 3 1.5-3 2 2 2
Medulloblastoma 8 above4 7 8 2 5
• • , • ,• , • , • •markedly low , low, iso , high , very high signal intensity 01 the tumors

*: Two patients Irom astrocytoma and medulloblastoma did not perlorm contrast enhancement study

a b c
Fig . 1. Hemangiobl astoma
a. Axial T1 -we ighted MR image (700 /30) shows a mass 01 iso signal intensity with well-delined margin in left cerebell ar hemisphere
b. On axial T2-weighted image (2500 /1 00) , the mass shows high sign al in tens ity wi th moderat e to severe peritumoral edem a. Note thin
low intensity rim and vascular signal vo ids
c. Postcontrast sagittal T1-weighted image (500 /30) shows dense homegeneous en hancement 01 the tumor
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Sung Wook Choo , et al : MR Imaging of Solid Cerebellar Tumors in Adult

and/or around the mass (Fig. 1c) . There was moderate nal cell carcinoma.
to severe degree of edema around .t he mass in all In high - grade astrocytomas , the tumors were 10-
patients. cated in cerebellar hemisphere in all three patients ,
Metastatic tumors were seen in cerebellar hemi- and were 1.5 -3 cm sized. Signal intensity of the
sphere in four patients (four in the right including two tumors was slightly hypointense (n=2) (Fig. 3a) or
masses from cholangiocarcinoma , one in the left) , and isointense (n=1) on T1WI , and was isointense (n=2)
vermis in one. The tumors were 2 -3 cm sized , and (Fig. 3b) or hyperintense (n=1) on T2W I. Contrast en-
were attached to pial surface in all patients. The signal hancement was moderate in degree and hetero-
intensity was isointense (n=3) or hypointense (n=3) on geneous in all two patients with contrast-enhanced
T1 WI , and isointense (n=2) , slightly hypointense (n=1) , study (Fig. 3c). Margin of the tumors was well - defined
markedly hypointense (n=2) (Fig. 2a) , or hyperintense in two patients. Peritumoral edema of moderate to
(n=1) on T2W I. Rim of low signal intensity was seen in severe degree was seen in two patients. Signal void
one from lung cancer. Contrast enhancement was vessels were not visualized in any patien t.
moderate in degree and heterogeneous (n=5) (Fig. 2b) , Medulloblastomas were located in the vermis (n=7)
or dense homogeneous (n= 1l. Peritumoral edema was and/or cerebellar hemisphere (n=6). Six tumors were
moderate to severe in degree in all patients. Signal above 4 cm in size and below in two. Signal intensity of
void vascular structures were observed in one from re- the tumors was isointense (n=1) or slightly hypoin-

Fig . 2. Metastasis from cholangiocarci-

a. On axial T2-weighted image (2500 /90) , the
mass in right cerebellar hemisphere shows
markedly low signal intensity with small
central necrosis of high intensity and with
moderate to severe peritumoral edema
b. Postcontrast coronal image (500 /30)
shows heterogeneous enhancement of the
mass with well-defined margin. On T1-
weighted image , the tumor was slightly
hypointense (not shown).

a b

a b c
Fig . 3. Glioblastoma multiforme
a. Coronal T1-weighted image (500 /30) shows a mass 01 slightly low signal intensity in left cerebellar hemisphere (arrows) with ill-de-
lined margin
b. On axial T2-weighted image (2500/1 00) , the mass shows isosignal intensity with moderate to severe peritumoral edema
c. Postcontrast T1-weighted coronal image (500/30) shows mild to moderate , heterogeneous enhancement 01 the mass.

Journ al of the Korean Radiologica l Society 1995; 33( 1) : 15- 20

a b c
Fig . 4. Medulloblastoma
a. Axial T1 -weighted image (500 /30) , the mass shows sl ightly low signal intensity in the vermis and extends into cerebellar hemisphere
and 4th ventricle
b. Axial T2-weighted imag e (3000 /80) , the mass shows high signal intensity with mild peritumoral edema
c. Contrast-enhanced sagittal T1-wei ghted image (500/30) shows the mass with mild to moderate and homogeneous enhancement ‘

