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The importance of animals

A popular topic that is being discussed is that across the

contries the most of the governments donʹt treat animals the same
as humans, at least financially, that is because animals are not
considered as important as humans.
However, many people see a grand value in animal lives, for
instance if bees hadnʹt existed, our planet would have struggled with
sustaining global population. Due to flowerʹs pollination our food
chain can work just like it works now. Secondly, animals give to some
people joy and other positive feelings such as feeling safe or even
they can cure their mental disorders like depression. The next value is
that, animals protect disabled people, mainly dogs are becoming
partners for deaf or blind people.
Anyway, animals are vastly important for the environment.
Pullination is not the only thing, past controll is done mainly by bats,
beavers actively help prevent fires and moreover birds ballance
nature by pest controling and eating dead animals.
Accordingly to those facts, animals protect and improve
environmental conditions. That is why I think governments should
spend more money to try to protect them.

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