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Linguistic Example from Article Explanation Article

Structure and
1. An This is what happens to This clause can stand alone as a Article
independent your body when you sentence. The subject here is ‘body’ 3, Line
clause don’t get enough sleep. and verb is ‘happens’. The 1
independent clause is combined to a
dependent clause with a
subordinating conjunction ‘when’.
2. A dependent This is what happens to This clause did not express a Article
clause your body when you complete thought. The subordinating 3, Line
don’t get enough sleep. conjunction ‘when’ that combines the 1
clause with the independent clause
brings the actual meaning.
9. A non-count …you cocked your Hair is a noun which quantities Article
singular noun head in appreciation, a cannot be counted and has no plural 2, Line
tendril of hair escaped form. ‘A tendril of hair’ described a 4
from behind your ear. thin piece of hair that hangs loose.
14. Adjuncts of Universities should The adjunct ‘today’ indicates time. In Article
time equip students with the this sentence, it is used to state a 1, Line
skills required by particular duration of when the skills 2
today`s job market are required by the job market.

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