tense (n=7) (Fig. 4a) on T1WI , and hyperintense (n=8) Intracerebellar metastasis represents 18 % among
(Fig. 4b) on T2W I. Contrast - enhanced MR images intra - axial metastasis (3). Solid cerebellar metastasis
obtained in 7 patients showed mild to moderate and may be originated from bronchial carcinoma , breast
heterogeneous (n=5) , or homogeneous enhancement carcinoma , melanoma, colonic carcinoma , etc (9 , 1 이 .
(n=2) (Fig. 4c). Tumor margin was well-defined (n=5) Metastatic tumors demonstrate various signal inten-
or ill - defined (n=3). Edema of moderate to severe de- sities on MR imaging , depending upon the histopa-
gree was seen in one , and none or mild in another thology , but usually low intensity on T1WI and high in-
patients. Signal void vessels were seen in two patients. tensity on T2WI (3). In the present study , signal inten-
sity of the metastatic tumors on T2WI was similar to or
DISCUSSION lower than gray matter in all patients except one. Mark-
edly low intensity on T2WI of the tumors from chol-
Solid cerebellar tumors in adult include hemangio- angiocarcinoma in one patient might be related to pref-
blastomas , astrocytomas of varying grades , metasta- erential T2 - shortening effect caused by unidentified
sis , medulloblastomas , 이 igodendrogliomas , etc (1 - 5) substances from which the tumor arose (7 , 11). Met-
Hemangioblastoma usually arises in cerebellum or astasis from renal cell carcinoma in a patient showed
brainstem , and may be predominantly either cystic iso - signal intensity on T2WI , intra - and peritumoral
(60 -73 % ) or solid. The solid hemangioblastoma is curvilinear vascular signal voids , and dense homo-
microscopically characterized by a fine hypervascular geneous enhancement, resembling solid hemangio-
capillary mesh in a stroma composed of polygonal blastoma. In angiography, both metastasis from renal
cells with no dense cellularity (6 , 8) . The signal inten- cell carcinoma and hemangioblastoma showed
sity of the solid portion of hemangioblastomas that is hypervascular dense staining. The vascular signal
isointense or slightly hyp 이 ntense on T1 WI and hyper- voids within and/or around cerebellar tumor suggest
intense on T2WI reflects low cellurarity. High vascular either hemangioblastoma or hypervascular metasta-
components are represented by presence of vascular sis. Attachment to the pial surface and inability to dif-
signal voids and dense enhancement on MR imaging ferentiate precise location such as gray-white matter
(3 , 6 , 8). The hemangioblastomas abut the pial surface junction were probably due to review of multidirec-
due to vascular origin (6). In the present study , the tional inspections.
findings described above were seen in all patients of Cerebellar astrocytoma occurs predominantly in the
hemangioblastoma. Combination of these findings , es- pediatric age group and approximately 75% is of the
pecially presence of signal void vasculatures , seems to “ juvenile" histological character (pilocytic type) with
be characteristic of the hemangioblstoma , while not an excellent prognosis , while 25% is diffuse fibrillary
specific. In regard to the rim of low signal intensity type with a poorer prognosis (3). Gross morphologic
around the tumor , it is uncertain whether this repre- appearance is various ; a solitary unilocular cyst with a
sents the tumor capsule. mural nodule , an entirely solid mass , and a solid mass

Sung Wook Choo , et al: MR Imaging of Solid Cerebellar Tumors in Adult

with necrosis and cyst formation (3 , 12). MR findings of and high intensity on T2WI , vascular signal voids within
the astrocytoma depend upon the gross morphologies and/or around the tumor , and dense homogeneous en-
and histopathologic findings. The solid component of hancement is characteristic of hemangioblastomas
benign pilocytic astrocytoma usually is hypointense Hypointense signal intensity ofthe tumor on both T1WI
relative to cortical gray matter on T1 WI and hyperin- and T2WI associated with variable contrast enhance-
tense on T2WI , because the tumor usually has micro- ment and edema suggests metastasis. Relatively large
cystic component with low cellularity. However , in the mass in mid and/or paramidline location can be
solid portion of malignant astrocytoma , the signal in- suggestive of medulloblastoma. Conclusively , MR
tensity is isointense relative to cortical gray matter on findings provide a valuable information in differential
both T1WI and T2WI , due to higher cellularity , as in the diagnosis of solid cerebellar tumors in adul t.
cases of the present study.
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Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1995; 33( 1) ; 15-20

대한밤사선의학회지 1995 ; 33(1): 15-20

성인의 소뇌 고형종양의 자기공명영상소견 1

1 서울대학교 의과대학 진 단방사선과학교실

2 삼성의료원 영상의학 진단방사선과학교실

주성욱2 • 장기현 · 한문희 · 유인규 · 최규호3 • 김기준3 • 변홍식 2

목 적 :성인의 소뇌고형종괴는 흔하지 않은 질환으로, 여러 종괴의 자기공명의 특이소견을 분석하여 기술하고자 하였다.
대상 및 방법 :수술 후 병리학적으로 확진된 22 명의 23종괴들을 대상으로 하였으며, 혈관모세포종 6예, 전이암 6여 1. 성상세
포종 3여 1. 수모세포종 8예였다. 자기공명영상소견은 종앙의 크기, 신호강도, 경계, 조영증강 모앙, 주위부종, 혈관, 연막과의
부착여부 등으로 분석하였다.

결 과:고형 혈관모세포종은 모두 T1 강조영상에서 동일 혹은 저 신호강도를. T2강조영상에서 고신호강도를 보였으며, 균

질의 강한조영증강과종앙 내부나주위에 혈관이 관찰되었다.전이암은주로 T2강조영상에서 동일 혹은저신호강도를보였

다. 수모세포종은 소뇌 중앙부에 위치하고, 다른 종앙보다 크기가 컸다. 성상교세포종은 특이소견은 간찰되지 않았다.
결 론:성인의 소뇌고형종야의 감별에는 혈관모셰포종, 전이암, 성상교세포종, 수모세포종이 포함되어야 한다. 균질의 감

한 조영증강과 혈관존재는 혈관모세포종의 특이소견이다. 종앙의 신호강도, 혈간존재여부, 우|치와 조영증강 모양은 성인의
소뇌 고형종앙 감별에 도움 이 될것으로 사료된다.

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